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The Man-Made Origin of AIDS: Alan Cantwell

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The Man-Made Origin of AIDS:


Are Human and Viral Experiments Responsible

For Unleashing The HIV Holocaust??

By Alan Cantwell, Jr, MD

c. 2003




AIDS in America rarely makes headlines anymore. In the mind of the public the

disease is still believed to be a sexually-transmitted disease mostly affecting

male homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes and promiscuous people. Starting

officially in June 1981 as a " gay disease " affecting only a few dozen men, there

are now 800,000 reported U.S. AIDS cases and 460,000 deaths, mostly young men.

The prediction of a " major threat " to the " general " heterosexual population

never happened.


Every December 1, we commemorate World AIDS Day. This year (2003) there are 36

million people worldwide estimated to be living with AIDS/HIV. Twenty-two

million people have died of the disease.


This year, AIDS will get more attention than usual. On November 16, 2003, CBS

was supposed to have to aired " The Reagans " - an unflattering portrait of

President Ronald Reagan who presided over the first years of the AIDS epidemic.

The miniseries was cancelled due to a flood of protests, particularly over a

line in the script where Reagan says, " They that live in sin shall die in sin. "

There is no historical evidence that the president ever uttered such a line; and

Reagan admirers fumed over the attempt by CBS to " rewrite history. " However, it

is a fact that the political infighting between the various federal health

agencies, and the shameful refusal of the Reagan administration to fund AIDS

research and education, all combined to provide a serious indictment against the

government's handling of AIDS in the early years of the American epidemic. Most

disconcerting is the fact that Reagan never once uttered the word " AIDS " in

public until March 1987, when 16,000 Americans

(mostly gay men) had already died of AIDS.


More furor over the failure of the Reagan administration to act against the

epidemic will undoubtedly escalate when Tony Kushner's famous AIDS-themed play

" Angels in America " airs on HBO on December 7. All of this current rehash into

the early years of AIDS will lead to a further historical reexamination of the

government's role in handling the mysterious outbreak that first began as a gay

disease and now is an unstoppable worldwide pandemic.


But the media and the AIDS scientists have never told the real history of AIDS

and its origin to the world public. We are repeatedly told that HIV came from

Africa. But how is that sexually and biologically possible? How could a

supposedly black African heterosexual disease- that some scientists claim has

been around for decades or centuries in Africa- suddenly transform itself into

an exclusively white male homosexual disease in America, and at a time when AIDS

was unknown in Africa?


Is AIDS, in reality, a man-made disease originally produced by human

experimentation or human error? Could the bio-engineering of dangerous viruses

that preceded the " gay plague " be responsible for the origin of AIDS? In view of

covert and unethical government-sponsored human radiation experiments that

preceded AIDS, is it fair to blame gays, blacks and chimpanzees for a disease

that could have been started by vaccine programs utilizing gays and blacks as



These are historical issues that will never be considered by the media in the

wake of the AIDS controversies surrounding " The Reagans " and " Angels in

America. " However, there is strong evidence to suggest that HIV/AIDS is indeed a

man-made disease, and it is time to " rewrite history " to include long-forgotten

and suppressed facts about AIDS and its origin.


By Alan Cantwell, Jr




Since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic there have been persistent rumors that

the disease was man-made, and that HIV was deliberately " introduced " into the

American gay and the African black populations as a germ warfare experiment.

This so-called conspiracy theory was quickly squelched by virologists and

molecular biolologists, who blamed primates in the African bush and human

sexuality for the introduction and spread of HIV.

In the fall of 1986 the Soviets shocked the world by claiming that HIV was

secretly developed at Fort Detrick, the U.S. Army's biological warfare unit.

Although the claim was dismissed as " infectious propaganda " , Russian scientists

had worked hand in hand with biological warfare scientists in the transfer of

viruses and virus-infected tissue into various non-human primates (monkeys,

apes, chimps) during the 1970s before AIDS appeared. With improved international

relationships, the Russian accusation vanished.


Although evidence supporting the man-made theory has never been mentioned in the

major U.S. media, the theory continues to be ridiculed. For example, in the San

Francisco Chronicle,( " Quest for the Origin of AIDS " , January 14, 2001), William

Carlsen writes: " In the early years of the AIDS epidemic, theories attempting to

explain the origin of the disease ranged from the comic to the bizarre: a deadly

germ escaped from a secret CIA laboratory; God sent the plague down to punish

homosexuals and drug addicts; it came from outer space, riding on the tail of a

comet. "


AIDS certainly did not come from the hand of God or outer space. However, there

is ample evidence to suspect the hand of man in the outbreak of AIDS that first

began in the late 1970s in New York City.


Creating AIDS in animals before the epidemic

Lost in the history of AIDS is evidence pointing to HIV as a virus whose origin

traces back to animal cancer retrovirus experimentation in the " pre-AIDS " years

of the 1960s and 70s. Evidence linking the introduction of HIV into gays and

blacks via vaccine experiments and programs in the late 1970s has been totally

ignored in favor of the politically correct theory claiming that HIV originated

in chimpanzees in the African rain forest, and that HIV " jumped species " into

the African population around 1930 or even earlier.


Conveniently overlooked is the series of outbreaks of AIDS-like epidemics that

broke out in U.S. primate centers, beginning in 1969. A decade before AIDS, the

first of five recorded epidemics of " simian AIDS " erupted in a colony of

stump-tailed macaques housed in a primate lab at Davis, California. Most of the

macaques died. Two types of primate immunodeficiency viruses were eventually

discovered as the cause. A few silently infected monkeys transferred to the

primate colony at Yerkes in Atlanta subsequently died of simian AIDS in the late

1980s. Veterinarians claim the origin of the simian AIDS outbreak is unknown.

However, one obvious possibility is the experimental transfer of viruses between

various primate species, which is common practice in animal laboratories.


In 1974 veterinarians actually created an AIDS-like disease when newborn chimps

were removed from their mothers and weaned exclusively on virus-infected milk

from cows infected with " bovine C-type virus. " Within a year the chimps died of

leukemia and pneumocystis pneumonia (the " gay pneumonia " of AIDS). Both diseases

had never been observed in chimps before this virus-transfer experiment.


Also downplayed is the laboratory creation of feline leukemia and " cat AIDS " by

the transfer of HIV-like cat retroviruses in the mid-1970s. These experiments

were conducted at Harvard by Myron (Max) Essex, later to become a famous AIDS

researcher. All this man-made creation of AIDS in laboratory animals directly

preceded the " mysterious " 1979 introduction of HIV into gay men, the most hated

minority in America.


Nowadays, scientists hunt for " ancestor " viruses of HIV in chimps in the African

wild and ignore all the immunosuppressive viruses that were created in virus

laboratories shortly before AIDS. No consideration is given to any of these lab

viruses as possible man-made ancestors of the many " strains " of HIV (and HIV-2)

that jumped species to produce AIDS in humans.


The gay experiments that preceded AIDS (1978-1981)


Scientists also discount any connection between the official outbreak of AIDS in

1981 and the experimental hepatitis B vaccine program (1978-1981) at the New

York Blood Center in Manhattan that used gays as guinea pigs shortly before the

epidemic. Curiously, the exact origin of AIDS in the United States remains

unstudied. Health authorities simply blame promiscuous gay men, but never

adequately explain how a black heterosexual African disease could have

transformed itself exclusively into a white young gay male disease in Manhattan.


Researchers claim HIV incubated in Africa for more that a half century until

AIDS broke out there in 1982. However, in the U.S. there was no incubation

period for gay men. As soon as homosexuals signed up as guinea pigs for

government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments, they began to die with a

strange virus of unknown origin. The hepatitis B experiments began in Manhattan

in the fall of 1978; the first few cases of AIDS (all young gays from Manhattan)

were reported to the CDC in 1979.


Scientists have also failed to explain how a brand new herpes virus was also

introduced exclusively into gays, along with HIV, in the late 1970s. This herpes

virus is now believed to be the cause of Kaposi's sarcoma, the so-called " gay

cancer " of AIDS. Before AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma was never seen in healthy young

men. Identified a decade after HIV, in 1994, this KS virus is closely related to

a primate cancer-causing herpes virus extensively studied and transferred in

animal laboratories in the decade before AIDS.


Also downplayed to the public is a new microbe (Mycoplasma penetrans), also of

unknown origin, that was introduced into homosexuals, along with HIV and the new

herpes virus. Thus, not one but three new infectious agents were inexplicably

transferred into the gay population at the start of the epidemic (HIV, the

herpes KS virus, and M.penetrans).


In his book, Virus [2000], Luc Montagnier (the French virologist who

co-discovered HIV) blames promiscuous American gay tourists for bringing this

new mycoplasma to Africa, and for bringing back HIV. He provides no evidence for

this homophobic theory. Nor does he mention the various mycoplasmas that were

passed around in the 1970s in scientific labs, and the fact that these microbes

were frequent contaminants in virus cultures and vaccines.


Why are all these simultaneous introductions of new infectious agents into gay

men ignored by scientists? Surely a credible explanation would be important in

determining the origin of HIV and AIDS.


Why are scientists so opposed to the man-made theory? And why do they believe so

passionately in the chimp theory? One explanation might be that scientists don't

want the public to know what happened to the tens of thousands of imported

primates who were held captive in laboratories throughout the world in the

decade before AIDS.


The forgotten Special Virus Cancer Program (1964-1977)


Rarely mentioned by AIDS scientists and media reporters is the fact that

surgeons have been transplanting chimpanzee parts (and chimp viruses) into

people for decades. When Keith Reemtsma died in June 2000, at age 74, he was

hailed as a pioneer in cross-species organ transplants (now known as

xenotransplantation). By 1964 he had already placed six chimpanzee kidneys into

six patients. All his patients died, but eventually Reemtsma succeeded in many

successful human-to-human organ transplants.


Much more likely to have spread primate (chimp and monkey) viruses to human

beings is the largely forgotten Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP). This

research program was responsible for the development, the production, the

seeding, and the deployment of various animal cancer and immunosuppressive

AIDS-like viruses and retroviruses. These laboratory created viruses were

capable of inducing disease when transferred between animal species and also

when transplanted into human cells and tissue.


The SVCP began in 1964 as a government-funded program of the National Cancer

Institute (NCI) in Bethesda, Maryland. Originally designed to study leukemia,

the program was soon enlarged to study all forms of cancer. The scope of the

program was international and included scientists from Japan, Sweden, Italy, the

Netherlands, Israel, and Africa. The mission of the SVCP was to collect various

human and animal cancers from around the world and to grow large amounts of

cancer-causing viruses. As a result, thousands of liters of dangerous man-made

viruses were adapted to human cells and shipped around the world to various

laboratories. The annual reports of the SVCP contain proof that species jumping

of animal viruses was a common occurrence in labs a decade before AIDS.


The SVCP gathered together the nation's top virologists, biochemists,

immunologists, molecular biologists, and epidemiologists, to determine the role

of viruses and retroviruses in the production of human cancer. Many of the most

prestigious medical institutions were involved in this program.


Connected with the SVCP were the most famous future American AIDS scientists,

such as Robert Gallo (the co-discoverer of HIV), Max Essex of " cat AIDS " fame,

and Peter Duesberg, who claims HIV does not cause AIDS. Gallo and Essex were

also the first to promote the widely accepted African green monkey theory of

AIDS. This theory was proven erroneous as far back as 1988, but was heavily

circulated among AIDS educators and the media until the theory was superceded by

the chimp theory in the late 1990s.


Biowarfare research, primate research and the SVCP


Also joining forces with the SVCP at the NCI were the military's biological

warfare researchers. On October 18, 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that

the army's biowarfare laboratories at nearby Fort Detrick, Maryland, would be

converted to cancer research. As part of Nixon's so-called War on Cancer, the

military biowarfare unit was retitled the new Frederick Cancer Research Center,

and Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime contractor for this

project. According to the 1971 SVPC annual report, the primary task of the now

jointly connected National Cancer Institute-Frederick Cancer Research Center was

" the large scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) and suspected

oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis. " Special

attention was given to primate viruses (the alleged African source of HIV) and

" the successful propagation of significant amounts of human candidate

viruses. " Candidate viruses were animal or human viruses that might cause human


For these experiments a steady supply of research animals (monkeys, chimpanzees,

mice, and cats) was necessary; and multiple breeding colonies were established

for the SVCP. Primates were shipped in from West Africa and Asia for

experimentation; and virus-infected animals were shipped out to various labs

worldwide. By 1971, a total of 2,274 primates had been inoculated at Bionetics

Research Laboratories, under contract to Fort Detrick. Over 1000 of these

monkeys had already died or had been transferred to other primate centers. (Some

animals were eventually released back into the wild). By the early 1970s,

experimenters had transferred cancer-causing viruses into several species of

monkeys, and had also isolated a monkey virus (Herpesvirus saimiri) that would

have a close genetic relationship to the new Kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus that

produced the " gay cancer " of AIDS in 1979.


In order to induce primates and other research animals to acquire cancer, their

immune system was deliberately suppressed by drugs, radiation, or cancer-causing

chemicals or substances. The thymus gland and/or the spleen were removed, and

viruses were injected into newborn animals or into the womb of pregnant animals.

Some animals were injected with malaria to keep them chronically sick and



The U.S. is the world's leading consumer of primates, and 55,000 are used yearly

in medical research. Primates (especially newborn and baby chimpanzees) are the

most favored lab animals because they are similar biochemically and

immunologically to human beings. Humans share 98.4% of their DNA with

chimpanzees. Chimps were extensively used by SVCP because there would be no

official testing of " candidate " lab viruses on humans.


In the decade before AIDS, Gallo was a project officer of a primate study

contracted by Bionetics that pumped cancerous human tissue, as well as a variety

of chicken and monkey viruses, into newborn macaques (a small species of monkey

that carries a close relative of the KS virus).


