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Welcome to the group.


The biggest challenge is figuring out what is real information from

infomercials from people who are hawking products from their mlm businesses.


Based on your story, you might be interested in reading some of Dr.

Sherry Rogers books, such as " Detoxify or Die " . It is available from

http://www.prestigepublishing.com .


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Hi I'm new to this list, I have been reading for the last couple weeks.

> There seems to be a wide range of ideas and

> experiences on list.


> I have been interested in natural healing and health for some 10 years,

> but I have intensified my interest in the last 18 months.


> In 1997 I was one of over 6 million people that took alittle cocktail

> called fenphen. I had the year before had my 3rd child and over that

> year had lost some of the pregnancy weight but not all. I still had

> alittle less than 30 pounds to loose.


> I had heard about fenphen from a friend as well as my pharmacist, and it

> had done wonders for them.


> S I decided to give it a try.


> I saw my Dr who told me it was perfectly safe, it had been used in Europe

> for 18 years with wonderful success.


> I started it in November 96 and by Christmas had lost 20 pounds, by June

> 97 I had lost 50 pounds and was back to my high school weight. I

> thought that was pretty cool.


> Talking to people now they really don't have correct information. It

> was not a bullet to thinness. It simply made it easier, but not easy!

> I still had to work at loosing the weight. I walked 4 miles

> every morning.


> I should mention here that I had some side effects such as irregular

> heart beat, no appetite at all, hyperactivity, and insomnia. I had

> seen my Dr monthly and spoke to him regularly about the side effects.

> He told me straight out that this was all normal as I was increasing my

> metabolism.


> After I stopped taking fenphen I experienced severe depression that went

> on not for weeks or months but years.


> I also got pregnant that fall. My baby died at 27 weeks. As did

> the next 6 babys all between 22 and 27 weeks.


> Dr's called it unexplained fetal death.


> Over the next several years I continued to have depression and bouts of

> irregular heart rate.


> When I sought medical attention it was thought that it was from hormone

> in balances from pregnancy that was causing both depression and the

> irregular heart beats.


> In 2001 I had my last biological child die at 25 weeks. I decided to

> have my tubes tied.


> We adopted alittle girl the same year.


> In January 2002 after some urging from my husband I decided to have an

> attorney sponsored echo cardiogram for heart valve damage that is now

> known to be associated with fenphen usage.


> I really didn't think I had a problem. I'm in good health. I had

> the echo and found I have moderate damage to my mitral valve. I

> really was in shock. After I left my attorneys office I went to see

> my family Dr (not the same Dr who gave me the fenphen by the way) who

> told me that all the hype about the damage this drug caused was just that

> hype and that there office had prescribed it it hundreds of patients and

> none had damage, but she'd send me to the hospital for a repeat echo.

> Indeed, I had damage. It's considered functional at this time. I

> have 29% regurgitation from my mitral valve, my ejection fraction is

> lowered at 55% and my left atrium is slightly enlarged at 4.1


> I joined a support group and found I was not the only one who had damage.

> In fact there's alot of us, and many are far worse off than I am.

> We also have what is called neurotoxicity. Pondomin or the fen in

> fenphen caused an increase in Seritonin and then also blocked is

> matabolization. So we produced more and was in the blood for longer.

> When we stopped taking fenphen it caused great depression in more than

> 80% of those that took it. In a smaller number about 10 percent it

> caused psychosis.

> I went to Johns Hopkins Hospital In Baltimore Maryland to be diagnosed.

> Again, I was lucky, mine is mild. I have mild loss of

> concentration, memory loss, and depression.


> I also started to find out the drug companys hand in all this.

> They new that this drug caused heart valve damage and pulmonary

> hypertension and lied to the FDA and falsified documents so that the drug

> could be approved.

> Why? The almighty dollar. They new what kind of money they would

> make. In fact when all is said and done, the amount that AHP will

> have paid out in medical claims will only be 1/3 of the prophet they have

> made. Now mind you they have already paid out billions of dollars and

> are expected to pay out even more before it's all done.

> How do I know, anyone can read the court transcripts for the fenphen

> litigation.

