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high blood pressure

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I found that eating oatmeal got mine down and it has stayed that way for at

least a year and a half. Also, cinnamon is great. My husbands medical

doctor actually recommended it and it got his down.







On Behalf Of violet77701

Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:51 AM


High blood pressure




My doctor told me to take drug to lower my blood pressure.

To be honest, I have very little trust on drugs and doctors because

prescription drugs killed so many people.

Yesterday, I went Penn Herb company and got Hibiscus capsules.

I eat celery, grape, banana, etc plus taking vitamin C and E.

I try to drink enough water every day.

Most importantly, I am vegan and avoid animal products

(meat/dairy/eggs) therefore I am perfectly healthy except slightly

high blood pressure.

What is best herb to lower blood pressure?

My blood pressure reading was 84 over 145 this morning.

MY age?

I am 65 years old.



English is my second language.







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hi, are you sure it was 84/145, or was it 145/84. if it was the first, 84/145,

they should have hospitalized you. that means your heart is not heard resting

until 145, and it is beating at 84, i believe. that is a very dangerous read,

have it checked again. sometimes hawthorn is helpful. i have used: garlic and

cayene; red clover and dandelion and garlic. did you read their catalogue? i

have found it to be very helpful. how are you sleeping, lack of rest/sleep can

also elevate your blood pressure. even being vegan, maybe you should watch how

your food is being prepared, how you are combining you foods, and your

lifestyle. there are some organic truths about aging, one is the loss of

elasticity in the veins and arteries. have you tried meditation, deep breathing,

tai chi, prayer? i hope i have helped in some way.


HeiressArts wrote:

In a message dated 9/30/2006 12:19:53 P.M. Central Standard Time,

kanda_violet writes:


My doctor told me to take drug to lower my blood pressure.

To be honest, I have very little trust on drugs and doctors because

prescription drugs killed so many people.

Yesterday, I went Penn Herb company and got Hibiscus capsules.

I eat celery, grape, banana, etc plus taking vitamin C and E.

I try to drink enough water every day.

Most importantly, I am vegan and avoid animal products

(meat/dairy/eggs) therefore I am perfectly healthy except slightly

high blood pressure.

What is best herb to lower blood pressure?

My blood pressure reading was 84 over 145 this morning.

MY age?

I am 65 years old.






I wonder how high was your cholesterol? If there are any heart issues?


And, do you have many new stresses/ irritations/ fears/ angers in your life

right now?


The reason I ask is because during my divorce my blood pressure was 180/150.

And it was steady no matter what I took or did. It was a fight or flight

response to a perceived (and real) threat of losing my children and property.

Fortunately, it is more " normal " now. Sometimes, high blood pressure is

literally " in the mind. "


I think your diet and vitamin regime are fantastic and congratulations.


I dislike doctors, too (no offense to any reading now). Because of the high

cost of everything!!! And how I am treated because I have never been able

to afford insurance. (To me, it has always cost more than double than the

care I needed and then I would stress with the insurance companies willingness

to pay).


Try to spend more time in nature, looking up at the sky, and in prayer.

This seems to be the answer for me...


In addition, I go to a wonderful chiropractor who practices the very gentle

Goland? method, using computers, xray, and minimal adjustments. It has been

very effective for me. Chronic pain can be a cause of high blood pressure.

I always come out feeling renewed and reinspired to respect and take care of

my miraculous body.


In His Love,








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In a message dated 9/30/2006 1:16:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

kanda_violet writes:


> My doctor told me to take drug to lower my blood pressure.

To be honest, I have very little trust on drugs and doctors because

prescription drugs killed so many people.

Yesterday, I went Penn Herb company and got Hibiscus capsules.

I eat celery, grape, banana, etc plus taking vitamin C and E.

I try to drink enough water every day.

Most importantly, I am vegan and avoid animal products

(meat/dairy/(meat/dairy/<WBR>eggs) therefore I am perfectly healthy exc

high blood pressure.

What is best herb to lower blood pressure? <






I have or should I say had the early signs of high blood pressure. I was

135 over 80. I did a little research and found I was NOT drinking enough water

and as NOT taking enough calcium. After experimenting with these they

actually did work for me. Calcium helps to lower or rather regulate blood

pressure. Do some research on it. But you might want ot get the capsules of

calcium. And try to find calcium with magnesium and Vit. D in it. Those help


body absorb the calcium. My body was one of those bodies that does not

retain the calcium it gets, so I have to take some in the morning and some in


evening; both with food.

