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Panic Attacks

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hi Ariana


i suffered from extreme panic attacks before and after my daughter was born, i

was on heavy sedatives and seeing 2 shrinks 3 times a week, it was so bad i

coulnt go out in public. nor could i be on my own, one day i realised i was

addicted to the pills so i flushed them all down the toilet and stopped going to

the shrinks, i was bad for about 2 weeks but i kept telling myself im 20 years

old im not a child anymore if i could survive 24 hours of labour im defintly not

going to give into anxiety.


my point is - it is all in your head there is nothing wrong with you panic

attacks are a form of self preservation and they manifest themselves in times of

great stress when youre mind cant handle it anymore so youre body takes over,

isolate the source of your anxiety and work from there, and when you feel a

attack comming on, busy youre mind i found that talking a walk around my house

while counting in 3's backwards took my mind of it, and now i only have a attack

very rarely and i can control it


hope this has helped you








raenstic <raenstic


Monday, November 20, 2006 11:00:15 PM

Panic Attacks


Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't function

properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed, and

have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't like

the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm 97. Does

anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly










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If I may, please, comment, Ariana-


With a history of anxiety/panic disorder, I have done alot of research on

Anxiety/Panic, which can be crippling conditions. There are several different

underlying causes for the disorder(s)-not always " in your head " ... no offense to

Tara who said that...although that is one possibility..you will know if that

scenario applies to you, if you can pinpoint a psychological trigger for your

condition. If you cannot, there is strong indication for physical changes in

your brain and body's chemistry..


There is also the potential issue of hormone imbalance-which can throw off

the delicate chemical balances in the brain. I am leaning towards this

possibility for you, but since I am not a physician and this will need to be

confirmed by your doctor, anyone that attempts to diagnose without credentials,

you should run the other way and find someone who is qualified to make those

determinations. You don't want to end up either doing things that don't work, or

worse, causes some kind of adverse reaction. Having made that disclaimer

statement.. here's my take on it:


There is the possibility of past trauma, surfacing now, since your baby was

born. Another reason is you may have developed sensitivities to certain foods

which are tipping your body's chemistries. There is also a link between

depression and anxiety-if you experienced post partum blues, for instance, you

may have a connection to anxiety-which can lead to panic disorder. Feeling

overwhelmed as a new mom may have set the stage for anxiety...and from there,

sometimes the body just can't turn off the switch. At any rate, I think the " all

in your head " explanation is just a little too simplified from what I have

learned. It ends in your head, it doesn't start there.


Having said that, there are several options available to you. You may need

to try different methods until you find one or two or three that work for you,

so be patient with yourself as you work through this. There is no one right

answer, but there are ways and means to cope. This is where your will comes in.

Since you are here, I'm sure it's because you are sick and tired (and tired

always follows sick) of feeling out of control. _Been there_ so first things,

first. Some basic things that you can begin with: Be firm with yourself that you

are not going to give into these attacks. Take time out to nuture yourself, take

charge by doing some things just for you...ie:


Excersize. I find that a thirty-fifty minute daily walk at a fairly

challenging pace helps to clear the mind, steady the nerves, increase metabolism

rate, and fights depression; not to mention the more obvious health benefits.


Eat well. Watch your diet. Cut back or eliminate the bad for you

stuff-increase fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy, which contain

vital nutrients for good health. If you're not already doing so, look into

taking good supplements, especially get enough magnesium and Vitamin D, which

help to metabolize vitamins and calcium. Drink 8 glasses of clear water-if your

water lacks proper minerals, (bottled water should contain 7.0-9.5+ mineral

content-then add one half capful of E-Lyte to each glass of water you

drinnk-available online-google it). If your condition is due to poor nutrition,

this will help. Dark chocolate (if you're not allergic), at 70% cocoa, will also

lift the mood. ;-) But eat only one square or one ounce a day at most. I eat one

square about three days a week. I avoid whites-bread, pasta, cow's milk, etc.

Why torture myself with foods that I'm sensitive to? I feel better, physically,

and that helps combat the anxiety.


Sing. Even if you sing off-key and send the pets under the beds to

hide..SING. The very act of singing helps to set your mind in a calmer place.

Sing when you're not having attacks and sing louder when you are. Laugh.

Laughing is magical in it's chemistry. Even if you fake it til you feel it,

doing it causes the mind to " feel happy. " Feeling happy can break the chains

that bind you to anxiety/depression and panic.


Meditation is highly effective and yet, still under-rated in the western

world.You can learn meditation methods over the net for zero cost. Just google

it and choose what sings to your heart. Just practicing meditation will help

break that connection between your flight or fight response and the mis-firing

of chemicals in your brain. (I say, misfiring-it could be a lack of serotonin

during anxious moments). There are also some thyroid conditions that can make

anxiety disorder worse. You may wish to have it tested/checked by your regular

doc, just in case. The good news is, anxiety/panic disorder is treatable, and

manageable with the right combination of things. Be sure to get enough rest-yes,

I know this is difficult with a baby in the house, but crucial to your

functioning..having raised three daughters, I have a few tricks up my sleeve on

getting enough rest...;-) If you need more information/tips, let me know-happy

to help!


I was on generic Xanax for 19 months, during this last bout..almost daily.

I had been there before in 1990, and managed after four months of it that time

to get it under control..went on, no problem, until Dec 2004, when, after a

hysterectomy, in June of that year, the problem resurfaced, with a vengence... .

My (regular) doctor didn't help me get to the bottom of the cause; but rather,

just kept renewing the Rx for Xanax. While this is an effective (meant to be

temporary) treatment, it did help with the attacks, but it wasn't the long term

answer. Of course, I was not getting to the bottom of WHY and this bothered me.

I think discovering the WHY will help you know WHAT to do. Not always easy to

find the root cause: may never know for sure. But you can take some steps that

should generally help. Once you break the cycle of having attacks, your

body/mind gets the message that the danger (or preceived danger) is passed and

you begin to relax. I use a combination of these

methods and happily report, it's been three weeks since I last took any

medication for the anxiety/panic disorder. I hope I've shared something here

that helps you or anyone else out there who finds this message. I know all too

well, the mania of feeling completely out of control, hopeless and helpless, at

the mercy of sheer terror. " The only thing to fear, is fear itself. " This quote

is so true! Feel free to contact me if you think I may be of further assistance.