> It's an eye opener.


> I also found a great number of us have had hyperthyroidism since having

> taken fenphen, as well as depression, and miscarriage or fetal demise.

> I met a girl who took it when she was 22 to loose 10 pounds, she was

> getting married and wanted to fit into a smaller wedding dress. She

> got into the smaller dress, also got pregnant while on her honeymoon and

> she and her baby girl both had mitral and aortic valve regurg.

> She could only claim her damage and not her childs because the drug

> company fought it in court saying there's no evidence that pondomin would

> cause heart valve damage in a developing fetus.


> So as you may guess, I'm rather left wing now. I'm trying to baby

> myself and increase my health. But I refuse to believe anything DR's

> tell me at face value, they only know what the pharmaceutical companys

> want them to know.

> And many health companys rely so heavily on the financial support of the

> pharma industry, that they are made to push the drug industry agenda.


> The two things I am working on right now and wanting to improve is asthma

> and allergys, and this actually is proving to be difficult as I have

> horses and boy do they make me wheeze, sneeze, itch and twitch, LOL

> All in good time i guess.


> I enjoy reading every ones posts. It's been very interesting and

> informative.


> Oh my name is Ginger and I'm a 41 year old mom of 4 children Elliott is

> 14, Nate is 9, Navar is 7 and our baby is 20 months. I'm a certified

> midwife, Doula, lactation consultant and child birth educator. If

> anyone should ever be interested in adoptive breast feeding let me know.

> I breast fed our adopted daughter exclusively for her first year.


> I look forward to reading more. Hope ya'll don't mind me jumping in

> and contributing or asking questions


> Hugs

> Ginger

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Hi Ginger, and welcome –

Another good book is “Healing With Whole Foods” by Paul Pitchford. I hope you can find some answers

on this list.





whole-food supplements that provide nutrients

essential for the health

of people, pets and plants.





Donald E. Jacobs





Welcome to the group.

Based on your story, you might be interested in

reading some of Dr.

Sherry Rogers books, such as " Detoxify or

Die " .

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Guest guest

What an interesting and eyeopening story, Ginger. I am so sorry for your

great losses. I am going to forward your letter to a couple of people whom

I know took that drug. Take care.






" Gillian Reed " <ggotts


Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:31 AM

Re: Newbie



Hi I'm new to this list, I have been reading for the last couple weeks.

There seems to be a wide range of ideas and

experiences on list.


I have been interested in natural healing and health for some 10 years,

but I have intensified my interest in the last 18 months.


In 1997 I was one of over 6 million people that took alittle cocktail

called fenphen. I had the year before had my 3rd child and over that

year had lost some of the pregnancy weight but not all. I still had

alittle less than 30 pounds to loose.


I had heard about fenphen from a friend as well as my pharmacist, and it

had done wonders for them.


S I decided to give it a try.


I saw my Dr who told me it was perfectly safe, it had been used in Europe

for 18 years with wonderful success.


I started it in November 96 and by Christmas had lost 20 pounds, by June

97 I had lost 50 pounds and was back to my high school weight. I

thought that was pretty cool.


Talking to people now they really don't have correct information. It

was not a bullet to thinness. It simply made it easier, but not easy!

I still had to work at loosing the weight. I walked 4 miles

every morning.


I should mention here that I had some side effects such as irregular

heart beat, no appetite at all, hyperactivity, and insomnia. I had

seen my Dr monthly and spoke to him regularly about the side effects.

He told me straight out that this was all normal as I was increasing my



After I stopped taking fenphen I experienced severe depression that went

on not for weeks or months but years.


I also got pregnant that fall. My baby died at 27 weeks. As did

the next 6 babys all between 22 and 27 weeks.


Dr's called it unexplained fetal death.


Over the next several years I continued to have depression and bouts of

irregular heart rate.


When I sought medical attention it was thought that it was from hormone

in balances from pregnancy that was causing both depression and the

irregular heart beats.


In 2001 I had my last biological child die at 25 weeks. I decided to

have my tubes tied.


We adopted alittle girl the same year.


