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Type I Diabetes

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What is corn silk pl.


oicuraj <oicuraj wrote: --- In

, " Jim "

<huuman60 wrote:


> Any ideas on treating Type I diabetes with natural means? My niece

> has come down with it.


Take 20 gms of corn silk (Maize)you get this free . as they are waste,

chop them to small pieces.

soak them overnight in a glass of water, drink it early in the morning

empty stomach , now disolve in the morning and drink it before going

to bed at night. do this for 90 days for beutifull result.

and there is another go to google type coconut oil diabetes that to is

real good.

wish your niece a very speedy recovery









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 Corn silk is not effective in treating diabetes it act as a diaretic and it was

though at one time that the extra sugar could be flush out by it.


--- On Mon, 10/6/08, raghuveer susarla <susarla_raghuveer wrote:


raghuveer susarla <susarla_raghuveer

Re: << >> Re: Type I Diabetes


Monday, October 6, 2008, 6:13 AM







What is corn silk pl.


oicuraj <oicuraj (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Alternative- Medicine-

Forum@ s.com, " Jim "

<huuman60@.. .> wrote:


> Any ideas on treating Type I diabetes with natural means? My niece

> has come down with it.


Take 20 gms of corn silk (Maize)you get this free . as they are waste,

chop them to small pieces.

soak them overnight in a glass of water, drink it early in the morning

empty stomach , now disolve in the morning and drink it before going

to bed at night. do this for 90 days for beutifull result.

and there is another go to google type coconut oil diabetes that to is

real good.

wish your niece a very speedy recovery



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   Unlike type 2 diabetes ,type1 is an autoimmune disease that destroys the Beta

cells .

Which means we that are type1 diabetic can't produce insulin. Yes , she will

have to take insulin the rest of her life .Look into the pump, it makes it a lot

easier. The good news things have come a long ways in treating it.

There is no reason now days for a diabetic to negative effects of the disease.

  Now for the natural thing to do.... Check  the blood sugar regularly . her

health care team should show her how. Have an A1c checked every 3 or 4 months

..The doctor can explain this.

    I take chromuim (400mcg)every day it helps to prevent sorbital build up in

the cells and reduce  AGE product ( advance glyconation end ).


       Exercise is one of the most important things any diabetic  can do.

   Research has shown that amount of vit. C can help prevevent gluccoma, and

cateracts in diabetics .I take 1000mg. ever 3 hr. heart  disease is a big risk

for diabetics Omga 3 fish oil is good to take.

   A big part of her health is going to be her state of mind. She need suport.

Have her check out www.tudiabetes.com .It is a great support group for any

diabetic and has a place for teens to talk over their issue.


--- On Mon, 10/6/08, Rupert <rupert wrote:


Rupert <rupert

<< >> Re: Type I Diabetes


Monday, October 6, 2008, 8:59 AM







Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, " Jim "

<huuman60@.. .>



> Any ideas on treating Type I diabetes with natural means? My niece

> has come down with it.


Whilst at no time should diabetics discontinue any prescribed

medication without sanction from their physician, changes in food and

lifestyle would be avenues to explore.


Exercise is of paramount importance, and in my experience this must


taken very seriously, possibly with the assistance of a coach or


Regular exercise improves the tolerance of glucose by increasing the

sensitivity of cells to insulin.


What is most interesting is the fact that parasites and funghi find


oxygen-rich internal environment extremely hostile.


On the food front, cut out all grains, and avoid all sugar and yeast.

Increase garlic and onion in diet. Seek dietry advice on restoring

nutrient balance in a way that is tasty and appealing, thus ensuring

that your neice has a say in (and accepts) the foods that would be

present in her new food programme.


Vitamins: C, B3 (inositol hexaniacinate) , B6


I wish you success in your endeavours.






















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