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Rat Poison Grain from China

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Yep, I use Almond milk in my smoothies.........my TOTAL favorite!!!!!!!!! Rice milk was ok... till I discovered Almond...LOLOL






Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:09 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China





I drink Almond or Rice milk, yummy!





Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 13:21:22


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.





Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:28 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


that would be very hard for me to give up dairy.. my dad was in the dairy industry all his life. I was raised to love cheese, ice cream, and milk.

I truely love dairy products.

it is for sure probably adding to those fat pads on my thighs..lol.




Amy G Dalin

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:20 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




Read The China Study by Dr T Colin Campbell LOL.. I pretty much promise you won't want that pizza anymore LOL!!! I had already given up dairy back in 1989 when I began McDougalling. But a couple years ago Dr Campbell came out with HIS book and it reinforced (strongly) my belief that dairy is intended ONLY as food for the INFANT of the species.....and should never be consumed by those who are past weaning.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


oh man but how can you give up pizza!?




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Yeppers, those are delicious!!!



Animals leave pawprints on your heart :-)




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:07 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China





Hold on, i am eatting the best pizza ever now, its made by Amy's, it's so damned good!






Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 11:20:32


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




Read The China Study by Dr T Colin Campbell LOL.. I pretty much promise you won't want that pizza anymore LOL!!! I had already given up dairy back in 1989 when I began McDougalling. But a couple years ago Dr Campbell came out with HIS book and it reinforced (strongly) my belief that dairy is intended ONLY as food for the INFANT of the species.....and should never be consumed by those who are past weaning.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


oh man but how can you give up pizza!?



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still got wheat in the crust though, and wheat is what started the conversation.


does look good.. :-)

if its pizza... I will eat it..grin




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:32 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China







Hold on, i am eatting the best pizza ever now, its made by Amy's, it's so damned good!






Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 11:20:32


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




Read The China Study by Dr T Colin Campbell LOL.. I pretty much promise you won't want that pizza anymore LOL!!! I had already given up dairy back in 1989 when I began McDougalling. But a couple years ago Dr Campbell came out with HIS book and it reinforced (strongly) my belief that dairy is intended ONLY as food for the INFANT of the species.....and should never be consumed by those who are past weaning.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


oh man but how can you give up pizza!?



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Yes, that's the same thing that happened to me~:)





Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 19:57:02


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China





Yep, I use Almond milk in my smoothies.........my TOTAL favorite!!!!!!!!! Rice milk was ok... till I discovered Almond...LOLOL






Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:09 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China






I drink Almond or Rice milk, yummy!





Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 13:21:22


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.





Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:28 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


that would be very hard for me to give up dairy.. my dad was in the dairy industry all his life. I was raised to love cheese, ice cream, and milk.

I truely love dairy products.

it is for sure probably adding to those fat pads on my thighs..lol.




Amy G Dalin

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:20 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




Read The China Study by Dr T Colin Campbell LOL.. I pretty much promise you won't want that pizza anymore LOL!!! I had already given up dairy back in 1989 when I began McDougalling. But a couple years ago Dr Campbell came out with HIS book and it reinforced (strongly) my belief that dairy is intended ONLY as food for the INFANT of the species.....and should never be consumed by those who are past weaning.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


oh man but how can you give up pizza!?














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My posts are not only tripling, they're repeating all over the place.





Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:38 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China







I have no idea why my post are tripling??






03/28/07 15:40:10


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


Hold on, i am eatting the best pizza ever now, its made by Amy's, it's so damned good!






Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 11:20:32


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




Read The China Study by Dr T Colin Campbell LOL.. I pretty much promise you won't want that pizza anymore LOL!!! I had already given up dairy back in 1989 when I began McDougalling. But a couple years ago Dr Campbell came out with HIS book and it reinforced (strongly) my belief that dairy is intended ONLY as food for the INFANT of the species.....and should never be consumed by those who are past weaning.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


oh man but how can you give up pizza!?