I do hope this helps.






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I am sorry for my mistake.

Yes it is 145/84.

I am checking my blood pressure every day several times and keep record.

Here is my record from few days ago to today.

128/82, 147/83, 144/94, 141/87, 131/79, 145/84, 134/81, 131/81, 148/86,

145/86, 139/84

Does my blood pressure show sign of mild hypertention?

What do you think of Hibscus tablet for high blood pressure?

Is there any danger of taking this tablet?

I have hard time to eat raw garlic because of awful taste and burn my


What is best way to eat garlic without tasting garlic?

I swim almost everyday and walk about 3 miles a day.





> " O'Conchubair " <RNMSW



> High blood pressure

>Sun, 1 Oct 2006 23:02:32 -0400



>It has to be 145/84 and not upside down. The systolic is the pressure

>exerted against blood vessels when the heart is beating. The diastolic

>measures the pressure when the heart is at rest which is why it is of

>somewhat more importance.

>I urge people to understand and educate themselves so they can make good

>decisions. BP; for example, is so basic.




>hi, are you sure it was 84/145, or was it 145/84. if it was the first,

>84/145, they should have hospitalized you. that means your heart is not

>heard resting until 145, and it is beating at 84, i believe. that is a very

>dangerous read, have it checked again. sometimes hawthorn is helpful. i


>used: garlic and cayene; red clover and dandelion and garlic. did you read

>their catalogue? i have found it to be very helpful. how are you sleeping,

>lack of rest/sleep can also elevate your blood pressure. even being vegan,

>maybe you should watch how your food is being prepared, how you are

>combining you foods, and your lifestyle. there are some organic truths

>about aging, one is the loss of elasticity in the veins and arteries. have

>you tried meditation, deep breathing, tai chi, prayer? i hope i have helped

>in some way.








>Version: 7.1.407 / Virus Database: 268.12.10/459 - Release 9/29/2006





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Drinkig water is always good. Most do not drink enough. Calcium will help but I

would take it in a herb form, not OTC pills.

Herb good for HBP are, hawthorn berry, garlic, linden, yarrow, and wood

betony. Herbs high in calcium are, red aspberry leaf, alfalfa, oatstraw,

nettles, horsetail, barley greens, black cohosh.







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Physicians lower the numbers for various tests; for example, BP,

cholesterol. The cholesterol cut off used to be 250 then it was lowered to

200 and now I believe they want to put people on the (IMO) toxic statins at

an even lower number.

Hypertension used to be considered borderline at 140/90. Now the used to be

average was 120/80 is considered PRE-hypertensive so that people should be

put on medication...expensive and with dangerous side effects.

So, your blood pressure is something to watch and work to reduce. The

128/82 isn't

You can buy aged (important) garlic capsules. Kyolic is one brand. Your

exercise is good. Are you getting restful sleep? How is your stress level?

Stress plays a big part in harming our bodies. Meditation, deep breathing?





> I am sorry for my mistake.

> Yes it is 145/84.

> I am checking my blood pressure every day several times and keep record.

> Here is my record from few days ago to today.

> 128/82, 147/83, 144/94, 141/87, 131/79, 145/84, 134/81, 131/81, 148/86,

> 145/86, 139/84

> Does my blood pressure show sign of mild hypertention?

> What do you think of Hibscus tablet for high blood pressure?

> Is there any danger of taking this tablet?

> I have hard time to eat raw garlic because of awful taste and burn my

> tongue.

> What is best way to eat garlic without tasting garlic?

> I swim almost everyday and walk about 3 miles a day.








Version: 7.1.407 / Virus Database: 268.12.10/459 - Release 9/29/2006

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, " Violet Kanda "

<kanda_violet wrote:

> I am checking my blood pressure every day several times and keep record.

> Here is my record from few days ago to today.

> 128/82, 147/83, 144/94, 141/87, 131/79, 145/84, 134/81, 131/81, 148/86,

> 145/86, 139/84


140/90 is the standard for high blood pressure according to my most

recent research. Your blood pressure seems to be hovering right at

the top of the normal scale. I was having issues with mine at the

same sort of range. When I went for my physical, it was 148/80, and

the doctor was really concerned about it. She had me monitor it for 6

weeks. My median blood pressure is 128/80, although at the doctor's

office it is always just a little high. After looking at my blood

pressure diary, the doctor concluded that I had white coat hypertension.


