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bad breath remedies

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Wow!! Thanks, redpatchouli, for posting this!!


In my experience, bad breath usually could be traced to one of three (3) causes:


(1) A serious need for colon cleansing; when you have too many toxins, they

can come out through you skin and breath;


(2) Sinus problems, as you mentioned; and


(3) Gum infections or other problems in the mouth.


Your helpful post did well on covering various solutions, thanks!!


- Anna




At 01:41 PM 7/20/03 -0000, you wrote:

>Time to stop lurking and post one...At the age of 40-something (and

>after a tumultuous breakup with my SO)I am discovering I have bad

>breath (thanks to a nasty comment from the SO, which precipitated the

>long-overdue break)...actually i've probably had it for quite awhile

>without realizing it (so thanks, ex-SO, for the heads-up). Partly it

>might be due to dental problems (need to replace a bridge)...partly

>due to sinus problems (nose perpetually blocked which might explain

>why i didn't smell my own breath! lol)...partly due to my diet (doing

>atkins, lots of meat)...age (lack of hydrochloric stomach acid)...too

>much coffee, a passion for vodka martinis...at any rate i've done some

> research so here's a cut-and-paste of some natural " cures.... " if

>anyone knows anything else to try, please pass it on before my next

>date (which could take awhile considering the shortage of available

>men in these parts)...

>3) Hydrogen peroxide Take two capfuls of 3% hydrogen peroxide and

>swish it

> around your mouth and spit out. Do this every evening for a

>week or until you notice

> improved gum health, then only once a week for maintenance.

>In addition, to help

> knock out the bacteria mentioned above that may be causing

>periodontal disease, put

> enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the bristles of your

>toothbrush in a glass and keep

> the brush in it. Change the peroxide weekly.

>Vitamin B A deficiency of B vitamins may be the cause of your bad

>breath, so try taking 50 mg of

> niacinimide with each meal, plus a high potency B complex tablet

>and 50 mg of B6 once a day.


> Vitamin C in divided daily doses of 1,000 to 6,000 mg will help

>rid the body of excess mucus and

> toxins that may be the cause of bad breath.


> Zinc A deficiency in zinc may be another cause; take 30 to 60 mg

>per day. Don't take more than

> 15 mg. of zinc for more than a week or ten days without medical

>supervision as high levels of zinc

> can interfere with the absorption of copper.

>A second problem may be the lack of enough hydrochloric acid, the

>production of which declines

> with age. To remedy this, take a tablespoon of apple cider

>vinegar before each meal. Another way

> to get the necessary hydrochloric acid is to take 10 grains of

>betaine or pepsin tablets before

> each meal to aid digestion.

>Baking soda Brushing your teeth with baking soda (or a paste made with

>hydrogen peroxide) will

> help reduce the acidity in your mouth and make a less-friendly

>environment for the bacteria to

> grow.

>Charcoal Take 5 gm. daily of activated charcoal to cleanse the stomach

>and intestines. Charcoal

> absorbs toxins and is a natural purifier.


> Hydrogen peroxide The sinuses can become infected and cause bad

>breath. If this is your

> problem, the best treatment is using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

>Use the drugstore variety, which

> is three percent, dilute it 50% with water and put five to ten

>drops in each nostril and sniff

> vigorously. It may burn a little. Do this twice daily and see if

>it helps. If it doesn't, your sinuses

> are not the problem.

>Chlorophyll Try liquid or chlorophyll tablets which you can buy at

>your pharmacy. Chlorophyll has

> a deodorizing effect and is used in a number of products for

>that purpose. See our Product.


> Cloves Cloves are a powerful antiseptic. Make a tea by putting 3

>whole or 1/4 teaspoon ground

> cloves in 2 cups of hot water, and steep for 20 minutes,

>stirring occasionally. Pour through a fine

> strainer and use as a mouthwash or gargle twice a day.


> Fennel Fennel is another useful herb and can be used in several

>ways. Slowly chew the leaves

> and allow the saliva to build up in your mouth. Or, mix the

>contents of a fennel capsule with

> baking soda, make into a paste, and brush your teeth, gums and

>tongue with it. The fluid extract

> of fennel can be rubbed on your gums and tongue.

>Myrrh Dissolving a pea-sized piece of myrrh in your mouth before bed

>or sucking a small piece of

> cinnamon bark during the day may help relieve the problem.


> • It can be made into a tea. To make the tea add 2 sprigs of

>coarsely chopped parsley, 3 whole

> spice cloves, 1 teaspoon of powdered myrrh, and 1/4 teaspoon

>powdered goldenseal to 1 pint of

> boiling water. Steep. Stir occasionally while cooling, then

>strain and use as a mouthwash.

>Parsley & mint Chewing parsley or mint leaves has been a remedy used

>for thousands of years.

> These herbs are especially good if garlic and onions are the

>source of your bad breath. Parsley is

> very high in chlorophyll. Chew a few parsley sprigs dipped in

>vinegar for immediate relief. If you

> swallow the leaves after chewing them they will be digested and

>continue to provide breath

> freshness for quite a while. These plants seem to reduce the

>production of intestinal gas by

> promoting better digestion.

>Spirulina is a very good source of chlorophyll and can be purchased

>either in capsule or loose

> form. Start with 500 mg three times a day.



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