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i was answering someone elses queation I don't use them






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Gaiacita <gaiacita wrote:

Gaiacita <gaiacitaRe: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soup Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 11:32 AM








Hey Duke. I know many people take cayenne in caps, but I don't think it's a great idea. If it's really good cayenne, with the heat units you need to be really useful, having that "explosion" in the stomach when they start to dissolve can upset some people.


It's actually better to make your own tincture and take that. Tincture making is EASY and getting use to the cayenne tincture is not, well, easy, but doable. :-)


I'm from up north and never even used black pepper on my food, regular table pepper. When I moved here to south Texas I would go into restaurants and have to leave hungry because they put bloody hot peppers in everything!!


But then I found Dr. Schulze and realized how good cayenne is for a person and just decided to learn to like it.


So I made my hot pepper tinc (don't lean over the blender when you take the lid off because the fumes will knock you back and choke you if you used really hot peppers, as you should--learned this the hard way) and took ONE drop. I danced around the kitchen for minutes, waving my arms and tongue hanging out. But little by little, I've learned to deal with it. I still don't like it, but I can take a dropper full at a time. I point it towards the back of my throat, to make sure it stays off my lips (lips burn longer than inside the mouth), squirt it in and dance just a little. No more flailing arms, or tongue panting. <vbg>


So if I can do it, certainly anyone can learn to take full strength, habanerro pepper (the hottest) plus wild chili pequine (which we find even hotter than habanerro, though the books don't list pequines) without a lot of trouble.


I would say, this is something everyone should carry with them. Always have a dropper bottle of this in reach.


It stops heart attacks and strokes, wakes you up if you get tired while driving, stops bleeding from deep cuts and wounds, normalizes blood pressure, keeps the immune system up and blood circulating. It's great stuff, and so little cost.


Here, habs are $4 a pound. Two pounds of this and a $12 bottle of vodka and you have a GALLON of this wonderful medicine.






-- --






http://nowfods. com has cayenne in caps.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, mala mala <mala_mala72@ > wrote: CAPSAICIN.oleander soupTuesday, April 21, 2009, 7:28 AM








i need some info...its possible to buy any capsaicine in capsul there..

becasue my sister has some problem an

she cant drink spacy oil.


here we make capsaicin : flex oil+ chili ( habanero ) we mix this , and drink this oil.. its very very hot.

for nowmy sister cant drink this..

so maybe anywhere is possible to buy capsaicin in capsul.


mala--- On Mon, 4/20/09, May <luellamay129@ > wrote:

May <luellamay129@ > Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soupMonday, April 20, 2009, 3:20 PM




Hi Liz,

We are glad to have you with us and glad that the group is giving you, not only knowledge, but support. Thank you for sharing your story.

In reply to your question the ratio of apple cider vinegar to the soup is 50/50. Yep that's a lot of apple cider vinegar.

Together with oleander, do as much of the Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol that you can.

http://www.tbyil. com/anticancer. htm

You have taken a huge step in correcting your diet. Take a look at th Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol and follow the complete diet recommendations there. You will find the Budwig Diet also included and I suggest that you also incorporate that into what you are doing.

I am not familiar with Anatol. However, what type of cholesterol pill are you taking, and why if I may ask? Statins are actually quite dangerous to your health. And the water pill, what is that for?

Let me leave you with a post that Tony made a while back on another form with regard to what we call The Cholesterol Myth.

I wish you my best,



The high cholesterol myth and statin drugs are one of the worst scams perpetrated on the public ever.High cholesterol is for the most part merely a marker of other problems, but the problem is not the high cholesterol itself and the way to treat it is not by lowering the markers. Typical mainstream managed illness medicine. Inventing conditions and treating symptoms by trying to force the body to unnaturally suppress it's cholesterol production. There is no surprise to me of lower cholesterol being linked to Parkinsons, and other conditions as well. What do you suppose your brain is largely made of?Do you follow the DASH diet? It has been proven to be effective at lowering cholesterol and is commonly available online.An

article in my archives from 2005 is:Load up on fiber and vegetables: They lower cholesterol almost as much as cholesterol- lowering statin drugs, Canadian researchers report. Here's your shopping list: Cholesterol- lowering margarines containing plant fats such as "Benecol" or "Take Control", soy proteins and soluble fibers like oats, barley, psyllium, plus all kinds of vegetables, including eggplant and okra. It's important news for people who cannot tolerate statin drugs because of side effects, writes researcher David Jenkins, PhD, with the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor

Modification Center at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His report appears in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Diet Matches Statin Drugs Both the diet and statin drugs can work in cutting heart disease and death. But for many people, changing their diet just hasn't worked well. Since statin drugs have been on the market, it's been hard to beat the ease (and effectiveness) of popping a pill. Newer research on so-called "functional foods" has shown that plant fats (stanols or sterols), soy protein, and soluble fibers found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts all work to reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol. In fact, the FDA has approved these foods to carry a health claim that they reduce the risk of heart disease. Each of these foods lowers cholesterol by up to 7%. Combined, they cut cholesterol nearly as much as the statin drug Mevacor, writes Jenkins. In their study, Jenkins and his colleagues asked 34 adults -- all with high cholesterol --

to try three different diets for one month each. Between diet programs, the volunteers had a few weeks off. The diet programs: The control diet: A very low-saturated- fat diet, which replaced saturated fats with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. When replaced in a diet, these fats have been shown to decrease "bad" LDL cholesterol. The components of the diet included plenty of skim milk, fat-free cheese, yogurt, egg substitute, egg white, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and fiber from whole-wheat breakfast cereal. The statin

diet: A very low-saturated- fat diet plus 20 milligrams of Mevacor. The portfolio diet: A diet high in vegetables, soy protein foods (soy milk and soy burgers), almonds, and high-fiber foods (from oats, barley psyllium, okra, and eggplant). Fats were delivered from plant sterol and stanols -- naturally occurring substances that can lower cholesterol. After everyone had tried all the diets, the results were tabulated: Portfolio diet and statin drugs had nearly the same results: The portfolio diet reduced LDL cholesterol by 30%, the statin drugs by 33%, and the control diet by 9%.

9 people (26%) achieved their lowest "bad" LDL cholesterol on the portfolio diet. Dietary changes seem to equal the effect of statin drugs in reducing LDL cholesterol. A diet that combines a number of cholesterol- lowering foods may provide an option for reducing mild-to-moderate LDL cholesterol in people without pre-existing heart disease, writes Jenkins.Of course I disagree with the use of soy in the diet - only fermented soy products such as miso, tempeh and natto are healthy and safe. If you want a good substitute for milk, try almond milk - there is a recipe here in this forum that is repeated on

my website.Another saved article featuring almonds and parts of the above study as well:Eat almonds and you'll not only lower your cholesterol, but also lose weight. That's the word from two different scientific studies that may turn the lowly almond into the hottest new health food.Eat almonds and lose weightA study published in the International Journal of Obesity compared two groups of people who were placed on a 1,000-calorie- a-day liquid diet. One group also ate three ounces of almonds every day. The other group was allowed to eat a mix of complex carbohydrates that included wheat crackers, baked potatoes, and

air-popped popcorn.The group that ate the almonds lost more weight--even though the calorie counts for the two groups were identical. In addition, their systolic blood pressure dropped 11 percent, compared to no change in the other group. Why is this significant? It's long been assumed that a calorie is the same no matter where it comes from. Even though the group eating the almonds consumed more fat, they lost more weight. Their Body Mass Index readings dropped 18 percent, compared with the other group's 11 percent.Why do almonds seem to help us lose weight? In a news release announcing the findings, the researchers speculate that almonds

contain a special kind of fat that may not be completely absorbed by the body and instead acts as a barrier to other types of fat.Eat almonds and lower your cholesterolAccording to a study published in the journal Metabolism, a diet high in almonds and other heart-healthy foods achieved a 35 percent decrease in LDL, or "bad," cholesterol in just two weeks. A proven heart-healthy diet that was studied in a control group, lowered cholesterol just 12 percent.It's been known for some time that individual foods, including almonds, oatmeal,

and foods high in soy protein, lower cholesterol. Now researchers from St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada and the University of Toronto led by Dr. David Jenkins have determined that creating a dietary plan that includes all these foods in combination is just as effective as taking cholesterol- lowering drugs, such as statins.The dietary plan that is packed with all these cholesterol- lowering foods is called the Portfolio plan. In addition to almonds, it includes margarine enriched with plant sterols, oats, barley, eggplant, okra, tofu, soy milk, and meat alternatives made from soy. Almonds are the only nut included in the Portfolio diet. They contain vegetable protein, plant sterols, and fiber and are rich in vitamin E."What we didn't know before conducting our series of Portfolio studies is that these foods can achieve such a dramatic cholesterol- lowering effect when eaten in combination- -and that it can happen so quickly," said Jenkins in a news release announcing the study, which was presented at the American Heart Association' s annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention.Also good for lowering the bad cholesterol:Green TeaGarlicTurmericAlfalfaGingerGuggol (an Ayurvedic herb)OnionsLechthinMagnesiumGreen leafy vegetablesPycnogenolHawthornArjuna (another Ayurvedic herb)Fo-ti (ho shou wu, Polygonum

multiflorum)Fermented soy products (as mentioned earlier)Brewers yeastArtichoke leafVitamin CVitamin ESelenium (helps prevent free radicals from attacking LDL cholesterol and turning it into it's oxidized more artery form)NaicinCalciumChromium (boosts HDL cholesterol)Alpha lipoic acid (keeps arteries clear)Bromelain (keeps arteries clear)CarnitinePectinand finally, though parts may be redundant, here is the excerpt from my book Collected Remedies:

High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol• Sure gel apple or grapefruit pectin (jam & jelly stiffener). Take one heaping teaspoon ina cup of hot water nightly before bed. Two acids in the Sure gel help dissolve cholesteroldeposits in the blood vessels. In about a month or less, the bad cholesterol should bemuch lower, and as a side affect, any heavy metals (generally, industrial toxins) shouldbe flushed from your system. Sure gel Grapefruit pectin is 100 times stronger, but tastesawful and oxidizes and

interferes with many medications.• Vinegar, apple juice and white grape juice. Mix 1 to 2 cup of apple cider vinegar, fourcups of apple juice and three cups of white grape juice. Drink six ounces every daybefore breakfast. Used very effectively by Pennsylvania Amish families.• Garlic. Is cholesterol' s natural enemy. Eat three cloves daily to lower blood pressure,build immune system and guard against cancer.• Pomegranate juice. New studies indicate that pomegranate juice not only appears toprevent hardening of the arteries by reducing blood vessel damage, but the antioxidantrichjuice may also reverse the progression of this disease.• Green Tea. Drink one or more glasses a day. Powerful antioxidant and anti-cancerproperties too.• Turmeric. Found in curry seasoning and plain yellow mustard. Lowers cholesterol,helps guard against Alzheimer's and may help protect smokers from cancer.• Walnuts. Eat a half cup of walnuts every day. Almonds are also good.• Oatmeal. Eat a bowl of oatmeal every day for breakfast. Top with walnuts or almondbits and blueberries.• Cinnamon, water and honey. Take 10 pieces of cinnamon sticks (one inch each).Powder and then boil in five teacups of water. Add a teaspoon of honey and have a hotcup of this mixture every day. From India.• Onion juice reduces cholesterol and works as a tonic for nervous system. It cleansblood, helps digestive system, cures insomnia and regulates the heart action

& helps inlowering cholesterol.• Sunflower seeds contain a substantial amount of linoleic acid which is helpful inreducing cholesterol deposits on the walls of the arteries. Substituting oil of sunflowerseeds for some of the solid fats like butter & cream will, therefore lead to a greatimprovement in health & lower cholesterol.• Other good foods to help lower cholesterol: Flaxseeds, soy (due to concerns aboutunfermented soy products increasing the

risk for certain cancers, use only fermented soyproducts such as miso and tempeh), lentils, beans, salmon, avocado, spinach and otherdark green leafy vegetables, margarine with no trans-fats or hydrogenated ingredients,other nuts, dark chocolate, whole wheat and other grains.• Omega 3 oils such as fish, borage and flax oil. Lower bad cholesterol and raise thegood cholesterol levels.• Diet and exercise. Essential to help combat high cholesterol. Eat more vegetables andfruit and less meat and fatty foods. Find a way to be physically active each day, if onlyfor a brisk walk, bike ride or 15-30 minute light workout.


If you live a good healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and exercise, then you should not really worry about the cholesterol markers unless they are through the roof.






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Steve don't forget that the sugar in the milk is also doing the samy job . And there is lots of sugar in milk products.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Norton, Steve <stephen.norton wrote:

Norton, Steve <stephen.nortonRE: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soup Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 11:34 AM




If you mix the capsaicin with whole milk or cream, the fat in the cream will greatly reduce the hotness of the capsaicin. The fat in the cream envelops the capsaicin reducing the hotness effect as you take it.

- Steve



oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of mala malaTuesday, April 21, 2009 5:28 AMoleander soupRe: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.

i need some info...its possible to buy any capsaicine in capsul there..

becasue my sister has some problem an

she cant drink spacy oil.


here we make capsaicin : flex oil+ chili ( habanero ) we mix this , and drink this oil.. its very very hot.

for now my sister cant drink this..

so maybe anywhere is possible to buy capsaicin in capsul.



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Does anyone have experience with using DMSO as part of the tincturing process? I have heard that at least one herbalist has used DMSO in tinctures and I found the following on :



Re: [equine herbal] DMSO

DMSO can easily be used internally. I almost always make a DMSO tinctureversion along with the more traditional ethanol/water tincture of freshherbs when I make them in the summer time. ...


I see lots of references to making DMSO tinctures with hemp but is it good for other herbs?






oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of GaiacitaTuesday, April 21, 2009 9:46 AMoleander soup Subject: Re: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.

