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trying to treat my ADHD'r son

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Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my ADHD'r 10 yr old son

w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics and a metal detox,

and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from hyperactivity and

anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?



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Have you tried B vitamins? Especially B6 and B14.

Also, my chiropractor has " attention pills " for kids. A blend of fish oil

and other things. I bought these for my 11 year old and she had trouble

swallowing them, chewed one up, and never took any more. She did, however,


having a better day at school.




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ADD/ADHD can be controlled with diet. Have you tried

the Feingold diet? It is excellent for control of

ADD/ADHD. It is as natural as possible. No colorings,

dyes, preservatives, additives etc. Meat is lean and

free range, so you won't have any feed chemicals,

dairy is raw milk and raw cheese with no coloring

added. Sugars are stevia. No refined products much

like a gluten-free diet.


Also, Rescue Remedy is good for ADHD. It was

recommended for my son who has Autism and is also

ADHD. We also use Biofeedback, EEG and other protocol

for ADD/ADHD therapy. My kids are meds free.


Jenny Kernan

Biofeedback Therapist

--- handerson4388 <handerson4388 wrote:


> Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my

> ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics

> and a metal detox,

> and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from

> hyperactivity and

> anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?


> Heather





Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

Remote Healing or Local Sessions


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Oh the Feingold Diet....... Oh the memories.....

If rumor is true, this diet has made some major changes in TASTE...... I was on

this for the better part of my growing up years. From the age of 5 all the way

up to 13. IT was <AKK> in the first order. Try having cardboard, sand, and all

sorts of BLAND daily. However, what I hear is that with everything that has

evolved with natural ingredients, it has a taste now. I WOULD give this diet a

try. IT DOES WORK. I am walking proof of that. And, I am 38 years old.



Jenny Kernan




ADD/ADHD can be controlled with diet. Have you tried

the Feingold diet? It is excellent for control of

ADD/ADHD. It is as natural as possible. No colorings,

dyes, preservatives, additives etc. Meat is lean and

free range, so you won't have any feed chemicals,

dairy is raw milk and raw cheese with no coloring

added. Sugars are stevia. No refined products much

like a gluten-free diet.


Also, Rescue Remedy is good for ADHD. It was

recommended for my son who has Autism and is also

ADHD. We also use Biofeedback, EEG and other protocol

for ADD/ADHD therapy. My kids are meds free.


Jenny Kernan

Biofeedback Therapist

--- handerson4388 <handerson4388 wrote:


> Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my

> ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics

> and a metal detox,

> and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from

> hyperactivity and

> anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?


> Heather




Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

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Hi Heather,

I attended a seminar once on ADD/ADHD and they sited several studies where

this condition can be significantly helped with Essential Fatty Acids.

Particularly DHA at 100mg per day. It is a long term change, dont expect results

over night. Usually 30-60 days (perhaps longer, everyone is different) there

will be significant changes. I wish I could remember the specific studies but it

was so long ago. Hope that helps.






Rico Pabon & Kimberly Lemieux

Mi Encanto Arabians

Where the Magic Begins..... Abarakidabra standing at stud.






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As a former ADHD kid,


I can attest that both posts of advice thru diet and b vitamines can help. FOOD

= DRUG. be careful what you feed him is great advice. NO soda. Try honey, or

raw sugar instead of processed sugar, all things in moderation etc.


For me, I also needed to meditate, if you can get him ot stare at something a

few feet away, (change distance periodically . . his eyes are still

growing/forming) for 5 minutes at a time, it will help him control his mind.

(get meditaiton advice from his Physician, or an appropriate person knowledgable

with ADHD)


LOTS of former anger. the meditaion gave me a bit of control, but I also

needed to feel " respected " and at least have folks listen to me not tell me

about myself.


" you are . . . x " was about the wrongest thing to do for me.


What do you feel? was good, but it needed to be combined with LIERALLY LADIES!

a 'glossary " because I just did not have a word for how I was feeling most

guys are happy or angry, give them a list of chohices and you get closer to what

is really going on.




So specifically, use this train him on how to confront others and YOU use it

ALWAYS when confronting him.

