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Data on Symphytum officinale and Lithospermum / Arnebia

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Hi All,


Googling for Chinese data on Comfrey - Symphytum officinale suggests

that it was not used in CM until recently.


I can find no TCM data on its temperature [though is is said to be a

refrigerant], taste, or Channel entry. Have experts on the list data

on this?


Also, two different herbs [symphytum officinale and Lithospermum /

Arnebia] share the same Chinese name [Zicao / Zicaoye / Zicaogen] and

belong to the same family - Boraginaceae, but have different uses.


Below is a summary from WWW data in Chinese + English on both herbs.

Please feedback additions or corrections if you have them.




CHINESE NAME: Kangfuli ; Juhecao ; Biangucao " Knit /

Organise Bone Hb " ; Zicao / Zicaoye / Zicaogen [not

Arnebiae / Lithospermi Fm / Rx, which has same Chinese name + family -



LATIN NAME: Symphyti officinalis Fm / Rx


COMMON NAME: Comfrey Fm / Rx; Knit-Bone; Bone-Set [not Eupatorium]


CLASS: ??Vulnerary






HAS: Rx has more mucilage than marshmallow Rx; its mucilage acts to

Moisten LU + LI; Rx has 0.6-0.8% allantoin (great Vulnerary /

Antiinflammatory) + high % of gum; Rx works longer than pepsin in SI-

LI; Rx mucilage helps heal ST-SI-LI ulcers by coating them +

destroying amoebic protozoa; strongly inhibits E coli + similar gut

microbes by absorbing them + other toxins;



(1) Antiinflammatory**, Vulnerary** / Heal Wounds**; Generate red

blood cells ; Generate Tissue; Strengthen Bone + Sinew**;

Anodyne; Antibiotic; Skin Emollient; Nourish Skin;


(2) Immunomodulator; Digestive; Boost pepsin secretion; Antacid;

Demulcent; Moisten LI; Astringent; Haemostat for bleeding (ST, LU,

SI, LI, KI, haemorrhoids);


(3) Diuretic; Clear Heat to Tx fever / thirst; Resolve Phlegm in

Phlegm in LU + bronchi; Moisten LU; Tonic;



(1) as Topical compress / warm poultice [macerated Fm / Rx /

extracted juice / paste / balm of powdered Fm in oil / honey] for

bone fractures, trauma / injury, wounds, insect bites, sprains /

strains, trauma, cartilage tears, tendinitis / tendon strain;

arthritis; periostitis; skin abrasions, dermatitis, sores + swelling;

for burns + scalds, use Comfrey + Honey poultice [0.5 cup Wheat-germ

oil + 0.5 cup Honey; blend until emulsified; add enough Comfrey Fm +

blend to thick paste until smooth; Pot + store in refrigerator];


(2) ORALLY (??) for ST-SI-LI ulcers; mucositis; gastroenteritis,

amoebiasis, diarrhoea;


(3) ORALLY (??) / as Topical for LU congestion, LU / respiratory

Dryness / LU Heat / bronchitis w cough + Phlegm; oedema~ mild w KI Fx

good + when underlying HT disorder, capillary pressure / salt

retention is being corrected simultaneously;


ORALLY (??) for fever in pigs, use Fm Dec (0.5-1 cup of Dec as drench

TID for 2-3 days); for hip dysplasia in dogs [1 Tbsp minced Fm / 3

Comfrey tablets BID, 5 days / week until better]; also used orally in

dogs w rickets, arthritis, + rheumatism; for internal bleeding,

ulcers, arthritis, bone fractures, + rheumatism in livestock, boil

450g of Comfrey +/- Jinqiancao / Lianqiancao (Ground-ivy) + Gancao in

1.5L water for 1h; drench 500ml TID; for ulcers, add Molasses; for

bone fractures in livestock dose 2 handfuls of well bruised Rx/d;


CAUTION / AVOID ORAL use if safer alternatives can be used;

Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PAs) are cumulative hepatotoxins; SSs in

animals include: impaired LV Fx, icterus, rough appearance;

diarrhoea; rectum prolapse; digestive tract tissue oedema; dullness;

photosensitization + abnormal behaviour; Horses may have neurological

head-pressing; cattle may be bloated;


CI in cases on dietary potassium restrictions; it may inhibit

absorbtion of oral tetracyclines, anticholinergics, phenothiazines,

digoxin, isoniazid, phenytoin, + warfarin; Antacid, so may inhibit

urinary excretion / enhance KI tubular resorption of alkaline drugs,

like amphetamines / quinidine (antiarrhythmic drug), thus increasing

their serum levels; it also may decrease / delay absorption of

nalidixic acid + sulfonamides; its Anti-TB activity may potentiate

adverse effect of other anti-TB meds, esp ethionamide; propranolol

(beta-adrenergic blocker), phenobarbital + some other sedatives +

hypnotics, like chloral hydrate + meprobramate, seriously inhibit its

Antiinflammatory action; Astringent, so Topical use w acne product

tretinoin (retinoic acid, vitamin A acid), may affect skin adversely;

anticholinergic meds (decreasing cholinergic-receptor stimulation)

affect Comfrey´s action bc its action depends on presence of

cholinergic agents;


AVOID Diuretic for oedema dt nephritis + useless in HT oedema dt

advanced KI Insufficiency




CHINESE NAME: Zicaogen ; Zicao [not Symphytum officinale Rx,

Comfrey Rx, which has same Chinese name + family - Boraginaceae];



LATIN NAME: Arnebiae / Lithospermi officinalis / erythrorhizon Rx


COMMON NAME: Arnebia~ Sinkiang Rx; Gromwell~ Redroot Rx; Pucoon Rx


CLASS: Clear Heat + Cool Xue




NATURE + TASTE: Cold; Sweet


HAS: Rx has active ingredient Shikonin Zicaosu (shikonin) +

Niaonangsu (allantoin);


ACTIONS: (1) Clear Heat + Toxin; Cool Xue + Toxin; Move Xue;; Clear

Skin Heat + Toxin; Erupt Papules; Moisten SI-LI + Open SI-LI;

Antitumor; Antibacterial; Antiinflammatory; Antifungal; Vulnerary +

Generate Tissue;


USES: (1) Heat + Toxin; Xue Heat + Toxin; Skin Heat + Toxin; measles

/ papules / rashes~ erupted poorly; wounds + skin ulcers / sores;

bleeding; tumors; bacterial + fungal infections; inflammation; (2) SI-

LI Dryness, constipation;


in Ziyun Gao Gromwell Rx Paste




Best regards,


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