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Hi Juliana. My name is Chrystal from Richmond BC. I'm a 1st year

student of TCM. I have had psoriasis for most of my life. I've tried

everything with very little success, all the miracle products, coal

tar, lotions, even coconut essence. The only thing that worked was

steroids but when I eventually stopped using it it ended up making

the psoriasis worse. I took a TCM elective in college and I decided

to try acupuncture for my psoriasis. And it worked! I was under

treatment for about a month or two before I moved. Redness and

scaling decreased significantly and it was prevented from further

spreading. According to TCM, one of the causes of psoriasis is heat

or fire in the blood. I have some information about recommended

acupoints from a website as well as herbs and other treatment. I can

dig it up if you want.


>De: Chinese Medicine

Data: 01/28/04 21:58:05

Para: Chinese Medicine

Assunto: Psoriasis



I am a 3rd year student at Dallas College of Oriental Medicne. I am

presently researching Psoriasis for a term paper. Does anyone have a

good rescource for treatment with TCM? I have found only a few and

would like to involve more input. I have treated a 17 year old

female in the clinic, she did get substatial improvement with

acupuncture and herbal decoction (internal and external

application). However teenagers being what they are she had a hard

time staying on the regime and discontinued treatment when she had

aproximately 80% improvement with hair returning to affected lesion

sites and reduction in itching with overall improvement in underlying

condition. This is a very disheartning condition from both a WM and

TCM perspective. What can we do to help??

Any input is much appreciated.


Thank you


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Dear Crystal,

So glad acupuncture helped the Psoriasis. Have you tried being tested for food

allergies. I have a hunch that skin problems have a lot to do with elimination.

I do food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and 9/10 people (especially

women) have some sort of leaky gut syndrome due to overuse of hormone tablets,

steroids, etc. Helping the gut usually clears up any skin problems, dryness,

spots, itching. Unfortunately I haven't had a client with psoriasis yet to

check this out on so would value your comment.



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Psoriasis is an inherited condition known to be aggravated by stress,

but has nothing to do with allergy.

Kinesiology is a very intuitive system of diagnosis and if you find all

your patient show the same condition (leaky gut syndrome) may be it is

because you are a little bit obsessed with it

Psoriasis respond often well to acupuncture, but even better result can

be obtained by combining acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine or


Psorriasis usually does not respond to nutritional changes

A goo example of effective Chinese formula is Si Wu Tang + Ma Huang


Low dosage other long periods seems to work better.






On Friday, February 6, 2004, at 06:28 am, cmfadley wrote:



> Dear Crystal,

> So glad acupuncture helped the Psoriasis. Have you tried being tested

> for food allergies.  I have a hunch that skin problems have a lot to

> do with elimination.  I do food intolerance testing using Kinesiology

> and 9/10 people (especially women) have some sort of leaky gut

> syndrome due to overuse of hormone tablets, steroids, etc.  Helping

> the gut usually clears up any skin problems, dryness, spots, itching. 

> Unfortunately I haven't had a client with psoriasis yet to check this

> out on so would value your comment.

> Regards

> Christine



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> email account you joined with. You will be removed automatically but

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Hi Christine!


What do you use for leaky gut?


At 01:28 AM 2/6/2004, you wrote:


>Dear Crystal,

>So glad acupuncture helped the Psoriasis. Have you tried being tested for

>food allergies. I have a hunch that skin problems have a lot to do with

>elimination. I do food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and 9/10

>people (especially women) have some sort of leaky gut syndrome due to

>overuse of hormone tablets, steroids, etc. Helping the gut usually clears

>up any skin problems, dryness, spots, itching. <snip>






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Cristine wrote:

>Dear Crystal,

>So glad acupuncture helped the Psoriasis. Have you tried being tested for

>food allergies. I have a hunch that skin problems have a lot to do with

>elimination. I do food intolerance testing using Kinesiology and 9/10

>people (especially women) have some sort of leaky gut syndrome due to

>overuse of hormone tablets, steroids, etc. Helping the gut usually clears

>up any skin problems, dryness, spots, itching. Unfortunately I haven't had

>a client with psoriasis yet to check this out on so would value your









I have a book at home of research done in russia where they clear extreme

cases of excema and psoriasis by fasting and colonics. The premise being

that these symptoms originate in colon disturbances.


