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You came on to this list a few weeks ago with your two books and advice for

peopole to contact you. I quote your original email below which looks much

the same as your recent emails.


The problem with Jackie's horse has been going on for over a year. We have

discussed feed, water, possible contaminants all that sort of thing. All the

things you mention but never develop. Why don't you check out the archives

on past threads on the subject of Jackie's horse?






postmaster wrote:------Transcript of session follows -------


The user's email name is not found.



> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 charset=us-ascii Tue, 3 Jun 2003

13:37:30 -0700 (PDT)

Ray Zielinski

Re: [Chinese Traditional Medicine] Imbalance/right/left: For Christine



Hi Jessica,


Two of the best books I know which a lot of research has gone into are,

" BACK TO EDEN " by Jethro Kloss it is the bible of herb books, all those

seriously interested in outstanding health should have this book in their



The second is " NEW LIFE THROUGH NUTRITION " by Dr. Sheldon C. Deal. I have

read many books on learning to be healthy but these two are the best that I

have found so far.


They cut through the fallicies which we tend to learn as we grow up and give

us enough ammunition to use to be healthy.


The health field like other things has to be researched and verified by its

results to us individually.


There is no one cures all solution. If you take 15 minutes a day to read

about your body you will know more about its problems then any doctor.


I think the two books I have suggested for reading and research will give

you a good idea of what I mean.


The problem is we spend thirty, forty, fifty, years abusing our bodies and

wonder why we are feeling so miserable. Never once taking timeout to see why

when we felt bad why that might be.


Could it be the food we eat? or, the things we drink? that never show up on

the doctors exam? And he says, " you know we can't find anything wrong with

you. "


I hope this will help you if you would like more information contact me.










Ray Zielinski [rmk_12z]

16 July 2003 03:51

Chinese Traditional Medicine

Re: [Chinese Traditional Medicine] Re: Help!



Dear Jackie,


Thank you for your return message.


I ask you what is the real problem? What you given me is not unidentifiable

because you just identified what might be the problem involved. Also we can

go to the extreme about problems like the hole in the ozone.


The hole was there supposedly when I raised horses but never had a problem

from it. If we extend the problems beyond hope then we will never findout

the problem.


If you have fallout from Cherynobel then that is a different problem and

still would show up. I raised horses for a long time and the thing I learned

from them is how tough they are against illness.


If you are not sure of your water change it. Get bottled water, preferrably

distilled because it is the purest you can get. If that dosen't work then

you have to look to something else being wrong. I have helped other people

with their sick horses and found they relied too much on the vet to keep

their horses well.


Actually without seeing your horses or their problems it is difficult to

know what is bothering them. I would just suggest, check your feed and your

water and what other animals you have them by. Animals do spread germs like

humans also.


I hope this helps






jackie <jackie wrote:

> Ok, give me a for instance in your thinking what is unavoidable or

unidentifiable >in our health process.


In my horses case, something in the air he breaths or the water he drinks,

or something in the rain that falls on the forage he eats. Or something that

altered his dams DNA, like strontium from Chernobyl for instance - plenty of

that fell on the UK, and was evident in her blood when I had a blood mineral



All post-war grass pasture is made from 'improved' species - who knows what

the longterm effects of that might be? What if water turns out to 'have

memory', and all the chemicals that have been 'cleaned' from the water we

drink are still there acting like homeopathic medicine? What if the hole in

the ozone is causing damage to equine pineal gland function in a way that

no-one yet realises? Ye gads I've even heard theories that electro-magnetic

radiation bursts (or somesuch) from aircraft, in combination with

organophosphates affects

livestock!! That is a heavily researched theory for mad cow disease - the

'meat products in feed' theory does not stack up when animals who have never

had such feed contract the disease. Maybe some of the limestone he had for

calcium as a foal was contaminated with hexavalent chromium....you can go on

for ever.


There are a zillion possibilities apart from the obvious ones you site.








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Dear Jackie,


I understand your frustration, it is problems like these that are beyond

frustration and maybe you will never find an answer to it.


I would just like to point out that ALL illnesses are acquired they came from



The problem is, there are somethings we don't know animals like humans can

acquire strange things because of imbalances in their chemical makeup.


If we can't find the solution to the problem then we just do the best we can

and let nature take its course. What else can you do, if you tried everything

you know to fix the problem and could not fix it, then let nature takes its



Doesn't mean you don't keep trying, but their is no use in letting it become all

consuming till we become paranoid to the problem.


As much as we want to find the solution it may not be available right now. As

much as we may love our animals there is a need for acceptance to the situation

and enjoy what we have with them no matter how tuned down that may be.


