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Get an advocate that can help you. I have to do that

with my Autistic son and state insurance.


Jenny Kernan

--- Tonya <atwoodham5799 wrote:


> i have a friend whos 7 year old has been diagnosed

> with anxiety

> disorder. They only have state insurence. Now theis

> insurance is trying

> to cancell the therapy and meds on the child. any

> advice?



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First, I would try talking to the doctor and see if they will work on a sliding

fee schedule and then I would look into the drug company that makes the

medication. There are some programs now (PPA is one) that help people with the

cost of medication. I would try contacting other docs if the child's current

doctor doesn't have any help/ideas. There are lots of alternatives for adults

out there but I'm not sure what is good for kids. I know there are some

homeopathic remedies, yoga/breathing techniques and hypnotherapy might be

options too.




Tonya <atwoodham5799


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:51:53 PM



i have a friend whos 7 year old has been diagnosed with anxiety

disorder. They only have state insurence. Now theis insurance is trying

to cancell the therapy and meds on the child. any advice?









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Tonya wrote:


I have a friend whos 7 year old has been diagnosed with anxiety

disorder. They only have state insurence. Now theis insurance is trying

to cancell the therapy and meds on the child. any advice?>


Thank goodness! The insurance may be doing

this child a big favor by forcing the parents

to look into alternatives.

The diagnosing and drugging of very young

children gets my hackles up like no other issue.


I am going away for a few days and will have

to go on no-mail, am writing this in haste.

Please pass this on to the parents.


Emotional Freedom Technique is quite literally

free at their fingertips. http://emofree.com


For some calming in emergencies, look into

Bach Flower Remedies and kava kava.

Move on to Donna Eden's energy work.

(Google her, I am in a hurry)


Join FlyLady, I kid you not.


A predictable structured life makes a big



Look at the " neuroliminal " CD by Dr Phil Bate.

The cost is a fraction of the cost of bio-feedback,

and it works just as well, while the kid sleeps.



On the biochemical level:


Mineral imbalances can cause panic.

Allergies to pollutants in the environment

can cause panic.

Leaky gut can both cause allergies and make

them worse.

Depleted adrenal glands can be a contributing

cause for allergies and cause panic as well.

Hypoglycemia can cause anxiety.


Apart from emotional support, Cleanse the blood,

heal the gut, and nourish the brain!


Please ask the parents to read:

" The Crazy Makers " by Carol Simontacchi.

It has some amazing chapters on mental health

and nutrition.

And the interview with Dr Russell Blaylock

on http://newstarget.com about the excitotoxins

in everyday packaged food.


Gut healing: Probiotics and herbs.

Which herbs: Sangre de Drago and Una de Gato

are un-surpassed as gut healers, but for a cheap

starter get some slippery elm and psyllium husks

at the health food store and some Pascalite

Bentonite Clay here http://pascalite.com

Mix in equal parts for a nice bowel cleanser.


Depleted weakened adrenal glands can cause

panic. Nourish those glands. Look at

http://whfoods.org to see which foods are

richest in adrenaline boosters.

Maca or formulas containing it has been

found helpful by some people with Parkinson's

disease. They may suffer from anxiety as a

result of depleted adrenal glands.


If they can afford it, look into the possibility of

hair analysis to see if heavy metal poisoning is

a factor.

http://drbate.com has a lot of information on this.


If heavy metal poisoning is a factor, it generally

solves itself once the gut is healed and good minerals

are introduced, but to speed it up they might want

to look into chelating with Zeolite (talk to Sharon).


To get the good ones in, I know nothing as powerful

as Klamath Lake algae, both the whole form and the

cell-wall removed brainfood form.

There is an affordable starter package for $40,

that includes superb probiotics and enzymes.


This last one is one of my businesses, just to be

upfront about it.

More on it here: http://wildwholefoods.net


There. That's my 2 cents before I go on no-mail

for 4 days. All my best to the parents.


Ien in the Kootenays











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To take care of Anxiety disorder you do not need a doctor.

Cut ot all the Soda, the sugar, the fruit juices from the super

market. Stop the Burgers and Chicken which have SALT SUBSTITUE MSG.

Do not take any sugar substitutes.


Get your child involved in a relegious or church group.


Finally the US government did research and found out the OCD A TYPE

OF ANXIETY IS A AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER, triggered by strep bacteria.

P.A.N.D.A.S. or Peadriatic autoimmune neuropsychiatric diorders are

also autoimmune. They respond very well to antibiotics.







Autoimmune support group.



, michelle franulovich

<mrsfranulovich wrote:


> First, I would try talking to the doctor and see if they will work

on a sliding fee schedule and then I would look into the drug company

that makes the medication. There are some programs now (PPA is one)

that help people with the cost of medication. I would try contacting

other docs if the child's current doctor doesn't have any

help/ideas. There are lots of alternatives for adults out there but

I'm not sure what is good for kids. I know there are some

homeopathic remedies, yoga/breathing techniques and hypnotherapy

might be options too.




> Tonya <atwoodham5799


> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:51:53 PM

> anxiety


> i have a friend whos 7 year old has been diagnosed with anxiety

> disorder. They only have state insurence. Now theis insurance is


> to cancell the therapy and meds on the child. any advice?










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Look to the Bach Flower remedies or FES flower remedies. There is

information on these on the Internet.

Find the information on symptoms and which flower remedy to use. Drugs are

not the answer.

I hope she will be helped.

Peace, Thyme




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Find out the reasons for the insurance denial. Sometimes the

doctor/therapist has to get it preapproved. As to therapy, do you

mean just seeing a therapist or a particular type of therapy.


My kids have been on state insurance a few years, haven't had a



Chris in NC


, " Tonya " <atwoodham5799



> i have a friend whos 7 year old has been diagnosed with anxiety

> disorder. They only have state insurence. Now theis insurance is


> to cancell the therapy and meds on the child. any advice?


