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That's my book of choice too!!!

If you are into Lemurian Seed crystals or Singing Laser Wands--I have

some pretty incredible information on those from some highly credible

sources. I have about 7 of the crystals that were

" gifted " to me by some dear friends in Israel!



At 10:06 AM 12/31/02 +1000, you wrote:

Hi Nichola.

If you want information on Crystals I sugest the book



Just about everybody I know who is into crystals has it including shops


it is refered to as the bible of crystals.

regards Alan.




>Nichola connolly <fuzzywuzzynic



> new member

>Sun, 29 Dec 2002 22:05:19 +0000 (GMT)





>I'm a new member and would love info on crystals, aromatheraphy, yoga


>pilates and tai'chi. please send me sum info








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Do you have sources for books and crystals?


On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 19:18:21 -0500 "Cherie L. Haydon" <clhaydon writes:


That's my book of choice too!!! If you are into Lemurian Seed crystals or Singing Laser Wands--I have some pretty incredible information on those from some highly credible sources. I have about 7 of the crystals that were "gifted" to me by some dear friends in Israel! Love,Cherie


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Diana,


First, welcome to the group. Second, why live with it? Your fiance should be cutting out all unnatural sugars from his diet (soft drinks, candies, pastries, bread, etc.). Then he should be eating as much of a mucusless diet as he can get (fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables). I would then recommend that you check the files under Doc Ian Shillington and have your fiance do a liver, bowel and total body cleanse. Total tonic and total nutrition as well. Here is a recipe for an aid for pancreas that can be used to stimulate and revitalize his pancreas:

1 part Golden Seal root (Hydrastis canadensis)

6 parts Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

2 parts Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens) Hottest cayenne you can find

16 parts Cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma)

3 parts Licorice root (Glychrrhiza glabra)

3 parts Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)


Make an extract of these herbs in either alcohol (100proof), distilled water, or Organic apple cider vinegar. If using water put the herbs into boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes covered. Then strain and evaporate the liquid until the desired consistency is reached (rather thick like pancake syrup or something like that). If using alcohol or apple cider vinegar you won't need to boil but will need a low heat. The acv and alcohol will extract most of the active constituents of the herbs without boiling and the low heat will evaporate the acv or alcohol until the desired consistency is reached. You can also, if you wish, grind the herbs up very fine and cap them. The dosage for caps would be 2 or 3 capsules 3 times a day 6 days a week with one day off. Then back to 2 or 3 caps 3 times a day for six days/wk. The extract dosage will be 15 to 30 drops 2 or 3 times per day-- 6 days/wk. with one day off and back on again same as the caps. Make sure that the herbs you use a certified organic.




Don Quai



daisyrivera_77 <fLoWeRcHiLd1976

herbal remedies

Friday, January 10, 2003 10:02 PM

[herbal remedies] New Member

Hi thereI just joined, my name is DianaI am looking for tips on how to live with hypoglycemia, for my fiancee.Any tips would be much appreciatedFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Rick,


Welcome. I hope your experience with will be rewarding.

I've been a member for a few months now and have definitely benefited from

the sharings. I'm curious about Xing-Yi. As a " Lightworker " , I'm always

open to new information and experiences. Could you recommend books, internet

sites or even schools in the New York City area that offer courses. Thanks

in advance.


Continued Blessings Along Your Journey,





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Hi Franke,

Thanks for the welcome. There are some great books now on Xing Yi,

the two I'll mention are available from Barnes and Nobles online,

XING YI QUAN XUE:The Study of Form-Mind Boxing by Sun Lu Tang and

XING YI NEI GONG: Health Maintenance and Internal Strength

Development, Dan Miller tim Cartmell and Vince Black...Tim and Vince

have extensive expereince in China learning/training the arts but

these two are the best published in English, so far.

I have a good friend who teaches XingYi in NYC, Jim Montalbano. Let

me get back to you with the specifics of contacting him.

Enjoy the reading and your energy work.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hello, Beth, from another Reiki Master with health challenges. Like you, I

ve found crystals have helped tremendously and I just love having them

around the place. It was such fun unpacking them all when they arrived from

Australia having been in transit for three months, and I drove my husband

nutso lugging all my favourites ones over with me in luggage. Have fun with

crystals and the light they bring into our lives. Love, Maureen.