I am not sugesting that colonic irrigation is the answer, as one is still

treating symptoms. I have an extremely good track record of clearing excema

and psoriasis using only acupuncture, even in cases where they have

previoulsy tried Chinese herbs unsuccesfully.


My conclusions to date are, that as a result of stress, people physically

distort parts of their large intestine creating physical damage and because

of its function of absorption into the blood leads to skin complaints as a

result of toxin reingestion.


If the above is true, then to clear skin complaints one has to treat the

underlying stress generating dysfunction in the relevant meridian that is

responsible for the constriction in the large intestine. Likely culprits

tend to be ST, SP, LIV, GB, LI, LU.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope someone can help with this one. My sister has inherited from my Dad

scaly eyebrows and scalp. It is helped to a small degree by Pinetarsol,

which is a gooey pine product she uses for shampoo. When she takes EPO she

gets relief from the scales in the eyebrows , but not her scalp. She says

that when she has been asleep for a few hours ( it is summer here and very

humid), her scalp itches like crazy, especially where she has been lying.

She has changed to a feather pillow and that has helped a bit.. My thought

was a hydrosol of Roman Chamomile??????

Any suggestions.


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Hi Jeanine,


Diet and rest are the two biggest factors in keeping psoriasis under

control. That being said - Chamomile is known to be helpful for

psoriasis. I have a friend who has psoriasis and uses a avocado oil with

a little bit of roman chamomile in it, and he loves it. I can see the

chamomile hydrosol making a nice hair rinse (especially if she has

blonde in her hair), maybe even blended with yarrow and rose hydrosols.


Also, Homeopathy can be very effective for controlling psoriasis.


Best of luck to her. Please, do keep us posted :)



Chris (list mom)







David and Jeanine Moss [dhm.jac]


Hope someone can help with this one. My sister has inherited from my


scaly eyebrows and scalp. It is helped to a small degree by Pinetarsol,

which is a gooey pine product she uses for shampoo. When she takes EPO


gets relief from the scales in the eyebrows , but not her scalp. She


that when she has been asleep for a few hours ( it is summer here and


humid), her scalp itches like crazy, especially where she has been


She has changed to a feather pillow and that has helped a bit.. My


was a hydrosol of Roman Chamomile??????

Any suggestions.








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Hi Chris,


I agree with all you've written. My great-neice has been plagued

with psoriasis since birth. All the below helped with the addition

of " black soap. " It is wonderful for skin problems.


She finally went on a homeopathic and has not complained since. I

think the soap helped also.









, " Christine Ziegler "

<chrisziggy@e...> wrote:


> Hi Jeanine,


> Diet and rest are the two biggest factors in keeping psoriasis


> control. That being said - Chamomile is known to be helpful for

> psoriasis. I have a friend who has psoriasis and uses a avocado

oil with

> a little bit of roman chamomile in it, and he loves it. I can see


> chamomile hydrosol making a nice hair rinse (especially if she has

> blonde in her hair), maybe even blended with yarrow and rose



> Also, Homeopathy can be very effective for controlling psoriasis.


> Best of luck to her. Please, do keep us posted :)


> *Smile*

> Chris (list mom)


> http://www.alittleolfactory.com




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Vitamin D is good for that. Check this out:






, " childofthefae "

<childofthefae> wrote:

> does anyone have any suggestions.........help!!!!!! what should i

> do? psoriasis is spreading rapidly on my leg. started on the palms

> of my hands and feet and now my hands - that goodness - are in

> remission....feet are bad - - - and now a new type of psoriasis on my

> left.


> im very up for suggestions. tks......lyn

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I use apple cider vinegar all over my body and rinse my hair with it too. No

more expensive and harmful remedies. I drink the apple cider vinegar too but I

only drink the organic Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. You might also want to add

fish oil to your diet and change your eating habits. Start juicing!



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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 4/26/2004 8:48:20 PM US Mountain Standard Time, eliz3378 writes:



I have a friend who has psoriasis. i don't know if she is willing to do all the cleansing. where should she start though in regards to her diet? what should she eliminate?

Peace and happiness,


Elizabeth Elliott, Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator


That is a big question!


Is she at a healthy weight?


how long has she had this?

