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Extreme vaginal/urethral itching

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get a douche bag that holds at least a quart of water with all the

attachments. Drug stores usually carry this item or search the Internet.

Use about 1/2 cup of BAKING SODA and mix with one quart of warm water. Fill

the bag with it. Douche with this lying in the bathtub on the first day of

your period and on the last day of your period. Continue for about one year

and stop. See if it comes back and if it does then start over with another


the cause of your problem is a yeast infection. Baking soda retards the

growth of yeast. (Vinegar will make it grow.) Yeast infections are worse during


An Army Doctor told me to do this about 30 years ago and I did it for one

year. I have never been bothered by it since.

Rubbing the bottoms of your feet with 2 drops of oil of oregano mixed with

2 tablespoons castor or olive oil should help too as it is anti yeast. It is

too strong to be taken by mouth but can be if you want to try it, then only

put about 1/2 drop on the tongue. Follow with something to drink. It is very

strong. I much prefer to put it on the soles of my feet as it will be absorbed

into my body through the skin. I use this method for viral infections of all

types but it is good for yeast also. Do not get it near the eyes or mucus

membranes, it burns like h---l. Also I would not use it for over 3 days without

a break of about 1 week.

Also do not confuse baking soda with baking powder.

Peace, Thyme




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Hi Gayle,


Good onya for having the courage to ask!

Have you been checked for a yeast infection?

What is your overall health like? Diet?


My first suggestion would be to try massive

probiotics. You can even douche with yogurt.


My second suggestion would be herbs that

are anti-parasitic and anti-fungal.

Rainforest herbs are particularly good for

that. Down in the Amazon you either evolve

to fight fungus, or you turn into one.


Sangre de Drago can be applied topically

and taken internally. Ask me off list for

the Sangre de Drago file. Handy stuff

with a gazillion uses.


Ien in the Kootenays





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>> Have you been checked for a yeast infection?

> What is your overall health like? Diet? ............ *** Hi len. Thank you

> for your kind response. I have just started a supplement to fight yeast,

> for that was my first thought as to what might be going on. I am also

> beginning pure cranberry supplements. I appreciate what you have said

> about the yogurt. I had forgotten that I actually put

> pure(unflavored)yogurt in my bath and it did seem to help. Thank you for

> reminding me of yogurt!). I know it is a good source of help. I am also

> beginning acidolphilus supplements too. I will use these and hope they do

> the trick. I will hold off on the Rainforest herbs and wait to see what

> all of this other treatments do for me. Thank you so much for responding

> and being so encouraging. ............... Blessings, Gayle P.S. About my

> diet... I eat a pretty balanced diet, but perhaps too much sugar(a culprit

> in many things, including the problem that I spoke of).

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the > Use about 1/2 cup of BAKING SODA and mix with one quart of warm



*** Hi, Thyme. Thank you for your response to my post. I am wondering one

thing. Does it take one whole year to get rid of the yeast problem???

Perhaps I am not understanding what you are saying. Thank you for the baking

soda idea. I will try it. .................. Blessings, Gayle

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I'm a midwifery student and I heard about your yeast problem... DO


It makes yeast worse!

Douching is really a BAD idea unless you HAVE a yeast infection, and

should not be done if you dont have the symptoms.

and it does not take a year to get rid of one.

My suggestion is just to put a clove of garlic up your vagina every

night, and take it out in the morning, unless its REALLY bad and

then one in the morning and one at night, taking the last one out

before puting the next one in, of course! lol...

you shouldn't worry about loosing your garlic in your vagina, but if

you do, you can put some cheese cloth or gauze (which hurts) around

the garlic then tie some non-waxed floss at the end and make a

little tampon like thing out of it.

If you dont feel like stinking, you can put some acidophilus riden

live cultured no-sugar plain yogurt in your vagina. The best way to

do it is to freeze it in the fingers of disposable gloves, and use

them up there that way. it offers releif from the itching burning

awfulness that is a yeast infestation.