I hope this helps.




jackie <jackie wrote:


> I ask you what is the real problem?


You can ask 'til you are blue in the face, but I repeat, in 18 years of

investigating and researching, no one has been able to find an answer.


Most horses ARE healthy, and easy to keep so - mine certainly never have the

kind of illnesses you are referring to ie ones that i can call on a vet for

a quick fix for, would that were the case. I have checked everything you

say - I did it all 18 years ago when this horses mothers illness first

became evident, and I have been vigilant throughout this horses life. I even

fetched water from a different source for her for months on end 'til we

moved, but they have lived in a dozen different locations, with a dozen

different sources of water and forage - and the illness remains, no change

has altered it in any way, so it seems highly unlikely diet is a cause -

unless the problem is ubiquitous. But, as I say, it is unidentifyable

anyway - I cannot change a source of a problem if it is not known.


I am not dependant on the vets because the vets have no idea what is wrong,

what could have caused it, or what to do about it.


You need to understand that there are some illnesses you cannot prevent, it

may even be genetic - that seems the most likely, as it was passed from

mother to son..






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> If we can't find the solution to the problem then we just do the

best we can and let nature take its course. What else can you do, if

you tried everything you know to fix the problem and could not fix

it, then let nature takes its course.


What Jackie is learning from her loving care and concern for her

horse is information that can be applied not only to her horse but to

other horses and to humans with " knotty " (complex problems) which

involve Kidney and other imbalances. I can recognize a lot of the

problems I have had in her description of what her horse is

experiencing. Unfortunately, Kidney imbalance problems can be hard

to treat and call for an amazing amount of fine-tuning treatment and

thinking outside the box if they have been going on for some time and

have become " knotty " . As a human I have some things going for me

that unfortunately she doesn't have when treating a horse. For

example, because of what I found out regarding the way I was

dehydrating and how that further complicated my problems, I forced

myself to drink in spite of the Yang Deficiency aversion to any

liquids except hot soups. It's not so easy to get a horse to go

against a Yang Deficiency aversion.


> Doesn't mean you don't keep trying, but their is no use in letting

it become all consuming till we become paranoid to the problem.


This is uncalled for and condescending in the extreme. What Jackie

objected to is your message that all people have to do is follow the

book Back to Eden and they (and their animals) will have no

problems. I object to this attitude of yours too. For one thing

it's unrealistic; for another, it's cruel.


Every time someone tries to point out to you what they object to, you

don't take a look at what they are trying to tell you and how you are

coming across. Frankly, it's as somewhat arrogant and smug and as

someone who is weak and wants desperately to believe that he's never

face any serious health problems as long as he slavishly follows his

particular Bible, Back to Eden. Without taking a look at what you

are doing and how you are coming across, you just reply with a lot of

generalized statements that no one can argue with and which were

never under discussion. Smoke and mirrors. Today you went too far in

trying to dismiss criticism of yourself as someone being consumed

and " paranoid " .


As I have pointed out, I recommend the book Back to Eden. There is a

lot of useful information in it. BUT, it lacks a lot being a

comprehensive study of healing. For a more comprehensive picture of

healing via Western herbalism, one might also consult the work of

Michael Moore in Bisbee, Arizona. (Not the film maker Michael Moore,

the herbalist.)


So far you haven't seemed very interested in learning about TCM or

anything not covered in Back to Eden. Your only interest in being on

here seems to be to proselytize for your way with an almost religious

and fanatical zeal and a condescending message that you have no

problems because you have found THE One and Only Answer. You seem

unwilling to recognize that what works for you may not be appropriate

in all cases and may make another person sicker. You seem unwilling

to learn when something will work and when it won't.


Just so readers are clear, I do welcome sharing of non-TCM

information on here, including information from Back to Eden when

it's relevant. There are people on this list from all over the

world, including China, and many of the list members are interested

in a variety of healing information and schools. What I do not

welcome is a One True way attitude. I got enough of that from

Western allopathic medicine, and got a lot sicker as a result. There

are no " one size fits all " treatments, and conscientious healers seek

to learn when and why something works in some cases, and when and why

a particular treatment is contraindicated in other cases.

Conscientious healers learn to at least do no harm. " One size fits

all " treatments and attitudes as well as religious-like zeal and

fanaticism divorced from reality have a way of doing a lot of harm.

Healing is not about making something easy and simplified for the

practitioner, it's about what actually works in helping individuals

who are sick.



