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Hematite and toothache

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Greetings all

A friend of mine told me today how she had used a hematite crystal I gave her to

heal her toothache. She placed it in her mouth between her jaw and her sore

tooth. She removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful.

She held it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

did this a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had been

having severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as soon as she gets

a twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.

Thought I would share this amazing story with you all.



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In a message dated 9/20/2009 4:54:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

ghjad33 writes:


She removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful. She

held it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

did this a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had

been having severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as soon as

she gets a twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.



As Skye pointed out, you friend needs to go to a dentist to have to tooth

looked at. If she has had pain for several weeks now and a bad smell came

out with the crystal, to me is sounds like a tooth abscessing. This is not

something to mess around with. The abscess is an infection and if left

untreated, it can get into the blood stream and make her really sick. It is


medically known the poor dental hygiene/care can cause problems with the

heart. I have had too many teeth abscess and also know a woman who did wind

up in the hospital from blood poisoning due to abscessing teeth left too

long unattended to by a dentist.


There are some things that should not be left up to JUST crystals being the

source used for healing. Some things DO need a trained medical

professional to assist with ALONG side the alternative medicines.


Blessings to your day all.




" Codail, suaimhnigh i nge/aga nadragain "

" Sleep, rest in the arms of the Dragon "






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I do agree with this. The teeth are very close to the brain and it is possible

for an infection to go to the brain and kill you. Abcesses are not something to

fool around with.






Sep 21, 2009 7:42 AM


Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache








In a message dated 9/20/2009 4:54:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

ghjad33 writes:


She removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful. She

held it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

did this a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had

been having severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as soon as

she gets a twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.


As Skye pointed out, you friend needs to go to a dentist to have to tooth

looked at. If she has had pain for several weeks now and a bad smell came

out with the crystal, to me is sounds like a tooth abscessing. This is not

something to mess around with. The abscess is an infection and if left

untreated, it can get into the blood stream and make her really sick. It is also

medically known the poor dental hygiene/care can cause problems with the

heart. I have had too many teeth abscess and also know a woman who did wind

up in the hospital from blood poisoning due to abscessing teeth left too

long unattended to by a dentist.


There are some things that should not be left up to JUST crystals being the

source used for healing. Some things DO need a trained medical

professional to assist with ALONG side the alternative medicines.


Blessings to your day all.




" Codail, suaimhnigh i nge/aga nadragain "

" Sleep, rest in the arms of the Dragon "



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Aloha ReNau, Vicky and All. . . When I reread my post I realized I should have

added note about possibility of abcess and concern about infection becoming

systemic.  Dental work can be expensive and and many (myself included) have put

off doing what I knew should be done and eventually I had to pay a higher price

while risking my health.  Most areas have free or low cost clinics that may be a

possibility for having such done.


I have used crystals, especially Quartz, often combined with dreamwork to guide

me intuitively to solutions that felt unresolvable.  When I knew I couldn't

survive as a business without a computer I asked for a sign and literally a sign

posted on a telephone pole came into my view a few minutes later that said

'Prayer Works'.  I somehow knew it was meant for me as I was convinced that I

couldn't afford what I needed and the thought would not leave my mind. 


I went home and took a nap while feeling guilty that I was doing nothing to

solve my 'problem' then awoke with a clear sense that I needed to look at a

local free ad bulletin and opened it directly to a add  for 'Computer Geek'.  I

gave him a call, all the time feeling like I would be wasting his time, but

found out that he put together rebuild systems for $250, exactly my budget. 

Two of the systems he originally intended to use didn't work.  When he called to

tell me that, I sent healing light to situation and within a few hours received

a call that 'all was working' and was able to get a system that was up and

running by time of our originally scheduled installation date. 


Message is 'ask and you shall receive'.  Visualize connecting with dentist that

will be able to help and money needed to afford that.  Send gratitude that the

answer has already been manifested.  Know that you deserve to have perfect

health and that the Universe supports that.  But please don't ignore the

situation.  Some things need intervention.  Perhaps someone that owes you money

or a family member that can assist will be able to help.  Keep us posted as many

here will be sending healing light and love!




Aloha Pumahana  )'(  Skye




Crystal & Minerals Tumbled/Specimen * Chakra Balancing Sets * Crystal Elixirs

 Pendulums * Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess,

Children's, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.


 Connect with us www.HeartofMaui.com or www.HealingthruHeart.net

info or info


 1-808-280-3682   We'd love to he


ar from you!  


--- On Mon, 9/21/09, renaumoon <renaumoon wrote:



renaumoon <renaumoon

Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


Monday, September 21, 2009, 1:42 AM






In a message dated 9/20/2009 4:54:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

ghjad33 writes:


She  removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful. She

held  it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

did this  a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had

been having  severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as soon as

she gets a  twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.