02 July 2003 19:25:37


[CrystalHW] New member


Hello everyone,


I thought I would introduce myself today-I have been lurking here

for a couple weeks and having fun reading all the great posts and

looking through the photos, and reading through the files as well.

Lots of wonderful information here!


I adore crystals and have all my life but had not really worked with

them until about 6 years ago. Once I started working with them and

feeling their wonderful energies I was hooked! I now caretake of

many wonderful and beautiful crystals. I am never without one-I

either wear them or carry them with me always.


I am also a reiki master/teacher and I love to feel the reiki

increase the energy of the crystal so I use the crystals with my

reiki very often.


I have several health challenges that I know crystals are helping me

with, and I know I would be in much more pain without them.


This looks like a great group and now that I have stopped lurking I

hope to be able to participate more.


Blessings and Light to you all,






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, " maureen DAVIES "

<maureen@h...> wrote:

> Hello, Beth, from another Reiki Master with health challenges.

Like you, I

> ve found crystals have helped tremendously and I just love having


> around the place.


Oh I sure do agree with you Maureen about having crystals all over

the place! I love having them around too whether I am using them or

not-it is nice to just have them near me. You have fibro too, don't

you? It certainly is a challenge that is for sure. Please feel

free to ask for reiki when you are needing it-I am alwas happy to



Thanks for the nice welcome-I sure am enjoying this group!


Blessings and Light,


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Hi, Beth, Thanks for your message. Yes, I would really appreciate some

Reiki today - moving continents, shifting from Scotland to Lancashire and

sorting out the intricacies of the infernal computer machine ain't what it's

cracked up to be! I have some problems in my right leg where I have a metal

plate from when I broke my leg, and also severe pain in my legs. So any

help would be much appreciated. Thanks so much. Actually, as an addition,

it is rather heartening to me to find others involved in crystals, Reiki,

etc., who also have health challenges. As I started my current development

in an isolated area, I had to rely a great deal on metaphysical books to

sort out some ideas for myself, but I know I get hard on myself for " not

thinking the right way " and then getting rid of fibromyalgia. But I

actually have come to the conclusion that I have come a long way from the

early days and there is a mystery in the workings of the Universe that we

simply don't know and probably shouldn't know, it's all part of our learning

process down on earth. Walk in peace and harmony because that's what I wish

so much for this lovely earth we live on and the beings that live with her.






03 July 2003 19:39:51


Re: [CrystalHW] New member


, " maureen DAVIES "

<maureen@h...> wrote:

> Hello, Beth, from another Reiki Master with health challenges.

Like you, I

> ve found crystals have helped tremendously and I just love having


> around the place.


Oh I sure do agree with you Maureen about having crystals all over

the place! I love having them around too whether I am using them or

not-it is nice to just have them near me. You have fibro too, don't

you? It certainly is a challenge that is for sure. Please feel

free to ask for reiki when you are needing it-I am alwas happy to



Thanks for the nice welcome-I sure am enjoying this group!


Blessings and Light,






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, " maureen DAVIES "

<maureen@h...> wrote:

> Hi, Beth, Thanks for your message. Yes, I would really

appreciate some

> Reiki today - moving continents, shifting from Scotland to

Lancashire and

> sorting out the intricacies of the infernal computer machine ain't

what it's

> cracked up to be!


Hi Maureen!


Ok lots of reiki on the way today! It sounds like you and I have

more and more in common all the time. I have a chronic back pain

condition that is a daily thing like your leg pain must be. It is

noce to have someone else that understands what it is like to live

with illness everyday.


Now you realy caught my attention that you have moved to

Lancashire! I did my family tree recently and that is where my

family is originally from! I would LOVE it if you would write me

and tell me everything about what Lancashire is like! Oh how I envy

you living in England! I sure hope you like it there. Although I

am sure Scotland was lovely too. My dream is to go to England

someday and has been all my life.


I will be using some of my crystals to send reiki with for you today

so please do let me know if it helps. I will keep you on my daily

reiki list too if you like. I would be happy to do that.


Get some rest today if you can!


Blessings and Light,


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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

The pill you specify contains 5 mg hydrocodone (a form of codine, an opiate) and

560 mg acetaminophen (Tylenol).


>Hi, am a single female with grown daughter and grandson. I do a lot

>of research looking for things to help conditions without spending a

>fortune, which I don't have, and for other friends who have problems.


>Would like to find out if any of you have the capability to find out

>what is in the hydrocodone pain pills, like lorcet 10/650 or vicadin?