Recorded in the 1971 SVCP report (NIH-71-2025), Gallo's project notes state:

" Inasmuch as tests for the biological activity of candidate human viruses will

not be tested in the human species, it is imperative that another system be

developed for these determinations, and subsequently for the evaluation of

vaccines or other measures of control. The close phylogenetic relationship of

the lower primates to man justifies utilization of these animals for these

purposes. "


Researchers at Bionetics injected human and animal cancer material into various

species of monkeys to determine the cancer effect. Newborn and irradiated

monkeys were injected with blood ( " using multiple sites and volumes as large as

possible " ) taken from various forms of human leukemia. In other studies, tissue

cultures infected with various animal viruses were inoculated into primates. How

many " new " and " emerging " viruses were created and adapted to human tissue and

to various primates is not known.

Some primates were released back into the wild carrying lab viruses with them.

The possible spread of these lab viruses to other animals in the wild has been

ignored by scientists searching for the origin of HIV and its close relatives in

African animals.

Cats were also bred for leukemia and sarcoma cancer studies. Germ free colonies

of inbred mice were established. Mouse cancer viruses were manipulated to

produce resistant and non-resistant strains. These adapted viruses would be

employed in the 1980s in human gene replacement experiments. Such experiments

utilized a weakened strain of the mouse

leukemia virus to infect and " taxi-in " the missing genes to

genetically-defective human beings.


The end of the SVCP and the birth of AIDS

By 1977 the SVCP came to an inglorious end. According to Gallo, " Scientifically,

the problem was that no one could supply clear evidence of any kind of human

tumor virus, not even a DNA virus, and most researchers refused to concede that

viruses played any role in human cancers. Politically, the Virus Cancer Program

was vulnerable because it attracted a great deal of money and attention and had

failed to produce dramatic, visible results. "


Despite all this, the SVCP was the birthplace of genetic engineering,

molecular biology, and the human genome project. More than any other program

it built up the field of animal retrovirology, which led to the vital

understanding of cancer and immunosuppressive retroviruses in humans.


As the SVCP was winding down, thousands of gay men were signing up as guinea

pigs in government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments in New York, Los

Angeles, and San Francisco. These same cities would soon become the three

primary epicenters for the new " gay-related immune deficiency syndrome, " later

known as AIDS.


Two years after the termination of the SCVP, the introduction of HIV into gay

men (along with a herpes virus and a mycoplasma) miraculously revived retroviral

research and made Gallo the most famous scientist in the world.


Could virus-contaminated hepatitis vaccines lie at the root of AIDS? In the

early 1970s the hepatitis B vaccine was developed in chimpanzees. To this day,

some people are fearful about taking the hepatitis B vaccine because of its

original connection to gay men and AIDS.


Was HIV (and the KS herpes virus and a new mycoplasma) introduced into gays

during these vaccine trials when thousands of homosexuals were injected in

Manhattan beginning in 1978, and in the West Coast cities in 1980-1981?


As mentioned, the first gay AIDS cases erupted in Manhattan a few months after

the gay experiment began at the NY Blood Center. When a blood test for HIV

became available in the mid-1980s, the Center's stored gay blood specimens were

reexamined. Most astonishing is the statistically significant fact that 20% of

the gay men who volunteered for the hepatitis B experiment in New York were

discovered to be HIV-positive in 1980 (a year before the AIDS epidemic became

" official " in 1981). This signifies that Manhattan gays in 1980 had the highest

incidence of HIV anywhere in the world, including Africa, the supposed

birthplace of HIV and AIDS. And epidemic cases in Africa did not appear until



Although denied by the AIDS establishment, a few researchers are convinced that

these vaccine experiments served as the vehicle through which HIV was introduced

into the gay population. My own extensive research into the hepatitis B

experiments is presented in AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the

Origin of the AIDS Epidemic [1988], and in Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide

Plot [1993]. These books also debunk the preposterous " Patient Zero " story of

1987, which claimed a promiscuous gay Canadian airline steward brought AIDS to

America. The highly implausible story was sensationalized in the media and

served to further obscure the origin of AIDS in America and blame gay

promiscuity. Even Montagnier is doubtful that the U.S. epidemic could have

developed from a single patient.


Never mentioned by proponents of the chimp theory is the fact that the New York

Blood Center established a chimp virus laboratory in West Africa in 1974. One of

the purposes of VILAB II, at the Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research in

Robertsfield, Liberia, was to develop the hepatitis B vaccine in chimps. A few

years later this vaccine was inoculated into gays at the Center.


Chimps were captured from various parts of West Africa and brought to VILAB.

Alfred Prince, Head of virology at the NY Blood Center, has been the director of

Vilab for the past 25 years. The lab prides itself by releasing " rehabilitated "

chimps back into the wild.

Also closely allied with " pre-AIDS " development of a hepatitis B vaccine is the

little publicized primate colony outside New York City called LEMSIP (the

Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery). Until disbanded in 1997,

LEMSIP supplied New York area scientists with primates and primate parts for

transplantation and virus research.

Founded in 1965, LEMSIP was affiliated with the New York University Medical

Center, where the first cases of AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma were

discovered in 1979. Researchers at NYU Medical Center were also heavily involved

in the development of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine used in gays; and the

Medical Center received government grants and contracts connected with

biological warfare research beginning in 1969, according to Leonard Horowitz,

author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola [1996].


Scientific disinformation and the 1959 HIV-positive blood test from Africa


By predating HIV back to the 1930s, the chimp theory effectively discredits the

man-made theory of AIDS, which dates the introduction of HIV to the late 1970s.

Only time will tell whether the chimp theory will hold up to further scientific



Conspiracy theorists believe some widely published AIDS origin stories in the

media are merely examples of scientific disinformation designed to cover-up the

man-made origin of HIV. One example is the famous Patient Zero story. Another is

the media blitz surrounding the English sailor who supposedly contracted AIDS in

1959. This now-disproven story made worldwide headlines in 1990 and obviously

served to contradict the underground conspiracy theory (particularly among

African-Americans) that AIDS was man-made.

The New York Times (July 24, 1990) declared: " The case also refutes the widely

publicized charges made by Soviet officials several years ago that AIDS arose

from a virus that had escaped from a laboratory experiment that went awry or was

a biological warfare agent. The human retrovirus group to which the AIDS virus

belongs was unknown at the time. Nor did scientists then have the genetic

engineering techniques needed to create a virus. " Several years later, the case

was discovered to be not a case of AIDS because the sailor's tissue remains were

accidentally (or deliberately) contaminated with HIV.

In 1998 the media alerted the public to further evidence that AIDS started in

Africa. The proof consisted of an old 1959 stored frozen blood specimen

discovered to be HIV-positive. Researchers claimed the tiny amount of serum

contained fragments of HIV " closely related " to a virus found in 3 chimpanzees

in the African wild and in the frozen remains of a chimp named Marilyn,

discovered in a freezer at Fort Detrick.

The 1959 specimen was obtained from a Bantu man living in Kinshasa, the Congo.

His name and health status were not recorded. Details of the history and testing

of this specimen (later heralded as the " world's oldest HIV-positive blood

sample " ) are recorded in The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS

[1999], by journalist Edward Hooper who theorizes that HIV was introduced into

Africans via the polio vaccine programs in the late 1950s. Hooper claims the

polio vaccine was prepared using chimp kidney cells contaminated with the

ancestor virus of HIV.


When tested for HIV in the mid-1980s, the 1959 blood sample was the only

specimen out of 700 stored frozen Congo bloods that tested positive for HIV.

Originally collected by Arno Motulsky on a Rockefeller grant, the African sample

was one of many sent to the University of Washington in Seattle and used for

genetic testing and included in a report, " Population Genetic Studies, "

published in 1966. Around 1970, the remaining 672 frozen bloods were flown to

Emory University in Atlanta for further genetic tests.

In 1985 the specimens again changed hands, this time for HIV testing by Andre

Nahmias, a virologist and animal researcher associated with the Yerkes Primate

Center at Emory. The Congo specimens were tested along with 500 other blood

specimens taken from blacks living in sub-Saharan Africa between the years 1959

and 1982. Initially over 90% of specimens taken in 1959 tested positive for HIV

by the ELISA test. However, these HIV-positive tests were later determined to be

false-positive. After the examinations at Emory, the specimens were shipped to

Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for HIV testing in Max Essex'



Three specimens initially tested HIV-positive, but finally only the 1959

specimen from the unidentified Bantu man was confirmed HIV- positive. Around the

time of these examinations, Essex's lab was unknowingly contaminated with

primate viruses.

In 1986, Essex discovered a new " human " AIDS virus that later proved to be a

contaminating monkey virus. The source of the primate virus traced back to a

captive monkey at a primate center in nearby Southborough, Massachusetts. This

primate contamination at his lab resulted in the erroneous green monkey theory,

heavily popularized by Gallo and the media.


Also unpublicized is the little known fact that Gallo's lab at the National

Cancer Institute was plagued with contamination by primate viruses. In 1975 he

reported a new human " HL-23 " virus that eventually proved to be three

contaminating ape primate viruses (gibbon-ape virus, simian sarcoma virus, and

baboon endogenous virus). Gallo claims he has no idea how these viruses

contaminated his research.


In 1996 Hooper convinced Nahmias to turn over the remaining 1959 specimen to

David Ho of Rockefeller University in Manhattan for PCR testing. In 1996 Ho was

named Time magazine's " Man of the Year " , at a time when few people had ever

heard of him. Ho is also the director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center,

affiliated with Rockefeller University since 1996. The Diamond Center is also

now connected with the New York Blood Center, home of the gay vaccine

experiments that gave birth to AIDS.

Ho determined the tiny amount of the remaining specimen did not contain live

virus, nor was the complete virion of the virus present. Instead, some fragments

of the virus (about 15% of the total genome) were tested and presented to the

scientific world as the oldest specimen of HIV in the world. Ho's PCR results

cannot be confirmed by independent investigators because the 1959 specimen is

now totally used up.


When published in the journal Nature on February 5, 1998 ( " An African HIV-1

sequence from 1959 and implications for the origin of the epidemic " ), Hooper's

name appeared on the report, along with Ho, Bette Korber, Nahmias, and others,

The report was heavily publicized as proof that HIV existed in the African

population in 1959.

Although there are no HIV-positive tissue specimens from Africa from the 1960s

and 1970s, and no proven cases of AIDS either, Hooper relies heavily on this

1959 test to support his theory that HIV entered the African population via the

polio vaccines programs in the late 1950s.


In The River Hooper quickly dismisses the claims of physician Robert Strecker,

the first whistle-blower of man-made AIDS, as well as the research in Horowitz's

Emerging Viruses, and in my own books, AIDS & The Doctors of Death, and Queer


In condemning AIDS biowarfare research, Hooper declares, " Sadly, supporters of

the Streckers have continued to peddle their ill-informed and outdated versions

of the myth, blaming variously the Soviets, the CIA, the Germans, and the World

Health Organization (WHO) well into the nineties. " He dismisses the hepatitis B

vaccine connection to AIDS by noting that only two of the 826 gay vaccinees had

developed AIDS by 1983. Hooper ignores the fact that by 1981 over 20% of the men

in the trials were HIV-positive and that by 1982, over 30% of the men were

HIV-positive. He dismisses the World Health Organization's African smallpox

vaccine connection by saying, " there is no reason for either HIV or SIV [simian

immunodeficiency virus] to be accidentally present in the vaccine. " Hooper fails

to consider the possibility that the vaccines could have been deliberately

contaminated with HIV. Hooper has been a United Nations official, but no details

of this are included in his book .


Despite his massive research, Hooper seems naïve about the continuing transfer

of viruses between various primate species at primate centers. For example, in

1995 he interviewed Preston Marx at LEMSIP. At that time Marx was a

representative of David Ho's organization, the Aaron Diamond Research Center.

Hooper writes: " I was shocked by the cavalier way in which tissues and sera from

one species had been introduced into other species, long after the risks of

cross-species transfer had been highlighted by the SV40 [polio vaccine] debacle,

and I was astonished that survivors from troops that had been stricken by

mystery illnesses could have been casually sold to other centers, for use in

experiments there. Furthermore, this apparent lack of monitoring and central

control seemed to be echoed in other fields, like xenotransplantation (the

transplanting of organ or cells from one species to another) - and here, of

course, the implications were even more frightening. "


By predating his polio vaccine theory back to the late 1950s, Hooper greatly

simplified his theory of AIDS origin. He ignored all those animal viruses that

were placed into human tissue in the 60s and 70s, and all those dangerous viral

creations that were genetically altered for cancer research, vaccine research,

and secret biological warfare.

The chimp in the freezer at Fort Detrick


On February 1, 1999 Lawrence K Altman, longtime physician-writer for The New

York Times, dutifully reported " the riddle of the origin of the AIDS virus has

apparently been solved. " A team of researchers, headed by Beatrice Hahn at the

University of Alabama, performed viral studies on three chimps in the African

wild and had also studied the frozen remains of a chimp, discovered by accident

in a freezer at Fort Detrick. The chimp had tested positive for HIV in 1985. On

the basis of all this research, Hahn declared that a common subspecies of chimp

(Pan troglodytes troglodytes) was the animal source of the virus " most closely "

related to HIV.


In a media blitz U.S. government scientists presented a phylogenetic ancestral

" family tree " of primate viruses (which few people could understand) to prove

that HIV was genetically descended from a chimp virus in the African bush.

Molecular analysis of virus genetic data, performed by Bette Korber and the

supercomputer Nirvana at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico,

indicated that HIV had jumped species from a chimp to a human in Africa around

the year 1930. (Los Alamos is the official home of nuclear bomb-building,

alleged Chinese spies, and the laboratory which directed secret human radiation

experiments on unsuspecting civilians from the 1940s up to the beginning of the

AIDS epidemic.)


Beatrice Hahn theorized that the epidemic started when a hunter cut himself

while butchering chimp meat and subsequently became infected. Scientists readily

accepted Hahn's notion that the AIDS virus and its closest relatives jumped

species from chimps to humans on multiple occasions, thereby explaining the

origin of the three separate subtypes of HIV-1 (M, N, and O), as well as HIV-2.


Chimps in West Africa are hunted for food, as well as for medical

experimentation. Young chimps are especially prized for scientific research and

are usually caught by shooting their mothers. Many die from stress and inhumane

conditions during capture and transport to laboratories and zoos in Western



Due to all this killing, chimps are now an endangered species. During the past

century the African chimp population has dropped from two million to less than

150,000. Despite the mass killing of chimps, they are still blamed for causing

the worldwide epidemic of AIDS.

