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, " kate60w " <kate60w@j...>


> Hi all.

> I have been interested in alternative therapies for a long time and

> glad that I have found such an active group. I have been dealing

> with some health problems through doctors and alternative methods


> many years. I have had arthritis for some time and would like to


> the group for suggestions.


Hi Kate,


My sister can get rid of attacks by cutting out all members of the

deadly nightshade family (though a friend can eat pots), all gluten,

wheat, processed food etc and drinking loads of water. Please

contact me off-list if you'd like more info :-)





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I hope that's an ORGANIC couch potato......Nicholas Costanza <jetpostman wrote:


Grettings everyone.

I just joined this group yesterday. My name is Nick. I am 45 years old ,married with two children that have allready moved at the house. (). I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.That is why i joined this group to learn as much as I can about staying well. I am into the raw food movement, organic gardening, colloidal silver and being a couch potato.HEHE. I live in the great state of louisiana. Not much else for now.

ten four over and out





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copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml



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Hello Teresa,


I am new here also, am I am glad I have some of the

information you seek. I am also into organics, and

know of a couple of sites online, that I personally

shop at. My favorite is Gaiam.com, they have organic

clothing ( a small line); there is also,

www.underthecanopy.com (a much larger line of organic

clothing). I hope this helps.



--- jtagto wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I joined this list a couple of weeks ago and I am

> very much interested in

> herbs, homeopathy, reflexology, organic gardening

> and much more. My long term

> goal is to be a Naturopath. I live in Minnesota,

> have a cabin in Wisconsin and

> would be interested in corresponding with like

> minded people in my area.


> Right now I am looking for a source for 100% organic

> cotton clothing and

> would appreciate any information.


> Thanks

> Teresa






Organic Sea Vegetation Products for the whole Family and your Home





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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Colleen,


I hope you learn as much as i have so far here. These people are wonderful

teachers. I am a newbie too at most of this so you are not alone. Good luck!!




cmbyrd50 <cbyrd6 wrote:

Hi All, I just joined this group. Am trying to find one that I can

learn more about crystals so I'm looking forward to reading....

Have already started on the files section.

I just bought my first collection of crystals.

A pyramid rose quartz and smaller stones one for each chakra.

They are expensive aren't they!?. My tiny little stones and the one

pyramid which is small as well cost me $20.00 and he gave me 20%

off. It's a little gem store not far from where I live.

Maybe someone could tell me tho - what is a grid? Is that where you

place your collection of stones? I am very green at this..

Also crystaline earth grid? I've seen that mentioned before

regarding cutting away negative energy cords and reattaching the cut

negative enery cords to positive cords which would be the crystaline

earth grid.

Thank you in advance,





files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:








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I'm going back to my little store I found fulllllll!!! of stones and am going

to get the starter stones mentioned in the files.

Boy those files have everything and it's better than reading a book.


Re: [CrystalHW] New Member



Welcome Colleen,


I hope you learn as much as i have so far here. These people are wonderful

teachers. I am a newbie too at most of this so you are not alone. Good luck!!








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  • 2 months later...
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Welcome Marisa... I live in SW Colorado and love being able to live in the

Rockies! This is a loving group of souls... so happy to have you a part of us.

Love and Light, dana



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  • 2 months later...

Coloured glass marble can only be very very 'partially used' for its colour

transferance..but not for healing.


Chandan Ghosh



jetpostman <jetpostman wrote:

Hello all

I have been a new member for a few weeks now and havn't posted

yet. Mostly just lurking to learn more about crystal healing. I

live In Louisiana. Can glass marbles that kids use to play with be

used for healing? I don't know very much about this subject but I

have been trying to learn a little bit.

Nicholas Costanza





files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:






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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the group Margit hope you will like the group. Sounds like you do

intresting work, email me privatly if you will. Thank you. By the way I'm from

Lacona NY near Syarcuse.




margitmaxwell <margit_maxwell wrote:





I am new to this group so I thought that I would introduce myself. My

name is Margit and I'm located in Canada. I am a medical intuitive

and I have been working with crystal and gemstone energy for a while

now. I hold certifications in numerous Reikis and other Healing

modalities. As well, I am a certified Past Life Regression Therapist.


