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In all the posts so far, I have seen no mention of red clover tea. The great herbalist Dr. John Christopher swore (on his deathbed) that red clover tea was the cure for cancer. It's certainly worth a try. If you can't go out and collect the red clover growing in the wild yourself then get it from a reputable herb dealer that either organically grows or wild-crafts it. (DO NOT buy red clover tea from a health food store. I buy my herbs from Pacific Botanicals in Oregon.) Put the red clover in a mason jar, pour very hot water over it to cover it, put the lid on loosely at least until it cools down a bit then you can tighten the lid and shake it from time to time and let it set overnight. Drink it freely throughout the day.Betsy M <luellamay129oleander soup Sent: Thu, November 26, 2009 8:22:17 PM Re: Please help




Hi Marie,Specialist cancer hospital to make things easier on him? Are they referring to hospice? If this is the case, I would never let a loved one go into a hospice situation except at home where I could keep a watchful eye over everything that goes on. And even then I would do all in my power to address the cancer. I would never stop. The fact that he was so active in the self-defense class on Tuesday night I would say is a good sign. How is his energy level in the hospital? More importantly, how is his spirit? As for the IV Alpha lipoic acid not working after three to four weeks, I can't give you an answer and frankly, I don't know the average time that it takes to work. But I would say to keep on giving it to him along with the milk thistle. Is there any way you could find liquid supplements for him? And, hopefully, the IV Vitamin C will also

help.You said that he has been taking 12 teaspoons of Sutherlandia OPC for 10 months. What was his diet like during this time? Any processed foods, sugar, etc.? Was he taking Marc's recommended supplements along with Sutherlandia OPC? Unfortunately, nothing is a "magic bullet," that is why we always recommend that the protocol, together with a healthy diet also be followed while taking Oleander.Please let us know when he gets out of the hospital and don't let the doctors take hope away from you and most importantly, away from Malcolm. I hate it when they are so vague. I would ask for specific answers, but maybe not necessarily in front of Malcolm, so you can see exactly where you stand.In the meantime, please know that we are here for you and Malcolm. oleander soup, "infomcf" <infomcf wrote:>> Hi

,> > The doctors today haven't really said anything more. The doctor we saw last night was!

very "d

oom and gloom". He suggested transfering Malcolm to a specialist cancer hospital to make things easier for him as he is so ill. I mean what is that meant to mean??? When I explained that Malc was taking a self-defence class on Tuesday night and basically jumping about demonstrating etc he just didn't know what to say or do!> > I am hoping that he can get out of the hospital tomorrow as he startd IV vitamin C on Monday and is supposed to get it every day but it obviously hasn't had a chance to work yet. However, for the last 3 to 4 weeks he has been having IV Alpha lipoic acid - so how come that hasn't helped his liver?????> > He has been taking 400mg of alpha lipoic acid orally every day as well as 1500 milk thistle every day but for the last 2 to 3 weeks he has been struggling to take tablets so he hasn't had anywhere near that amount.> > He has been taking 12 teaspoons of the Sutherlandia OPC. > >

I am totally lost and puzzled as to why nothing is working for him.> > I look forward to your advice.> > Thanks> > Marie

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It's entirely possible that he is killing the cancer too quickly, and

his liver cannot keep up with the detox necessary to get rid of the poison

from the dying cells. You may need to slow down the process a little.




" infomcf " <infomcf

<oleander soup >

Thursday, November 26, 2009 5:37 PM

Re: Please help



> Hi ,


> The doctors today haven't really said anything more. The doctor we saw

> last night was very " doom and gloom " . He suggested transfering Malcolm to

> a specialist cancer hospital to make things easier for him as he is so

> ill. I mean what is that meant to mean??? When I explained that Malc was

> taking a self-defence class on Tuesday night and basically jumping about

> demonstrating etc he just didn't know what to say or do!


> I am hoping that he can get out of the hospital tomorrow as he startd IV

> vitamin C on Monday and is supposed to get it every day but it obviously

> hasn't had a chance to work yet. However, for the last 3 to 4 weeks he has

> been having IV Alpha lipoic acid - so how come that hasn't helped his

> liver?????