>My daughter had 3 surgeries (now 4) and was kept on pain pills which

>caused her to become addicted. It practically killed her and left her

>totally sick from head to toe. Have been trying on my own for over a

>year to nurse her back to health. She is doing better but ruined all

>her teeth and am working on that now to get them all pulled and false

>teeth. Around here it is all about lots of money which I don't have.


>Am now seeking helps for brain efficiency. She is normal, but can

>tell it slowed her down considerably. That is why I wonder just what

>is in the pills that would cause such devastation.


>Didn't mean to write so much at first, but hard to explain so many

>years and problems in a minute. Thanks to all, Leslie





Neil Jensen: neil

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Hi Leslie,


Welcome to the



How terrible for your daughter (and you)

to have to go through all that suffering.  She is

lucky to have you to help her.  I think

you’re right about the pills causing so much havoc in your daughter.  No matter what drug it is, there is always some kind of

side effect.  But at times, there

is no other choice, like in the case of pain pills after surgery.  They are a necessary evil. 


My opinion – she needs to build up

her body nutritionally – look at what she’s eating now.



simple carbs (crackers, chips, cereals,

cakes, pies, etc.)

meats (very

acid forming)


hydrogenated oils

non-foods (coffee, soda, artificial

sweeteners, alcohol, salt, etc.).

eliminate all processed foods




of water – she should (as should everyone) be drinking at least ½ her

body weight in ounces of “pure” water every day (not tap water)

add brown rice & sweet potatoes (these for energy and protein)

add green and yellow vegetables (for vitamins and minerals)

add fruits (for vitamins, minerals and



Organic, if at all possible.  Cook as

little as possible.


You mention

money is a factor, and any supplement is

going to cost you money, so I would first try with diet alone, but

you may want to take a look at this one – for brain and mental health:


This is an amazing product – it has

helped people with Alzheimer’s and also kids

with ADD.


Good luck to her – and you, her






Leslie Nash


Sunday, August 03, 2003 1:10 AM





Hi, am a single female with grown daughter and

grandson. I do a lot

of research

looking for things to help conditions without spending a


which I don't have, and for other friends who have problems.


Would like

to find out if any of you have the capability to find out

what is in

the hydrocodone pain pills, like lorcet 10/650 or vicadin?

My daughter

had 3 surgeries (now 4) and was kept on pain pills which

caused her

to become addicted. It practically killed her and left her

totally sick

from head to toe. Have been trying on my own for over a

year to

nurse her back to health. She is doing better but ruined all

her teeth

and am working on that now to get them all pulled and false


Around here it is all about lots of money which I don't have.


Am now

seeking helps for brain efficiency. She is normal, but can

tell it

slowed her down considerably. That is why I wonder just what

is in the

pills that would cause such devastation.


Didn't mean

to write so much at first, but hard to explain so many

years and

problems in a minute. Thanks to all, Leslie




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The LONG TERM solution to all health problems won't come in bottle. It

is a healing lifestyle that is necessary, since only your own body can

heal itself. The pills and capsules, whether medications or supplements,

should only be used, SHORT TERM, to mitigate the healing process, NOT

make up or replace lifestyle.


I always recommend four things for a healing lifestyle:


1. whole foods diet

2. exercise

3. meditation

4. detoxification


Unprocessed whole foods cost less than the processed foods that are

making people sick. Cost should not be an excuse on this one.


Exercise does not cost anything either. Doing something as simple as

walking for 30 minutes every other day could do wonders. Cost should not

be an excuse on this one, either.


Meditation does not cost anything to do, either. Another item that cost

should not be an excuse.


Detoxification is the only thing that has a few costs, and is important

to be done correctly. If you do nothing else, find a place that has a

Far Infared sauna (FIR sauna), and do saunas as often as possible. This

will only cost you the price of using a sauna and the replacement water,

vitamins, and minerals.


For the low cost of several books on these subjects, you can restore

your health without spending much moneyat all. All it takes for good

health is motivation (some people have to have a terminal illness before

they are motivated), time (healing up from several years of poor

lifestyle takes time - at least one month for every year of abuse), and

knowledge (which you can get at little or no cost if you seek it out -

seek and ye shall find).


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Hi Leslie,


> Welcome to the group!