I look forward learning more about crystal energies.


Many Blessings to you All,










files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

files, photos, and message archives can be found At:


, photos, and message archives can be found At:






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  • 2 months later...

Hello amy zink,

Thanks for your note about healing but u have not explained in your note that

what is the nature of your healing practice?. What is your opinion about the

relation of mind and body. From my point of view mind could heal self and others

and even distant healing is also a part of mind body connection. When physical

energy meets with mental energy then it becomes psychic energy. Kindly pass your

comments on my above note. Thanks a lot and wish u a very happy new year 2005.

ramesh chandra


amy zink- <alayng wrote:



I am interested in all areas pertinent to the mind and body

conncection. I consider myself an effective, (but more importantly a

loving and compassionate) healer. I am also a practicing therapist

and educator in the Pa. area. In my work, particularly with inner -

city children and families and I have noticed a disconnection of

sorts and would love to allow people the privilige of learning to

bridge the gaps....to foster health and spirituality. The older I

get the more have to learn myself!










home page:

FAQ: http://www.geocities.com/nrgbalance/bmfaq.html

For List Help Email: -owner



All messages, files and archives of this forum are Copyright group and

the individual authors.






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Hello Zink,

Thanks for your mail. If u have your own web site, on the issue under question,

Kindly give the url of your site and i wants to go through the content of the

site,. If u want to visit my site, the url is ----- www.microcosmicforces.com

---. Kindly visit this site and pass your comments about the content of the

site. THanks.

sincerely yours

ramesh chandra

ramesh chandra <chandra_ramesh2002 wrote:


Hello amy zink,

Thanks for your note about healing but u have not explained in your note that

what is the nature of your healing practice?. What is your opinion about the

relation of mind and body. From my point of view mind could heal self and others

and even distant healing is also a part of mind body connection. When physical

energy meets with mental energy then it becomes psychic energy. Kindly pass your

comments on my above note. Thanks a lot and wish u a very happy new year 2005.

ramesh chandra


amy zink- <alayng wrote:



I am interested in all areas pertinent to the mind and body

conncection. I consider myself an effective, (but more importantly a

loving and compassionate) healer. I am also a practicing therapist

and educator in the Pa. area. In my work, particularly with inner -

city children and families and I have noticed a disconnection of

sorts and would love to allow people the privilige of learning to

bridge the gaps....to foster health and spirituality. The older I

get the more have to learn myself!










home page:

FAQ: http://www.geocities.com/nrgbalance/bmfaq.html

For List Help Email: -owner



All messages, files and archives of this forum are Copyright group and

the individual authors.






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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Bob, I suffer from depression and anxiety and every time I try to get off of zoloft, I get very agitated and anxious, muscles get crampy, stomach gets wierd, have panic attacks at night, chest pains and my lupus symptoms get worse. It is so sad. I am trying to stabilize myself with calcium, magnesium, b vitamins, avoiding sugar. So far it has been very important for me to avoid sugar as this lessens a lot of symptoms and keeps my mood stable. This includes refined sugar, processed corn and wheat, chocolate, and overeating (spike in sugar). Keep us informed of your progress. THere are people out there just like you. Kel




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Kel, I used to take Zoloft and was able to get off of it, but very slowly. Those symptoms you're getting are just withdrawal symptoms. In spite of what doctors might tell you, it is a VERY addictive drug! Something that helped me was I started taking SAM-e while I was withdrawing from it. Amelia



sentto-12621366-734-1107375854-ameliagerlach=hotsheet.com [sentto-12621366-734-1107375854-ameliagerlach=hotsheet.com] On Behalf Of Kelly WortkoetterWednesday, February 02, 2005 3:24 PM Subject: Re: New Member


