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Chinese Traditional Medicine , mitchell shelford

<mytchell37> wrote: Support the adrenals glands immune

system ..... Keep all types of stress down Find nutritional sources

of Calcium and Magnesium. This has helped others in many ways

> Good luck




Hi Mitchell:


Thank you for responding. I have been on a super cleanse, purgining

medications, stressful people and stressful situations from my

life. I am juicing everyday and although not back to pre-FMS, I am

doing much better than I ever was before.


Thanks for the encouragment!


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Hi Cat:


Wow, you would not believe how similar our stories are. I did not

change areas, but I got sick after we moved into our house. I

didn't really notice it because I had to travel for work, but after

I got laid off, I was home all the time and it snowballed.


I drink 100% Aloe Vera Juice although I am not good about it. I

really don't care for the taste, but I try to do it on an empty

stomach to heal all the damage done by those nasty medications.


I actually started gardening last year and that was extremely

relaxing. I put in a pond and some bird feeders. This year, I am

thinking about a small vegetable garden. I've been checking the

local college for classes. I am also thinking about an acquatics

class. I never thought I'd be able to plan anything for my life

ever again. I am encouraged just by the thought.


Take care and keep shining!


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In a message dated 3/18/2004 5:56:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

victoria_dragon Chinese Traditional Medicine writes:

Many years ago I discovered that cherries help

me. I look forward to cherry season every year. The juice helps

some, but fresh cherries help me more than the juice

Have you tried the cherry juice which is not processed to be shelf stable?

There is a difference according to the site which sells these concentrated

juices (cherry, blueberry and pomegranate). These juices must be refrigerated


frozen for long term storage and retention of the nutrients found in fresh

cherries. The juice most often found in the health food stores is shelf stable

and so cannot exactly compare to this company's juices.






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> Have you tried the cherry juice which is not processed to be shelf



No, I haven't. Thanks for the tip. It's a long time to cherry



BTW, after we moved, among the first things I planted were cherry

trees. I actually got a few the first year.


Please let me know how the cherry juice works out for you.



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Be careful not to over zap. It can cause die off if you do kill stuff.

But mainly if it isn't very compatible for your system you will

feel very stressed in your kidneys and adrenals above your

kidneys. It seems that some people complain about this.

Especially me. I could use the device for 3 days and my

back is finished.


First day or so you try it you feel very rejuvenated. It is a false

positive because you think you can continue using the device

until your kidneys complain.


This is just a spot for me to complain right now. Because most

things people try with ease doesn't work for me at all. It makes

me frustrated to no end. I am glad to find acupuncture to work

for me. I hope I get full results with the treatment I am on now.


Liz D.





Chinese Traditional Medicine

3/19/2004 4:33:12 PM

Re: [Chinese Traditional Medicine] Re: Fibromyalgia



(My husband made one of her " zappers " and I used for a short while . . . but


I read that FM *might* (who knows) be associated with tendency to be prone

to infections and viruses I thought I would go back to using it.


Great book and she has a web site as well.


Cheers, Cat



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victoria_dragon wrote:

>For those new to TCM, Bi Syndrome, aka Painful Obstruction Syndrome,

>very often is a factor in Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). If know I tend

>to have more problems when it gets Cold and especially if it is windy

>if I'm not on TCM treatment. The muscles get stiff and painful. As

>soon as the weather warms, the muscles loosen up again and pain



yes, cold and wind definitely make me worse.


>According to Bob Flaws in one of his books, the primary imbalances

>seen in cases of FMS are Liver, Kidneys, Spleen, and Heart.


good to know, I was focusing on liver, stomach, and adrenals.

I'll try to support more areas.



>Now for the " good " news about FMS. People with FMS have an advantage

>in learning acupressure because so many of the acupoints are painful.

>You have no trouble finding them. Sometimes you don't even have to

>press on a spot to discover it's painful. You can feel it without

>pressure. Kidney 1 (on the middle of the sole of the foot) is one of

>these for me. When I overdo, I get a soreness in the center of the

>sole of my foot that I can feel even without pressing on the area.


I noticed that today when I was on the ice . . . . toward the end of my session

my foot started to hurt there. Good indicator to leave the ice.


>BTW, I've never known a person with FMS who didn't have a lot more

>sore spots than just the 18 used to diagnose it.