Best wishes,





Tara Van Rensburg <tara_vanrensburg wrote:

hi Ariana


i suffered from extreme panic attacks before and after my daughter was born, i

was on heavy sedatives and seeing 2 shrinks 3 times a week, it was so bad i

coulnt go out in public. nor could i be on my own, one day i realised i was

addicted to the pills so i flushed them all down the toilet and stopped going to

the shrinks, i was bad for about 2 weeks but i kept telling myself im 20 years

old im not a child anymore if i could survive 24 hours of labour im defintly not

going to give into anxiety.


my point is - it is all in your head there is nothing wrong with you panic

attacks are a form of self preservation and they manifest themselves in times of

great stress when youre mind cant handle it anymore so youre body takes over,

isolate the source of your anxiety and work from there, and when you feel a

attack comming on, busy youre mind i found that talking a walk around my house

while counting in 3's backwards took my mind of it, and now i only have a attack

very rarely and i can control it


hope this has helped you







raenstic <raenstic


Monday, November 20, 2006 11:00:15 PM

Panic Attacks


Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't function

properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed, and

have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't like

the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm 97. Does

anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly





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I actually didn't have an attack until after my OB/GYN put me on Depo

Provera. It was about one week after my very frst shot that I got my

first attack. So, I think the Depo completely put my hormonal

balanceout of whack, and I don't know how to get it back to normal.

I also went thru at least a year of depression after my first child's

birth. Thnks for all the suggestions from everybody.


> Panic attacks after childbirth can also be a sign

> of depleted adrenaline, rather than an excess

> of it.


> The hormonal system needs to be returned to

> balance.


> What are you doing to achieve that?



> Ien in the Kootenays

> http://freegreenliving.com



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My panic attacks were also caused by a hormonal imbalance after the

birth of my second child. The doctor was having difficulty finding a

pill that I didn't have breakthrough bleeding with and had changed my

pill 3 times in 4 months. As I have gotten older and entered the

perimenopausal phase, the panic attacks/anxiety along with all sorts

of other problems i.e. migraines, night sweats, etc. returned. I

began taken Estroven, a blend of several natural herbs and vitamins

about 4 years ago. It has literally changed my life. All of the

symptoms are under control and I no longer suffer unless I run out

and stay off the Estroven for any length of time.


Estroven can be found in most pharmacy departments over the counter

and I have found that the less costly generic versions at CVS and Wal-

Mart are just effective.



, " raenstic " <raenstic



> I actually didn't have an attack until after my OB/GYN put me on


> Provera. It was about one week after my very frst shot that I got


> first attack. So, I think the Depo completely put my hormonal

> balanceout of whack, and I don't know how to get it back to normal.

> I also went thru at least a year of depression after my first


> birth. Thnks for all the suggestions from everybody.

> Ariana

> > Panic attacks after childbirth can also be a sign

> > of depleted adrenaline, rather than an excess

> > of it.

> >

> > The hormonal system needs to be returned to

> > balance.

> >

> > What are you doing to achieve that?

> >

> >

> > Ien in the Kootenays

> > http://freegreenliving.com

> >

> >

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Numerous comments on the Power-Surge message board suggest that panic

attacks tend to surface or increase during perimenopause. I know they

did for me. This suggests that hormonal factors can play a major, if

not causative, role.




, " raenstic " <raenstic



> I actually didn't have an attack until after my OB/GYN put me on Depo

> Provera.

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hi susan


not to worry no offence taken


i went under hypnosis to discover my trigger for panic attacks it was not

pleasant but it helped


ive also heard that if you have thyriod problems it could manefest panis attacks







Susan <powitree


Thursday, November 23, 2006 6:39:05 PM

Re: Panic Attacks


If I may, please, comment, Ariana-


With a history of anxiety/panic disorder, I have done alot of research on

Anxiety/Panic, which can be crippling conditions. There are several different

underlying causes for the disorder(s)- not always " in your head " ... no offense

to Tara who said that...although that is one possibility. .you will know if that

scenario applies to you, if you can pinpoint a psychological trigger for your

condition. If you cannot, there is strong indication for physical changes in

your brain and body's chemistry..


There is also the potential issue of hormone imbalance-which can throw off the

delicate chemical balances in the brain. I am leaning towards this possibility

for you, but since I am not a physician and this will need to be confirmed by

your doctor, anyone that attempts to diagnose without credentials, you should

run the other way and find someone who is qualified to make those

determinations. You don't want to end up either doing things that don't work, or

worse, causes some kind of adverse reaction. Having made that disclaimer

statement.. here's my take on it:


There is the possibility of past trauma, surfacing now, since your baby was

born. Another reason is you may have developed sensitivities to certain foods

which are tipping your body's chemistries. There is also a link between

depression and anxiety-if you experienced post partum blues, for instance, you

may have a connection to anxiety-which can lead to panic disorder. Feeling

overwhelmed as a new mom may have set the stage for anxiety...and from there,

sometimes the body just can't turn off the switch. At any rate, I think the " all

in your head " explanation is just a little too simplified from what I have

learned. It ends in your head, it doesn't start there.


Having said that, there are several options available to you. You may need to

try different methods until you find one or two or three that work for you, so

be patient with yourself as you work through this. There is no one right answer,

but there are ways and means to cope. This is where your will comes in. Since

you are here, I'm sure it's because you are sick and tired (and tired always

follows sick) of feeling out of control. _Been there_ so first things, first.

Some basic things that you can begin with: Be firm with yourself that you are

not going to give into these attacks. Take time out to nuture yourself, take

charge by doing some things just for you...ie:


Excersize. I find that a thirty-fifty minute daily walk at a fairly challenging

pace helps to clear the mind, steady the nerves, increase metabolism rate, and

fights depression; not to mention the more obvious health benefits.


Eat well. Watch your diet. Cut back or eliminate the bad for you stuff-increase

fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy, which contain vital

nutrients for good health. If you're not already doing so, look into taking good

supplements, especially get enough magnesium and Vitamin D, which help to

metabolize vitamins and calcium. Drink 8 glasses of clear water-if your water

lacks proper minerals, (bottled water should contain 7.0-9.5+ mineral

content-then add one half capful of E-Lyte to each glass of water you

drinnk-available online-google it). If your condition is due to poor nutrition,

this will help. Dark chocolate (if you're not allergic), at 70% cocoa, will also

lift the mood. ;-) But eat only one square or one ounce a day at most. I eat one

square about three days a week. I avoid whites-bread, pasta, cow's milk, etc.

Why torture myself with foods that I'm sensitive to? I feel better, physically,

and that helps combat the anxiety.


Sing. Even if you sing off-key and send the pets under the beds to hide..SING.

