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Endless symptoms, getting worse, please help....

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This sounds very much like what I've had over the years. Very few differences.

My diagnosis was Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction (they are renaming this

illness by the way). Check out from the library if you can Jacob Teitlebaum's

book, From Fatigued to Fantastic. Candida seems to be a part of this

syndrome/illness, but there is probably more to it than Candida, but the Candida

alone can cause most of what you are experiencing. I SO wish you well. I have

to watch the food really really carefully or I go into a full blown relapse.

When you have Candida your whole immune system is under attack, so that needs to

be addressed asap. Contrary to what allopathic docs think, this can go into

various organs of the body, blood, etc. It is not just vaginal or intestinal.




-------------- Original message ----------------------

" born_of_beltane " <mysteriousdarkness

> Thankyou so much if you read this and can offer any suggestions, I

> just keep getting sicker, getting more pain and symptoms through my

> digestive tract, getting more nauseous... It just keeps getting worse

> and has been ever since it all started with occasianal mild nausea

> two years ago. Over the two years since, i've been prescribed Nexium

> (stomach acid-lowering drug), antibiotics, antidepressants (didn't

> take them), other antacids (didn't take them) etcetc... most doctors

> tell me to exercise more, or take reflux drugs that just make me feel

> crapper).


> Again, thankyou.


> Another system recently got added to my (extnesive list). I woke up 2

> weeks ago barely able to move because of the intense aching/ cramping

> pain in my lower back and bowel/ abdomen/ stomach. I can't find a

> reason for this (I only got my period two days ago, whereas that

> happened two weeks ago...). Ever since then I seem to be in almost

> constant moderate pain through said area, though also including

> aching in upper back. Sometimes the pain fades back to being only

> mild, other times it's more intense and accomapnied by increased

> nausea...I'm a 50kg 20 year old female who eats only a little red

> meat, eats tuna with vegies/ brown rice often instead, or salad

> vegies. I just stopped taking colloidal silver (only took 2

> tablespoons approx daily for 3 weeks), uva ursi (440mg tablet twice

> daily), citrus seed extract (10 drops twice daily) and gastrocare

> excel (a bovine colostrum powder, taken in room-temperature water

> twice daily). These were suggested by a GP who also does natural

> medicine (though i'm not sure if she's actually trained in it) who

> was the one who sent me off to get the live-blood cell microscopy and

> diagnosed candida and leaky gut syndrome (see symptom list below). I

> only drink water- no soft-drinks except a RARE energy drink to combat

> extreme exhaustion, and eat healthy lunches and dinners (including

> fruit and wheat/ gluten products), though I have a lot of sugar

> cravings and just WANT (and do) snack on sugary foods despite being

> physically full of food, will still want sugar foods. That said, for

> the past month or two I've been on (and off) a wheat free, dairy free

> diet with very little fruit and red meat, and trying to cut out all

> sugars. (I do sometimes eat natural yoghurt). For the past two weeks

> I've been eating NO wheat (as suggested by my naturopath) and found

> no difference. I have not taken the GP's products for over 2 weeks.


> I now only see a naturopath, and am on 1 teaspoon of sea minerals

> every night (supposedly with food though it doesn't happen), half a

> tab of wormwood twice a day and 1 tab of potassium twice a day. The

> sea minerals seem to cause diarhoea.


> Symptoms (these started off as mild occasional nausea and heartburn

> two years ago. there has been a definate and undeniable downhill

> slope to the symptoms you see below. The constant abdominal pain is

> the altest symptom, and I'm scared of what the next lot of symptoms

> will be if it doesn't get better NOW)

> *greasy, oily skin and hair

> *acne breakouts

> *reflux and heartburn

> *vague headaches (often daily), occasiaonal dizziness or feeling of

> spaciness

> *fatigue, tiredness, lack of concentration

> *general illness if i get even a just a bit too little sleep (it

> happens, nothing you can do to stop nights where you just don't sleep

> enough)

> *depressed moods that are uncharacteristic to my personality

> *random shooting pains in my skin (as if the nerves have been shocked)

> *join and muscle pains for no reason. general feeling of not being as

> strong as i used to be, or as i should be. (have trouble lifting

> things i used to easily lift)

> *nausea everyday, somedays worse than others

> *every couple of months or even every few weeks, i get a lot sicker

> (shaky, weak, exhausted, dizzy and fuzzy-headed, very nauseous and

> sick, shortness of breath, hot flushing). these symptoms often come

> on over a day or two, then fade back after maybe 3 weeks or so. They

> have nothing to do with my periods.

