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Great advice -Thank you.



Chinese Medicine , Hugo Ramiro

<subincor wrote:


> Get his commitment, and just start working on it. Make sure you

break the problme up into smaller ones so that the patient sees

results and remains motivated. Inch your way forward. Do a precise

pattern discimination and forget about the " diabetes " for a while.

It'll take some time.

> Hugo



> " Elaebanna " <Elaebanna

> Chinese Medicine

> Thursday, 26 July, 2007 7:53:45 AM

> diabetes








Every patient is unique, but to start gathering

thoughts and possibilities


> for a patient Ill be seeing in the future who has fairly advanced

western dx


> diabetes, I would like to hear how others have considered this

disease in


> their patients.


> This man is very fiery but now fairly burnt out-loves heat, hates



> got western dx macular edema -woke up with vision out of focus,



> spots, dry eyes.He has dizziiness, will wake up often around 4AM He

craves salt,


> has dull pain in legs and stabbing in feet, says his hand is like a



> dried and immobile. . I have not seen him for many years, this is

all written


> communication. All may change in person -but for general

edification -your


> thoughts?


> thanks to all.




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  • 2 months later...

Thanks, Robert.


Oleander has been reported to enable some people, including members of

this group, to control diabetes with diet alone and dispense with

their diabetes medications, including insulin.


I refer you the article here in our file section " Natural Remedies for

Diabetes " , also available, along with many other articles at



In particular, I like the pycnogenol - the number one prescribed

remedy for diabetes in Europe, but almost unheard of in the U.S. (I

wonder why? Maybe because it is safe, natural, inexpensive and it

works?). Pycnogenal helps prevent the common assocdamage to the iated

with diabetes too.



oleander soup , robert-blau wrote:


> Diabetes: Try green tea instead


> If you suffer from diabetes, drink plenty of green tea every day.

> It's just as effective – and far safer – than the world's leading

> anti-diabetes drug Avandia (rosiglitazone), which also increases the

> risk of heart attack by 43 per cent. The tea contains an antioxidant

> called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is as effective as Avandia

> in those with moderate diabetes.


> Please click here to read the rest of the article:




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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Edwin,


I don't have diabetes. I am a nurse and am interested in what Kraig has to say about it. I know it can be cured.. Thanx for the website.




In a message dated 5/4/2008 3:34:15 PM Pacific Standard Time, eesc writes:


Hi Teddy,I'm not Kraig, but I hope my diabetes cure protocol can cure your diabetes:http://www.curemanual.com/diseases-and-tweaks/diabetesGood skill,Edwin

Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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Hi Teddy,


I'm not Kraig, but I hope my diabetes cure protocol can cure your diabetes:




Good skill,



teddycassi wrote:


> Please Kraig, I want to know how to get rid of Diabetes. Please tell us.

> Kat, RN

> In a message dated 5/4/2008 5:51:04 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> thehavens writes:

> Now, do you want to get rid of the diabetes??????? seemingly a dumb

> question!!!!! but

> if you are not willing to do the work, then i have no interest in helping

> any further! i have lived on the broken end of the bottle for 17 1/2

> years with my late, beautiful wife who had chemically induced, type 1 ,

> insulin dependant , brittle, brittle diabetes! she had this for 21

> years before i came into her life....i couldn't even spell the word

> when we

> first met, but now , thru the extensive research we did for the last 7

> 1/2

> years of her life,[ starting with breast cancer and our meeting a

> naturepathic doctor] we realized for the first time, that we could find

> the cure for her and did, we just found the last missing piece for her at

> the very end of her life, but we were making it all go away in spite of

> her being critically ill! we charted everything and she was producing

> numbers we had never seen on a regular basis!!!!! no one in any branch of

> medicine were any help with the chemical connection.....we had to find

> everything ourselves!!! let me know!! Kraig


> Kraig Carroll

> Environmental Damage Repair




> ------

> Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family

> favorites at AOL Food

> <http://food.aol.com/dinner-tonight?NCID=aolfod00030000000001>.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi DP,


I'm not sure if you're a man or woman, but type II diabetes is common

in midlife due to hormonal changes that impact the endocrine system,

which includes the pancreas.


It sounds as though you've empowered yourself with some good research

and personal results for managing your symptoms. But, of course, it's

always important to discover and address what CAUSED your type II

diabetes in the first place.