The very act of singing helps to set your mind in a calmer place. Sing when

you're not having attacks and sing louder when you are. Laugh. Laughing is

magical in it's chemistry. Even if you fake it til you feel it, doing it causes

the mind to " feel happy. " Feeling happy can break the chains that bind you to

anxiety/depression and panic.


Meditation is highly effective and yet, still under-rated in the western

world.You can learn meditation methods over the net for zero cost. Just google

it and choose what sings to your heart. Just practicing meditation will help

break that connection between your flight or fight response and the mis-firing

of chemicals in your brain. (I say, misfiring-it could be a lack of serotonin

during anxious moments). There are also some thyroid conditions that can make

anxiety disorder worse. You may wish to have it tested/checked by your regular

doc, just in case. The good news is, anxiety/panic disorder is treatable, and

manageable with the right combination of things. Be sure to get enough rest-yes,

I know this is difficult with a baby in the house, but crucial to your

functioning. .having raised three daughters, I have a few tricks up my sleeve on

getting enough rest...;-) If you need more information/ tips, let me know-happy

to help!


I was on generic Xanax for 19 months, during this last bout..almost daily. I had

been there before in 1990, and managed after four months of it that time to get

it under control..went on, no problem, until Dec 2004, when, after a

hysterectomy, in June of that year, the problem resurfaced, with a vengence... .

My (regular) doctor didn't help me get to the bottom of the cause; but rather,

just kept renewing the Rx for Xanax. While this is an effective (meant to be

temporary) treatment, it did help with the attacks, but it wasn't the long term

answer. Of course, I was not getting to the bottom of WHY and this bothered me.

I think discovering the WHY will help you know WHAT to do. Not always easy to

find the root cause: may never know for sure. But you can take some steps that

should generally help. Once you break the cycle of having attacks, your

body/mind gets the message that the danger (or preceived danger) is passed and

you begin to relax. I use a combination of these

methods and happily report, it's been three weeks since I last took any

medication for the anxiety/panic disorder. I hope I've shared something here

that helps you or anyone else out there who finds this message. I know all too

well, the mania of feeling completely out of control, hopeless and helpless, at

the mercy of sheer terror. " The only thing to fear, is fear itself. " This quote

is so true! Feel free to contact me if you think I may be of further assistance.


Best wishes,





Tara Van Rensburg <tara_vanrensburg@ > wrote:

hi Ariana


i suffered from extreme panic attacks before and after my daughter was born, i

was on heavy sedatives and seeing 2 shrinks 3 times a week, it was so bad i

coulnt go out in public. nor could i be on my own, one day i realised i was

addicted to the pills so i flushed them all down the toilet and stopped going to

the shrinks, i was bad for about 2 weeks but i kept telling myself im 20 years

old im not a child anymore if i could survive 24 hours of labour im defintly not

going to give into anxiety.


my point is - it is all in your head there is nothing wrong with you panic

attacks are a form of self preservation and they manifest themselves in times of

great stress when youre mind cant handle it anymore so youre body takes over,

isolate the source of your anxiety and work from there, and when you feel a

attack comming on, busy youre mind i found that talking a walk around my house

while counting in 3's backwards took my mind of it, and now i only have a attack

very rarely and i can control it


hope this has helped you







raenstic <raenstic >


Monday, November 20, 2006 11:00:15 PM

Panic Attacks


Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't function

properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed, and

have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't like

the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm 97. Does

anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly





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, " raenstic " <raenstic



> Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

> attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't function

> properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed, and

> have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't


> the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm 97.


> anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly

> appreciated.

> Ariana





Maybe this guide to eliminating anxiety and pain attacks can help


Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks


(if link is not active copy and paste into address bar)

Have a great day,


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dear ariana


i too had similar attacks 3 years ago. my b/p used to fall down suddenly with

profuse sweating all over the body. i had my " Tilt-table-test " done. the medical

name given to my problem was given as " Neuro Cardiac Syncope " . after that i was

advised to meet one doctor at hyderabad who has put me on one tablet " serta " ,

(Sertaline Hydrochloride) which has done wonders. for last 3 years i am attack

free. should u need any details of the doc, shall forward you his email id and

cell no on hearing from you.


good luck


srinivas c s




bzoozzoo <bzoozzoo wrote:

, " raenstic " <raenstic



> Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

> attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't function

> properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed, and

> have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't


> the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm 97.


> anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly

> appreciated.

> Ariana





Maybe this guide to eliminating anxiety and pain attacks can help


Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks


(if link is not active copy and paste into address bar)

Have a great day,









Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited.



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Ariana: Postpartum depression is a strong possibility and not that

all uncommon. There are several types.

Put " emotional.healthcentersonline.com " in your search bar for a

wealth of information. Take time for you! Helen


, " bzoozzoo " <bzoozzoo



> , " raenstic " <raenstic@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

> > attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't


> > properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed,


> > have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't

> like

> > the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm


> Does

> > anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly

> > appreciated.

> > Ariana

> >

> ****************************

> Hello,


> Maybe this guide to eliminating anxiety and pain attacks can help

> you!

> Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks

> http://strmbank.joesy.hop.clickbank.net

> (if link is not active copy and paste into address bar)

> Have a great day,

> David


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Form personal experience, I have discovered that panic attacks can be

caused by a hormonal change in the body. Like pregnancy and birth, my

panic attacks began as I neared menopause-all are hormone related.


I am able to keep my attacks under wrap thanks to the use of breathing

techniques and Reiki. As soon as I feel the onset of an attack (and if

you haven't already you should be able to become aware of the subtle

clues that tell you an attack is eminent), I immediately begin

breathing deeply and slowly and using Reiki, I allow the panic to

'wash' over my body and then leave. This keeps the attacks down to

only one or two minutes now-a huge improvement.


As the hormones in your body begin to regulate themselves again, you

will notice the panic attacks leaving.


To balance your hormones, I would suggest visiting a Body Talk

practitioner who can 'rewire' your body. I am just planning on riding

my few attacks out without drugs because I know that once I am through

menopause, everything will be once again in perfect divine order.


PS. If you are not a Reiki Level One practitioner and would like to

become one, I will happily send you the Reiki Level One attunement for

me. And that goes for anyone else who is reading this post. It is my

'gift' to you.


Love and Light


Francine Milford





, " helen_1947_slaughter "

<helen_1947_slaughter wrote:


> Ariana: Postpartum depression is a strong possibility and not that

> all uncommon. There are several types.