Hi Liz. A good way to lower blood pressure naturally is taking cayenne tincture. You can take cayenne powder in hot water (to help it dissolve) if you don't like an alcohol based tincture. Sort of like cayenne tea. :-) Cayenne regulates the blood pressure--if it's high it lowers it, if it's low it raises it. It's an adaptogen.


Another good thing necessary for good blood pressure (and arteries) is vit. C.


I would take C to bowel tolerance every day. The cayenne can be taken one dropperful once a day, or a cup of cayenne tea (usually one teaspoon powder in one cup water) once a day. These work together great.


Another natural way to lower blood pressure is celery seed. Sprinkle this on your food.


Just be sure you are checking your blood pressure daily because you don't want it to fluctuate too much, or drop too fast. The above things will help normalize your blood pressure without too much stress on the body.


Good luck,


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Hi Steve. That is my friend Doug. He's a big believer in DMSO as he use to jockey race horses. You can write him through his web site and ask him about it, but basically I believe he just blends the herbs and DMSO together, lets them sit for for at least 2 weeks (which is the standard process you will see on the web, but Doug--like me and many others--lets them sit for months) before straining.


Yes, you can basically use any herb with DMSO. For exact how-to, I'd suggest you write Doug.








Does anyone have experience with using DMSO as part of the tincturing process? I have heard that at least one herbalist has used DMSO in tinctures and I found the following on :



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Ah. Sorry. :-)












i was answering someone elses queation I don't use them






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Gaiacita <gaiacita wrote:

Gaiacita <gaiacitaRe: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soup Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 11:32 AM








Hey Duke. I know many people take cayenne in caps, but I don't think it's a great idea. If it's really good cayenne, with the heat units you need to be really useful, having that "explosion" in the stomach when they start to dissolve can upset some people.


It's actually better to make your own tincture and take that. Tincture making is EASY and getting use to the cayenne tincture is not, well, easy, but doable. :-)


I'm from up north and never even used black pepper on my food, regular table pepper. When I moved here to south Texas I would go into restaurants and have to leave hungry because they put bloody hot peppers in everything!!


But then I found Dr. Schulze and realized how good cayenne is for a person and just decided to learn to like it.


So I made my hot pepper tinc (don't lean over the blender when you take the lid off because the fumes will knock you back and choke you if you used really hot peppers, as you should--learned this the hard way) and took ONE drop. I danced around the kitchen for minutes, waving my arms and tongue hanging out. But little by little, I've learned to deal with it. I still don't like it, but I can take a dropper full at a time. I point it towards the back of my throat, to make sure it stays off my lips (lips burn longer than inside the mouth), squirt it in and dance just a little. No more flailing arms, or tongue panting. <vbg>


So if I can do it, certainly anyone can learn to take full strength, habanerro pepper (the hottest) plus wild chili pequine (which we find even hotter than habanerro, though the books don't list pequines) without a lot of trouble.


I would say, this is something everyone should carry with them. Always have a dropper bottle of this in reach.


It stops heart attacks and strokes, wakes you up if you get tired while driving, stops bleeding from deep cuts and wounds, normalizes blood pressure, keeps the immune system up and blood circulating. It's great stuff, and so little cost.


Here, habs are $4 a pound. Two pounds of this and a $12 bottle of vodka and you have a GALLON of this wonderful medicine.






-- --






http://nowfods. com has cayenne in caps.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, mala mala <mala_mala72@ > wrote: CAPSAICIN.oleander soupTuesday, April 21, 2009, 7:28 AM








i need some info...its possible to buy any capsaicine in capsul there..

becasue my sister has some problem an

she cant drink spacy oil.


here we make capsaicin : flex oil+ chili ( habanero ) we mix this , and drink this oil.. its very very hot.

for nowmy sister cant drink this..

so maybe anywhere is possible to buy capsaicin in capsul.


mala--- On Mon, 4/20/09, May <luellamay129@ > wrote:

May <luellamay129@ > Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soupMonday, April 20, 2009, 3:20 PM




Hi Liz,

We are glad to have you with us and glad that the group is giving you, not only knowledge, but support. Thank you for sharing your story.

In reply to your question the ratio of apple cider vinegar to the soup is 50/50. Yep that's a lot of apple cider vinegar.

Together with oleander, do as much of the Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol that you can.

http://www.tbyil. com/anticancer. htm

You have taken a huge step in correcting your diet. Take a look at th Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol and follow the complete diet recommendations there. You will find the Budwig Diet also included and I suggest that you also incorporate that into what you are doing.

I am not familiar with Anatol. However, what type of cholesterol pill are you taking, and why if I may ask? Statins are actually quite dangerous to your health. And the water pill, what is that for?

Let me leave you with a post that Tony made a while back on another form with regard to what we call The Cholesterol Myth.