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Regarding the 7 yr old w/ anxiety who is losing insurance coverage:


I am the director of a medicaid mental health clinic.

It is a gross oversimplification to say depression and anxiety are

autoimmune disorders or are all caused by what one consumes. There are

cases where nutrition plays a significant role in mental health problems,

and there are cases where it's irrelevant. I see kids in therapy who say

they are anxious because they are being bullied in school, or they're

depressed because their father abandoned the family, or they're depressed

and anxious because they are being abused. Obviously, the cause of their

anxiety/depression is not autoimmune or nutrition.


However, I've also seen kids who are " allergic " to certain foods (or

dyes/addititives in food) and their mood/thinking can change suddenly and

dramatically after consuming the problem substance. And I've also seen one

case where it appeared that a woman was sensitive or " allergic " to serotonin

and after this sensitivity was addressed through NAET, an energy-based

allergy treatment, her mood problem disappeared. In any case, I wouldn't

assume the 7 yr old's problem is nutritional/auto-immune related, though

switching to a more wholesome diet is a good idea. Nutrition can exacerbate

anxiety disorders.


In Maryland, we have a group of therapists who do pro-bono counseling, your

friend may be able to access such a group. We also have Youth Service

Bureaus who are grant funded and don't need insurance. Your friend should

call their county govt's mental health department for ideas. And I'm

curious why the state is trying to eliminate the insurance/treatment... is

your friend making too much money for state aid?

Mark Bottinick, LCSW-C



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Today like many days I went about my daily life. Again, as if fate would

call upon me I had a person with whom I was acquainted share with me that she

had been recently diagnosed with breast cancer.


This writing is for her and others who face similar experiences and become

frustrated with the reality of what they perceive as being a struggle that lay

before them. As with most things in life, the decisions and choices of yesterday

often come to roost in the future. Saying this, I think of the plant that

blooms, or the tree that has grown, both of which began as seeds sometime in the



Disease, is a dis-easement, or an unsettledness of something that has not been

properly dealt with that is stored and stuffed within the person. Rather than

classifying 'illness' or applying a fixed label to a perceived reality (which

always changes and modifies) I'll simply put forth options in thought.

I stopped enjoying my life and my avocation of my channel awhile back, as I

became 'jaded', or 'disillusioned' with people and by this I mean, in general

terms. So often, I felt the sadness of loss, saw and see the things people did

to hurt, impact, and cause harm (sometimes with intent) to others. Why? Because

they felt some where in their reasoning they were justified in their actions.


People invade others private space, took or take information and twist and

turn it (so that it becomes distorted) to what they think will serve them and

their interests. This can be done for money, power, status, and for any reason

that there is, which is as varied as their individuals.


Spouses batter spouses, parents abuse their children and one and other, people

assign blame and through these actions (which are just a common few) set forth

generations that are likely to repeat the same patterns that they have been

carefully taught. However, still I receive calls, countless e-mails, and meet

individuals and hear stories that are all too familiar. I am glad and thank God

for my life.


There is nothing I want for or from anyone, except that which I would want for

everyone and that is to be left alone in peace, to live a life with dignity and

to love and be loved.



The lady I spoke with today touched my heart so I am offering this writing to

her and those who would share her story (regardless of gender). You are not



We would say to you, those of gentle spirit and kind heart, that no child, and

we are all children in God's universe, for those who are of this third

dimensional reality and live in this here and now are finite existences that

live in an infinite reality and world that has been and will be. For God and the

universe are infinite and you are that finite example of its perfection.

Breast cancer is a dis-easement and errorous thought that has been experienced

and stored within those that have not been nurtured in a gentle and loving



What we speak of is generalities of what we have seen, and within these shared

generalities there are likely truths that can be gathered through-out the shared

stories of those who have had this type of experience. Usually these are care

GIVERS, those who have stuffed their voice, those who have been givers of

nurturment to others and yet, not been held and loved tenderly enough or long

enough. Rather they have been impacted against and had their path of nurturment

impeded by those who would take from them.


Ovarian cancer is subjected and experienced through and by those who would

resent. Resentment is that which is store through non-verbal communications and

non-achievement of goals or personal expectations in a way that is free from

guilt or sabotage of others who would extract or impede the natural path to

fulfillment. Usually this is coupled with a degree of control and anxiety, often

coupled with the need to be perfect while living life though and for others.


Regardless of the dis-easement the path-way of impact is to that part of self

which has to do with reproduction and nurturment. Coming to terms with what has

not been spoken, putting the power back into the self- and the inner-child is a

means to rightness. These need to be vocalized and spoken, the voice of self

must be set free and the summary awareness of self-actualization must be



Joy, calm, happiness and a expression of self as it relates to daily tasks, be

it: quilting, knitting, working, cooking, gardening should be sought out and

experience. Not for the perfection, but for the joy in the under-taking of that



Finding the means to self-assert, finding a means to self-acceptance, finding

a means to release with out blame are the means of one step in healing the soul

so the body can focus its energy on healing within the physical.


Treatments, both medical and alternative should focus on spirit, prayer and

meditation. For as above, as below and as within. Our deeds we set forth, the

forgiveness you give to others by actualizing the circumstances is the

forgiveness and love you give yourself. For in light there is no darkness.


Le verbe humain est un reflet de la lumiere eternelle, eclairant ici toute

vie. Le sage initie sait lire et retrouver, dans les mots enonces, le pronostic

non lointain des destins qui doivent sÌaccomplir dans chaque sphere des

individus. Meaning, in short, each person will fullfill their person destiny.


Even children are aware of the world around them and oftentimes even through

love the parents programs the child to feel fear, pain, aniexty and this keeps

the child bonded to the adult through negative affirmations. This is not done to

harm the child, but morethanlikely because this stems from from either how that

adult was treated or how that adult is going about having love and needfulness

reaffirmed to them through the construct of nurturing.