> Put " emotional.healthcentersonline.com " in your search bar for a

> wealth of information. Take time for you! Helen


> , " bzoozzoo " <bzoozzoo@>

> wrote:

> >

> > , " raenstic " <raenstic@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

> > > attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't

> function

> > > properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed,

> and

> > > have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't

> > like

> > > the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm

> 97.

> > Does

> > > anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly

> > > appreciated.

> > > Ariana

> > >

> > ****************************

> > Hello,

> >

> > Maybe this guide to eliminating anxiety and pain attacks can help

> > you!

> > Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks

> > http://strmbank.joesy.hop.clickbank.net

> > (if link is not active copy and paste into address bar)

> > Have a great day,

> > David

> >


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---yes suggestions

spiritual/reiki healing


some info


Spiritual Healing /Reiki healing


Spiritual healing/ reiki to many people conjures up so many images

and meanings, for those who do not know what it is all about, all

that I would ask is that you approach the subject with an open

unprejudiced mind and with a wish to explore and evaluate the

evidence carefully and properly. It is hoped with such an attitude

truth will prevail and misconceptions from misguided people will be

put in their rightful place.


From the outset it must be clearly understood that we live on a

planet of causes and effects, every thing seen on this planet has a

cause and an effect. We live in and are surrounded by all sorts of

effects like wind blowing from the north or a light shining from a

star or a leaf growing on a tree or wealth,

health,suffering,Happiness,Love,Sound,lightning,Music in fact

everything we see, feel, touch, smell, all have causes. Magic is the

name simply applied to happenings where no obvious cause can be

seen, at least to some of those witnessing it.As you can easily

appreciate no effect is without a cause.



We are know witnessing one of the great turnings in our century

where old healing practises are re-emerging such as Reiki healing,

Colour healing, Seichim, Spiritual healing, Osteopathy, Massage and

many others. Some of these are thousands of years old, Spiritual

healing/reiki is one of those. It is exactly the same kind of

energy used by Jesus in so many of his healings.



Put simply Spiritual Healing/Reiki is the transference of certain

energies through a channel which could be a person or an animal or

even the planet, the wavelengths of this healing energy are well

outside the limits of most scientific equipment but a lot of people

can feel this energy .


The energy in my experience has been very uplifting and beautiful

which can touch and vastly influence parts of us such as the spirit

or soul or our mental selves and our physical selves. It can bring a

steadiness and balance and sense of well-being second to none .Its

limits as to its use are in the realms of the infinite.


A very simplistic analogy would be to liken it to a massive energy

reservoir which can be tapped into by people and animals which act

as the conduits of this energy and like wires of electricity some of

which are bigger than others and so therefore big wires can transmit

more energy than smaller wires. Bearing this point in mind the

reader can soon appreciate that going to one spiritual healer ,

Reiki healer can be vastly different than going to another as it is

with so many things whether it be dentists, doctors, policeman or

what have you.


Spiritual Healing, Reiki is natural healing energy, which is present

in this universe. Spiritual healers and Reiki work in many different

ways to some it is the laying on of hands onto a person or animal,

to others it can be sent through the power of thought. To be even in

the presence of some healers can have a profound and beneficial

effect on people and one wishes that there were more people giving

off just as beautiful vibrations as these people were this world

would truly transform it.



Everyone needs healing, because there is not a single person which

on some part of their being does not require healing. I will clarify

that point further because some people are so physically orientated

they perceive people and their suffering on a basis of you look OK

you must be OK.


This perception can be likened to looking at a puddle of water and

because it looks all right and then assuming that because the rest

of the ocean is made of the same kind of stuff it must be the same,

being absolutely oblivious to the rest of the entire ocean.


We are a very complicated beings comprising of many different parts

some of which are the mental self, the subconscious, the Physical

self and the spiritual self. I will leave it up to the reader to

discover the parts of themselves and their true importance to their

well beings.

During the healing process as a general rule people should simply

relax, all sorts of sensations may be felt typically heat, cold,

energy, sometimes even noises from your body.


Who is suitable for healing? All people at all stages of their life

especially the terminally ill;Animals even plants seem to respond.

Will one session be enough? Sometimes but probably a series may be

the answer.

Will healing cure me? All healing from all sources be it Doctor,

drugs, etc comes under the law of Karma.


There are no guarantees that healing from any source may give the

effect which the Desiree wishes.


However it has been my experience that even if you do not get the

effect you desire, on some part of your being you most very probably

will receive some healing, even it is just upliftment. Which can be

extremely valuable



Harry Edwards was one such channel who was told to concentrate on

the next person he hears about who is sick. A case arrived one who

had TB who was dying .He concentrated on that person with his mind

and within 24 hrs the bleeding had stopped the pain had stopped and

the temperature had come down to almost normal. The Doctors

attending were amazed, the man returned to work in a short time.

More cases followed, people came with Cancer, Consumption and other

blights. Of notable healing was a boy with Spinal Meningitis and who

was dying. Harry sought healing for the boy and within a short

period of time the boy's parents were astonished to find their boy

sitting up in bed, the doctors looking on in amazement. A growing

queue was starting to form at his house and mail started to arrive.

But what truly amazed harry was the use of Absent healing where the

healing was sent by thought, the patient was not even present but it

seemed even more effective.


To cope with the growing demands of his work he set up a healing

sanctuary at Burrows lea in surrey and his secretaries started

answering the hundreds of letters which came each day. He was in

constant demand to give talks all over England. Then on one day he

had the great urge to demonstrate what he could do before an

audience ``is there anyone suffering from Arthritis''? he asked.

Hands shot up from all over the auditorium, which started off the

public healing. The demonstrations grew, a thousand people attended

a demonstration at Croydon and typically Harry would treat

Arthritis, Spinal curvature, Deafness and poor sight. One lady who

had not been able to walk for three years was given healing, after a

few minutes of healing she walked down the aisle much to the

audience's delight. A child of six had her spinal curvature

straightened much to people's amazement.


Gradually over the years of healing he drew together the letters and

testimonials and presented them in an incredible book called The

evidence for Spiritual Healing which contained ten thousand cures,

yes that's right ten thousand .


Newspapers captured the signs with headlines like `'Sight restored

after seventeen years'' `'the Deaf hear'' `'After healing the

cripple danced'' `'Paralysed children walk off the stage

unaided''and so on.


He would make the point quite clear that Spiritual Healing was not

faith healing and if it were so young babies and mental cases with

no comprehension about faith would not even respond.