> He has been taking 400mg of alpha lipoic acid orally every day as well as

> 1500 milk thistle every day but for the last 2 to 3 weeks he has been

> struggling to take tablets so he hasn't had anywhere near that amount.


> He has been taking 12 teaspoons of the Sutherlandia OPC.


> I am totally lost and puzzled as to why nothing is working for him.


> I look forward to your advice.


> Thanks


> Marie


> oleander soup , " M " <luellamay129 wrote:


>> Bless your heart Marie. I will always say that things can be turned

>> around. I am the eternal optimist. As I said, to do otherwise would be

>> to accept defeat. Yet, I understand your apprehension. Did the doctors

>> say anything more today? Anything specific? And is he taking anything

>> to detox his liver while not doing the cleanses, such as milk thistle?


>> Now, when you say he is taking 12 teaspoons of OPC do you mean the

>> liquid Sutherlandia OPC, or do you make your own " soup? "


>> Please know that I indeed have you and Malcolm in my prayers and please

>> know that I am also here for you personally.


>> Let us know what the doctors say.


>> My very best,



>> oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

>> >

>> > Hi ,

>> >

>> > Thank you for your reply. Malc was doing the liver cleanses but over

>> the last few weeks he hasn't been very well so he hasn't done any. It

>> said not to do them if the patient was ill.

>> >

>> > I totally agree with you about the chemo but in the last 3 years he

>> has only been really ill twice and both of these times was when he came

>> off the chemo. I so want some of the alternative treatments to work for

>> him as it has for so many other people but nothing seems to be working.

>> >

>> > Malcolm used the cesium chloride a year ago but he had a really bad

>> reaction to it so I don't think that is an option.

>> >

>> > He has been taking the supplements that Marc has mentioned. He has

>> been on Tony's complete anti-cancer protocol for the last 3 months (and

>> I mean every bit of the protocol - not missing even one bit out) as well

>> as taking 12 teaspoons of OPC (and that is higher than the maximum

>> doseage suggested for OPC).

>> >

>> > I understand what you mean about not giving up but it is so difficult

>> when he has been fighting this for 3 years and trying so many different

>> things and yet he is worse now than he has ever been.

>> >

>> > Do you think he can still turn things around?

>> >

>> > Thanks again for your help and prayers

>> >

>> > Marie






> ---



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Hello, If I was in your situation I would look to Dr. Keith Blocks clinic and read his book Life Over Cancer. I do not agree with every thing he writes ,however most of his info is useful. google him and find his web site.






oleander soup From: westooDate: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 18:45:05 -0800Re: Re: Please help




In all the posts so far, I have seen no mention of red clover tea. The great herbalist Dr. John Christopher swore (on his deathbed) that red clover tea was the cure for cancer. It's certainly worth a try. If you can't go out and collect the red clover growing in the wild yourself then get it from a reputable herb dealer that either organically grows or wild-crafts it. (DO NOT buy red clover tea from a health food store. I buy my herbs from Pacific Botanicals in Oregon.) Put the red clover in a mason jar, pour very hot water over it to cover it, put the lid on loosely at least until it cools down a bit then you can tighten the lid and shake it from time to time and let it set overnight. Drink it freely throughout the day.Betsy




M <luellamay129 >oleander soup Sent: Thu, November 26, 2009 8:22:17 PM Re: Please help

