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hi any natural cure from D M

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Type 2 diabetes does not happen overnight. It takes years to develop. At first

it was thought that the pancreas did not make enough insulin. Then the theory

was that the insulin made by the pancreas was somehow defective.

But the insulin used to work. Now it does not. Why not?  Because the problem is

not the insulin. It is the membrane of the cell walls that no longer allow

insulin to work properly. So, sugar gets dumped into the bloodstream instead of

nourishing the body as it should. 

It is my opinion that cells become insensitive to insulin as a direct result of

eating dead foods and bad fats, such as hydrogenated oils.

So, what can you do to make the cells sensitive to insulin again? My father

summed it up for me one day, long ago when he was still alive.

" Linda, once you get diabetes, your life is over. If you want to know if you can

eat something, put it in your mouth. If it tastes good, spit it out. It's not

for you. "

Seriously, below is a link that contains information all diabetics should know.




Linda Bastida


--- On Thu, 9/17/09, rrbm66 <rrbm66 wrote:


rrbm66 <rrbm66

<< >> hi any natural cure from D M


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 10:23 AM






















i am newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes melites..


43 year,weight 230 pounds...any natural remedes?any informations?


please////i am sooo scared.




thanks for reading my post










































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I was diagnosed a type II diabetic back in 2001. I probably was an

undiagnosed diabetic for a decade or longer. I started out on the ADA

diet the docs wanted me to use. I took the diabetic meds the docs

prescribed. I felt utterly dreadful I felt the meds were poisoning

me. I began exploring supplements. I realized the " diabetic diet "

was filled with carbs. The problem with type ii diabetics is NOT a

lack of insulin. It is insulin resistance. The diabetic meds just

force the pancreas to put out more insulin. When blood insulin

levels are high, the insulin erodes arterial linings. Heart disease

is listed as a " diabetic complication " . But it is really a

complication arising from taking diabetic meds. KIidney failure and

Liver failure are also called " diabetic complication " but they are

really side effects of the diabetic drugs.


I am on a very low carb diet. The body can be trained to burn fats

instead of glucose. I take in a lot of coconut oil each day. which

provides energy. I take in a lot of omega 3 fish oils (an ounce a

day). Much of insulin resistance arises from eating the wrong fats

so the cell membranes are not made of the correct fats. I lost about

100 pounds over 3-4 years. One of the problems with low carb diet is

the body will catabolize muscle when it wants carbs. My muscles

were wasting away. I discovered undenatured whey (I use NOW brand

whey protein isolate). High protein diet is hard on kidneys. Lots

of whey in the diet does not stress out the kidneys, and can be

catabolized to make what glucose the body needs. I take lots of

supplements and many vitamins.


Very important to monitor blood sugar daily.


If you have food cravings, you may be leptin resistant. And food

cravings make on gain weight and keep gaining more weight. I would

suggest reading " The Rosedale Diet " or other books dealing with leptin

resistance. Both coconut oil and fish oil have curbed my craving for

food. I eat 3 meals a day with NO snacks, and never feel hungry. My

fasting blood glucose is higher than I would ideally like, but I feel

fine. Last time I had an Hb A1C test, I measured 6, which is



Google is your friend. Read everyting you can find on diabetes,

diabetic supplements, low carb diet, any meds you are on, etc. Read,

take notes, explore. Much of the information will contradict other

information. Keep reading. Take notes. Use google to help sort

out conflicts. No matter what you do for a living, your survival

depends upon you learning far more about what to do for your diabetes

than your doctor knows.


If you get off the diabetic drugs, it will cost you more money.

Eating low carb means no rice, beans, grains, or other cheap foods.

So my food bill doubled. I spend as much on supplements each month

as I spend on food. The only fruits I eat are avocados and a small

amount of tomato. Get vitamin C from ascorbic acid, not orange juice.


Start taking vitamin C to bowel tolerance. Ignore the RDA. The RDA

will kill you. Back 6 years ago I needed over 30 grams of C each

day. Now that I drink whey, twice a day, I get a lot of glutathione

which helps the body to re-cycle C, so I now need only about 10 grams

of C per day.


Do seaches for " orthomolcular " to read about using vitamins in high doses.


If you smoke, it is imperative that you STOP. If you drink, you need

to give up alcohol. No coffee, no soda, no fruit juices. No fake

sugar (spenda, nutrasweet, etc.)


Best of good fortune.