I hear ya. It just seems like being sore all over. Thanks !! Cat



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In a message dated 3/19/04 7:18:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,

iceisit writes:



> I read that in Dr. Hulda Clark's Book

> The Cure for All Diseases




OOOh okay I never heard of that i will look it up. I am piling up work and

research for my self here boy,!




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topshelf wrote:


>iceisit writes:

> > So that is why mold cannot live in lime!


>I don't mean to sound ignorant but why cannot mold live in lime;)




I read that in Dr. Hulda Clark's Book

The Cure for All Diseases


she said that . . . we had a problem with toxic mold in our apartment

and even though I have two jumbo air purifiers, mold would form in the toilet

very quickly.


I am pretty sure it came from the rotting wood near the radiant heaters which

are built into the wall in each room. So we juiced 10-20 limes per week and


them on all the wood flooring which we thought might have rotten sub-flooring.


The rapid forming of black mold in our toilet was reduced by about 85%


So I assume that she is correct.


(My husband made one of her " zappers " and I used for a short while . . . but


I read that FM *might* (who knows) be associated with tendency to be prone

to infections and viruses I thought I would go back to using it.


Great book and she has a web site as well.


Cheers, Cat



^. .^ ~

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victoria_dragon wrote:

>For those new to TCM, the TCM concept of the Kidneys include more

>than the anatomical kidneys. The Kidneys also include many functions

>of the adrenal glands.

> ... <snip>

>This relationship between the

>Kidneys and the Liver is seen most clearly in joint Kidney and Liver

>Yin Deficiency. In these cases it's not enough to tonify the Liver

>Yin, the Kidneys also need to be tonified because of the mother-son

>relationship. Tonifying just the Liver Yin is like bailing out a

>leaky rowboat without plugging the hole. Without also tonifying the

>Kidneys when both Kidneys and Liver are Yin Deficient, one will have

>to keep on and on and on tonifying Liver Yin.


Victoria - Thanks - You have so much great TCM info. Much appreciate it.



^. .^ ~

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mjdavis108 wrote:

>Hi Cat:


>Wow, you would not believe how similar our stories are.


Yes they are . . .


> I did not

>change areas, but I got sick after we moved into our house.


We have toxic mold in this apartment building as well.

I sent samples, one from our apt. and one from the storage area on the

lowest level to a lab which speciliazes in that and they came back

with one variety of toxic mold. Not the worst one, but bad nonetheless.


>I drink 100% Aloe Vera Juice although I am not good about it. I

>really don't care for the taste, but I try to do it on an empty

>stomach to heal all the damage done by those nasty medications.


I started drinking it in the morning with my acidopholos . . .

more so that I can tolerate the healthy supplements. My

stomach has gotten very touchy.


>I actually started gardening last year and that was extremely

>relaxing. I put in a pond and some bird feeders.


That is so awesome. In a house I had before my back surgery

I too put in a pond. Plants lots of trees and I love watching

birds at the feeder as well.


>This year, I am

>thinking about a small vegetable garden. I've been checking the

>local college for classes.


You don't have any allergies to mold do you?

I will be so glad when we move to the high desert where they

dont' have so much mold.


>I am also thinking about an acquatics

>class. I never thought I'd be able to plan anything for my life

>ever again. I am encouraged just by the thought.


That is so cool ! Hope it works out great !!



^. .^ ~

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bonmotSarah wrote:

>In a message dated 3/18/2004 5:56:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>victoria_dragon Chinese Traditional Medicine writes:

>Many years ago I discovered that cherries help

>me. I look forward to cherry season every year.


Cherries are by far my favorite fruit. Glad to hear they are helpful :-)



^. .^ ~

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> You don't have any allergies to mold do you?

> I will be so glad when we move to the high desert where they

> dont' have so much mold.


Flagstaff is fairly low mold and fungus, but the area around Phoenix

has an organism which causes Valley Fever. Valley Fever has symptoms

very similar to CFIDS. (It's one of the things that had to be ruled

out in my case as I had lived in the area.)


Anyway, the metro-Phoenix area has grown so fast and so much that

cases of Valley Fever have increased because of all the construction

tearing up the desert. My husband and I used to know an older couple

who bought a house on the outskirts of Phoenix after he got out of

the military. By the middle of the 1980s that house was located not

on the outskirts of the city but in the middle of it.

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> >According to Bob Flaws in one of his books, the primary imbalances

> >seen in cases of FMS are Liver, Kidneys, Spleen, and Heart.


