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, " Joyce "

<joycecomp wrote:


> Katy,

> As I noted below, I haven't made any yet. I am still exploring the

> best approach to making them. I'm not sure if I know quite how to go

> about it. That goes especially if I am making dolls for others and not

> just myself. There are several doll artist that I am aware of, who

> make them and mostly they use a lot of color and symbols depending on

> what sort of healing is intended.

> Will crystals have any effect if the recipient of the doll doesn't

> understand what they are or why they are there? The same for chakra

> colors. Any input from anyone here would be very helpful.


> Joyce



What I was thinking of when you mentioned Healing Dolls, was

something like a rag doll with the crystals sewn inside. a long cloth

tube lined and placed in the direct center of the body with the

batting encircling it.

So that you could give it to a sick child or adult in the hospital or

someone recovering from an illness. So that the person could sleep

with the doll. Intent on healing the new owner or recipient would need

to be programmed into the crystals.

This web site has some cute healing dolls.



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I had a similar idea in ind. But I am not sure what you mean when you

state: " Intent on healing the new owner or recipient would need

> to be programmed into the crystals. " Do you mean the stones need to

be programmed for the intended purpose or the recipient would need to

be programmed? Haha I can read it both ways. I'm sure you mena to

program the stones, correct?

Any suggestions on the stones? I am so new to all this. I've not

delved too deeply into stones before.






> What I was thinking of when you mentioned Healing Dolls, was

> something like a rag doll with the crystals sewn inside. a long cloth

> tube lined and placed in the direct center of the body with the

> batting encircling it.

> So that you could give it to a sick child or adult in the hospital or

> someone recovering from an illness. So that the person could sleep

> with the doll. Intent on healing the new owner or recipient would


> to be programmed into the crystals.

> This web site has some cute healing dolls.

> http://home.fuse.net/codyart/healing.htm

> ~Shekinah


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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to the group Carrie!

Congrats on the First Degree Reiki. Do you use crystals often when you

do a treatment session?


I don't know if you have read this book, but I would recommend it:

Reiki with Gemstones: activating your self-healing powers connecting

the universal life force energy with gemstone therapy BY Ursula

Klinger-Omenka; Lotus Light,Shangri-La


I like that book because it shows how all crystals can be used on all

chakras and it shows how 7 specific ones work with each chakra. I

recommend it to anyone who likes crystals and is 'into' Reiki.


Crystal Blessings,


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  • 2 months later...



Welcome to the list. I had not heard of the Trager method before. I

found the Web site interesting.


I am a Reiki Master and Licensed Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP.

I am also certified in hypnotherapy. I have studied Uechi-Ryu Karate for

almost 30 years. While I agree that the skill of the practitioner is

more important than the style, different individuals may have different

responses to different styles. My co-author, for example, responds well

to homeopathic remedies. I do not. I respond much better to herbals. We

both respond well to acupuncture.


You can read more about me and the approach to healing my co-author and

I developed at www.scs-matters.com


Enjoy, Joel




*Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D.**

/Subtle Communication Systems/

SCS Matters, LLC*

Voice: (269) 267-1419


/Small Changes ... Infinite *Results™*/ <http://www.scs-matters.com/>

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  • 3 weeks later...

" dave_gust72 " wrote:


> Hi everybody! I carve crystals Am I compromising their energy flow?





I wouldn't think so since you can get stones in pendants, beads, wand

tips.... and so on. The stone is still a stone no matter shape or size.


Just my opinion and welcome to the group,



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do you feel like you are?


dave_gust72 <dave_gust72 wrote: Hi

everybody! I carve crystals Am I compromising their energy flow?










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Hi Dave,

In My Opinion:

That would depend on whether the crystal was a crystalline block or an actual

point...such as in quartz. In crystals like quartz that have natural

terminations there is an axis to the crystal that is measurable in sending and

receiving energy. In quartz it is callled the C-Axis and is where the energy

is emmited in a spiral wave pattern. If you alter that you do not have a visual

clear sign of where the energy is emmited from. On the other hand polishing or

carving in shapes crystals such as malachite, rose quartz , aventurine or other

stones that where found in a crystalline block are not necessarily

damaged....but changed to now carry the meaning of the shape or flow you have

given them. Their energy is still measurable....but is likely to flow along the

striations of the natural crystalline patterns of the stone and be rather

multi-directional om stream.

It might be nice for you to work with dowsing rods or a pendulum to ascertain

what the stone feels is best for it's evolution into change and to find the best

direction of change for the polish. Oftentimes people will carve rune sysmbols

and others into tumbled stones. Again ask the stones but those stones have

already been altered in some way.