> How terrible for your daughter (and you) to have to go through all

> that suffering. She is lucky to have you to help her. I think you’re

> right about the pills causing so much havoc in your daughter. No

> matter what drug it is, there is always some kind of side effect. But

> at times, there is no other choice, like in the case of pain pills

> after surgery. They are a necessary evil.


> My opinion – she needs to build up her body nutritionally – look at

> what she’s eating now.


> Eliminate:


> simple carbs (crackers, chips, cereals, cakes, pies, etc.)


> meats (very acid forming)


> dairy


> hydrogenated oils


> non-foods (coffee, soda, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, salt, etc.).


> eliminate all processed foods


> Add:


> “tons” of water – she should (as should everyone) be drinking at least

> ½ her body weight in ounces of “pure” water every day (not tap water)


> add brown rice & sweet potatoes (these for energy and protein)


> add green and yellow vegetables (for vitamins and minerals)


> add fruits (for vitamins, minerals and fiber).


> Organic, if at all possible. Cook as little as possible.


> You mention money is a factor, and any supplement is going to cost you

> money, so I would first try with diet alone, but you may want to take

> a look at this one – for brain and mental health:


> http://tinyurl.com/iw4k


> This is an amazing product – it has helped people with Alzheimer’s and

> also kids with ADD.


> Good luck to her – and you, her caretaker.


> Carol



> Leslie Nash [leslie3106]

> Sunday, August 03, 2003 1:10 AM


> New Member


> Hi, am a single female with grown daughter and grandson. I do a lot

> of research looking for things to help conditions without spending a

> fortune, which I don't have, and for other friends who have problems.


> Would like to find out if any of you have the capability to find out

> what is in the hydrocodone pain pills, like lorcet 10/650 or vicadin?

> My daughter had 3 surgeries (now 4) and was kept on pain pills which

> caused her to become addicted. It practically killed her and left her

> totally sick from head to toe. Have been trying on my own for over a

> year to nurse her back to health. She is doing better but ruined all

> her teeth and am working on that now to get them all pulled and false

> teeth. Around here it is all about lots of money which I don't have.


> Am now seeking helps for brain efficiency. She is normal, but can

> tell it slowed her down considerably. That is why I wonder just what

> is in the pills that would cause such devastation.


> Didn't mean to write so much at first, but hard to explain so many

> years and problems in a minute. Thanks to all, Leslie

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You can order organically grown grains, beans, nut, seeds, and sea

vegetables from mail order companies. You probably would have to used

non-organically grown fresh vegetables and fruit.


I know that my doctor uses both the heated water type of sauna, as well

as the dry Far Infrared Sauna, for detoxification. He is at the

Environmental Health Center in Dallas (http://www.ehcd.com/). I believe

that the FIR sauna is better for detoxification of toxic metals. Having

had mercury poisoning twice, that was the best $3000 dollars that I ever



You might want to contact some day spas or health clubs and ask if they

have a FIR sauna. Since they don't need any special facilities to hook

up, just some space and a 110 volt outlet, they should be pretty common.


Here is an interesting article on the FIR sauna:



Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Hi to all and thanks for responding. I appreciate it soooo very much.

> We live on a lake outside of Hemphill, Tx. which is so small it only

> has one grocery store. I had worked in Dallas before retiring and it

> takes a lot of getting used to. There are no places to get

> organically grown foods (miss Whole Foods), and especially no sauna.


> In reference to the sauna, a different kind was mentioned. Do they

> have this in Dallas? If so, we might be able to take advantage of

> that when we get to Dallas (Hope to within a months time). Depends on

> who and where we can get teeth pulled and plates made resonably.


> Thanks again to all!


> Leslie

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  • 1 month later...



>Hi Everyone,


>My name is Brenda and I live in Australia. I have only just joined

>this group and am feeling my way around to see what happens here.



Welcome Brenda ;

there are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly folk on the list . There

are a number of articles in the site files and at


that can be explored and discussed


>have just made my very first

>crystal grid. I am hoping that I have done it properly but also

>hoping that if I haven't then my " intent " will replace the mistakes.



Intent usually takes care of things and is the most important part of

the grid (imho)



>I have been attuned to the Ethereal crystals and that was nice, as I can sense

them sitting in my aura but I still like to have the physical ones


I have the Crystal Deva Empowerments system which has its own group for

sharing the attunements and encourage work with both physical

crystals and with crystal energy .


a lot of the people on the list are also Reiki Masters or do other

energy work.