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Almond milk is the only " milk " that is alkaline! And will not contribute

to anyone with a candidia problem [ usually the result of an acid body As

to the fat pads, most likely that is where your body is storing the toxins

your body does not know how to get rid of, so our body puts fat around the

acid of the toxic material in order to protect itself and then starts

looking for a safe place to park this junk until you figure out how to get

the crap out safely! The soap and neutralizer from Miracle ll will safely

allow your body to release any thing in you that is not SELF!

ANYTHING! Without going thru detox blues!!! The very simple protocol is

to get into a bath as hot as you are comfortable with, add one ounce of the

soap and one ounce of the neutralizer and just soak, preferably for 30

minutes....two nights in a row, then and only then, start putting the

neutralizer into everything you drink, and the toxins never again have the

opportunity to take hold in your body again....we can't keep the junk out,

but we damn sure can keep it from ever taking " hold " in our bodies

again!! i have extensive background in toxic chemicals and disease and at

one point was considered to have multiple chemical sensitivities from 15

years as a painting contractor....ALL gone via the M-ll process!! Be

happy to help anyone! Kraig




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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.859 / Virus Database: 585 - Release 2/14/05

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The relationship of dairy to cancer is pretty simple, all dairy turns or

keeps your internal body terrain in a state of acidity...cancer loves an

acid environment!! One could almost say that everything that is out of

balance in our body, can be lead back to high acidity...there is a lot of

good information out there on the acid connection to disease! i'm not just

talking about the food and water connection either!!! Kraig




Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.859 / Virus Database: 585 - Release 2/14/05

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mine are too... Im glad to know it isnt just me.

must me more yahell bullshit.





Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:38 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China







I have no idea why my post are tripling??






03/28/07 15:40:10


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


Hold on, i am eatting the best pizza ever now, its made by Amy's, it's so damned good!






Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 11:20:32


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




Read The China Study by Dr T Colin Campbell LOL.. I pretty much promise you won't want that pizza anymore LOL!!! I had already given up dairy back in 1989 when I began McDougalling. But a couple years ago Dr Campbell came out with HIS book and it reinforced (strongly) my belief that dairy is intended ONLY as food for the INFANT of the species.....and should never be consumed by those who are past weaning.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


oh man but how can you give up pizza!?




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not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China







When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.


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well... if that was true people who eat dairy would always have only girl babies.. as girl sperm thrive in an acidic environment and boys need the opposite.

acidic environments actually inhibit some diseases... that is why people deuche with vinegar.




The Havens

Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:19 AM

Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



The relationship of dairy to cancer is pretty simple, all dairy turns or keeps your internal body terrain in a state of acidity...cancer loves an acid environment!! One could almost say that everything that is out of balance in our body, can be lead back to high acidity...there is a lot of good information out there on the acid connection to disease! i'm not just talking about the food and water connection either!!! Kraig



---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.859 / Virus Database: 585 - Release 2/14/05

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hmmm... so you think that if I do this acid detox thing I can get rid of the fat pads?

how much does that stuff cost?

I assume you must be selling it?




The Havens

Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:08 AM

Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



Almond milk is the only "milk" that is alkaline! And will not contribute to anyone with a candidia problem [ usually the result of an acid body As to the fat pads, most likely that is where your body is storing the toxins your body does not know how to get rid of, so our body puts fat around the acid of the toxic material in order to protect itself and then starts looking for a safe place to park this junk until you figure out how to get the crap out safely! The soap and neutralizer from Miracle ll will safely allow your body to release any thing in you that is not SELF! ANYTHING! Without going thru detox blues!!! The very simple protocol is to get into a bath as hot as you are comfortable with, add one ounce of the soap and one ounce of the neutralizer and just soak, preferably for 30 minutes....two nights in a row, then and only then, start putting the neutralizer into everything you drink, and the toxins never again have the opportunity to take hold in your body again....we can't keep the junk out, but we damn sure can keep it from ever taking "hold" in our bodies again!! i have extensive background in toxic chemicals and disease and at one point was considered to have multiple chemical sensitivities from 15 years as a painting contractor....ALL gone via the M-ll process!! Be happy to help anyone! Kraig



---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.859 / Virus Database: 585 - Release 2/14/05

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If this was so, that to have a glass of milk means that a calf dies, then, very quickly there would be no more dairy cattle.