Dawn Silver

Jewels of the Lotus Oracle


dave_gust72 <dave_gust72 wrote:

Hi everybody! I carve crystals Am I compromising their energy flow?








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dave_gust72 wrote:

> Hi everybody! I carve crystals Am I compromising their energy flow?


This will probably come across as over the top New age wing nut but

IMHO it depends. If you are sensitive to the crystal and follow your

inner knowing probably the crystal will be fine withbeing carved I

would strive for an intuitive connection It should feel right to you

before you carve the stone or crystal.

As a sculptor, though I have done very little work with stone I often

get a sense of the image within the material or destiny of the material

as it were so that the carving is in harmony with the stone/material.

Some carvings do seem to have a negative effect sometimes but when done

with respect many stones and crystals even those carved in mass

mechanized ways seem to be supportive of the work.

I have quite a few carved pieces mostly hearts and cabs and spheres and

they have a very positive energy field. I am very uncomfortable with

some crystal carvings that seem to have been done without respect for or

regard to the nature and spirit of the crystals, particularly some that

have rods and stuff inserted in them .


Peggy Jentoft



> The Crystal healing workshop files are online at


> some files, photos, and message archives can also be found At:



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Thank you for your reply Dawn. That was both informative and helpfull.

Yes I do ask the stones what they are and most often they are shouting

the answer before I ask. I can see (usually) where the crystal is

channeling the energy and yes I do maintain visual integrity . What I

was not sure of was myself and my own intuition so I thought I would

ask. Thank you again.

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Thanks for the reply! I know what you are talking about and it makes

sense. I have some doubts about some of the talismans I create.One

talisman ( aprox.1 inch long) I carve a devil's head out of red

saopstone. I use black tourmaline for the eyes and mica for the mouth.

For the horns I use salmon teeth I found beside the creek.The issue

here is 1 the devil head and 2 the black tourmaline. Most people

interested in purchasing a devil's head to wear around their neck may

possibly have a little less love in their lives than most of us. Black

tourmaline helps harmonize negative energy for those of us without

love. Am I not a sneaky bastard? I wonder hmmmm.Is there a stone for

indecisive, insecure, sneaky bastards? LOL.Seriosly though this has

been my focus, carving items attractive to the darkside dwellers that

seem to need the most healing and seem to bristle the most at the mere

mention of healing ,any thoughts?

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In a message dated 2/19/2008 6:03:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

DawnSilver writes:


It might be nice for you to work with dowsing rods or a pendulum to

ascertain what the stone feels is best for it's evolution into change and to

find the

best direction of change for the polish. Oftentimes people will carve rune

sysmbols and others into tumbled stones. Again ask the stones but those stones

have already been altered in some way.


Dawn Silver

Jewels of the Lotus Oracle




Could someone explain what a dowsing rod is please? and can a pendulum be

any crystal, or are they just certain ones?






**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.






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  • 4 weeks later...
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Caroline, I'm so sorry things have become so bad for you. Please

know that Fly is still with you, helping you as best she can from her

new home. She doesn't need you with her just yet, your other dogs do

need you to stay and care for them, that is why your attempt failed.


You've had a double whammy with your ex, but you have to look after

you and your remaining dogs, not waste time and energy on him.


The one good thing about being at the bottom of a very deep dark pit

is that the only way is up. It may be a very slow climb back up, it

may be fast - whatever way will be the right one for you, and yes,

sometimes you may slide back down a bit, but you'll always come back

up. You have four dogs depending on you.


When I was at the bottom of my deep dark pit I only had one dog

depending on me, but that was enough - she pulled me back up by

degrees and sometimes I backslid, but she was always there for me

whether I was shouting, crying, happy whatever. That's the best

about dogs, they always love us no matter what.


Homeopathic Ignatia helps with grief and Flower Essences help with

all the emotional stuff. Probably best if you saw a qualified

Homeopath for advice, but Flower Essences you can't do any harm with

even if you pick the wrong ones. I'd try Sweet Chestnut, Star of

Bethlehem and Walnut for starters.


Crystals - Amethyst is good for grief, Rose Quartz helps the heart,

Clear quartz is good for anything. There will be others too.