Peggy Jentoft

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Hi, Brenda - Just got around to reading your e-mail, I have just returned to

England afer 30 years in Australia, left quite a few crystals with good friends

but have met many other lovely crystal friends over here. Hope you enjoy this

site as much as I do.

Love and hugs, Mo.




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Hi Mo,


It is a small world isn't it. I am English and have been here for 38 years, but

would love to go back to England. I saw that you also lived in Queensland9 You

wrote to my friend Elizabeth Hibel who also just joined) I lived there too for

10 years when my husband was alive and now live in Richmond NSW.


It must have been hard leaving all your beautiful crystals behind...what do you

think of the old dart after all this time. i would love to hear all about it

when you have the time.


Take care

Love and blessings




maureen DAVIES <maureen wrote:

Hi, Brenda - Just got around to reading your e-mail, I have just returned to

England afer 30 years in Australia, left quite a few crystals with good friends

but have met many other lovely crystal friends over here. Hope you enjoy this

site as much as I do.

Love and hugs, Mo.




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Welcome to the group Dolores,


Love and smiles


dolores_chiasson <dolores.chiasson wrote:

Hi there:

My name is Dolores. I have just recently started studying crystal

healing. I am very interested in the crystal workshop and

attunement. Where would I begin?

I am so glad I stumbled across your website. It is excellent.

Thankyou, Dolores





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Thankyou Brenda, hope to get to know everyone.


Love Dolores aka Dee


Brenda Hanlon

Wednesday, November 05, 2003 3:55 AM

Re: [CrystalHW] New Member




Welcome to the group Dolores,


Love and smiles


dolores_chiasson <dolores.chiasson wrote:

Hi there:

My name is Dolores. I have just recently started studying crystal

healing. I am very interested in the crystal workshop and

attunement. Where would I begin?

I am so glad I stumbled across your website. It is excellent.

Thankyou, Dolores




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> My name is Dolores. I have just recently started studying crystal

> healing. I am very interested in the crystal workshop and

> attunement. Where would I begin?

> I am so glad I stumbled across your website. It is excellent.

> Thankyou, Dolores




welcome to CHW. This is self paced the files are in the

files section and at http://solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html some of

the ones on the webpage have been revised more recently than those in

the files . I am in the middle of spellchecking them now and plan on

adding more images when I have finished with the initial changes . I'm

photographing many of my crystals now so I can add graphic information

to these pages

I'd really like people to post to the group about any experiences and

questions about stuff in the files I had originly planed on having a

practical excersize or two for each segment

but have not been able to pull that off yet


Peggy Jentoft

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  • 2 months later...

I need to add that my migraines are from a lack of estrogen, not an



, " Lisa "

<myfreedomendures@h...> wrote:

> Hi everyone and greetings from central Wisconsin. I'm looking for

> some advice to help me heal. I was in a terrible car accident in

> October which has left me out of work since. I suffered a Stage 3

> concussion, and mutiple strains and sprains to my neck, mid back,

> and lumber regions. I have arthritis in my neck (this is the


> time I've injured my neck this badly) and in my left knee (injury

> and surgery 16 years ago). I also suffer from terrible migranes

> that are hormone related. And, to top this all off, I endured a

> terrible divorce this past year and was the victim of domestic

> abuse. I'm only 31 years old and most days I feel like I'm


> help on any of these matters would be appreciated.


> Lisa

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Hi Lisa,


You are definitely too young to be experiencing all these health problems! Did you know that stress is one of the leading causes of migraines? No surprise to you, I'm sure, since it appears that you have been through a lot.


I written an article on migraines at http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10292.asp which will give you some suggestions for prevention and relief.


You may want to look into supplementing you diet with a complete whole food multiple also. Your body needs optimum nutrition to heal itself and if your diet is not extraordinary, you're not going to get that nutrition from food. You can read more at http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art8834.asp.


My best to you for a speedy recovery.