In January 2002 after some urging from my husband I decided to have an

attorney sponsored echo cardiogram for heart valve damage that is now

known to be associated with fenphen usage.


I really didn't think I had a problem. I'm in good health. I had

the echo and found I have moderate damage to my mitral valve. I

really was in shock. After I left my attorneys office I went to see

my family Dr (not the same Dr who gave me the fenphen by the way) who

told me that all the hype about the damage this drug caused was just that

hype and that there office had prescribed it it hundreds of patients and

none had damage, but she'd send me to the hospital for a repeat echo.

Indeed, I had damage. It's considered functional at this time. I

have 29% regurgitation from my mitral valve, my ejection fraction is

lowered at 55% and my left atrium is slightly enlarged at 4.1


I joined a support group and found I was not the only one who had damage.

In fact there's alot of us, and many are far worse off than I am.

We also have what is called neurotoxicity. Pondomin or the fen in

fenphen caused an increase in Seritonin and then also blocked is

matabolization. So we produced more and was in the blood for longer.

When we stopped taking fenphen it caused great depression in more than

80% of those that took it. In a smaller number about 10 percent it

caused psychosis.

I went to Johns Hopkins Hospital In Baltimore Maryland to be diagnosed.

Again, I was lucky, mine is mild. I have mild loss of

concentration, memory loss, and depression.


I also started to find out the drug companys hand in all this.

They new that this drug caused heart valve damage and pulmonary

hypertension and lied to the FDA and falsified documents so that the drug

could be approved.

Why? The almighty dollar. They new what kind of money they would

make. In fact when all is said and done, the amount that AHP will

have paid out in medical claims will only be 1/3 of the prophet they have

made. Now mind you they have already paid out billions of dollars and

are expected to pay out even more before it's all done.

How do I know, anyone can read the court transcripts for the fenphen


It's an eye opener.


I also found a great number of us have had hyperthyroidism since having

taken fenphen, as well as depression, and miscarriage or fetal demise.

I met a girl who took it when she was 22 to loose 10 pounds, she was

getting married and wanted to fit into a smaller wedding dress. She

got into the smaller dress, also got pregnant while on her honeymoon and

she and her baby girl both had mitral and aortic valve regurg.

She could only claim her damage and not her childs because the drug

company fought it in court saying there's no evidence that pondomin would

cause heart valve damage in a developing fetus.


So as you may guess, I'm rather left wing now. I'm trying to baby

myself and increase my health. But I refuse to believe anything DR's

tell me at face value, they only know what the pharmaceutical companys

want them to know.

And many health companys rely so heavily on the financial support of the

pharma industry, that they are made to push the drug industry agenda.


The two things I am working on right now and wanting to improve is asthma

and allergys, and this actually is proving to be difficult as I have

horses and boy do they make me wheeze, sneeze, itch and twitch, LOL

All in good time i guess.


I enjoy reading every ones posts. It's been very interesting and



Oh my name is Ginger and I'm a 41 year old mom of 4 children Elliott is

14, Nate is 9, Navar is 7 and our baby is 20 months. I'm a certified

midwife, Doula, lactation consultant and child birth educator. If

anyone should ever be interested in adoptive breast feeding let me know.

I breast fed our adopted daughter exclusively for her first year.


I look forward to reading more. Hope ya'll don't mind me jumping in

and contributing or asking questions






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Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Amy,


Lots of stuff going on with you.  My first recommendation

would be to look at your diet.  The

following was written by my friend Donia Alawi who is a nutritionist and teacher of health.  I learn a lot from her.   There

are also a couple books listed at the end of the article that she got some of this

information from.  Fibromyalgia is an

autoimmune disease, so these suggestions should help you.






- by Donia

Alawi, Health Teacher

and Nutritionist







Remove strong acid producing foods. 

Examples are beef, chicken and pork. 

If you must eat any of these meats, at least

reduce the amounts significantly. 



Remove all dairy

products (cheese and milk).  These are also acid

producing foods.  If you cannot avoid

them, then buy goat-based cheese (the soft kind) or raw goat milk. 