Personally, I wouldn't start taking supplements to lower your blood

pressure just yet. I'd start with my diet and elminate as much sodium

as possible. Sodium intake and exercise can make a difference,

especially if your blood pressure is borderline as yours seems to be.

Just reading the sodium content on the food labels and choosing items

that are lower in sodium can make a measurable difference. Finding

ways to reduce stress, and getting exercise, drinking enough water,

and sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night will go even farther toward

stabilizing blood pressure as well as increasing your overall health.

Maintain your blood pressure diary and consult with your doctor in a

few weeks. I just bet he (or she) will be pleased with your result

and tell you to keep up the good work.

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I am new to acupuncture, and I wish some of the more experienced

practitioners would answer this sort of question. I have similar

patients, and would like to hear others experiences. I, personally

am most interested in the clinical aspects of TCM, but many times

these types of questions go unanswered.


This is a tough case for an allopathic physician, and I think a

perfect candidate for treatment with both TCM and allopathy. It

would be so nice to see the two dove-tail. I wonder specifically if

any of our western diagnostic tests might be interpreted from a TCM

point of view.


What medicines is this patient taking? A diuretic,ACE inhibitor,

coumadin, lipitor?? What are some of her other symptoms, cold,

thirsty, urination pattern, mental state, sleep pattern?


Who is will to explain the pathophysiology of her kidney and heart in

TCM terms? Sounds like she is developing CHF, which is now being

recognized as a neurohormonal condition. Funny how acupuncturists

keyed in to this connection so many years ago, although they called

it Qi, Yang, Yin and such.


In this patient, there is a Kidney Yang deficiency as with many " old

age " conditions. " The Heat of the Gate of Vitality is essential to

transform fluids in the Lower Burner. If the Gate of Vitality Fire

is weak, the Lower Burner and Bladder will lack the Heat necessary to

transform fluids: these will therefore accumulate giving rise to

Dampness or oedema. " (The Foundations of , Giovanni



Tonifying the kidneys with Du-4 to strengthen the Fire of the Gate of

Vitality promoting transformation of water, BL-23 tonifies Kidney-

Yang, BL-22 transform fluids in Lower Burner, Sp-6, SP-9 to resolve

dampness in Lower Burner, CV-4 and CV-6, KI-3, KI-7 all to tonify

Kidney Yang.


But this patients condition is more complicated still, with

hypertension, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, bladder infections. The

kidneys nourish the bones and the osteoporosis is understandable in

this regard. I don't think western doctors have made the connection

between kidney weakness and osteoporosis yet, although I suppose the

ovaries could be considered part of this system and that connection

has been explored.


I would enjoy hearing others evaluation of this patient. Again, I am

a newby interestd in promoting discussion on clinical issues.




Chinese Medicine , " teresajez "

<teresajez wrote:


> I'm new to this site. Have enjoyed reading the various


> Thank you.


> Treatment of High Blood Pressure - 180/90 today. It seems to

> fluctuate between 150/90 and 180/90

> Female, Age 81

> Has had 3 mini strokes

> On WM medication for BP/Cholesterol/blood thinners

> oesteoporotic

> On low dosage of antibiotic for chronic urinary infections

> Spleen Qi Def. Kid Def.

> Just yesterday, swollen lower legs.


> Any thoughts or suggestions.

> Thanks.


> Teresa


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yes. my family and I were talking about that. there seems to be a new buzz word

for a dis-ease, that can only be helped by pharmaceuticals. lower that number

increases the affected population. more folk for the dr. to prescribe drugs to,

more money for the drug companies.

i take garlic oil capsules.


O'Conchubair <RNMSW wrote:



Physicians lower the numbers for various tests; for example, BP,

cholesterol. The cholesterol cut off used to be 250 then it was lowered to

200 and now I believe they want to put people on the (IMO) toxic statins at

an even lower number.

Hypertension used to be considered borderline at 140/90. Now the used to be

average was 120/80 is considered PRE-hypertensive so that people should be

put on medication...expensive and with dangerous side effects.

So, your blood pressure is something to watch and work to reduce. The

128/82 isn't

You can buy aged (important) garlic capsules. Kyolic is one brand. Your

exercise is good. Are you getting restful sleep? How is your stress level?

Stress plays a big part in harming our bodies. Meditation, deep breathing?




> I am sorry for my mistake.

> Yes it is 145/84.

> I am checking my blood pressure every day several times and keep record.

> Here is my record from few days ago to today.