Beatrice Hahn is no stranger to primate theories, having worked in Gallo's lab

when he was heavily promoting the green monkey theory in the mid-1980s and the

" close relationship " of the monkey virus to HIV. Now Hahn's virus was claimed to

be a closer relative than the contaminating monkey virus in Essex' lab that

formed the basis of the false green monkey theory.


Media journalists paid no attention to these discrepancies. Hahn's new chimp

findings, along with the old 1959 blood specimen, fully convinced the

AIDS establishment, and an adoring media, that Africa was indeed the source of

HIV and the AIDS epidemic.


The 2000 London Origin of AIDS Conference


When Hooper's book appeared in the fall of 1998, molecular scientists quickly

used the new chimp virus data to completely discredit Hooper's polio vaccine

theory. AIDS in Africa could not be caused by a virus jumping species in the 50s

if it had already jumped species back in the 1930s. Researchers refused to

believe scientists could have played any role in the origin of HIV and AIDS.


Hooper bypassed the biowarfare theory by predating HIV back to the 50s. Now

scientists bypassed Hooper by dating HIV back several decades earlier. The fact

that there was no African epidemic until the early 1980s did not seem pertinent.

To make their view official, a small group of scientists proposed an " invitation

only " meeting to settle the origin matter once and for all.


In October 2000 the Royal Society of London held a two-day conference on the

origins of HIV. Obviously, the biowarfare theory of AIDS was not discussed. On

the contrary, one professor emphatically declared " all human infectious diseases

have an animal origin. " Although there never was a disease like AIDS (until

scientists started to flagrantly pass viruses around to repeatedly break the

species barrier ), the same professor declared that " natural transfer of these

infections is a common event in animal populations. "

Using the viral fragments from the 1959 specimen and comparing them with the

select viruses contained in the data bank at Los Alamos , Betty Korber refined

her computer calculations to establish a likely date of 1940, " with confidence

levels extending from 1871 to 1955. " The Rega Institute in Antwerp estimated the

transfer could have occurred between 1590 and 1760, with 1675 the most likely


Hooper spoke but his views were largely ignored by the molecular biologists.

Preston Marx warned about more human diseases caused by viruses emerging from

primates, None of the speakers mentioned what happened to the thousands of

liters of animal viruses that were passed around the world by the Special Virus

Cancer Program in the decade before AIDS.


Instead, the London conferees alerted the public to a new view of medical

science, championed by the virologists. The " Last Word " at the conference was

that " all human viral infections were initially zoonotic (animal) in origin.

Animals will always provide a reservoir for viruses that could threaten human

populations in the future. " And the scientists predicted: " There is still a

myriad of current unknown viruses in animal populations on land, sea, and air

with the potential to cause human disease. " Apparently, none of these viruses

were in animal laboratories.



AIDS, cancer, genetic science and covert human medical experimentation

Although rejected completely by most scientists, the man-made theory of AIDS is

a rational explanation for the origin of HIV. This theory is partly based on an

awareness of the gene-polluting activities and species jumping virus experiments

of irresponsible scientists during the two decades before the epidemic.


In addition, the record clearly shows that scientists and biowarfare scientists

experiment secretly on unsuspecting people. Horrific aspects of the Cold War

Human Radiation Experiments attest to the fact that covert medical

experimentation is not an " X-Files " fantasy or a totally paranoid belief.


It is easy to understand why researchers might want to obscure the man-made

origin for AIDS and blame primates. It is now apparent that most of the major

researchers promoting the African primate origin of AIDS were connected with the

largely secret Special Virus Cancer Program, or are scientists involved in the

transfer of viruses in animal research, particularly primate research.


From the very beginning of the epidemic, researchers disclaimed any connection

between AIDS and cancer, as well as any connection between HIV and animal

retrovirus cancer research. In 1984, Gallo originally named HIV a cancer-causing

" leukemia/lymphoma " virus. To obscure the cancer connection, the name was

immediately changed to " lymphotropic " virus.


My own Kaposi's sarcoma research, first published in medical journals in 1981,

showed " cancer-associated bacteria " as possible infectious agents in " classic "

KS tumors. Before HIV was discovered in 1984, additional papers in 1982 and 1983

showed similar cancer bacteria in the enlarged lymph nodes and KS tumors of gay

men with " gay cancer " and AIDS. Since the 1950s, cancer-associated bacteria have

been linked to viruses, as well as to mycoplasmas. This aspect of cancer

research has been suppressed for decades by the cancer establishment. A history

of this research and its relevancy to AIDS is the subject of my books, AIDS: The

Mystery and the Solution [1984] and The Cancer Microbe: The Hidden Killer in

Cancer, AIDS and Other Immune Diseases [1990].


Gallo, in his 1991 book, falsely claims that no infectious agent had ever been

found in KS. The refusal of AIDS scientists to recognize cancer microbe

research, published in peer reviewed scientific journals, is a further

indication that the AIDS establishment seeks to control all aspects of HIV

research in such a way as to never connect the origin of AIDS with previous

cancer research and covert biological warfare research. This cover-up conceals

the possibility that AIDS, in reality, is a new man-made form of infectious and

contagious cancer.


Could a small coterie of government scientists concoct a bogus (but

scientifically plausible) primate theory of AIDS origin and bamboozle the public

to believe it in order to cover-up the truth?


In the 1930s the highly respected German scientific community was entirely

transformed by fascist beliefs proclaiming the genetic inferiority of the Jews

and the genetic superiority of the German Master Race. This Nazi takeover of

science and the media eventually led to the murder of millions in the Holocaust.

Could the genetic science surrounding the origin of AIDS obscure a genocidal and

world depopulation program of man-made origin?

It is time for the man-made theory of HIV to be examined fairly. Proponents of

this theory should not be dismissed as paranoid conspiracy theorists; and AIDS

educators should educate themselves about this hidden history of AIDS and its

implications for the origin of HIV.


How many more species jumping viruses will we have to endure before we question

the integrity and the agenda of scientists who still blissfully jump viruses

between species in animal laboratories?


Lawrence K. Altman, the Times reporter who in 1999 wrote that the origin of the

AIDS virus was solved, recently asked " Where did AIDS come from? " Now seemingly

undecided, Altman answers, " We can only guess. Determining the answer would be

important because discovering how AIDS came to be an epidemic might prevent a

similar catastrophe in the future. " ( " The AIDS questions that linger, " January

30, 2001).

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how researchers could have

created HIV and how they could have transferred the virus to gays and blacks in

a covert medical experimentation for genocidal or population control purposes.


The secrecy and scientific disinformation surrounding the Human Radiation

Experiments of the Cold War era has taught us how easily government scientists

can fool the public on scientific matters. And when it comes to scientific

monkey business, researchers know that most people are chumps.


[Dr. Cantwell is a retired dermatologist and AIDS and cancer researcher, who has

written extensively on the man-made origin of AIDS. E-mail address:

alanrcan Dr, Cantwell's books are available toll-free in the USA from

Book Clearing House @ 1-800-431-1579, and on the internet at Amazon.com





Cantwell AR Jr: Bacteriologic investigation and histologic observations of

variably acid-fact bacteria in three cases of Kaposi's sarcoma. Growth 45:

79-89, 1981.

Cantwell AR Jr: Necroscopic findings of pleomorphic, variably acid-fast

bacteria in a fatal case of Kaposi's sarcoma. Journal of Dermatologic

Surgery and Oncology 7: 923-930, 1981.

Cantwell AR Jr: Variably acid-fast bacteria in vivo in a case of reactive lymph

node hyperplasia occurring in a young male homosexual. Growth 46:

331-336, 1982.

Cantwell AR Jr: Kaposi's sarcoma and variably acid-fast bacteria in vivo in two

homosexual men. Cutis 32: 58-74, 1983.

Cantwell AR Jr: Necroscopic findings of variably acid-fast bacteria in a fatal


of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and Kaposi's sarcoma. Growth

47: 129-134, 1983.


Cantwell Jr, A: AIDS:The Mystery & the Solution. Los Angeles: Aries

Rising Press, 1984.

Cantwell Jr, A: AIDS & The Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of

the AIDS Epidemic. Los Angeles: Aries Rising Press, 1988.

Cantwell Jr, A: The Cancer Microbe. Los Angeles: Aries Rising Press, 1990.

Cantwell Jr, A: Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot. Los Angeles:

Aries Rising Press, 1993.

Cantwell AR Jr: " Gay cancer, emerging viruses, and AIDS. " New Dawn

(Melbourne), Sept 1998.

Faden RR (Chair): The Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report of the

President's Advisory Committee. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Gallo R: Virus Hunting: AIDS, Cancer and the Human Retrovirus. New York:

Basic Books, 1991.

Hooper E: The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS. Boston, MA:

Little, Brown and Company, 1999

Horowitz LG: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola. Rockport, MA: Tetrahedron

Publishing Group, 1996.

Lee RE: AIDS: An Explosion of the Biological Time-Bomb? Biographical

Publishing Company, Prospect, CT, 2000.

Montagnier L: Virus. New York: WW Norton Co, Inc, 2000.

Special Virus Cancer Program (Progress Report #8). Bethesda, MD: National

Institutes of Health, August 1971.

http://www.rense.com/general45/cant.htmAlan Cantwell

<alancantwell wrote: Alan Cantwell


Re: All 11- and 12-year-old girls would get MANDATORY shots against

cervical cancer.?

Tue, 4 Jul 2006 16:59:12 -0700

Bob Dunbar <robertaldermandunbar


Remember it was Merck (long history of biowarfare connections between

George Merck, the founder -- headed b/w research under Roosevelt in

WW2) -- Merck made the experimental hepatitis B vaccine injected into


NYC Gay men.



Results 1 - 10 of about 2,130,000 English pages for HEPATITIS B VACCINE

+ AIDS. (0.09 seconds)





Hepatitis B vaccine experiment

Hepatitis B vaccine experiment & AIDS Hepatitis vaccination. " There is

no question that HIV was introduced into the US male homosexual

population via the ...

www.whale.to/v/hepb1.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages



On Jul 4, 2006, at 4:41 AM, Bob Dunbar wrote:


> ( " mandated " to those unfortunate enough to still be in public school

> system)


> What sort of testing was done do you suppose? Could vaccine have

> that AIDS characteristic==that is being ethno-specific? Who were test

> subjects? NOW we're getting to the real nitty-gritty of population

> control with government forced chemicals on ALL potential mothers.

> Has Merck management developed a 'Chutzpah' pill for use by

> their head criminals; I'd have thought on the heels of VIOXX murders,

> they'd have elected to go for a little lower profile. $360 per

> jabbing. Could any government subsidy be in the cards? These guys are

> RELENTLESS--- Wonder if Rumsfeld or Krongard or any FDA officials are

> heavily invested in their stock? Is a bear Catholic? Are you mad

> yet? UncBob

Alan Cantwell M.D.







Bacteria, Cancer and the Origin of Life





Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small




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The Origin of AIDS


Either all, or nearly all, of the AIDS virus, on this planet,

can be traced back to the United Nations administered Small Pox


If you make a graph of the number of cases of aids per year,

that graph does not regress back gradually to one case.

It regresses back to thousands of infections,

starting at the time of the United Nations administered Small Pox


in Africa.


It is also significant that The United Nations had published a plan

to reduce the world's population. It's all about population




" The United Nation's goal is to reduce population selectively by

encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control of human

reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as

excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day. "

- Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, Nov. 1991


" It's terrible to have to say this. World population must be

stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.

This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. "

- Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, Nov. 1994.





The origin of The AIDS virus, also appears to be a United Nations

supervised facility, at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick,



Biowarfare is ALWAYS supervised by the United Nations;

by way of a treaty (United Nations Convention).


There are two such labs in the world:

Fort Detrick, Maryland and Sverdlosk, Russia.

Both are staffed by the same people,

and both are supervised by the United Nations.


AIDS was not originally transferred to man via a monkey in Africa

That was the original theory, which has been discredited.


The DNA CODON SEQUENCE of the " AIDS like " virus in the green monkey

is not similar to The DNA CODON SEQUENCE of " AIDS " virus in humans.


The DNA CODON SEQUENCE " AIDS " virus in humans is 50% similar to

sheep Visna, and 50% similar to Bovine Leukemia.

This indicates that the most probable origin of AIDS was a

recombinant synthesis between to sheep Visna and Bovine Leukemia.

This part could have been done by accident. It would only involve

mixing sheep Visna infected plasma with Bovine Leukemia infected

plasma. Of course this is ALSO an interspecies cross up.



Recombinant synthesis usually produces nothing else

except " incompetents "

(Virus that cannot live, cannot reproduce, or cannot live anywhere

ELSE except where they were formed).

Recombinant synthesis occurs by accident,

on a regular basis,

but does not present a significant danger,

due to the fact that the " incompetents " cannot live, cannot

reproduce, or cannot live anywhere

ELSE except where they were formed.


The next step could not have been an accident.

The next step would have had to be REPLICATE PASSAGE.

REPLICATE PASSAGE involves gradually changing the medium of

an " incompetent " ; which cannot live anywhere ELSE except where they

were formed.

In this way the virus in adapted to live in a new species.

Thus an incompetent virus that originated from interspecies cross up

involving sheep and cows,

can be made to be capable of living in Humans.





William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985

Doctor of

the Year, published AIDS:The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing the

development of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare

lab at

Fort Detrick, Maryland.

John Seale, M.D. concludes AIDS was man-made in " Origins of the


Viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2: Fact or Fiction? " (The British Journal of


Royal Society of Medicine 81:617-619, 1988) .

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E. Bearden (U.S. Army, retired) published


Biological Warfare in 1988 which maintains that HIV was developed in

American biowarfare labs. Bearden holds a Master of Science degree in

nuclear engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics,


heads an aerospace firm in Georgia.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, a Harvard graduate, published


Viruses: AIDS & Ebola -- Nature, Accident or Genocide in 1996.