Avoid grains that are considered high-glycemic

foods.  Examples are corn chips, instant

processed grain mixes (i.e., puffed wheat), cakes, pies, pastry, processed

breakfast cereals, instant

grain cereals, white

rice, white flour and white flour pastas.



Avoid breads containing yeast.  It

may be prudent to consume types of

bread made from whole rye and leavened with lactobacillus.



Remove hydrogenated oils and margarine from your diet.  Use coconut butter or oil (not processed) for

cooking.  Use extra virgin olive oil or

raw butter for any cold spreads.



Avoid non-foods (i.e., salt, alcohol,

artificial sweeteners,

coffee, tea, soft drinks, ....etc.).



Avoid soy products, except for fermented soy

products (miso, tamari sauce, and tempeh).






Michael Klapper, M.D., recommends this

strict diet for the first 14 days.  Eat

only (in unlimited amounts):

A)  Brown rice and

sweet potatoes  (for

energy and protein).

B)  Green and yellow vegetables  (for

vitamins and minerals).

C)  Non-citrus fruits  (for vitamins,

minerals and fiber).


D)  Vegetable soups,

broth, and fresh vegetable juices.

E)  Ample pure water,

at least a 6 oz. glass every 1-2 hours.


Reconstruct your diet after 14 days with “safe”

foods.  You can add oily fish, such as salmon, halibut or cod,

soft goat cheeses, citrus fruits, all types of

vegetables, nuts, seeds...etc.


When you add such foods back to your diet, it is a good idea

to add one food at a time, every two

days.  You need to observe carefully any

effects on your joints and other tissues while keeping a food diary to record

your body’s reaction (if any) to each single reintroduced food.  Note any food that incites swelling,

stiffness, pain in joints, or other adverse bodily reactions within 2

days.   As your list of “safe foods”

grows, base your daily meal choices on

foods that cause no problems and that make you feel your best.




REPAIR “LEAKY” GUT:                                                                                                                                         


A)  Friendly Bacteria



Lynne McFarland, Ph.D., from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at

the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, WA.,

reported that oral supplementation of

friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus can

help recolonize the intestinal tract with

good bacteria which can then force out toxic bacteria (Bland, Genetic....p.



One of the best friendly bacteria products in the market

today is a wide-spectrum friendly bacteria supplement

micro-blended with fructo-oligosaccharides.  Following are its ingredients:  Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Bifidobacterium bifidum,

Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum,

Lactobacillus salivarius,

Streptococcus faecium, Streptococcus thermophilus, Acerola and Rose

Hips blend, wild blue green algae, Jerusalem Artichoke, Lipase, Amylase, Protease, and Cellulase.


B)  Enzyme Therapy:


Digestive enzyme therapy is

used to improve the breakdown and assimilation of food nutrients, reduce stress

on the gastrointestinal mucous, help

maintain normal body pH levels,

detoxify the body, promote the growth of healthy intestinal flora, and

strengthen the body as a whole. 


Systemic enzyme therapy is

used to reduce inflammation and stimulate the immune system.  Enzymes improve

circulation, help speed tissue repair, bring nutrients to the damaged area, and

remove waste products. 


One of the best enzyme products in

the market today is a wide-spectrum blend of 12 active enzymes with

digestive-enhancing ingredients such as blue green algae (high

mineral food),

fennel, ginger and cayenne pepper.


C)  High quality dietary



To maintain intestinal hygiene, you

need about 35 to 40 grams of different fiber sources everyday (i.e., bran,

cellulose, lignin, pectin, etc.), all found in

different organically grown,

ripe seasonal fruits,

seeds,  whole

grains, and vegetables.  Dietary fiber

helps improve the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).  Dietary fiber is fermented into SCFAs by friendly bacteria like acidophilus and bifidus.  One of the

best fiber sources is from brown rice and it has no adverse reactions in the

intestinal tract.  Rice has both the insoluble and soluble

fiber, which friendly bacteria ferment to SCFAs.  SCFAs nourishes

the critical intestinal lining.


Another source of good fiber is flax seed.  Besides being a well-rounded source of both

the insoluble and soluble fibers, flax contains another component called lignans.  Lignans have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties

(grind flax seed immediately

before you eat it). 







