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> Hello Mark,


> It is said that those that are chronically depressed do not know

> how to be sad.


> Anyway, is there any reason (objectively) for this anxiety? Or is

> it something that is simply THERE?


> marcos



Hello. No, I know no objective reason for that. Freud probably would

say it's has sth in common with my childhood, it's unconsious...


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Chinese Traditional Medicine , " socjuszzz " <socjusz wrote:


> By the way, would you recommend any articles or materials on

> acupuncture ? Today I had an acupuncture session for my anxiety,

> heart palpitations, muscle tensions and poor sleep, and I really would

> like to know if it's worth of the money I pay for it (and if the

> effects will last). Furthermore my acupunctirist says that I should do

> it at least every two or three days at maximum. On wikipedia I read

> that from the researches done on acupuncture it's difficult to say

> something about its efficacy and if it's anything more than a placebo

> effect (it's at least what is written there

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture)

> Could you reccomend any good reading to know more about it ? How does

> it work ?


IMO, the placebo effect is highly overrated and overused in the West to

the point that it often interferes with and prevents understanding.

Anything not understood within the confines of the current paradigm

(view of what's possible in reality) all too often is attributed to a

placebo effect instead of the paradigm and one's understanding of

reality being enlarged. While it's true that some people are highly

susceptible to a placebo effect and suggestion, from what I've

observed, the majority of people are not. The few who are susceptible

are those who in the past have been diagnosed as suffering

from " hysteria " or " conversion reaction " . (The term " hysteria " when

used in a clinical sense is not the same as the general use of the



One of the biggest problems many Westerners have with TCM (at first) is

the emphasis it puts on both the healer and the client learning to

trust and report their observations. Learning to pay attention to one's

own body is not only OK in TCM, optimal healing is dependent upon this.

It doesn't matter what someone else says about acupuncture or TCM

herbalism or whatever, but what YOU actually experience. If there is

improvement, stay with the treatment. If there is not improvement,

find another acupuncturist or another healer who is more suited to your

particular problems.


I also want to point out that not all acupuncturists use TCM. There

are different schools of acupuncture. The ones who do use TCM or

similar systems tend to have more healing knowledge and abilities than

those who practice a mechanical, Western diagnosis, " cookbook " style of

acupuncture. The cookbook acupuncturists can get excellent results in

many cases, but when problems are complex and have gone on for some

time, the TCM and similar acupuncturists have an edge that the cookbook

acupuncturists do not. Out of the acupuncturists who do use TCM or a

similar system, the ones who use 5 Elements Theory have an even greater

edge than the TCM (or similar) acupuncturists have.


The books I would recommend for you are Five Spirits: Alchemical

Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing by Lorie Eve Dechar

and Relaxing Into Your Being by B.K. Frantzis. These contain not the

type of info you requested, but info that you may find very helpful and

balancing. TCM grew out of Taoist thought which emphasizes paying

attention to one's physical body. Not second hand attention via outside

tests, but direct attention.


In the West, some people have learned that certain deep tissue massage

techniques can reveal and help to release psychological blockages. What

a lot of these people don't realize is that in some cases it doesn't

take this kind of deep tissue, painful, and vigorous massage to do

this. Acupuncture, acupressure, and even mild massage can do this if

certain areas are worked. These are the " Spirit " points. Many

acupuncturists/ acupressurists don't use them or only use a few of them

(like Heart-7, Spirit Gate). The book Five Spirits goes into some of

these points and the effects they can have.


If your local library does not have copies of these books, the US and

many countries have some version of interlibrary loan in which your

local library will try to get a copy of a book from another library

system. In some places this is a completely free service, in other you

pay the book postage. B.K. Frantzis has a website, and there are

various articles by and about his work on the Internet. I haven't

Googled for Lorie Eve Dechar. There might be a lot on the Internet by

her and about her work.

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  • 1 year later...
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I've had this problem for many years.  I've tried different things, but

basically one has to really try and focus or distract them self in order to

relax.  Biofeedback may work for you or listenting to music (not to loudly) with

earphones.  Just distract yourself to get away from the thoughts playing over

and over in your head.  That is when we really get worked up and make things

worse for our self.  I know it is hard to sit down for more than a few seconds,

but if you focus on your breathing, relaxation starts to take place most of the

time.  Write down when these attacks occur and how your day was going before the

anxiety started, you might see a pattern.  When I ate certain foods and realized

my moods would swing because of to much sugar I made adjustments.  Although my

attacks were still happening the duration wasn't as long.  At this time of my

life I only have two anxiety attacks quarterly and they don't last all night

like before. 