He will follow the rule if it applies to EVERYONE but all hell will break loose

if he is singled out. And even in my adult mind, rightfully so . . . still

hyper, just trying to contribute here.

a scenario on how to confront an ADHD kid, guy whomever . .


is an acronym about " Open the Front Door "


OPEN = " I've Observed " Johnny, Ive observed that . . . . . describe event here

state what expectation this behavior is out of balance with

FRONT = " " I Feel " Johnny, I feel disrespected when you do that

DOOR = what I desire is that we go back to our understanding and that you do xxx


then get an agreement.


ALSO use this as a training tool when he is angry. Practice having him use it

on something in the past that has less (I know it will still anger him but the

fury will be lessened) emotion attached to it.

remember last week when this happened? lets try this new aproach on it, and see

if things might have worked out easier . . . so lets go back to when it

happened, remember you were angry? OK hold on, let it go, it is over but htis

will help us both train.

Now remember when I was upset? ok lets use it there and see how it works



I got some information that should HELP ME when i get upset, and I am asking

you, because of how much I love you, and because of how special you are in my

life, and because of your and my relationship actually isvery special, only you

can help me be as successful with this as I want and need to be.

AND I am going to ask everyone in the household to participate.


Will you work with me on this?

NOTE: you MUST get his agreement, put into perspective that he is assisting you,

but as a side-line, he will also learn this tool, as will everyone.


If you have an Q's be sure to ask, I'm glad to help as I can.

If you are persistant and diligent, this will free him and be Golden to your

entire family



Best of luck


Blessings, Love and Abundance


Michael Phoenix Rising




In life, One can take a starving dog and make him prosperous and he will not

bite you.

that is the primary difference between dogs and Men


Mark Twain


Energy Healing Work - Psycho-neuro-immuniological-resonance - Spiritual


Clearing Negative and Detrimental Energies. . .


Glad to Help!


Michael PhoenixRising

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â¦â€¦â†€¦â€¦ ……( o o )





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can you find out what those pills were from your chiropractor? im really having

a probelms w/ him in school and i'd like to give them a try.


HeiressArts wrote: Have you tried B vitamins? Especially B6 and


Also, my chiropractor has " attention pills " for kids. A blend of fish oil

and other things. I bought these for my 11 year old and she had trouble

swallowing them, chewed one up, and never took any more. She did, however,


having a better day at school.



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yes thanks for info..tryed rescue rememdies to no effect.. we did biofeedback

and 4000 dollars later to no effect... we do the low sugar diet and no additives

and so on to no effect.. you see my frustration/


Jenny Kernan <rainysnana wrote: ADD/ADHD can be controlled

with diet. Have you tried

the Feingold diet? It is excellent for control of

ADD/ADHD. It is as natural as possible. No colorings,

dyes, preservatives, additives etc. Meat is lean and

free range, so you won't have any feed chemicals,

dairy is raw milk and raw cheese with no coloring

added. Sugars are stevia. No refined products much

like a gluten-free diet.


Also, Rescue Remedy is good for ADHD. It was

recommended for my son who has Autism and is also

ADHD. We also use Biofeedback, EEG and other protocol

for ADD/ADHD therapy. My kids are meds free.


Jenny Kernan

Biofeedback Therapist

--- handerson4388 <handerson4388 wrote:


> Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my

> ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics

> and a metal detox,

> and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from

> hyperactivity and

> anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?


> Heather




Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

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HI, our oldest son struggled with mod-severe ADHD. Here's what we tried

that had some success:

** Passionflower or Passionflower-Valerian liquid extract, added to

juice. It worked short-term, the effects would last until school lunch-

time. Also helped him sleep.

**The Feingold Diet, to see if he was sensitive to food dyes and

salicylate containing foods. He was a 'no' to salicylates but a

huge 'yes!' to all food dyes, esp. reds and yellow food colorings.

Within 30 min. of eating these dyes, he would become crazy!

**Calcium chewables helped calm him some.

**Structure & Schedule, Rewards for Behavior - he needed this but we

never got really great at it, being rather unstructured ourselves :)

**We also tried B-complex, enzyme powders and various restrictive diets

such as dairy-free, wheat-free, sugar/caffeine-free. They helped his

allergies, but didn't seem to affect his ADHD much.


I'd love to say these were " the " answers, but he eventually needed

stronger stuff. It's been tough to treat him. But don't give up!

Each child is different, so keep trying and you'll find what helps him





, " handerson4388 "

<handerson4388 wrote:


> Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics and a metal


> and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from hyperactivity


> anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?


