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Dharma Journal - June 20th, 2007

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Dharma Journal

Authentic Dharma for Today's World


June 20th, 2007 - Founded in 1998





The Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita





Restless senses, O Arjuna, forcibly carry away the mind of even a

wise person striving for perfection. (2.60)


One should fix one's mind on God with loving contemplation after

bringing the senses under control. One's intellect becomes steady

when one's senses are under complete control. (2.61)


One develops attachment to sense objects by thinking about sense

objects. Desire for sense objects comes from attachment to sense

objects, and anger comes from unfulfilled desires. (2.62)


Delusion or wild idea arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by

delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One

falls down from the right path when reasoning is destroyed. (2.63)






Are Hindus Idol Worshipers?


by Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.

(Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya)


From the very earliest dawn of religious consciousness in human

beings, people have attempted to approach and know the Divine by the

use of various intermediary devices. Such vehicles of worship and

meditation have included divine images, sacred relics of saints, and

hallowed objects of many descriptions. The use of images as a path

through which finite humanity can approach the Infinite has been

found in every traditional culture, religion, and nation on earth.

The use of images as a way to know the Divine has been the

overwhelming norm – and not the exception – in the history of the

world's many religions.


The almost sole exception to this means of approaching God has

occurred in the relatively recent religions of the Western world.

For the majority of adherents of the Abrahamic sects (Judaism,

Christianity, and Islam), the use of images as tools for meditation

and prayer has been looked upon as a taboo religious activity. Many

Western religions consequently oppose the practice of what they

term " idol " worship. The leaders of these Abrahamic sects have

repeatedly condemned worshipers who employ images of divine figures

as " Devil worshipers " , " idolaters " , " heathens " and " infidels " , among

other uncharitable descriptions. Those who use icons as a means of

worship have faced persecution, denunciation, and even death at the

hands of such " idol " smashers. But is the conscious use of sacred

imagery in worship and meditation really to be considered " idol

worship " and consequently condemned? Followers of Sanatana Dharma

are known to use sacred images as focal points for meditation and

worship, and have suffered significant persecution as a result. Are

Hindus actually idol worshipers?


The concept of an " idol " does not refer merely to any iconographic

image that is used in worship. Rather the term " idol " refers

specifically to an image that is made up, concocted in the mind of

its maker, and then claimed to be a divinity. An idol in the proper

sense of the term refers to something that one worships as a result

of his or her own whim, and not as a result of the teachings of

sacred scriptures.


This, however, is not what Hindus are doing when we venerate sacred

images. Hindus are not idol worshipers because the images that we

employ in worship are not contrived by humans.


Rather than " idols " , Hindus worship what are properly

called " Murtis " . Murti worship is a divine science revealed to

humanity in order to facilitate our closeness to God. Sacred Hindu

images are not the fanciful creations of the human imagination.

Rather, such sacred images were revealed to Hindu worshipers by sages

(Rishis) who have directly experienced the nature of the Divine. To

use objects as a focus for devotional prayer and contemplation is

perfectly fine, as long as these images are God-revealed.


The science of employing divine imagery is found in sacred revealed

texts known as the Agamas and Pancaratras. In these texts, the

entire science of image veneration is laid out in a logical and

reasonable manner. For example there are very exacting

specifications for precisely how such images must be created,

including the exact dimensions of the images, the rituals necessary

to create them, and what sacred mantras must be recited during the

process. Indeed, even the exact size of every toe has to be

according to certain strict specifications. Only when these images

are in accord with these exact specifications do they then become

vehicles of the Divine, and proper objects of veneration and



In following these exact requirements of the sacred texts of Sanatana

Dharma the worshiper is performing a very special sacred process

known as Murti worship, which is categorically distinct from " idol "



The term " idol " is a clearly derogatory term used by unthinking

followers of anti-Hindu religions to persecute and revile the

profound spiritual tradition of Sanatana Dharma. In the same way

that other derogatory terms have been removed from civilized human

discourse, the term " idol " must never be used again by either Hindus

or non-Hindus to refer to the sublime science of Murti worship.


