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In a message dated 11/27/2005 11:04:36 AM Central Standard Time, MUSIBIKE writes:

I have lost some weight and stopped worrying about everything likebefore. But, the old blood pressure is still sitting up around 146/93!My heart rate is almost 80 though. Is there someting which couldnaturally slow the rate down and reduce the pressure? Any hits for asolution are welcome.MUSIBIKE


Dear Musibike,

My blood pressure was once 180/153 when I was under a terrific amount of stress during a divorce. It was constant no matter what I did. I had to sleep to slow it down. It is normal now.

Please try taking something which is diuretic...when I was a dancer, we took Vitamin C to calm down. It is a natural diuretic. I believe garlic is also good to thin the blood. Baby aspirin thins the blood. Bananas regulates potassium and is good for high blood pressure. Calcium may also be since it calms. And don't rule out prayer and meditation. And laying outside and watching the clouds. See how big the universe is...how small our problems are...and Trust in Him who watches over you. He slumbers not nor sleeps.

I hope this helps

I will pray for you, too

Love in Jesus,


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Dear Musibike,

I remembered something else I did to bring down my blood pressure. This may sound strange, but SPEAK to your blood pressure and command it in the Name of Jesus to be lowered. Speak out loud and say something like, In the Name of Jesus, heart, I command you to pump my blood perfectly and in peace. I speak to my veins to be strenthened and my heart, body, soul and mind to be at peace. I speak to anxiety and command it to flee...

Our minds command our bodies and we are promised that the Name of Jesus is authority to dispel spirits and illnesses.

You may not be a Christian, but it works! And it does because he made you and he loves you very much.

Also the apostle Paul says to pray without ceasing. If you do this, why worry? Everything that comes at you is God-filtered and for your ultimate good.



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In the process of losing weight, have you added or increased exercise to

your daily life? If so, what kinds? If not, what can you consider

doing? Regular exercise that gets your heart rate up will eventually

bring resting heart rate down, and blood-pressure.


Of course, taking on a new exercise plan requires that you be cleared

for that by a doc/physical exam. Don't do it because someone else

suggests it.



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for those who are interested, a simple yogic hand posture called apan mudra can take care of high blood pressure within say max. 1 week. it is in mudra folder in the files section and very simple to try. once your blood pressure is controlled, if you do it say once a week, chances are there that it may say you bye bye though sometimes some event could cause it temporarily.


with light & love






Sunday, November 27, 2005 10:43 PM

Re: High Blood pressure



In a message dated 11/27/2005 11:04:36 AM Central Standard Time, MUSIBIKE writes:

I have lost some weight and stopped worrying about everything likebefore. But, the old blood pressure is still sitting up around 146/93!My heart rate is almost 80 though. Is there someting which couldnaturally slow the rate down and reduce the pressure? Any hits for asolution are welcome.MUSIBIKE


Dear Musibike,

My blood pressure was once 180/153 when I was under a terrific amount of stress during a divorce. It was constant no matter what I did. I had to sleep to slow it down. It is normal now.

Please try taking something which is diuretic...when I was a dancer, we took Vitamin C to calm down. It is a natural diuretic. I believe garlic is also good to thin the blood. Baby aspirin thins the blood. Bananas regulates potassium and is good for high blood pressure. Calcium may also be since it calms. And don't rule out prayer and meditation. And laying outside and watching the clouds. See how big the universe is...how small our problems are...and Trust in Him who watches over you. He slumbers not nor sleeps.

I hope this helps

I will pray for you, too

Love in Jesus,


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--- many times a good colonic irrigatin has brought blood presure

down many points


and regular detoxs and exercise playy heir part also not to mention

a good diet -study nutrition by adele dsavis books




In , " Ralph " <MUSIBIKE@j...> wrote:


> I have lost some weight and stopped worrying about everything like

> before. But, the old blood pressure is still sitting up around


> My heart rate is almost 80 though. Is there someting which could

> naturally slow the rate down and reduce the pressure? Any hits for


> solution are welcome.