She needs to listen to Doc's tape... you can encourage her about herbs and nutrition. She really needs to do a cleanse... This with nutritional balance should handle the problem.


no dairy

no caffeine

no sugars / artificial sweeteners

no processed foods

no white flour products


Eats lots of organic fruits/veggies

Drink plenty of pure water

If eating meat natural & organic


This is just a basic program Elizabeth,,,but you should know that by know girl!!! You have been here, have faith in what you know and share it with others...


God Bless,

Jamie in Az


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In a message dated 4/27/2004 8:47:47 AM US Mountain Standard Time, eliz3378 writes:


i know. that is what i told her. she said it has been acting up worse than ever this week and she said she had been eating a lot of fish (out our work, which is a restaurant). anyway, i know the fish is farmraised. i told her to cut that out for sure and see what happens to her skin. she is a little chunky; drinks too much, etc. some people just aren';t willing to make the necessary changes. it is tough work i know, but well worth it.

Peace and happiness,


Elizabeth Elliott, Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator

Elizabeth your just a doll for trying to help her...just remember she has to want to help herself! She needs a cleanse bad and dietary changes. Don't push just keep dropping hints and being gentle and she will come around when she is ready or when she is in trouble.


God Bless,

Jamie in Az

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Guest guest

i know. that is what i told her. she said it has been acting up worse than ever this week and she said she had been eating a lot of fish (out our work, which is a restaurant). anyway, i know the fish is farmraised. i told her to cut that out for sure and see what happens to her skin. she is a little chunky; drinks too much, etc. some people just aren';t willing to make the necessary changes. it is tough work i know, but well worth it.

Peace and happiness,


Elizabeth Elliott, Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator




Is she at a healthy weight?


how long has she had this?

She needs to listen to Doc's tape... you can encourage her about herbs and nutrition. She really needs to do a cleanse... This with nutritional balance should handle the problem.


no dairy

no caffeine

no sugars / artificial sweeteners

no processed foods

no white flour products


Eats lots of organic fruits/veggies

Drink plenty of pure water

If eating meat natural & organic


This is just a basic program Elizabeth,,,but you should know that by know girl!!! You have been here, have faith in what you know and share it with others...


God Bless,

Jamie in Az

Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 3 months later...

This is a great article. I've had psoriasis and other skin problems for

most of my life, and I've followed a nutritional program very similar to

this for the last year or so. My skin is healthier than it's ever been, I

feel great, and I've lost weight. Anyone with psoriasis should give these

recommendations a try, in addition to other lifestyle changes that are

advocated on this group.








> http://www.doctoryourself.com/psoriasis.html


> Psoriasis





> The Merck Manual, the " Cliff Notes " of medical school,

> says that psoriasis has an unknown cause and no real

> cure. If the medical doctor's black bag is empty,

> that does not mean that there's nothing else to do.

> It means that it is now necessary to know Nature's

> nutritional knapsack. (What a nice alliteration that

> turned out to be.)


> With psoriasis, there definitely are some worthwhile

> clues to track down. After all, as Sherlock Holmes

> said, " if all common explanations fail to solve a

> problem, then the answer must be some uncommon one. "

> To many people, the therapeutic use of fish oils,

> vegetable juice fasting, zinc, and vitamins do indeed

> represent something completely different. Different,

> but not actually all that unreasonable.



> Psoriasis may be partly due to a difficulty in the way

> the body handles oils, or to a lack of oils in the

> diet itself. Studies have shown that consuming a

> fatty acid found in fish called EPA (eicosapentanoic

> acid) may provide symptom relief. EPA is an " omega-3

> fatty acid. " All that means is that the first

> carbon-to-carbon double bond is located three carbons

> in from the far (omega) end of each molecule. Most

> vegetable oils that you eat are omega-6 fatty acids

> (such as linoleic acid). Now just why would it matter

> if a chemical bond is by Carbon Number Three or Carbon

> Number Six? As they said in Kung Fu, " There are many

> mysteries, grasshopper " and this seems to be one of

> them.


> Can you stand any more of this? Let's see. The two

> most common fish oil omega-3 fatty acids are EPA

> (mentioned earlier) and DHA (docosahexenoic acid)

> People who don't eat fish need to know that there is a

> third, vegetarian omega-3. It is called LINOLENIC

> ACID (NOT omega-6 linoleic acid mentioned above) This

> omega-3 " fish oil " is found in linseed oil and more

> importantly in soybean oil and GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES.