As Skye pointed out, you friend needs to go to a dentist to have to tooth 

looked at. If she has had pain for several weeks now and a bad smell came

out  with the crystal, to me is sounds like a tooth abscessing. This is not

something  to mess around with. The abscess is an infection and if left

untreated, it can  get into the blood stream and make her really sick. It is


medically known  the poor dental hygiene/care can cause problems with the

heart. I have had too  many teeth abscess and also know a woman who did wind

up in the hospital from  blood poisoning due to abscessing teeth left too

long unattended to by a  dentist.


There are some things that should not be left up to JUST crystals being the

source used for healing. Some things DO need a trained medical

professional  to assist with ALONG side the alternative medicines.


Blessings to your day all.




" Codail, suaimhnigh i nge/aga nadragain "

" Sleep, rest in the arms  of the Dragon "






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I also agree with this...


We must learn to use discretion where needed.... and

tooth problems call for a trip to the dentist. As someone

who did not follow this advice when I should have, I have now

paid the ultimate price.... I will never need a filling again however.


John Van Rees






> I do agree with this. The teeth are very close to the brain and it is

> possible for an infection to go to the brain and kill you. Abcesses

> are not something to fool around with.



> renaumoon <renaumoon%40aol.com>

> Sep 21, 2009 7:42 AM


> <%40>

> Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


> In a message dated 9/20/2009 4:54:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> ghjad33 <ghjad33%40> writes:


> She removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful.

> She

> held it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

> did this a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had

> been having severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as

> soon as

> she gets a twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.


> As Skye pointed out, you friend needs to go to a dentist to have to tooth

> looked at. If she has had pain for several weeks now and a bad smell came

> out with the crystal, to me is sounds like a tooth abscessing. This is

> not

> something to mess around with. The abscess is an infection and if left

> untreated, it can get into the blood stream and make her really sick.

> It is also

> medically known the poor dental hygiene/care can cause problems with the

> heart. I have had too many teeth abscess and also know a woman who did

> wind

> up in the hospital from blood poisoning due to abscessing teeth left too

> long unattended to by a dentist.


> There are some things that should not be left up to JUST crystals

> being the

> source used for healing. Some things DO need a trained medical

> professional to assist with ALONG side the alternative medicines.


> Blessings to your day all.

> ReNau


> " Codail, suaimhnigh i nge/aga nadragain "

> " Sleep, rest in the arms of the Dragon "



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In a message dated 9/21/2009 8:51:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