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, HeiressArts@a... wrote:


> Dear Musibike,

> I remembered something else I did to bring down my blood

pressure. This may

> sound strange, but SPEAK to your blood pressure and command it in

the Name



Wow i like how you speak with such boldness. i never saw it like the

way you put it ,, i will practise this more often,thanks:)

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Another way to deal with BP, apart from the usual medical approaches,

is to consider using aromatics. A blend of oils added to a bath can

provide some benefit. Blends recommended at

http://www.therapyessence.com include the following one:


Stress Buster Bath


4 drops Bergamot essential oil


4 drops Geranium essential oil


2 drops Vetiver essential oil


Add to a warm bath and disperse well - or blend with 1tblsp grapeseed

oil or 1 tblsp unscented bubble bath and add to a warm bath. Soak in

the bath for 15-20 minutes inhaling the vapours. Do not get bath water

in your eyes as it will sting.


enjoy !!



, " elizabeth packett "

<epackett2000> wrote:


> , HeiressArts@a... wrote:

> >

> > Dear Musibike,

> > I remembered something else I did to bring down my blood

> pressure. This may

> > sound strange, but SPEAK to your blood pressure and command it in

> the Name



> Wow i like how you speak with such boldness. i never saw it like the

> way you put it ,, i will practise this more often,thanks:)


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  • 3 months later...
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Tell him before he starts taking the diuretics to eliminate all grains and sugars from his diet for a month. Including diet drinks and other foods containing aspartame. Taurine and magnesium citrate will also help to lower his blood pressure.




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Thank you very much. He drinks a lot of

bottled juices probably sweetened with Aspartame. Kathy



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herbal remedies

[herbal remedies ] On

Behalf Of jeanne_simons

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

12:48 PM


herbal remedies

Re: Herbal Remedies -

High blood pressure




Tell him before he starts taking the diuretics to

eliminate all grains and sugars from his diet for a month. Including diet

drinks and other foods containing aspartame. Taurine and magnesium

citrate will also help to lower his blood pressure.












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i had read your message,

try to give your kid a cold drink of hibiscus extract, i think it may help,

let him drink a letter at least per day,

try it and let me know the result.


Eman FetianLegacyManor <legacymanorherbal remedies Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:19:41 PMHerbal Remedies - High blood pressure


Hi all,


My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale where it is a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly.


What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp???






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23 years old. I would do the following: 1) Measure his BP at the start and not for 3 -4 weeks. 2) Get off the BP med. 3) Start walking 5 times a week (fast walking at least 40 minutes each time, he should build up to this if he needs to). 4) lay off salty snacks and increase fruit and vegetable intake, use more garlic in his foods. 5) Take supplemental magnesium (200mg a day)LegacyManor <legacymanor wrote: Hi all, My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale where it is

a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly. What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp??? Thanks, Kathy Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From? www.LegacyManorFarm.com

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Hi Yes, I read in Your Body Many Cries for Water head aches and HB is due to lack of water. I personally new a gal the same age and same exact problem once she stop drinking beer (which is very dehydrating) and started drinking water all those problems went away. The bottom line to any problem is dehydration. Get the book, every page is action packed. Gina Hi all, My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood

pressure is at the end of the scale where it is a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly. What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp??? Thanks, Kathy Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From? www.LegacyManorFarm.com


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Although not an herb, bananas are very good for

lowering high blood pressure because of their high

potassium content. Researchers in India have found

that eating two bananas a day for a week can lower HBP

by 10%. If you do a search for bananas and HBP, this

should come up.

My Mother is currently on the banana for treating her

high blood pressure.








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herbal remedies , " LegacyManor "

<legacymanor wrote:


> Hi all,




> My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood

pressure. My

> son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has


> a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale

where it

> is a problem. My son can't remember what his BP reading is





> What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He

has been

> getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says

may be from

> the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he

absolutely hates.

> Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp???