> Linolenic (omega-3) acid is slowly converted into both

> DHA and EPA in the body. Ah ha! Could this be the

> problem that psoriasis patients have, namely, that

> they are slow to make this conversion? If so, the

> psoriasis patient probably needs fish in the diet to

> provide EPA ready made. It is a sensible thing to do

> anyway. The Japanese have the world's longest life

> expectancy among all the " Westernized " cultures, and

> they eat a LOT of fish. The Japanese also eat very

> little red meat.


> A way the omega-3 fatty acids might work is by

> actually getting into each cell membrane, making them

> more bendable, adaptable and durable. Improved immune

> response is another benefit of fish oil consumption,

> and it is especially important in the treatment of

> lupus.


> So, as my kids would ask, " How much of this stuff do

> we have to eat? " Well, oily fish (trout, mackerel,

> salmon) are best and a little dab will do you.

> Non-oily fish (cod, flounder, haddock) are also worth

> having, but you'd need to eat a bit more of them.

> Tuna packed in (omega-6 vegetable) oil does not count.



> Alternatively, you could eat a lot of green leafy

> vegetables, use soy oil more often, and take an EPA

> supplement. Around 300 to 1,000 milligrams of EPA

> daily is frequently recommended.


> Incidentally, the New England Journal of Medicine

> (312:1205, 1985) reported that as little as 30 grams

> of even low-fat fish per day reduced the 20-year death

> rate from coronary heart disease by fifty percent!

> That is only about ONE OUNCE of fish daily, actually

> providing less than 300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids each

> day. This is very strong support indeed. Helping

> your skin could actually save your life.



> Since vegetables, especially green ones, provide

> omega-3 linolenic acid, a diet fortified with

> quantities of fresh vegetable juice makes more sense

> than ever. You also avoid any worries about fish and

> water pollution. Grow you own veggies and you can

> avoid pesticides and other agricultural chemicals as

> well. I've been gardening for 20 years and have never

> used anything but fertilizer, mulch, and compost. You

> simply don't need the petrochemical bug- and

> weed-killers. (I suppose you could even raise your

> own fish, for that matter. I hope my daughter doesn't

> see me eying her aquarium right now. Just kidding.)


> A diet of juiced vegetables may provide such an

> abundance of linolenic acid that it overcomes any

> bodily reluctance to metabolize it properly. I know

> of two people who tested this theory by going on

> periodic one-week juice fasts. Both individuals had

> been properly diagnosed with psoriasis by medical

> specialists. Over a period of weeks, both fully

> recovered. Since psoriasis often comes and goes

> anyway, the real significance is that each person has

> remained symptom free for many years now.


> Vegetable juice fasting is not starvation. It is just

> a lot of liquefied salad. A lot of veggies go into

> the daily quart or more of juice that a person

> commonly drinks while fasting. That is NOT too much

> liquid; doctors often recommend four to eight glasses

> of water daily. It is NOT too much " vegetable " in the

> diet; you simply cannot hurt yourself with produce.

> The juices DO provide carbohydrates, minerals,

> vitamins and more protein than you might think. It is

> certainly a low fat diet, but a little fish oil may of

> course be added to take care of that.



> Your skin contains one fifth of your body's zinc

> supply. Rats and mice that are deficient in zinc

> develop a skin condition called keratogenesis that is

> very similar to human psoriasis (Hoffer and Walker,

> Orthomolecular Nutrition, p 156-157). Zinc deficiency

> in humans is the rule, not the exception. The US RDA

> for zinc is only 15 milligrams a day, and yet the

> average American takes in even less than that.

> (Williams, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 7th ed., page

> 253) In spite of this, it is most uncommon to find

> either dietitians or doctors ever recommending a

> supplement of this mineral.


> Research has shown that supplements of zinc are safe

> up to about 500 mg. daily. At that huge dose, over a

> period of weeks or months, a copper deficiency may

> develop. A more sensible daily dose of 50 mg to

> perhaps 100 mg may be maintained for as long as is

> desired. A good multiple vitamin along with this will

> provide some balancing copper, as will (believe it or

> not) the copper water pipes in your home.


> The " amino acid chelated " form of zinc is better

> tolerated and better absorbed than zinc sulfate or

> other inorganic forms of the mineral.



> The skin is your largest and most visible organ. It

> is therefore a good indicator of health in general.