Either way to heal is to become aware and to slowly develop new pathways of






Ieneke van Houten <ienvan wrote: Tonya wrote:


I have a friend whos 7 year old has been diagnosed with anxiety

disorder. They only have state insurence. Now theis insurance is trying

to cancell the therapy and meds on the child. any advice?>


Thank goodness! The insurance may be doing

this child a big favor by forcing the parents

to look into alternatives.

The diagnosing and drugging of very young

children gets my hackles up like no other issue.


I am going away for a few days and will have

to go on no-mail, am writing this in haste.

Please pass this on to the parents.


Emotional Freedom Technique is quite literally

free at their fingertips. http://emofree.com


For some calming in emergencies, look into

Bach Flower Remedies and kava kava.

Move on to Donna Eden's energy work.

(Google her, I am in a hurry)


Join FlyLady, I kid you not.


A predictable structured life makes a big



Look at the " neuroliminal " CD by Dr Phil Bate.

The cost is a fraction of the cost of bio-feedback,

and it works just as well, while the kid sleeps.



On the biochemical level:


Mineral imbalances can cause panic.

Allergies to pollutants in the environment

can cause panic.

Leaky gut can both cause allergies and make

them worse.

Depleted adrenal glands can be a contributing

cause for allergies and cause panic as well.

Hypoglycemia can cause anxiety.


Apart from emotional support, Cleanse the blood,

heal the gut, and nourish the brain!


Please ask the parents to read:

" The Crazy Makers " by Carol Simontacchi.

It has some amazing chapters on mental health

and nutrition.

And the interview with Dr Russell Blaylock

on http://newstarget.com about the excitotoxins

in everyday packaged food.


Gut healing: Probiotics and herbs.

Which herbs: Sangre de Drago and Una de Gato

are un-surpassed as gut healers, but for a cheap

starter get some slippery elm and psyllium husks

at the health food store and some Pascalite

Bentonite Clay here http://pascalite.com

Mix in equal parts for a nice bowel cleanser.


Depleted weakened adrenal glands can cause

panic. Nourish those glands. Look at

http://whfoods.org to see which foods are

richest in adrenaline boosters.

Maca or formulas containing it has been

found helpful by some people with Parkinson's

disease. They may suffer from anxiety as a

result of depleted adrenal glands.


If they can afford it, look into the possibility of

hair analysis to see if heavy metal poisoning is

a factor.

http://drbate.com has a lot of information on this.


If heavy metal poisoning is a factor, it generally

solves itself once the gut is healed and good minerals

are introduced, but to speed it up they might want

to look into chelating with Zeolite (talk to Sharon).


To get the good ones in, I know nothing as powerful

as Klamath Lake algae, both the whole form and the

cell-wall removed brainfood form.

There is an affordable starter package for $40,

that includes superb probiotics and enzymes.


This last one is one of my businesses, just to be

upfront about it.

More on it here: http://wildwholefoods.net


There. That's my 2 cents before I go on no-mail

for 4 days. All my best to the parents.


Ien in the Kootenays




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Please, please consider the cancellation of meds a blessing.

Medications are not researched for children, they are researched for

adults. There are always physical side-effects, and sometimes

neurological changes from medications. Children do not need this while

they are developing.

Please check out www.thework.com to see investigative therapy developed

by Byron Katie. It is excellent at getting to the root thinking which

is causing the anxiety, instead of treating the symptoms or assuming

it's physical. My husband and I have been doing The Work together, and

the improvement in life perspective and previously unexamined fears is

quite remarkable.

Has anyone else been through this or read the book, Loving What Is?




, " Tonya " <atwoodham5799



> i have a friend whos 7 year old has been diagnosed with anxiety

> disorder. They only have state insurence. Now theis insurance is


> to cancell the therapy and meds on the child. any advice?


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RE: the insurance cancelation. they say the child has had enough. on government

insurance they only allow so much treament per person per year. doctors dont

fight for your right to continue treament then there will be none. therapist

believes otherwise. the mom if however trying to stop this to her best ability.

her family is not finacially able to spend much on conventional treament other

than this current care. this is my reason for looking for any means of

homepathy, herbal, etc.

on another note anxiety is only what the doctor is calling it at this time.

but the child started 'bout a year ago pulling off her finger nails digging at

her skin on her arms and hands to the point of bleeding and sores.with now real

reason why.



From the desk of

Tonya Woodham




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1.They need to get an advocate who will go to the

insurance company, present their case with

documentation and persuede the company to allow for a

continuance of services. This can be done in

exceptional cases. Services for people with

disabilities or the local legal aid offices should be

able to give them a list of names of Advocates.


I have a son who has Aspergers Autism and to get

additional care for anything he has to have an

Advocate to help him. This is just how it's done. You

can file appeals etc until you're blue in the face or

choose to go without those needed therapies...BUT an

Advocate will make things happen.



2. Get the child into Stress and Anxiety management

via a Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner! Some can even

take insurance. The issues causing the anxiety or

stress can be addressed, homeopathics, herbals, diet

changes etc can be suggested and tested for reaction

at that time.


This has been the best therapy for my children and we

see excellent progress with their anxiety and they do

not require meds now.


Jenny Kernan

Parent of 2 disbabled children and A Biofeedback




--- TONYA WOODHAM <atwoodham5799 wrote:


> RE: the insurance cancelation. they say the child

> has had enough. on government insurance they only

> allow so much treament per person per year. doctors

> dont fight for your right to continue treament then

> there will be none. therapist believes otherwise.

> the mom if however trying to stop this to her best

> ability. her family is not finacially able to spend

> much on conventional treament other than this

> current care. this is my reason for looking for any

> means of homepathy, herbal, etc.

> on another note anxiety is only what the doctor is

> calling it at this time. but the child started 'bout

> a year ago pulling off her finger nails digging at

> her skin on her arms and hands to the point of

> bleeding and sores.with now real reason why.