On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:23 AM, rrbm66 <rrbm66 wrote:

> hello

> i am newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes melites..

> 43 year,weight 230 pounds...any natural remedes?any informations?

> please////i am sooo scared.


> thanks for reading my post


> Ralph



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I vastly disagree with the statement " Linda, once you get diabetes,

your life is over. If you want to know if you can eat something, put

it in your mouth. If it tastes good, spit it out. It's not for you. "


There are foods which tasted good which are not carbs. My life

certainly is not " over " . You father sounds to me like someone who did

not have the ability or the strength to do his own research. If I

had been diagnosed with diabetes before I had internet access, I would

have been glum and depressed also. Very little in print available at

libraries other than the BS put out by the ADA.




On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:18 AM, linda bastida <bastida1 wrote:

> Hi,

> Type 2 diabetes does not happen overnight. It takes years to develop. At first

it was thought that the pancreas did not make enough insulin. Then the theory

was that the insulin made by the pancreas was somehow defective.

> But the insulin used to work. Now it does not. Why not?  Because the problem

is not the insulin. It is the membrane of the cell walls that no longer allow

insulin to work properly. So, sugar gets dumped into the bloodstream instead of

nourishing the body as it should.

> It is my opinion that cells become insensitive to insulin as a direct result

of eating dead foods and bad fats, such as hydrogenated oils.

> So, what can you do to make the cells sensitive to insulin again? My father

summed it up for me one day, long ago when he was still alive.

> " Linda, once you get diabetes, your life is over. If you want to know if you

can eat something, put it in your mouth. If it tastes good, spit it out. It's

not for you. "

> Seriously, below is a link that contains information all diabetics should


> http://www.cancertutor.com/Diabetes/Diabetes_Type_II.htm

> Regards,


> Linda Bastida



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Linda wrote:


It is my opinion that cells become insensitive to insulin as a direct

result of eating dead foods and bad fats, such as hydrogenated oils.


And gave a website link that I went to. I absolutely love this quote

from that site:


Cells cannot get glucose and also vit C inside

when the walls are made by DuPont




Following is some additional information supporting what Linda posted.



From Dr. Jerry Tennant (interspersed with info from other sources,

in parenthesis)


Food manufacturers years ago decided that their 'bottom lines' were

being adversely affected because of food spoilage. The longer a

product remained on the shelf, the greater the danger of spoilage. Of

course, a product that has 'gone sour' can't be sold and has to be

thrown away.


It was discovered that if they added certain chemicals like nitrates

to packaged food the spoilage factor went way down and the profit

factor went way up.


In his book, " Healing Is Voltage " , Dr. Tennant said that " The problem

is that these chemicals preserve cells in your body as well as the

food so they stop working. Cells that don't work are what we call

disease. "


He continues, " Next, food manufacturers found that if they cook fats

at about 350 degrees for about five hours, it turns the fats into

something that is similar to plastic. The fats that are processed

this way are called " partially hydrogenated fats " or " Trans Fats " .




my notes from his video


substances we ingest or absorb into our body

are either electron donors or electron stealers.


every cell in our body is design to run at

approximately 20 millivolts to 25 millivolts.



voltage in our body is stored in the phospholipids

of the cell membrane. We have a layer of electron

conductors separated by an insulaltor. This makes the

function like a capacitor -- an electron storage device.


If he fats of which cells are made are good fats, it works.

If the fats are bad fats, the cell membrane does not work

properly and will not store voltage


Industry does not like good fats, they have no shelf life.

They take oils and super heat them till they are " plastic

fats " . Canola oil is a plastic fat; all hydrogenated oils are

plastic fats. If you consume these fats, then when you

make a new cell to replace old cells, it gets made with these

plastic fats ... and thus its is difficult for the cell membane to

work right -- its like its wrapped in cellephane....and it is

no longer a voltage storage device.


(Vitamin C/ascorbic acid is a super electron donor -- see info

here: www.tomlevymd.com/health_ebytes/issue_5.html

" Another way of viewing this is that brisk electron flow

and interchange equals health, impaired or poor electron

flow and interchange equals disease, and cessation of flow

and interchange equals death. Vitamin C, as the premier

antioxidant in the body, is perhaps the most important

ongoing electron donor to keep this electron flow

at optimal levels. " )


(Two good oils: Coconut oil--for eating, cooking, and topical

aplication and olive oil (but not for high heat cooking) are

two good oils; the majority of oils in the grocery store are

not. Read labels, canola is ubiquitious in our food, so are

cottenseed oil and soy oil; they are the worst of the " grocery

store " commercial food oils. Soy isoflavones are endocrine

disrupters-- see www.westonaprice.org)


(but flouride and chloride and all heavy metals and aluminum

interfere with health -- also google how High Fructose Corn

Syrup -- also ubiquitous in our foods has been linked to

insulin resistance.)