Hi Marie,Specialist cancer hospital to make things easier on him? Are they referring to hospice? If this is the case, I would never let a loved one go into a hospice situation except at home where I could keep a watchful eye over everything that goes on. And even then I would do all in my power to address the cancer. I would never stop. The fact that he was so active in the self-defense class on Tuesday night I would say is a good sign. How is his energy level in the hospital? More importantly, how is his spirit? As for the IV Alpha lipoic acid not working after three to four weeks, I can't give you an answer and frankly, I don't know the average time that it takes to work. But I would say to keep on giving it to him along with the milk thistle. Is there any way you could find liquid supplements for him? And, hopefully, the IV Vitamin C will also help.You said that he has been taking 12 teaspoons of Sutherlandia OPC for 10 months. What was his diet like during this time? Any processed foods, sugar, etc.? Was he taking Marc's recommended supplements along with Sutherlandia OPC? Unfortunately, nothing is a "magic bullet," that is why we always recommend that the protocol, together with a healthy diet also be followed while taking Oleander.Please let us know when he gets out of the hospital and don't let the doctors take hope away from you and most importantly, away from Malcolm. I hate it when they are so vague. I would ask for specific answers, but maybe not necessarily in front of Malcolm, so you can see exactly where you stand.In the meantime, please know that we are here for you and Malcolm. oleander soup, "infomcf" <infomcf wrote:>> Hi ,> > The doctors today haven't really said anything more. The doctor we saw last night was! very "d oom and gloom". He suggested transfering Malcolm to a specialist cancer hospital to make things easier for him as he is so ill. I mean what is that meant to mean??? When I explained that Malc was taking a self-defence class on Tuesday night and basically jumping about demonstrating etc he just didn't know what to say or do!> > I am hoping that he can get out of the hospital tomorrow as he startd IV vitamin C on Monday and is supposed to get it every day but it obviously hasn't had a chance to work yet. However, for the last 3 to 4 weeks he has been having IV Alpha lipoic acid - so how come that hasn't helped his liver?????> > He has been taking 400mg of alpha lipoic acid orally every day as well as 1500 milk thistle every day but for the last 2 to 3 weeks he has been struggling to take tablets so he hasn't had anywhere near that amount.> > He has been taking 12 teaspoons of the Sutherlandia OPC. > > I am totally lost and puzzled as to why nothing is working for him.> > I look forward to your advice.> > Thanks> > Marie

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Marie,I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs. Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea

how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful. Blessings,Eva

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Hi Eva & Bob,


Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.


However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build

up in his stomach?





oleander soup , Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis wrote:


> Marie,


> I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products

Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent

and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take

some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols

together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways

open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how

valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my

husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to

start supporting my liver from all the drugs.


> Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any

of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have

been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing

what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are

working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil

packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful.


> Blessings,

> Eva


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Hi everyone,


Thanks for all the help and advice.


Malcolm is home from the hospital tonight. He is feeling a bit better but still

a bit sore.


I hate the way the doctors talk to him! And he is still quite down after the

comments the first doctor made when we went in.


I still don't know what we are going to do in terms of treatment yet but its

good that he is home.



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Glad to hear that Malcom is home Marie.


Dont pay attention to what the doctors say or did, they talk like that to every body with no thought it may hurt the patient and his/ her family , keep one thing in mind they are not gods and what ever they say in not the rule for every case.


Continue the therapy you use to before Malcom got sick, plus do what Eva suggested coffee enemas and castor oil packs.


Take care and i hope the next news are much much better.

Hugs Mary





oleander soup

Saturday, November 28, 2009 7:52 AM

Re: Please help

Hi everyone,Thanks for all the help and advice. Malcolm is home from the hospital tonight. He is feeling a bit better but still a bit sore. I hate the way the doctors talk to him! And he is still quite down after the comments the first doctor made when we went in.I still don't know what we are going to do in terms of treatment yet but its good that he is home.Marie

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It is my understanding that the main toxin from dying cancer cells is the potassium they contain, as it upsets the potassium/sodium balance, so the question is, how is his blood potassium?

Ted --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf wrote:

infomcf <infomcf Re: Please helpoleander soup Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 3:31 PM

Hi Eva & Bob,Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build up in his stomach?Marieoleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...> wrote:>> Marie,> > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even

begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs. > > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful. > > Blessings,> Eva>

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Hi Ted,


His bloods were all fine apart from his potassium level which is very low. So

are you saying that dying cancer cells would mean his potassium should be high?




oleander soup , TED SANFORD <tedsanford wrote:


> Marie:

> It is my understanding that the main toxin from dying cancer cells is the

potassium they contain, as it upsets the potassium/sodium balance, so the

question is, how is his blood potassium?

> Ted 


> --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf wrote:



> infomcf <infomcf

> Re: Please help

> oleander soup

> Friday, November 27, 2009, 3:31 PM







> Hi Eva & Bob,


> Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.


> However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build

up in his stomach?


> Marie


> oleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...>


> >

> > Marie,

> >

> > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products

Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and

Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some

stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together

I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with

coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and

essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak

coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start

supporting my liver from all the drugs.

> >

> > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any

of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been

taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you

believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very

efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They

sound simple, but are very powerful.