Dairy agriculture, as a system, with a bottom line, will want to have milk from a cow all the time. I am not sure whether that necessarily means keeping her pregnant all the time, but, she has to have a calf in order to be lactating. Then the calf is taken away, and from what I see, earlier than what is normal within creation without interference from man.

Without the industry side of raising dairy cattle, or any other animal, or even in the raising of vegetables, one does not stay in production all the time. Give the animal a rest, give the field a rest as well.

The fields and the animals will be healthier.






Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:33 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China







When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.


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The male calf becomes Veal, the females goes on to become whatever the Industry has "in store" for her~





Ed Siceloff

03/29/07 08:31:17


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




If this was so, that to have a glass of milk means that a calf dies, then, very quickly there would be no more dairy cattle.

Dairy agriculture, as a system, with a bottom line, will want to have milk from a cow all the time. I am not sure whether that necessarily means keeping her pregnant all the time, but, she has to have a calf in order to be lactating. Then the calf is taken away, and from what I see, earlier than what is normal within creation without interference from man.

Without the industry side of raising dairy cattle, or any other animal, or even in the raising of vegetables, one does not stay in production all the time. Give the animal a rest, give the field a rest as well.

The fields and the animals will be healthier.






Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:33 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China








When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.













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they dont keep the same cows pregnant all the time.

and so what if they butcher a calf to get some veal. I have false teeth.. veal is tender... I like veal..




Ed Siceloff

Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:31 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




If this was so, that to have a glass of milk means that a calf dies, then, very quickly there would be no more dairy cattle.

Dairy agriculture, as a system, with a bottom line, will want to have milk from a cow all the time. I am not sure whether that necessarily means keeping her pregnant all the time, but, she has to have a calf in order to be lactating. Then the calf is taken away, and from what I see, earlier than what is normal within creation without interference from man.

Without the industry side of raising dairy cattle, or any other animal, or even in the raising of vegetables, one does not stay in production all the time. Give the animal a rest, give the field a rest as well.

The fields and the animals will be healthier.






Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:33 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China








When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.


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I raise a number of animals. One of the animals is rabbits. When I used to raise rabbits for market, I could (didn't) get 6-7 litters a year. I thought that was overdoing it, and, I liked resting the doe between litters. Which costs 2 litters a year.

I eat meat. Not a carnivore though. I also raise vegetables. From what I understand, the animal can be rested and its better for the animal, and the land, that the vegetables grow on, should be rested as well. And people should get rest as well, while we are giving all these other things their rest.

I work in the woods as well cutting wood. I take out treetops that timber companies leave behind. I work hard. And, for myself, I've found that when I eat long spells of all vegetables, I can not work as hard and long. Lose energy. And then, if I eat cow (field raised, grass fed) or any of a number of meats, my energy goes up.

So, I tend to think that people who want to be vegetarian should be that way. That's their choice. And, for myself, I have no joy in killing anything, I eat meat, because without it, I can not do the work that I do. People are made differently and have a large diversity. What is biotically right for one is not for another. Some people can eat wheat and be fine, others can not. Some people get sick on eggs, others do not.

And to boot, everything in creation lives on something else. Everything lives from consuming. Vegetarians often make a point about taking life. But, we also take life when we harvest plants. Fruits are not that way, but I don't see anyone making an argument for eating only fruit.