> From the desk of

> Tonya Woodham




> Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000

> hotels

> in 45,000 destinations on Travel to find your

> fit.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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This is also called OCD or obsesssive compulsive disorder. Its a Immune


Drugs like I.V.I.G., penicilline reverse it. Howevere alternatives like

colostrum can be tried , also check the diet at, www.cidpusa.org/






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Tonya, for the " picking " the child is doing, have the mom try

inositol powder. Give it a few weeks to begin helping (if it works

for her).


Buy it online, local stores are expensive. I'll give you a link to

some info on it and it has how dosage can begin and build up. But

note that each brand of powder will have it's own strength per tsp.

For instance, ours was 1/4 tsp equal 845 mg. Other brands are

different so adjust what it says in the article. And I would start

with 1/4 tsp first day, then 1/2 tsp next day, and maybe next, etc.,

to see how child does and to avoid upset stomach.


We just mixed ours in juice, Kool-Aid or something. Get the powder,

not the crystals, powder dissolves better.




also mentions inositol powder:



Fish oil helps some children, calms them, better focus, etc.

Coromega makes a nice tasting one, pudding consistency, pretty good!


Let us know how things are going. Parents can appeal insurance

denials. She should have received some forms to appeal if she wanted



I know of parents that have won over denials. Child still needs help

(therapy or whatever), usually the person treating or a doctor can

write up some form about extra visits needed. And the parent can

appeal the actual denial. In our state Medicaid and state children's

insurance is great for mental health. You get 26 visits that don't

have to be preapproved each year. Then if you need more, the

therapist/doctor has to put in for " approval " , good explanation of

why you need more than the 26.


Chris in NC




<atwoodham5799 wrote:


> RE: the insurance cancelation. they say the child has had enough.

on government insurance they only allow so much treament per person

per year. doctors dont fight for your right to continue treament then

there will be none. therapist believes otherwise. the mom if however

trying to stop this to her best ability. her family is not finacially

able to spend much on conventional treament other than this current

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Mark. Welcome to Chinese Traditional Medicine.


The first thing to consider whenever a person is having anxiety

and/or panic is if the person is on any antihistamine - prescription

or OTC. You may need to check any prescription drugs you're on to

make sure one is not an antihistamine.


Constant anxiety and/or panic attacks are a common side effect of

antihistamines. In spite of this particularly side effect being

mentioned in the PDR (Physician Desk Record), a lot of doctors don't

realize that this is a common side effect of these drugs.


Once this is ruled in or out, we can move onto other considerations.


BTW, sometimes a person can tolerate low dosages of some

antihistamines but not others. In cases where the person asolutely

has to have an antihistamine (at least until the person is

strengthened against allergies), a doctor can work with a patient to

help the patient find an antihistamine s/he can tolerate. This is

going to differ for differ individuals.

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Chinese Traditional Medicine , " victoria_dragon "

<victoria_dragon wrote:


> Hi Mark. Welcome to Chinese Traditional Medicine.


> The first thing to consider whenever a person is having anxiety

> and/or panic is if the person is on any antihistamine - prescription

> or OTC. You may need to check any prescription drugs you're on to

> make sure one is not an antihistamine.


> Constant anxiety and/or panic attacks are a common side effect of

> antihistamines. In spite of this particularly side effect being

> mentioned in the PDR (Physician Desk Record), a lot of doctors don't

> realize that this is a common side effect of these drugs.


> Once this is ruled in or out, we can move onto other considerations.


> BTW, sometimes a person can tolerate low dosages of some

> antihistamines but not others. In cases where the person asolutely

> has to have an antihistamine (at least until the person is

> strengthened against allergies), a doctor can work with a patient to

> help the patient find an antihistamine s/he can tolerate. This is

> going to differ for differ individuals.




Hi. Thanks for your feedback. No, I take no drugs. It seems to be a

fear of sth, a psychological problem, but I have no idea what these

heart palpitations are for, why these muscle tensions are for. As I

said, I've been working with EFT for several months but it doesn't

seem to work.


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Hi Mark


What I know EFT works on psychological and mental problems.


Anxiety however does not nessesary come from the mental problem. It

can be from what in TCM is a deficiensy of yin or blood either in

the heart or the kidney, making yang-energy to rise, and the shen to

wander off. (Maybe this is not all to it, but one thing that it can

be). Palpitations can be deficiensy of blood in the heart (not the

same as anemia since it is TCM thinking). Anxiety can come from

deficiency of the heart also.


Tension can be from deficiensy of blood in the Liver (TCM-diagnosis,

not the same as anemia) giving rise to yin not nourishing the



The symptoms can also be from stress. MAybe you have pressure at

work or something? Have you considdered what you are eating? A lot

of stuff can be the cause of what you have.


I suggest you go to a TCM practitioner and get a diagnose.


For palpitations you can try to rub Pc-6 neiguan, Ht-7 shen men.

Both are also calming in the case of stress.


Just some ideas, since it is hard to diagnos over the internet since

a lot of pieces are missing I suggest you go to a TCM practicioner

to get a proper judgement.




Chinese Traditional Medicine , " socjuszzz " <socjusz



> Chinese Traditional Medicine , " victoria_dragon "

> <victoria_dragon@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Mark. Welcome to Chinese Traditional Medicine.

> >

> > The first thing to consider whenever a person is having anxiety

> > and/or panic is if the person is on any antihistamine -


> > or OTC. You may need to check any prescription drugs you're on


> > make sure one is not an antihistamine.

> >

> > Constant anxiety and/or panic attacks are a common side effect


> > antihistamines. In spite of this particularly side effect being

> > mentioned in the PDR (Physician Desk Record), a lot of doctors


> > realize that this is a common side effect of these drugs.