> Thanks,


> Kathy




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yes he may drink Hibiscus , which hasn't the bad odour & taste of


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Have you thought of a second opinion, maybe a doctor of natural medicine? Have the doctor check your son's kidneys. That is a start. Be well, Megan Hi all, My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale where it is a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly. What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp??? Thanks, Kathy Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From? www.LegacyManorFarm.com "Do not judge others - you do not know their soul contract." Matthew Ward.

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He does manual labor so gets plenty of

exercise, he is very skinny, but strong. I will suggest he walk more. He also

is active on the weekends and spends hardly any time in front of the TV. He has

not started any bp meds yet. He has the type of veins that are raised on his

arms, does that mean anything??


Snacks aren’t too much of a problem;

eating fresh foods instead of prepared junk definitely is. I am working on him

on that. Strange thing until a few years ago when he started eating more and

more of his meals away, he never had headaches or pains. Of course he ate a lot

of fresh foods and non store foods.


I am working on the garlic for sure. I

will start him on the magnesium 200 mg a day. Should that be increased in a few



Thanks a lot for your suggestions.





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herbal remedies [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of Roger Jenkins

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:04


herbal remedies

Re: Herbal Remedies -

High blood pressure




23 years old. I would do the following:






1) Measure his BP at the start and not for 3 -4 weeks.



2) Get off the BP med.



3) Start walking 5 times a week (fast walking at least

40 minutes each time, he should build up to this if he needs to).



4) lay off salty snacks and increase fruit and

vegetable intake, use more garlic in his foods.


5) Take supplemental magnesium (200mg a day)

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Where can I get the hisbiscus drink??




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herbal remedies [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of Eman Fetian

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:13


herbal remedies

Re: Herbal Remedies -

High blood pressure






i had read your message,



try to give your kid a cold drink of hibiscus extract,

i think it may help,



let him drink a letter at least per day,



try it and let me know the result.






Eman Fetian

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Thanks Gina,

Will try to get him to stop the bottled

and canned stuff and drink more water. Duh, never thought of that.




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way food used to taste "








herbal remedies [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of Gina Kopera

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:02


herbal remedies

Re: Herbal Remedies -

High blood pressure











Yes, I read in Your Body Many Cries for Water head

aches and HB is due to lack of water. I personally new a gal the same age and

same exact problem once she stop drinking beer (which is very dehydrating) and

started drinking water all those problems went away. The bottom line to any

problem is dehydration. Get the book, every page is action packed.












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Thanks Bedrow, need to find some. Kathy



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" The

way food used to taste "








herbal remedies [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of bedro182

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

7:04 AM

herbal remedies

Herbal Remedies - Re:

High blood pressure




yes he may drink Hibiscus , which hasn't the bad

odour & taste of


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Have you thought of a second opinion, maybe a doctor of natural



Actually that is

another AH DUH!!!




Have the doctor check your son's kidneys. That

is a start.



Will do, but I like your first idea better.


Thanks, Kathy



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" The

way food used to taste "


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Hawthorn http://www.nativeremedies.com/highlite-aquarite-for-high-blood-pressure.shtml - Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn) is one of the most highly respected natural remedies for high blood pressure and has well-known cardio-protective properties. Hawthorn works by dilating blood vessels, thereby increasing the heart's energy supply and improving its pumping ability and does this by blocking the action of a blood constricting enzyme called ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme). Hawthorn therefore reduces blood pressure in cases where there are chronically constricted arteries. The anti-oxidant properties of hawthorn also help to protect against damage caused by plaque build up in the coronary arteries.


Garlic - http://www.holistic-online.com/Remedies/Heart/hypert_diet_therapy.htm Garlic (Allium sativum). Garlic is a wonder drug for heart. It has beneficial effects in all cardiovascular system including blood pressure. In a study, when people with high blood pressure were given one clove of garlic a day for 12 weeks, their diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels were significantly reduced. Eating quantities as small as one clove of garlic a day was found to have beneficial effects on managing hypertension. Use garlic in your cooking, salad, soup, pickles, etc. It is very versatile.