Book Review calls it: " The most massive, well-documented assembly of

evidence ever published in support of the idea that the AIDS virus


have been manufactured as a biological weapon... If you scoff at the


you won't be so cocky once you see how much evidence exists. "

Washington State Supreme Court Justice William Goodloe (retired)

wrote a

letter in 1990 supporting published articles by award-winning


Peter MacKenzie: " I have heard and seen reports of the possible


origin of the AIDS virus, but until this report have not seen such

compelling evidence of its truth. Mr. MacKenzie has assembled a


documentation of heretofore unpublished data, and an immediate


investigation at the highest level should be commenced. "

Samuel Evans, Chairman of the National Council of Public Auditors,

sent the

following letter to every member of Congress in 1989:

" I address this letter to you requesting a Congressional

investigation into

the 'allegations' that our government is financing research and


through genetic heredity engineering to multiply certain viruses to


specific racial groups...The multitude of allegations, statements,


articles and personal testimony demands prompt clarification. For


it is alleged:

1. That Col. David L. Huxsoll, commander of the U.S. Army Research

Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md., has received


million for research in biological ethnic weapons.

2. That it might be possible to wage ethnic warfare by developing

substances that affect one race more than another. According to


magazine, Jan. 16, 1989, an example would include 'Valley fever,

which is

much more likely to kill blacks than whites.' Another substance,


at a southern California university, is believed to kill only people


melanin in their skin.

3. That it is a coincidence that Fort Detrick, which is where Col.

Huxsoll's biological research is being conducted, is also the site



These allegations go to the very root of our constitutional form


government and basic world human rights, and must be responded to by


governmental officials on all levels. Nothing less than a


hearing and investigation that may lead to a full world conference

in the

United Nations is needed to clarify and defuse the alleged mentally


plan of world depopulation by ethnic weapons. " (Published in the


Intelligence Review, 3/17/89)

The Report of the President's Chemical Warfare Commission

admits, " The

rapid advances of genetic technology -- in which the US for now is

fortunately the leader -- offer the predictable likelihood of new


being developed for which no vaccines or counteragents are known or

available. " (Govt. Printing Office, 1985)

Erwin Chargaff, Professor Emeritus of Columbia University and

recipient of

the National Medal of Science for his work with DNA, warned of such

research: " I should say that the spreading of experimental cancer

may be

confidently expected. " (New York Times Magazine, 8/22/76)

The Foundation for Economic Trends, in a 1987 lawsuit, forced the

Department of Defense to divulge its operation of 127 chemical and

biological warfare research sites in the U.S., including

universities and

corporations, as reported by Science Magazine (2/27/87).




Aids and Green Monkeys


In his earth-shaking book, " AIDS: The End of Civilization " , Dr.

William Campbell Douglass asked, " Do you really think some green

monkey all of a sudden bit some guy in the ass and presto, AIDS all

over the world? "


Dr. Douglass was examining the hype that the Centers for Disease

Control in Atlanta have been peddling to the public about the AIDS

virus, HIV. Douglas's book tells the " whole " story of the

development of HIV at the Ft. Detrick (Maryland) military

installation. His story is well documented and confirms the theme of

the futuristic movie " Outbreak " .


The Strecker memorandum - aids is man made














AIDS 'Made In America' - Journal of Degenerative Diseases



AIDS is a US government operation directed towards population


which springs from secret research into disease causing agents

conducted in government biowar laboratories. That is the view of

Donald W. Scott, M.A., M.Sc. of the Common Cause Medical Research

Foundation, a group in Canada which publishes the Journal of

Degenerative Diseases. In a special edition made available for

download here by Progressive Convergence,



the 36-page journal attempts to make a murky chapter in recent

medical history more clearly understandable - up to a point. Scott

has delved deeply into the paper trail left by what seems to be a

government funded effort to develop disabling diseases and to find

ways to transmit these to a target

population, time coincident with the appearance of " AIDS " on the




We learn about Thomas Merigan, who wrote in 1971 about " Viral

infections in man associated with acquired immunological deficiency

states " , about Robert Huebner's research for the US Navy into

spontaneously degenerating adenoid tissue aggravating respiratory

disease in submarine crew, as well as Bjorn Sigurdsson's Rockefeller

sponsored research into brucella bacteria causing visna (danish for

wasting) sheep disease. Hilary Koprowski developed and tested a polio

vaccine and " lost his records " . Belgian and Portuguese research that

completed what US scientists were finding and a small pox eradication

campaign that may have been the vehicle for a disease causing agent


get to Africa. Henry Kissinger figures prominently and Robert Gallo


of course a king pin, linking the Nixon " war on cancer " research

program with the eventual appearance of AIDS.


I cannot possibly do the work of Scott justice just naming a few of

the highlights. His account makes very interesting reading and it

appears that a book is in preparation that will lay our the story in

all its gory detail.


That there was indeed a US Special Virus program is confirmed by Boyd

Graves, who has been researching the matter independently. His

timeline of the development of a disabling disease agent that he says

became AIDS is available here,


while his flow chart


and other publications can be had for a fee.


- - -


What really causes Aids?


Whether AIDS is indeed caused by a virus coming out of a government

program, that is, whether the program was successful and is now in

full swing, or whether it is - as Jonathan Campbell says - the result

of an accidentally " escaped " bioweaponized swine fever virus is

immaterial for now. It might be neither of these two. I still have

some doubts, not about the existence of the program, but about the

mechanism that makes people ill. I have challenged Graves saying that

yes, there may have been a government effort to develop such a virus,

but what about the abundant data that shows


- HIV was never properly isolated


- HIV is not present in sufficient numbers in the blood of

'infected' victims to explain the damage done


- there is no proper test to unequivocally prove infection with HIV


- AZT and other anti-retroviral drugs are highly toxic killing the

patient rather than the virus


- those of the 'infected' that keep away from drugs and strengthen

their own immune system by proper nutrition and other natural

intervention seem to survive and indeed rarely if ever progress to

those 'opportunistic' diseases that make up AIDS.


All those things would seem to indicate that quite possibly, HIV may

have nothing to do with what's called the clinical picture of AIDS


that most of the damage could actually be done by the cure that is so

ardently advocated by one and all - that cure which is not a cure at

all, but it is the only accepted way of medical intervention. Peter

Barry Chowka put this quite succinctly in a recent article, when he




" Incredibly, the conventional war on AIDS, like no other issue in

history, has succeeded in uniting left and right, liberals and

conservatives, and evangelicals and nonbelievers in a lock-step march

toward institutionalizing the pharmaceutical drug treatment paradigm

worldwide right down to every last person on earth. If this sounds

like an exaggeration, consider the fact that the expressed objective

of policymaking HIV/AIDS control proponents is to test everyone on


planet for HIV and treat everyone who tests HIV positive with

antiretroviral drugs, even infants who test HIV negative if their

mothers test positive. It is an absolute act of modern heresy and

guaranteed career suicide for anyone in any position of power and

authority to challenge the dominant HIV/AIDS mega-spin including the

belief in the monolithic HIV/AIDS-test-and-treat-with-drug strategy

that is now completely operant at every level of public policy around

the world. "


Genocide or accident?


Are we looking at viral genocide? a viral accident? pharmaceutical

genocide? medical incompetence? population reduction in action? We

just can't know with certainty with the data available to us so far.

So by all means therefore, let researchers dig into the murky history

of what seems to have been a government program with destructive



One useful thing to do would be to find out whether there is any


to the viral causation of Aids and what particle may be the culprit.

Is it the mycoplasma, the visna virus, is it the Gallo/Montagnier


or a combination? More importantly, what is the mechanism by which

that viral agent or that particular combination causes the

destruction. In that sense, it would be immensely useful to know what

went on behind closed doors in the US biolabs for at least a decade

and a half before the sudden emergence of AIDS.


But in the meantime, are we to let thousands upon thousands die from

no treatment or wrong treatment? I don't think so. We should

concentrate on cures that work without causing further degradation of

the patient's immune system. Whether it be selenium and other

nutrients as advocated by Harold Foster,


a silver colloid patented in

the US as a possible cure for AIDS and advocated by Graves, a




or simply bettering the standard of living and the diet

of people in Africa and indeed around the world, it does not matter.

Let's just get going with something we know works, and let's not

poison the patient in the meantime, please.


But resolve it we must, the riddle of AIDS, if only to prevent the

next hyped up epidemic.




Here again the link to the special issue:



AIDS Made in America - Journal of Degenerative Diseases


The recent release by Progressive Convergence:



Progressive Convergence release - Whistleblowing: AIDS, Made in



and Harold Foster's book suggesting a nutritional protocol for AIDS



What really causes AIDS - Harold Foster



As I mentioned Jonathan Campbell's hypothesis of AIDS causation, here

a discussion of it from a recent email:


Accidental release of swine fever virus? - Jonathan Campbell


I came at the AIDS puzzle from a completely different angle. When I

first started doing research on AIDS, I was fascinated and horrified

with the fact that it seemed to appear first on Haiti and then spread

to San Francisco and New York. A doctor treating two of the first


patients - two Haitian immigrants in Boston - Dr. Joseph Viera,

suggested that the disease had been carried to SF and NYC by gay men

traveling to Haiti, since it was a popular vacation spot. He had no

idea why it was in Haiti in the first place. Then when I was in NYC

for a protest demonstration in the early 80s I found a flyer that

claimed that African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) had been cultured in

Haiti in the late 60s and early 70s for use in biological war against

Cuba. ASFV kills pigs by wrecking their immune systems. This was

substantiated by an article several years later, citing that the US

had sent the National Guard to Haiti to exterminate the native wild

pig population of Haiti because it was infested with ASFV. There were

other articles as well: research by Drs. Jane Teas and John Beldekas

that they had discovered ASFV infection in men who had AIDS, clusters

of AIDS and ASFV in Belle Glade, Florida where Haitian immigrants had

smuggled pigs from the island, and prevalence of ASFV in Zaire among

pigs where the epidemic of AIDS seemed to be centered at the time in



There was a missing link, however. Where on earth did Gallo's new

retrovirus, HIV, come from, and why did it seem to be prevalent among

men who had AIDS? It seemed to be similar to a retrovirus prevalent


green monkeys. Then I read that there had been a big controversy


the use of chimpanzees in research, as they were an endangered

species. Green monkeys, which were plentiful and not facing

extinction, became the choice for animal experiments and, as it


out, green monkey kidney became the popular growth medium for virus

research. BINGO. The green monkey retrovirus was obviously used as


culture medium for the CIA's ASFV biowarfare agent, adding green

monkey retrovirus into the mix. This mixture was undoubtedly tried


on wild Haitian pigs to see if it worked, and one or more of them

probably escaped. Or the CIA released them purposely to see what


happen, since Haiti was considered expendable.


The rest is history. Either through ingestion or blood ritual,


people became the first victims (in the Western Hemisphere, that is).

I stated above many of the other connections as well, supporting this

historical origin. Gallo's new virus, HIV, possibly a mutant of the

green monkey retrovirus, was found to be prevalent in AIDS patients

and declared to be the cause of AIDS, but prevalence does not mean

virulence or causation. The emerging AIDS establishment at the CDC,

led by Gallo, had to come up with weird explanations of how a weak,

lame retrovirus could possible cause disease years later. In 1986,

faced with the possibility that researchers were going to develop an

alternative origin model, Gallo and his following met at Cold Spring

Harbor and *declared* that no funding was to be given to anyone

working on a non-HIV causation of AIDS, and these alternative

researchers were essentially drummed out. AZT, a failed cancer drug,

was tested in a fraudulent manner in Boston, and wild claims of its

efficacy provided the backdrop for the declaration that it was the

first-line defense against HIV, now very firmly entrenched as the

" cause " of AIDS.


If what I have stated above is true, what we have is the

possibility that AIDS is the unintended result of biological warfare.

The vast majority of alternative AIDS researchers such as Duesberg -

those who understand that HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS - believe

that AIDS does not have a special viral cause at all. Their claim -

and they have lots of good evidence - is that in the US it is caused

by toxic trauma and/or malnutrition, and that in developing countries

it is just a convenient label given to people who are dying of


causes - malnutrition, typhoid, TB, - all of the ordinary, known

diseases of poverty.





The Virus Cancer Program 1964-1980


The Birthplace Of AIDS And The Kaposi's Sarcoma Epidemic


'Two new viral epidemics erupting exclusively in homosexuals is an

unprecedented event in medical science. Such a bizarre and unlikely

scenario strongly suggests to me that that the two epidemics of HIV

and KS are more likely to have occurred due to the deliberate or

accidental " introduction " of new viruses into gay men " -and not from

two viruses suddenly appearing " out of Africa. " '



The Virus Cancer Program


The Birthplace Of AIDS And The Kaposi's Sarcoma Epidemic


By Alan Cantwell, MD

© 2005




The epidemic of HIV/AIDS and the epidemic of " gay cancer "

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is widely known as the " gay cancer " that often

accompanied AIDS when the first cases broke out in gay men in

Manhattan in 1979. In 1994 a new " human herpes-8 " virus was

discovered that is now widely accepted as the cause of all forms of

KS. However, it is extremely important to note that the new KS

herpes virus (KSHV) is separate and distinct from the human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired

Immune Deficiency Syndrome).



Therefore, it is now important to recognize that two new viruses

were " introduced " into gays that produced not only the epidemic of

HIV/AIDS, but also the new epidemic of KS ( " gay cancer " ).



Two new viral epidemics erupting exclusively in homosexuals is an

unprecedented event in medical science. Such a bizarre and unlikely

scenario strongly suggests to me that that the two epidemics of HIV

and KS are more likely to have occurred due to the deliberate or

accidental " introduction " of new viruses into gay men " -and not from

two viruses suddenly appearing " out of Africa. "



The widely-held theory is that HIV originated in African primates in

the African bush. Somehow the monkey or chimpanzee virus " jumped

species " into black Africans to initiate the epidemic which has now

killed 20 million people and infected 40 million more. How this

sexually-transmitted virus came from black Africa to initially

infect only young white gay men in Manhattan has never been

explained satisfactorily. Furthermore, the epidemic in America

erupted in the late 1970s, at a time when AIDS in Africa was

unknown. The AIDS epidemic in Africa appeared in the autumn of 1982,

at the earliest.



The man-made origin of HIV/AIDS

The man-made theory of AIDS is generally dismissed as " conspiracy

theory. " Nevertheless, AIDS researchers and writers like myself, Dr.

