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Cassia: No he works for a softward company. You might want to type in "postpartum doula Montreal" There is a place where you can get a free listing. There are lots of labor doulas there and few postpartum doula. Get to know these other doulas, they will give you enough business to make a living. With pp work, you can name your own hours to fit your baby's needs. I hope you go for it. Vicky



Cassia Katz


Friday, August 27, 2004 6:43 PM

Re: [ayurveda] Introduction


Hello Vicky,

Wow, that's great that your friend came here, I think Montreal is opening up alot, and Ayurveda will start thriving here soon (we seem to be a little backwards with certain things, it's slow, but eventually it get's here!) Is your friend an Ayurvedic practitioner?

I am not currently practicing. Right now I'm a single mom, and have my little guy 24/7, so it has left me with little time (or energy!) to start my practice. My main interest are in general Ayurved and woman's care, but Ayurdoulas are so needed too. So, we'll see where my practice leads(needs) me.

Take care! RadhikaVicky York <vmyork wrote:

Welcome Radhika: One of my best friends just moved away from Oregon toMontreal. Are you a practicing postpartum doula now? Vicky York



Post your free ad now! Canada Personals

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Toni -


I am a Reiki practitioner/teacher and give stones to my students. First degree

students receive chunks of natural rose quartz. I am out of it and looking for

another supplier. Do you have it? Do you sell in small quantities (say, 12 at

a time). I don't have a tax i.d. number -- got out of retail a few years ago.


Smiles and Blessings,








moonspirit121 <moonspirit121 wrote:

Hi. My name is Toni and I own a metaphysical shop in Belford, New

Jersey. I hold many classes on crystal healing and other healing

modalities and have a large variety of stones at my shop. I feel

that crystals enhance any healing modality that we choose to

utilize. I am happy to be here discussing the energy of crystals

with like minded people. If you'd like to see my shop, here's the

link: http://newageinsights.com









files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:






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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings, and welcome, Mo - I hope you enjoy this group as much as I do.

Everyone is very helpful .






Maurita Harling <maurita.harling1 wrote:

Hello to the group

I have just come across the site accidentally and was eager to join. I have

been a holistic therapist for about 7 years. I have always loved crystals,

although I have not always thought of them as that. I have taken a VCT course

in Crystal Healing but have not carried out many crystal therapies as such. I

tend to use them alongside other therapies and offer them to friends etc as and

when I feel they are in need of some help. I am looking forward to spending

some time communicating with like minded people.





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Hey Anne,


I can relate to some of what you report here. I have dealt with

rape, suicidal tendencies, dislike of touch, depression, etc. In

fact, I had a severe breakdown a couple of years ago and have been

very slowly recreating my sense of self and my life. In doing this

I have learned of the marvelous, even magical, healing powers of



In this process I have started a to bring together

people who have an interest in healing through dance, including

practitioners, healers, theorists and spiritual seekers. If you are

interested in seeing some of the articles collected on the group's

site (archives available to members only, so you would need to JOIN)

you can check it out at: healingdance


If you would like to dialog, please feel free to email me:






, Anne <littlerunningeyes> wrote:



> Peace,


> I am a 43-year-old woman living in Denmark. (I will be 44

tomorrow.) I have worked on myself for a long time now - but have

also had extreme bagage to deal with.... I was raped at 14 (a

virgin) and have suffered from anorexia, migraines, suicide-

attempts, abusive relationships, depressions... whatever; you name



> I have done various forms of therapy (psychologist/psychiatrist)

and the last 10-15 years I have been much better - but I am still

dealing with 'having a body' which is somewhat hard for me. I have

an 'addictive' nature - but as it is of now I have cut off most

addictions - I have stopped smoking cigarettes and coffee is gone

too. My problem now is that I would like to lose some weight (about

40 pounds) and get a better diet. (So are my migraines.) I am

working on getting back to a vegetarian diet that I used to be on -

the last couple of years I have been eating some meat and dairy

products (2003 was a year-long-depression - the worst I have ever

had - I was even medicated for the first time in my life - oxapax -

bensodiaspin-family (danish words; don't know in English) - for

about 5 month - stopped medication April this year.) I am feeling

much better in many ways and have started doing a few yoga positions

and some meditation in the morning - I focus on breathing in through


> solar plexus chakra (for healing my selfesteem) but as I have

never practised officially anywhere I am not sure if this is where

my focus should be.


> I have never like people touching my body much - I have never

liked having a body much and still don't - I do not like undressing

and even though I have gotten to a point where I can enjoy sex -

even if I still only have had it with men who didn't love me (I have

been without sex for 2 years now) - but I have met a very special

man on line and I think there is a possibility that we have a real

future together. He is already helping me heal in many ways.