> 128/82, 147/83, 144/94, 141/87, 131/79, 145/84, 134/81, 131/81, 148/86,

> 145/86, 139/84

> Does my blood pressure show sign of mild hypertention?

> What do you think of Hibscus tablet for high blood pressure?

> Is there any danger of taking this tablet?

> I have hard time to eat raw garlic because of awful taste and burn my

> tongue.

> What is best way to eat garlic without tasting garlic?

> I swim almost everyday and walk about 3 miles a day.






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Dear Mary,

Thank you so much for taking your time to reply to me!

I appreciate your kindness.

Yesterday, my doctor at Jefferson hospital (I don't trust doctors 100% but

sometimes we need them) said my blood pressure is not high.

When he checked, my blood pressure was 130.

Yes I be careful to read the label and check how much salt is in food I buy,

I drink water even when I don't feel thristy, eat garlic, onion, grapes,

celery, and oat meal every day.

Most importantly I walk about 3 miles almost every day and swim least 3 days

a week.

I was so used to use lots of soy sauce and salt before I realized my blood

pressure is high but now I try to eliminate salt as much as I can.

Only problem is without using salt, I cannot enjoy taste of my cooking.

Is there some good idea to enhance taste without using salt?

How do you cook without using too much salt?

Violet Kanda



> " Mary " <mary_mizio



> Re: High blood pressure

>Wed, 04 Oct 2006 11:04:56 -0000


> , " Violet Kanda "

><kanda_violet wrote:

> > I am checking my blood pressure every day several times and keep record.

> > Here is my record from few days ago to today.

> > 128/82, 147/83, 144/94, 141/87, 131/79, 145/84, 134/81, 131/81, 148/86,

> > 145/86, 139/84


>140/90 is the standard for high blood pressure according to my most

>recent research. Your blood pressure seems to be hovering right at

>the top of the normal scale. I was having issues with mine at the

>same sort of range. When I went for my physical, it was 148/80, and

>the doctor was really concerned about it. She had me monitor it for 6

>weeks. My median blood pressure is 128/80, although at the doctor's

>office it is always just a little high. After looking at my blood

>pressure diary, the doctor concluded that I had white coat hypertension.


>Personally, I wouldn't start taking supplements to lower your blood

>pressure just yet. I'd start with my diet and elminate as much sodium

>as possible. Sodium intake and exercise can make a difference,

>especially if your blood pressure is borderline as yours seems to be.

> Just reading the sodium content on the food labels and choosing items

>that are lower in sodium can make a measurable difference. Finding

>ways to reduce stress, and getting exercise, drinking enough water,

>and sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night will go even farther toward

>stabilizing blood pressure as well as increasing your overall health.

> Maintain your blood pressure diary and consult with your doctor in a

>few weeks. I just bet he (or she) will be pleased with your result

>and tell you to keep up the good work.









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, " Violet Kanda "

<kanda_violet wrote:


> Is there some good idea to enhance taste without using salt?

> How do you cook without using too much salt?

> Violet Kanda


One sure way to be sure you're not using too much salt is to add the

salt at the end of cooking for things like vegetables, and to

eliminate salting meats before you cook them. Then, taste before you

salt your food. You may be surprised at what actually tastes much

better now without salt at all. Steamed carrots was the one thing

that surprised me the most.


Another thing to do is to try some different herbs and salt-free herb

blends to season your food. I prefer a mixture of garlic powder and

cayenne pepper on most of the food I eat. A little lemon juice over

steamed veggies, fish, or chicken is pretty yummy, too.


In time, you will be so sensitive to the taste of food with less or no

salt, that traditionally salty foods will be overwhelming to you.

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Thank you for your reply.

I chop up garlic and eat every day.

Oh, I hate taste of raw garlic and only way for me to avoid tasting

is to chop up raw garlic in very small pieces.

This way, it is not necessary for me to bite and taste garlic.

Yesterday, I went super market and got juice of Chinese apple and I

start drinking.

I also ordered concentrated juice of Chinese apple on internet


My bp was 140 this morning but get higher later.

I still think walking for one hour is very effective to lower bp.





, arneither thomas-neil

<ahntdada wrote:


> yes. my family and I were talking about that. there seems to be a

new buzz word for a dis-ease, that can only be helped by

pharmaceuticals. lower that number increases the affected

population. more folk for the dr. to prescribe drugs to, more money

for the drug companies.

> i take garlic oil capsules.