Leonard G Horowitz, Dr. Robert Strecker, Professor Robert Lee, and

others have proposed for two decades that HIV was seeded into gay

men when they volunteered for the experimental hepatitis B vaccine

experiment which took place in Manhattan, beginning in November

1978. Additional similar hepatitis B experiments using gay men as

guinea pigs continued in other American cities until 1981 -the year

the AIDS epidemic became official. Some of the cities included Los

Angeles and San Francisco which, along with New York City, became

the three big epicenters of the epidemic.



My two books on the man-made origin of this disease: AIDS and the

Doctors of Death [1988] , and Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide

Plot [1993], provide documented evidence to support this theory. A

Google internet search using the key words -man-made origin of AIDS-

has 246,000 citations to various websites that explore this issue in

detail. Despite all this, the man-made theory remains totally

ignored by the scientific establishment and the major media.



The origin of the new Kaposi's Sarcoma virus

Like HIV, the new KS herpes virus-8 discovered in 1994 is considered

to be yet another primate virus out of Africa with a suspected

primate " viral ancestor " hiding in the African jungle. We are

expected to believe that two primate viruses (a retrovirus and a

herpes virus) jumped species in Africa at the same time -and ended

up exclusively in the blood of white gay American men to produce a

new immunodeficiency disease in 1979, now called AIDS. This proposed

scenario suggests to me that such an unlikely African event has the

markings of a scientific fairy tale, and I remain stupefied that

such nonsense can pass for " science " in the twenty-first century.



The origin of Kaposi's Sarcoma

KS has a long history dating back to 1872 in Vienna, Austria, when

dermatologist Moriz Kaposi described five patients with red-purple

skin tumors. Before the AIDS outbreak, KS was a very rare disease

affecting mainly elderly Jewish and Italian men. It was never

considered a contagious or sexually-transmitted disease.



In the 1960s, it was discovered that KS was a common skin cancer

tumor in blacks in Central Africa, but the disease was never

associated with the severe immunodeficiency characteristic of AIDS,

nor was there any evidence that KS in Africa was sexually

transmissible. KS was rarely, if ever, seen in African-Americans. As

a dermatologist for over 30 years I never saw a KS case in a female;

and KS in young men of any race or sexual persuasion was as rare as

hen's teeth before the " introduction " of HIV.



KS is a medical enigma. How did a previously rare disease like KS in

America become a transmissible disease primarily affecting gay men?

How did this herpes KS virus escape detection during the first 15

years of the AIDS epidemic? Why did the KS virus and HIV suddenly

appear together in young gay men in 1979?

Further complicating this picture is the discovery of small

bacterial forms known as " mycoplasma " , and the even more recent

discovery of extremely tiny virus-like forms of bacteria

called " nanobacteria " , as well as my published reports of " cancer

bacteria " as important etiologic agents in AIDS and KS. (For

details, Google: " alan cantwell " + cancer bacteria.) All these newer

bacterial agents are generally ignored by AIDS researchers, who

focus exclusively on viruses.



I believe some of the answers to questions surrounding the origin of

HIV/AIDS can be found in the annual " Progress Reports " reports of

the Virus Cancer Program and the Program's relationship to animal

cancer research, genetic engineering of viruses, cancer vaccine

research, and to covert biological warfare research. These hard-to-

find annual Reports were published by the National Institutes of

Health, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education,

and Welfare, Bethesda, Maryland.


The Virus Cancer Program (1968-1980)

The Virus Cancer Program had it roots in 1964 when Congress provided

funds to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for intensive

research into the possible role of viruses in leukemia. In 1968 the

Program, then titled the Special Virus-Cancer Program, was enlarged

to encompass all types of cancer. On July 1, 1973 the Special Virus

Cancer Program was renamed The Virus-Cancer Program (VCP) " to

integrate the Program's research activities into the framework of

the new National Cancer Plan. "



The Program combined the talents of many of the nation's finest

virologists, biochemists, immunologists, molecular biologists,

epidemiologists, and physicians, in an attempt to uncover the viral

cause of cancer. Two classes of cancer-causing viruses were studied

extensively: the RNA-type tumor " retroviruses " (like HIV) and the

DNA herpes-type viruses (like the KS virus).

The main goals were to collect various forms of cancer tissue and

test them in animals; to identify animal and human cancer-causing

viruses; to grow large amounts of " candidate human viruses " for

testing purposes; and to develop vaccines against these cancer

viruses. In essence, the scientists wanted to learn how to use

viruses to make cancer - and to force " normal " cells to become

cancerous by subjecting to viruses.


I have studied the annual Virus Cancer Reports (VCP) covering the

years 1971-1974 and 1976-1978. Each report is 300-400 pages, and the

cumulative volumes refer to thousands of animal cancer virus and

genetic engineering experiments.


Biological warfare research, monkey research, and the VCP


The annual VCP Reports must be studied with an awareness that the

Program became wedded to secret military biological warfare research

in the early 1970s.




On October 18, 1971, as part of Richard Nixon's War on Cancer, the

army's biowarfare research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was

permanently joined with the National Cancer Institute; and was re-

titled . the Frederick Cancer Research Center. Litton Bionetics was

named as the military's prime contractor.

The primary task of the new Center was " the large scale production

of oncogenic (cancer-causing) viruses and suspected oncogenic

viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis. " Special

attention was given to primate viruses (the alleged African source

of HIV and the new KS virus)- and to the successful propagation of

significant amounts of " human candidate viruses. " Candidate viruses

were defined as animal or human viruses that might cause human

cancers. Later, the objective was to determine if such viruses could

induce (either alone or with other co-carcinogens) human cancers

(1977;58). Biowarfare scientists also had a keen interest in the

role of human and non-human primate viruses as " helper viruses " in

the production of cancer (1978;54).


A steady supply of research animals (monkeys, chimpanzees, mice,

cats, etc. ) was necessary; and multiple breeding colonies were

established for the VCP. For example, a total of 2,274 primates from

Africa and Asia were shipped to Litton for military use in 1971.


Forcing cancer viruses into primates and other animals




Short version:


The $10 million funding for developing a biological weapon which

would suppress the human immune system came through the 1970

Department of Defense Appropriations Bill.


Read it here:



It was developed in the labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and tested

on the population of Zaire - who were told that they were getting

the new smallpox vaccine by the World Health Organization and the

Centers of Disease Control. (David Rockefeller)


In 1979, ads were run in New York, San Francisco, and four other US

cities looking for subjects to test the 'new Hepatitis B vaccine'

on. They specifically asked for Black males, Hispanic males,

promiscuous homosexual males, and intravenous drug users to be part

of the test group.


They were given AIDS.


It's all about population reduction.


" The United Nation's goal is to reduce population selectively by

encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control of human

reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as

excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day. "

- Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, Nov. 1991


" It's terrible to have to say this. World population must be

stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.

This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. "

- Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, Nov. 1994.




All of the evidence, seems to indicate that AIDS may have been

spread by vaccination.All of the evidence, seems to point to the

Small Pox vaccine.Obviously, before the discovery of AIDS, there was

no testing for AIDS There is good reason to suspect that AIDS is a

man made virus.If AIDS is a man made virus, then we would next

wonder; how did man make the virus? The first portion of the process

could have been accidental.The accident could have occurred in the

small pox vaccine manufacturing process.This would be the step that

is called " recombinant synthesis " . " Recombinant synthesis " is a fancy

way of describing the " crossing " together of different viruses, and

making new viruses . " Recombinant synthesis " could have been done by

something as simple as mixing plasma samples that were infected with

different types of viruses. Making any of those viruses into a virus

that could infect humans would have involved a step; which is not as

likely to have occurred accidentally. That is a process

called " replicate passage " . This is gradually changing the

composition of the plasma; in which the new virus was created, and

is living, until the new virus is capable of surviving in humans.

There are two above ground biological warfare research facilities in

the world:One is at Ft. Dietrich, Maryland. The other is at

Sverdlosk, Russia.Both of these are supervised by the United

Nations. The United Nations has published its goal of reducing the

world's population since the sixties.




, Bob Dunbar

<robertaldermandunbar wrote:


> http://www.rense.com/general45/cant.htm

> The Man-Made Origin of AIDS:


> Are Human and Viral Experiments Responsible

> For Unleashing The HIV Holocaust??

> By Alan Cantwell, Jr, MD

> c. 2003

> 11-21-3



> AIDS in America rarely makes headlines anymore. In the mind of the

public the disease is still believed to be a sexually-transmitted

disease mostly affecting male homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes

and promiscuous people. Starting officially in June 1981 as a " gay

disease " affecting only a few dozen men, there are now 800,000

reported U.S. AIDS cases and 460,000 deaths, mostly young men. The

prediction of a " major threat " to the " general " heterosexual

population never happened.


> Every December 1, we commemorate World AIDS Day. This year (2003)

there are 36 million people worldwide estimated to be living with

AIDS/HIV. Twenty-two million people have died of the disease.


> This year, AIDS will get more attention than usual. On November

16, 2003, CBS was supposed to have to aired " The Reagans " - an

unflattering portrait of President Ronald Reagan who presided over

the first years of the AIDS epidemic. The miniseries was cancelled

due to a flood of protests, particularly over a line in the script

where Reagan says, " They that live in sin shall die in sin. " There

is no historical evidence that the president ever uttered such a

line; and Reagan admirers fumed over the attempt by CBS to " rewrite

history. " However, it is a fact that the political infighting

between the various federal health agencies, and the shameful

refusal of the Reagan administration to fund AIDS research and

education, all combined to provide a serious indictment against the

government's handling of AIDS in the early years of the American

epidemic. Most disconcerting is the fact that Reagan never once

uttered the word " AIDS " in public until March 1987, when 16,000


> (mostly gay men) had already died of AIDS.


> More furor over the failure of the Reagan administration to act

against the epidemic will undoubtedly escalate when Tony Kushner's

famous AIDS-themed play " Angels in America " airs on HBO on December

7. All of this current rehash into the early years of AIDS will lead

to a further historical reexamination of the government's role in

handling the mysterious outbreak that first began as a gay disease

and now is an unstoppable worldwide pandemic.


> But the media and the AIDS scientists have never told the real

history of AIDS and its origin to the world public. We are

repeatedly told that HIV came from Africa. But how is that sexually

and biologically possible? How could a supposedly black African

heterosexual disease- that some scientists claim has been around for

decades or centuries in Africa- suddenly transform itself into an

exclusively white male homosexual disease in America, and at a time

when AIDS was unknown in Africa?


> Is AIDS, in reality, a man-made disease originally produced by

human experimentation or human error? Could the bio-engineering of

dangerous viruses that preceded the " gay plague " be responsible for

the origin of AIDS? In view of covert and unethical government-

sponsored human radiation experiments that preceded AIDS, is it fair

to blame gays, blacks and chimpanzees for a disease that could have

been started by vaccine programs utilizing gays and blacks as guinea-



> These are historical issues that will never be considered by the

media in the wake of the AIDS controversies surrounding " The

Reagans " and " Angels in America. " However, there is strong evidence

to suggest that HIV/AIDS is indeed a man-made disease, and it is

time to " rewrite history " to include long-forgotten and suppressed

facts about AIDS and its origin.


> By Alan Cantwell, Jr




> Since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic there have been

persistent rumors that the disease was man-made, and that HIV was

deliberately " introduced " into the American gay and the African

black populations as a germ warfare experiment. This so-called

conspiracy theory was quickly squelched by virologists and molecular

biolologists, who blamed primates in the African bush and human

sexuality for the introduction and spread of HIV.

> In the fall of 1986 the Soviets shocked the world by claiming that

HIV was secretly developed at Fort Detrick, the U.S. Army's

biological warfare unit. Although the claim was dismissed

as " infectious propaganda " , Russian scientists had worked hand in

hand with biological warfare scientists in the transfer of viruses

and virus-infected tissue into various non-human primates (monkeys,

apes, chimps) during the 1970s before AIDS appeared. With improved

international relationships, the Russian accusation vanished.


> Although evidence supporting the man-made theory has never been

mentioned in the major U.S. media, the theory continues to be

ridiculed. For example, in the San Francisco Chronicle,( " Quest for

the Origin of AIDS " , January 14, 2001), William Carlsen writes: " In

the early years of the AIDS epidemic, theories attempting to explain

the origin of the disease ranged from the comic to the bizarre: a

deadly germ escaped from a secret CIA laboratory; God sent the

plague down to punish homosexuals and drug addicts; it came from

outer space, riding on the tail of a comet. "


> AIDS certainly did not come from the hand of God or outer space.

However, there is ample evidence to suspect the hand of man in the

outbreak of AIDS that first began in the late 1970s in New York



> Creating AIDS in animals before the epidemic

> Lost in the history of AIDS is evidence pointing to HIV as a virus

whose origin traces back to animal cancer retrovirus experimentation

in the " pre-AIDS " years of the 1960s and 70s. Evidence linking the

introduction of HIV into gays and blacks via vaccine experiments and

programs in the late 1970s has been totally ignored in favor of the

politically correct theory claiming that HIV originated in

chimpanzees in the African rain forest, and that HIV " jumped

species " into the African population around 1930 or even earlier.


> Conveniently overlooked is the series of outbreaks of AIDS-like

epidemics that broke out in U.S. primate centers, beginning in 1969.

A decade before AIDS, the first of five recorded epidemics

of " simian AIDS " erupted in a colony of stump-tailed macaques housed

in a primate lab at Davis, California. Most of the macaques died.

Two types of primate immunodeficiency viruses were eventually

discovered as the cause. A few silently infected monkeys transferred

to the primate colony at Yerkes in Atlanta subsequently died of

simian AIDS in the late 1980s. Veterinarians claim the origin of the

simian AIDS outbreak is unknown. However, one obvious possibility is

the experimental transfer of viruses between various primate

species, which is common practice in animal laboratories.


