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Business Name , my last 2 cents on the subject

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This is my last email on this subject, just thought I'd give you something

to think about, lol


The more I sit here and think about this the more upset I am becoming. I

paid a company for a domain name, they should state that the name is gone

until 2009 period.


If a cop or anyone for that matter wants information on a customer of mine,

then I need to see a court order. It's called customer confidentiality, If I

release any info on anyone ( even to a spouse), then I can be sued and the

bank I work for also.


Say, I buy a toaster, should that company be able to list my company name

and address for all to see... I don't think so.. so why is it different for



Yes, the company should have my info and that should be available to anyone



I am operating on the up and up, I'm not doing anything illegal, customers

are encouraged to contact me through my web site, since this is my info, I

want to be able to say who, where and when my info is distributed to the

general public.

I'm not trying to get anyone upset, or start a heated argument, I just find

it amazing that my info is out there for everyone to see. And I think it's

great that you can get the info hiden , but for a fee... again, where is the

customer confidentiality?


I also find it greatly amusing, that the site that I purchased my domain

name from, doesn't sell my information ( says right on the web site, LOL).


So, please forgive me for my ranting, I just find this to be amazing, I will

be writing to the company suggesting it change it's policy, to protect my

information, like I said, they can keep all my info, I just want it to be



Ok, I'm off my soap box, and I'm going to make a tea, it's snowing here, and

its making me feel cold..lol


Thanks to everyone who posted their comments on this, its been eye opening

to say the least.




" Rita Bohn " <ritabohn2001


Monday, November 08, 2004 10:53 AM

Re: Business Name and registering Domain name




> Thought I would throw my 2 cents worth in too. I use to have a home based

business and when I had people show up at my front door I went to Mail Box

etc and got a box -- they actually started going there, drove the guy that

owned it nuts.


> Here's a scary thing to do, go to google and put your phone number in the

search line 555-555-5555 and see what come up, may be your name -- then you

can go to map quest and find out how to get to your house. you can take it

off. If your are listed in anyone else's on line publication, your name and

number will also come up. I was on one and some how it got messed up and if

you looked up " bio identical hormones " and my town, there was my name and

phone number. I found this out when when the calls started coming in.


> When I was single (back before DSL's and cable) I had a second line for

the computer and had voice mail put on it -- that was the only number that I

gave out except to my close friends and family.


> Carol your right about to much info being out there and how easy it is to

get it.


> I don't have the answers

> Rita


> Carol Pearce <cjpearce wrote:

> Thanks for all the comments, I have decided to leave the changed info as

> is...I work for a major bank, and it is my job to deal with all the


> problems, Identity theft and such.


> I personally don't like to have my personal business posted all over the

> web, I did change my email to my domain email addy, so I can still be

> contacted. We had a case here last week, where a woman recieved a

> pre-authorized visa application for her home business, and it was stolen

> from her mail box.


> She had no idea until she recieved a demand for payment for $15,000 in

> purchases. My address on my site remains true, and my contact info also...

> all I'm doing here is reducing the amount of info on me available to the

> web.


> I owe my domain for the next 5 years, that is all the person looking for


> name needs to know in my humble opinion. Like previously stated, why have


> there for all the junk to come through on..


> Just my 2 cents and why I chose to do this, In my 20 years at the Bank, I

> deal with an average on 3-5 frauds per month, and thats just my branch

> alone, and I'm like a pitbull, when it comes to gathering the correct


> lol


> Anyway, just thought I'd explain, I did read all the posts and thought


> thing through.


> Carol..

> -

> " Dale Bernucca " <dbernucca


> Monday, November 08, 2004 9:11 AM

> Re: Business Name and registering Domain name



> >

> > I agree with Linda although I didn't voice it as strongly with my

posts -

> just me being subtle. It is all about professionalism and about


> I personally choose to leave my information as correct. I will deal with

> spammers and others. No problem. It's part and parcel of doing business.

> >

> > Dale

> > -

> > Dale Bernucca

> >

> > I hope others will rethink theirs if they think it is necessary. I


> don't know what the legal ramifications may be for falsifying your

> information.

> >

> >

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