> O'Conchubair <RNMSW wrote:



> Physicians lower the numbers for various tests; for example, BP,

> cholesterol. The cholesterol cut off used to be 250 then it was

lowered to

> 200 and now I believe they want to put people on the (IMO) toxic

statins at

> an even lower number.

> Hypertension used to be considered borderline at 140/90. Now the

used to be

> average was 120/80 is considered PRE-hypertensive so that people

should be

> put on medication...expensive and with dangerous side effects.

> So, your blood pressure is something to watch and work to reduce.


> 128/82 isn't

> You can buy aged (important) garlic capsules. Kyolic is one brand.


> exercise is good. Are you getting restful sleep? How is your

stress level?

> Stress plays a big part in harming our bodies. Meditation, deep



> Denise


> > I am sorry for my mistake.

> > Yes it is 145/84.

> > I am checking my blood pressure every day several times and keep


> > Here is my record from few days ago to today.

> > 128/82, 147/83, 144/94, 141/87, 131/79, 145/84, 134/81, 131/81,


> > 145/86, 139/84

> > Does my blood pressure show sign of mild hypertention?

> > What do you think of Hibscus tablet for high blood pressure?

> > Is there any danger of taking this tablet?

> > I have hard time to eat raw garlic because of awful taste and

burn my

> > tongue.

> > What is best way to eat garlic without tasting garlic?

> > I swim almost everyday and walk about 3 miles a day.

> >


> --



> Version: 7.1.407 / Virus Database: 268.12.10/459 - Release Date:



> Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help.

Small Business.



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  • 2 months later...

Having 3 kids with autism certainly has to be a stressor. There are many

succesful strategies to reduce their stress and hence yours.


There's been lots of research in that direction; and I have seen many of those

simple things actually work.


One of the things that has helped is scheduling quiet time or quiet place

sometime each day, even if that is getting up an extra hour earlier or getting

away or sitting in a closet.


Knowing that I have that time to escape and recharge is important.


That is also, coincidentally, something that most folks with autism benefit

from; a place or time to get away from everything..sometimes even a converted

closet, or a space behind a bed.

A quiet space that one can escape too,a moment or two of complete freedom from

any " have to's " an island of peace is something that you need too.


Its also someting that those who have high blood pressure or any other form of

stress or illness need: a quiet way to escape the chaos and burdens and

pressures, if for just a while; and then again.


I have posted before about my own personal health regime- and I do have that

tendency to hypertension.


But also we have a tendency to look at herbs and minerals etc in the same

manner that we look at pharmaceuticals: as substances we " take. "


I look at these things rather as simply elements of a successfully

integrated healthy lifestyle.


Thats the goal, where you have everything in balance- within and without the

body; and garlic, veggies, or supplements

are all part of a coherent pattern of things we do routinely to maintan our

health and vitality. I like what Jack Lalaine says in this regard; and think

his healthy longevity is a proof of his words.



Trouble nowadays, is that Doctors are afraid to tell a patient to " take garlic

(lots of it), Niacin , and Hawhorne; and eat grapefruit, oatmeal,

brocolli, bananas,fruit, cabbage; leave the salt shaker alone; get some routine

excercise or physical activity going, and get away from the stress regularly

some how.


Drink tea instead of coffee ( the real kind); dont drink

booze. Be reasonable with your lifestyle " because they couldnt prove any of that

directly impacts the patients health- if they are sued.

But those things are common sense; so instead they give you more

pharmaceuticals poisons that they can document supposedly work- because the

pharmaceutical companies funded the studies to prove they work...






On Behalf Of Melinda

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 10:48 AM

High Blood pressure



Moderator's note- we are not here to diagnosis or treat. Please, instead,

ask for where to research to learn more about high blood pressure.



Is there any hope for people with high blood pressure? I take toprol

XL everyday and if I dont my pressure is so high. I have been eating

only organic for about 4 months now. I also threw out all the crapola

food and only cook everything homade

I take everyday--


Vit E 200 mg

Coral calcium 420 mg x's 2

vit c 500 mg

Female balance - for prememopause

progest cream- same thing

flaxseed oil caps

vit a 250 iu

vit d 500iu

vit b6 18mg

vit b12 30 mcg

magnesium 308 mg

potassium 100 mg


I also take a tablespoon of coconut oil everyday.


About 14 years ago the doctor told me I had fibromyalgia in which I

started taking a whole lot of stuff. Tylenol 3 with codine, vicodine,

flerexal, lexapro, naproxen, pepcid, all kinds of stuff for IBS.