mauiskye1 writes:


~~~Visualize connecting with dentist that will be able to help and money

needed to afford that. ~~~~



Also if money is an issue for your friend, suggest that she call around to

various dentists to see if any of them make arrangements for a payment plan

if the cost is higher. My dentist still takes payment and let me tell you

I have had many crowns and root canals done over the years.


Blessings to your eve all.




" Codail, suaimhnigh i nge/aga nadragain "

" Sleep, rest in the arms of the Dragon "





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That IS fascinating Vicky!  And now I wonder, for instance,  I you take a

crystal whose properties include helping with wounds or sores.....Would you

place that crystal directly on the wound or sore....and might the crystal

possibly ACTUALLY heal the wound almost instantaneously? (I can't think of

putting the crystal anywhere else that would make as much sense putting it

directly on the sore.)  After all our discussions and the information that comes

through here, not to mention my years of reading and studying,  I know this

sounds like a dummy-question coming from a beginner,  But I've just never heard

of something like this happening,  and think it's exciting.     Jackie


--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Vicky <ghjad33 wrote:



Vicky <ghjad33

[CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


Sunday, September 20, 2009, 1:37 AM







Greetings all

A friend of mine told me today how she had used a hematite crystal I gave her to

heal her toothache. She placed it in her mouth between her jaw and her sore

tooth. She removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful.

She held it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

did this a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had been

having severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as soon as she gets a

twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.

Thought I would share this amazing story with you all.























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Pardon me for sounding ignorant, but what crystal/s are good for helping with

wounds and sores?


Thank you,






jackie moore

Sep 21, 2009 7:55 PM


Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache






That IS fascinating Vicky! And now I wonder, for instance, I you take a

crystal whose properties include helping with wounds or sores.....Would you

place that crystal directly on the wound or sore....and might the crystal

possibly ACTUALLY heal the wound almost instantaneously? (I can't think of

putting the crystal anywhere else that would make as much sense putting it

directly on the sore.) After all our discussions and the information that comes

through here, not to mention my years of reading and studying, I know this

sounds like a dummy-question coming from a beginner, But I've just never heard

of something like this happening, and think it's exciting. Jackie


--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Vicky <ghjad33 wrote:


Vicky <ghjad33

[CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


Sunday, September 20, 2009, 1:37 AM




Greetings all

A friend of mine told me today how she had used a hematite crystal I gave her to

heal her toothache. She placed it in her mouth between her jaw and her sore

tooth. She removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful.

She held it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

did this a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had been

having severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as soon as she gets a

twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.

Thought I would share this amazing story with you all.





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I have heard of people having fantastic results on burns with

Angelite... simply

placing it on the place of the burn immediately... with no scarring at all.


John Van Rees






Charlene Russ wrote:



> Pardon me for sounding ignorant, but what crystal/s are good for

> helping with wounds and sores?


> Thank you,

> -Charlene



> jackie moore

> Sep 21, 2009 7:55 PM


> <%40>

> Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


> That IS fascinating Vicky! And now I wonder, for instance, I you take

> a crystal whose properties include helping with wounds or

> sores.....Would you place that crystal directly on the wound or

> sore....and might the crystal possibly ACTUALLY heal the wound almost

> instantaneously? (I can't think of putting the crystal anywhere else

> that would make as much sense putting it directly on the sore.) After

> all our discussions and the information that comes through here, not

> to mention my years of reading and studying, I know this sounds like a

> dummy-question coming from a beginner, But I've just never heard of

> something like this happening, and think it's exciting. Jackie


> --- On Sun, 9/20/09, Vicky <ghjad33

> <ghjad33%40>> wrote:


> Vicky <ghjad33 <ghjad33%40>>

> [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


> <%40>

> Sunday, September 20, 2009, 1:37 AM


> Greetings all

> A friend of mine told me today how she had used a hematite crystal I

> gave her to heal her toothache. She placed it in her mouth between her

> jaw and her sore tooth. She removed it after a couple of minutes and

> the crystal smelt aweful. She held it, cleansing it with her hands,

> and put it back into her mouth. She did this a total of three times

> and has not had toothache since. She had been having severe toothache

> for several weeks before this. Now as soon as she gets a twinge, she

> puts the hematite back into her mouth.

> Thought I would share this amazing story with you all.

> Blessings

> ghjad33



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Thank you,






John Van Rees

Sep 22, 2009 2:26 AM


Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache







I have heard of people having fantastic results on burns with

Angelite... simply

placing it on the place of the burn immediately... with no scarring at all.


John Van Rees



Charlene Russ wrote:



> Pardon me for sounding ignorant, but what crystal/s are good for

> helping with wounds and sores?


> Thank you,

> -Charlene



> jackie moore

> Sep 21, 2009 7:55 PM


> <%40>

> Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


> That IS fascinating Vicky! And now I wonder, for instance, I you take

> a crystal whose properties include helping with wounds or

> sores.....Would you place that crystal directly on the wound or

> sore....and might the crystal possibly ACTUALLY heal the wound almost

> instantaneously? (I can't think of putting the crystal anywhere else

> that would make as much sense putting it directly on the sore.) After

> all our discussions and the information that comes through here, not

> to mention my years of reading and studying, I know this sounds like a

> dummy-question coming from a beginner, But I've just never heard of

> something like this happening, and think it's exciting. Jackie


> --- On Sun, 9/20/09, Vicky <ghjad33

> <ghjad33%40>> wrote:


> Vicky <ghjad33 <ghjad33%40>>

> [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


> <%40>

> Sunday, September 20, 2009, 1:37 AM


> Greetings all

> A friend of mine told me today how she had used a hematite crystal I

> gave her to heal her toothache. She placed it in her mouth between her

> jaw and her sore tooth. She removed it after a couple of minutes and

> the crystal smelt aweful. She held it, cleansing it with her hands,

> and put it back into her mouth. She did this a total of three times

> and has not had toothache since. She had been having severe toothache

> for several weeks before this. Now as soon as she gets a twinge, she

> puts the hematite back into her mouth.

> Thought I would share this amazing story with you all.

> Blessings

> ghjad33



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It can also affect the heart.


Love & Light




--- On Mon, 9/21/09, Charlene Russ <lorena34 wrote:



Charlene Russ <lorena34

Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


Monday, September 21, 2009, 8:00 AM







I do agree with this. The teeth are very close to the brain and it is possible

for an infection to go to the brain and kill you. Abcesses are not something to

fool around with.



renaumoon (AT) aol (DOT) com

Sep 21, 2009 7:42 AM

CrystalHealing- workshop

Re: [CrystalHW] Hematite and toothache


In a message dated 9/20/2009 4:54:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

ghjad33 writes:


She removed it after a couple of minutes and the crystal smelt aweful. She

held it, cleansing it with her hands, and put it back into her mouth. She

did this a total of three times and has not had toothache since. She had

been having severe toothache for several weeks before this. Now as soon as

she gets a twinge, she puts the hematite back into her mouth.


As Skye pointed out, you friend needs to go to a dentist to have to tooth

looked at. If she has had pain for several weeks now and a bad smell came

out with the crystal, to me is sounds like a tooth abscessing. This is not

something to mess around with. The abscess is an infection and if left

untreated, it can get into the blood stream and make her really sick. It is also

medically known the poor dental hygiene/care can cause problems with the

heart. I have had too many teeth abscess and also know a woman who did wind

up in the hospital from blood poisoning due to abscessing teeth left too

long unattended to by a dentist.


There are some things that should not be left up to JUST crystals being the

source used for healing. Some things DO need a trained medical

professional to assist with ALONG side the alternative medicines.


Blessings to your day all.



" Codail, suaimhnigh i nge/aga nadragain "

" Sleep, rest in the arms of the Dragon "



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