The bottom line is to nurture your pancreas. A proper diet (with lots

of onion and garlic) and plenty of exercise will compliment the

supplements and herbs you're using. I might also suggest adding CoQ-

10, up to 800 mcg. of chromium daily and Vanadium along with a high

quality, absorbably multiple vitamin. Also, AFA is excellent for

balancing blood sugar.









, " prattdw2000 "

<prattdw2000 wrote:




> I just signed up to this group so hello everyone!


> I am a diabetic type 2. I have been using many herbs to be able to

> control it. I was on 80 units of insulin and 2000mg of metformin.

> These failed to work and I went to a herblist he got me on Jade

> Spring which worked wonders for about 2 years I was nearly down to

> normal sugars. It stopped working I am now on cinnimon and

> exercise. I have found in my own research things like Devils club,

> gynemia selveste(sp) and bitter melon. My diet is now fair to


> I have also used Acupunture which did bring me to normal for 2


> before that. I did not keep it up unforntunatly. My sugar levels

> seem to follow the cortisol pathway when it is high my sugars are

> high. I do not believe that the problem is cushing's but may be

> simular to it. (I was tested for that it was negitive). My main

> feeling is if the meds do not work why should I take them and have

> those side effects? I have done alot of research on the topic but


> always believed the answers are out there somewhere.


> Well I figured I would post this and see what you all had to say.


> Thank you

> DP


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Thanks for the reply,


In answer to your question on the cause of my Diabetes. I got it

over a 3 year peroid of stress. Wife had passed away during that

time and I 2 others that did as well. Combined with sleep

depervation near the end of that time. I have found during my

research that there are many causes my diet during that time was okay

not the best of course ranging from healthy to burgers. This lead me

to research Adrenal Diabetes. I found that in Guyton a author of a

medical pysiological text book about 2 paragraphs that explained it

and showed a list of symptoms that I had. Nothing else. I have done

a bunch of research on this topic and have found nothing.


In alternative side I have found much more information. I went to

sleep reviewing all that I had covered and remembered that cortisol

and insulin use the same site on the cell to do their work. I know

that this site has become desenitized to insulin. I am wondering due

to the stress I have had could my cells have become more sensitive to

cortisol. Thus blocking the path for the insulin. Meditation does

seem to drop my sugar levels and my sugars follow the cortisol curve

high in the morning with the same peak about 10am - 12 pm depending

on if I eat. I have tested fasting for 24 hours and eating. The

graph was the same shape only the height of the numbers changed.


Thanks for the suggestions the chromium I took was only 200-400. I

can not find a good source of that mineral that I can not spell.



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Hi DP,


I'm sorry to hear of your losses.


Your awareness re: the link with the adrenal glands is excellent.

Many reseresearch now believe that most common midlife health issues

find adrenal function as the cause.


Many of the women I work with who experience a challenging midlife

transition (perimenopause and menopause) have adrenal fatigue and/or

exhaustion and can trace the onset or worsening of their symptoms

(which often include blood sugar related issues) with a stressful

life experience... often the loss of a loved one. Of course, the same

is true for you guys during the hormonal changes associated with



Take good care DP,






> In answer to your question on the cause of my Diabetes. I got it

> over a 3 year peroid of stress. Wife had passed away during that

> time and I 2 others that did as well. Combined with sleep

> depervation near the end of that time.

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---yes some info stuff


This is an article on diabetes, touching upon some of the most

powerful healing principles we know about .

I do quite a bit of research into various different ailments over

many years and will share this info with you and I also practice

spiritual healing .


Diabetes is curable . don't let anyone tell you any different.


The only promise being made quite clear here is that these things

mentioned- can be a major influence in treating diabetes.


A total cure might very well center around a thing called karma/



As well as that we have our own web site where it is possible to

research quite a few healing principles and therapies. The therapies

and principles have been in use for thousands of years; a lot emerged

from ancient Egypt. The other prime source of information is the Edgar

cayce research papers


We have many testimonies and some research papers and can also point

you to links to other research studies indicating some remark able



It is called the Orion project. We make the point quite clear that we

sell nothing health related or make any charge for the healing, which

comes through.


We actively share information, much of which has been suppressed or

not actively promoted.


We only promote good health this is not spam neither are we promoting

products , we leave it up to u to evaluate the material we present we

have tried this and can vouch for some excellent results.


WE do not advertise anything


There are quite a few points to consider one of which is why if this

is so good as you say why are we not being told about it. Why indeed?

Well I am going to tell you about something that maybe less than 1% of

the population even understand.