> >

> > Blessings,

> > Eva

> >


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Hi, Marie:

Yes, this is what I was told by a late stage MD who was treating my wife. Potassium is released when the cancer cells die, and you can tell you are killing cancer cells when the blood potassium goes way up. The DR at the hopital where we took her to get her blood tested told me the treatment was IV saline, to raise the saline to balance the potassium. We were killing the cancer with the cesium chloride and DMSO rubbed on that I mentioned.

Ted--- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf wrote:

infomcf <infomcf Re: Please helpoleander soup Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 5:26 PM

Hi Ted,His bloods were all fine apart from his potassium level which is very low. So are you saying that dying cancer cells would mean his potassium should be high?Marieoleander soup, TED SANFORD <tedsanford@ ...> wrote:>> Marie:> It is my understanding that the main toxin from dying cancer cells is the potassium they contain, as it upsets the potassium/sodium balance, so the question is, how is his blood potassium?> Ted > > --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf > wrote:> > > infomcf <infomcf >> Re: Please help> oleander soup> Friday, November 27, 2009, 3:31 PM> > >  > > > > Hi Eva & Bob,> > Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.> > However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build up in his stomach?> > Marie> > oleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...> wrote:> >> > Marie,> > > > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to

feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs. > > > > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful. > > > > Blessings,> > Eva> >>

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Hi Eva,


This might seem like a stupid question but how do I do the castor oil packs? How

much castor oil do I put on? Should I put it over his liver or stomach or both?


Thanks again for your help




oleander soup , Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis wrote:


> Marie,


> I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products

Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent

and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take

some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols

together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways

open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how

valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my

husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to

start supporting my liver from all the drugs.


> Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any

of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have

been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing

what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are

working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil

packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful.


> Blessings,

> Eva


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The liver and stomach are pretty mch in the same area, the liver being more to the right. You can cover both with one white cotton flannel piece. Rub some castor oil directly over the skin of the liver/stomach area and put castor oil on the cotton flannel cloth. Place the cloth, castor oil side against the skin. Put a plastic shopping bag over that to protect the heating pad. Castor oil is a little messy. Place the heating pad (or a hot towel will do) on top of all. Be careful not to set it too high in order to avoid a burn. Have the patient lie back comfortably and leave the castor oil pack on for about an hour per session.Betsyinfomcf <infomcfoleander soup Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 5:41:25 PM Re: Please help



Hi Eva,


This might seem like a stupid question but how do I do the castor oil packs? How much castor oil do I put on? Should I put it over his liver or stomach or both?


Thanks again for your help




oleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...> wrote:


> Marie,


> I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs.


> Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful.


> Blessings,

> Eva


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Hey Marie.

I saw that no one answer your question so here i'm senting you a video to see how to do it.


And here if you need to read.

hope this helps you

http://curezone.com/faq/q.asp?a=4,92,634 & q=219


Hugs Mary





oleander soup

Saturday, November 28, 2009 10:41 AM

Re: Please help

Hi Eva,This might seem like a stupid question but how do I do the castor oil packs? How much castor oil do I put on? Should I put it over his liver or stomach or both?Thanks again for your helpMarieoleander soup , Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis wrote:>> Marie,> > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs. > > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful. > > Blessings,> Eva>

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Hello, regarding the potassium levels in the blood rising and killing the cancer cells is questioned able. Have your doctor support his statement by giving you his resources or point you to where he got his information. It is true that the ratio for potassium and sodium should be A RATIO WITH MUCH MORE POTASSIUM THAN SODIUM. Phd. Patrick Quillin address this in his book CANCER AND NUTRITION. PLEASE READ THE BOOK, AND LIFE OVER CANCER BY Dr. Keith Block.






oleander soup From: tedsanfordDate: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:38:57 -0800Re: Re: Please help







Hi, Marie:

Yes, this is what I was told by a late stage MD who was treating my wife. Potassium is released when the cancer cells die, and you can tell you are killing cancer cells when the blood potassium goes way up. The DR at the hopital where we took her to get her blood tested told me the treatment was IV saline, to raise the saline to balance the potassium. We were killing the cancer with the cesium chloride and DMSO rubbed on that I mentioned.