On another occasion Harry was called before a panel of Doctors who

presented him with their very own patients. The first patient had

Disseminated Sclerosis and came in with two helpers. On the first

treatment mobility was restored to the spastic spine then co-

ordination of the leg movements followed, she responded well and

started to walk, the session ended with the Doctors asking for

healing for their own personal troubles. Then royalty sought him out

Princess Marie Louise granddaughter of Queen Victoria sought healing

for Arthritis and she was instrumental in the royals attending the



In less than five years Harry had received no less than one million

letters and in less than seven years over forty thousand people

attended the sanctuary.


In the thirty years from the time he moved to Burrows lea up to his

passing in 1976 he received an average of 9000 letters a week .In

over thirty years he received over 14 million letters from patients.


Harry passed to the other side of life in 1976 but not before

teaching Ray and Joan branch how to continue with the good work at

Burrows lea where they still are today.


Happily now Spiritual healers are used quite extensively in the

N.H.S, in fact they are in over 1500 hospitals and at long last a

lot of churches have finally complied with what the master told them

to do two thousand years ago and that is to go forth and heal the

sick. In the year 2000 even our prince Charles published a report

stating that spiritual healers should be extensively available

throughout the entire NHS. Over 7000 healers are now registered to

treat patients in the health system. I know of no cases where

spiritual healing when given by a trained healer has been

detrimental in any way, I know of no side effects except better




Just a few reports – " When I had finished treating him, it was a real

delight to see how wonderfully glad he was to be able to use his

legs, feet, arms and hands again... and then he told me: " When I

came here, I was convinced no one could help me, and I came only to

please my Aunt, who brought me. "


You worked a miracle with his father when he was very ill 1983-84

when I wrote to you, but you will be pleased to know he is now

working for the Council and lives a fairly normal life.

" You and the late Harry Edwards helped me so often and indeed I am

still pressing on 18 years after I was expected to die from my last

bout of cancer. "


" On behalf of my mother, daughter and myself may I thank you for the

lovely day at your Sanctuary last Tuesday. My mother is so much

better it is truly amazing. She can stretch out her arms and even

raise them to her head and her walking is much stronger. My daughter

was very impressed, too. "

My condition improved in as much as I now have much more self-

confidence and ability to deal with my everyday life.



Millions of people are aware of this fantastic healing energy and

there are literally thousands of healers [channels for this energy].


The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which

means " God's Wisdom or the Higher Power " and Ki which is " life force

energy " . So Reiki is actually " spiritually guided life force

energy. "


A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows

through and around you. Reiki treats the person including body,

emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects

including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being.

Many have reported miraculous results.


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and

self-improvement that a lot of people can use. It has been effective

in helping virtually every known illness and malady and can create a

very beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other

medical or therapeutic techniques sometimes to relieve side effects

and promote recovery.


An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is

not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student

during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during

an " attunement " given by a Reiki master and allows the student to

tap into an unlimited supply of " life force energy " to improve one's

health and enhance the quality of life.


It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages

and backgrounds.

The Reiki system of healing is a technique for transmitting this

subtle energy to yourself and others. Reiki can restore energy

balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects

of unreleased stress. It can gently and effectively open blocked

meridians, nadas and chakras, and clears the energy bodies, leaving

one feeling relaxed and at peace.


Reiki can accelerate healing. Assist the body in cleansing toxins.

Balance the flow of subtle energy by releasing blockages. Help the

client contact the 'healer within.'

A treatment feels like warm, gentle sunshine, which flows through

you, surrounds you and comforts you. Reiki treats the person's body,

emotions, mind and spirit as a whole. Reiki is a simple, natural and

safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that most

people can use. Reiki is powerful, yet wonderfully gentle and



During a treatment, the clients usually remain fully clothed. Reiki

is an effective alternative, or complement to massage therapy. Reiki

can support any medical or supplemental healing methods a client may

be using and is of growing interest to chiropractors, medical

doctors, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, psychologists and

hypnotherapists. In fact it is in use by quite a few doctors.



A Brief History of Reiki.

The history of Reiki, like all other histories, is tainted with

different views of the one event.

Reiki is seemingly an ancient form of healing that was lost and then

rediscovered, during a mystical experience, by Dr. Mikao Usui who

was a Japanese psychic. In 1922 Dr. Usui started a healing society

in Japan. He created three degrees (or levels) for Reiki healing and

initiated a small number of followers. One of his followers, Dr.

Hayashi, a retired naval officer, was charged with preserving Reiki.

He did this and further developed the Usui system.


He gave the knowledge to his wife and to Mrs. Hawayo Takata. Mrs.

Takata practiced Reiki healing and initiated twenty-two people into

Reiki mastership Today, Reiki is known and practiced in many parts

of the world and is increasing in popularity and acceptance.


One problem a student might have in learning Reiki is the existence

of different Reiki schools, giving different attitudes and different

symbols by different teachers.

All that is required is a genuine desire for spiritual growth and

an open mind.



Reiki Research

There are now quite a few experiments that validate the usefulness

of Reiki and other vibrational healing techniques. The following are

few of the more interesting experiments.

A registered nurse describes a Reiki experiment she conducted in her

paper, " Reiki Healing: A Physiologic Perspective. " In her study,

forty-eight people made up the experimental group while 10 made up a

control group. Both groups had blood samples taken at the beginning

and at the end of the experiment. The experimental group received

First Degree Reiki training. The control group was not involved in

the Reiki training.



The blood samples were measured for hemoglobin and hematocrit

values. Hemoglobin is the part of red blood cells that carry oxygen.

Hematocrit is the ratio of red blood cells to total blood volume.

The people in the experimental group who received Reiki training

experienced a significant change in these values with 28 percent

experiencing an increase and the remainder experiencing a decrease.

The people in the control group who did not receive Reiki training

experienced no significant change.


It is thought that changes, whether an increase or decrease are

consistent with the purpose of Reiki which is to bring balance on an

individual basis.

One individual experienced a 20% increase in these values. She

continued to treat herself with Reiki daily and after three months,

her increase had been maintained and in fact had continued to

improve. This improvement was appropriate for her as she had been

experiencing iron deficiency anemia.


Another experiment using a Reiki like technique has also

demonstrated its ability to increase hemoglobin values. A medical

doctor conducted an experiment with a group of 79 sick patients.

Together the patients had a wide range of diagnosed illnesses

including pancreatitis, brain tumor, emphysema, multiple endocrine

disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and congestive heart failure.