Hi Bob, I suffer from depression and anxiety and every time I try to get off of zoloft, I get very agitated and anxious, muscles get crampy, stomach gets wierd, have panic attacks at night, chest pains and my lupus symptoms get worse. It is so sad. I am trying to stabilize myself with calcium, magnesium, b vitamins, avoiding sugar. So far it has been very important for me to avoid sugar as this lessens a lot of symptoms and keeps my mood stable. This includes refined sugar, processed corn and wheat, chocolate, and overeating (spike in sugar). Keep us informed of your progress. THere are people out there just like you. Kel




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hi bob,


i use essential oils to help with my depression (Joy, Hope,

Valor, Bergamot from Young Living) and i also am taking

mangosteen juice (and have heard this also works for others

who are depressed/bipolar). i believe it is balancing my

hormones, since it helped with night sweats, too, oh, and

also acid reflux. if you'd like more info, you could email me.

good luck to you,



Carol BrightWhen the body gets what the body needs, miracles happen!(908) 725-7144www.ItsJustJuice.com


This information is not meant to prescribe, treat or diagnose.




Wednesday, February 02, 2005 1:06 PM

New Member

Hi.. here's my short story.Diagnosed with Bipoler 2. Spent years being whipsawed on traditional meds that almost killed me (mostly SSRI's). Have turned to homeopathic Dr. as a last resort. 6 months now and doing better than ever previously before.. need more gain but happier and at less risk now. If I listened to the doctors I would be on Lithium with other combos drugs. What I take/do5-HTP (precursor to seretonin)Aurum (mood / suicide type stabilizer)Nux Vom (sleep)Omega 3 via flax pillother suplimentsGingko bilAmbien (a non natural sleep med)Lorazapam (a non natural anxiety med)Meditation (Osho is my latest fad)Creative Outlet: Music (listening, seing, playing)Careful planning around problem triggers and self other self management techniques (e.g. wake / sleep regulation).My week spots.. drinking (currently "off" during the week), leaning on the unatrual meds, relationship support problems, ultra stress job, etc., falling victum to manic depressive cyles vs. battling via my "tools"The depression and bipolor community is overwhelmed with traditional drugs (which I may have to go back on one-day)... I post questions about my above list and it turns into dust in cyberspace..They are all hooked in the crazy cycle of ultra med mixing perscribed by thier pdocs (can't blame them)..but there is a MAJOR problem going on with the pdoc process not to mentino treatment and insurence horror stories.I can't find people battling real BP or mid-heavy mental problems naturally.. or they just don't answer my calls.. Anyone in the same boat.. I would love to hear.. also hope to pick up other good tools from this group. The book Depression-Free for Life by Gabriel Cousens and my Naturopath Dr. has potentiall now changed my life.Thanks for listening.. Bob

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  • 2 weeks later...

welcome Kathy.

where in Alberta?

lots of us on this list from around this area. Im in Coeur d Alene.





Monday, February 14, 2005 6:35 PM

New Member

Hi, my name is Kathy. My husband and I have an organic farming operation in Alberta Canada. I am interested in many, if not all, of the subjects listed for consideration and or information sharing. We are living in "interesting times," and I hope that I can glean some valuable information from this group. I am not much of a "poster," however, I read every e-mail that is shared. Thanks for letting me be part of this group.«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 3/20/2005 6:36:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

planetkateandmike writes:


Hi, my name is Kate,



Hi Kate and welcome to the group!! Your education plans sound wonderful. I

have heard so many people tell me their stories of education, starting new

jobs or creating their own and it makes me happy. I'm among that group too.

I'm not going back to college but I am working toward starting a business and

getting involved in that. Exciting isn't it? I'm glad you're here. We

all have a lot to learn and there are people here with so much to share.

Brightest Blessings,







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, " planetkateandmike "

<planetkateandmike> wrote:



> Hi, my name is Kate, and I just wanted to type a quick message and

> intoduce myself as a new member to the group. I recently returned

> to college, where I'm studying psychology/philosophy, and when I'm

> finished with my undergrad degree, a local private college offers


> graduate degree in holistic counseling, and I think that's what


> going to shoot for. I am interested in anything alternative (or

> not) that will help people heal. I have always wondered about the

> healing properties of crystals, and have been reading the posts


> for a couple of days, it's all really interesting. I'm very happy


> stumbled acroos this group, and am appreciative of having the

> opportunity to learn more.