You can get garlic in capsule form and odorless to boot from any health food store. I make my hubby's tincture to lower his blood pressure by using garlic and hawthron as the 2 main ingredients. It would probably be a good idea to throw away the table salt and get a high quality sea salt. Barb




herbal remedies

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:19 AM

Herbal Remedies - High blood pressure



Hi all,


My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale where it is a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly.


What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp???






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Great recommendations Barb!!


Also don't forget about cayenne pepper which will instantly normalize blood pressure, assuming a potent tincture or dosage...


Exercise is a must..... increased water consumption is a must....


and on the more subjective side of things try to analyze where stress in life is coming from...... is it work? is it a relationship? is it a bunch of things? once you break this down you can slowly figure out ways of handling it.....


when you stress out, regardless of where it comes from your body releases adrenaline..... which is actually poisonous to the body.... for short spurts it is fine...the old flight or fight human reaction....but if this is an ongoing daily thing....you have a problem....


we have all heard that stress is a killer and over time it is..... if the body is cleansed to a better degree it can handle stress better...... but if you cleanse your body and continue to put stress on yourself...you will be back to square one very quickly....


remember this.... two different people can have the exact same problem.....and one might stress out over it and one might not...... so I leave on this note..... our stresses are created by none other than ourselves....it is all about perception..... everyone has problems, and yes some are worse than others, but viewing the glass at half full instead of half empty is so much more productive and beneficial for your being..... so don't blame your life stresses on anything other than your mind.... if you view it that way it becomes much easier to fix.....


herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Barb LeppkyWednesday, March 15, 2006 4:02 PMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - High blood pressure

Hawthorn http://www.nativeremedies.com/highlite-aquarite-for-high-blood-pressure.shtml - Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn) is one of the most highly respected natural remedies for high blood pressure and has well-known cardio-protective properties. Hawthorn works by dilating blood vessels, thereby increasing the heart's energy supply and improving its pumping ability and does this by blocking the action of a blood constricting enzyme called ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme). Hawthorn therefore reduces blood pressure in cases where there are chronically constricted arteries. The anti-oxidant properties of hawthorn also help to protect against damage caused by plaque build up in the coronary arteries.


Garlic - http://www.holistic-online.com/Remedies/Heart/hypert_diet_therapy.htm Garlic (Allium sativum). Garlic is a wonder drug for heart. It has beneficial effects in all cardiovascular system including blood pressure. In a study, when people with high blood pressure were given one clove of garlic a day for 12 weeks, their diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels were significantly reduced. Eating quantities as small as one clove of garlic a day was found to have beneficial effects on managing hypertension. Use garlic in your cooking, salad, soup, pickles, etc. It is very versatile.


You can get garlic in capsule form and odorless to boot from any health food store. I make my hubby's tincture to lower his blood pressure by using garlic and hawthron as the 2 main ingredients. It would probably be a good idea to throw away the table salt and get a high quality sea salt. Barb




herbal remedies

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:19 AM

Herbal Remedies - High blood pressure



Hi all,


My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale where it is a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly.


What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp???






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High bp can also be the result of clogged arteries, which in turn can be caused by wrong foods. One major culprit is hydrogenated oils. Most (not all) youth do a lot of restaurant eating. Most (not all) young people love their frys/chips. Deep fried in hydrogenated oils of course!! Using good oils is a must also. Barb



Rob Combis

herbal remedies

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:54 PM

RE: Herbal Remedies - High blood pressure


Great recommendations Barb!!


Also don't forget about cayenne pepper which will instantly normalize blood pressure, assuming a potent tincture or dosage...