Sending Reiki to you all if wanted and keeping you in my thoughts,




, " carolineandfly2 "

<carolineshipsey wrote:


> I'm hoping I can find some help and guidance here to get me through


> sad and difficult time in my life. On 25th February my beloved Fly

> died after several months of being treated, mostly by me for renal

> failure - she was a very special dog, only 3 legs and we were always

> very close. Just a few days after this my partner of 10 years


> us - me and 4 dogs, our family, since then he has kept us dangling


> to what he plans for his future. He has a new lady and now mostly

> lives on his boat, I have fallen to pieces, made a failed attempt to

> end my life and generally am at the bottom of a very dark pit. I

> don't feel I have been able to grieve for Fly because my head is


> of thought about him, I feel he abused her memory by some of the

> things he said and did.


> Sorry to go on but I'm hoping/looking for a way to gain strength to

> get through this.


> Caroline


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Huge hugs Caroline! I know all too well how painful it is to lose a

beloved pet! I also know how paralyzing depression can be. My

advice for the moment is concentrate on yourself, on your healing.

Your ex-partner is going to do whatever he wants to do, you can't

control that. But you can make the choice to start caring about

yourself, processing your grief, and finding the rope the will pull

you out of that deep dark hole! I've found that rose quartz works

quite well for processing grief in a loving way, as well as

emphasizing the positive things in your life, driving away the



Bright Blessings,



, " carolineandfly2 "

<carolineshipsey wrote:


> I'm hoping I can find some help and guidance here to get me

through a

> sad and difficult time in my life. On 25th February my beloved Fly

> died after several months of being treated, mostly by me for renal

> failure - she was a very special dog, only 3 legs and we were


> very close. Just a few days after this my partner of 10 years


> us - me and 4 dogs, our family, since then he has kept us dangling


> to what he plans for his future. He has a new lady and now mostly

> lives on his boat, I have fallen to pieces, made a failed attempt


> end my life and generally am at the bottom of a very dark pit. I

> don't feel I have been able to grieve for Fly because my head is


> of thought about him, I feel he abused her memory by some of the

> things he said and did.


> Sorry to go on but I'm hoping/looking for a way to gain strength to

> get through this.


> Caroline


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Hello Muriel and thank you for replying.

As you say the only way now is up and there is no doubt that I have to

look after the dogs, my partner didn't come when I was in hospital -

not even for the dogs, and of course he is my EX now!!


He came here today - emotionally dead towards us and despite

everything I found myself trying to help him, I felt sorry that he

looked so " dead " but its how he shuts out reality and he drains me of

all energy.


Since I first wrote I have consulted a homeopath and she did indeed

prescribe Ignatia which has helped enormously. I have taken rescue

remedy but despite having several books about them I just couldn't

motivate myself to look into them but I will try those you have

suggested and also the crystals.


Its good to know that Fly is still with me, I miss her happy little

face, always so intensely speaking to me. I hope she will return to

me or guide me to another who will take over from her and needs me

too. Thank you for the Reiki, I need all the help I can get :-)


I hope that your life is good now Muriel,

Love and best wishes,

Caroline & Angel Fly


, " murielblackley2 "

<murielblackley2 wrote:


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Hi Moonwater, thanks for the hugs :-)

Yes, the depression is paralyzing, I find myself starring at the

computer screen or phone willing it to ring. I'm making a big effort

to concentrate on myself, taken Muriel's advice re Flower essences

and have had a homeopathic consult. The funny thing is that I have

been refering to him as 'my partner' and others referred to him as my

EX. That says quite a lot about my mindset doesn't it ? So from now

on he is definitely my EX !! Unfortunately I am finding myself full

of bitterness - a horrible emotion, but no matter how much I try to

blot it out it comes back and is very strong. I have added Willow to

the combination of FE's and also have a beautiful piece of rose quartz

I'm keeping close to me.


Thank you for writing,


, " Jennifer "

<moonwatermuskoka wrote:


> Huge hugs Caroline! I know all too well how painful it is to lose a

> beloved pet! I also know how paralyzing depression can be. My

> advice for the moment is concentrate on yourself, on your healing.

> Your ex-partner is going to do whatever he wants to do, you can't

> control that. But you can make the choice to start caring about

> yourself, processing your grief, and finding the rope the will pull

> you out of that deep dark hole! I've found that rose quartz works

> quite well for processing grief in a loving way, as well as

> emphasizing the positive things in your life, driving away the

> darkness.


> Bright Blessings,

> Moonwater

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Caroline, I'm glad you're seeing a Homeopath and the Ignatia is

helping. He/she could possibly also help with esences, but if not,

I'd be happy to try if you want, try the ones I mentioned first and

see how you go. I know how difficult it can be to motivate yourself

and to get your brain to work when you feel that bad.