Stay healthy,MossHost of Nutrition @ Bellaonline.comhttp://www.bellaonline.com/site/nutrition




Sunday, January 11, 2004 2:14 PM

New Member

Hi everyone and greetings from central Wisconsin. I'm looking for some advice to help me heal. I was in a terrible car accident in October which has left me out of work since. I suffered a Stage 3 concussion, and mutiple strains and sprains to my neck, mid back, and lumber regions. I have arthritis in my neck (this is the third time I've injured my neck this badly) and in my left knee (injury and surgery 16 years ago). I also suffer from terrible migranes that are hormone related. And, to top this all off, I endured a terrible divorce this past year and was the victim of domestic abuse. I'm only 31 years old and most days I feel like I'm 70...any help on any of these matters would be appreciated.Lisa********************************************* WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH. Preventative and Curative measure to take for many ailments at:http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments_frame.htm__________-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address in an email to them:http://www./members_add _________To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to: http://www./links___________Community email addresses: Post message: Subscribe: - Un: - List owner: -owner _______Shortcut URL to this page: http://www.



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Hi Lisa,


In addition to the good advice you have already received from Moss,

I would suggest that you get a Chiropractor/Osteopath/physiotherapist

and a masseur work on your body. Application of peanut oil is very

beneficial for muscle and bones. For your arthiritis you may consult

a doctor to prescribe you Glucosomine/Chondotrin/MSM supplements

which is also very helpful for joints.


, " Moss Greene "

<nutrition@b...> wrote:

> Hi Lisa,


> You are definitely too young to be experiencing all these health

problems! Did you know that stress is one of the leading causes of

migraines? No surprise to you, I'm sure, since it appears that you

have been through a lot.


> I written an article on migraines at

http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10292.asp which will give you

some suggestions for prevention and relief.


> You may want to look into supplementing you diet with a complete

whole food multiple also. Your body needs optimum nutrition to heal

itself and if your diet is not extraordinary, you're not going to get

that nutrition from food. You can



> My best to you for a speedy recovery.


> Stay healthy,

> Moss

> Host of Nutrition @ Bellaonline.com

> http://www.bellaonline.com/site/nutrition

> -

> Lisa


> Sunday, January 11, 2004 2:14 PM

> New Member



> Hi everyone and greetings from central Wisconsin. I'm looking


> some advice to help me heal. I was in a terrible car accident in

> October which has left me out of work since. I suffered a Stage


> concussion, and mutiple strains and sprains to my neck, mid back,

> and lumber regions. I have arthritis in my neck (this is the


> time I've injured my neck this badly) and in my left knee (injury

> and surgery 16 years ago). I also suffer from terrible migranes

> that are hormone related. And, to top this all off, I endured a

> terrible divorce this past year and was the victim of domestic

> abuse. I'm only 31 years old and most days I feel like I'm


> help on any of these matters would be appreciated.


> Lisa





> *********************************************

> WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-


> HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH.

Preventative and Curative measure to take for many ailments at:

> http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments_frame.htm

> __________


> -To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this

address in an email to them:

> http://www./members_add


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> --



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I do see a chiropractor, I have for many years (to realign myself

once a month prior to all my injuries)...now I see him three times a

week and I'm in intense physical therapy and massage.




, " Dinesh "

<dinesh5015> wrote:

> Hi Lisa,


> In addition to the good advice you have already received from Moss,

> I would suggest that you get a


> and a masseur work on your body. Application of peanut oil is very

> beneficial for muscle and bones. For your arthiritis you may


> a doctor to prescribe you Glucosomine/Chondotrin/MSM supplements

> which is also very helpful for joints.


> , " Moss Greene "

> <nutrition@b...> wrote:

> > Hi Lisa,

> >

> > You are definitely too young to be experiencing all these health

> problems! Did you know that stress is one of the leading causes of

> migraines? No surprise to you, I'm sure, since it appears that you

> have been through a lot.

> >

> > I written an article on migraines at

> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10292.asp which will give


> some suggestions for prevention and relief.

> >

> > You may want to look into supplementing you diet with a complete

> whole food multiple also. Your body needs optimum nutrition to


> itself and if your diet is not extraordinary, you're not going to


> that nutrition from food. You can

> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art8834.asp.

> >

> > My best to you for a speedy recovery.

> >

> > Stay healthy,

> > Moss

> > Host of Nutrition @ Bellaonline.com

> > http://www.bellaonline.com/site/nutrition

> > -

> > Lisa

> >

> > Sunday, January 11, 2004 2:14 PM

> > New Member

> >

> >

> > Hi everyone and greetings from central Wisconsin. I'm looking

> for

> > some advice to help me heal. I was in a terrible car accident


> > October which has left me out of work since. I suffered a


> 3

> > concussion, and mutiple strains and sprains to my neck, mid


> > and lumber regions. I have arthritis in my neck (this is the

> third

> > time I've injured my neck this badly) and in my left knee


> > and surgery 16 years ago). I also suffer from terrible


> > that are hormone related. And, to top this all off, I endured


> > terrible divorce this past year and was the victim of domestic

> > abuse. I'm only 31 years old and most days I feel like I'm

> 70...any

> > help on any of these matters would be appreciated.