> In 1974 veterinarians actually created an AIDS-like disease when

newborn chimps were removed from their mothers and weaned

exclusively on virus-infected milk from cows infected with " bovine C-

type virus. " Within a year the chimps died of leukemia and

pneumocystis pneumonia (the " gay pneumonia " of AIDS). Both diseases

had never been observed in chimps before this virus-transfer



> Also downplayed is the laboratory creation of feline leukemia

and " cat AIDS " by the transfer of HIV-like cat retroviruses in the

mid-1970s. These experiments were conducted at Harvard by Myron

(Max) Essex, later to become a famous AIDS researcher. All this man-

made creation of AIDS in laboratory animals directly preceded

the " mysterious " 1979 introduction of HIV into gay men, the most

hated minority in America.


> Nowadays, scientists hunt for " ancestor " viruses of HIV in chimps

in the African wild and ignore all the immunosuppressive viruses

that were created in virus laboratories shortly before AIDS. No

consideration is given to any of these lab viruses as possible man-

made ancestors of the many " strains " of HIV (and HIV-2) that jumped

species to produce AIDS in humans.


> The gay experiments that preceded AIDS (1978-1981)


> Scientists also discount any connection between the official

outbreak of AIDS in 1981 and the experimental hepatitis B vaccine

program (1978-1981) at the New York Blood Center in Manhattan that

used gays as guinea pigs shortly before the epidemic. Curiously, the

exact origin of AIDS in the United States remains unstudied. Health

authorities simply blame promiscuous gay men, but never adequately

explain how a black heterosexual African disease could have

transformed itself exclusively into a white young gay male disease

in Manhattan.


> Researchers claim HIV incubated in Africa for more that a half

century until AIDS broke out there in 1982. However, in the U.S.

there was no incubation period for gay men. As soon as homosexuals

signed up as guinea pigs for government-sponsored hepatitis B

vaccine experiments, they began to die with a strange virus of

unknown origin. The hepatitis B experiments began in Manhattan in

the fall of 1978; the first few cases of AIDS (all young gays from

Manhattan) were reported to the CDC in 1979.


> Scientists have also failed to explain how a brand new herpes

virus was also introduced exclusively into gays, along with HIV, in

the late 1970s. This herpes virus is now believed to be the cause of

Kaposi's sarcoma, the so-called " gay cancer " of AIDS. Before AIDS,

Kaposi's sarcoma was never seen in healthy young men. Identified a

decade after HIV, in 1994, this KS virus is closely related to a

primate cancer-causing herpes virus extensively studied and

transferred in animal laboratories in the decade before AIDS.


> Also downplayed to the public is a new microbe (Mycoplasma

penetrans), also of unknown origin, that was introduced into

homosexuals, along with HIV and the new herpes virus. Thus, not one

but three new infectious agents were inexplicably transferred into

the gay population at the start of the epidemic (HIV, the herpes KS

virus, and M.penetrans).


> In his book, Virus [2000], Luc Montagnier (the French virologist

who co-discovered HIV) blames promiscuous American gay tourists for

bringing this new mycoplasma to Africa, and for bringing back HIV.

He provides no evidence for this homophobic theory. Nor does he

mention the various mycoplasmas that were passed around in the 1970s

in scientific labs, and the fact that these microbes were frequent

contaminants in virus cultures and vaccines.


> Why are all these simultaneous introductions of new infectious

agents into gay men ignored by scientists? Surely a credible

explanation would be important in determining the origin of HIV and



> Why are scientists so opposed to the man-made theory? And why do

they believe so passionately in the chimp theory? One explanation

might be that scientists don't want the public to know what happened

to the tens of thousands of imported primates who were held captive

in laboratories throughout the world in the decade before AIDS.


> The forgotten Special Virus Cancer Program (1964-1977)


> Rarely mentioned by AIDS scientists and media reporters is the

fact that surgeons have been transplanting chimpanzee parts (and

chimp viruses) into people for decades. When Keith Reemtsma died in

June 2000, at age 74, he was hailed as a pioneer in cross-species

organ transplants (now known as xenotransplantation). By 1964 he had

already placed six chimpanzee kidneys into six patients. All his

patients died, but eventually Reemtsma succeeded in many successful

human-to-human organ transplants.


> Much more likely to have spread primate (chimp and monkey) viruses

to human beings is the largely forgotten Special Virus Cancer

Program (SVCP). This research program was responsible for the

development, the production, the seeding, and the deployment of

various animal cancer and immunosuppressive AIDS-like viruses and

retroviruses. These laboratory created viruses were capable of

inducing disease when transferred between animal species and also

when transplanted into human cells and tissue.


> The SVCP began in 1964 as a government-funded program of the

National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Bethesda, Maryland. Originally

designed to study leukemia, the program was soon enlarged to study

all forms of cancer. The scope of the program was international and

included scientists from Japan, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands,

Israel, and Africa. The mission of the SVCP was to collect various

human and animal cancers from around the world and to grow large

amounts of cancer-causing viruses. As a result, thousands of liters

of dangerous man-made viruses were adapted to human cells and

shipped around the world to various laboratories. The annual reports

of the SVCP contain proof that species jumping of animal viruses was

a common occurrence in labs a decade before AIDS.


> The SVCP gathered together the nation's top virologists,

biochemists, immunologists, molecular biologists, and

epidemiologists, to determine the role of viruses and retroviruses

in the production of human cancer. Many of the most prestigious

medical institutions were involved in this program.


> Connected with the SVCP were the most famous future American AIDS

scientists, such as Robert Gallo (the co-discoverer of HIV), Max

Essex of " cat AIDS " fame, and Peter Duesberg, who claims HIV does

not cause AIDS. Gallo and Essex were also the first to promote the

widely accepted African green monkey theory of AIDS. This theory was

proven erroneous as far back as 1988, but was heavily circulated

among AIDS educators and the media until the theory was superceded

by the chimp theory in the late 1990s.


> Biowarfare research, primate research and the SVCP


> Also joining forces with the SVCP at the NCI were the military's

biological warfare researchers. On October 18, 1971, President

Richard Nixon announced that the army's biowarfare laboratories at

nearby Fort Detrick, Maryland, would be converted to cancer

research. As part of Nixon's so-called War on Cancer, the military

biowarfare unit was retitled the new Frederick Cancer Research

Center, and Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime

contractor for this project. According to the 1971 SVPC annual

report, the primary task of the now jointly connected National

Cancer Institute-Frederick Cancer Research Center was " the large

scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) and suspected

oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis. "

Special attention was given to primate viruses (the alleged African

source of HIV) and " the successful propagation of significant

amounts of human candidate

> viruses. " Candidate viruses were animal or human viruses that

might cause human cancers.

> For these experiments a steady supply of research animals

(monkeys, chimpanzees, mice, and cats) was necessary; and multiple

breeding colonies were established for the SVCP. Primates were

shipped in from West Africa and Asia for experimentation; and virus-

infected animals were shipped out to various labs worldwide. By

1971, a total of 2,274 primates had been inoculated at Bionetics

Research Laboratories, under contract to Fort Detrick. Over 1000 of

these monkeys had already died or had been transferred to other

primate centers. (Some animals were eventually released back into

the wild). By the early 1970s, experimenters had transferred cancer-

causing viruses into several species of monkeys, and had also

isolated a monkey virus (Herpesvirus saimiri) that would have a

close genetic relationship to the new Kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus

that produced the " gay cancer " of AIDS in 1979.


> In order to induce primates and other research animals to acquire

cancer, their immune system was deliberately suppressed by drugs,

radiation, or cancer-causing chemicals or substances. The thymus

gland and/or the spleen were removed, and viruses were injected into

newborn animals or into the womb of pregnant animals. Some animals

were injected with malaria to keep them chronically sick and



> The U.S. is the world's leading consumer of primates, and 55,000

are used yearly in medical research. Primates (especially newborn

and baby chimpanzees) are the most favored lab animals because they

are similar biochemically and immunologically to human beings.

Humans share 98.4% of their DNA with chimpanzees. Chimps were

extensively used by SVCP because there would be no official testing

of " candidate " lab viruses on humans.


> In the decade before AIDS, Gallo was a project officer of a

primate study contracted by Bionetics that pumped cancerous human

tissue, as well as a variety of chicken and monkey viruses, into

newborn macaques (a small species of monkey that carries a close

relative of the KS virus).


> Recorded in the 1971 SVCP report (NIH-71-2025), Gallo's project

notes state: " Inasmuch as tests for the biological activity of

candidate human viruses will not be tested in the human species, it

is imperative that another system be developed for these

determinations, and subsequently for the evaluation of vaccines or

other measures of control. The close phylogenetic relationship of

the lower primates to man justifies utilization of these animals for

these purposes. "


> Researchers at Bionetics injected human and animal cancer material

into various species of monkeys to determine the cancer effect.

Newborn and irradiated monkeys were injected with blood ( " using

multiple sites and volumes as large as possible " ) taken from various

forms of human leukemia. In other studies, tissue cultures infected

with various animal viruses were inoculated into primates. How

many " new " and " emerging " viruses were created and adapted to human

tissue and to various primates is not known.

> Some primates were released back into the wild carrying lab

viruses with them. The possible spread of these lab viruses to other

animals in the wild has been ignored by scientists searching for the

origin of HIV and its close relatives in African animals.

> Cats were also bred for leukemia and sarcoma cancer studies. Germ

free colonies of inbred mice were established. Mouse cancer viruses

were manipulated to produce resistant and non-resistant strains.

These adapted viruses would be employed in the 1980s in human gene

replacement experiments. Such experiments utilized a weakened strain

of the mouse

> leukemia virus to infect and " taxi-in " the missing genes to

genetically-defective human beings.


> The end of the SVCP and the birth of AIDS

> By 1977 the SVCP came to an inglorious end. According to

Gallo, " Scientifically, the problem was that no one could supply

clear evidence of any kind of human tumor virus, not even a DNA

virus, and most researchers refused to concede that viruses played

any role in human cancers. Politically, the Virus Cancer Program was

vulnerable because it attracted a great deal of money and attention

and had failed to produce dramatic, visible results. "


> Despite all this, the SVCP was the birthplace of genetic


> molecular biology, and the human genome project. More than any

other program

> it built up the field of animal retrovirology, which led to the

vital understanding of cancer and immunosuppressive retroviruses in



> As the SVCP was winding down, thousands of gay men were signing up

as guinea pigs in government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine

experiments in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. These same

cities would soon become the three primary epicenters for the

new " gay-related immune deficiency syndrome, " later known as AIDS.


> Two years after the termination of the SCVP, the introduction of

HIV into gay men (along with a herpes virus and a mycoplasma)

miraculously revived retroviral research and made Gallo the most

famous scientist in the world.


> Could virus-contaminated hepatitis vaccines lie at the root of

AIDS? In the early 1970s the hepatitis B vaccine was developed in

chimpanzees. To this day, some people are fearful about taking the

hepatitis B vaccine because of its original connection to gay men

and AIDS.


> Was HIV (and the KS herpes virus and a new mycoplasma) introduced

into gays during these vaccine trials when thousands of homosexuals

were injected in Manhattan beginning in 1978, and in the West Coast

cities in 1980-1981?


> As mentioned, the first gay AIDS cases erupted in Manhattan a few

months after the gay experiment began at the NY Blood Center. When a

blood test for HIV became available in the mid-1980s, the Center's

stored gay blood specimens were reexamined. Most astonishing is the

statistically significant fact that 20% of the gay men who

volunteered for the hepatitis B experiment in New York were

discovered to be HIV-positive in 1980 (a year before the AIDS

epidemic became " official " in 1981). This signifies that Manhattan

gays in 1980 had the highest incidence of HIV anywhere in the world,

including Africa, the supposed birthplace of HIV and AIDS. And

epidemic cases in Africa did not appear until 1982.


> Although denied by the AIDS establishment, a few researchers are

convinced that these vaccine experiments served as the vehicle

through which HIV was introduced into the gay population. My own

extensive research into the hepatitis B experiments is presented in

AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of the

AIDS Epidemic [1988], and in Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide

Plot [1993]. These books also debunk the preposterous " Patient Zero "

story of 1987, which claimed a promiscuous gay Canadian airline

steward brought AIDS to America. The highly implausible story was

sensationalized in the media and served to further obscure the

origin of AIDS in America and blame gay promiscuity. Even Montagnier

is doubtful that the U.S. epidemic could have developed from a

single patient.


> Never mentioned by proponents of the chimp theory is the fact that

the New York Blood Center established a chimp virus laboratory in

West Africa in 1974. One of the purposes of VILAB II, at the

Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research in Robertsfield, Liberia,

was to develop the hepatitis B vaccine in chimps. A few years later

this vaccine was inoculated into gays at the Center.


> Chimps were captured from various parts of West Africa and brought

to VILAB. Alfred Prince, Head of virology at the NY Blood Center,

has been the director of Vilab for the past 25 years. The lab prides

itself by releasing " rehabilitated " chimps back into the wild.

> Also closely allied with " pre-AIDS " development of a hepatitis B

vaccine is the little publicized primate colony outside New York

City called LEMSIP (the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and

Surgery). Until disbanded in 1997, LEMSIP supplied New York area

scientists with primates and primate parts for transplantation and

virus research.

> Founded in 1965, LEMSIP was affiliated with the New York

University Medical Center, where the first cases of AIDS-associated

Kaposi's sarcoma were discovered in 1979. Researchers at NYU Medical

Center were also heavily involved in the development of the

experimental hepatitis B vaccine used in gays; and the Medical

Center received government grants and contracts connected with

biological warfare research beginning in 1969, according to Leonard

Horowitz, author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola [1996].


> Scientific disinformation and the 1959 HIV-positive blood test

from Africa


> By predating HIV back to the 1930s, the chimp theory effectively

discredits the man-made theory of AIDS, which dates the introduction

of HIV to the late 1970s. Only time will tell whether the chimp

theory will hold up to further scientific scrutiny.


> Conspiracy theorists believe some widely published AIDS origin

stories in the media are merely examples of scientific

disinformation designed to cover-up the man-made origin of HIV. One

example is the famous Patient Zero story. Another is the media blitz

surrounding the English sailor who supposedly contracted AIDS in

1959. This now-disproven story made worldwide headlines in 1990 and

obviously served to contradict the underground conspiracy theory

(particularly among African-Americans) that AIDS was man-made.