You're obviously a carer and sensitive, sounds like your ex actually

did you a favour as he can't any longer drain your energy.


Keep doing your best to look after you and your remaining dogs. Just

do what you have to do, walk the dogs, play with them, cuddle them,

feed them and allow them to heal you. Take the time out for you and

them. Fly will be right there with you all, but especially with you,

loving you as she always did and doing her very best to help you find

your route back to health and happiness. It takes time, just take it

at your own pace and know there are many people caring for you and

sending healing energy your way.


Masses of Reiki for you Caroline,



, " carolineandfly2 "

<carolineshipsey wrote:


> Hello Muriel and thank you for replying.

> As you say the only way now is up and there is no doubt that I have


> look after the dogs, my partner didn't come when I was in hospital -

> not even for the dogs, and of course he is my EX now!!


> He came here today - emotionally dead towards us and despite

> everything I found myself trying to help him, I felt sorry that he

> looked so " dead " but its how he shuts out reality and he drains me


> all energy.


> Since I first wrote I have consulted a homeopath and she did indeed

> prescribe Ignatia which has helped enormously. I have taken rescue

> remedy but despite having several books about them I just couldn't

> motivate myself to look into them but I will try those you have

> suggested and also the crystals.


> Its good to know that Fly is still with me, I miss her happy little

> face, always so intensely speaking to me. I hope she will return to

> me or guide me to another who will take over from her and needs me

> too. Thank you for the Reiki, I need all the help I can get :-)


> I hope that your life is good now Muriel,

> Love and best wishes,

> Caroline & Angel Fly


> , " murielblackley2 "

> <murielblackley2@> wrote:

> >


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Hello Muriel,


I have tried the FEs you suggested and also added Willow - I was

feeling consumed with bitterness toward my ex, its a horrible emotion

and not something I like to admit to - I feel good that I was actually

able to do this myself after being so utterly paralysed mentally, but

I'm very open to any help and advice. I've no doubt the Reiki helps

me enormously too and thank you again.


Caroline & Angel Fly



, " murielblackley2 "

<murielblackley2 wrote:


> Caroline, I'm glad you're seeing a Homeopath and the Ignatia is

> helping. He/she could possibly also help with esences, but if not,

> I'd be happy to try if you want, try the ones I mentioned first and

> see how you go. I know how difficult it can be to motivate yourself

> and to get your brain to work when you feel that bad.


> You're obviously a carer and sensitive, sounds like your ex actually

> did you a favour as he can't any longer drain your energy.


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Likewise, I will turn sixty this year.


The past two years have been extremely stressful as my companion of

thirty-three years took care of her mother while she endured fourteen

months of dialysis, passing away eight months ago at the age of

eighty-five. Six months ago I was called to help with a neighbor, aged

eighty-two, and he virtually died of a heart attack in front of us.


There was not much graceful about death and dying. Anxiety and stress

are part of aging I have found out. Several neighbors are also going

through these life changes. Add to this the turbulence of world affairs

and one is faced with some difficult choices in staying healthy. The

cost of health care is beyond belief, regardless of the promises made by

government and heathcare systems--which only add to the malaise.


Finding alternative strategies in order maintain health is why I am

here. There are two films that deal with the Alzheimer's crisis, one

starring Judy Densch and the other Julie Christie. Perhaps these films

might broaden your perspectives on the emotional and physical problems

associated with what used to be called senility and dementia. DW



, " wyndraven1 "

<caeb01 wrote:


> Hi


> I'm a new member and hope that this group is still active.


> I've been living with a diagnosis of T2 Diabetes for 10 months. I

> feel like I'm losing touch with everything else in my life. Life

> seems to have become totally focused on this darn disease and my

> husband's Alzheimer's Disease. Nothing else seems to matter anymore.

> There isn't time for much else!


> I will be 60 years old in October. I work almost full time and live

> with a husband who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease a year ago

> this month.


> I'm not even sure what I'm looking for, but I'm happy to be here if

> nothing else.


> Thank you for making this group available.


> Wyndy


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Hi Caroline, well done for adding in the Willow! Certainly sounds

needed. That's progress already that you were able to see the need

for it :-) Onwards and upwards. You'll get there in your own time

and we'll all do what we can to help I'm sure.


Reiki continues as long as you want it,


, " carolineandfly2 "

<carolineshipsey wrote:


> Hello Muriel,


> I have tried the FEs you suggested and also added Willow - I was

> feeling consumed with bitterness toward my ex, its a horrible


> and not something I like to admit to - I feel good that I was


> able to do this myself after being so utterly paralysed mentally,


> I'm very open to any help and advice. I've no doubt the Reiki helps

> me enormously too and thank you again.