> Heather


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Dear Heather,


You are doing the right thing by trying

to go natural, but there is no single magic



If there is one, wild Bluegreen Algae has

worked for our family and many others.

But even if you use it, it all starts with

FOOD! If you feed the kid probiotics and

red food coloring, or whatever it is he

doesn't do well on, you won't see results.


I would love to help you get the food scene


Tell us what you eat, on a day to day basis,

and we'll see if we can tweak it in such a

way that you won't have a revolt on your

hands and you won't spend all your time

in the kitchen either.


Have you joined FlyLady yet?



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Quantum Biofeedback is so different from

Neuro-Biofeedback. I have so much more to work with

than any other Biofeedback device on the market.


I'm sorry you felt it didn't work. I know it does for

my son and myself. I can sure understand your

frustration. I have yet to have a client not respond

to therapy.


Have you done a parasite cleanse? ADD and ADHD can

also be caused or attribute symptoms to parasites.

Stress and anxiety will so make the symptoms worse.


Sugar if processed in most forms will still be an

issue. It has to be something like Stevia. Beet or

cane sugar, fructose etc are terrible on the nervous



Jenny Kernan

Biofeedback Therapist


--- heather anderson <handerson4388 wrote:


> yes thanks for info..tryed rescue rememdies to no

> effect.. we did biofeedback and 4000 dollars later

> to no effect... we do the low sugar diet and no

> additives and so on to no effect.. you see my

> frustration/


> Jenny Kernan <rainysnana wrote:

> ADD/ADHD can be controlled with diet. Have you tried

> the Feingold diet? It is excellent for control of

> ADD/ADHD. It is as natural as possible. No

> colorings,

> dyes, preservatives, additives etc. Meat is lean and

> free range, so you won't have any feed chemicals,

> dairy is raw milk and raw cheese with no coloring

> added. Sugars are stevia. No refined products much

> like a gluten-free diet.


> Also, Rescue Remedy is good for ADHD. It was

> recommended for my son who has Autism and is also

> ADHD. We also use Biofeedback, EEG and other

> protocol

> for ADD/ADHD therapy. My kids are meds free.


> Jenny Kernan

> Biofeedback Therapist

> --- handerson4388 <handerson4388 wrote:


> > Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my

> > ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> > w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics

> > and a metal detox,

> > and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles

> from

> > hyperactivity and

> > anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?

> >

> > Heather

> >

> >


> Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

> Remote Healing or Local Sessions

> www.QuantumAssociatesofUtah.com


> Access over 1 million songs - Music

> Unlimited.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

Remote Healing or Local Sessions


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A big yes for our son, also adhd, and nearly 15 now. Gluten free

diet has been key for him. He was diagnosed with food allergies when

he was 4; 2.5 years of all allergy foods removed (you name it, he was

allergic to it! Fortunately, he has always been an adventurous

eater, and it wasn't a problem for him to adapt his diet), and then

they were slowly reintroduced. Some he is still allergic to, others

he's fine with. Gluten and unnatural food additives are big no-nos,

especially red and yellow food colouring. Within a few minutes of

ingesting he goes off the wall (irrational anger being the most

common response).


I've given up gluten as well, except on occasion, and find I function

much better without it. I get bloated, tired and gain weight eating

wheat especially.


Quickie recipe to share, to get your started - both my kids love this:


2 cups brown rice flour

2 cups corn flour (very fine ground)

2 heaping tsp aluminium-free baking powder

1/2 tsp salt (or you can leave it out)

4 large eggs or 6 small eggs

750 ml milk (any kind of milk is fine - rice milk, soya milk - though

we avoid soya products as we are all sensitive to it - nut milks; we

usually use raw goat or cow's milk)

Your favourite sliced fruit. Stone fruits are in season here now, so

I've been using apricots and peaches on it.


Preheat oven to 200C or 375F. Have 2 10-inch cast iron skillets

ready (this recipe is for 2 skillets - you can halve the recipe for 1

skillet). Hot oven is critical.


Combine dry ingredients. Put your cast iron pan in the oven with a

knob of butter (about 1 tbsp). Whilst the butter is melting, add the

eggs and milk, stirring to combine well. Remove pans from oven and

pour batter into pan, spreading it evenly. Arrange fruit, sprinkle

with a little brown sugar or evaporated cane juice (like Sucanat),

cinnamon, and pop in the oven. Wait till it's golden and the fruit

is bubbling. About 20 minutes. Remove and drizzle with apple syrup

if you have it, just a tiny wee bit. We have this for dinner sometimes!