> >

> > Once this is ruled in or out, we can move onto other


> >

> > BTW, sometimes a person can tolerate low dosages of some

> > antihistamines but not others. In cases where the person


> > has to have an antihistamine (at least until the person is

> > strengthened against allergies), a doctor can work with a

patient to

> > help the patient find an antihistamine s/he can tolerate. This


> > going to differ for differ individuals.

> >



> Hi. Thanks for your feedback. No, I take no drugs. It seems to be a

> fear of sth, a psychological problem, but I have no idea what these

> heart palpitations are for, why these muscle tensions are for. As I

> said, I've been working with EFT for several months but it doesn't

> seem to work.

> Mark


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Chinese Traditional Medicine , " socjuszzz " <socjusz wrote:


> Hi. Thanks for your feedback. No, I take no drugs. It seems to be a

> fear of sth, a psychological problem, but I have no idea what these

> heart palpitations are for, why these muscle tensions are for. As I

> said, I've been working with EFT for several months but it doesn't

> seem to work.


Hi Mark. Now that antihistamines have been ruled out you need to see

your MD or DO to rule out some kind of problem like hyperthyroidism and

some of the adrenal or adrenal-related problems. It would be a good

idea to research hyperthyroidism and hyperadrenalism on the web. Also,

untreated, undiagnosed mild asthma can result in a person feeling

anxious all the time. I believe the test to establish hyperthyroidism

is a simple blood test. Tests to measure possible adrenal-related

problems vary from a simple blood test to collecting urine over a 24-

hour period to having to undergo a fast in the hospital depending on

what the nature of the suspected problem is. Oddly enough, adrenal

insufficiency also can result in feelings of nervousness and fear.


Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) also can result in feelings of shakiness

and anxiety.


Peter has given you a very good rundown on the main TCM imbalances.

You'll also need to see a TCM healer in addition to your MD or DO.


Have you tried stopping EFT treatment temporarily to see if symptoms

are relieved? If they are relieved once you stop, it's still a good

idea to see a TCM healer. Sometimes the body needs to be strengthened

and better balanced before a person is able to work on subtle energies.


You may be one of the people who is to work on and master being able to

tell when a problem is best approached via psychological or spiritual

emans and when best approached via physical means like determining if

there are hypo- or hyper- glandular states. TCM doesn't really

differenciate between physical-mental-emotional-spiritual (taking for

granted that any time an imbalance exists there are going to be

overlays of all four), but in healing in the West, there is a need for

people who can do this.


There are people who through years of meditating and other practices

can control their blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, etc. It

took them years to learn to do this, and in many cases they learned to

do it while they were in fairly good health.


There is another possibility that needs to be considered. Are you on

any kind of adreanal or thyroid supplement? Sometimes these products

can result in symptoms such as you describe. In the case of thyroid

problems, it doesn't have to be dried thyroid gland but can be too much

or too little iodine.


This is a longshot, but if you eat meat, sometimes problems can be tied

to buthering practices. There was a program on I believe the Discovery

Channel about how a rash of hyperthyroidism broke out in an area of the

US. The incidence of hyperthyroidism was way above what it normally

would be. The problem finally was traced back to the plant that

produced the hamburger that the afflicted people consumed. The plant

was grinding up the animals' thyroid glands and including them in the

hamburger it produced instead of taking steps to insure that thyroid

gland did not get into the hamburger.


I also recommend researching Yin Deficiency. Peter has mentioned how

this imbalance can result in many of the symptoms you describe.

Magnesium deficiency also can result in many of these symptoms. Your

MD or DO can test for Mg deficiency. Mildred Seelig, MD, is a good

source for info on the web about Mg deficiency. (Too much Mg like too

little can be fatal so this is not a case of if a little is good, more

is better.)


There's something else I want to mention about hypo- and hyper-

glandular states. Due to the far-reaching and subtle and not-so-subtle

effects of hormones - especially the thyroid and adrenal hormones - a

person may not be able to " connect the dots " and realize what the

symptoms mean even if the person has experienced the hypo- or hyper-

state in the past. I know that sounds odd, but it happens. It's not

like yesterday I had no fever, aches, pains, runny nose, etc. and today

I do. Or like before I broke a bone I had no pain, and now I do.

Glandular imblances often come on slowly and worsen over time. They can

come on and worsen so slowly that the person gradually starts to take

the abnormal as the normal. Plus, some of the glandular imbalances can

cloud the mind and dull the reasoning and observation abilities.

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There is something else to consider. Have you been doing any

meditation/ visualization work that involves taking energy up from

the earth instead of just down from the heavens? The reason that

beginning students in the Taoist traditions are taught first to take

energy down from the outer sky/ environment is that they simply

cannot handle or have trouble handling the voltages of earth energy

coming up through the feet until after they've done a lot of work on

themselves. They are taught to " ground " excess energy out through the

feet but not to take any energy up through the feet until they're

better prepared and better able to handle it. Did EMF teach you how

to ground?


For readers unfamiliar with the topic of meditation/ visualization

and taking energy in, there are some posts in the message archives

about hara breathing. One learns to breathe from the lower abdomen

instead of with the muscles around the rib cage. This results in

deeper breaths and more energy for the person. Part of this exercise

is to visualize golden light coming into the body through the mouth

while inhaling and not stopping in the lungs but going all the way

down to the lower hara (tantien). This is an area about a third of

the way below the navel to the genital area. Visualize the golden

light/ particles swirling through the area. When you exhale,

visualize dark particles leaving the body through the mouth. These

are the drosses of the body. Inhalation is done through the nose with

the tongue resting against the roof of the mouth just behind the

front teeth. Exhalation is through the mouth (for this particular

exercise). The reason for the tongue being placed on the roof of the

mouth is that it completes an energy circuit between the great Yang

meridian that runs up the middle of the back and the great Yin

meridian that runs up the center of the body in the front. Without

this circuit being complete, energy can become unbalanced in the body

during certain exercises.