Exercise is a must..... increased water consumption is a must....


and on the more subjective side of things try to analyze where stress in life is coming from...... is it work? is it a relationship? is it a bunch of things? once you break this down you can slowly figure out ways of handling it.....


when you stress out, regardless of where it comes from your body releases adrenaline..... which is actually poisonous to the body.... for short spurts it is fine...the old flight or fight human reaction....but if this is an ongoing daily thing....you have a problem....


we have all heard that stress is a killer and over time it is..... if the body is cleansed to a better degree it can handle stress better...... but if you cleanse your body and continue to put stress on yourself...you will be back to square one very quickly....


remember this.... two different people can have the exact same problem.....and one might stress out over it and one might not...... so I leave on this note..... our stresses are created by none other than ourselves....it is all about perception..... everyone has problems, and yes some are worse than others, but viewing the glass at half full instead of half empty is so much more productive and beneficial for your being..... so don't blame your life stresses on anything other than your mind.... if you view it that way it becomes much easier to fix.....


herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Barb LeppkyWednesday, March 15, 2006 4:02 PMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - High blood pressure

Hawthorn http://www.nativeremedies.com/highlite-aquarite-for-high-blood-pressure.shtml - Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn) is one of the most highly respected natural remedies for high blood pressure and has well-known cardio-protective properties. Hawthorn works by dilating blood vessels, thereby increasing the heart's energy supply and improving its pumping ability and does this by blocking the action of a blood constricting enzyme called ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme). Hawthorn therefore reduces blood pressure in cases where there are chronically constricted arteries. The anti-oxidant properties of hawthorn also help to protect against damage caused by plaque build up in the coronary arteries.


Garlic - http://www.holistic-online.com/Remedies/Heart/hypert_diet_therapy.htm Garlic (Allium sativum). Garlic is a wonder drug for heart. It has beneficial effects in all cardiovascular system including blood pressure. In a study, when people with high blood pressure were given one clove of garlic a day for 12 weeks, their diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels were significantly reduced. Eating quantities as small as one clove of garlic a day was found to have beneficial effects on managing hypertension. Use garlic in your cooking, salad, soup, pickles, etc. It is very versatile.


You can get garlic in capsule form and odorless to boot from any health food store. I make my hubby's tincture to lower his blood pressure by using garlic and hawthron as the 2 main ingredients. It would probably be a good idea to throw away the table salt and get a high quality sea salt. Barb




herbal remedies

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:19 AM

Herbal Remedies - High blood pressure



Hi all,


My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale where it is a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly.


What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp???






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Hi Sally,

You may want to take a look at an Oral Chelation product. We have had great

success using it. We personally would not use prescription drugs due to the

adverse side effects.

John & Barbara


firemoon67 <moonfire2 wrote:

Can anyone suggest a way to lower BP using natural means.. as in herbs

etc? I have a friend who just learned his BP is too high and doesn't want to

take meds if there was another way.





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Hi, I just wanted to say that I was also diagnosed with HBP when I was only about 22, I am now 28. I have yet to know the reason from the drs. I have been reading this book called You're Not Sick Your Thirsty! by F Batmanghelidj,M.D. It has some info in there on dehydration causing HBP and high cholesterol as well. (which I recently found out I have as well). I know I need to drink more water. I am researching on this subject more, I will share more info as I get it. Hugs MoonDoveGina Kopera <ginakopera1 wrote: Hi Yes, I read in Your Body Many Cries for Water head aches and HB is due to lack of water. I personally new a gal the same age and same exact problem once she stop drinking beer (which is very dehydrating) and started drinking water all those problems went away. The bottom line to any problem is dehydration. Get the book, every page is action packed. Gina Hi all, My son just told me that his doctor told him he has high blood pressure. My son is only 23 and a pretty laid back kind of kid. The doctor has prescribed a diuretic and says the blood pressure is at the end of the scale where it is a problem. My son can’t remember what his BP reading is exactly. What in the world would cause such a young kid to have HBP?? He has been getting a lot of headaches in the last year, which the doc says may be from the BP. I have told him to start with the garlic which he absolutely hates. Is there anything else he can use to start to lower his bp??? Thanks, Kathy Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From? www.LegacyManorFarm.com MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

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