> Thanks,

> Kate


Welcome Kate,

Holistic counseling sounds great!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Paula,

If you're interested in vision improvement, have a look at www.seeing.org the website of the Bates Association for Vision Education.

They host a email list like this one and new people are always welcome.

As a matter of interest, and as a Bates teacher, how did you get your vision improvement?

And what was it to start with?

Best wishes,


(Altrincham, England)

Hello all,I just joined. I live in Canada and I have an interest in visionimprovement and hypnosis. I've improved my vision by .5 and .75 diopter. Ihave always found this mind body connection fascinating.I also have started breaking out around the sides of my chin. This started afew months ago. I used to break out more on my forehead and cheeks. I thinkthis has to do with mind body connection.Anyone know much about skin problems? I've been using hypnosis for theseproblems and stretching my eyes. And I do yoga. I heard cranial sacraltherapy might be good for vision. I'm pretty young (26) and healthy so I'dlike to learn more from people's personal experiences so I can maintain mygood health!Paula

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Hello Stewart and all,


I think I am already a member of that group. The vision programs I got on the net include rebuildyourvision.com and exerciseyoureyes.com. I returned both of them and the latter was difficult in getting them to accept it and I ended up having a local newspaper article write about my experience and how they wouldn't take it back. Eventually they accepted it.

Anyways, there were interesting products but it didn't suit me. I got a hypnosis program that is for vision and it has several sessions and one is an eye stretching session which I enjoyed. I honestly am not sure what has caused this small improvement but I think it was the stretching exercise. There's also focus exercise called shifting in Bates terms where you focus on an object close up and then far away. I've also been wearing a 20/40 prescription.

I've been doing research on vision improvement and have noticed I had a lot of tension in my eyes. I do yoga so eventually I realized this area was tight and tense. It's amazing how something so important, that I use everyday and I ignore how it feels.





Hi Paula,

If you're interested in vision improvement, have a look at www.seeing.org the website of the Bates Association for Vision Education.

They host a email list like this one and new people are always welcome.

As a matter of interest, and as a Bates teacher, how did you get your vision improvement?

And what was it to start with?

Best wishes,


(Altrincham, England)

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Hi Cathrine,


Let me guess... Texas.


The important thing for practicing acupuncture isn't the degree, but if

you can sit for the NCCAOM exams and get licensed in your state. Once

you are licensed it probably doesn't make much difference to your

patients if you have a " Masters Degree " or not. Some of the best

practitioners I know don't have " Masters Degrees " since they started

practicing back in the late 70's or 80's before all these beaurocratic

stuff happened.


The legitimacy is determined by your state licensing board. If you plan

on going for a PhD in a traditional University later then it still

doesn't make a difference since the acupuncture accreditation is

different than that of state universities and even with a Masters of

Science in Oriental Medicine most major universities won't recognize it.

If you want to go and get a PhD from another acupuncture college then

I'm sure they would recognize your certificate, but you may want to

check it out first.


If you want the title, then find a school outside of Texas (I assume

that is where you are). This education is very, very expensive indeed!

After my 3.5 years and over $64K in debt, I wonder if my time would have

been better spent apprenticing under a master. But I don't know about

all the legalities and legitimacy of that, or how you would find someone

qualified, that offered such a thing. I do know that there is just so

much depth to this medicine and 4 years is just barely enough to scratch

the surface.


Best of luck!


Christopher Vedeler L.Ac., C.Ht.

Oasis Acupuncture


8233 N. Via Paseo del Norte

Suite D-35

Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Phone: (480) 991-3650

Fax: (480) 247-4472



Cathrine Wingate [tiskalamar]

Monday, April 04, 2005 7:33 PM


acupuncture New Member




My name is Cathrine, and I am about to embark on a career in

acupuncture. I am in need of some solid, objective advice. Since I

have no one here to pose it to, I have turned to this communtity for

help. I would appreciate any and all comments - please feel free to

email me or post your replies here. I thank you in advance.