On 16/01/2007, at 4:18 PM, Barb wrote:


> **The Feingold Diet, to see if he was sensitive to food dyes and

> salicylate containing foods. He was a 'no' to salicylates but a

> huge 'yes!' to all food dyes, esp. reds and yellow food colorings.

> Within 30 min. of eating these dyes, he would become crazy!





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hmm thanks so much for the insight.. im thinking its gonna come down to me

homeschooling only way to get around his behavior i guess in which case im

dreading that...


Barb <surrealthing55 wrote: HI, our oldest son struggled

with mod-severe ADHD. Here's what we tried

that had some success:

** Passionflower or Passionflower-Valerian liquid extract, added to

juice. It worked short-term, the effects would last until school lunch-

time. Also helped him sleep.

**The Feingold Diet, to see if he was sensitive to food dyes and

salicylate containing foods. He was a 'no' to salicylates but a

huge 'yes!' to all food dyes, esp. reds and yellow food colorings.

Within 30 min. of eating these dyes, he would become crazy!

**Calcium chewables helped calm him some.

**Structure & Schedule, Rewards for Behavior - he needed this but we

never got really great at it, being rather unstructured ourselves :)

**We also tried B-complex, enzyme powders and various restrictive diets

such as dairy-free, wheat-free, sugar/caffeine-free. They helped his

allergies, but didn't seem to affect his ADHD much.


I'd love to say these were " the " answers, but he eventually needed

stronger stuff. It's been tough to treat him. But don't give up!

Each child is different, so keep trying and you'll find what helps him





, " handerson4388 "

<handerson4388 wrote:


> Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics and a metal


> and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from hyperactivity


> anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?


> Heather









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thanks Kim ill look into that :)


Richard and Kimberly <iceblueyes3 wrote: Hi Heather,

I attended a seminar once on ADD/ADHD and they sited several studies where this

condition can be significantly helped with Essential Fatty Acids. Particularly

DHA at 100mg per day. It is a long term change, dont expect results over night.

Usually 30-60 days (perhaps longer, everyone is different) there will be

significant changes. I wish I could remember the specific studies but it was so

long ago. Hope that helps.



Rico Pabon & Kimberly Lemieux

Mi Encanto Arabians

Where the Magic Begins..... Abarakidabra standing at stud.




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Hi Heather,

I am a family therapist and have treated ADD/ADHD children and

adults for 25+ years. Some things have been mentioned and they work

with some children such as Feingold Diet and nutrition and


Here are some other alternatives to consider:

1)Violin lessons before the age of 12 or 13 helps to tune the left

and right brain and the crossover between the two. I prefer

Suzuki method from age 3-13.

2)Neuro bio feedback in an office or at home

3)Rife F/G If you can not afford one, send me a request and I

will send you my paper on how to use your computer to do Rife

type frequency treatments

4)Vibe machine treatments See who has one near you that you can

use at vibemachine.com

5)Brain Gym or One Brain


7)cranialsacral massage

8)Chi Kung healing treatments

and best of all:

9)Audiotherapy a passive and highly effective high frequency

therapy which I do with almost all patients. Takes 5-15/minutes/1-

2x's/day. Calms down almost all children,

very good for bright and Indio children. Effective for

learning, concentration, memory and retention. IQ will increase from

5-15 points and it will correct other problems at the same time

For more info on this if interested, send me an e-mail request.


I do nutritional profiles of all children and look at individual

and family Hx. Some children have heavy metals(lead is most common,

then Al. and mecury) or other toxins and need to

gently detox (See Hanna Kroeger and Hilda Clark).Then we start on

diet,foods and supplements as needed.

Balanced exercise is important and check sleep patterns. Bed in

Northern hemisphere should face North, no water beds, energetically

check home and school, Check EMF's and radon gas. No mirowaves.

I use herbal and homeopathic remedies with patients.

Eliminate chlorine, floride, white sugar, salt and flour, all

chemicals in food and in the house for laundry and cleaning, no

chemical drinks,no sodas,koolaid or gatoraid, no aspertaine or

sucalose, no MSG. The last three are brain poisons.