> good to know, I was focusing on liver, stomach, and adrenals.

> I'll try to support more areas.


Not all people with FMS will have imbalances in the Liver, Kidneys,

Spleen, and Heart, but those are the 4 most common. Some people with

FMS will have imbalances in other Organs as well. By the time I

finally got help, I don't think I had an Organ that didn't have

problems except maybe for the Pericardium.


BTW, by Western standards, my kidneys were fine aside from an

occasional infection (which weren't that severe). By TCM standards,

my Kidneys were the most imbalanced of all.

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In a message dated 3/19/04 10:35:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

victoria_dragon writes:



> , by Western standards, my kidneys were fine aside from an

> occasional infection (which weren't that severe). By TCM standards,

> my Kidneys were the most imbalanced of all.




hmmm very interesting, I was thinking about what you wrote in an earlier post

, treating for one organ and not the others that are intricately connected.

This is what happens wiht western medicine thy focus on one thing and ignore

all other symptoms even when you are complaining about it, Until the problem

become so advanced that it cannot be ignored , then they tell you you need

radical surgery or something




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Hi two quick comments. Drug energies vary. You need to analyze what they do

in the body by looking at how they are excreted, What positive functions they

have and how those things occur, as well as the side effects of the drugs.

The same method has to happen when you analyze herbs for energetic temperature.

For instance antibiotics tend to be cold, cooling fevers and affecting the

digestion by cooling the digestive enzymes (giving you yeast infections, loose

stools sometimes, etc.). SRI's tend to be heating by causing stagnant heat in

the brain.


As for the kidneys, remember that the TCM kidneys are much closer to the

hormones and our genetic background. The western kidneys correspond to the TCM

Urinary bladder system.

Shad Reinstein

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In a message dated 3/20/04 11:32:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

shadjody writes:



> SRI's tend to be heating by causing stagnant heat in

> the brain.



over my head again what are SRI's. Stagnant heat in the brain sounds, like a

headache very unpleasant and unhealthy




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> hmmm very interesting, I was thinking about what you wrote in an

earlier post

> , treating for one organ and not the others that are intricately


> This is what happens wiht western medicine thy focus on one thing

and ignore

> all other symptoms even when you are complaining about it, Until

the problem

> become so advanced that it cannot be ignored , then they tell you

you need

> radical surgery or something


Yep. TCM is much more concerned with identifying and treating Roots

instead of just treating symptoms than Western medicine is.


What happens when just a symptom is treated instead of the Root is

that the symptom may clear up, but the the underlying Root is still

getting worse and worse. It starts to manifest in other ways. More

symptoms. And the more symptoms that manifest, the more sevree they

tend to be.

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> > CFIDS. (


> what does this stand for?


Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.


A lot of PWCs (People with CFIDS) refuse to call it CFS (Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome) because the CFS label trivializes the illness and

makes it sound like we're just a little tried. It ignores things

like the abnormal immune system functioning, the neurological

problems, etc.


Calling CFIDS CFS after just one of many symptoms is like calling

pneumonia Chronic Coughing Syndrome or diabetes Chronic Urinating

Syndrome. Descriptive of just one symptom and not conveying how

serious it is.

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>Be careful not to over zap. It can cause die off if you do kill stuff.

>But mainly if it isn't very compatible for your system you will

>feel very stressed in your kidneys and adrenals above your

>kidneys. It seems that some people complain about this.

>Especially me. I could use the device for 3 days and my

>back is finished.


Hi Liz - thanks -


I followed her directions to a tee.


I also took the dealie my hubby made to an electronic lab to check that the

frequency was exactly as she specified.


I did 7 minutes on, and 20-30 off, 3 times.


I felt much better when I did it, moved my zapper and forgot about it !


So I was packing some stuff and took it out again.


It doesn't seem to bother me


>This is just a spot for me to complain right now. Because most

>things people try with ease doesn't work for me at all. It makes

>me frustrated to no end. I am glad to find acupuncture to work

>for me. I hope I get full results with the treatment I am on now.


I am glad you found a good practitioner as well.


I meet with a new Chinese person on Friday ! Can't wait.


Cheers, Cat



^. .^ ~


" Optimism is magic! "

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  • 3 months later...
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Herbaly I don’t know enough to make

a recommendation but I’m sure that someone else here will have something

for you. Mechanicaly you can find a massage therapist that does Myofascial

work. That can ease the discomfort.