The answer –vested interest and quite a bit of apathy and scientific



There are a few very important points that I would like to cover on

the subject of drugs and research and treatment At present the system

in England is this, all treatment recommended by the NHS should be

tested and approved and quite rightly so. Obviously it costs vast sums

of money to test and approve treatments because of the possible damage

to people and the subsequent litigation costing millions of pounds.

The point is this Where does this money come from to test and approve



By far the biggest source is the drug companies.


So take for example a researcher might go along to his local drug

company and tell them his findings about this treatment he has been

working on which is of outstanding value but needs testing further or

approving, you might think they would be falling over themselves to

know more –right, you could not be more wrong.


By and large only treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a

profit, will even get examined.


Because they are in business to make a profit, not for serving the



So many of the thousands of therapies which they see as having no

profit potential do not get approved and thus by and large do not get

recommended by your local doctor or hospital.


Despite The fact that some of them do have overwhelming benefits

some, which have saved needless operations, needless amputations,

needless pain and trauma, needless kidney failures and much loss of life.


This will apply to any country where most research is being done by

drug companies –


they would probably laugh in your face if you went there with a

promising therapy which was so cheap anyone could get it.


Do you really think they would invest thousands of pounds in any

therapy which did not show the promise of good profit.


Your local G.P/ doctor is not a researcher,


in the main he is told what to prescribe he does not even have the

time often to look at research.


In fact some G.P .s doctors have had action taken against them for

prescribing supplements.


At this minute 2004 approx 5000 Beds are being taken up by people in

the UK who have had adverse reactions to drugs. Some will die others

will be maimed .A serious amount of suffering is taking place on a

scale that makes some wars look like a minor infringement. That is a fact


So Mr/Mrs patient in 99% of the time because of this system you will

probably only get recommended drugs.


Primarily because of deliberate government policy not to fund research

into other therapies.


Have you heard your local doctor recommend, Massage, Spiritual

healing, Knieisiology Herbs, Light therapy, Colour therapy, Regression

therapy, Osteopathy, Zappers, Magnetic devices, Electrical Frequency



Has he ever mentioned the power of nutrition what you eat how much

protein, carbo, vitamins, water you take in etc.


Has he ever recommended a detox ..


All of these have shown their inherent worth with thousands if not

millions of testimonials.


As you can see this system in its present state is inherently flawed,

that is


Until the day comes when most of the research and testing is done by

an agency with no vested interests attached and a very clear agenda of

being objective. Acting for the people. Printing and revealing all

results good and bad.


There is also clear evidence that some of these drug companies will

even go much further than just dismiss this proposed treatment

especially if it is going to affect their profits. Look at the story

of a brilliant doctor with the name of Raymond rife the gifted

scientist and winner of 14 government awards including scientist of

the year award twice.


Rife discovered that some major diseases could be eliminated with

frequencies based on that diseases individual electromagnetic

signature. He uses the same effect, which causes a glass to shatter by

the use of some peoples voices.


We are not saying here that the rife machine could cure diabetes.


What also clouds the issue further is the fact that some of these

drugs work well but that is not to say that there isn't something more

natural better.


The apathy and scientific arrogance we will leave to another time.

Moving on to a more positive note .


One of the biggest problems we see when giving this material is that a

lot of people do not have good evaluation skills. They rely on a white

coat, a hospital building, the sound of a persons voice to sway their

thinking into accepting treatments when they are ill. Like lambs they

are taken down paths some of which will lead them into untold suffering .


Of course this is what some of these drug companies rely on the vast

sums of money which can be generated are enormous.


So as the wise among you will see a little investment in time over

your health could be a very wise move indeed. Well we move now along

to our little protocol the principles of which will apply to many

other health problems as well.



Be sure that you have read carefully the cayce philosophy page as

missing any one of the principles there could cost you in some form –

we know we have done it.

One of the most important principles outlined by cayce and others

where people are suffering from any condition is to do everything they

can to help others in whatever capacity they can. Cayce frequently

mentioned that this would bring faster results. This is a great

ingredient in helping all people to transmute their own karma. See

other pages on this particularly important treatment.


Conventional treatment

Diabetes is a disease in which the body simply does not produce or

properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert

sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.

There are two major types of diabetes:


Type 1 - A disease, in which the body does not produce any insulin,

most often occurring in children and young people. All people with

Type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections to stay alive. Type

1 diabetes accounts for between 5 - 10 % of diabetes.

Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes

the sugar from the blood into the cells. If the sugar builds up

without going into the cells, it can cause major problems:


1, your cells may be starved for energy.


2 Over time, high blood sugar levels may damage your eyes, kidneys,

nerves or heart.

The pancreas, an organ near your stomach, produces insulin. The

pancreas contains cells called beta cells. Beta cells do a vital job:

They make insulin, a hormone that helps cells take in the sugar they



Sometimes, the beta cells get wiped out. Many things might have killed

your beta cells, but in most people with Type 1 diabetes, the immune

system makes a mistake. Cells that normally protect you from germs

attack your beta cells instead. The beta cells die. Without beta

cells, you make no insulin. Sugar builds up in your blood, and you get



Type 2 – This is a metabolic disorder resulting from the body's

inability to make enough, or properly use, insulin. It is the most

common form of the disease. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 –95% of

cases Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin

takes the sugar from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up

in the blood instead of going into cells, it can cause two problems:


1.Right away, your cells may be starved for energy.

2.Over time, high blood sugar levels may damage other parts of your

body i.e. eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart and other important parts of

your body.


The goal of treatment is to lower your blood sugar and improve your

body's use of insulin with:

Meal planning and getting regular exercise can help your body

maintain healthy blood sugar levels. If you're overweight, losing

weight can be another big part of your diabetes treatment. It will

help your body use insulin better. The best way to lose weight is to

exercise and follow a meal plan.


With a weight loss meal plan, you will eat fewer calories. Decide with

your health care provider how much to lose. Occasionally a 10-20 pound

reduction in weight can give excellent results

Of course you can measure your own blood sugar levels at home using a

glucose meter.


Sometimes, using a meal plan, losing weight and being active are not

enough. In addition, your doctor may have you take diabetes pills,

insulin shots or both.


Alternative treatment recommended from the Edgar cayce information


Cayce adds a great deal of information on this condition, pointing to

the malfunctioning of the pancreas it sometimes being overstimulated

and sometimes being sluggish.


These two problems have a tendency to produce too much sugar and to

handle carbohydrates in such a way that these also produce to much sugar.


According to cayce, One of the causes for diabetes is from spinal

pressures located in association with the 6th 7th 8th 9th dorsal

sympathetic ganglia which were acting in such away as to cause the

pancreas liver and or spleen to not operate properly.


This is totally overlooked by mainstream medicine


Also mentioned was assimilation and elimination problems which had

become disturbed which caused a liver imbalance which caused payers

patches and other lymphatic vessels to cease their production of

substances which in turn created unusual impulses to the pancreas and

liver which brought about diabetes.



Cayce advises that the body has the capacity to produce normal

functions and said that therapy should aim at stimulating those

functions to their normal use rather than becoming dependent upon

substances where there was a possibility that these substances were

robbing other parts of the system to produce a desired effect.



1.Dr William mcgarey interpreted the cayce information and advised

that change should be given gradually. No sudden changes to the body

were to be given


2.He said it was advisable in all cases of diabetes to institute a

course of osteopathic adjustments and manipulations given in a series

of 6-8 and then rest and then another 6-8.


They should coordinate the 4th lumbar and the third cervical in

conjunction with the dorsal vertebrae that are being treated. He

cautioned that pressure may be alleviated but correct flow of nerve

impulses cannot come about unless the balance is maintained over a

period of time. This is why more treatments are necessary.


3.Diet is highly important, Jerusalem artichokes are suggested in

every case. These provide a type of insulin material, which helps to

restore normal function of the pancreas. These should be taken in

varying amounts from 3times a week and in more severe cases 5-6times

per week.


All of these should be cooked – one artichoke about the size of a

hens egg in patapar paper and prepared with the juices and eaten. If

you have severe cases requiring 5-6 a week then cook one day and then

eat it raw the next.

Taking insulin in this form is not habit forming.


4.No red meats are to be eaten at all, not too much sweets, nor ever

too much meats. Starches in general should be reduced, no white sugar

or white bread. Pastries and pies should be kept to a minimum.


Coffee and tea only once per day. Fish or fowl in small amounts for

you meat eaters out there. Eat lots of leafy vegetables and little of

the pod variety of vegetables.


No vegetables are to be eaten which are grown beneath the ground with

the exception of carrots and beets occasionally with the beet being

taken with the beet top and oyster plant. No fried foods to be eaten

at all


5 After the osteopathic adjustments have been given then take a course

of atomidine which should be given starting with one drop twice a day

increasing by one drop per day until you are taking 5 drops twice

daily then continue for a further 3 days and then reduce by one drop

per day until the original dose is used.