> Vitamin shortages are often indicated by skin

> problems. Classic clinical deficiencies of riboflavin

> (B-2), niacin (B-3), Vitamin A and Vitamin C all

> result in skin disease. At the very least, psoriasis

> patients should be urged to take a good multivitamin

> daily. Everyone knows that it can't hurt, but not

> everyone knows how much it might help. Additional

> Vitamin A is best taken as non-toxic carotene, which

> is in vegetable juices mentioned earlier. A B-complex

> supplement provides a balance of all B-vitamins,

> ensuring safety. Vitamin C is also non-toxic, even in

> very large doses. In our overfed but undernourished

> culture, vegetable juice fasting and dietary

> supplements make sense to try. There is no medicine

> on the market as safe as these. Medicine deficiency

> does not cause psoriasis, but nutritional deficiency

> might.



> Carper, Jean (1993) Food: Your Miracle Medicine.

> HarperCollins. pages 445-446


> Harris, William S. (1985) " Health Effects of Omega-3

> Fatty Acids. " Contemporary Nutrition, 10:8, August.


> Hoffer, Abram and Walker, Morton (1978) Orthomolecular

> Nutrition. Keats Publishing, pages 156-157


> Pfeiffer, Carl (1978) Zinc and Other Micro-Nutrients.

> Keats Publishing.


> Vorhees, J.G.; Chakrabarti, S.G.; Botero, F.; Meidler,

> L. and Harrell, E. R. (1969) " Zinc Therapy and

> Distribution in Psoriasis, " Archives of Dermatology,

> 100:669-673.



> Copyright C 1999 and prior years Andrew W. Saul.


> available from Dr. Andrew Saul, Number 8 Van Buren

> Street, Holley, New York 14470.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

What was your TCM diagnosis? Signs and symptoms? was there heat signs and

menstral problem with spleen involvement....




Kristi Swicegood <swicegoodies wrote:


I treated a mild case of psoriasis in ECTOM clinic with 2 scaling

patches (one on anterior hairline, one on elbow) in December before I

graduated. My supervisor and I decided that Jia Wei Xiao Yao San was

the proper course of treatment, however two months later there is no

change in the condition. The patient has also been taking an EFA

supplement. Any suggestions? Modifications?

Thanks, Kristi










and adjust





If you are a TCM academic and wish to discuss TCM with other academics, click on

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--TCM diagnosis was LV Qi Stagnation with heat, indicated by

emotional state, and tongue presentation of red sides. There was

also some dampness indicated by the tongue coat in the posterior

portion of the tongue that appeared slightly yellow. Patient also

had tinnitus with high pitch, wiry pulse. Emotional symptoms and

tinnitus have improved greatly with treatment, but no diffenrence in

the patches of skin.

- In Chinese Medicine , " Bob Linde,AP,

Herbalist " <boblindeherbalist> wrote:

> What was your TCM diagnosis? Signs and symptoms? was there heat

signs and menstral problem with spleen involvement....

> Bob

> www.acuherbals.com


> Kristi Swicegood <swicegoodies> wrote:


> I treated a mild case of psoriasis in ECTOM clinic with 2 scaling

> patches (one on anterior hairline, one on elbow) in December before


> graduated. My supervisor and I decided that Jia Wei Xiao Yao San


> the proper course of treatment, however two months later there is


> change in the condition. The patient has also been taking an EFA

> supplement. Any suggestions? Modifications?

> Thanks, Kristi






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Hi Kristi,

I was wondering where the patches of psoriasis are appearing, ie on which

channels and where? I am also emailing you directly an info sheet on

psoriasis that might also be of use.


From the little I understand, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease where there

is a thickening of the skin.


Without knowing your px it is only possible to throw up a few ideas that

might be worth looking at in relationship to your px.


I might be thinking a LU KID relationship maybe Ren mai Yin Qiao


I might be thinking of a 5 Element meridian relationship of Kid with Lu

being on the mother engendering cycle.


I might be thinking of a polar pair of Kid LI (LI reflecting skin excess).


I might be thinking that the thick skin is an over acting of the Lung (skin

being associated with Lung) on the controlling cycle and so look at the

treating the Liv Kid on a 5 element meridian bases.


I would want to look for what signs showed up on the pulse, on the abdomen,

or on the calf muscles before making a treatment, so these are just a few

ideas that might make sense to you in light of your patient.