> The New York Times (July 24, 1990) declared: " The case also

refutes the widely publicized charges made by Soviet officials

several years ago that AIDS arose from a virus that had escaped from

a laboratory experiment that went awry or was a biological warfare

agent. The human retrovirus group to which the AIDS virus belongs

was unknown at the time. Nor did scientists then have the genetic

engineering techniques needed to create a virus. " Several years

later, the case was discovered to be not a case of AIDS because the

sailor's tissue remains were accidentally (or deliberately)

contaminated with HIV.

> In 1998 the media alerted the public to further evidence that AIDS

started in Africa. The proof consisted of an old 1959 stored frozen

blood specimen discovered to be HIV-positive. Researchers claimed

the tiny amount of serum contained fragments of HIV " closely

related " to a virus found in 3 chimpanzees in the African wild and

in the frozen remains of a chimp named Marilyn, discovered in a

freezer at Fort Detrick.

> The 1959 specimen was obtained from a Bantu man living in

Kinshasa, the Congo. His name and health status were not recorded.

Details of the history and testing of this specimen (later heralded

as the " world's oldest HIV-positive blood sample " ) are recorded in

The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS [1999], by

journalist Edward Hooper who theorizes that HIV was introduced into

Africans via the polio vaccine programs in the late 1950s. Hooper

claims the polio vaccine was prepared using chimp kidney cells

contaminated with the ancestor virus of HIV.


> When tested for HIV in the mid-1980s, the 1959 blood sample was

the only specimen out of 700 stored frozen Congo bloods that tested

positive for HIV. Originally collected by Arno Motulsky on a

Rockefeller grant, the African sample was one of many sent to the

University of Washington in Seattle and used for genetic testing and

included in a report, " Population Genetic Studies, " published in

1966. Around 1970, the remaining 672 frozen bloods were flown to

Emory University in Atlanta for further genetic tests.

> In 1985 the specimens again changed hands, this time for HIV

testing by Andre Nahmias, a virologist and animal researcher

associated with the Yerkes Primate Center at Emory. The Congo

specimens were tested along with 500 other blood specimens taken

from blacks living in sub-Saharan Africa between the years 1959 and

1982. Initially over 90% of specimens taken in 1959 tested positive

for HIV by the ELISA test. However, these HIV-positive tests were

later determined to be false-positive. After the examinations at

Emory, the specimens were shipped to Harvard University in

Cambridge, Massachusetts, for HIV testing in Max Essex' lab.


> Three specimens initially tested HIV-positive, but finally only

the 1959 specimen from the unidentified Bantu man was confirmed HIV-

positive. Around the time of these examinations, Essex's lab was

unknowingly contaminated with primate viruses.

> In 1986, Essex discovered a new " human " AIDS virus that later

proved to be a contaminating monkey virus. The source of the primate

virus traced back to a captive monkey at a primate center in nearby

Southborough, Massachusetts. This primate contamination at his lab

resulted in the erroneous green monkey theory, heavily popularized

by Gallo and the media.


> Also unpublicized is the little known fact that Gallo's lab at the

National Cancer Institute was plagued with contamination by primate

viruses. In 1975 he reported a new human " HL-23 " virus that

eventually proved to be three contaminating ape primate viruses

(gibbon-ape virus, simian sarcoma virus, and baboon endogenous

virus). Gallo claims he has no idea how these viruses contaminated

his research.


> In 1996 Hooper convinced Nahmias to turn over the remaining 1959

specimen to David Ho of Rockefeller University in Manhattan for PCR

testing. In 1996 Ho was named Time magazine's " Man of the Year " , at

a time when few people had ever heard of him. Ho is also the

director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, affiliated with

Rockefeller University since 1996. The Diamond Center is also now

connected with the New York Blood Center, home of the gay vaccine

experiments that gave birth to AIDS.

> Ho determined the tiny amount of the remaining specimen did not

contain live virus, nor was the complete virion of the virus

present. Instead, some fragments of the virus (about 15% of the

total genome) were tested and presented to the scientific world as

the oldest specimen of HIV in the world. Ho's PCR results cannot be

confirmed by independent investigators because the 1959 specimen is

now totally used up.


> When published in the journal Nature on February 5, 1998 ( " An

African HIV-1 sequence from 1959 and implications for the origin of

the epidemic " ), Hooper's name appeared on the report, along with Ho,

Bette Korber, Nahmias, and others, The report was heavily publicized

as proof that HIV existed in the African population in 1959.

> Although there are no HIV-positive tissue specimens from Africa

from the 1960s and 1970s, and no proven cases of AIDS either, Hooper

relies heavily on this 1959 test to support his theory that HIV

entered the African population via the polio vaccines programs in

the late 1950s.


> In The River Hooper quickly dismisses the claims of physician

Robert Strecker, the first whistle-blower of man-made AIDS, as well

as the research in Horowitz's Emerging Viruses, and in my own books,

AIDS & The Doctors of Death, and Queer Blood.

> In condemning AIDS biowarfare research, Hooper declares, " Sadly,

supporters of the Streckers have continued to peddle their ill-

informed and outdated versions of the myth, blaming variously the

Soviets, the CIA, the Germans, and the World Health Organization

(WHO) well into the nineties. " He dismisses the hepatitis B vaccine

connection to AIDS by noting that only two of the 826 gay vaccinees

had developed AIDS by 1983. Hooper ignores the fact that by 1981

over 20% of the men in the trials were HIV-positive and that by

1982, over 30% of the men were HIV-positive. He dismisses the World

Health Organization's African smallpox vaccine connection by

saying, " there is no reason for either HIV or SIV [simian

immunodeficiency virus] to be accidentally present in the vaccine. "

Hooper fails to consider the possibility that the vaccines could

have been deliberately contaminated with HIV. Hooper has been a

United Nations official, but no details of this are included in his

book .


> Despite his massive research, Hooper seems naïve about the

continuing transfer of viruses between various primate species at

primate centers. For example, in 1995 he interviewed Preston Marx at

LEMSIP. At that time Marx was a representative of David Ho's

organization, the Aaron Diamond Research Center. Hooper writes: " I

was shocked by the cavalier way in which tissues and sera from one

species had been introduced into other species, long after the risks

of cross-species transfer had been highlighted by the SV40 [polio

vaccine] debacle, and I was astonished that survivors from troops

that had been stricken by mystery illnesses could have been casually

sold to other centers, for use in experiments there. Furthermore,

this apparent lack of monitoring and central control seemed to be

echoed in other fields, like xenotransplantation (the transplanting

of organ or cells from one species to another) - and here, of

course, the implications were even more frightening. "


> By predating his polio vaccine theory back to the late 1950s,

Hooper greatly simplified his theory of AIDS origin. He ignored all

those animal viruses that were placed into human tissue in the 60s

and 70s, and all those dangerous viral creations that were

genetically altered for cancer research, vaccine research, and

secret biological warfare.

> The chimp in the freezer at Fort Detrick


> On February 1, 1999 Lawrence K Altman, longtime physician-writer

for The New York Times, dutifully reported " the riddle of the origin

of the AIDS virus has apparently been solved. " A team of

researchers, headed by Beatrice Hahn at the University of Alabama,

performed viral studies on three chimps in the African wild and had

also studied the frozen remains of a chimp, discovered by accident

in a freezer at Fort Detrick. The chimp had tested positive for HIV

in 1985. On the basis of all this research, Hahn declared that a

common subspecies of chimp (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) was the

animal source of the virus " most closely " related to HIV.


> In a media blitz U.S. government scientists presented a

phylogenetic ancestral " family tree " of primate viruses (which few

people could understand) to prove that HIV was genetically descended

from a chimp virus in the African bush. Molecular analysis of virus

genetic data, performed by Bette Korber and the supercomputer

Nirvana at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico,

indicated that HIV had jumped species from a chimp to a human in

Africa around the year 1930. (Los Alamos is the official home of

nuclear bomb-building, alleged Chinese spies, and the laboratory

which directed secret human radiation experiments on unsuspecting

civilians from the 1940s up to the beginning of the AIDS



> Beatrice Hahn theorized that the epidemic started when a hunter

cut himself while butchering chimp meat and subsequently became

infected. Scientists readily accepted Hahn's notion that the AIDS

virus and its closest relatives jumped species from chimps to humans

on multiple occasions, thereby explaining the origin of the three

separate subtypes of HIV-1 (M, N, and O), as well as HIV-2.


> Chimps in West Africa are hunted for food, as well as for medical

experimentation. Young chimps are especially prized for scientific

research and are usually caught by shooting their mothers. Many die

from stress and inhumane conditions during capture and transport to

laboratories and zoos in Western nations.


> Due to all this killing, chimps are now an endangered species.

During the past century the African chimp population has dropped

from two million to less than 150,000. Despite the mass killing of

chimps, they are still blamed for causing the worldwide epidemic of


> Beatrice Hahn is no stranger to primate theories, having worked in

Gallo's lab when he was heavily promoting the green monkey theory in

the mid-1980s and the " close relationship " of the monkey virus to

HIV. Now Hahn's virus was claimed to be a closer relative than the

contaminating monkey virus in Essex' lab that formed the basis of

the false green monkey theory.


> Media journalists paid no attention to these discrepancies. Hahn's

new chimp findings, along with the old 1959 blood specimen, fully

convinced the

> AIDS establishment, and an adoring media, that Africa was indeed

the source of HIV and the AIDS epidemic.


> The 2000 London Origin of AIDS Conference


> When Hooper's book appeared in the fall of 1998, molecular

scientists quickly used the new chimp virus data to completely

discredit Hooper's polio vaccine theory. AIDS in Africa could not be

caused by a virus jumping species in the 50s if it had already

jumped species back in the 1930s. Researchers refused to believe

scientists could have played any role in the origin of HIV and



> Hooper bypassed the biowarfare theory by predating HIV back to the

50s. Now scientists bypassed Hooper by dating HIV back several

decades earlier. The fact that there was no African epidemic until

the early 1980s did not seem pertinent. To make their view official,

a small group of scientists proposed an " invitation only " meeting to

settle the origin matter once and for all.


> In October 2000 the Royal Society of London held a two-day

conference on the origins of HIV. Obviously, the biowarfare theory

of AIDS was not discussed. On the contrary, one professor

emphatically declared " all human infectious diseases have an animal

origin. " Although there never was a disease like AIDS (until

scientists started to flagrantly pass viruses around to repeatedly

break the species barrier ), the same professor declared

that " natural transfer of these infections is a common event in

animal populations. "

> Using the viral fragments from the 1959 specimen and comparing

them with the select viruses contained in the data bank at Los

Alamos , Betty Korber refined her computer calculations to establish

a likely date of 1940, " with confidence levels extending from 1871

to 1955. " The Rega Institute in Antwerp estimated the transfer could

have occurred between 1590 and 1760, with 1675 the most likely


> Hooper spoke but his views were largely ignored by the molecular

biologists. Preston Marx warned about more human diseases caused by

viruses emerging from primates, None of the speakers mentioned what

happened to the thousands of liters of animal viruses that were

passed around the world by the Special Virus Cancer Program in the

decade before AIDS.


> Instead, the London conferees alerted the public to a new view of

medical science, championed by the virologists. The " Last Word " at

the conference was that " all human viral infections were initially

zoonotic (animal) in origin. Animals will always provide a reservoir

for viruses that could threaten human populations in the future. "

And the scientists predicted: " There is still a myriad of current

unknown viruses in animal populations on land, sea, and air with the

potential to cause human disease. " Apparently, none of these viruses

were in animal laboratories.



> AIDS, cancer, genetic science and covert human medical


> Although rejected completely by most scientists, the man-made

theory of AIDS is a rational explanation for the origin of HIV. This

theory is partly based on an awareness of the gene-polluting

activities and species jumping virus experiments of irresponsible

scientists during the two decades before the epidemic.


> In addition, the record clearly shows that scientists and

biowarfare scientists experiment secretly on unsuspecting people.

Horrific aspects of the Cold War Human Radiation Experiments attest

to the fact that covert medical experimentation is not an " X-Files "

fantasy or a totally paranoid belief.


> It is easy to understand why researchers might want to obscure the

man-made origin for AIDS and blame primates. It is now apparent that

most of the major researchers promoting the African primate origin

of AIDS were connected with the largely secret Special Virus Cancer

Program, or are scientists involved in the transfer of viruses in

animal research, particularly primate research.


> From the very beginning of the epidemic, researchers disclaimed

any connection between AIDS and cancer, as well as any connection

between HIV and animal retrovirus cancer research. In 1984, Gallo

originally named HIV a cancer-causing " leukemia/lymphoma " virus. To

obscure the cancer connection, the name was immediately changed

to " lymphotropic " virus.


> My own Kaposi's sarcoma research, first published in medical

journals in 1981, showed " cancer-associated bacteria " as possible

infectious agents in " classic " KS tumors. Before HIV was discovered

in 1984, additional papers in 1982 and 1983 showed similar cancer

bacteria in the enlarged lymph nodes and KS tumors of gay men

with " gay cancer " and AIDS. Since the 1950s, cancer-associated

bacteria have been linked to viruses, as well as to mycoplasmas.

This aspect of cancer research has been suppressed for decades by

the cancer establishment. A history of this research and its

relevancy to AIDS is the subject of my books, AIDS: The Mystery and

the Solution [1984] and The Cancer Microbe: The Hidden Killer in

Cancer, AIDS and Other Immune Diseases [1990].


> Gallo, in his 1991 book, falsely claims that no infectious agent

had ever been found in KS. The refusal of AIDS scientists to

recognize cancer microbe research, published in peer reviewed

scientific journals, is a further indication that the AIDS

establishment seeks to control all aspects of HIV research in such a

way as to never connect the origin of AIDS with previous cancer

research and covert biological warfare research. This cover-up

conceals the possibility that AIDS, in reality, is a new man-made

form of infectious and contagious cancer.


> Could a small coterie of government scientists concoct a bogus

(but scientifically plausible) primate theory of AIDS origin and

bamboozle the public to believe it in order to cover-up the truth?


> In the 1930s the highly respected German scientific community was

entirely transformed by fascist beliefs proclaiming the genetic

inferiority of the Jews and the genetic superiority of the German

Master Race. This Nazi takeover of science and the media eventually

led to the murder of millions in the Holocaust. Could the genetic

science surrounding the origin of AIDS obscure a genocidal and world

depopulation program of man-made origin?

