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The book is by Dr. Jiao, a teacher and doctor still practicing in Beijing

through the Beijing TCM University. The book is widely read by all those doctors

you and I know (Wen, Hu etc...) and probably throughout China. Bob Felt, the

English language publisher from Paradigm, says

it will be out in the early summer. Chip Chase is one of those translating.


> Dear Group,


> A while ago, I inquired what people would recommend as an additional herbal

> text, and someone mentioned a book that was not out yet, something about

> " Ten lectures on herbal medicine. " Does anyone know if the book is available

> yet?


> Julie

> -

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  • 3 months later...
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> Jon,


> I just looked over your site - well done! I love the ideas and the

> theory of ChiNosis. Is this something you developed yourself? I

> especially like the way it is focused on balancing one's energy and not

> fixing something perceived as broken. Looks very useful as a system.


> Dr.Nature



Chinosis was developed because I felt there was a need for a simple

approach. Most things work for that which they are designed to do, even

snake-oil worked, and still does, for some people.


As a hypnotist for over twenty years I've studied most things designed to

help us on the one journey we all share, that of finding how to be 'happy'

and 'whole'. The conclusion has to be they all work, some may only work some

of the time for some of the people, some only work after years of devoted

study, and spending lots of time applying their doctrines. But work they



My approach was 'Okay, we have all these wonderful tools now, lets really

look at them'.


The first thing I found in common was that they all involve two things, the

subconscious or inner mind, and the energy field we actually are. Some

systems admittedly virtually ignore one or the other of these factors but,

all then effect them in some way. Okay, so, why don't they work for everyone

all the time? The answer to that is individuality. We work in the same way

sure, regardless of belief, but the results are subtly different because we



The next thought was 'Okay, so we all have certain things in common, so how

do we use these common aspects to best effect all of the time for

everyone - the answer is simple - simplify'.


Every process we use medically and spiritually and mentally, only becomes

difficult when we keep adding to the damn things. What I call 'The bigger

the book, the better the system', syndrome.


So. taking what I knew of several approaches and principals, I decided to


away whatever didn't work, or only worked part of the time and - well what

was left needed a name and Chinosis seemed good enough.


Yes I developed the system as it is independently and no I didn't. Trying

things out, discussing things with friends, brainstorming, these e-groups.


anything actually independent one wonders.


Chinosis is eclectic and selective. And finished. After five years I don't

think it can be added too and improved on. I really don't. And I don't

believe it would be as effective with anything taken from it, I've tried and

in practice in the real world it doesn't work as well.


So there you have it. You can request a free workbook from www.chinosis.com,

join the chinosis_forum on , or book a workshop - or none of the above





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