Indeed, even Hindus themselves have often been guilty of using the

term " idol " in ignorance of the nature of their own religion.

Whether the term is used by either Hindus or non-Hindus, the use of

the term " idol " to refer to our sacred imagery must be immediately

stopped. Rather we must begin to use such proper Sanskrit terms as

Murti, Archa, etc. when referring to our sacred imagery.


Our own ignorance of our own religion is just as inexcusable as is a

non-Hindu's ignorance of our religion. Let us take pride in the

divine gift that the Rishis have bestowed upon us in the form of

Murti worship.




The Author:


Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D. (Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya) is an

American who has been practicing Sanatana Dharma for over 30 years.

He has a Ph.D. in Religious Studies and is recognized by the global

Hindu community as one of the leading Hindu Acharyas (Spiritual

Preceptors) in the nation. With a large international following of

both Indian and Western students, Sri Acharya Ji is especially

renowned for his highly authentic approach to Dharmic spirituality,

his authoritative and scholarly method of teaching, and his clear

emphasis on serious spiritual practice and direct experience of self-

realization and knowledge of God. He has lectured on Sanatana Dharma

at such prestigious institutions as Harvard University, Columbia,

Rutgers, Cornell, Northwestern, as well as for such companies as Ford

Motor Corporation and Lucent Technology. He is the Founder and

President of the International Sanatana Dharma Society.


His primary websites are:














If you found this article helpful to you in your own understanding of

the spiritual path, please forward it on to others so that they too

may derive spiritual benefit.






" True spirituality is not about the acquisition of subtle power or

dominion over others. That is merely a form of Religious Egotism.

Rather, the success of spiritual advancement is measured by how much

one has transcended ego and the need to dominate. True spirituality

is about having the courage, the determination, and the intelligence

to surrender oneself wholly at the feet of the Divine. It is in

surrender of the ego that we achieve true and meaningful freedom. "


- Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya









1) Dr. Morales Speaks to Audience of 20,000 in Washington, D.C.


On Saturday, June 16th, Dr. Morales was the keynote speaker at

the " Vayastha Sanchalan " event sponsored by the Swadhyay Hindu

religious movement. An all day spiritual event, Dr. Morales was a

guest of honor and primary speaker in what was one of the largest

Hindu gatherings in the history of the U.S. At the height of the

event, there were an estimated 20,000 people gathered during Dr.

Morales' discourse. Earlier on the same day, Dr. Morales was guest

of honor at a Hindu parade of 8,000 marchers in the nation's capital.




2) Article in Harvard Journal:


" Swadharma " , Harvard University's journal on Hindu Studies, has

published a major article by Dr. Frank Morales in their May, 2007

issue. The article is called " Does Hinduism Have a Future in

America? Securing a Place for Sanatana Dharma in the U.S. " . It is

the lead academic article in the journal.




3) 1000 Mark Passed on !:


We have reached the 1000 member mark on the " Dr. Frank Morales List "

. We currently have 1035 members. This list has been the

fastest growing Hindu forum - by far! - on all of for

the last six months! We are now #19 in the rank of size of over 4300

Hindu groups! Thank you all for your dedicated help in making this

group a success!




4) Dr. Morales on New York Teaching Tour


Dr. Morales will be in New York to conduct several Dharma lectures

June 27 - July 6, 2007. For further information, or to schedule a

meeting with Dr. Morales, please call Mrs. Debbie Lall at: (718) 323-





5) Article to be Published in the India Post Chicago:


Dr. Morales' recent article, " Meditation and the Art of Questioning " ,

is going to be published in the India Post Chicago...with a

readership of 132,000 people.




6) " Dharma Ascending: A Revolutionary New Vision for Global

Transformation " Out in August:


Dharma Ascending Press is proud to announce a soon to be released,

brand new book by Dr. Frank Morales. " Dharma Ascending " is the most

important and revolutionary writing Dr. Morales has ever produced up

to today. In this historically ground-breaking work, Dr. Morales

explains the nature, meaning, and teachings of Dharma in more depth

than has ever been attempted before by any author in history.