Last week, after much debate, I finally decided to send in my

application to a local acupuncture school. I was wrongly under the

impression that after attending this school for three years, I would

have a Masters Degree in Acupuncture. However, this school offers

a " master's level diploma in Acupuncture " , which has been explained

to me as a certification - not an academic (traditional) Master's

Degree. I do appreciate that they are an accredited school, but I

am very concerned about spending over $40k for a certificate.


Does this hold the same weight as a degree? Will I be able to use

this to go on to a doctorate program in the future, or will I be

forced to spend more money to begin such an endeavor? My biggest

concern is legitimacy, and I am now afraid that this program, while

it may be adequate, is just not all it is cracked up to be.


Thank you so much. - Cathrine









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Hi Cathrine, congratulations on your decision. Here are a few points to


1. Does the diploma qualify you for licensure in your state? Here in NY the

diploma is all that is required for licensure, although every school now

grants the M.S. degree. But there are plenty of people who don't hold one.


2. Is the school accredited by ACAOM? That gives you an idea of their

credibility. You also may be able to transfer credits after graduation into


ACAOM school and finish the additional coursework for your Masters.


3. Does the school intend to become a degree granting institution in the

future. If it does, you would only have to finish any additional coursework and

get your degree. When I enrolled in my TCM school, it was in the process of

changing from a diploma to a degree program. As current students we had a

choice of which program to pursue. Some people actually opted for the diploma


various reasons. Some former graduates also returned to get the new degree.

The state mandated the addition of about 11 credits worth of courses.


I also believe that the current Doctoral programs make considerations for

practitioners without a masters degree since they are relatively new. Many of

the earliest licensees do not have them since they were not available.


Your personal feelings are probably more important here. I know I wanted a

masters degree, and would not have attended my school if it hadn't planned to

upgrade. This despite the fact that it is an excellent school, it was just a

matter of personal achievement. And a little vanity mixed in. My wife is in

academia and I now " fit in " better at social functions. I don't think it

matters to the general public right now. Almost all massage therapists in NY now

obtain an associates degree, and at least one school has a bachelors

continuation available, but it is not a concern with potential clients.


In a message dated 4/5/2005 2:47:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

tiskalamar writes:




My name is Cathrine, and I am about to embark on a career in

acupuncture. I am in need of some solid, objective advice. Since I

have no one here to pose it to, I have turned to this communtity for

help. I would appreciate any and all comments - please feel free to

email me or post your replies here. I thank you in advance.


Last week, after much debate, I finally decided to send in my

application to a local acupuncture school. I was wrongly under the

impression that after attending this school for three years, I would

have a Masters Degree in Acupuncture. However, this school offers

a " master's level diploma in Acupuncture " , which has been explained

to me as a certification - not an academic (traditional) Master's

Degree. I do appreciate that they are an accredited school, but I

am very concerned about spending over $40k for a certificate.


Does this hold the same weight as a degree? Will I be able to use

this to go on to a doctorate program in the future, or will I be

forced to spend more money to begin such an endeavor? My biggest

concern is legitimacy, and I am now afraid that this program, while

it may be adequate, is just not all it is cracked up to be.


Thank you so much. - Cathrine







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Hi Cathrine,


I am in no position to give advise, but I also am

starting an acupuncture program in the fall of 2005.

Mine is an accredited school which awards masters

degree in acupuncture and automatic license in my

state. Graduates qualify for the NCCAOM exam. I wish I

could shop around as this school is even more

expensive than yours (about 50K/three years), but

there are no other schools around.

Maybe you can your college to get in touch with

graduates and ask them how they feel about the quality

and validity of their education. Just a thought.









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In a message dated 4/7/2005 8:50:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

isis_nephtys7 writes:


Hello, I am new to the group and I just want to say hello. I am happy

to have found all of you.






Welcome Stephanie!! Good to have you with us.