Laying-on hands treatments were given to 46 patients with 33 as

controls. The treated patients showed significant increases in

hemoglobin values.


The effect was so pronounced that even cancer patients who were

being treated with bone marrow-suppressive agents which predictably

induce decreases in hemoglobin values showed an increase. The

majority of patients also reported improvement or complete

disappearance of symptoms. Both this experiment and the one above,

demonstrate that healers are able to induce actual biological

improvements in the patients they treat rather than simply create a

feeling of well being.


Laying-on hands healing has been validated by experiments carried

out at St. Vincent's medical Center in New York. The experiment was

carried out by Janet Quinn, assistant director of nursing at the

University of South Carolina. The design of this experiment tends to

rule out the placebo effect. Thirty heart patients were given a 20

question psychological test to determine their level of anxiety.

Then they were treated by a group trained in laying-on hands

healing. A control group of patients were also treated by sham

healers who imitated the same positions as those who had training.

Anxiety levels dropped 17 percent after only five minutes treatment

by trained practitioners, but those who were only imitating a

treatment created no effect.


Daniel Wirth of Healing Sciences International in Orinda, California

conducted a tightly controlled experiment involving a Reiki-like

healing technique.


Forty-four male college students received identical minor wounds

deliberately inflicted by a doctor in the right or left shoulder.

Twenty-three then received a Reiki like healing and the other twenty-

one did not. The treatments were given in such a way that the

possibility of a placebo effect was ruled out. All forty-four

students extend their arms though a hole in the wall. In the other

room, a trained healer was present for those who received healing

and administered healing from a distance without touching.


For those who did not receive healing, no one was present in the

room. Both the students and the doctor who administered the wounds

and later also evaluated their healing rate had been told that the

experiment was about the electrical conductivity of the body.

Neither knew that the experiment was about healing. Eight and

sixteen day follow-up measurements of the rate of wound healing were



After eight days, the treated groups wounds had shrunk 93.5 percent

compared with 67.3 percent for those not treated. After sixteen

days, the figures were 99.3 and 90.9. After debriefing, the students

stated they did not know the true nature of the experiment and had

felt no contact with the healer. The possibility that expectations

of the students caused the healing was ruled out.

Dr. John Zimmerman of the University of Colorado using a SQUID

(Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) has discovered that

magnetic fields several hundred times stronger than background noise

are created around the hands of trained healers when doing healing

work on patients.


No such fields are created by sham' healers making the same

movements indicating something special is happening with the trained

healers. The frequencies of the magnetic fields surrounding the

hands of the trained healers were of the alpha and theta wave range

similar to those seen in the brain of meditators.



Dr. Barnard Grad of McGill University in Montreal, used barley seeds

to test the effect of psychic healing energies on plants. The seeds

were planted in pots and watered with a saline solution, which is

known to retard their sprouting and growth. With elaborate double-

blind conditions set-up, one group of seeds were watered with saline

solution that had been treated by a psychic healer.





Dr. Grad carried out similar experiments involving tap water and

plants. Sealed containers of water were given to a psychic healer to

hold and others were given to a severely depressed patient to hold.

The plants watered with the healer-held water had an increased

growth rate and those watered with the water held by the severely

depressed patient had a decrease in growth rate compared to


These experiments involving plants, in addition to confirming the

non-placebo nature of psychic healing, scientifically confirm the

ancient metaphysical understanding that healing energies can be

stored in water for future use.



In another experiment involving psychic healer Olga Worrall, Dr.

Robert Miller used an electromechanical transducer to measure the

microscopic growth rate of rye grass. The device used has an

accuracy of one thousandth of an inch per hour. Dr. Miller set-up

the experiment in his laboratory and then left, locking the door

behind him to eliminate any unnecessary disturbance. Olga, located

over 600 miles away was asked to pray for the test plant at exactly

9 PM that evening.


When Dr. Miller returned to the laboratory the next day, the test

equipment had recorded normal continuous growth of 6.25 thousandths

of an inch per hour up to 9 PM. At that time, the record began to

deviate upward and had risen to 52.5 thousands of an inch per hour

which was an increase of 840 percent! This increased growth rate

remained till morning when it decreased but never to its original



The Spindrift group has done extensive research involving prayer and

plants. Their results indicate that prayed for plants always grow

faster and are healthier than non-prayed for plants even though the

conditions are equal for both groups of plants and those doing the

praying are miles away. These results were consistent regardless of

the distance involved and occurred over and over. They are described

by Robert Owen in his book, " Qualitative Research: The early years " :


One of the interesting results of their research work is that they

were best when the prayer was non-directional, that is when the

prayer was simply for the plants general well-being, rather than for

a specific result, such as a certain growth rate or overall height.

More experiments are being done and scientific theories are being

developed to describe Reiki and Reiki like healing techniques. As we

continue into the millennium, increasing interest along with more

sensitive equipment will allow science to more completely

understand, validate, and accept the reality of Reiki. As this

happens, we will see increasing use of Reiki and other laying-on

hands healing coming into common use by individuals for themselves

and family along with its use in hospitals and doctors offices.


The deeper understanding about the nature of health and the unity of

all life this re-discovered age old wisdom will provide will reduce

suffering and make earth a more worthwhile place to live. With this

in mind, let us be encouraged to continue in the spirit of Reiki to

help others and to heal the planet.


Practitioners have some real interesting stories. Reiki can also

enhances natural abilities. If you are an artist, it can help

develop your artistic expression. If you have an intuitive sense,

Reiki can heighten that. If you have a business head, Reiki can

enhance that as well. In the practice of Reiki, working with energy

helps you to connect with your path, your skills, and develop your

senses. But it takes practice and trusting what you feel.


Reiki is also present in some hospitals.

Reiki has been applied to these conditions and more with very

beneficial results. There are a lot more applications of Reiki – see

there web site for more information.



ADDICTIONS (drugs and alcohol)

Addictions and suicidal behavior


Arthritis (osteo-, rheumatoid)


Aids /HIV


Cancer all types

Cervical dysphasia


Chronic fatigue syndrome & fibromyalgia

Coma –phenomenal result





Eye sight


Heart conditions -saved surgery


Insomnia –results good

Leukemia -recovered


Mole – fell off

Migraine- pain free

Multiple sclerosis – beneficial results


Pagets - beneficial results

Pain relief – very beneficial

Paralysis- beneficial results recovered

Polyps –surgery cancelled

Prenatal condition- child born healthy

Psoriasis 70% cleared

Seizure beneficial

Shingles- patient in remission



Karuna Reiki

Laura gifford gives some interesting differences between reiki and

Karuna Reiki and says that Reiki increases the awareness of the way

God works in life. Usui Reiki, is the connection to the highest and

most holy spiritual energies. Usui Reiki is unconditional Love. Usui

Reiki is gentle and peaceful, but very powerful. Usui Reiki is a

conduit for Karuna Reiki® to flow through.