I wish you my best,



The high cholesterol myth and statin drugs are one of the worst scams perpetrated on the public ever.High cholesterol is for the most part merely a marker of other problems, but the problem is not the high cholesterol itself and the way to treat it is not by lowering the markers. Typical mainstream managed illness medicine. Inventing conditions and treating symptoms by trying to force the body to unnaturally suppress it's cholesterol production. There is no surprise to me of lower cholesterol being linked to Parkinsons, and other conditions as well. What do you suppose your brain is largely made of?Do you follow the DASH diet? It has been proven to be effective at lowering cholesterol and is commonly available online.An article in my archives from 2005 is:Load up on fiber and vegetables: They lower cholesterol almost as much as cholesterol- lowering statin drugs, Canadian researchers report. Here's your shopping list: Cholesterol- lowering margarines containing plant fats such as "Benecol" or "Take Control", soy proteins and soluble fibers like oats, barley, psyllium, plus all kinds of vegetables, including eggplant and okra. It's important news for people who cannot tolerate statin drugs because of side effects, writes researcher David Jenkins, PhD, with the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Center at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His report appears in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Diet Matches Statin Drugs Both the diet and statin drugs can work in cutting heart disease and death. But for many people, changing their diet just hasn't worked well. Since statin drugs have been on the market, it's been hard to beat the ease (and effectiveness) of popping a pill. Newer research on so-called "functional foods" has shown that plant fats (stanols or sterols), soy protein, and soluble fibers found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts all work to reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol. In fact, the FDA has approved these foods to carry a health claim that they reduce the risk of heart disease. Each of these foods lowers cholesterol by up to 7%. Combined, they cut cholesterol nearly as much as the statin drug Mevacor, writes Jenkins. In their study, Jenkins and his colleagues asked 34 adults -- all with high cholesterol -- to try three different diets for one month each. Between diet programs, the volunteers had a few weeks off. The diet programs: The control diet: A very low-saturated- fat diet, which replaced saturated fats with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. When replaced in a diet, these fats have been shown to decrease "bad" LDL cholesterol. The components of the diet included plenty of skim milk, fat-free cheese, yogurt, egg substitute, egg white, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and fiber from whole-wheat breakfast cereal. The statin diet: A very low-saturated- fat diet plus 20 milligrams of Mevacor. The portfolio diet: A diet high in vegetables, soy protein foods (soy milk and soy burgers), almonds, and high-fiber foods (from oats, barley psyllium, okra, and eggplant). Fats were delivered from plant sterol and stanols -- naturally occurring substances that can lower cholesterol. After everyone had tried all the diets, the results were tabulated: Portfolio diet and statin drugs had nearly the same results: The portfolio diet reduced LDL cholesterol by 30%, the statin drugs by 33%, and the control diet by 9%. 9 people (26%) achieved their lowest "bad" LDL cholesterol on the portfolio diet. Dietary changes seem to equal the effect of statin drugs in reducing LDL cholesterol. A diet that combines a number of cholesterol- lowering foods may provide an option for reducing mild-to-moderate LDL cholesterol in people without pre-existing heart disease, writes Jenkins.Of course I disagree with the use of soy in the diet - only fermented soy products such as miso, tempeh and natto are healthy and safe. If you want a good substitute for milk, try almond milk - there is a recipe here in this forum that is repeated on my website.Another saved article featuring almonds and parts of the above study as well:Eat almonds and you'll not only lower your cholesterol, but also lose weight. That's the word from two different scientific studies that may turn the lowly almond into the hottest new health food.Eat almonds and lose weightA study published in the International Journal of Obesity compared two groups of people who were placed on a 1,000-calorie- a-day liquid diet. One group also ate three ounces of almonds every day. The other group was allowed to eat a mix of complex carbohydrates that included wheat crackers, baked potatoes, and air-popped popcorn.The group that ate the almonds lost more weight--even though the calorie counts for the two groups were identical. In addition, their systolic blood pressure dropped 11 percent, compared to no change in the other group. Why is this significant? It's long been assumed that a calorie is the same no matter where it comes from. Even though the group eating the almonds consumed more fat, they lost more weight. Their Body Mass Index readings dropped 18 percent, compared with the other group's 11 percent.Why do almonds seem to help us lose weight? In a news release announcing the findings, the researchers speculate that almonds contain a special kind of fat that may not be completely absorbed by the body and instead acts as a barrier to other types of fat.Eat almonds and lower your cholesterolAccording to a study published in the journal Metabolism, a diet high in almonds and other heart-healthy foods achieved a 35 percent decrease in LDL, or "bad," cholesterol in just two weeks. A proven heart-healthy diet that was studied in a control group, lowered cholesterol just 12 percent.It's been known for some time that individual foods, including almonds, oatmeal, and foods high in soy protein, lower cholesterol. Now researchers from St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada and the University of Toronto led by Dr. David Jenkins have determined that creating a dietary plan that includes all these foods in combination is just as effective as taking cholesterol- lowering drugs, such as statins.The dietary plan that is packed with all these cholesterol- lowering foods is called the Portfolio plan. In addition to almonds, it includes margarine enriched with plant sterols, oats, barley, eggplant, okra, tofu, soy milk, and meat alternatives made from soy. Almonds are the only nut included in the Portfolio diet. They contain vegetable protein, plant sterols, and fiber and are rich in vitamin E."What we didn't know before conducting our series of Portfolio studies is that these foods can achieve such a dramatic cholesterol- lowering effect when eaten in combination- -and that it can happen so quickly," said Jenkins in a news release announcing the study, which was presented at the American Heart Association' s annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention.Also good for lowering the bad cholesterol:Green TeaGarlicTurmericAlfalfaGingerGuggol (an Ayurvedic herb)OnionsLechthinMagnesiumGreen leafy vegetablesPycnogenolHawthornArjuna (another Ayurvedic herb)Fo-ti (ho shou wu, Polygonum multiflorum)Fermented soy products (as mentioned earlier)Brewers yeastArtichoke leafVitamin CVitamin ESelenium (helps prevent free radicals from attacking LDL cholesterol and turning it into it's oxidized more artery form)NaicinCalciumChromium (boosts HDL cholesterol)Alpha lipoic acid (keeps arteries clear)Bromelain (keeps arteries clear)CarnitinePectinand finally, though parts may be redundant, here is the excerpt from my book Collected Remedies:

High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol• Sure gel apple or grapefruit pectin (jam & jelly stiffener). Take one heaping teaspoon ina cup of hot water nightly before bed. Two acids in the Sure gel help dissolve cholesteroldeposits in the blood vessels. In about a month or less, the bad cholesterol should bemuch lower, and as a side affect, any heavy metals (generally, industrial toxins) shouldbe flushed from your system. Sure gel Grapefruit pectin is 100 times stronger, but tastesawful and oxidizes and interferes with many medications.• Vinegar, apple juice and white grape juice. Mix 1 to 2 cup of apple cider vinegar, fourcups of apple juice and three cups of white grape juice. Drink six ounces every daybefore breakfast. Used very effectively by Pennsylvania Amish families.• Garlic. Is cholesterol' s natural enemy. Eat three cloves daily to lower blood pressure,build immune system and guard against cancer.• Pomegranate juice. New studies indicate that pomegranate juice not only appears toprevent hardening of the arteries by reducing blood vessel damage, but the antioxidantrichjuice may also reverse the progression of this disease.• Green Tea. Drink one or more glasses a day. Powerful antioxidant and anti-cancerproperties too.• Turmeric. Found in curry seasoning and plain yellow mustard. Lowers cholesterol,helps guard against Alzheimer's and may help protect smokers from cancer.• Walnuts. Eat a half cup of walnuts every day. Almonds are also good.• Oatmeal. Eat a bowl of oatmeal every day for breakfast. Top with walnuts or almondbits and blueberries.• Cinnamon, water and honey. Take 10 pieces of cinnamon sticks (one inch each).Powder and then boil in five teacups of water. Add a teaspoon of honey and have a hotcup of this mixture every day. From India.• Onion juice reduces cholesterol and works as a tonic for nervous system. It cleansblood, helps digestive system, cures insomnia and regulates the heart action & helps inlowering cholesterol.• Sunflower seeds contain a substantial amount of linoleic acid which is helpful inreducing cholesterol deposits on the walls of the arteries. Substituting oil of sunflowerseeds for some of the solid fats like butter & cream will, therefore lead to a greatimprovement in health & lower cholesterol.• Other good foods to help lower cholesterol: Flaxseeds, soy (due to concerns aboutunfermented soy products increasing the risk for certain cancers, use only fermented soyproducts such as miso and tempeh), lentils, beans, salmon, avocado, spinach and otherdark green leafy vegetables, margarine with no trans-fats or hydrogenated ingredients,other nuts, dark chocolate, whole wheat and other grains.• Omega 3 oils such as fish, borage and flax oil. Lower bad cholesterol and raise thegood cholesterol levels.• Diet and exercise. Essential to help combat high cholesterol. Eat more vegetables andfruit and less meat and fatty foods. Find a way to be physically active each day, if onlyfor a brisk walk, bike ride or 15-30 minute light workout.



If you live a good healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and exercise, then you should not really worry about the cholesterol markers unless they are through the roof.
