If you have any more questions please feel free to ask! And if

neither of those work I have a whole host of other options that you

can try, its just that these two are the easiest and work really


You may also want to ask your husband/partner/ if they have been

having an itchy penis, if he has a yeast infection its very likely

that you gave it to him, and he will give it back to you once you

finally get rid of the gosh awful thing. : )

Hope that helps!


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, " positivethinker49er "

<peacock wrote:


> *** Hi ... this is embarrassing, but I really need to know this.


> there a natural way to cure vaginal/urethral itching? Thanks in

> advance............................. Gayle



Ok, after reading your ORIGIONAL post, I am wondering if you

actually have a yeast infection...

Are you having a yeast smelling vaginal discharge?

Is it white and lumpy?

(Actually its not always white and lumpy, just usually, but the

yeast smell is a tell-tale sign.)

IF you dont have the smelly discharge, then you dont have a yeast

infection. :)


Is your vagina red?


I'm sure you may not want to answer all this to the world wide web,

so to discuss this further from the eyes of men you can email me



I still would not douche with baking soda, though.



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*** Thanks, Kylie. I am thinking about the garlic that you mentioned. It is

supposed to be good for a lot of reasons. I've never heard of this one, but

it makes sense to me. I will check it out. Thank you for responding to my

post!............... Blessings, Gayle

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you have my sympathies if you try this gayle. other alternatives i've

heard of, is to insert plain yogurt into the vaginal cavity, or boric

acid capsules -- 1 a day for 7 days. However, I haven't tried these

myself, as I have with the baking soda thing.

, <peacock wrote:


> the > Use about 1/2 cup of BAKING SODA and mix with one quart of


> water.


> *** Hi, Thyme. Thank you for your response to my post. I am

wondering one

> thing. Does it take one whole year to get rid of the yeast


> Perhaps I am not understanding what you are saying. Thank you for

the baking

> soda idea. I will try it. .................. Blessings, Gayle


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The Doctor who advised this told me to do it for one whole year and to then

quit and see if it came back and if so, then to do it another year. I did it

for a year on the first day of my period and again on the last day. He said

that yeast grows rapidly during the menstrual periods.

I was following his orders and it worked. While it never has come back for

me since 30 years ago, I did have it frequently before that. The itching was

really quite intense. I was so happy to find that the baking soda actually did

eliminate the itching and growth of the yeast.

He also said that while vinegar would encourage yeast to grow that baking

soda would retard the growth and he was right. I had always douched with vinegar

before his advice.

Peace, Thyme




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A severe bacterial infection can also cause these

types of symptoms. What does it smell like? If it's

yeast smelling or no smell, it is likely a fungus. If

it's fishy its bacterial. Is there a discharge? Is it

cheesy like small curds? That's yeast. If its green,

yellow or gray that's a bacterial infection.


Most of these infections will also require that your

intimate partner be treated also as they can give it

right back to you.


Sometimes these can also be caused by colorings,

perfumes, and ingedients in soaps, toilet tissue etc.


For Yeast you could try the following:

Plaid yogurt 1Tbs inserted in the vagina, 3 times

daily until itching has stopped, this can be done with

a tube applicator like you would get with over-the

-counter yeast medications and NO douching as douching

changes the flora balance internally and will make

irritation and infestation worse.


As for the urethra I would start on oral Candida

supplements immediately. Also drinking fresh

unsweetened cranberry juice to keep the bladder



Nylons or man-made fibers don't allow for proper air

circulation and so fungus can grow where it stays

moist. Wear cotton underwear if you have to, otherwise

forgo the underwear until symptoms are relieved. This

will allow the area to dry out some and air to

circulate. Keep the area clean and make sure that

after a bowel movement you are wiping from front to

back. As White Vinegar is known to kill Thrush (also a

fungus) you could add a cup of white vinegar to your



Jenny Kernan

Biofeedback Therapist


Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

Remote Healing or Local Sessions


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My naturopath puts me on a douche with a few drops of tea tree oil in

warm water several times a day and in between douches unflavored but

active culture yogurt, such as Dannon. Also some cranberry either in

capsule or juice form helps a lot. I am getting ready to start this

all over again as I have a bruised bladder from a recent car accident

and with the urine constantly being present, its causing a lot of

itching and burning for me.