Our brain has neuro chemicals

dopamine, GABA, serotonin, acetocholine.

They control the pineal and

pituitary which control the endocrine system, and they

work with the proper functioning of cells, and

how the cells communicate with each other. Without

adequate minerals, we do not create these neurochemicals.


(from the Weston A. Price site: Modern science has shown us

that trace mineral deficiencies--particularly deficiencies in

zinc, vanadium and chromium--inhibit insulin production

and absorption. ... Soy blocks absorption of zinc and

other minerals. ... HFCS reduces affinity of insulin

for its cell site receptors and because of the way it is

processed contains mercury.)


Some minerals or mineral compounds interfere

with health -- heavy metals, chloride, flouride,

and aluminum are all highly detrimental.


Voltage can be stored, it can also leak away

The primary way is having metal in

our teeth. Metal shorts out the tooths millivolts, or lets it leaks


Some teeth with metal can be leaking 100 to 200 millivolts; anything

over 30 is bad.



Hope this info helps. Visit Dr. Tennant's site -- it has some

phenomenal information on how to restore health. Also there

are many superb articles at the Weston A. Price site.







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Hi Alobar,

That was my father's attempt at humor.

I spent over 8 years taking medication that basically beat my pancreas like a

dead horse. Then, it stopped working. Doctor increased the dosage and told me to

my face that I was cheating on my diet. Finally he told me that I had to go on

insulin. I fired him that day.

The problem is that the food in this country is so polluted. The Mom and Pop

farms have been bought up by Food companies whose main concern is how much

profit they can make. So, even if you do manage to eat foods that are good or

you, unless you are eating organic, then there are poisons on the food that can

cause major medical conditions.

However, most people eat the pre-packaged foods that have had all the live

enzymes killed and most if not all of the nutritional value destroyed. These

foods have bad fats in them, hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup.

Years down the road, people get all these degenerative diseases and because of

all the time that has gone by, they fail to make the connection between the

illness they have and the poison they have eaten. Other illnesses are the result

of things ingested by mother while the baby is in the womb. Think thalidomide.

Klingon logic: That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

Linda logic: That which does not kill you sets you up for the secondary

condition that does.

Thank you Alobar. I very much appreciate your kindness.



Linda Bastida



--- On Sat, 9/19/09, Alobar <Alobar wrote:


Alobar <Alobar

Re: << >> hi any natural cure from D M


Saturday, September 19, 2009, 4:05 AM




















I vastly disagree with the statement " Linda, once you get



your life is over. If you want to know if you can eat something, put


it in your mouth. If it tastes good, spit it out. It's not for you. "




There are foods which tasted good which are not carbs. My life


certainly is not " over " . You father sounds to me like someone who did


not have the ability or the strength to do his own research. If I


had been diagnosed with diabetes before I had internet access, I would


have been glum and depressed also. Very little in print available at


libraries other than the BS put out by the ADA.








On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:18 AM, linda bastida <bastida1 > wrote:


> Hi,


> Type 2 diabetes does not happen overnight. It takes years to develop. At first

it was thought that the pancreas did not make enough insulin. Then the theory

was that the insulin made by the pancreas was somehow defective.


> But the insulin used to work. Now it does not. Why not?  Because the problem

is not the insulin. It is the membrane of the cell walls that no longer allow

insulin to work properly. So, sugar gets dumped into the bloodstream instead of

nourishing the body as it should.


> It is my opinion that cells become insensitive to insulin as a direct result

of eating dead foods and bad fats, such as hydrogenated oils.


> So, what can you do to make the cells sensitive to insulin again? My father

summed it up for me one day, long ago when he was still alive.


> " Linda, once you get diabetes, your life is over. If you want to know if you

can eat something, put it in your mouth. If it tastes good, spit it out. It's

not for you. "


> Seriously, below is a link that contains information all diabetics should



> http://www.cancertu tor.com/Diabetes /Diabetes_ Type_II.htm


> Regards,




> Linda Bastida








































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