Try Miracle II products for safe detox and household cleaning.

Check for head injuries(THI/CHI).

Check on imunizations and detox effects of these and mercury

preservatives. And the list goes on.

The audiotherapy has made the biggestest difference in these

children. There are several methods of doing this. I have trained in

most of them and went to Europe to learn methods not done here.

(See: Dr. Tomatis and Dr. Berard and read, The Mozart Effect written

20 years ago by a Tomatis student)

I brought them home to introduce them to the USA 12-15 years ago

and am one of the most knowledgeable therapists in the USA on how to

use these therapies with child and adults. In the past 8-10 years,

I have developed protocols to use with seniors for post-stroke,

neurological diseases and have been almost 100% successful

with reversing memory loss and advanced alzheimers disease.

Contact me for more information and/or questions.


David Levy,LCSW












In , " ^..^ FIRE ^..^ "

<TamiLApple1968 wrote:


> Oh the Feingold Diet....... Oh the memories.....

> If rumor is true, this diet has made some major changes in

TASTE...... I was on this for the better part of my growing up

years. From the age of 5 all the way up to 13. IT was <AKK> in the

first order. Try having cardboard, sand, and all sorts of BLAND

daily. However, what I hear is that with everything that has evolved

with natural ingredients, it has a taste now. I WOULD give this diet

a try. IT DOES WORK. I am walking proof of that. And, I am 38 years



> -

> Jenny Kernan




> ADD/ADHD can be controlled with diet. Have you tried

> the Feingold diet? It is excellent for control of

> ADD/ADHD. It is as natural as possible. No colorings,

> dyes, preservatives, additives etc. Meat is lean and

> free range, so you won't have any feed chemicals,

> dairy is raw milk and raw cheese with no coloring

> added. Sugars are stevia. No refined products much

> like a gluten-free diet.


> Also, Rescue Remedy is good for ADHD. It was

> recommended for my son who has Autism and is also

> ADHD. We also use Biofeedback, EEG and other protocol

> for ADD/ADHD therapy. My kids are meds free.


> Jenny Kernan

> Biofeedback Therapist

> --- handerson4388 <handerson4388 wrote:


> > Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my

> > ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> > w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics

> > and a metal detox,

> > and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from

> > hyperactivity and

> > anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?

> >

> > Heather

> >

> >


> Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

> Remote Healing or Local Sessions

> www.QuantumAssociatesofUtah.com







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what is diffrence between neuro and quantum?


Jenny Kernan <rainysnana wrote: Quantum Biofeedback is so

different from

Neuro-Biofeedback. I have so much more to work with

than any other Biofeedback device on the market.


I'm sorry you felt it didn't work. I know it does for

my son and myself. I can sure understand your

frustration. I have yet to have a client not respond

to therapy.


Have you done a parasite cleanse? ADD and ADHD can

also be caused or attribute symptoms to parasites.

Stress and anxiety will so make the symptoms worse.


Sugar if processed in most forms will still be an

issue. It has to be something like Stevia. Beet or

cane sugar, fructose etc are terrible on the nervous



Jenny Kernan

Biofeedback Therapist


--- heather anderson <handerson4388 wrote:


> yes thanks for info..tryed rescue rememdies to no

> effect.. we did biofeedback and 4000 dollars later

> to no effect... we do the low sugar diet and no

> additives and so on to no effect.. you see my

> frustration/


> Jenny Kernan <rainysnana wrote:

> ADD/ADHD can be controlled with diet. Have you tried

> the Feingold diet? It is excellent for control of

> ADD/ADHD. It is as natural as possible. No

> colorings,

> dyes, preservatives, additives etc. Meat is lean and

> free range, so you won't have any feed chemicals,

> dairy is raw milk and raw cheese with no coloring

> added. Sugars are stevia. No refined products much

> like a gluten-free diet.


> Also, Rescue Remedy is good for ADHD. It was

> recommended for my son who has Autism and is also

> ADHD. We also use Biofeedback, EEG and other

> protocol

> for ADD/ADHD therapy. My kids are meds free.


> Jenny Kernan

> Biofeedback Therapist

> --- handerson4388 <handerson4388 wrote:


> > Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my

> > ADHD'r 10 yr old son

> > w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics

> > and a metal detox,

> > and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles

> from

> > hyperactivity and

> > anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?