, Jenny Kernan

<rainysnana wrote:


> A severe bacterial infection can also cause these

> types of symptoms. What does it smell like? If it's

> yeast smelling or no smell, it is likely a fungus. If

> it's fishy its bacterial. Is there a discharge? Is it

> cheesy like small curds? That's yeast. If its green,

> yellow or gray that's a bacterial infection.


> Most of these infections will also require that your

> intimate partner be treated also as they can give it

> right back to you.


> Sometimes these can also be caused by colorings,

> perfumes, and ingedients in soaps, toilet tissue etc.


> For Yeast you could try the following:

> Plaid yogurt 1Tbs inserted in the vagina, 3 times

> daily until itching has stopped, this can be done with

> a tube applicator like you would get with over-the

> -counter yeast medications and NO douching as douching

> changes the flora balance internally and will make

> irritation and infestation worse.


> As for the urethra I would start on oral Candida

> supplements immediately. Also drinking fresh

> unsweetened cranberry juice to keep the bladder

> balanced.


> Nylons or man-made fibers don't allow for proper air

> circulation and so fungus can grow where it stays

> moist. Wear cotton underwear if you have to, otherwise

> forgo the underwear until symptoms are relieved. This

> will allow the area to dry out some and air to

> circulate. Keep the area clean and make sure that

> after a bowel movement you are wiping from front to

> back. As White Vinegar is known to kill Thrush (also a

> fungus) you could add a cup of white vinegar to your

> bathwater.


> Jenny Kernan

> Biofeedback Therapist


> Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

> Remote Healing or Local Sessions

> www.quantumassociatesofutah.com


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I've encountered this before


Quite Stubborn

But not dfficult depending upon the reason

Try Damp but not dripping wet Lipton Tea Bag in the Vagina

Change every 4hours

The acid Kills Yeast

Drink Pure H20



Computer issues so I'm writing Gimpy


Best to You


Michael Phoenix Rising




In life, One can take a starving dog and make him prosperous and he will not

bite you.

that is the primary difference between dogs and Men


Mark Twain


Energy Healing Work - Psycho-neuro-immuniological-resonance - Spiritual


Clearing Negative and Detrimental Energies. . .


Glad to Help!


Michael PhoenixRising *Cloud Turner *Dancing Light Bringer

¦â€¦â¦â €¦â€¦â€¦€¦ …..\\ | //

â¦â€¦â†€¦â€¦ ……( o o )








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I was so happy to find that the baking soda actually did

> eliminate the itching and growth of the yeast.

*** I would like to say that I did use the baking soda treatment, and I felt

relief already. ................. A bit later, I used the yogurt, and they

both seemed to work. I would like to thank you to everyone who sent messages

of help to me. I wish everyone a wonderful, health-filled new year.

....................... Blessings to you all, Gayle

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---try dabbing some castor oil on this

dont ask how i know


In , " positivethinker49er "

<peacock wrote:


> *** Hi ... this is embarrassing, but I really need to know this. Is

> there a natural way to cure vaginal/urethral itching? Thanks in

> advance............................. Gayle


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, RSchl44964 wrote:


> The Doctor who advised this told me to do it for one whole year

and to then

> quit and see if it came back and if so, then to do it another

year. I did it

> for a year on the first day of my period and again on the last

day. He said

> that yeast grows rapidly during the menstrual periods.

> I was following his orders and it worked. While it never has come

back for

> me since 30 years ago, I did have it frequently before that. The

itching was

> really quite intense. I was so happy to find that the baking soda

actually did

> eliminate the itching and growth of the yeast.

> He also said that while vinegar would encourage yeast to grow that


> soda would retard the growth and he was right. I had always

douched with vinegar

> before his advice.

> Peace, Thyme




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