We often make the argument that animals are sentient. But how do we know that plants are not? They respond to human voice, music, shades of light, etc. Taking life is how all of us live (when one includes plant life). And it all gets replaced with what is next, even as I shall be replaced with the next person.

la de dah,

Just thought I'd commit my thoughts on the subject to the web (of life?).






Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:09 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




they dont keep the same cows pregnant all the time.

and so what if they butcher a calf to get some veal. I have false teeth.. veal is tender... I like veal..




Ed Siceloff

Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:31 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




If this was so, that to have a glass of milk means that a calf dies, then, very quickly there would be no more dairy cattle.

Dairy agriculture, as a system, with a bottom line, will want to have milk from a cow all the time. I am not sure whether that necessarily means keeping her pregnant all the time, but, she has to have a calf in order to be lactating. Then the calf is taken away, and from what I see, earlier than what is normal within creation without interference from man.

Without the industry side of raising dairy cattle, or any other animal, or even in the raising of vegetables, one does not stay in production all the time. Give the animal a rest, give the field a rest as well.

The fields and the animals will be healthier.






Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:33 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China








When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.


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well said Ed!





Ed Siceloff

Thursday, March 29, 2007 5:36 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




I raise a number of animals. One of the animals is rabbits. When I used to raise rabbits for market, I could (didn't) get 6-7 litters a year. I thought that was overdoing it, and, I liked resting the doe between litters. Which costs 2 litters a year.

I eat meat. Not a carnivore though. I also raise vegetables. From what I understand, the animal can be rested and its better for the animal, and the land, that the vegetables grow on, should be rested as well. And people should get rest as well, while we are giving all these other things their rest.

I work in the woods as well cutting wood. I take out treetops that timber companies leave behind. I work hard. And, for myself, I've found that when I eat long spells of all vegetables, I can not work as hard and long. Lose energy. And then, if I eat cow (field raised, grass fed) or any of a number of meats, my energy goes up.

So, I tend to think that people who want to be vegetarian should be that way. That's their choice. And, for myself, I have no joy in killing anything, I eat meat, because without it, I can not do the work that I do. People are made differently and have a large diversity. What is biotically right for one is not for another. Some people can eat wheat and be fine, others can not. Some people get sick on eggs, others do not.

And to boot, everything in creation lives on something else. Everything lives from consuming. Vegetarians often make a point about taking life. But, we also take life when we harvest plants. Fruits are not that way, but I don't see anyone making an argument for eating only fruit.

We often make the argument that animals are sentient. But how do we know that plants are not? They respond to human voice, music, shades of light, etc. Taking life is how all of us live (when one includes plant life). And it all gets replaced with what is next, even as I shall be replaced with the next person.

la de dah,

Just thought I'd commit my thoughts on the subject to the web (of life?).






Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:09 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




they dont keep the same cows pregnant all the time.

and so what if they butcher a calf to get some veal. I have false teeth.. veal is tender... I like veal..




Ed Siceloff

Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:31 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




If this was so, that to have a glass of milk means that a calf dies, then, very quickly there would be no more dairy cattle.

Dairy agriculture, as a system, with a bottom line, will want to have milk from a cow all the time. I am not sure whether that necessarily means keeping her pregnant all the time, but, she has to have a calf in order to be lactating. Then the calf is taken away, and from what I see, earlier than what is normal within creation without interference from man.

Without the industry side of raising dairy cattle, or any other animal, or even in the raising of vegetables, one does not stay in production all the time. Give the animal a rest, give the field a rest as well.

The fields and the animals will be healthier.






Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:33 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China








When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.