> Caroline & Angel Fly



> , " murielblackley2 "

> <murielblackley2@> wrote:

> >

> > Caroline, I'm glad you're seeing a Homeopath and the Ignatia is

> > helping. He/she could possibly also help with esences, but if


> > I'd be happy to try if you want, try the ones I mentioned first


> > see how you go. I know how difficult it can be to motivate


> > and to get your brain to work when you feel that bad.

> >

> > You're obviously a carer and sensitive, sounds like your ex


> > did you a favour as he can't any longer drain your energy.

> >


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Try apache tear or jet if you have some--they sort of soak up the

grief. I also find howlite to be excellent at dispelling anger and

bitterness. It is very calming and gentle.


I was thinking if you can find the Canis Major star sign in the sky

with the bright Sirius in it, you can look up at night and see your

lovely Fly looking down, wagging tail and all.


Please don't stop your beautiful spiritual growth just to keep your

EX. You are changing, he is not, and better days are ahead for you.

Growth is sometimes painful but in the end it is amazing and

liberating and wonderful. Become who you are meant to be!


Love and Light,



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Sorry to hear of your difficult timesx


On 3/24/08, Jennifer <moonwatermuskoka wrote:


> Huge hugs Caroline! I know all too well how painful it is to lose a

> beloved pet! I also know how paralyzing depression can be. My

> advice for the moment is concentrate on yourself, on your healing.

> Your ex-partner is going to do whatever he wants to do, you can't

> control that. But you can make the choice to start caring about

> yourself, processing your grief, and finding the rope the will pull

> you out of that deep dark hole! I've found that rose quartz works

> quite well for processing grief in a loving way, as well as

> emphasizing the positive things in your life, driving away the

> darkness.


> Bright Blessings,

> Moonwater


> --- In



> " carolineandfly2 "

> <carolineshipsey wrote:

> >

> > I'm hoping I can find some help and guidance here to get me

> through a

> > sad and difficult time in my life. On 25th February my beloved Fly

> > died after several months of being treated, mostly by me for renal

> > failure - she was a very special dog, only 3 legs and we were

> always

> > very close. Just a few days after this my partner of 10 years

> left

> > us - me and 4 dogs, our family, since then he has kept us dangling

> as

> > to what he plans for his future. He has a new lady and now mostly

> > lives on his boat, I have fallen to pieces, made a failed attempt

> to

> > end my life and generally am at the bottom of a very dark pit. I

> > don't feel I have been able to grieve for Fly because my head is

> full

> > of thought about him, I feel he abused her memory by some of the

> > things he said and did.

> >

> > Sorry to go on but I'm hoping/looking for a way to gain strength to

> > get through this.

> >

> > Caroline

> >







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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Maureen, and welcome! I just joined this group also...it was exactly what I was looking for, and so far it seems to be a bunch of really nice people! Looking forward to hearing from you...... RobynMaureen Thornberry <seascapes wrote: Hello everyone and thank you for letting me join your group. I have been interested in health and natural foods for a good many years now... I would like to eat only organic foods but the cost of them and the difficulty of obtaining them here makes that pretty impossible.... I have been scaling down my lifestyle and decluttering my home for a while too and it makes life more simple. I look forward to exchanging ideas with you all and getting to know you... A little about myself....I

am married with two children and three grandchildren who are the light of my life.... My husband and I are retired and live on a small island just off the coast of Queensland, Australia.... Maureen

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Welcome, Maureen. We are very happy to have you here. :-)I'm really looking forward to hearing about life on your side of the planet. :-)Cyndi in California


In a message dated 4/19/2008 3:14:53 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, seascapes writes:






Hello everyone and thank you for letting me join your group.

I have been interested in health and natural foods for a good many years now...

I would like to eat only organic foods but the cost of them and the difficulty of obtaining them here makes that pretty impossible....


I have been scaling down my lifestyle and decluttering my home for a while too and it makes life more simple.

I look forward to exchanging ideas with you all and getting to know you...


A little about myself....I am married with two children and three grandchildren who are the light of my life....

My husband and I are retired and live on a small island just off the coast of Queensland, Australia....



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nice to meet you and a very happy welcome to the group.. (_)@ O <---- a cupa

tea and a cookie for you...



thephoenixrisesagain <thephoenixrisesagain wrote:



I am new to the group and just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.














Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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