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Chocolate is suppose to do the same thing. :-)








If you mix the capsaicin with whole milk or cream, the fat in the cream will greatly reduce the hotness of the capsaicin. The fat in the cream envelops the capsaicin reducing the hotness effect as you take it.

- Steve

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Can you provide his web address?





oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of GaiacitaTuesday, April 21, 2009 10:59 AMoleander soup Subject: RE: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.

Hi Steve. That is my friend Doug. He's a big believer in DMSO as he use to jockey race horses. You can write him through his web site and ask him about it, but basically I believe he just blends the herbs and DMSO together, lets them sit for for at least 2 weeks (which is the standard process you will see on the web, but Doug--like me and many others--lets them sit for months) before straining.


Yes, you can basically use any herb with DMSO. For exact how-to, I'd suggest you write Doug.




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Ummmm--let me look. Nope, don't have his web site marked--I don't have any horses. ;-)


But, here's his address. You can tell him I gave it to you.

dahart His name is Doug.








Can you provide his web address?


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Thanks. I did a search on the email address you gave and found his site:


I appreciate the help.


- Steve



oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of GaiacitaTuesday, April 21, 2009 11:40 AMoleander soup Subject: RE: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.

Ummmm--let me look. Nope, don't have his web site marked--I don't have any horses. ;-)


But, here's his address. You can tell him I gave it to you.

dahart (AT) centurytel (DOT) net His name is Doug.




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Huh! Didn't know you could do such a thing. Learn something new every day I guess.


But yes, that's Doug's site. He doesn't have much of the herbal knowledge on the site, but he's a FANTASTIC herbalist.









Thanks. I did a search on the email address you gave and found his site:


I appreciate the help.



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Interesting. He has two goups that both look interesting:


Equineherbal --equine herbalogy





Description: A discussion group delving into the practical and

scientific aspects of herbal therapies in the horse. The performance

horse with his unique problems and how they may be treated with

medicinal herbs will be the center piece to this site's discussions





DarkFieldMicroscopy * Darkfield Microscope Medical Analysis






Description: This is a group for dark-field and phase contrast

medical/veterinary microscopists that are interested in sharing their

ideas and experiences about " fresh " fluid analysis, though all forms of

traditional clinical microscope analysis are welcomed. In fact, I would

like to extend a special invitation to medical

technologists/hematologists that are interested in dark field

examination. I feel that in order for dark-field work to become a valued

diagnostic procedure, there has to be a close relationship and

validation to what is observed via dark-field to what has been observed

via the current popular clinical techniques---similar to how Gitte S.

Jensen, Ph.D., Immunologist, Cancer Researcher has evaluated darkfield

with fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, or molecular methods. We

must raise darkfield microscopy above the inept commercialism that seems

to have gripped this science of late with its accompanying antiquated

myths and unscientific notions about unproven qualities of commonly

observed darkfield particles. Darkfield is but another tool in our

arsenal to medically evaluate a being's state of health: no more, no



Since many of the microscopy groups found at , belittle the

concepts of Royal Rife, Gaston Naessens, Dr. Virginia

Livingston-Wheeler, Dr. Eleanor Alexander-Jackson, Dr. Florence Siebert,

and a host of others that have dealt into the study of pathogens not

easily observed under traditional bright field microscopical techniques.

I hope this group will offer an open, yet a critical investigative

mind-set to this art and science; may this group act as a very much

needed outlet for further study, dialog, and advancement of this form of



I will look into both. Thanks again.

- Steve




oleander soup oleander soup

On Behalf Of Norton, Steve

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:53 AM

oleander soup







Thanks. I did a search on the email address you gave and found his site:



I appreciate the help.


- Steve




oleander soup oleander soup

On Behalf Of Gaiacita

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:40 AM

oleander soup







Ummmm--let me look. Nope, don't have his web site marked--I don't have

any horses. ;-)


But, here's his address. You can tell him I gave it to you.

dahart <dahart His name is Doug.




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As I said, Doug is a real pro with both horses and herbs. I was in his darkfield group when he first started it--but it got to be too technical for me as I didn't have a microscope. He does have files on how to find good used ones, and how to get extras to make one into a darkfield. He's a very nice guy.







DarkFieldMicroscopy * Darkfield Microscope Medical Analysis


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what do you all thinking about drinking H2O2 ?????


there is like H2O2is giving oxygen to the body, what is killing cancer cells

any one driking it???

can be this mix with oleander therpay and otherws??

mala--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Gaiacita <gaiacita wrote:

Gaiacita <gaiacitaRE: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soup Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 12:17 PM








As I said, Doug is a real pro with both horses and herbs. I was in his darkfield group when he first started it--but it got to be too technical for me as I didn't have a microscope. He does have files on how to find good used ones, and how to get extras to make one into a darkfield. He's a very nice guy.