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better cares given to the animals who live with us the more illnesses they

get like us: the human, so let the horses be the horses, in nature all

animals have the ability to take care themself when problems come up

good luck



>Ray Zielinski <rmk_12z

>Chinese Traditional Medicine

>Chinese Traditional Medicine

>Re: [Chinese Traditional Medicine] Re: Help!

>Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:06:23 -0700 (PDT)


>Dear Jackie,


>I understand your frustration, it is problems like these that are beyond

>frustration and maybe you will never find an answer to it.


>I would just like to point out that ALL illnesses are acquired they came

>from somewhere.


>The problem is, there are somethings we don't know animals like humans can

>acquire strange things because of imbalances in their chemical makeup.


> If we can't find the solution to the problem then we just do the best we

>can and let nature take its course. What else can you do, if you tried

>everything you know to fix the problem and could not fix it, then let

>nature takes its course.


>Doesn't mean you don't keep trying, but their is no use in letting it

>become all consuming till we become paranoid to the problem.


> As much as we want to find the solution it may not be available right

>now. As much as we may love our animals there is a need for acceptance to

>the situation and enjoy what we have with them no matter how tuned down

>that may be.


>I hope this helps.




>jackie <jackie wrote:

> >

> > I ask you what is the real problem?


>You can ask 'til you are blue in the face, but I repeat, in 18 years of

>investigating and researching, no one has been able to find an answer.


>Most horses ARE healthy, and easy to keep so - mine certainly never have


>kind of illnesses you are referring to ie ones that i can call on a vet for

>a quick fix for, would that were the case. I have checked everything you

>say - I did it all 18 years ago when this horses mothers illness first

>became evident, and I have been vigilant throughout this horses life. I


>fetched water from a different source for her for months on end 'til we

>moved, but they have lived in a dozen different locations, with a dozen

>different sources of water and forage - and the illness remains, no change

>has altered it in any way, so it seems highly unlikely diet is a cause -

>unless the problem is ubiquitous. But, as I say, it is unidentifyable

>anyway - I cannot change a source of a problem if it is not known.


>I am not dependant on the vets because the vets have no idea what is wrong,

>what could have caused it, or what to do about it.


>You need to understand that there are some illnesses you cannot prevent, it

>may even be genetic - that seems the most likely, as it was passed from

>mother to son..






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> What Jackie is learning from her loving care and concern for her

> horse is information that can be applied not only to her horse but to

> other horses and to humans with " knotty " (complex problems) which

> involve Kidney and other imbalances. I can recognize a lot of the

> problems I have had in her description of what her horse is

> experiencing. Unfortunately, Kidney imbalance problems can be hard

> to treat and call for an amazing amount of fine-tuning treatment and

> thinking outside the box if they have been going on for some time and

> have become " knotty " .



Thank you for that Victoria, it is very encouraging! And rest assured,

everything learned is passed on to 'an audience' of many, and immediately

used for other horses in my care.


I had one success today to encourage me - a livery who has confirmed

cushings disease. Normal ACTH is 0-30. Cushings is 50+. This horse was 144

last December, and went up to 500 despite a trial of a homeopathic remedy

that had been getting good results elsewhere.


Now, after a month of Vitex Agnus Castus tincture he is down to 52!! Good

news indeed.



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> I would just like to point out that ALL illnesses are acquired they came

from somewhere.


Indeed, though possibly at the moment of conception.


> If we can't find the solution to the problem then we just do the best we

can and let nature take its course.


Well, I'm a long way from that - there's some lots more herbs and things

and some evil drugs to try first. You can often control what you cannot



But thank you for seeing something of my perspective at last.



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Dear Jackie,


I like your view of " you can control what you cannot cure. " This is my belief

in anything that happens to us. There has never been a virus disease that has

ever been cured, only controlled.


If you can face that fact then it becomes easier to handle any situation you run

in to.






jackie <jackie wrote:

> I would just like to point out that ALL illnesses are acquired they came

from somewhere.


Indeed, though possibly at the moment of conception.


> If we can't find the solution to the problem then we just do the best we

can and let nature take its course.


Well, I'm a long way from that - there's some lots more herbs and things

and some evil drugs to try first. You can often control what you cannot



But thank you for seeing something of my perspective at last.










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Hi Louise,


I feel for you - moving can be a real bitch LOL (I have to do it next month)


Suggestion: take it one step at a time. Really. I know this is not easy to do when you look at everything that still needs doing. But take a step back, and decide which thing to tackle first, and do that. Then decide on the next one, and do that. etc.. And before you know it, it's all done! It might not seem that way, but it really is the best and sanest method to get lots done :-) Takes a bit of practice, but once you've got it, you'll feel better for it!!