> >

> > Heather

> >

> >


> Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

> Remote Healing or Local Sessions

> www.QuantumAssociatesofUtah.com


> Access over 1 million songs - Music

> Unlimited.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

Remote Healing or Local Sessions









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Homeschooling might make things better. I have a " problem child " , and

always thought about homeschooling. Figured I'd be too crabby and it

would be worse, but when I finally did it, having more time to figure

out how to deal with him has made everything better. Most school

employees don't have the time, energy or inclination to deal with any

problems that kids have, then the kids get away with all kinds of bad

behavior, and think that's just the way it is.


My son is still one hell of a handfull, but with my constant

attention, and calling him on his behavior, things are no longer

spiraling hopelessly out of control.


good luck!!



, heather anderson

<handerson4388 wrote:


> hmm thanks so much for the insight.. im thinking its gonna come down

to me homeschooling only way to get around his behavior i guess in

which case im dreading that...


> Barb <surrealthing55 wrote: HI, our oldest son

struggled with mod-severe ADHD. Here's what we tried

> that had some success:


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yes joined flylady..


im in process of switching from frozen food cooking to natural cooking..


i cut down his milk intake he only takes it at school


he usually has pancakes, waffles, or eggs for breakfast..


dinners alternate from chicken nuggets to fish fillets.. a hamburger every now

and then.. he does love his bread and hamburgers and he gets mad when i don't

let him have the hamburger or cheese..




Ieneke van Houten <ienvan wrote:

Dear Heather,


You are doing the right thing by trying

to go natural, but there is no single magic



If there is one, wild Bluegreen Algae has

worked for our family and many others.

But even if you use it, it all starts with

FOOD! If you feed the kid probiotics and

red food coloring, or whatever it is he

doesn't do well on, you won't see results.


I would love to help you get the food scene


Tell us what you eat, on a day to day basis,

and we'll see if we can tweak it in such a

way that you won't have a revolt on your

hands and you won't spend all your time

in the kitchen either.


Have you joined FlyLady yet?



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Perhaps he could use a good detox. I have a good colon

cleanse I could suggest. Feel free to contact me if

you are interested.



Certified Herbalist and Health Consultant






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Heather Anderson wrote:

<yes thanks for info..tryed rescue rememdies to no effect..

we did biofeedback and 4000 dollars later to no effect...

we do the low sugar diet and no additives and so on to

no effect.. you see my frustration/>


Dear Heather,

So sorry, I didn't realize you had done all that

already! Did I get mixed up somewhere?

I thought you were the one describing

yourself as a " Microwave Mom " ?


So I pictured you as putting a ready-to-go

frozen something into the infernal machine.

All that ready to go stuff is LOADED with

junk. Even some of the stuff in health food

stores. See the interview with Dr Blaylock

on http://newstarget.com


Hey, I even checked the archives, to make

sure MY ADD didn't get in the way here,:).

Yup, that was you. On December 29 you wrote:

<looks like ill have to check this book out..

my new homeo doc wants all sugars, milk and

processed stuff removed from his diet..

only im a micorwave mom so have no clue

as of what to cook.>


How long did you do them all for?

You say he is on no additives. Does that

mean you are cooking from scratch now?


The trouble with food-based treatments

is that it often takes a while.

You don't get results that fast. If you are

used to the instant result of, say, Ritalin,

you may think nothing is working.


SOME people notice an instant result when

they remove wheat for instance. But not



Dr Phil Bate has created a CD that is helping

a lot of ADD kids, seems to work for a

fraction of the price of bio-feedback,

and you just plug it in while the kid sleeps,

so at least there is no stress about dragging

him into sessions etc.

Worth looking into. http://drbate.com

For the record: I make NO money off

this one.


The trouble with ADD symptoms is that

the ROOT cause for one may be different

from someone else. So you have to attack it

from a lot of angles.


If the kid is free of all additives and toxins

etc, but he has learning disabilities and they

are trying to teach him in a way that makes

no sense to him, he will still act out.


And likewise, if he has the best possible teacher

but his brain is full of poisons put there by

parasites and heavy metal poisoning, he

won't be able to take anything in anyway.


Do you get the picture?

You might also think and/and instead of either/or.

There may be a place for the ADD meds, in

combination with natural methods.