When receiving Karuna:


Karuna Reiki® is very serious, let's get down to business energy.

Karuna Reiki® energy goes very deep, gently, but quickly. She

describes vibrating at a rapidly increasing rate, feeling like more

light than I am flesh. The first few times she received a Karuna

treatment she describes rising out of her body, and was taken into

the symbols used. One repeated occurrence has been that she has seen

flashes of traumatic experiences in this life, and from other times.

They appeared as if I am looking through a picture window.


The image briefly comes into focus so she was clear on what she was

seeing, and then a beam of white and gold light pierces the images

and shatters them into zillions of pieces, which immediately become

pure light. When she had these experiences she also felt and at

times saw physical releases within my body. She experienced deep

physical and emotional healing.


She describes Karuna being profoundly transformational for her as

Usui Reiki and she felt that it had come into her life to assist her

in her growth. She says how multi-dimensional Karuna feels to her.

She felt it working simultaneously on the emotional, mental and

physical bodies, and it has her me layers in her energy field and

within her consciousness that go beyond anything she can

intellectually comprehend. Karuna Reiki® takes her to that space

beyond form, color, time and sound that just cannot be described

within the constraints of words except perhaps, the purest sense of

peace, and total love she have ever felt.


Those words don't even do it justice.

She also had sensations of Karuna Reiki® reaching into other times,

connecting with karmic issues, and flashing through incarnations

linking them and bringing the related lessons to her conscious

awareness, and offering her the opportunity to transmute it in the

moment. So in this sense, she felt it very gracefully transcends

time and space on many levels simultaneously. She also used Karuna

Reiki® to do spirit release work with others.










In , " raenstic " <raenstic



> Since I have had my baby in January, I seem to havemajor panic

> attacks/anxiety. I ad to leave my job b/c I just couldn't


> properly. I have had my heart checked, my gallbladder removed,


> have een put on antianxiety meds. I don't take them b/c I don't


> the way they make me feel. I'm only 27, but I feel as if I'm 97.


> anyone have any help or suggestions? Anything would be greatly

> appreciated.

> Ariana


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

I had a former girl-friend that had rather severe Panic Attacks

for a number of years. Physicians had tried her on several different

chemical medicines with the result being that they did not help at

all. She tried taking about 3 Passion Flower Herb capsules every

evening before going to bed and within 2 days they subsided, never

reoccuring again until she stopped taking the Passion Flower.

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I have stopped drinking Tea and Coffee and now only drink

Passion Flower in dry leaf from the Herb shop...

I am now able to face the after affects I had from the Cancer

in My throat...


At 12:31 AM 24/07/2007 +0000, you wrote:


>I had a former girl-friend that had rather severe Panic Attacks

>for a number of years. Physicians had tried her on several different

>chemical medicines with the result being that they did not help at

>all. She tried taking about 3 Passion Flower Herb capsules every

>evening before going to bed and within 2 days they subsided, never

>reoccuring again until she stopped taking the Passion Flower.






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I practice Zen Shiatsu, Reiki, and other forms of energy healing.

Any advice I give you, you should check out with your doctor.


In Zen Shiatsu, the Gall Bladder helps people decide short-term

decisions (go left or rigt on a path). Having your Gall Bladder

removed would affect this energy. This could be related to the

anxiety in Zen Shiatsu terms. You could go see a Zen Shiatsu

practitioner for assistance with this issue.


Are you doing any breathing work? Helping to slow and move the

breath down to belly might be helpful.


However, I would still keep working with your doctor and following

their recommendations. Many doctor's will respect a client's

decision not to take medication for mental health issues.


I hope this helps.






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Guest guest

I suffered from panic attacks since a teenager, and until I was 33.

Not much is known about them, although recent research pointed toward

some sort of brain/cardiac dysfunction. I never thought it was a

MEDICAL problem, although the symptoms were certainly medically



After countless therapies, drugs and herbal concoctions, the ONLY

thing that worked was the Bach Flower remedies. My Bach Flower

counselor said I had a giant hole in my aura.


After two days, the attacks STOPPED. It was truly a miracle. I took

the formula for about four months to stablise, and it was truly amazing.


Before discovering Bach Flowers, I was finding some relief by taking

B-vitamins, and doing the Biophosphate Cell Salts. I continue to do

that to this day (I'm now 55).

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Good for you! My colleague and friend, Patricia Meyer, is a well-known

authority on Bach

Flower Essences in the United States. If anyone would like to reach Patricia:



She does amazing work. In fact, she was recently a guest speaker during a

session of my



To your health,

Cathleen Springer

Certified Homeopath & Principal Instructor







, " Boyd Martin " <boyd wrote:


> I suffered from panic attacks since a teenager, and until I was 33.

> Not much is known about them, although recent research pointed toward

> some sort of brain/cardiac dysfunction. I never thought it was a

> MEDICAL problem, although the symptoms were certainly medically

> measurable.


> After countless therapies, drugs and herbal concoctions, the ONLY

> thing that worked was the Bach Flower remedies. My Bach Flower

> counselor said I had a giant hole in my aura.


> After two days, the attacks STOPPED. It was truly a miracle. I took

> the formula for about four months to stablise, and it was truly amazing.


> Before discovering Bach Flowers, I was finding some relief by taking

> B-vitamins, and doing the Biophosphate Cell Salts. I continue to do

> that to this day (I'm now 55).


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Guest guest




, " adam.bowling " <adam wrote:


> Hi,


> I practice Zen Shiatsu, Reiki, and other forms of energy healing.

> Any advice I give you, you should check out with your doctor.


> In Zen Shiatsu, the Gall Bladder helps people decide short-term

> decisions (go left or rigt on a path). Having your Gall Bladder

> removed would affect this energy. This could be related to the

> anxiety in Zen Shiatsu terms. You could go see a Zen Shiatsu

> practitioner for assistance with this issue.


> Are you doing any breathing work? Helping to slow and move the

> breath down to belly might be helpful.


> However, I would still keep working with your doctor and following

> their recommendations. Many doctor's will respect a client's

> decision not to take medication for mental health issues.


> I hope this helps.