-- --


DarkFieldMicroscopy * Darkfield Microscope Medical Analysis


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Hi mala,

I would exercise extreme caution in drinking H202. First of all, it must be food grade and you must be sure of the exact amount. Myself, I don't have enough knowledge, but after reading enough information I would opt to not go this course.

http://www.utopiasilver.com has a product called OxyGen, which I use, that delivers oxygen to cells. If anything, I would go that route.


oleander soup , mala mala <mala_mala72 wrote:>> what do you all thinking about drinking H2O2 ?????> I WAS READING BOOK.> there is like H2O2is giving oxygen to the body, what is killing cancer cells> any one driking it???> can be this mix with oleander therpay and otherws??> mala>

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I have read some books on Hydrogen Peroxide and have used Hydrogen Peroxide mixed in water. I like it although I am not using it currently. Interestingly, the originator of the use of Hydrogen Peroxide internally no longer recommends ingesting it, he recommends Hydrogen Peroxide IV's.

My personal opinion is that Hydrogen Peroxide will not cure cancer but it is great at oxygenating internal cells and organs to improve overall health and well being.

- Steve

oleander soup , mala mala <mala_mala72 wrote:>> what do you all thinking about drinking H2O2 ?????> I WAS READING BOOK.> there is like H2O2is giving oxygen to the body, what is killing cancer cells> any one driking it???> can be this mix with oleander therpay and otherws??> mala

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thanks for answer, i also have oxygen , so better i will give this to my sister.


i got box with oleander today , i have ip6, and few more products what Tony ISaac protocol recomend.


the problem now is that i dont know how to use, how many capsules to give..


can oleander give any side effects ... can give any swelling in head ??

i send letter to Tony on curezone.... maybe he will help me with all....


im so afride..mala--- On Fri, 4/24/09, Norton, Steve <stephen.norton wrote:

Norton, Steve <stephen.nortonRE: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soup Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 2:37 PM




I have read some books on Hydrogen Peroxide and have used Hydrogen Peroxide mixed in water. I like it although I am not using it currently. Interestingly, the originator of the use of Hydrogen Peroxide internally no longer recommends ingesting it, he recommends Hydrogen Peroxide IV's.

My personal opinion is that Hydrogen Peroxide will not cure cancer but it is great at oxygenating internal cells and organs to improve overall health and well being.

- Steve

oleander soup, mala mala <mala_mala72@ ...> wrote:>> what do you all thinking about drinking H2O2 ?????> I WAS READING BOOK.> there is like H2O2is giving oxygen to the body, what is killing cancer cells> any one driking it???> can be this mix with oleander therpay and otherws??> mala

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i forgote about one very important thing...

my sister from few months use steroids...from few days , we see that her sugar is high..doctor try to giv her insulin..

so i wanted to ask too if for oleander or any other suplement its any problem with it ???

mala--- On Fri, 4/24/09, Norton, Steve <stephen.norton wrote:

Norton, Steve <stephen.nortonRE: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soup Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 2:37 PM




I have read some books on Hydrogen Peroxide and have used Hydrogen Peroxide mixed in water. I like it although I am not using it currently. Interestingly, the originator of the use of Hydrogen Peroxide internally no longer recommends ingesting it, he recommends Hydrogen Peroxide IV's.

My personal opinion is that Hydrogen Peroxide will not cure cancer but it is great at oxygenating internal cells and organs to improve overall health and well being.

- Steve

oleander soup, mala mala <mala_mala72@ ...> wrote:>> what do you all thinking about drinking H2O2 ?????> I WAS READING BOOK.> there is like H2O2is giving oxygen to the body, what is killing cancer cells> any one driking it???> can be this mix with oleander therpay and otherws??> mala

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Hi Mala.


I read some place that you can use the H202 as a spray for oxygen 5-6 pufs, 2-3 times daily, the same way an asthmatic person uses his her puffer, last time i had a cold and sore throat i tried it and i felt much better after, but is up to you if you are goin to use it or not.

Good luck.


Hugs Mary



mala mala

oleander soup

Friday, April 24, 2009 9:57 AM









what do you all thinking about drinking H2O2 ?????


there is like H2O2is giving oxygen to the body, what is killing cancer cells

any one driking it???

can be this mix with oleander therpay and otherws??

mala--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Gaiacita <gaiacita > wrote:

Gaiacita <gaiacita >RE: Re: OLEANDER AND CAPSAICIN.oleander soup Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 12:17 PM








As I said, Doug is a real pro with both horses and herbs. I was in his darkfield group when he first started it--but it got to be too technical for me as I didn't have a microscope. He does have files on how to find good used ones, and how to get extras to make one into a darkfield. He's a very nice guy.





-- --


DarkFieldMicroscopy * Darkfield Microscope Medical Analysis


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