A child on medication needs good food and

a functioning digestive system even more.


And, last but not least: the poor kid has to

constantly put up with being the one in need

of fixing. Some Emotional Freedom Technique

can really help with the extra burden of that.

It really is easy once you see it done.




This link goes to the page on ADD.


Ien in the Kootenays


" If the brain were so simple we could understand it,

we would be so simple that we couldn't " .~Lyall Watson

Our ADD family thrives on whole wild food








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Please study the book An Alternative Approach to Allergies by Theron

G. Randolph and Ralph W. Moss (any health practitioner reading this

post should also read this book!). I truly believe that at least 90%

of hyperactivity and anger is related to either allergies or toxicity

and this book goes into quite the mind boggling detail.


Often times when you start to detoxify, symptoms can get worse but

once the toxins are gone, it should get better if he's on a good

diet. Perhaps your son isn't actually eliminating the toxins. Some

people do worse with detox. Depending on what kind of detox you're

doing, if the kidneys and liver aren't strong enough, the toxins will

just stay in the body. After trying many forms of detox there are

only two things I've found that have a real benefit. Ionic foot detox

baths and liquid zeolite.


Of course he will also need to drink a lot of water or herbal tea (try

Gano/Rooibos). Ganoderma aka Reishi has gotten rid of some people's

ADD (email me for my friend's daughter's amazing story and how to

buy). There's a " baby " version that's packed with amino acids that

fix the brain.


I can also send you a file about a study a doctor did using magnets

with ADHD kids. The results were very good.


EFT may work wonders (www.emofree.com) and could NAET (www.naet.com).


Homeschooling is definitely less stressful for the kids but the mother

is another matter (we homeschool!)


Hope this helps!








, " handerson4388 "

<handerson4388 wrote:


> Hi I'm Heather from Va. I am trying to treat my ADHD'r 10 yr old


> w/ non meds. We have been treating w/ homeopathics and a metal


> and probiotic. so far no changes.. he sturggles from hyperactivity


> anger bouts. can anyone give any suggestions?


> Heather


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as you can see there are a lot of cures for adhd and add, the best

option is to start with a brain mapping of the patient and figure out

what he/she needs. then you can work with a practitioner to build in

the appropriate components. if you need referrals i know of a couple

and can recommend. it's worth it in the beginning to do it right. best.



, " Ieneke van Houten "

<ienvan wrote:


> Heather Anderson wrote:

> <yes thanks for info..tryed rescue rememdies to no effect..

> we did biofeedback and 4000 dollars later to no effect...

> we do the low sugar diet and no additives and so on to

> no effect.. you see my frustration/>


> Dear Heather,

> So sorry, I didn't realize you had done all that

> already! Did I get mixed up somewhere?

> I thought you were the one describing

> yourself as a " Microwave Mom " ?


> So I pictured you as putting a ready-to-go

> frozen something into the infernal machine.

> All that ready to go stuff is LOADED with

> junk. Even some of the stuff in health food

> stores. See the interview with Dr Blaylock

> on http://newstarget.com


> Hey, I even checked the archives, to make

> sure MY ADD didn't get in the way here,:).

> Yup, that was you. On December 29 you wrote:

> <looks like ill have to check this book out..

> my new homeo doc wants all sugars, milk and

> processed stuff removed from his diet..

> only im a micorwave mom so have no clue

> as of what to cook.>


> How long did you do them all for?

> You say he is on no additives. Does that

> mean you are cooking from scratch now?


> The trouble with food-based treatments

> is that it often takes a while.

> You don't get results that fast. If you are

> used to the instant result of, say, Ritalin,

> you may think nothing is working.


> SOME people notice an instant result when

> they remove wheat for instance. But not

> everyone.


> Dr Phil Bate has created a CD that is helping

> a lot of ADD kids, seems to work for a

> fraction of the price of bio-feedback,

> and you just plug it in while the kid sleeps,

> so at least there is no stress about dragging

> him into sessions etc.

> Worth looking into. http://drbate.com

> For the record: I make NO money off

> this one.


> The trouble with ADD symptoms is that

> the ROOT cause for one may be different

> from someone else. So you have to attack it

> from a lot of angles.


> If the kid is free of all additives and toxins

> etc, but he has learning disabilities and they

> are trying to teach him in a way that makes

> no sense to him, he will still act out.