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Chinese Traditional Medicine , " pejo_mstd " <pejo_mstd wrote:


> Hi Mark


> What I know EFT works on psychological and mental problems.


> Anxiety however does not nessesary come from the mental problem. It

> can be from what in TCM is a deficiensy of yin or blood either in

> the heart or the kidney, making yang-energy to rise, and the shen to

> wander off. (Maybe this is not all to it, but one thing that it can

> be). Palpitations can be deficiensy of blood in the heart (not the

> same as anemia since it is TCM thinking). Anxiety can come from

> deficiency of the heart also.


> Tension can be from deficiensy of blood in the Liver (TCM-diagnosis,

> not the same as anemia) giving rise to yin not nourishing the

> tendons.


> The symptoms can also be from stress. MAybe you have pressure at

> work or something? Have you considdered what you are eating? A lot

> of stuff can be the cause of what you have.


> I suggest you go to a TCM practitioner and get a diagnose.


> For palpitations you can try to rub Pc-6 neiguan, Ht-7 shen men.

> Both are also calming in the case of stress.


> Just some ideas, since it is hard to diagnos over the internet since

> a lot of pieces are missing I suggest you go to a TCM practicioner

> to get a proper judgement.


> /Peter




Hi Peter. I'm really really thankful for your answer. From what you

wrote here I'm confused because of so many factors that should be

considered. What I suffer from would be called in western medecine or

clinical psychology a neurosis or anxiety.depression (?) disorders. It

has appeared at the moment when I was becoming a man, after being a

teen before, I mean when I was 18. Now I'm 24. It's very often like

this, that some psychological disorders appear in that moment. One

week ago I've started rubbing acupoints: 1.On the largest crease of

the inner wrist, on a line with the little finger, 2.Two thumb widths

from the largest crease on the inside wrist, 3.In the middle of the

sole of the foot, just behind the ball. Could you propose any manual,

a self-help therapy ? I like therapies I could do by myself. Do you

think acupressure is a good thing for that ? Or I could try other

techniques ?

all good to you


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Chinese Traditional Medicine , " victoria_dragon "

<victoria_dragon wrote:


> Hi Mark. Now that antihistamines have been ruled out you need to see

> your MD or DO to rule out some kind of problem like hyperthyroidism and

> some of the adrenal or adrenal-related problems. It would be a good

> idea to research hyperthyroidism and hyperadrenalism on the web. Also,

> untreated, undiagnosed mild asthma can result in a person feeling

> anxious all the time. I believe the test to establish hyperthyroidism

> is a simple blood test. Tests to measure possible adrenal-related

> problems vary from a simple blood test to collecting urine over a 24-

> hour period to having to undergo a fast in the hospital depending on

> what the nature of the suspected problem is. Oddly enough, adrenal

> insufficiency also can result in feelings of nervousness and fear.


> Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) also can result in feelings of shakiness

> and anxiety.


> Peter has given you a very good rundown on the main TCM imbalances.

> You'll also need to see a TCM healer in addition to your MD or DO.


> Have you tried stopping EFT treatment temporarily to see if symptoms

> are relieved? If they are relieved once you stop, it's still a good

> idea to see a TCM healer. Sometimes the body needs to be strengthened

> and better balanced before a person is able to work on subtle energies.


> You may be one of the people who is to work on and master being able to

> tell when a problem is best approached via psychological or spiritual

> emans and when best approached via physical means like determining if

> there are hypo- or hyper- glandular states. TCM doesn't really

> differenciate between physical-mental-emotional-spiritual (taking for

> granted that any time an imbalance exists there are going to be

> overlays of all four), but in healing in the West, there is a need for

> people who can do this.


> There are people who through years of meditating and other practices

> can control their blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, etc. It

> took them years to learn to do this, and in many cases they learned to

> do it while they were in fairly good health.


> There is another possibility that needs to be considered. Are you on

> any kind of adreanal or thyroid supplement? Sometimes these products

> can result in symptoms such as you describe. In the case of thyroid

> problems, it doesn't have to be dried thyroid gland but can be too much

> or too little iodine.


> This is a longshot, but if you eat meat, sometimes problems can be tied

> to buthering practices. There was a program on I believe the Discovery

> Channel about how a rash of hyperthyroidism broke out in an area of the

> US. The incidence of hyperthyroidism was way above what it normally

> would be. The problem finally was traced back to the plant that

> produced the hamburger that the afflicted people consumed. The plant

> was grinding up the animals' thyroid glands and including them in the

> hamburger it produced instead of taking steps to insure that thyroid

> gland did not get into the hamburger.


> I also recommend researching Yin Deficiency. Peter has mentioned how

> this imbalance can result in many of the symptoms you describe.

> Magnesium deficiency also can result in many of these symptoms. Your

> MD or DO can test for Mg deficiency. Mildred Seelig, MD, is a good

> source for info on the web about Mg deficiency. (Too much Mg like too

> little can be fatal so this is not a case of if a little is good, more

> is better.)


> There's something else I want to mention about hypo- and hyper-

> glandular states. Due to the far-reaching and subtle and not-so-subtle

> effects of hormones - especially the thyroid and adrenal hormones - a

> person may not be able to " connect the dots " and realize what the

> symptoms mean even if the person has experienced the hypo- or hyper-

> state in the past. I know that sounds odd, but it happens. It's not

> like yesterday I had no fever, aches, pains, runny nose, etc. and today

> I do. Or like before I broke a bone I had no pain, and now I do.

> Glandular imblances often come on slowly and worsen over time. They can

> come on and worsen so slowly that the person gradually starts to take

> the abnormal as the normal. Plus, some of the glandular imbalances can

> cloud the mind and dull the reasoning and observation abilities.





Thanks Victoria.