Reading out loud to drown out the anxious thoughts also helps, because you're

hearing your own voice and may slow down your breathing even if only for a few

minutes, it is a start anyway.  This is just my opinion and methods that I have

tried, may be it will help, may be it won't.  I just identified with your



Blue Moon


You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do

nothing for him.   James D. Miles




--- On Wed, 6/3/09, chopra.pragati <chopra.pragati wrote:



chopra.pragati <chopra.pragati



Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 8:41 AM









I get anxious really fast and get anxious really fast on every little thing.. I

am really looking forward for some one to help me with this. I do not want to

take any medicine for this. Can some one help me overcome this.





















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st john's wort , cammomile tea- fish

 oil, magnesim and zinc=vit c.  also meditation is essential- go to classes to

meet  like minded people to learn  meditation-it  will teach you to focus, relax

and train the  brain





chopra.pragati <chopra.pragati


Wednesday, 3 June, 2009 8:41:01 AM







I get anxious really fast and get anxious really fast on every little thing. I

am really looking forward for some one to help me with this. I do not want to

take any medicine for this. Can some one help me overcome this.






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Thanks blue moon, I will certainly try out the suggestions provided by you.


I didnt know that the kind of food we eat can also increase or decrease anxiety.

I will keep a check on this and try to find out what hold true for my situation.

What i have realized abt myself is one thing that insecurity of any kind leads

to anxiety. Would u have any suggestions for that.






Blue Moon <rainbowspirit333


Friday, June 5, 2009 11:50:34 PM

Re: Anxiety







I've had this problem for many years.  I've tried different things, but

basically one has to really try and focus or distract them self in order to

relax.  Biofeedback may work for you or listenting to music (not to loudly) with

earphones.  Just distract yourself to get away from the thoughts playing over

and over in your head.  That is when we really get worked up and make things

worse for our self.  I know it is hard to sit down for more than a few seconds,

but if you focus on your breathing, relaxation starts to take place most of the

time.  Write down when these attacks occur and how your day was going before the

anxiety started, you might see a pattern.  When I ate certain foods and realized

my moods would swing because of to much sugar I made adjustments.  Although my

attacks were still happening the duration wasn't as long.  At this time of my

life I only have two anxiety attacks quarterly and they don't last all night

like before. 

Reading out loud to drown out the anxious thoughts also helps, because you're

hearing your own voice and may slow down your breathing even if only for a few

minutes, it is a start anyway.  This is just my opinion and methods that I have

tried, may be it will help, may be it won't.  I just identified with your



Blue Moon


You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do

nothing for him.   James D. Miles


--- On Wed, 6/3/09, chopra.pragati <chopra.pragati@ > wrote:


chopra.pragati <chopra.pragati@ >



Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 8:41 AM


I get anxious really fast and get anxious really fast on every little thing.. I

am really looking forward for some one to help me with this. I do not want to

take any medicine for this. Can some one help me overcome this.



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Classical homeopathy can be very effective for this issue.(but I recommend

working with a good practitioner and not just trying out remedies on your own or

through an internet remedy finder).

Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) are also very good.

Bach Flower Essences also help many people (and pets) with anxiety.


Also energy medicine works well to clear the root of the insecurities you

mentioned. Though many people use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), I found

going to a BEST practitioner to be much more efficient and lasting. BEST is

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique. You can search for providers in your

area at www.morter.com


Best of luck to you,



In , Pragati Chopra <chopra.pragati



> Thanks blue moon, I will certainly try out the suggestions provided by you.


> I didnt know that the kind of food we eat can also increase or decrease

anxiety. I will keep a check on this and try to find out what hold true for my

situation. What i have realized abt myself is one thing that insecurity of any

kind leads to anxiety. Would u have any suggestions for that.




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hello everyone,


I'm new to ayurveda and to the forum. I'd like something for my anxiety (in the

past I used to have severe panic attacks). I've been told Ashwaganda helps ; is

it true? Otherwise, what could I use? Overall, how can Ayurveda help me? What

should I wait ? And, finally, if I choose this path, will I have to change my

nutrition habits? Thank you!


Best wishes,



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Brahmi is good but i would say meditation will help you the most.




I'd like something for my anxiety (in the past I used to have severe panic


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It will be good if you can consult some nearest Ayurveda Vaidya . As the

diagnosis in terms of Ayurveda should be made and then treated likewise .

Though there are many therapies like meditation , yoga etc to keep anxiety

in control , diet is also one of the important aspects . The Ayurveda medicines

are always given as per the self body constitution . So it is advisable to do

likewise .




