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Health care Analysis favors alternatives

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I would like to know about alternative medicine for high cholestrol.  I was

taking Lipitor, had to discontinue  because of chest pain and muscle pain.


--- On Wed, 8/5/09, arnoldgore <arnoldgore wrote:



arnoldgore <arnoldgore

<< >> Health care Analysis favors


alternative_medicine_forum , actiongreens

Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 1:42 PM









The two people who are to lead the new White House Office of Health Reform

- Tom Daschle and Jeanne Lambrew - coauthored a book earlier this year

titled " Critical: What We Can Do About the Health Care Crises. " As government

officials, their expressions ought to be part of the public domain, and

known to everyone. And so we share a few tastes of their thoughts on health

care, since they will have much to do with its reform in the coming months

and years:

* " There are many factors driving up health care costs. One problem

is that 'supply side' forces exist in our health-care system. Physicians

both diagnose and treat illness - in economic terms, they create and

satisfy demand. . . . Conditions such as 'restless leg syndrome' weren't

conditions until drugs were developed to treat them. "

* " We seem to assume that high-tech medicine can only be better than

low-tech medicine, that more medical care is better, that newer is better,

and that more aggressive is better. Yet sometimes it isn't so. " [Quoting

from Deyo & Patrick, Hope or Hype: The Obsession with Medical Advances and

the High Cost of False Promises, New York AMACOM, 2005]

* " pecial interests are especially numerous and influential in

the health-care system. Health care comprises one-sixth of our economy, and

the savings we seek will come out of executive's salaries and companies'

profits. In terms of political clout, the health-care industry is second to

none. "

* " Between 1998 and 2006, pharmaceutical companies and other

manufacturers of health-care products spent over a billion dollars on lobbying,

more than anybody else and twice as much as the oil and gas industries.

Insurance companies, including health insurers, ranked second. "

* " Since cutting costs is tantamount to cutting profits for many of

these special interests, it is reasonable to expect them to engage in

all-out war to defeat reform. "

Strong words that suggest our " reformers of health care " understand some

of the challenges. But do they have the vision to craft the best solution?

This book makes no real mention of natural health care, or its important

role in prevention and cure. HELP THEM CONNECT THE DOTS! Write them.

_Email them_

(http://salsa. democracyinactio n.org/dia/ track.jsp? v=2 & c=YYIhyw78cD

zy205Qp08ARBq2P/ onBMOA) , _Use our letter_

(http://salsa. democracyinactio n.org/dia/ track.jsp? v=2 & c=ndYRK1E239

9FNJJnqYCcpdWmMA YG2Hsa) . Write your

own and send it to The White House Office of Health Reform, Attn: Sen. Tom

Daschle & Deputy Director Jeanne Lambrew, c/o Center for American Progress,

1333 H St. N.W. 10th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005. Tell them that natural

health must have a fundamental role in the reform of health care now.

_Thanks for your support_

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E46qxQdeuVadWmMA YG2Hsa) .

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for Health list to receive occasional updates of importance to the natural

health community. If you wish to be removed from this list, _click here_

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