No, I take no supplements. My problems appeared for the first time 6

years ago. I don't know what are the procedures of western medicine in

such cases. Anyway, my doctor was a profesor of psychiatry, a

specialist in insomnia (that was my main problem then, even now it's

still a problem for me) and he tried to do many medical examinations

like EEG, computer tomograph and blood test (I don't know what was

this test about, probably about cations and anions, especially

metals), to exlude all somatic problems and to be sure that it's a

psychic or psychological problem. I was taking pills with Mg too. I

will try to find a TCM healer, but I prefer self help therapies.

Anyway, I don't know what to think. I was especially entusiastic for

EFT. I talked with an EFT practitioner and she says it's because the

core issue hasn't been founded yet or it's all about energy toxins (it

can be litterally everything, so I have millions of possibilities). As

for the core issue, I remember no traumatic event in my life, nothing

that could be a reason for that. Do you think I could resolve my

problems with acupressure ? I feel I have a energy blocks in my body,

especially in the middle of the chest. I feel it's a center of

emotions. Do you know any techniques to help the energy in my body

start to flow freely, and to dissolve the blocks ?

Best regards


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Hi, Mark:


Sounds like you might wish to read Lonny Jarret's

work, and/or visit a practitioner trained by him.

Lonny's website is:




Lonny is a leader in the psychological aspects of

Chinese medicine. From your posts, it appears that

these psychological aspects make up the locus of your



You wrote:


" I feel I have a energy blocks in my body, especially

in the middle of the chest. I feel it's a center of

emotions. Do you know any techniques to help the

energy in my body start to flow freely, and to

dissolve the blocks ? "


There are a number of heart - related acupoints that

may be involved here, but you need to see a trained

acupuncturist who understands the Ghost Points or the

work of Lonny Jarret and others.


Nei Guan and Wai Guan on the wrists are evidently

powerful acupoints for dealing with emotional issues,

yet a skilled acupuncturist is needed to pierce them.

Some acupuncturists puncture both points



There are herbal mixes that address emotional issues

as well.


Self-accupressure may work in some instances, but may

not solve your problems. It is possible to calm down

schizophrenics by massaging acupoints in the back of

the head, to the point that they may sleep. Yet even

that is a temporary reprieve.


The age of 18 is a curious age for this to have

occurred. Did you have any symptoms at an earlier age?


Hope this helps, Jack


Qi Men Dun Jia

Medical Divination





--- socjuszzz <socjusz wrote:


> Chinese Traditional Medicine , " pejo_mstd "

> <pejo_mstd wrote:

> >

> > Hi Mark

> >

> > What I know EFT works on psychological and mental

> problems.

> >

> > Anxiety however does not nessesary come from the

> mental problem. It

> > can be from what in TCM is a deficiensy of yin or

> blood either in

> > the heart or the kidney, making yang-energy to

> rise, and the shen to

> > wander off. (Maybe this is not all to it, but one

> thing that it can

> > be). Palpitations can be deficiensy of blood in

> the heart (not the

> > same as anemia since it is TCM thinking). Anxiety

> can come from

> > deficiency of the heart also.

> >

> > Tension can be from deficiensy of blood in the

> Liver (TCM-diagnosis,

> > not the same as anemia) giving rise to yin not

> nourishing the

> > tendons.

> >

> > The symptoms can also be from stress. MAybe you

> have pressure at

> > work or something? Have you considdered what you

> are eating? A lot

> > of stuff can be the cause of what you have.

> >

> > I suggest you go to a TCM practitioner and get a

> diagnose.

> >

> > For palpitations you can try to rub Pc-6 neiguan,

> Ht-7 shen men.

> > Both are also calming in the case of stress.

> >

> > Just some ideas, since it is hard to diagnos over

> the internet since

> > a lot of pieces are missing I suggest you go to a

> TCM practicioner

> > to get a proper judgement.

> >

> > /Peter

> >

> >


> Hi Peter. I'm really really thankful for your

> answer. From what you

> wrote here I'm confused because of so many factors

> that should be

> considered. What I suffer from would be called in

> western medecine or

> clinical psychology a neurosis or anxiety.depression

> (?) disorders. It

> has appeared at the moment when I was becoming a

> man, after being a

> teen before, I mean when I was 18. Now I'm 24. It's

> very often like

> this, that some psychological disorders appear in

> that moment. One

> week ago I've started rubbing acupoints: 1.On the

> largest crease of

> the inner wrist, on a line with the little finger,

> 2.Two thumb widths

> from the largest crease on the inside wrist, 3.In

> the middle of the

> sole of the foot, just behind the ball. Could you

> propose any manual,

> a self-help therapy ? I like therapies I could do by

> myself. Do you

> think acupressure is a good thing for that ? Or I

> could try other

> techniques ?

> all good to you

> Mark









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By the way, would you recommend any articles or materials on

acupuncture ? Today I had an acupuncture session for my anxiety,

heart palpitations, muscle tensions and poor sleep, and I really would

like to know if it's worth of the money I pay for it (and if the

effects will last). Furthermore my acupunctirist says that I should do

it at least every two or three days at maximum. On wikipedia I read

that from the researches done on acupuncture it's difficult to say

something about its efficacy and if it's anything more than a placebo

effect (it's at least what is written there


Could you reccomend any good reading to know more about it ? How does

it work ?

best regards


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Guest guest

Hi, Mark:


I would recommend Lonny Jarret's site:




He best knows how acupuncture works with emotional

issues, IMO.


You may also check out Blue Poppy Press's Chinese

Psychiatry by Bob Flaws.