There are also some specific immunity treatments within the arsenal of

Reflections on the Sea, by Matsumoto and Birch that might also be useful to

consider for autoimmune issues. There is one in this book in particular

which is tied up with the theory of the SJ and the moving Qi between the

Kidneys which I have found to be excellent in treating some CFS and Lupus.


Best wishes,



Kristi Swicegood [swicegoodies]

Tuesday, 22 February 2005 8:55 AM

Chinese Medicine

Re: psoriasis




--TCM diagnosis was LV Qi Stagnation with heat, indicated by

emotional state, and tongue presentation of red sides. There was

also some dampness indicated by the tongue coat in the posterior

portion of the tongue that appeared slightly yellow. Patient also

had tinnitus with high pitch, wiry pulse. Emotional symptoms and

tinnitus have improved greatly with treatment, but no diffenrence in

the patches of skin.

- In Chinese Medicine , " Bob Linde,AP,

Herbalist " <boblindeherbalist> wrote:

> What was your TCM diagnosis? Signs and symptoms? was there heat

signs and menstral problem with spleen involvement....

> Bob

> www.acuherbals.com


> Kristi Swicegood <swicegoodies> wrote:


> I treated a mild case of psoriasis in ECTOM clinic with 2 scaling

> patches (one on anterior hairline, one on elbow) in December before


> graduated. My supervisor and I decided that Jia Wei Xiao Yao San


> the proper course of treatment, however two months later there is


> change in the condition. The patient has also been taking an EFA

> supplement. Any suggestions? Modifications?

> Thanks, Kristi






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For psoriasis which has a Heat in the Blood factor try out vitamin A

(liquid seems to work better) – it cools Blood. I have quite good

experiences with vitamin A, usually brings round signifikant change in 1

– 3 weeks. Could also bleed the involved channels’ nail points – usually

works well to. + of course pattern treatment.


Hope this helps


Thomas Bøgedal Sørensen

WHRDA Lic. Instruktør

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Akupunktør (L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. NADA)

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Bob Linde,AP, Herbalist [boblindeherbalist]

21. februar 2005 23:04

Chinese Medicine

Re: psoriasis


What was your TCM diagnosis? Signs and symptoms? was there heat signs

and menstral problem with spleen involvement....




Kristi Swicegood <swicegoodies wrote:


I treated a mild case of psoriasis in ECTOM clinic with 2 scaling

patches (one on anterior hairline, one on elbow) in December before I

graduated. My supervisor and I decided that Jia Wei Xiao Yao San was

the proper course of treatment, however two months later there is no

change in the condition. The patient has also been taking an EFA

supplement. Any suggestions? Modifications?

Thanks, Kristi











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Hello Kristi,


As Sharon has mentioned, psoriasis may be caused by one, or often

several, of the following:


-a genetic error in the control of how skin cells divide


-incomplete protein digestion


-bowel toxemia/dysbiosis (candida albicans, etc.)


-impaired liver functions


-alcohol consumption


-excessive consumption of animal products


-viral or bacterial infections


-bad (SAD) diet


Without addressing some of these, your patient may not respond as well

to the herbal medicinals.


Some thoughts,


Daniel C. Luthi

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  • 2 months later...
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Dear Erica,

Before I recommend any herbal applications...I was curious to know if you are aware of

the powerful healing properties of Bentonite, Calcium Montmorillonite and Pascalite Clay.They are renowned for promoting health in plants, animals and humans.

Clay is said to propel the immune system to find a new healthy balance and strengthens the body to a point of higher resistance.

I have used the Bentonite internally for alimentary canal cleansing with superb success in the past. (If you want more info...Email me privately)

In the meantime, here are a few effective skin applications:

Tea tree oil

Aloe vera gel directly from the plant itself...just split the leaf and apply it all over your body

Jojoba oil (for the scalp)

Capsaicin cream reduces psoriasis itching

Hot ginger, goldenseal or fresh comfrey compresses

Poultices made from chaparral, dandelion, and yellow dock can help.

Lavender is excellent to use in a sauna or steam bath because it stimulates new cell growth.

Overheating therapy is effective...and sunbathing too if it's agreeable with you.

Be Blessed in this knowledge...JOYintheMorning...