(Helping me see patterns through my life; why I repeated bad

relations a.s.o. - at the moment we are talking about the fact that

I have a hard time forgiving myself for getting into so many

selfdestructive situations....)


> Anyway - any advice would be very appreciated.


> OneLove Anne





> Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard.



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Hello Anne,

I am conducting my research in psychic field which also comprise distant

healing. If u r suffering with any problem then it could be healed through

distant healing therapy. Kindly let me know your full problem and symptoms of

your suffering then i would try my best to heal u through distant healing. For

your kind information for loosing your weight u can practice active meditational

technique which i have explained in my own site. The url of the site is ---

www.microcosmicforces.com ------.

I shall be glad to serve for your cause. thanks

with regards

ramesh chandra



Anne <littlerunningeyes wrote:





I am a 43-year-old woman living in Denmark. (I will be 44 tomorrow.) I have

worked on myself for a long time now - but have also had extreme bagage to deal

with.... I was raped at 14 (a virgin) and have suffered from anorexia,

migraines, suicide-attempts, abusive relationships, depressions... whatever; you

name it....


I have done various forms of therapy (psychologist/psychiatrist) and the last

10-15 years I have been much better - but I am still dealing with 'having a

body' which is somewhat hard for me. I have an 'addictive' nature - but as it is

of now I have cut off most addictions - I have stopped smoking cigarettes and

coffee is gone too. My problem now is that I would like to lose some weight

(about 40 pounds) and get a better diet. (So are my migraines.) I am working on

getting back to a vegetarian diet that I used to be on - the last couple of

years I have been eating some meat and dairy products (2003 was a

year-long-depression - the worst I have ever had - I was even medicated for the

first time in my life - oxapax - bensodiaspin-family (danish words; don't know

in English) - for about 5 month - stopped medication April this year.) I am

feeling much better in many ways and have started doing a few yoga positions and

some meditation in the morning - I focus on breathing in through my

solar plexus chakra (for healing my selfesteem) but as I have never practised

officially anywhere I am not sure if this is where my focus should be.


I have never like people touching my body much - I have never liked having a

body much and still don't - I do not like undressing and even though I have

gotten to a point where I can enjoy sex - even if I still only have had it with

men who didn't love me (I have been without sex for 2 years now) - but I have

met a very special man on line and I think there is a possibility that we have a

real future together. He is already helping me heal in many ways. (Helping me

see patterns through my life; why I repeated bad relations a.s.o. - at the

moment we are talking about the fact that I have a hard time forgiving myself

for getting into so many selfdestructive situations....)


Anyway - any advice would be very appreciated.


OneLove Anne





Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 4/12/2005 8:28:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

billc26 writes:


Hi I just joined the group



Hi Bill and welcome!! There is a whole lot to learn here and those that

know are willing to share.

Take care,







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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the Group Kalavati!


this is a great group!




Your aspiring servant,


Birth doula, Midwife Apprentice

Columbus, ohio







----Original Message Follows----





Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:49:51 EDT


Dear members of Perinatal Ayurveda ~


Namaste ...


I wanted to introduce myself and say thank you for having a group like this.


I am 30 years old, I am married and I have one son - almost 5 years old. I

am involved with La Leche League, Waldorf education, homeschooling, AP, etc.


am also a vegetarian and a devotee of Krishna.


I am happy to be here and I hope to learn a lot from you all.


Thank you.


Shanti ...





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  • 3 months later...

Welcome to the group Jenny and thanks for sharing some of your thoughts on fasting and health...


It sounds like you have a nearly ideal work situation in which to fast.

Have you considered doing the Master Cleanser? It is a wonderful way to introduce oneself to the practice of fasting...


If you will slowly improve your diet and sort of gently cleanse your way toward the fast, the actual transition into the fast will be much easier and smoother for having done so. I have found this to be so true, so many times.Timps, "Fasting and Eating for Health" by Joel Fuhrman, MD is an excellent book on fasting and is in most all the bookstores now, or they can order it.

In this book Dr. Fuhrman really emphasizes the importance of eating right before you start a fast and how much easier this makes the whole fasting experience."J. Lynn" <opethianlynn wrote:






My name is Jenny and I'm 31 years old. Something in the past few months has sparked a side of me that has been nonexistent so far. I've been learning new things in many areas of life. Most of them are alarming. Especially the things Americans put in their bodies on a daily basis while thinking either this is healthy or this won't kill me. Like fast foods, pretty much anything you buy at a supermarket and of course the dreaded sugars. I had no idea how harmful these things can be over time. I guess living amongst the obese has really made it hard to miss what's going on. So, basically... I've learned about all the toxins I've been putting in for 31 years and now I want them OUT!