Brightest Blessings,







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Christopher -


Thanks for taking the time out to reply to my inquiry. Actually,

the school in question is in New Jersey, tho' I understand why you

thought it was Texas, seeing as to all the problems they are having

down there.


I might just be tying myself up in knots over wording. I know that

the ultimate question here is will I be able to pass the boards.

According to all the digging I've done so far, the answer is an

resounding " yes " . But still, I worry that when held up against

someone such as yourself, who went to a traditional school and

obtained an actual degree, will I be taken just as serious?


I too have had the priviledge of working with incredibly talented

folk who didn't hold traditional degrees - folks that have been

practicing since well before anything of this nature was thought of,

let alone available. I am absolutely not a snob. But in today's

climate, it seems that the paper one holds is getting more and more

important. I simply want to insure that this school's degree is

good enough when held up against someone else's.


I do want to be able to build upon what I get here. I would like to

eventually go on to a doctorate program. I truly want to be able to

teach. It would be a real kick in the shorts to find that I have to

go back to school and get a " real " masters 'fore I could attempt a



I am going to take your advice, and call around to see if for

instance, Bastyr out in Seattle would take this certification so I

could sign on for their doctorate program. That was a great idea.

I think getting a positive response from a school like that would go

a long way to putting my mind at ease.


Thanks again. I do value what you've shared with me.






acupuncture , " Christopher Vedeler, L.Ac. "

<ckvedeler@a...> wrote:

> Hi Cathrine,


> Let me guess... Texas.


> The important thing for practicing acupuncture isn't the degree,

but if

> you can sit for the NCCAOM exams and get licensed in your state.


> you are licensed it probably doesn't make much difference to your

> patients if you have a " Masters Degree " or not. Some of the best

> practitioners I know don't have " Masters Degrees " since they


> practicing back in the late 70's or 80's before all these


> stuff happened.


> The legitimacy is determined by your state licensing board. If

you plan

> on going for a PhD in a traditional University later then it still

> doesn't make a difference since the acupuncture accreditation is

> different than that of state universities and even with a Masters


> Science in Oriental Medicine most major universities won't

recognize it.

> If you want to go and get a PhD from another acupuncture college


> I'm sure they would recognize your certificate, but you may want to

> check it out first.


> If you want the title, then find a school outside of Texas (I


> that is where you are). This education is very, very expensive


> After my 3.5 years and over $64K in debt, I wonder if my time

would have

> been better spent apprenticing under a master. But I don't know


> all the legalities and legitimacy of that, or how you would find


> qualified, that offered such a thing. I do know that there is

just so

> much depth to this medicine and 4 years is just barely enough to


> the surface.


> Best of luck!


> Christopher Vedeler L.Ac., C.Ht.

> Oasis Acupuncture

> http://www.oasisacupuncture.com

> 8233 N. Via Paseo del Norte

> Suite D-35

> Scottsdale, AZ 85258

> Phone: (480) 991-3650

> Fax: (480) 247-4472



> Cathrine Wingate [tiskalamar@h...]

> Monday, April 04, 2005 7:33 PM

> acupuncture

> acupuncture New Member




> My name is Cathrine, and I am about to embark on a career in

> acupuncture. I am in need of some solid, objective advice. Since


> have no one here to pose it to, I have turned to this communtity


> help. I would appreciate any and all comments - please feel free


> email me or post your replies here. I thank you in advance.


> Last week, after much debate, I finally decided to send in my

> application to a local acupuncture school. I was wrongly under the

> impression that after attending this school for three years, I


> have a Masters Degree in Acupuncture. However, this school offers

> a " master's level diploma in Acupuncture " , which has been


> to me as a certification - not an academic (traditional) Master's

> Degree. I do appreciate that they are an accredited school, but I

> am very concerned about spending over $40k for a certificate.


> Does this hold the same weight as a degree? Will I be able to use

> this to go on to a doctorate program in the future, or will I be

> forced to spend more money to begin such an endeavor? My biggest

> concern is legitimacy, and I am now afraid that this program,


> it may be adequate, is just not all it is cracked up to be.


> Thank you so much. - Cathrine






> _____



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