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We can not be irrational in our quest for respecting all things living, we need to consume nutrients someway and plants (which have no interest, no sense of perception like Sentient Beings) are the healthiest and most compassionate way to do this without being apart of the barbaric Farm Indu$try~


Veganism is about causing the least amount of harm as possible on all living things on earth and remaining alive, ourselves, while doing this by mindfully consuming something that heals us, and that's Our Only Sun healing energies, for the best way to directly get these energies, without getting into Sun Gazing, is to consume whole live food~


So you are misunderstanding why some, and that's an unfortunate small some, decide to not consume animals ever again by eating them or using their by-products~


Anyway, our reasons here for us to share why we should eat plants and not animals shouldn't put you on the defense since we are all trying to share info that might help us all live a healthier life the most simplest way possible~


much luv,






Ed Siceloff

03/29/07 17:37:33


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




I raise a number of animals. One of the animals is rabbits. When I used to raise rabbits for market, I could (didn't) get 6-7 litters a year. I thought that was overdoing it, and, I liked resting the doe between litters. Which costs 2 litters a year.

I eat meat. Not a carnivore though. I also raise vegetables. From what I understand, the animal can be rested and its better for the animal, and the land, that the vegetables grow on, should be rested as well. And people should get rest as well, while we are giving all these other things their rest.

I work in the woods as well cutting wood. I take out treetops that timber companies leave behind. I work hard. And, for myself, I've found that when I eat long spells of all vegetables, I can not work as hard and long. Lose energy. And then, if I eat cow (field raised, grass fed) or any of a number of meats, my energy goes up.

So, I tend to think that people who want to be vegetarian should be that way. That's their choice. And, for myself, I have no joy in killing anything, I eat meat, because without it, I can not do the work that I do. People are made differently and have a large diversity. What is biotically right for one is not for another. Some people can eat wheat and be fine, others can not. Some people get sick on eggs, others do not.

And to boot, everything in creation lives on something else. Everything lives from consuming. Vegetarians often make a point about taking life. But, we also take life when we harvest plants. Fruits are not that way, but I don't see anyone making an argument for eating only fruit.

We often make the argument that animals are sentient. But how do we know that plants are not? They respond to human voice, music, shades of light, etc. Taking life is how all of us live (when one includes plant life). And it all gets replaced with what is next, even as I shall be replaced with the next person.

la de dah,

Just thought I'd commit my thoughts on the subject to the web (of life?).






Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:09 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




they dont keep the same cows pregnant all the time.

and so what if they butcher a calf to get some veal. I have false teeth.. veal is tender... I like veal..




Ed Siceloff

Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:31 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




If this was so, that to have a glass of milk means that a calf dies, then, very quickly there would be no more dairy cattle.

Dairy agriculture, as a system, with a bottom line, will want to have milk from a cow all the time. I am not sure whether that necessarily means keeping her pregnant all the time, but, she has to have a calf in order to be lactating. Then the calf is taken away, and from what I see, earlier than what is normal within creation without interference from man.

Without the industry side of raising dairy cattle, or any other animal, or even in the raising of vegetables, one does not stay in production all the time. Give the animal a rest, give the field a rest as well.

The fields and the animals will be healthier.






Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:33 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China








When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.















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good rebuttal hemp...

while it is true that there is a wide variety of types on this list... some eating lots of meat, some little, some none...I think that we all appreciate hearing the pros and cons of all kinds of foods so we can make the best decision we can for ourselves, and even though we might put forth our opinion on any given food item as it pertains to ourselves, ( Ie. whether or not we are going to eat vegan)that doesnt mean that we dont appreciate your right to eat whatever you want.




Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:54 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China







We can not be irrational in our quest for respecting all things living, we need to consume nutrients someway and plants (which have no interest, no sense of perception like Sentient Beings) are the healthiest and most compassionate way to do this without being apart of the barbaric Farm Indu$try~


Veganism is about causing the least amount of harm as possible on all living things on earth and remaining alive, ourselves, while doing this by mindfully consuming something that heals us, and that's Our Only Sun healing energies, for the best way to directly get these energies, without getting into Sun Gazing, is to consume whole live food~


So you are misunderstanding why some, and that's an unfortunate small some, decide to not consume animals ever again by eating them or using their by-products~


Anyway, our reasons here for us to share why we should eat plants and not animals shouldn't put you on the defense since we are all trying to share info that might help us all live a healthier life the most simplest way possible~


much luv,






Ed Siceloff

03/29/07 17:37:33


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




I raise a number of animals. One of the animals is rabbits. When I used to raise rabbits for market, I could (didn't) get 6-7 litters a year. I thought that was overdoing it, and, I liked resting the doe between litters. Which costs 2 litters a year.