How happy I was to learn of fasting! From what I've been reading online for the past two days is that fasting is regular practice throughout most of the world, yet for some reason, here in the US, it's considered "not something that should be done" or better yet "not good for you." Where did we go so wrong? The FDA is such a bad thing... but that's a topic for another day and another place. Here and now is where I am and I need some advice.


I work a 40-hour a week job in an office alone. The atmosphere is never crazy and most days I spend a few hours in the morning doing work at my own pace and spend the afternoon online with the occasional interruption to answer a ringing phone (which doesn't ring that much anyway). My home life is pretty mellow. I don't have kids and I live with my boyfriend of 9 years who is pretty mellow himself. There's not too much stress in general. What I'm wondering is: Can I fast and work at the same time or is that considered a no-no?


I want to try juice fasting, not water. Sounds pretty harsh on the system, especially seeing how this would be my first fast. I want to try a 36-hour fast first to see how my body might feel. After that, well... that's why I'm here. So I can learn from all of you. I'm not interested in fasting for more than 10 days. I eventually want to be able to fast twice a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall to maintain a healthy digestive system and let my body repair itself. Any advice (or hopefully) the answer to my question about working and fasting would be greatly helpful in my quest for a happier, healthier me.


Thanks for reading!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if this would work for others, but when I quit eating milk and dairy and wheat (things I'm allergic to according to a blood allergy test), my cramps disappeared. I also used to get them horribly...Amelia



On Behalf Of PinkWytchWednesday, September 07, 2005 5:00 PM Subject: Introduction

Hi everybody, just thought I'd post an introduction. I'm coming to this group sort of at the end of myrope, and to see if anyone has some real solutions forwhat's worked for them. I've had terrible menstrualcramps all my life, so much that they have sent me tothe emergency room. It seems like I've triedeverything...the pill (can't handle the side effects)lots of ibuprofen (i become immune after a while),heat (provides some relief, but I'm still stuck to thecouch) and other things...the cramps knock me out fora few days, and I'm in so much pain that I can't go towork...I can't keep missing work and life, it sucks. I'm willing to try anything...diet, herbs, whateveranyone has to suggest! I do have an ultrasoundscheduled for next week to check everything out, aswell as blood work.I'm really looking forward to this group, and I willdefinitely offer up any information that I have togive!Thanks in advance,PinkWytchPinkWytch

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  • 1 year later...

Ken Smith <smebol38 wrote: I hope this short bio helps Aho!


I have found that in most native traditions from the anastazi to zunis, toltecs

paiutes etc. use the chakras in healing.


The Hollow Bone Society asks you find The Beauty Way.


Rev, Ken Smith, Medicine name Snowtop, has a M.Ed, is a traditional REIKI

master/teacher, has thirty five years experience in the Spiritual Regeneration

Movement, teaches the Medicine Buddha Training and the Chakra course. He has

taken trainings with Chief Hidden Wolf, head of the four medicine societies in

North America. He is also the spiritual son of Chief Hidden Wolf and Copper

Star. He has also received empowerment to EnerSense, the Eastern lineage of

REIKI with origins in the Buddho Healing. He has also received five empowerments

with Tibetan Lamas of the Nyingma School (Padmasambhava, Medicine

Buddha,Shakyamuni, Manjusri and Tara. He has worked with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,

Sattyanyand and Baba Ram Dass. He is Rune Master training in the Forn Sior and

the Medicine Elder Storhund of the Tvillinghundstaemme The Twin Wolf Clan. He

has also been named as the Shaman of the Open Mind by the elders of the Hidden

Tribe of Costa Rica [Non-text portions of this message have been








The Hollow Bone Society asks you find The Beauty Way.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Deann;

You must be busy as birth doula, mother of 3 within 4 years and wife!

Delighted to have you join us. WHat is y our familiarity with

Ayurveda? If this is fairly new science to you, I'd like to suggest

visiting a few sites' intro ed resources on ayurveda. Anyone have

favorites they would like to share? Certainly, Mike's is good -



At your leisure, please take a little time to explore this forum's

resources and posts in regards your interests, then we will be in

better shape to discuss your question.


Warm REgards;



> My name is Deann Wright-Sickels and I am a labor doula and soon to

be a postpartum doula and lactation educator. I joined this list to

learn more about ayurveda and how I can introduce it to my clients. I am

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group, Joyce.