I'd like something for my anxiety (in the past I used to have severe panic

attacks). I've been told Ashwaganda helps ; is it true?

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> I'd like something for my anxiety (in the past I used to have severe panic

attacks). I've been told Ashwaganda helps ; is it true?


Yes, It helps. Please see some of authors notes posted in:









> Otherwise, what could I use? Overall, how can Ayurveda help me?


Many herbal approaches as well as lifestyle recommendations are given in above

posts. The drugless approaches are most emphasized.


>And, finally, if I choose this path, will I have to change my nutrition habits?


Nutrition is the key which opens the door to super health(Post#13921). It is

also discussed in above links.

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I've suffered from anxiety disorder for over 30 years and have investigated many

natural approaches. Unfortunately, most of them do not work for anxiety. What

I like about Ayurveda in terms of anxiety is its concept of the doshas. It

gives you an understanding of how and why the anxiety is being created. It

shows you how anxiety relates to the seasons, foods, and activities that you do

and makes you feel you have some control over it by adjusting these. Since

anxiety disorder makes one feel completely frustrated and unable to control

oneself this alone is a immense help. I have not meditated but have tried

dietary and simple herbal measures. As a result, I do see that making basic

changes to ones diet such as not eating vata aggravating foods does help

somewhat. As for the herbs, I've tried Triphala and Ashwagandha. Triphala has

no effect in my experience. Ashwagandha does have some good effect but I feel

it might be heating which can also aggravate anxiety. Perhaps an herbalist in

this group can comment on that and recommend an herbal combination as a balance.


Outside of ayurveda I have had some very encouraging results lately using a new

form of homeopathy called HFA, Homeopathic Facial Analysis (www.vcch.org). I

also talked to psychologist recently who practices something called EMDR

therapy. She claimed that this works very well for anxiety but I have not tried

it yet. Something to investigate further.






I'd like something for my anxiety (in the past I used to have severe panic

attacks). I've been told Ashwaganda helps ; is it true?

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> I've suffered from anxiety disorder for over 30 years and have investigated

many natural approaches. Unfortunately, most of them do not work for anxiety.


What you feel is also dicovered by many researchers. The yardsticks used by

modern science are not good indicators, when it comes to hoslistic approaches.

One should use running averages like business analysts use when studying stock

prices. Most westerners feel that herbal medicines should also be evidence based

like synthetic counterparts. How this approach is inconsistent is shown here by

studying natural herbs for anxiety alone. Valerian has a long traditional use

for insomnia, and today it is an accepted over-the-counter treatment for

insomnia in Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Italy. However, the

evidence that it really works remains inconsistent and incomplete. Read complete

report by a researcher here:


33da65dd4 & chunkiid=21879


> Ashwagandha does have some good effect but I feel it might be heating which

can also aggravate anxiety.


Ayurveda suggests different herbs and their combinations. One disease condition

has multiple herbs and each herb has scope on multiple conditions. The Vaidya

(herbalist with diagnostic skills) has to choose a patient specific combination

of herbs, foods and yogic menu(aasanas, mudras, mantras etc). General

formulations such as aswagandha ghrutam, Brahmi Ghrutam, Brahmi Vati, Manas

Mitra Vatakam are also useful but personal consultation with a vaidya can focuss

a sharp approach.


Dr Bhate

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Thank you all for your replies. I have ordered Ashwaganda in capsules and I'm

waiting for it. I have also ordered two interesting books on Ayurveda and

meditation cards. Unfortunately, where I live it is hard to find an Ayurveda

practitioner. This is the first time I hear about Brahmi, I will certainly give

it a go, once I find it. I made myself tulsi tea, it's not bad and its warming

effect didn't bother me. I must agree that meditation helps the most. I managed

to overcome agoraphobia & b panic attacks thanks to that. Now, in fact, the

problem I have is voice hearing and I am diagnosed with depression. The

psychiatrist gave me a drug called Seroxat (paxil in the USA) but it has a lot

of side effects and I don't want to take it. I told the doc that I prefer the

natural way and he told me that drugs are the natural way. I don't want to take

it and, furthermore, under pressure. Personnally, I don't think I suffer from

depression, only existing and real problems make me sad. I believe this is more

relevant to my anxiety and problems that generate from the mind are best treated

with the use of the mind itself, in my humble opinion. I just want Ayurveda and

other natural approaches to help a little bit, to give me energy and, at the

same time, ease the anxiety feeling. In the past - and even now - I found that

flower essences help a lot. I have tried Bach remedies, Rose for the heart and

now I will take Bush essences for the first time. I have saved all the posted

articles for further reading. Thanks a lot! :)


Best wishes,


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