Then rest a week or two then repeat this regime 3-4 times. The

atomidine is for the cleansing of the glands and for the glandular

forces of the body.


6.There has to be balance between the way the body absorbs food and

gets rid of waste products, this was sited as being important in a few


Cayce gave this information. To one gall of rainwater or distilled

water add 8oz of clary water (garden sage) reduce this mixture by

simmering not boiling to one quart.


Then add while still warm two other solutions: dissolve 15 gr of

ambergris in 1 oz of grain alcohol then add to the solution 4oz of

grain alcohol with 50 minims of oil of juniper. Balsum of tolu cut

with alcohol 3 drams.


Directions for use -one desert spoon full taken three times a day. As

a precaution no other medications are to be taken while doing this

treatment with the exception of insulin which should be slowly

decreased in dosage until there is none being used at all, the blood

and urine samples should guide the gradual discontinuance of the insulin.


7 Vitamins should be rarely used as these could have adverse effects

on the spleen pancreas and liver.




8.Spiritual healing, Reiki/ Seichim- find a good healer - but someone

you feel an attunement with at a soul level otherwise you can have

negative results making your situation worse. We are know witnessing

one of the great turnings in our century where old healing practices

are re-emerging such as Reiki healing, Colour healing, Seichim,

Spiritual healing, Osteopathy, Massage and many others.


Some of these are thousands of years old, Spiritual healing is one of

those. It is exactly the same kind of energy used by Jesus in so many

of his healings.


Put simply Spiritual Healing is the transference of certain energies

through a channel which could be a person or an animal or even the

planet, the wavelengths of this healing energy are well outside the

limits of most scientific equipment but a lot of people can feel this

energy .


The energy in my experience has been very uplifting and beautiful

which can touch and vastly influence parts of us such as the spirit or

soul or our mental selves and our physical selves. It can bring a

steadiness and balance and sense of well-being second to none .Its

limits as to its use are in the realms of the infinite.


A very simplistic analogy would be to liken it to a massive energy

reservoir which can be tapped into by people and animals which act as

the conduits of this energy and like wires of electricity some of

which are bigger than others and so therefore big wires can transmit

more energy than smaller wires.


Bearing this point in mind the reader can soon appreciate that going

to one spiritual healer can be vastly different than going to another

as it is with so many things whether it be dentists, doctors,

policeman or what have you.


Spiritual Healing is natural healing energy, which is present in this

universe. Spiritual healers work in many different ways to some it is

the laying on of hands onto a person or animal, to others it can be

sent through the power of thought. To be even in the presence of some

healers can have a profound and beneficial effect on people and one

wishes that there were more people giving off just as beautiful

vibrations as these people were this world would truly transform it.


Ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work when

you are able. Now this touches on a concept where by contributing

something to other peoples welfare it is hoped that the universe will

respond by offsetting some of the not so good things we have done. I

have a whole paper devoted to this subject called karma. I will send a

copy of this to you – just e-mail me. The wise among you will want to

explore this further for this could be one of thee most powerful

principles to employ in treating many ailments



Survey for the advisory board of physicians on diabetes

As an abstract of 20 cases of the cayce readings for those suffering

with diabetes there were 13 women and 7 men average age of the whole

group was 43

Findings as to the causes of this condition were


1 Disturbance in the glandular system 4

2.Poor assimilation problems 1

3.Overstrain 2

4.Accident 2

5 Poor circulation 2

6 Indiscretions in the diet 1

7.Pressure or sublaxation – spine 6

8.In coordination between sympathetic and

Cerebrospinal systems 11

9No cause stated 2


Some feedback

After suffering for many years with diabetes this man came across

cayce and he apparently began eating Jerusalem artichokes raw .The

diabetic condition cleared up and as far as he can judge there is no

trace of sugar in the urine .He wished that other sufferers had this

priceless knowledge which cayce made possible.


Another man reported that he was on 20 units of insulin daily and a

1300-calorie diet, which the nutritionist had recommended .He, was

also restricted to no intakes of sugars. He noted that the results

from this regime were poor.


He consulted the cayce files and began the cayce grape juice diet and

followed the cayce recommendations on food intake. The results he

obtained were excellent; he lost 25 pounds and was able to reduce his

insulin from 20 units to 0 in a period of three months. At the time he

gave this report he had insulin free for 7 months.