Wednesday, June 30, 2004

12:49 AM

herbal remedies

Herbal Remedies -




anyone have suggestions for me about fibromyalgia?

My new doc wants me to see a shrink.

I am going to fire him.\





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requires that we warn you of the following:

1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

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Dr. Ian Shillington

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  • 2 months later...

--- blaiseryan <blaiseryan wrote:


> Does anyone know how fibromyalgia translates into

> TCM? Or has

> anyone successfully treated it with TCM?


Often cold-damp syndrome with spleen weakness and

kidney weakness sometimes complicated by hollow heat

and or liver and gallbladder heat. But we'd have to

know the actual presentation to do anything but











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Hi Blaise, and welcome to Chinese Traditional Medicine.


> Does anyone know how fibromyalgia translates into TCM? Or has

> anyone successfully treated it with TCM?


I have. I'm not cured, but there has been vast improvement. Please

keep in mind that I was sick with CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune

Dysfunction Syndrome) and FMS for over 20 years before I finally got

TCM treatment. Not only was I sick for a long time, I was severely

sick to the point of having to crawl to the bath room, not being

able to read, etc. The longer one is sick and the more severe, the

longer the healing time as a general rule.


Hugo has posted some intro information which I'm quoting here:


" Often cold-damp syndrome with spleen weakness and

kidney weakness sometimes complicated by hollow heat

and or liver and gallbladder heat. But we'd have to

know the actual presentation to do anything but

speculate. "


I don't know how much of a background you have in TCM, so please let

us know if these terms are unfamiliar to you. If you already have a

background in TCM, we'll go onto the more detailed information,

including other possible underlying TCM imbalances that can result

in FMS.


If any list member has an interest in FMS and doesn't understand the

terms like " cold-damp, spleen weakness, kidney weakness, " etc. I'll

be glad to explain in more detail.


BTW, for those with a background in TCM, the Organ imbalances which

are seen the most often in people with FMS are Kidney, Spleen,

Liver, and Heart. Other imbalances may also be present, but these

are the most common ones.



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> Hi... Try to think fibromyalgia as Bi Syndrome. Usually there are some Liver

patterns involved, maybe not at the present time, but in the past...It's

common find some Qi Xu either.




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> --- blaiseryan <blaiseryan wrote: <BR>

> <BR>

> > Does anyone know how fibromyalgia translates into<BR>

> > TCM?  Or has <BR>

> > anyone successfully treated it with TCM?<BR>

> <BR>

> Often cold-damp syndrome with spleen weakness and<BR>

> kidney weakness sometimes complicated by hollow heat<BR>

> and or liver and gallbladder heat. But we'd have to<BR>

> know the actual presentation to do anything but<BR>

> speculate.<BR>

> <BR>

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I have a friend that was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia that is not

a member of this group but is very interested in learning more about

TCM treatment. Would you mind if I put her in contact with you?





Chinese Traditional Medicine , " victoria_dragon "

<victoria_dragon> wrote:

> Hi Blaise, and welcome to Chinese Traditional Medicine.


> > Does anyone know how fibromyalgia translates into TCM? Or has

> > anyone successfully treated it with TCM?


> I have. I'm not cured, but there has been vast improvement.


> keep in mind that I was sick with CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune

> Dysfunction Syndrome) and FMS for over 20 years before I finally


> TCM treatment. Not only was I sick for a long time, I was severely

> sick to the point of having to crawl to the bath room, not being

> able to read, etc. The longer one is sick and the more severe, the

> longer the healing time as a general rule.


> Hugo has posted some intro information which I'm quoting here:


> " Often cold-damp syndrome with spleen weakness and

> kidney weakness sometimes complicated by hollow heat

> and or liver and gallbladder heat. But we'd have to

> know the actual presentation to do anything but

> speculate. "


> I don't know how much of a background you have in TCM, so please


> us know if these terms are unfamiliar to you. If you already have


> background in TCM, we'll go onto the more detailed information,

> including other possible underlying TCM imbalances that can result

> in FMS.


> If any list member has an interest in FMS and doesn't understand


> terms like " cold-damp, spleen weakness, kidney weakness, " etc. I'll

> be glad to explain in more detail.


> BTW, for those with a background in TCM, the Organ imbalances which

> are seen the most often in people with FMS are Kidney, Spleen,

> Liver, and Heart. Other imbalances may also be present, but these

> are the most common ones.


> Victoria

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