Ted--- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

infomcf <infomcf (AT) (DOT) co.uk> Re: Please helpoleander soup Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 5:26 PM

Hi Ted,His bloods were all fine apart from his potassium level which is very low. So are you saying that dying cancer cells would mean his potassium should be high?Marieoleander soup, TED SANFORD <tedsanford@ ...> wrote:>> Marie:> It is my understanding that the main toxin from dying cancer cells is the potassium they contain, as it upsets the potassium/sodium balance, so the question is, how is his blood potassium?> Ted > > --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf > wrote:> > > infomcf <infomcf >> Re: Please help> oleander soup> Friday, November 27, 2009, 3:31 PM> > >  > > > > Hi Eva & Bob,> > Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.> > However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build up in his stomach?> > Marie> > oleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...> wrote:> >> > Marie,> > > > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs. > > > > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful. > > > > Blessings,> > Eva> >>

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Hi all, The two ingredients that activate/regulate heart pumping are

potassium 'chloride and sodium 'chloride', they are not the same as

potassium and sodium without the 'chlorides' ID. This is the 'balance'

needed in a healthy heart 'beat'. They are not 'equal', they are

balanced.....harmonius, if you will...adtomeus in Love


On 11/27/09, Maria <mary1kon wrote:


> Hey Marie.

> I saw that no one answer your question so here i'm senting you a video to

> see how to do it.



> And here if you need to read.

> hope this helps you

> http://curezone.com/faq/q.asp?a=4,92,634 & q=219


> Hugs Mary


> -

> infomcf

> oleander soup

> Saturday, November 28, 2009 10:41 AM

> Re: Please help




> Hi Eva,


> This might seem like a stupid question but how do I do the castor oil

> packs? How much castor oil do I put on? Should I put it over his liver or

> stomach or both?


> Thanks again for your help


> Marie


> oleander soup , Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis

> wrote:

> >

> > Marie,

> >

> > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products

> Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent

> and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to

> take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of

> protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my

> elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't

> even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an

> anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me

> after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all

> the drugs.

> >

> > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful

> any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they

> have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep

> doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination

> pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things

> about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful.

> >

> > Blessings,

> > Eva

> >





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Hello, Please start by researching from reputable sources. A good start WOULD BE THE WEB SITE BEYONDHEALTH.COM,and reading the book Life Over Cancer by Keith Block. I know that people do not trust the medical profession I being one. Educating one self and weeding out all the nonsense found on the internet is important. Please continue questing everyone and all information given.






oleander soup From: infomcfDate: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 20:52:37 +0000 Re: Please help



Hi everyone,Thanks for all the help and advice. Malcolm is home from the hospital tonight. He is feeling a bit better but still a bit sore. I hate the way the doctors talk to him! And he is still quite down after the comments the first doctor made when we went in.I still don't know what we are going to do in terms of treatment yet but its good that he is home.Marie

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A Normal blood sodium level is 135 - 145 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L), or in international units, 135 - 145 millimoles/liter (mmol/L).


The normal blood potassium level is 3.5 - 5 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L), or in international units, 3.5 - 5 millimoles/liter (mmol/L).



Too much or too little sodium therefore can cause cells to malfunction, and extremes in the blood sodium levels (too much or too little) can be fatal.


The proper level of potassium is essential for normal cell function. Among the many functions of potassium in the body are regulation of the heartbeat and the function of the muscles. A seriously abnormal increase in potassium (hyperkalemia) or decrease in potassium (hypokalemia) can profoundly affect the nervous system and increases the chance of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), which, when extreme, can be fatal.




Cypriano Aguerria <caguerria

oleander soup

Fri, Nov 27, 2009 8:09 pm

RE: Re: Please help








Hello, regarding the potassium levels in the blood rising and killing the cancer cells is questioned able. Have your doctor support his statement by giving you his resources or point you to where he got his information. It is true that the ratio for potassium and sodium should be A RATIO WITH MUCH MORE POTASSIUM THAN SODIUM. Phd. Patrick Quillin address this in his book CANCER AND NUTRITION. PLEASE READ THE BOOK, AND LIFE OVER CANCER BY Dr. Keith Block.







oleander soup

tedsanford (AT) verizon (DOT) net

Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:38:57 -0800

Re: Re: Please help








Hi, Marie:

Yes, this is what I was told by a late stage MD who was treating my wife. Potassium is released when the cancer cells die, and you can tell you are killing cancer cells when the blood potassium goes way up. The DR at the hopital where we took her to get her blood tested told me the treatment was IV saline, to raise the saline to balance the potassium. We were killing the cancer with the cesium chloride and DMSO rubbed on that I mentioned.



--- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:



infomcf <infomcf (AT) (DOT) co.uk>

Re: Please help

oleander soup

Friday, November 27, 2009, 5:26 PM


Hi Ted,


His bloods were all fine apart from his potassium level which is very low. So are you saying that dying cancer cells would mean his potassium should be high?




oleander soup, TED SANFORD <tedsanford@ ...> wrote:


> Marie:

> It is my understanding that the main toxin from dying cancer cells is the potassium they contain, as it upsets the potassium/sodium balance, so the question is, how is his blood potassium?

> TedÂ


> --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf > wrote:



> infomcf <infomcf >

> Re: Please help

> oleander soup

> Friday, November 27, 2009, 3:31 PM



> Â




> Hi Eva & Bob,


> Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.


> However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build up in his stomach?


> Marie


> oleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Marie,

> >

> > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs.

> >

> > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful.

> >

> > Blessings,

> > Eva

> >


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hello, I agree with what you have written, however in the case of a cancer illiness the ratios do not hold the same effectiveness. Please read the book by Patrick Quillin




oleander soup From: showard208Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 13:36:38 -0500Re: Re: Please help




A Normal blood sodium level is 135 - 145 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L), or in international units, 135 - 145 millimoles/liter (mmol/L).The normal blood potassium level is 3.5 - 5 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L), or in international units, 3.5 - 5 millimoles/liter (mmol/L).

Too much or too little sodium therefore can cause cells to malfunction, and extremes in the blood sodium levels (too much or too little) can be fatal.The proper level of potassium is essential for normal cell function. Among the many functions of potassium in the body are regulation of the heartbeat and the function of the muscles. A seriously abnormal increase in potassium (hyperkalemia) or decrease in potassium (hypokalemia) can profoundly affect the nervous system and increases the chance of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), which, when extreme, can be fatal.


Cypriano Aguerria <caguerria (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>oleander soup Sent: Fri, Nov 27, 2009 8:09 pmRE: Re: Please help



Hello, regarding the potassium levels in the blood rising and killing the cancer cells is questioned able. Have your doctor support his statement by giving you his resources or point you to where he got his information. It is true that the ratio for potassium and sodium should be A RATIO WITH MUCH MORE POTASSIUM THAN SODIUM. Phd. Patrick Quillin address this in his book CANCER AND NUTRITION. PLEASE READ THE BOOK, AND LIFE OVER CANCER BY Dr. Keith Block. Sincerely, Cypriano


oleander soup From: tedsanford (AT) verizon (DOT) netDate: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:38:57 -0800Re: Re: Please help







Hi, Marie:

Yes, this is what I was told by a late stage MD who was treating my wife. Potassium is released when the cancer cells die, and you can tell you are killing cancer cells when the blood potassium goes way up. The DR at the hopital where we took her to get her blood tested told me the treatment was IV saline, to raise the saline to balance the potassium. We were killing the cancer with the cesium chloride and DMSO rubbed on that I mentioned.

Ted--- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

infomcf <infomcf (AT) (DOT) co.uk> Re: Please helpoleander soup Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 5:26 PM

Hi Ted,His bloods were all fine apart from his potassium level which is very low. So are you saying that dying cancer cells would mean his potassium should be high?Marieoleander soup, TED SANFORD <tedsanford@ ...> wrote:>> Marie:> It is my understanding that the main toxin from dying cancer cells is the potassium they contain, as it upsets the potassium/sodium balance, so the question is, how is his blood potassium?> Ted > > --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf <infomcf > wrote:> > > infomcf <infomcf >> Re: Please help> oleander soup> Friday, November 27, 2009, 3:31 PM> > >  > > > > Hi Eva & Bob,> > Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.> > However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build up in his stomach?> > Marie> > oleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...> wrote:> >> > Marie,> > > > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs. > > > > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful. > > > > Blessings,> > Eva> >>

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Regarding potassium - while it is true that cancer cell die offs may result in increased potassium levels, that may depend greatly on the reason for the die off. Cesium chloride causes cancer cell die off but results in lower potassium levels (so much so that supplemental potassium is usually a good idea).