We have more info from the research papers we could send by e mail

A few studies can be found here although not specifically on diabetes






Hope you enjoy the read and find the will to tackle the problem, as I

said at the beginning getting these things in place can be challenging

but not impossible.


Like I said at the beginning I consider these to be major influences

that can affect the way you feel –there are no promises of a total

cure here.






In , " prattdw2000 "

<prattdw2000 wrote:




> I just signed up to this group so hello everyone!


> I am a diabetic type 2. I have been using many herbs to be able to

> control it. I was on 80 units of insulin and 2000mg of metformin.

> These failed to work and I went to a herblist he got me on Jade

> Spring which worked wonders for about 2 years I was nearly down to

> normal sugars. It stopped working I am now on cinnimon and

> exercise. I have found in my own research things like Devils club,

> gynemia selveste(sp) and bitter melon. My diet is now fair to good.

> I have also used Acupunture which did bring me to normal for 2 years

> before that. I did not keep it up unforntunatly. My sugar levels

> seem to follow the cortisol pathway when it is high my sugars are

> high. I do not believe that the problem is cushing's but may be

> simular to it. (I was tested for that it was negitive). My main

> feeling is if the meds do not work why should I take them and have

> those side effects? I have done alot of research on the topic but I

> always believed the answers are out there somewhere.


> Well I figured I would post this and see what you all had to say.


> Thank you

> DP


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Hmm. I have tried to address the Adrenal Fatigue from time to time but

never have found a good protocol. I used iodine from time to time but

that tends to effect the thyroid most often. What suggestions do you

have for Adrenal Fatigue? Will be interesting to see what affect it

has on my diabetes.



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Try Rhodiola Rosea .. aka Arctic Root, Golden Root; strengthens and stabilises

the Adrenals


> Hmm. I have tried to address the Adrenal Fatigue from time to time

> but

> never have found a good protocol. I used iodine from time to time

> but

> that tends to effect the thyroid most often. What suggestions do

> you

> have for Adrenal Fatigue? Will be interesting to see what affect it

> has on my diabetes.


> DP



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Wow a lot of information I have done pieces of this in the past.

Adjustments, diet some other types of herbs different source of

Iodine. It got me off of insulin. The style of treatment was closer

to an oriental solution. Love the information and would like more



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What suggestions do you have for Adrenal Fatigue?

Will be interesting to see what affect it has on my diabetes.


My two cents: Don't tweak, NOURISH.


Whole dense super foods support the entire system,

including the glandular system.

When you nourish, instead of trying to stimulate, you

don't run the risk of accidentally throwing the system

out of balance.


There are many whole superfoods on the market.

I was just given a sample of a product consisting of

dried sprouted barley that looks interesting.

(Nature's Gold, do we have a Nature's Sunshine

person on the list?)

Then there is Dr. Schulze's superfood, there is Maca,

there is a nice one on the website of dr. Ben Kim, one

of my favorite health sites..... http://drbenkim.com


Last but not least, my own favorite AFA, the wild miracle

from Oregon.


Lots of good stuff out there. Visit some websites and see

what appeals to you!


Ien in the Kootenays

http://freegreenliving.com (blog)

http://wildwholefoods.net (AFA algae)



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Dear Karen,

This is because you use the Incurables to address both types.

Just go to "Files" Section of the site, and you'll find it there under

my folder.

The Incurables can be different for certain people depending on what

one is handling. It is not the same for everyone, though the basics

are the same.

The way it helps to handle Type 1 is by getting the body off of the

reverse vector that created the condition where the beta cells in the

pancreas are attacked by our own immune system.

Type One Diabetics and others are on a reverse vector when it comes to

their wants as well. Usually, you'll see them demanding foods that are

bad for them, and have a total aversion to those foods that are good.

Realize we're not talking a strict "black and white" scenario here, and

there are various degrees to which this applies.


1. Cancer Patients need the herbs in the Blood Detox Formulas the

most, but have the greatest difficulty in getting them down.

2. Diabetics usually have great difficulty in handling Sugar and / or

Grain Products, and yet most Diabetics I know of, have actual cravings

for these things.

Not only are their "wants" on a reverse vector, but so is the body in

its functions. The Immune system fires up for no reasonable reason as

in the case of the beta cells orrrrrrrr shuts down altogether in the

case of AIDS.

The whole idea is to get the body off of the Merry go Round it's on so

that it functions the way it is supposed to rather than in opposites.