> Adam


> www.qehealing.com

> adam


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I never had one until this year ( I am in the throws of perimenopause). I have

had about 3

now. They suck.




> Numerous comments on the Power-Surge message board suggest that panic

> attacks tend to surface or increase during perimenopause. I know they

> did for me. This suggests that hormonal factors can play a major, if

> not causative, role.


> Avalon


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

FROM: d_artegoitia


DATE: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 04:37:32 -0700 (PDT)


Thank you! Charlotte, Please, can you give me the protocol for panics


This person is taking RIVOTRIL (CLONAZEPAN) for a long time, and she wants to

have a baby.




A Loving Atma Namaste!




A panic attack, the core feature of panic disorder, is a period of intense

fear or discomfort that strikes suddenly, often in familiar places, where

there is seemingly nothing threatening an individual. But when the attack

comes, it feels as if there is a real threat, and the body reacts

accordingly. The discomfort and sense of danger the attack brings is so

intense that people with panic disorder often believe they are having a

heart attack or other life-threatening illness.


Panic attacks are usually classified as being part of panic disorder if they

occur more than once and are accompanied by at least four of the following



• Sweating

• Shortness of breath

• Rapid or pounding heart beat

• Chest pain

• Feeling unsteady

• Choking or smothering sensations

• Numbness or tingling

• Chills or hot flashes

• Faintness

• Trembling or shaking

• Nausea or abdominal pains

• Feeling unreal or disconnected

• Fear of losing control, " going crazy, " or dying


Unchecked Panic: A " Triple A " Threat


Panic attacks are the psychological event most likely to motivate a person

to seek medical attention. However, if told nothing is wrong or that the

problem is psychiatric, the patient may feel frustrated or embarrassed and

not seek further help. This can result in three serious consequences:


Anticipatory anxiety

This condition is triggered by thinking about the possibility of having a

panic attack. Once this develops, anticipatory anxiety can cause the person

to become reclusive, opting to endure the attacks alone rather than in

public where there is no chance of escape and slight chance of help.



Panic attack sufferers may discontinue activities that seem to trigger panic

attacks, such as going to the park, driving, riding in elevators, or doing

anything that brings on frightening body sensations. While avoidance may

temporarily help with the fear of the attack and loss of control, it makes

normal life nearly impossible. It also does not stop the attacks from




Often coupled with panic disorder, agoraphobia is the fear of being in

places or situations from which escape might be difficult or in which help

might not be available in the event of a panic attack. Agoraphobia is a

severe form of phobic avoidance and can cause those with panic disorder to

avoid public places, crowds, or traveling by bus or plane. This pattern may

progress to the point that the sufferer will not leave home.


Incidence and Frequency


Approximately twice as many women as men experience panic disorder; however,

there is no difference in frequency in panic disorder among people of

different ethnic, economic, and geographic backgrounds. The disorder

typically begins when patients are in their 20s and is sometimes preceded by

a stressful event which can trigger the first attack, such as the death of a

parent. In most cases, however, most people are unable to associate their

first panic attack with any specific event in their life.


There is a genetic component to panic disorder because it often runs in

families, which supports the idea that the condition may be inherited.

People with panic disorder are also prone to other illnesses such as

depression and drug or alcohol abuse. In fact, more than half of those with

panic disorder will experience depression at least once during their

lifetimes. The illness is often complicated by drug and alcohol abuse.


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy consists of five fundamentals:


- Learning. In this first stage, the therapist explains the illness, teaches

the patient to identify the symptoms, and outlines the treatment plan.

- Monitoring. Patients keep a diary to monitor panic attacks and record

anxiety-inducing situations.

- Breathing. The therapist teaches breathing relaxation techniques to combat

the physical reactions of a panic attack.

- Rethinking. The therapist helps the patient change his or her

interpretation of physical symptoms from catastrophic to realistic.

- Exposing. The therapist helps the patient encounter situations that evoke

frightening physical sensations at levels of gradually increasing intensity.


Medical treatments of panic disorder often include antidepressants,

benzodiazepines, and other types of medications that have been shown to be

successful in treating panic disorder. Effective treatments and ongoing

research have brought new hope of recovery to those with panic disorder.

Earlier detection significantly reduces the complications of untreated panic

disorder. With appropriate psychiatric treatment, people who experience

panic disorder can recover and return to normal life activities.


Source: American Psychiatric Association





1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.


When scanning, form the intention to scan for negative thought forms then

negative entities.


2. Cut negative energy cords from the chakras and aura.


3. Apply General Sweeping using LEV or EV.


For the entire treatment: Scanning and cleansing - use the divide the chakra

into 4 parts technique frontally then, the 5th part is the core and the 6th

part is the root of the chakra.


Scanning : Form the intention to scan for fear and trauma energy - negative

thought forms then negative entities.


Scan each section of each chakra.


Sweeping : Form the intention to disintegrate and remove fear and trauma

energy - negative thought forms and negative entities. Apply sweeping on

each section using EV.


3. Do localized thorough sweeping on the solar plexus chakra, navel chakra,

basic chakra, crown chakra, throat chakra, ajna chakra and throat chakra

using LEV.


Rescan. Apply sweeping until all the sections of the chakra are smooth and



Energize with LEV.


When energizing the ajna chakra, visualize the ajna chakra becoming brighter

and bigger.


4. Do localized thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energize

through the back heart with EV. While energizing, visualize the heart

becoming brighter and say , " bigger, bigger, bigger " .


5. Create chakral shields for the front and back solar plexus chakra, ajna,

and crown chakra. Then create an auric shield.


6. Stabilize and release projected energy.


7. Encourage this person to practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts for

psychological well being regularly.


8. Whenever you think of this person, visualize a happy, optimistic,

emotionally strong and well adjusted person.


9. Teach this person to regularly think of positive self affiirmations and

visualize a positive self image while doing Pranic Breathing.


10. If the person has taken Kriyashakti or Arhatic Yoga, the Blue Triangle

Technique may be used for character building.


11. Repeat treatment 2 to 3 times per week.



With Loving Blessings,

The PHQandA Team



Source: The books written by MASTER CHOA KOK SUI including:

Miracles Through Pranic Healing

Advanced Pranic Healing

Pranic Psychotherapy

Pranic Crystal Healing




1. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather

to complement it. If symptoms persist or if the ailment is severe, please

consult immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.


2. Pranic Healers who are not medical doctors should not prescribe nor

interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments.

~ Master Choa Kok Sui


MCKS website: http://www.pranichealing.org ====================

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