> * " waves " of illness (weeks of all these symptoms listed on this page

> followed a by a 'slip' into the intense bad symptoms listed in the

> point above PLUS all the other symptoms intensified. after a few

> weeks it will fade back into my " normal " state of illness).

> *PMS symptoms, irregular periods, brown bleeding (only red sometimes,

> maybe at the start for a day or two, sometimes not at all in a cycle))

> *occasional vaginal/ urinary infections i can't find any reason for

> *stomach and abdominal pains (usually a dull, aching/ cramping)

> *Sometimes have diarhoea (preceded by up to an hour of bad cramping

> and nausea). this may happen 1-3 times on days diarhoea happens.

> *Sometimes normal bowels (preceded by a lot of gas) 1-2 times on

> these days

> *niggling under breastbone (entrance to stomach)

> *Heartburn.

> *my skin looks stressed- i'm 20 and yet have lines on my forehead,

> bags under my eyes, a few little tiny fat deposits in my neck (and

> one on my face- lanced by a beauty therapist), blackheads on my neck

> (agian, treated by the beauty therapist), and occasiaonlly i get huge

> swollen red pimples on the back of my neck.

> *eyebrows are thinning at the outer edges, my nails break easily,

> though no thyroid problem has been found (by doctors at least)

> *Bad circulation (cold hands and feet)

> *Can never seem to eat much at night or in morning (especially

> morning, when I just wake up feeling... wrong... and if i eat, i feel

> much worse)

> *dehydrated skin, though i do make sure to drink lots of water.

> *(will get up 2-3 times a night to urinate, and will urinate several

> times in the early morning, usually even every hour or so until mid-

> day, when it becomes more normal)


> Medical findings:

> The only medical condition they've found through a gastroscopy, and

> absominal and pelvic ultrasounds are:

> gastritis of the lower stomach (MILD gastritis they said)

> Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome.

> Abnormal pap smear (HPV virus and thrush, though after thrush

> treatment it was followed by a normal pap smear)

> I suspected herpes two years ago after a series of recurrent vaginal

> infections involving burning, itching, that would get slightly easier

> every time i suffered an attack. I had tests for STDs and pap smears,

> and found nothing. **Until two weeks ago**, i didn't suffer another

> attack after the thrush treatment, so assumed it was thrush.


> Other tests/ findings:

> Also had a live-blood cell microscopy, which found omega

> deficiencies, and bacteria (Candida)

> Candida/ yeast/ bacterial infection

> Higher than normal cortisol levels, throughout the day (a little

> higher than usual) but mostly in mornings (a lot higher than normal)

> (this was tested via saliva testing)


> My naturopath thinks it is all caused by stress i suffered 2 years

> ago (final year of school, trying to get into unis, all kinds of shit

> going on. every exam i had, i got ill in the middle of and had to

> leave.) I have always gotten nauseous when stressed, ever since my

> mid-teens. He thinks this has caused numerous vitamin and mineral

> deficiencies and the Candida.


> Basically i would like any other opinions that anyone could offer.

> I'm getting massively desperate here and losing all hope of ever

> getting better. (Really. I have no optimism left. I can barely even

> attend university or work anymore, it's a struggle to go...)

> Endless thanks for your time and help, it's MASSIVELY appreciated.

> Yours in gratitude,

> Allison








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Hi, it may not help everything, but the meditations (I got them free

somehwere on there) www.evernewjoy.net < really helped me in many ways




2008/7/30 <LindaGoldstein


> This sounds very much like what I've had over the years. Very few

> differences. My diagnosis was Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction (they are

> renaming this illness by the way). Check out from the library if you can

> Jacob Teitlebaum's book, From Fatigued to Fantastic. Candida seems to be a

> part of this syndrome/illness, but there is probably more to it than

> Candida, but the Candida alone can cause most of what you are experiencing.

> I SO wish you well. I have to watch the food really really carefully or I

> go into a full blown relapse. When you have Candida your whole

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