> And likewise, if he has the best possible teacher

> but his brain is full of poisons put there by

> parasites and heavy metal poisoning, he

> won't be able to take anything in anyway.


> Do you get the picture?

> You might also think and/and instead of either/or.

> There may be a place for the ADD meds, in

> combination with natural methods.


> A child on medication needs good food and

> a functioning digestive system even more.


> And, last but not least: the poor kid has to

> constantly put up with being the one in need

> of fixing. Some Emotional Freedom Technique

> can really help with the extra burden of that.

> It really is easy once you see it done.


> http://tinyurl.com/ygv7ur


> This link goes to the page on ADD.


> Ien in the Kootenays

> ***********************************************

> " If the brain were so simple we could understand it,

> we would be so simple that we couldn't " .~Lyall Watson

> Our ADD family thrives on whole wild food

> http://wholewildfoods.net

> *********************************************






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Hi there,


I belong to a group called " Healthy Parenting " have a look at

http://healthyparenting.net Lauren is the creator and she has a lot

of great info ect - you could join the group as there are a LOT of

wise home schooling, natural thinking ect Mommas on board - we all

bounce ideas, experiences ect off each other. I think you would find

a lot of support there.






, " jmr1290 " <jomarex



> Homeschooling might make things better. I have a " problem child " ,


> always thought about homeschooling. Figured I'd be too crabby and it

> would be worse, but when I finally did it, having more time to


> out how to deal with him has made everything better. Most school

> employees don't have the time, energy or inclination to deal with


> problems that kids have, then the kids get away with all kinds of


> behavior, and think that's just the way it is.


> My son is still one hell of a handfull, but with my constant

> attention, and calling him on his behavior, things are no longer

> spiraling hopelessly out of control.


> good luck!!

> Joy


> , heather anderson

> <handerson4388@> wrote:

> >

> > hmm thanks so much for the insight.. im thinking its gonna come


> to me homeschooling only way to get around his behavior i guess in

> which case im dreading that...

> >

> > Barb <surrealthing55@> wrote: HI, our oldest son

> struggled with mod-severe ADHD. Here's what we tried

> > that had some success:

> >


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Heather:< yes joined flylady..>


Good onya! Less chaos in the house

really helps. I was so lucky my mother

was BO (born organized).


<im in process of switching from frozen food

cooking to natural cooking..>


Smart woman! May I remind you of the

Saving Dinner service? It will make it so

much easier on you!


<i cut down his milk intake he only takes it at school >


If he truly is allergic to milk, that will

still be too much, but he may not be.


<He usually has pancakes, waffles, or eggs for breakfast..>


Eggs are good!

Pancakes or waffles are frozen or from a

package, right?

Making pancakes or waffles from scratch can

be a bit of a challenge if you are all trying to

rush out the door in the morning....

How about toast?

Does he like smoothies? Hot cereal?



<dinners alternate from chicken nuggets to fish fillets.. >


Would he be willing to try a regular chicken

breast or drumstick, instead of the pre-breaded

stuff? Likewise, would he eat regular fish?


a hamburger every now and then.. he does love his

bread and hamburgers and he gets mad when i don't

let him have the hamburger or cheese..>


There is nothing wrong with a beef pattie

made from good whole ground beef.

It really is not hard. Is he very picky?





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yea im leaning towards that end...seeming impossible any other way.. and i'm not

the most patient soul so I was hoping to avoid it you knwoo/


jmr1290 <jomarex wrote: Homeschooling might make things

better. I have a " problem child " , and

always thought about homeschooling. Figured I'd be too crabby and it

would be worse, but when I finally did it, having more time to figure

out how to deal with him has made everything better. Most school

employees don't have the time, energy or inclination to deal with any

problems that kids have, then the kids get away with all kinds of bad

behavior, and think that's just the way it is.


My son is still one hell of a handfull, but with my constant

attention, and calling him on his behavior, things are no longer

spiraling hopelessly out of control.


good luck!!



, heather anderson

<handerson4388 wrote:


> hmm thanks so much for the insight.. im thinking its gonna come down

to me homeschooling only way to get around his behavior i guess in

which case im dreading that...


> Barb <surrealthing55 wrote: HI, our oldest son

struggled with mod-severe ADHD. Here's what we tried

> that had some success:









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