Please bear in mind that Wikipedia is an open source,

and that many authors have specific motivations for

writing those entries. Their point of view in all

likeliehood isn't " objective science. "


Kind regards, Jack

Qi Men Dun Jia

Medical Divination



--- socjuszzz <socjusz wrote:


> By the way, would you recommend any articles or

> materials on

> acupuncture ? Today I had an acupuncture session

> for my anxiety,

> heart palpitations, muscle tensions and poor sleep,

> and I really would

> like to know if it's worth of the money I pay for it

> (and if the

> effects will last). Furthermore my acupunctirist

> says that I should do

> it at least every two or three days at maximum. On

> wikipedia I read

> that from the researches done on acupuncture it's

> difficult to say

> something about its efficacy and if it's anything

> more than a placebo

> effect (it's at least what is written there

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture)

> Could you reccomend any good reading to know more

> about it ? How does

> it work ?

> best regards

> Mark









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g'day TCMers,


Another approach that might help is Mg



http://www.google.com/search?num=100 & hl=en & newwindow=1 & client=opera & rls=en & hs=sr\

y & sa=X & oi=spell & resnum=0 & ct=result & cd=1 & q=benefits%2Bmagnesium & spell=1


Results 1 - 100 of about 1,250,000 for






Benefits & Deficiency Symptoms


Magnesium is a natural tranquilizer. Called the

" anti-stress mineral, " magnesium aids in relaxing

nerves, relieving tension, assisting digestion,

activating enzymes important for protein and

carbohydrate metabolism and for modulating the

electrical potential across all cell membranes.


Magnesium is important in the production and transfer

of energy, muscle contraction and relaxation and nerve

conduction. Magnesium also aid regularity, is

necessary to keep vertebrae in their proper position,

induces restful sleep, purifies and purges body

tissues (combats acids, toxins, gases, impurities and

neutralizes poisons) and lowers fever. Magnesium is

stored in the bowel, nerves and ligaments. Chlorophyll

and green vegetables contain large amounts of



Some Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:


Asthma, anorexia, cramps, calcification of organs,

calcification of small arteries, depression, ECG

changes, growth failure, headaches, kidney stones,

migraines, muscular weakness, muscle tremors,

malignant calcification of tissue, muscle tics,

myocardial infarction, neuromuscular problems, PMS,

vertigo, and wrinkles.


--- Chinese Traditional Medicine wrote:


> There are 2 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1a. Re: ANXIETY

> socjuszzz

> 1b. Re: ANXIETY

> Jack Sweeney



> Messages




> 1a. Re: ANXIETY

> Posted by: " socjuszzz " socjusz

> socjuszzz

> Thu May 31, 2007 6:30 pm ((PDT))


> By the way, would you recommend any articles or

> materials on

> acupuncture ? Today I had an acupuncture session

> for my anxiety,

> heart palpitations, muscle tensions and poor sleep,

> and I really would

> like to know if it's worth of the money I pay for it

> (and if the

> effects will last). Furthermore my acupunctirist

> says that I should do

> it at least every two or three days at maximum. On

> wikipedia I read

> that from the researches done on acupuncture it's

> difficult to say

> something about its efficacy and if it's anything

> more than a placebo

> effect (it's at least what is written there

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture)

> Could you reccomend any good reading to know more

> about it ? How does

> it work ?

> best regards

> Mark





> Messages in this topic (11)




> 1b. Re: ANXIETY

> Posted by: " Jack Sweeney " mojavecowboy

> mojavecowboy

> Thu May 31, 2007 7:36 pm ((PDT))


> Hi, Mark:


> I would recommend Lonny Jarret's site:


> www.spiritpathpress.com


> He best knows how acupuncture works with emotional

> issues, IMO.


> You may also check out Blue Poppy Press's Chinese

> Psychiatry by Bob Flaws.


> Please bear in mind that Wikipedia is an open

> source,

> and that many authors have specific motivations for

> writing those entries. Their point of view in all

> likeliehood isn't " objective science. "


> Kind regards, Jack

> Qi Men Dun Jia

> Medical Divination



> --- socjuszzz <socjusz wrote:


> > By the way, would you recommend any articles or

> > materials on

> > acupuncture ? Today I had an acupuncture session

> > for my anxiety,

> > heart palpitations, muscle tensions and poor

> sleep,

> > and I really would

> > like to know if it's worth of the money I pay for

> it

> > (and if the

> > effects will last). Furthermore my acupunctirist

> > says that I should do

> > it at least every two or three days at maximum. On

> > wikipedia I read

> > that from the researches done on acupuncture it's

> > difficult to say

> > something about its efficacy and if it's anything

> > more than a placebo

> > effect (it's at least what is written there

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture)

> > Could you reccomend any good reading to know more

> > about it ? How does

> > it work ?

> > best regards

> > Mark

> >

> >

> >








> a little couch potato?

> Check out fun summer activities for kids.


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> Messages in this topic (11)







> Post message: Chinese Traditional Medicine

> Subscribe: Chinese Traditional Medicine-

> Un:

> Chinese Traditional Medicine-

> List owner: Chinese Traditional Medicine-owner


> Shortcut URL to this page:

> /community/Chinese Traditional Medicine





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> Hi Peter. I'm really really thankful for your answer. From what

> you

> wrote here I'm confused because of so many factors that should

> be

> considered. What I suffer from would be called in western

> medecine or

> clinical psychology a neurosis or anxiety.depression (?)

> disorders. It

> has appeared at the moment when I was becoming a man, after

> being a

> teen before, I mean when I was 18. Now I'm 24. It's very often

> like

> this, that some psychological disorders appear in that moment.

> One

> week ago I've started rubbing acupoints: 1.On the largest

> crease of

> the inner wrist, on a line with the little finger, 2.Two thumb

> widths

> from the largest crease on the inside wrist, 3.In the middle of

> the

> sole of the foot, just behind the ball. Could you propose any

> manual,

> a self-help therapy ? I like therapies I could do by myself. Do

> you

> think acupressure is a good thing for that ? Or I could try

> other

> techniques ?

> all good to you

> Mark




Hello Mark,


It is said that those that are chronically depressed do not know

how to be sad.


Anyway, is there any reason (objectively) for this anxiety? Or is

it something that is simply THERE?








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