All the best,

oleander soup , showard208 wrote:>> > > A Normal blood sodium level is 135 - 145 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L), or in international units, 135 - 145 millimoles/liter (mmol/L).> > The normal blood potassium level is 3.5 - 5 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L), or in international units, 3.5 - 5 millimoles/liter (mmol/L). > > > Too much or too little sodium therefore can cause cells to malfunction, and extremes in the blood sodium levels (too much or too little) can be fatal.> > The proper level of potassium is essential for normal cell function. Among the many functions of potassium in the body are regulation of the heartbeat and the function of the muscles. A seriously abnormal increase in potassium (hyperkalemia) or decrease in potassium (hypokalemia) can profoundly affect the nervous system and increases the chance of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), which, when extreme, can be fatal. > > > > Cypriano Aguerria caguerria oleander soup > Fri, Nov 27, 2009 8:09 pm> RE: Re: Please help> > > > > > Hello, regarding the potassium levels in the blood rising and killing the cancer cells is questioned able. Have your doctor support his statement by giving you his resources or point you to where he got his information. It is true that the ratio for potassium and sodium should be A RATIO WITH MUCH MORE POTASSIUM THAN SODIUM. Phd. Patrick Quillin address this in his book CANCER AND NUTRITION. PLEASE READ THE BOOK, AND LIFE OVER CANCER BY Dr. Keith Block.> > Sincerely,> > Cypriano > > > oleander soup > tedsanford Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:38:57 -0800> Re: Re: Please help> > > > > > Hi, Marie:> Yes, this is what I was told by a late stage MD who was treating my wife. Potassium is released when the cancer cells die, and you can tell you are killing cancer cells when the blood potassium goes way up. The DR at the hopital where we took her to get her blood tested told me the treatment was IV saline, to raise the saline to balance the potassium. We were killing the cancer with the cesium chloride and DMSO rubbed on that I mentioned.> Ted> > --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf infomcf wrote:> > > infomcf infomcf Re: Please help> oleander soup > Friday, November 27, 2009, 5:26 PM> > > > Hi Ted,> > His bloods were all fine apart from his potassium level which is very low. So are you saying that dying cancer cells would mean his potassium should be high?> > Marie> > oleander soup, TED SANFORD <tedsanford@ ...> wrote:> >> > Marie:> > It is my understanding that the main toxin from dying cancer cells is the potassium they contain, as it upsets the potassium/sodium balance, so the question is, how is his blood potassium?> > Ted > > > > --- On Fri, 11/27/09, infomcf infomcf@ > wrote:> > > > > > infomcf infomcf@ >> > Re: Please help> > oleander soup> > Friday, November 27, 2009, 3:31 PM> > > > > >  > > > > > > > > Hi Eva & Bob,> > > > Thank you for your replies - I am hoping so much that this is the case.> > > > However, would that cause the liver enzymes to be high and for the fluid build up in his stomach?> > > > Marie> > > > oleander soup, Eva Klein-Otis <eklein.otis@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Marie,> > > > > > I tend to agree with Bob. That is a very powerful concoction of products Malcolm is taking right now. Poisons from dying cancer cells are very potent and Malcolm will need to make sure his bowels are very regular in order to take some stress off the liver. Last year when I was doing a couple of protocols together I began to feel very ill. I focused on keeping my elimination pathways open with coffee enemas. That helped immensely. I can't even begin to say how valuable and essential I feel they are to an anti-cancer regimen. I even had my husband sneak coffee into hospital to me after my operation as I was so keen to start supporting my liver from all the drugs. > > > > > > Please don't let doctors discourage you. They have no idea how powerful any of the substances Malcolm is taking are. They only recommend what they have been taught, so please don't let what they say be your benchmark. Keep doing what you believe is right. Just make sure Malcolm's elimination pathways are working very efficiently. I have also read many great things about Castor Oil packs. They sound simple, but are very powerful. > > > > > > Blessings,> > > Eva> > >> >>

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