I eat meat. Not a carnivore though. I also raise vegetables. From what I understand, the animal can be rested and its better for the animal, and the land, that the vegetables grow on, should be rested as well. And people should get rest as well, while we are giving all these other things their rest.

I work in the woods as well cutting wood. I take out treetops that timber companies leave behind. I work hard. And, for myself, I've found that when I eat long spells of all vegetables, I can not work as hard and long. Lose energy. And then, if I eat cow (field raised, grass fed) or any of a number of meats, my energy goes up.

So, I tend to think that people who want to be vegetarian should be that way. That's their choice. And, for myself, I have no joy in killing anything, I eat meat, because without it, I can not do the work that I do. People are made differently and have a large diversity. What is biotically right for one is not for another. Some people can eat wheat and be fine, others can not. Some people get sick on eggs, others do not.

And to boot, everything in creation lives on something else. Everything lives from consuming. Vegetarians often make a point about taking life. But, we also take life when we harvest plants. Fruits are not that way, but I don't see anyone making an argument for eating only fruit.

We often make the argument that animals are sentient. But how do we know that plants are not? They respond to human voice, music, shades of light, etc. Taking life is how all of us live (when one includes plant life). And it all gets replaced with what is next, even as I shall be replaced with the next person.

la de dah,

Just thought I'd commit my thoughts on the subject to the web (of life?).






Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:09 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




they dont keep the same cows pregnant all the time.

and so what if they butcher a calf to get some veal. I have false teeth.. veal is tender... I like veal..




Ed Siceloff

Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:31 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




If this was so, that to have a glass of milk means that a calf dies, then, very quickly there would be no more dairy cattle.

Dairy agriculture, as a system, with a bottom line, will want to have milk from a cow all the time. I am not sure whether that necessarily means keeping her pregnant all the time, but, she has to have a calf in order to be lactating. Then the calf is taken away, and from what I see, earlier than what is normal within creation without interference from man.

Without the industry side of raising dairy cattle, or any other animal, or even in the raising of vegetables, one does not stay in production all the time. Give the animal a rest, give the field a rest as well.

The fields and the animals will be healthier.






Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:33 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




not necessarily






Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:14 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China








When you drink milk, an artificially inseminated created calf was also turned into Veal so that you could get that milk:(



"Dairy cows are constantly kept pregnant so that they will continuously keep producing milk, which nature intended to go to the calf. Veal calves are a sad result of those continuous pregnancies."



"Calves raised for "white" veal are confined in crates so tightly that the animals cannot walk or even turn around."




Duncan Crow

03/28/07 13:06:16


Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



It's a mistake to use "dairy" as a derogatory category because it includes one of the most beneficial foods known to man -- undenatured whey. Far from causing cancer as you suggest other components might, this particular component has been used to shrink cancer even on its own; here's a peer-reviewed study (a PDF file).http://tinyurl.com/yg6mxnActually there's a lot to the subject of undenatured whey and glutathione that people aren't generally aware of; I've had this reference and many others in my glutathione references for years: http://tinyurl.com/qw45tUnfortunately, many doctors and NotMilk agendists are not very discerning, and have written off "dairy" without knowing of, or worse, deliberately obscuring, the wide differences between the components of the set. This is similar to a comment that lumps all "fats" together, or calling glucose a "prebiotic", without ackowledging the vastly differing properties of the other members of the set.Duncan , "Amy G Dalin" <pparadise30701 wrote:>> It's doing a lot worse than that :-( I would urge you to read Dr Campbell's book and judge the evidence for yourself, especially as concerns the direct cause and effect relationship to cancer.















