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colds and flu

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Dear Duane,




Thank you for your email.


The protocol for Enhancing the Immunity and Defense

System given in the Advanced Pranic Healing book by

Master Choa Kok Sui, pages 121 to 122 is excellent for

treating influenza.


Pranic Healing

for other respiratory infection:


Source Advanced Pranic Healing by MasterChoa Kok Sui,



1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.


2. General sweeping.


3. Upper respiratory infection:

Localized thorough sweeping on the ajna chakra

alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV. Energize with

LWG, LWG then with ordinary LWV.


4. Throat infection:

Localized thorough sweeping alternately with LWG and

ordinary LWV on the throat, secondary throat, and jaw

minor chakras. Energize withLWG, LWB and then with

ordinary LWV.


5. Lower respiratory infection:

Localized thorough sweeping on the lungs alternately

with LWG and LWO.

Energize directly through the back of the lungs with

LWG, LWO and ordinary LWV. When energizing the lungs

with orange, point your fingers away from the head of

the the patient.


6. If with fever, please apply protocol given on pages

98-100 of the Advanced Pranic Healing by MasterChoa

Kok Sui.


7. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


8. Repeat treatment 2 to 3 times per day.









Duane Oxley <NRgeticHealer

Fri Sep 3, 2004 7:31pm

PHQ & A: colds and flu


Is there one for the common cold, or influenza...? I'm

just getting

over what appeared to be the cold, but I had a fever,

so flu is more






Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer . ~ Master Choa Kok



Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine


Ask or read the uptodate pranic healing protocols by joining the group through



For the latest International Information regarding GMCKS Pranic Healing, visit







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