There are even people that fall under this category. You give them a

positive and they give you a negative, or vice versa. Very interesting.

Hope this helps.





dkcoonen wrote:



Hi Doc,


Recently, my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. In your

newsletters you have mentioned doing the Incurables Program to treat

diabetes, but you fail to mention whether you are talking about type

1 or type 2.


I have not been able to find the details of the Incurables Program

anywhere. Can you point me in the right direction?


If you think the Incurables Program would help with Type 1 diabetes,

would you please explain to me 'how' it helps. Type 1 occurs when

the beta cells in the pancreas are attacked by our own immune system,

and eventually all the beta cells die. The Incurables Program would

help if it somehow 'retrained' the immune system to leave the beta

cells alone. Is this what it does?


I would appreciate any information and advice you might have.




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  • 4 weeks later...

You may have heard about the making of the raw food film " Raw for 30

Days " that has been in production for the last three years.


It has finally been launched and is now retitled " Simply Raw:

Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days " .


And...it's a GREAT film! If you haven't seen the trailer yet




The film features experts David Wolfe, Dr. Gabriel Cousins, Robbins and many others. It is a MUST SEE, especially for anyone who

is diabetic or pre-diabetic (or anyone who has a diabetic friend in

their life!).


The film documents 6 diabetics going through a 30 day raw food

cleanse. The results are amazing! Make sure to also check out some

of the clips from the " Raw for Life " program on the site.



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Thank you Roxanne some on your list I had not known about I will take a

closer look at them. I now have increased my list of helpful natural

solutions to 17 items and am looking to see what more I can find. I

found a study done back before big pharma (1950's) was around that

showed what definciancies that diabetics had compared to the rest of

the population. I know there are many more substances that help or are

reported to help. I am continuing to compile a list of such. I have

also found nearly 12 causes of adult onset type 2 diabetes. Can not

find my list though.



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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

do a Google search for " raw in thirty days " and watch the movie and read the

websites. They are claiming a cure for diabetes.





Whether on active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who,

at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to " The United

States of America, " for an amount of " up to and including my life. "

That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no

longer understand it.

Author unknown.



" renadecorazons " <renadecorazons

<herbal remedies >

Sunday, April 05, 2009 5:10 PM

{Herbal Remedies} Diabetes



> Hello,


> My mother has sever diabetes, she has to take insulin up to two times a

day, in conjunction with other medication for regulation.

> I am attempting to become involved in her health and want to present her

with the natural way of healing. I know she still has a chance to become the

healthy person that she once was. I would really appreciate any and all

advice or recommendations about natural answers to diabetes. I know it is a

wide subject with a range of subjects, but anything you can add would be



> Thank you!




> ---


> Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

> 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

> 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural


> 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and


> prescribe for your own health.

> We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long


> they behave themselves.

> Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any


> following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

> It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from

list members, you are agreeing to

> be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and

members free of any liability.


> Dr. Ian Shillington

> Doctor of Naturopathy

> Dr.IanShillington! Groups Links












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An Organic diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and sprouted grains, nuts

and seeds is the solution.






On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 21:10 +0000, renadecorazons wrote:

> Hello,


> My mother has sever diabetes, she has to take insulin up to two times

> a day, in conjunction with other medication for regulation.

> I am attempting to become involved in her health and want to present

> her with the natural way of healing. I know she still has a chance to

> become the healthy person that she once was. I would really appreciate

> any and all advice or recommendations about natural answers to

> diabetes. I know it is a wide subject with a range of subjects, but

> anything you can add would be great.


> Thank you!






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  • 7 months later...

Dear Sanjay,

I have been following waht all is written to you .

I fully agree with swami Sabasaraswati. One may follow everything written in

there by him to get a complete cure. I fully agree that everything is curable by

alternate means. We do not have to depend on insulin etc. There are so many

things like juice of coriander etc that would cure it even the fruit lokat is

very good for it. jamun I think that is what swami ji has mentioned as

black plums, you may confirm it with him. God has given everything in nature to

cure from the root. The western medicines are not to cure us these are to

perpetuate the disease so as to give fat monetary gains to all those connected

with it.. You will find that for every ailment the doctors say that you have to

live with it for life. and with medications which have sinister side effects,

that is what they don't tell us. I have been dealing with disease within the

family by very easy means but if I ever failed, it was due to the intervention

of western medicines.