Erica <s1ward wrote:

Greetings one and all.I have severe plaque psoriasis over 85% of my body.The only thing that is NOT covered are my eyesockets, the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet.It has gotten to the point that I have a hard time walking due to the pus and the sores.I was looking at getting a wheelchair.I am 39.I am most miserable.I take $500.00 a month medication (Omnicef, Methotrexate, steroid creams), and they have cleared me up some, but I have a rash as a side effect from taking THESE.I KNOW there is something herbal I can take that will help me.Please give your advice/comments.123ericaFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy.

3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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Hello Erica,


You definitely need the Total Body Cleanse. Your organs are not working properly, causing the body to excrete the toxins through the skin. Check the files for all the details on the TBC.







herbal remedies

Sunday, May 15, 2005 1:25 AM

Herbal Remedies - Psoriasis

Greetings one and all.I have severe plaque psoriasis over 85% of my body.The only thing that is NOT covered are my eyesockets, the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet.It has gotten to the point that I have a hard time walking due to the pus and the sores.I was looking at getting a wheelchair.I am 39.I am most miserable.I take $500.00 a month medication (Omnicef, Methotrexate, steroid creams), and they have cleared me up some, but I have a rash as a side effect from taking THESE.I KNOW there is something herbal I can take that will help me.Please give your advice/comments.

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I am so sorry to hear what you are going through!

Please tell me what you have been doing for diet and cleansing?



herbal remedies , " Erica " <s1ward> wrote:

> Greetings one and all.

> I have severe plaque psoriasis over 85% of my body.

> The only thing that is NOT covered are my eyesockets, the palms of


> hands and the soles of my feet.

> It has gotten to the point that I have a hard time walking due to


> pus and the sores.

> I was looking at getting a wheelchair.

> I am 39.

> I am most miserable.

> I take $500.00 a month medication (Omnicef, Methotrexate, steroid

> creams), and they have cleared me up some, but I have a rash as a


> effect from taking THESE.

> I KNOW there is something herbal I can take that will help me.

> Please give your advice/comments.


> 123erica

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You wanted to know what I was taking as far as my diet and cleansing.

The truth is, I don't know what to do or take.

I eat very little bread and drink no milk at all.

I also do not drink sodas or eat beef.

I do swallow a lot of vitamins in the morning, most of it is herbal.

I am also on $500.00 month medication to clear up my condition.

But now my hair is starting to fall out.

The psoriasis has cleared up about 75%, and now, it is on my hands,

my scalp, and below my knees. But now at least I can walk and wear

short sleeves.

I play keyboard in my Church, and sometimes I wear gloves so people

do not stare at my hands [due to the plaques] and so they do not get

cold, for sometimes, my fingers turn purple and deathly cold.

I have been reading a book by Dr. Don Colbert entitled, " Toxic

Emotions " , and he said that people with severe psoriasis are people

that are 'weeping through their skin' due to certain things going on

in their lives.

I am going through a very severe trial right now, so I wonder if

this has anything to do with it.

I also know that I need to change how and what I eat.

Truthfully, I have eaten the same thing I have always eaten.

I have not changed my diet in any way.

I have no idea at all what to do.

I am tired of medication. I want to take herbal supplements and

cleanse out my body which in turn will help with my weight as well

as rid me of this dreadful condition.

I am tired of scaling like an alligator.

I leave scales everywhere I sit. They are all over my bedroom.

Please help. I really need help.

Thank you for your time.




herbal remedies , " chel_de " <chelde@e...>


> Hello:

> I am so sorry to hear what you are going through!

> Please tell me what you have been doing for diet and cleansing?

> Thanks!

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Cleanses are definitely needed! Remove the toxins and the meds.




-- In herbal remedies , " Erica " <s1ward> wrote:

> Greetings one and all.

> I have severe plaque psoriasis over 85% of my body.

> The only thing that is NOT covered are my eyesockets, the palms of my

> hands and the soles of my feet.

> It has gotten to the point that I have a hard time walking due to the

> pus and the sores.

> I was looking at getting a wheelchair.

> I am 39.

> I am most miserable.

> I take $500.00 a month medication (Omnicef, Methotrexate, steroid

> creams), and they have cleared me up some, but I have a rash as a


> effect from taking THESE.

> I KNOW there is something herbal I can take that will help me.

> Please give your advice/comments.


> 123erica

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