Glad to have you. Please feel free to post as many

instructional/educational articles you might have (personally

written??) regarding herbs or other aspects of alternative/natural

medicine. We can even consider the idea of creating a library of

them in the files section. Also consider that at the bottom of

posts such as those, you are more than welcomed to offer your

contact information.


Best Wishes,



, " herbs46 "

<herbs46 wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> My name is Joyce McDowell, I have just moved to Austin to help are


> my 87 year old Stepfather. I am an iridologist, herb specialist,


> have opened a branch office to my home office in upstate NY. I


> the protocol on my website to save my own life 14 years ago now,


> have been teaching, using and studing natural healing every

since. I

> am looking forward to meeting like minded people, as we all need

> support in our walk with good health.



> Blessings

> Joyce

> herbs46


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  • 1 year later...

I returned recently from several months in India, where I became

interested in ayurveda. I am looking forward to learning from the

members on this list.


I am particularly interested in using ayurvedic medicine on dogs. Is

there someone else on the list who knows about this? I believe the

nutrition principles would not be applicable since dogs' digestive

system, metabolism, and nutritional needs are so different from ours.

I am also reluctant to use ayurvedic herbs, without knowing which

might be toxic for dogs. Any information I can learn here will be

much appreciated.



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diet is important in dogs as well. there is good aount of information in

pashu ayurveda [ a field dedicated to veterinary science] u can read that .

Also there are many works one in related to herbs and dogs. i will send u a

list of common ailments and herbs used


pass on ur mail address


nice initiative and i am happy ayurveda left a impression on you


Sumit Ashok Kesarkar






I am particularly interested in using ayurvedic medicine on dogs. Is

there someone else on the list who knows about this?

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From what I've learned so far about ayurvedic medicine, the nutrition is

based on a vegetarian diet. Dogs can be fed a diet which does not contain

meat, but it's very difficult, and balancing vitamins and minerals for dogs

is complicated. That's why I said I will be emphasizing other aspects of

ayurvedic therapy.


I believe the original work on herbs, thousands of years ago, was probably

derived from what practitioners observed animals were doing. But at this

point, it's hard to know.




On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 9:42 PM, sumit kesarkar <Shilajit wrote:




> diet is important in dogs as well. there is good aount of information in

> pashu ayurveda [ a field dedicated to veterinary science] u can read that .

> Also there are many works one in related to herbs and dogs. i will send u a

> list of common ailments and herbs used


> pass on ur mail address


> nice initiative and i am happy ayurveda left a impression on you



> Sumit Ashok Kesarkar

> http://drsumit.in/

> http://nlam.in/


> ______________


> I am particularly interested in using ayurvedic medicine on dogs. Is

> there someone else on the list who knows about this?






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Hello Susan


Ayurveda is a collection of definitive principles. What was documented 1000

years ago is still been practised in india in form of local health tradition


during my phd studies on medicinal plants i was also surprised to find many

remedies and diet principles for animals with a methodical base


also ayurveda has never advocated a strict vegan diet. it has used each and

every resource mother nature throws up for use of good healthy life of men

and animals and nature


Hence i differ on your understanding. However lets not get that up for

debate. We need to focus on dogs and your requiremnet which is a good



I would like to inform you that many veterniary colleges here are taking

help of ayurveda to treat dogs and guide them as per diet rules


domesticated animals fed on synthetic supplements , dog food often leave a

weak progeny and this has seen rise to many genetic disorders in dogs


coming to stray dogs [cities] i have seen them feed on left overs i garbage

cans which contain anything from a burger to bread which causes digestive

problems in them


one methodology weakly described in pashu ayurveda is of a mandala cleansing

[that is detoxifting after every 48 days]


here a decoction is prepared from herbs like Vidanga [embelia ribes], Kutaj

[H. antidysentrica], Palash [butea monosperma]. [etc. many formulations].

this decoction is mixed with dog food and feed .


Similarly the dog is given a mild laxative [in form of pessary or medication

like Indrayan [Citrullus colycimthus].


This method is followed for 2 -3 days and keeps the digestive tract clean

and metabolism up to the mark


apart from that there are external methods to keep away fleas pests attacks

etc which involve bathing with medicated herbs, fumigation etc


These books are mostly available in south india and may not have been or

loosely translated


Much work is also done on diseases of other domesticated animals like cow's

goats etc



Hence i think you have a whole treasure to explore

Sumit Ashok Kesarkar








I believe the original work on herbs, thousands of years ago, was probably

derived from what practitioners observed animals were doing. But at this

point, it's hard to know.

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