> It is time for the man-made theory of HIV to be examined fairly.

Proponents of this theory should not be dismissed as paranoid

conspiracy theorists; and AIDS educators should educate themselves

about this hidden history of AIDS and its implications for the

origin of HIV.


> How many more species jumping viruses will we have to endure

before we question the integrity and the agenda of scientists who

still blissfully jump viruses between species in animal



> Lawrence K. Altman, the Times reporter who in 1999 wrote that the

origin of the AIDS virus was solved, recently asked " Where did AIDS

come from? " Now seemingly undecided, Altman answers, " We can only

guess. Determining the answer would be important because discovering

how AIDS came to be an epidemic might prevent a similar catastrophe

in the future. " ( " The AIDS questions that linger, " January 30,


> It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how researchers

could have created HIV and how they could have transferred the virus

to gays and blacks in a covert medical experimentation for genocidal

or population control purposes.


> The secrecy and scientific disinformation surrounding the Human

Radiation Experiments of the Cold War era has taught us how easily

government scientists can fool the public on scientific matters. And

when it comes to scientific monkey business, researchers know that

most people are chumps.


> [Dr. Cantwell is a retired dermatologist and AIDS and cancer

researcher, who has written extensively on the man-made origin of

AIDS. E-mail address: alanrcan Dr, Cantwell's books are

available toll-free in the USA from Book Clearing House @ 1-800-431-

1579, and on the internet at Amazon.com





> Cantwell AR Jr: Bacteriologic investigation and histologic

observations of variably acid-fact bacteria in three cases of

Kaposi's sarcoma. Growth 45: 79-89, 1981.

> Cantwell AR Jr: Necroscopic findings of pleomorphic, variably acid-


> bacteria in a fatal case of Kaposi's sarcoma. Journal of


> Surgery and Oncology 7: 923-930, 1981.

> Cantwell AR Jr: Variably acid-fast bacteria in vivo in a case of

reactive lymph

> node hyperplasia occurring in a young male homosexual. Growth


> 331-336, 1982.

> Cantwell AR Jr: Kaposi's sarcoma and variably acid-fast bacteria

in vivo in two

> homosexual men. Cutis 32: 58-74, 1983.

> Cantwell AR Jr: Necroscopic findings of variably acid-fast

bacteria in a fatal case

> of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and Kaposi's sarcoma.


> 47: 129-134, 1983.


> Cantwell Jr, A: AIDS:The Mystery & the Solution. Los Angeles:


> Rising Press, 1984.

> Cantwell Jr, A: AIDS & The Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the

Origin of

> the AIDS Epidemic. Los Angeles: Aries Rising Press, 1988.

> Cantwell Jr, A: The Cancer Microbe. Los Angeles: Aries Rising

Press, 1990.

> Cantwell Jr, A: Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot. Los


> Aries Rising Press, 1993.

> Cantwell AR Jr: " Gay cancer, emerging viruses, and AIDS. " New


> (Melbourne), Sept 1998.

> Faden RR (Chair): The Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report of


> President's Advisory Committee. New York: Oxford University Press,


> Gallo R: Virus Hunting: AIDS, Cancer and the Human Retrovirus. New


> Basic Books, 1991.

> Hooper E: The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS.

Boston, MA:

> Little, Brown and Company, 1999

> Horowitz LG: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola. Rockport, MA:


> Publishing Group, 1996.

> Lee RE: AIDS: An Explosion of the Biological Time-Bomb?


> Publishing Company, Prospect, CT, 2000.

> Montagnier L: Virus. New York: WW Norton Co, Inc, 2000.

> Special Virus Cancer Program (Progress Report #8). Bethesda, MD:


> Institutes of Health, August 1971.

> http://www.rense.com/general45/cant.htmAlan Cantwell

<alancantwell wrote: Alan Cantwell <alancantwell

> Re: All 11- and 12-year-old girls would get MANDATORY

shots against cervical cancer.?

> Tue, 4 Jul 2006 16:59:12 -0700

> Bob Dunbar <robertaldermandunbar


> Remember it was Merck (long history of biowarfare connections


> George Merck, the founder -- headed b/w research under Roosevelt


> WW2) -- Merck made the experimental hepatitis B vaccine injected




> NYC Gay men.



> Results 1 - 10 of about 2,130,000 English pages for HEPATITIS B


> + AIDS. (0.09 seconds)





> Hepatitis B vaccine experiment

> Hepatitis B vaccine experiment & AIDS Hepatitis

vaccination. " There is

> no question that HIV was introduced into the US male homosexual

> population via the ...

> www.whale.to/v/hepb1.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages



> On Jul 4, 2006, at 4:41 AM, Bob Dunbar wrote:


> > ( " mandated " to those unfortunate enough to still be in public


> > system)

> >

> > What sort of testing was done do you suppose? Could vaccine have

> > that AIDS characteristic==that is being ethno-specific? Who were


> > subjects? NOW we're getting to the real nitty-gritty of


> > control with government forced chemicals on ALL potential


> > Has Merck management developed a 'Chutzpah' pill for use by

> > their head criminals; I'd have thought on the heels of VIOXX


> > they'd have elected to go for a little lower profile. $360 per

> > jabbing. Could any government subsidy be in the cards? These

guys are

> > RELENTLESS--- Wonder if Rumsfeld or Krongard or any FDA

officials are

> > heavily invested in their stock? Is a bear Catholic? Are you


> > yet? UncBob

> Alan Cantwell M.D.


> alancantwell


> http://www.ariesrisingpress.com



> Bacteria, Cancer and the Origin of Life





> Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help.

Small Business.



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Thanks for great info and links; you hit the nail on the

head---POPULATION REDUCTION--most folks have a hard time with the idea

that our " leaders " want most of us gone... see


The Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy


Population reduction and control is now our primary policy objective-

then ... rename Brzezinski's arc of crisis doctrine the 'arc of

population crisis'. ...

www.planetquo.com/The-Haig-Kissinger-Depopulation-PolicyPeak Oil,

Pandemic, and 78 Dead Scientists


ists.htm> Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger are trustees of

the Center for Strategic and ... If global population reduction is not

the primary objective, ...


Zbigniew Brzezinski <http://www.csis.org/experts/4brzez.htm> and Henry

Kissinger <http://www.csis.org/experts/4kissinger.htm> are trustees of

the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Their Seven

Revolutions project identifies seven areas of global challenge. The

first is population growth and the second is global resource management.







Thanks, UncBob


, " savefreedom2005 "

<savefreedom2005 wrote:


> The Origin of AIDS


> Either all, or nearly all, of the AIDS virus, on this planet,

> can be traced back to the United Nations administered Small Pox

> vaccine.

> If you make a graph of the number of cases of aids per year,

> that graph does not regress back gradually to one case.

> It regresses back to thousands of infections,

> starting at the time of the United Nations administered Small Pox

> vaccine,

> in Africa.


> It is also significant that The United Nations had published a plan

> to reduce the world's population. It's all about population

> reduction.

> ---

> ------------------

> " The United Nation's goal is to reduce population selectively by

> encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control of human

> reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as

> excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day. "

> - Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, Nov. 1991


> " It's terrible to have to say this. World population must be

> stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.

> This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. "

> - Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, Nov. 1994.


> ---

> ------------------


> The origin of The AIDS virus, also appears to be a United Nations

> supervised facility, at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick,

> Maryland.


> Biowarfare is ALWAYS supervised by the United Nations;

> by way of a treaty (United Nations Convention).


> There are two such labs in the world:

> Fort Detrick, Maryland and Sverdlosk, Russia.

> Both are staffed by the same people,

> and both are supervised by the United Nations.


> AIDS was not originally transferred to man via a monkey in Africa

> That was the original theory, which has been discredited.


> The DNA CODON SEQUENCE of the " AIDS like " virus in the green monkey

> is not similar to The DNA CODON SEQUENCE of " AIDS " virus in humans.


> The DNA CODON SEQUENCE " AIDS " virus in humans is 50% similar to

> sheep Visna, and 50% similar to Bovine Leukemia.

> This indicates that the most probable origin of AIDS was a

> recombinant synthesis between to sheep Visna and Bovine Leukemia.

> This part could have been done by accident. It would only involve

> mixing sheep Visna infected plasma with Bovine Leukemia infected

> plasma. Of course this is ALSO an interspecies cross up.



> Recombinant synthesis usually produces nothing else

> except " incompetents "

> (Virus that cannot live, cannot reproduce, or cannot live anywhere

> ELSE except where they were formed).

> Recombinant synthesis occurs by accident,

> on a regular basis,

> but does not present a significant danger,

> due to the fact that the " incompetents " cannot live, cannot

> reproduce, or cannot live anywhere

> ELSE except where they were formed.


> The next step could not have been an accident.

> The next step would have had to be REPLICATE PASSAGE.

> REPLICATE PASSAGE involves gradually changing the medium of

> an " incompetent " ; which cannot live anywhere ELSE except where they

> were formed.

> In this way the virus in adapted to live in a new species.

> Thus an incompetent virus that originated from interspecies cross up

> involving sheep and cows,

> can be made to be capable of living in Humans.


> http://www.konformist.com/1999/aids/manmade.txt






> Peter MacKenzie: " I have heard and seen reports of the possible

> artificial

> origin of the AIDS virus, but until this report have not seen such

> compelling evidence of its truth. Mr. MacKenzie has assembled a

> remarkable

> documentation of heretofore unpublished data, and an immediate

> governmental

> investigation at the highest level should be commenced. "

> Samuel Evans, Chairman of the National Council of Public Auditors,

> sent the

> following letter to every member of Congress in 1989:

> " I address this letter to you requesting a Congressional

> investigation into

> the 'allegations' that our government is financing research and

> development

> through genetic heredity engineering to multiply certain viruses to

> kill

> specific racial groups...The multitude of allegations, statements,

> news

> articles and personal testimony demands prompt clarification. For

> instance,

> it is alleged:

> 1. That Col. David L. Huxsoll, commander of the U.S. Army Research

> Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md., has received

> $60

> million for research in biological ethnic weapons.

> 2. That it might be possible to wage ethnic warfare by developing

> substances that affect one race more than another. According to

> Newsweek

> magazine, Jan. 16, 1989, an example would include 'Valley fever,

> which is

> much more likely to kill blacks than whites.' Another substance,

> developed

> at a southern California university, is believed to kill only people

> with

> melanin in their skin.

> 3. That it is a coincidence that Fort Detrick, which is where Col.

> Huxsoll's biological research is being conducted, is also the site

> of AIDS

> research....

> These allegations go to the very root of our constitutional form

> of

> government and basic world human rights, and must be responded to by

> elected

> governmental officials on all levels.









The United Nations has published its goal of reducing the

> world's population since the sixties.

> http://allafrica.com/stories/printable/200009050018.html

> http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/aidsplot.htm

> http://health.iafrica.com/doconline/hiv_and_aids/aidsorigins.htm

> , Bob Dunbar

> robertaldermandunbar@ wrote:

> >

> > http://www.rense.com/general45/cant.htm

> > The Man-Made Origin of AIDS:

> >

> > Are Human and Viral Experiments Responsible

> > For Unleashing The HIV Holocaust??

> > By Alan Cantwell, Jr, MD

> > c. 2003

> > 11-21-3

> >

> >

> > AIDS in America rarely makes headlines anymore. In the mind of the

> public the disease is still believed to be a sexually-transmitted

> disease mostly affecting male homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes

> and promiscuous people. Starting officially in June 1981 as a " gay

> disease " affecting only a few dozen men, there are now 800,000

> reported U.S. AIDS cases and 460,000 deaths, mostly young men. The

> prediction of a " major threat " to the " general " heterosexual

> population never happened.

> >

> > Every December 1, we commemorate World AIDS Day. This year (2003)

> there are 36 million people worldwide estimated to be living with

> AIDS/HIV. Twenty-two million people have died of the disease.






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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

While Hooper's theory fails to include a few important parameters,

so too does the report from Wistar scientists on the sequencing of

chaimpanzee SIVcpz/HIV-1. It will have been much more relevant to

this group when it is realized that the Chinese gave the first world

report to verify that HIV/AIDS is a reversible disease, involving a

study in Tanzania which used only four TCM herbs. Their study (1995)

showed HIV-serum negative/intranuclear-positive state maintained.


, " savefreedom2005 "

<savefreedom2005 wrote:


> The Origin of AIDS


> Either all, or nearly all, of the AIDS virus, on this planet,

> can be traced back to the United Nations administered Small Pox

> vaccine.

> If you make a graph of the number of cases of aids per year,

> that graph does not regress back gradually to one case.

> It regresses back to thousands of infections,

> starting at the time of the United Nations administered Small Pox

> vaccine,

> in Africa.


> It is also significant that The United Nations had published a


> to reduce the world's population. It's all about population

> reduction.

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Guest guest

It became much clearer to me what the population reduction people

fear when I watched


and he related near the end of the film the projections of a group

based in California.

Of course all projections and theories are based on a particular set

of conditions. I think necessity is the mother of invention and am

not so bleak in my prognostications.


All the best


BTW Robert Strecker made a video re the genesis of AIDS


--- In

, " robertaldermandunbar "

<robertaldermandunbar wrote:



> Thanks for great info and links; you hit the nail on the

> head---POPULATION REDUCTION--most folks have a hard time with the


> that our " leaders " want most of us gone... see


> The Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy

> <http://www.planetquo.com/The-Haig-Kissinger-Depopulation-


> Population reduction and control is now our primary policy


> then ... rename Brzezinski's arc of crisis doctrine the 'arc of

> population crisis'. ...

> www.planetquo.com/The-Haig-Kissinger-Depopulation-PolicyPeak Oil,

> Pandemic, and 78 Dead Scientists




> ists.htm> Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger are trustees


> the Center for Strategic and ... If global population reduction is


> the primary objective, ...




> Zbigniew Brzezinski <http://www.csis.org/experts/4brzez.htm> and


> Kissinger <http://www.csis.org/experts/4kissinger.htm> are

trustees of

> the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Their Seven

> Revolutions project identifies seven areas of global challenge. The

> first is population growth and the second is global resource





> sts.htm




> ists.htm>



> Thanks, UncBob

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