In the last four months I have not had IBS at all!!! I do not take

ANY of the meds listed now, but I just cant seem to get my blood

pressure down. We do not have a natural doctor here where I live. I

know you out there are not doctors but if there is anything that you

have tried please please let me know. My husband said its not

possible to get it down without meds because we have 7 kids of which

three have Autism. LOL-- my whole family have improved so much now

that we have changed our diet.

Thank you so much



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Reposting - my post not showing up...AOL!



AAKG and Jiaogulan. Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate and Gynostemma pentaphyllum.



(http://www.femhealth.com/advancedcholesterol.html) - Jiaogulan




(http://www.cavendishcardio.com/cavendishcardio/template.asp?Page=Science) -



'In 1998, the Nobel prize for medicine was awarded to three American

scientists for their discovery in the role that arginine plays in the

production of

Nitric oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide is a powerful " vasodilator " which

simply means it helps to keep your arteries open and maintains their smooth,

Teflon-like texture so blood can flow normally.

Nitric oxide should not be confused with nitrous oxide, which is laughing


For people with Diabetes, smokers, high cholesterol, high blood pressure,

overweight, heart diseased or with a history or propensity towards vascular

disease there is a decrease in nitric oxide production causing the lining in


walls of their arteries to become more like " Velcro " eventually causing

sticky platelets, cholesterol and potential obstruction of plaque build up.'


AAKG is available in tablet form from Walmart, the Jaogulan herb is

available from _http://herb.com/_ (http://herb.com/)

I take half teas Jia herb in a little warm water first thing in the morning

with 2 teas of AAKG - or 2 tablets if taking in tablet form. Take on an

empty stomach, an hour afore eating. And same again in the evening, an hour

afore my main evening meal, or, a couple of hours after eating.

The Jiaogulan bolsters the effects of the AAKG. The two herbs work

together. Excellent results and no side effects. Steer clear of the pharma


meds - they can only damage your health <smile>







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Guest guest

I have control my HBP with an all natural supplement called

Mangosteen Juice. Discover the many health benefits here:




Robert Williams



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" breffneigh7 " <breffneigh7


Saturday, March 10, 2007 11:24:13 AM

Re: HIgh Blood Pressure


Reposting - my post not showing up...AOL!



AAKG and Jiaogulan. Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate and Gynostemma pentaphyllum.


_http://www.femhealt h.com/advancedch olesterol. html_

(http://www.femhealt h.com/advancedch olesterol. html) - Jiaogulan



_http://www.cavendis hcardio.com/ cavendishcardio/ template. asp?Page= Science_

(http://www.cavendis hcardio.com/ cavendishcardio/ template. asp?Page= Science)




'In 1998, the Nobel prize for medicine was awarded to three American

scientists for their discovery in the role that arginine plays in the production


Nitric oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide is a powerful " vasodilator " which

simply means it helps to keep your arteries open and maintains their smooth,

Teflon-like texture so blood can flow normally.

Nitric oxide should not be confused with nitrous oxide, which is laughing


For people with Diabetes, smokers, high cholesterol, high blood pressure,

overweight, heart diseased or with a history or propensity towards vascular

disease there is a decrease in nitric oxide production causing the lining in the

walls of their arteries to become more like " Velcro " eventually causing

sticky platelets, cholesterol and potential obstruction of plaque build up.'

------------ --

AAKG is available in tablet form from Walmart, the Jaogulan herb is

available from _http://herb. com/_ (http://herb. com/)

I take half teas Jia herb in a little warm water first thing in the morning

with 2 teas of AAKG - or 2 tablets if taking in tablet form. Take on an

empty stomach, an hour afore eating. And same again in the evening, an hour

afore my main evening meal, or, a couple of hours after eating.

The Jiaogulan bolsters the effects of the AAKG. The two herbs work

together. Excellent results and no side effects. Steer clear of the pharma boys

meds - they can only damage your health <smile>




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Guest guest

High Blood pressure can also be reduced with stress

management, diet changes and biofeedback using



Jenny Kernan

Quantum Biofeedback Therapist

--- Robert Williams <robertigam wrote:


> I have control my HBP with an all natural supplement

> called

> Mangosteen Juice. Discover the many health benefits

> here:

> http://mostpotentjuice.here.ws



> Robert Williams


> P.S.