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I assume you're talking about homemade Almond milk, and not the stuff they sell at Whole Foods markets. The commerically available Almond milk, whether it describes itself as organic or not, contains, among other questionable substances, Carageenan, implicated as a contributor to cancer. Why they have to put so much junk in these otherwise good milks, is beyond me.





The Havens

Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:08 AM

Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



Almond milk is the only "milk" that is alkaline! And will not contribute to anyone with a candidia problem [ usually the result of an acid body As to the fat pads, most likely that is where your body is storing the toxins your body does not know how to get rid of, so our body puts fat around the acid of the toxic material in order to protect itself and then starts looking for a safe place to park this junk until you figure out how to get the crap out safely! The soap and neutralizer from Miracle ll will safely allow your body to release any thing in you that is not SELF! ANYTHING! Without going thru detox blues!!! The very simple protocol is to get into a bath as hot as you are comfortable with, add one ounce of the soap and one ounce of the neutralizer and just soak, preferably for 30 minutes....two nights in a row, then and only then, start putting the neutralizer into everything you drink, and the toxins never again have the opportunity to take hold in your body again....we can't keep the junk out, but we damn sure can keep it from ever taking "hold" in our bodies again!! i have extensive background in toxic chemicals and disease and at one point was considered to have multiple chemical sensitivities from 15 years as a painting contractor....ALL gone via the M-ll process!! Be happy to help anyone! Kraig



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shit, if only our money would do that,,, eh??!





John Polifronio

03/29/07 22:53:47


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




My posts are not only tripling, they're repeating all over the place.





Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:38 AM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China








I have no idea why my post are tripling??






03/28/07 15:40:10


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


Hold on, i am eatting the best pizza ever now, its made by Amy's, it's so damned good!






Amy G Dalin

03/28/07 11:20:32


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




Read The China Study by Dr T Colin Campbell LOL.. I pretty much promise you won't want that pizza anymore LOL!!! I had already given up dairy back in 1989 when I began McDougalling. But a couple years ago Dr Campbell came out with HIS book and it reinforced (strongly) my belief that dairy is intended ONLY as food for the INFANT of the species.....and should never be consumed by those who are past weaning.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 PM

Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China


oh man but how can you give up pizza!?














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wow, thank you so much for that info!







John Polifronio

03/31/07 12:19:42


Re: Re: Rat Poison Grain from China




I assume you're talking about homemade Almond milk, and not the stuff they sell at Whole Foods markets. The commerically available Almond milk, whether it describes itself as organic or not, contains, among other questionable substances, Carageenan, implicated as a contributor to cancer. Why they have to put so much junk in these otherwise good milks, is beyond me.





The Havens

Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:08 AM

Re: Rat Poison Grain from China



Almond milk is the only "milk" that is alkaline! And will not contribute to anyone with a candidia problem [ usually the result of an acid body As to the fat pads, most likely that is where your body is storing the toxins your body does not know how to get rid of, so our body puts fat around the acid of the toxic material in order to protect itself and then starts looking for a safe place to park this junk until you figure out how to get the crap out safely! The soap and neutralizer from Miracle ll will safely allow your body to release any thing in you that is not SELF! ANYTHING! Without going thru detox blues!!! The very simple protocol is to get into a bath as hot as you are comfortable with, add one ounce of the soap and one ounce of the neutralizer and just soak, preferably for 30 minutes....two nights in a row, then and only then, start putting the neutralizer into everything you drink, and the toxins never again have the opportunity to take hold in your body again....we can't keep the junk out, but we damn sure can keep it from ever taking "hold" in our bodies again!! i have extensive background in toxic chemicals and disease and at one point was considered to have multiple chemical sensitivities from 15 years as a painting contractor....ALL gone via the M-ll process!! Be happy to help anyone! Kraig



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