According to Dr. Morales, Dharma is the most important philosophical

principle, and the most spiritually meaningful way of living, that

the world has ever known. The universal tradition of Dharma has seen

a decline for the last 2000 years, leaving us today with only a

shadow of this once powerful ideological global force. In " Dharma

Ascending " , we read how this important principle has become more

relevant and important now than at any other time in history, and how

Dharma is now in the process of rapid ascent once again, potentially

leading to the most revolutionary global transformation the world has

ever seen.


Dr. Morales brings the principle of Dharma from the domain of mere

theory and myth, to the dynamic realm of practical life. This book

is designed to introduce you to Dharma as a living force, as well as

how you can personally live a healthy, prosperous, and joyous Dharma

lifestyle today. Bring Dharma to life for yourself, with " Dharma

Ascending: A Revolutionary New Vision for Global Transformation " . US

$14.95. Dharma Ascending Press. Out in August.


Stay tuned to Dharma Journal for further announcements.





7) Major National Seminar " Experiencing the Bliss Within " :


Dr. Frank Morales (Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya) will be conducting

a major national seminar at the Omaha Healing Arts Center. Sunday

July 8, between 2PM - 5PM. $25 advance $30 at the door.


1216 Howard St.

Omaha, NE 68102





Experiencing the Bliss Within

A Journey into the Depths of Spirit



Your life is filled with a profound spiritual meaning deeper than you

may presently know. You were meant from the very moment of your own

birth to know intimately the happiness, contentment, peace, and bliss

that naturally radiates from your true self. You are a child born of

overflowing spiritual nectar, born of God's love, and who is destined

to taste the sweet bliss of Spirit.


In this one of a kind spiritual event, you will be introduced to the

reality of self-realization and God-realization as preserved and

powerfully taught in the world's most ancient spiritual traditions.

You will learn firsthand about the profound depths of being that you

presently possess, and the powerful tools you own to manifest the

happiness and spiritual enlightenment you have always sought. More

than merely knowing, you will be provided a rare opportunity of

personally experiencing the bliss within that is your gift from God.

You will experience the empowerment of Spirit.


This seminar is being offered for the very first time ever in Omaha.

It is led by Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D., one of the nation's leading

teachers of spirituality, meditation, self-realization, Yoga

spirituality, and Dharma. With over 33 years of unparalleled study,

teaching and experience, Dr. Morales is one of the most qualified

spiritual teachers in America today. With a Ph.D. from the

University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of several books on

spirituality, a world-recognized Yoga master, and serves as a

spiritual guide to thousands globally.


This seminar will include: dynamic meditation, guided visualization,

Dharma teachings, kirtan, and Spiritual Bliss.




8) If you have video editing skills, digital video/audio equipment

you would like to donate, or any other related media production

skills that can help us produce more highly professional video

presentations on Sanatana Dharma, please contact Dharma Sun Media

at: heatherlim7. We appreciate your help in our mission

to teach Dharma to a suffering world.






" Sanatana Dharma represents the grace of God manifest in the form of

natural law. It is by following God's natural law with dedication

that we open ourselves up to the abundance of His divine grace. And

it is by God's grace that we have the wisdom to know and honor His

natural law. Dharma is God's rescue rope for all suffering beings,

and the medium through which we can reconnect with Him. Dharma is

God's gift to all creation. There is no other means for knowing

Truth in this world. "


- Sri Dharma Pravartaka






Recent Letters:


" Congratulations! Your broadcasts are full filling need of the

community. "


- Mr. Vasant Pandav



" Dear Dr. Morales, You are God's gift to the Hindus. I am glad I

found a forum to contact you. I am looking forward to meeting you

one day. "


- Y.S.Chandrashekhar



" Dear Guruji, Thank you very much for your generous and thoughtful

answer to my question about the process of getting answers through

meditation. "