> If You Want to Get What You Want,

> Learn " The Secret "

> http://www.payitforward4profits.com/reality.





> " breffneigh7 " <breffneigh7


> Saturday, March 10, 2007 11:24:13 AM

> Re: HIgh Blood

> Pressure


> Reposting - my post not showing up...AOL!



> AAKG and Jiaogulan. Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate and

> Gynostemma pentaphyllum.


> _http://www.femhealt h.com/advancedch olesterol.

> html_

> (http://www.femhealt h.com/advancedch olesterol.

> html) - Jiaogulan



> _http://www.cavendis hcardio.com/ cavendishcardio/

> template. asp?Page= Science_

> (http://www.cavendis hcardio.com/ cavendishcardio/

> template. asp?Page= Science) -

> L-Arginine


> 'In 1998, the Nobel prize for medicine was awarded

> to three American

> scientists for their discovery in the role that

> arginine plays in the production of

> Nitric oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide is a powerful

> " vasodilator " which

> simply means it helps to keep your arteries open and

> maintains their smooth,

> Teflon-like texture so blood can flow normally.

> Nitric oxide should not be confused with nitrous

> oxide, which is laughing

> gas.

> For people with Diabetes, smokers, high cholesterol,

> high blood pressure,

> overweight, heart diseased or with a history or

> propensity towards vascular

> disease there is a decrease in nitric oxide

> production causing the lining in the

> walls of their arteries to become more like " Velcro "

> eventually causing

> sticky platelets, cholesterol and potential

> obstruction of plaque build up.'

> ------------ --

> AAKG is available in tablet form from Walmart, the

> Jaogulan herb is

> available from _http://herb. com/_ (http://herb.

> com/)

> I take half teas Jia herb in a little warm water

> first thing in the morning

> with 2 teas of AAKG - or 2 tablets if taking in

> tablet form. Take on an

> empty stomach, an hour afore eating. And same again

> in the evening, an hour

> afore my main evening meal, or, a couple of hours

> after eating.

> The Jiaogulan bolsters the effects of the AAKG. The

> two herbs work

> together. Excellent results and no side effects.

> Steer clear of the pharma boys

> meds - they can only damage your health <smile>

> Molly


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]










> Be a PS3 game guru.

> Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and

> previews at Games.

> http://videogames./platform?platform=120121


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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  • 6 months later...

Try Dean Ornish's program and book:Reversing Heart Disease.






In , " mauimagic2003 "

<heartlinks wrote:


> My doctor wants to put me on medication for high blood pressure. I

have been resisting, but

> don't want to have a stroke, either! She has given me 2 weeks to

get it down on my own and

> we are trying a diuretic. I know about losing weight and exercise,

but those will take time.

> Any helpful suggestions would be MOST appreciated.


> Thank You.


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Blood pressure can be normalized by the use of










> In ,

" mauimagic2003 "

> <heartlinks wrote:

> >

> > My doctor wants to put me on medication for high

blood pressure. I

> have been resisting, but

> > don't want to have a stroke, either! She has given

me 2 weeks to

> get it down on my own and

> > we are trying a diuretic. I know about losing

weight and exercise,

> but those will take time.

> > Any helpful suggestions would be MOST appreciated.

> >

> > Thank You.


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You might try Aroma Life Essential Oil blend from Young Living. It

has cardiac health support, lowers high blood pressure and reduces

stress. This is a blend I use and it worked on my high blood

pressure. I'll be happy to give you more info if you want to know.

Good luck!



PS: Perhaps you'd be interested in reading my new blog at




, " mauimagic2003 "

<heartlinks wrote:


> My doctor wants to put me on medication for high blood pressure.

I have been resisting, but

> don't want to have a stroke, either! She has given me 2 weeks to

get it down on my own and

> we are trying a diuretic. I know about losing weight and

exercise, but those will take time.

> Any helpful suggestions would be MOST appreciated.


> Thank You.


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Practicing controlled breathing will help but I can't give you the details of

this. There is a device called Resperate that helps you achieve this but it is

expensive. L-Arginine helps dilate blood vessels but I have never seen a

significant change when I took it and you have to take large dosages like 2-4

grams to have any effect. Foods or supplements with Omega 3 fatty acids may

help. Losing weight is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure

followed by exercise. However there are some individuals that are reed thin,

exercise, and have a very healthy diet but still have hypertension--I know

someone who meets that criteria. This is due to genetics and that type of blood

pressure is difficult to control. The main concern with even borderline high

blood pressure is that the continual pressure on the arteries irritates the

arterial lining making you more vulnerable to blood clots, plaque deposits, and

reduces elasticity of the arteries. If you get put on blood pressure medication

you may be able to reduce the dosage over time and possibly eliminate the need

for it so don't get discouraged. Even marathon runners get heart attacks and we

still don't understand all the mechanisms or reasons for heart disease.




Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.


---Pema Chödrön




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Drink a lot of water. Water is a natural diuretic.


mauimagic2003 <heartlinks wrote: My doctor wants to put me on

medication for high blood pressure. I have been resisting, but

don't want to have a stroke, either! She has given me 2 weeks to get it down on

my own and

we are trying a diuretic. I know about losing weight and exercise, but those

will take time.

Any helpful suggestions would be MOST appreciated.


Thank You.








Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!

Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.



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Hi. I already suggested more water but I forgot. Eat a banana every morning. My

sister has high blood pressue. She is on a very low dose of meds. She is able to

keep it that way because she eats a banana every day.


mauimagic2003 <heartlinks wrote: My doctor wants to put me on

medication for high blood pressure. I have been resisting, but

don't want to have a stroke, either! She has given me 2 weeks to get it down on

my own and

we are trying a diuretic. I know about losing weight and exercise, but those

will take time.

Any helpful suggestions would be MOST appreciated.


Thank You.








Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news,

photos & more.



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Bananas have lots of potassium which lowers blood pressure. So foods high in

potassium are good for lowering blood pressure. Those with kidney functioning

problems need to talk to their doctors as foods high in potassium can have an

adverse affect of compromised kidneys. Those on dialysis should avoid all foods

high in potassium.


Also, all need to realize there is a difference between treating the different

levels of high blood pressure. Easier to wean yourself off low dose meds for

somewhat elevated blood pressure than extremely high blood pressure which could

cause a life threatening event and not all blood pressure problems are due to

lifestyle and diet. Lowering it through diet, exercise, and lifestyle is always

the preference even with doctors but make sure you buy a home monitor and keep

track of it.




Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.


---Pema Chödrön




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1 lemon or lime in a glass of water in the morning,,and at night if

you are in a hurry. Then you can do it just in the morning. Kyolic-

" heart formula 108 " works really well. I kow from experience.Stay

away from meds until you thoroughly understand the repercussions!!

You need to be educated in what you put into your body.I was

borderline diabetic,Atenolal made me fullblown diabetic by governing

the adrenal gland, which slowed down the Pancreas.I suggest " the

complete encyclopedia of Natural Healing. Always look on Amazon

for " used books " .I got that book brand new foe $18 instead of

advertised special of $39.99. Good luck.-- In

, Alison Bliss

<naturalhealthmom wrote:


> Drink a lot of water. Water is a natural diuretic.


> mauimagic2003 <heartlinks wrote: My doctor wants to

put me on medication for high blood pressure. I have been resisting,


> don't want to have a stroke, either! She has given me 2 weeks to

get it down on my own and

> we are trying a diuretic. I know about losing weight and exercise,

but those will take time.

> Any helpful suggestions would be MOST appreciated.


> Thank You.


> Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!

> Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at




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  • 2 months later...

Dear Dolores,

You are most welcome, and I hope the holidays went well for you.

HBP is not really that difficult to terminatedly handle once and for all.

I've helped hundreds of clients bring their HBP permanently down doing a

simple Total Body Cleanse while taking a large quantity of Garlic = 4 to

8 cloves a day.

The way you take the Garlic is to cut a medium to large clove in half,

lengthwise with the grain, or into quarters if they're too big, then dip

them in Organic Olive Oil and down the hatch with them like taking a

bunch of pills.

This will also lower cholesterol by the way. The longest I've seen the

above to bring a very high BP permanently down was 3 months, and the

shortest is about 3 weeks. The idea is to start the cleanse and the

additional Garlic at the same time.

You'll actually notice a feeling of well being within the first 3 days

and it just gets better from there.

All the best,




Dolores wrote:

> Good Day Doc,


> I have a question for you about High Blood Pressure. I have lost quite a bit

of weight, watch what I eat, excercise daily and I cannot get my blood pressure

down. I have found out that everyone on my mother side have High Blodd

Pressure. I do not want to be on any type of meds at all.


> I need help, what can I do, that I am not doing already?


> Thank you for always being there to help with our questions, have a wonderful



> Dolores


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