Yoga, as Swamiji has mentioned and diet, if followed can cure a person. Some one

else mentioned about work out. I believe in that fully. i know of a case of

heart problem where he had to get surgery done, instead he just walked and got

out of it.


I am not a doctor I am a housewife but I have dealt with disease all my life so

much so that I have writen a book, I thought I will send something from there to

you but Swamiji's advice is quite comprehensive.


This I am writing only to give confidence to those ayurvedic practitioners who

say that insulin is an absolute must.( please it is not personal , but because I

strongly feel that western medicine is taking the humankind for a big ride, they

have all the policy makers, even upto the WHO in their hands and who doesn't

want the big monies that they offer after all, all those in power are also human

and are there only for a short while so everyone makes money and we pay for it

by money and by losing our health.)   We have the alternate systems to save us

but if they also lose faith in cures other than allopathy, then who is our

saviour? We have to know one thing as Devendra Vohra says,  " everything is

curable except death " . And if we have faith in this statement then we will find

means to cure ourselves. 

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plz give me the examples who got totally cured by using these KRIYAS,


Dr Prashant



We do not have to depend on insulin etc. There are so many things like juice of

coriander etc that would cure it even the fruit lokat is very good for it.

jamun I think that is what swami ji has mentioned as black plums, you may

confirm it with him. God has given everything in nature to cure from the root.

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You may find plenty of examples of not only diabetes but of so many other

dreaded diseases with Patanjali yog peeth. I am not treating patients so that I

should have records to prove. But if we can believe the scientists sitting in

their labs and coming out with research results that do not help any ailment but

do make the pharma companies that fund their researches, very rich so much so

that today the whole world is dancing to their tunes. We read so much about the

counter effects of the swine flu vaccinations but so many people are forced to

take it by the governments and do suffer death or irrepairable damage to their

health, with no where to go and complain, only so that a handful of people who

are allready vulgar rich( vulgar not because they are rich but because they have

become rich by vulgar means) may become richer still. Why can't we believe in

our own time tested (from multi millenia) kriyas.


 Perhaps to give answer to queries like this only swami RamDev's

organisation has kept records of all those who claim to have benefitted by these

kriyas. And he has allopath doctors as well, who work with him in a most

scientific manner and keep the records in modern medical terms. 




plz give me the examples who got totally cured by using these KRIYAS,

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Dr Prashat as I finished writing I went to check my mailbox and there i found SM

Acharya writing about baba Ramdev keeping records.


If you are an ayurvedic practitioner, i feel sad that our own practitioners have

no regard or knowledge about our own systems and if you are an allopath then of

course you are under the oath of not giving any validity to any other system.

But I still feel sad that our India bretheren should be so ignorant about the

efficacy of the systems which the foreigners come here and learn for a pittance

and earn thousands of dollars by practising them in their own country. 


This is what Mcaulay did to our education system which the power inheritors(in

1947) carried on.




plz give me the examples who got totally cured by using these KRIYAS,

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Hari Om,

Yes, Baba Ramdev has extensive records of patients of all dreaded diseases

including cancer, sickle cell, psoriasis, leukemia, Parkinson's, etc got cured;

many of whom were sent by allopathic docs and hospitals as incurable.


The book published by Patanjali Yogpeeth titled, " Yoga in synergy with Medical

Science " gives very many such details.

Besides, there are one or two pages devoted in each of the monthly magazine,

" Yog Sandesh "  issued by Baba Ramdev's trust, giving letters with full addresses

and phone numbers of people who got cured of many such diseases including

diabetes, blood pressure, asthma and what not.


Baba Ramdev is also of the opinion that since WHO has failed to cure many

diseases, there should be a new WHO for Holistic Medicine to make the world

disease free. He has been touring exensively throughout the world teaching Yoga

and Pranayam and curing many such diseases with or without the help of some

Ayurvedic Medicines and some preventive food supplements that also improve

health and well being.


He is doing all that absolutely free and giving free medicines to the very poor.

Even otherwise, the medicines and food supplements sold at Ramdev Seva Kendras

and Patanjali Chitsalayas are much cheaper and of much better quality than



This way Baba Ramdev often talks of helping the entire world of 6.5 billion

humans to be healthier where no one dies for want of medical attention or

uncared for due to poverty. 





Nature Cure & Spinal Rehab Centre,

155 St. Patrick's Town, Pune 411013,

Ph: +91-20-26870204, Cell: 91-9422314693,

Email:smacharya Website: www.atbsnr.com

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