- Heather Tulasi Mortensen



" We need the likes of Dr. Morales. I really appreciated the essay

that critiqued Radical Universalism. It was truly a breath of fresh

air! "


- Anthony Galli



" Hindus need a person of your caliber to enlighten them. Hindu

people, at this juncture, are looking for someone to guide them and

encourage them to stand up for Dharma. You are the best suited

person in America to guide Hindus in the right direction. Best

regards. "


- Narain Kataria



" I read about Dr. Morales speeches. He is doing a great service to

Sanatana Dharma. I am deeply touched by the knowledge Dr. Morales

has of our Dharma. "


- Ramesh Thalli (Venkateshwara

Temple in Colorado)



" We have been listening to your interviews on Sanatana Dharma

regularly through the Dallas radio programmes. We are very happy to

listen to your speeches and really appreciate your commitment to

bring the Hindu Dharma again to this world. "


- Akila and Ramarathinam











" Namaste Dharma Parvartaka Acharya,


I come to you with an issue I need help with. I truly want to become

vegetarian but am having a hard time giving up meat.....even knowing

that it is wrong. I'm wondering if you could provide any advice

concerning this. I would truly appreciate ANY help. My husband is

not, and will not, become vegetarian along with me, so this too will

be a hurdle to overcome. I very much enjoy reading your blogs. I

have found them to be very helpful. Your wisdom is invaluable.


Hari Om, "


- Pam





Sri Acharya Ji's Response:


Dear Pam,


Namaste. Thank you for your kind message. It's great meeting you.


I'm sorry to hear about the problems you're having becoming

vegetarian. The difficulty definitely varies from person to person.


I became vegetarian when I was first twelve, and was living in a

family of very dedicated meat-eaters. One thing that I found helpful

when I first became vegetarian was to try to do it a little at a

time. It took me about a year before I was a full vegetarian.


First I gave up all red meats - beef, pork, etc. Then after some

time, I gave up on the lighter meats like chicken and turkey. A few

months after that, I then stopped eating fish. Lastly I gave up on

eggs as well.


Again, it took roughly a year by the time I entered the last stage.

In this way, the transition was much easier, and each stage gave my

body and mind time to get adjusted to giving up something they had

been accustomed to having for so long. I would suggest that you try

a similar approach.


In addition, it is very helpful to do as much reading on the benefits

of vegetarianism as possible in order to keep inspired about why

you're giving up meat to begin with. Half the battle is mental!


As for your husband not wanting to join you in becoming vegetarian,

I'm sure that definitely is an added stresser for you. I would very

patiently and subtilely just continue to speak to him about the many

benefits of a vegetarian diet in a way that he would most

appreciate. Is he health conscious? Then stress the healthy

benefits of the diet.


The important thing is to not put too much pressure on him, because

especially with family members, that can sometimes backfire. No one

likes to feel as if their spouse is preaching to them. And the

normal reaction is often to push back. Rather, you want to be as

loving and patient with him as possible, always just gently

suggesting, and never insisting.


In addition, often a spouse will eventually become vegetarian simply

by seeing their partner's own quiet example, and observing how their

vegetarian partner is slowly becoming healthier, more energetic, and

happier as a result of their choice to become vegetarian. Often this

alone is enough to encourage them.


Don't give up on your choice, Pam. Vegetarianism is the most

intelligent, healthy, and beneficial diet a person can follow. In

time, God Himself will give you the strength to follow this path. I

hope this was a helpful. Take care.


Om Shanti,


Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya





For further information on the philosophy and path of Dharma, please

visit us on the web:





















Thank you to all our many members and readers for your enthusiastic

support and encouragement of Dharma Journal and the teaching efforts

of Dr. Frank Morales. We couldn't be able to accomplish anything

without your well-wishes.


Please feel free to forward this Dharma Journal newsletter to all

your friends, family, and discussion lists interested in Sanatana

Dharma, meditation, and Yoga spirituality.



© 2007, Dharma Journal. Volume 9, issue 9






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