You can also make a checklist of all things to do, and then just work off that list, again one at a time as above. I usually do this with big jobs, so that I don't forget anything, and don't spend all my time seeing only the big job, but just get to look at one little part at a time. LOL






L. Haddaway

herbal remedies

Thursday, July 24, 2003 6:49 AM

[herbal remedies] Help!

I am going to have to go no mail on the list as I try to move this weekend.If anyone has anything urgent or personal for me, they will need to resendit to haddaway @ olypen dot com.I am totally overwhelmed. My father finally came and got some of his stuffand left an entire garage (afour car garage mind you) full of stuff for meto get rid of.Since its all mixed up with mine, I can't just say that this pile to thedump etc. I seem to be the bottle neck as I try to get everything sortedand gone. I am overwhelmed and ready to cry and I still have two halfshifts from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to pull on Thursday and Friday.I don't have enough boxes for all the books and I am no where packed enougheven I have spent hours and hours doing it. I got two of the roommatesmoved out and stillhave to find a place for a slightly slow but very sweetNative American boy who needs a place to live.Louise who is going to be SO glad when this is all over.

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Elisa,


What are you using instead of dairy milk?


For the bestest, most natural source of calcium, check out the Lemon Egg in the recipes in the files on our website. Easy to make yourself, and yes, a toddler can have it too. Just apply the "150 rule" as in the files.







herbal remedies

Friday, May 20, 2005 8:41 PM

Herbal Remedies - Help!

New here...and have a couple questions please.I think my son is allergic to milk and have been testing by process of elimination and so on. I'm concerned about his calcium intake along with the absorbtion factor with Vitamin D, does anyone know of a safe herbal tea that I could mix with his juice to make up his nutrients? He is 2 1/2 years old.

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I have a question about the "lemon eggs". Because of the acid in the lemons does it hurt your teeth? I have very sensitive teeth and I don't need anything else taking the enamal away...kwim?























Mother to: Brandon, Nephi,Eilish and 6 Angels







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  • 2 months later...
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Hi everyone, I am very new to the world of crystals and a while ago when in

a mind set that I was going to fix my problems I looked into crystals and

what they could do for me.


I purchased a few different polished stones which seemed to sum me up the

best. They were citrine, blue lace agate, amethyst, and rose quartz. Just

this week I was having a very " down " day, very unmotivated and I thought I

should take a look at them. After reading again, the qualities of each I

put the citrine in my bra as I had no pockets. I felt huge differences in

my attitude and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon with the kids which I had

thought was going to be impossible.


My question really is whether there are certain places that you should hold

the crystals or wear them? I only have the stones, they are not on chains

etc so is very hard for me to carry with me sometimes when I would like to.

Any suggestions for me? I am really not familiar with the healing qualities

of the stones and how they work. Should I just pick them up for a while

when I feel like I need a boost or should I have them with me most of the

time? Or have them next to my bed at night?


Confused, this is all so interesting but all so new.






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Hi Melissa;

I don't think it really matters where you place them. I firmly believe that

where you decide to put them is where they should be. When doing healing or

meditation, depending on which type or kind, there are some places that are

recommended you place them.


Overall, I don't think it REALLY matters. If it is in your aura, the energy

will go to where it is needed.


Just my humble 2 cents.



Lady of the Free Spirit



Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:18 PM

[CrystalHW] Help!



Hi everyone, I am very new to the world of crystals and a while ago when in

a mind set that I was going to fix my problems I looked into crystals and

what they could do for me.


I purchased a few different polished stones which seemed to sum me up the

best. They were citrine, blue lace agate, amethyst, and rose quartz. Just

this week I was having a very " down " day, very unmotivated and I thought I

should take a look at them. After reading again, the qualities of each I

put the citrine in my bra as I had no pockets. I felt huge differences in

my attitude and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon with the kids which I had

thought was going to be impossible.


My question really is whether there are certain places that you should hold

the crystals or wear them? I only have the stones, they are not on chains

etc so is very hard for me to carry with me sometimes when I would like to.

Any suggestions for me? I am really not familiar with the healing qualities

of the stones and how they work. Should I just pick them up for a while

when I feel like I need a boost or should I have them with me most of the

time? Or have them next to my bed at night?


Confused, this is all so interesting but all so new.





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hey melissa

I find it will work best where you feel to place them, even if it is in your

gypsie pocket (sorry, bra). there is no wrong place and some days we need

them as close as possible. I have found that when i am in need of stones, I

always end up with what I need they go where they are needed and they seem

to melt in disapear and they doen't feel as if they are even there. The

power is there waiting for us to use and be blessed by it so dont stress it.



Have a happy and keep smiling





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