> >

> > Lisa

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > *********************************************

> > WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-

> >

> > HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH.

> Preventative and Curative measure to take for many ailments at:

> > http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments_frame.htm

> > __________

> >

> > -To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste


> address in an email to them:

> >


> >

> > _________

> > To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers


> Go to:

> >

> > http://www./links

> >

> > ___________

> >

> > Post message:

> > Subscribe: -

> > Un: -

> > List owner: -owner

> > _______

> > Shortcut URL to this page:

> > http://www.

> >

> >

> >

> > --------------------------------


> ----------

> >

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Ask for massage with peanut oil one day and the alternative day with

camphorated olive oil. About 25 gm of Camphor to 200 ml of Olive oil.

Reduce or increase concentration to your tolerance. This will take

years.Massage along the entire spine is very important. An Electric

vibrator may be used.


, " Lisa "

<myfreedomendures@h...> wrote:

> I do see a chiropractor, I have for many years (to realign myself

> once a month prior to all my injuries)...now I see him three times


> week and I'm in intense physical therapy and massage.


> Lisa


> , " Dinesh "

> <dinesh5015> wrote:

> > Hi Lisa,

> >

> > In addition to the good advice you have already received from


> > I would suggest that you get a

> Chiropractor/Osteopath/physiotherapist

> > and a masseur work on your body. Application of peanut oil is


> > beneficial for muscle and bones. For your arthiritis you may

> consult

> > a doctor to prescribe you Glucosomine/Chondotrin/MSM supplements

> > which is also very helpful for joints.

> >

> > , " Moss Greene "

> > <nutrition@b...> wrote:

> > > Hi Lisa,

> > >

> > > You are definitely too young to be experiencing all these


> > problems! Did you know that stress is one of the leading causes


> > migraines? No surprise to you, I'm sure, since it appears that


> > have been through a lot.

> > >

> > > I written an article on migraines at

> > http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10292.asp which will give

> you

> > some suggestions for prevention and relief.

> > >

> > > You may want to look into supplementing you diet with a


> > whole food multiple also. Your body needs optimum nutrition to

> heal

> > itself and if your diet is not extraordinary, you're not going to

> get

> > that nutrition from food. You can read more at

> > http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art8834.asp.

> > >

> > > My best to you for a speedy recovery.

> > >

> > > Stay healthy,

> > > Moss

> > > Host of Nutrition @ Bellaonline.com

> > > http://www.bellaonline.com/site/nutrition

> > > -

> > > Lisa

> > >

> > > Sunday, January 11, 2004 2:14 PM

> > > New Member

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi everyone and greetings from central Wisconsin. I'm


> > for

> > > some advice to help me heal. I was in a terrible car


> in

> > > October which has left me out of work since. I suffered a

> Stage

> > 3

> > > concussion, and mutiple strains and sprains to my neck, mid

> back,

> > > and lumber regions. I have arthritis in my neck (this is the

> > third

> > > time I've injured my neck this badly) and in my left knee

> (injury

> > > and surgery 16 years ago). I also suffer from terrible

> migranes

> > > that are hormone related. And, to top this all off, I


> a

> > > terrible divorce this past year and was the victim of


> > > abuse. I'm only 31 years old and most days I feel like I'm

> > 70...any

> > > help on any of these matters would be appreciated.

> > >

> > > Lisa

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > *********************************************

> > > WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-

> > >

> > > HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH.

> > Preventative and Curative measure to take for many ailments at:

> > > http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments_frame.htm

> > > __________

> > >

> > > -To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste

> this

> > address in an email to them:

> > >

> http://www./members_add

> > >

> > > _________

> > > To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers

> please

> > Go to:

> > >

> > > http://www./links

> > >

> > > ___________

> > >

> > > Post message:

> > > Subscribe: -

> > > Un: -

> > > List owner: -owner

> > > _______

> > > Shortcut URL to this page:

> > > http://www.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -------------------------------


> ---

> > ----------

> > >

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