A)  Wild-crafted blue

Green Algae:


A specific amino acid, L-glutamine, is found to reduce

inflammation.  According to Douglas

Wilmore, M.D., a trauma care surgeon at Harvard Medical School, the amino

acid L-glutamine improves intestinal function and

can help preserve the gut lumen and heal a leaky gut

(Bland, Genetic, p. 135). 


One of the most amazing foods high in L-glutamine is

wild-crafted blue green algae from Upper

Klamath Lake, Oregon.  It is nearly two-thirds protein which is an

unusually high

proportion, particularly for a “plant” food.  Dietarily essential amino acids

compose 49.1% and non dietarily essential amino acids

compose 50.9%.  Supplementing with 4

capsules a day gives the body 78 mg. of L. Glutamine.  High amounts of blue green algae are

needed to promote healing of a

leaky gut.


In addition, wild-crafted blue green algae provides the vitamins

and minerals that can

put messages of

inflammation to sleep.  For example, blue

green algae is high in vitamin B-complex, including

vitamin B3 or niacinamide.  B3  can prevent inflammation by reducing

immune system activation and the resulting oxidant stress, which ultimately

produces the pain, swelling, redness and tissue destruction of arthritis (p.



B)  Virgin coconut



Coconut oil can reduce inflammation.  In a study reported by Dr. S. Sadeghi, coconut oil decreased pro-inflammatory chemicals in the

body.  The researcher suggested that

coconut oil might be useful in therapies involving a number of acute and

chronic inflammatory diseases (Sadeghi, S. et al, 1999,

dietary lipids modify the cytokine response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mice. 

Immunology  96(3):404). 


Coconut oil has strong antimicrobial effects and

can eliminate harmful and toxic organisms and therefore can prevent/relieve the

inflammation and pain they cause.


To get a therapeutic benefit from consuming coconut oil, 3½  tablespoons is the

recommended daily

intake.  You can also

incorporate more coconut meat and milk

into your diet.  For example, seven

ounces of dried coconut provides 3½  tablespoons of oil.


C)  Wheat Sprouts:


Wheat sprouts as a whole food supplement provides

one of the most potent antioxidant enzymes to fight

inflammation; superoxide dismutase

(SOD).  Since SOD requires copper and

zinc as cofacters to initiate maximum effectiveness,

a whole food supplement that

combines other foods high in minerals would be

the best type of supplement.  We recommend a  whole food

antioxidant made of organic wheat sprouts, blue green algae and red

beta algae (dunaliella salina).


D)  Turmeric and



Take turmeric powder

internally as an

anti-inflammatory food.  Taken internally, turmeric can inhibit

TNF which is a chemical mediator of

inflammation.  Take one teaspoon three times daily with

or without meals.  Best taken at bed time.


Ginger is considered an important anti-pain and

anti-inflammation food in the very old Ayurvedic and Tibb system of medicine in India.  Buy organic ginger powder and start by taking

a heaping teaspoon per day.  Mix the

ginger with your favorite beverage.  Or

if you don’t mind the taste, mix it in water (ideal way of

taking it).       





If you have a problem with chronic arthritis symptoms

including ankylosing spondylitis,

your first course of action might be to utilize the above recommended dietary

changes and whole food supplements.  Look for ways as to how your diet and

lifestyle can interrelate to reduce the outcome of

inflammation.  By modifying your diet and

lifestyle, you may be able to realize

considerable improvements in your

body’s immune system function and thereby lower the level of “alarm

substances” traveling in your bloodstream that trigger inflammation. 




The 20-day Rejuvenation Diet Program - Jeffrey Bland


Genetic Nutritioneering - Jeffrey





For more information on the above mentioned

products, please contact


Minnick   —   716-759-6561   —  






To receive a FREE health document,

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whole-food supplements that provide nutrients

essential for the health of people, pets and plants.

Visit our website http://www.BlueGreenSolutions.com


Questions? Carol





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Guest guest

That is really good advice. The only thing that I would add to it is to

avoid all nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, summer squash,

eggplant, & tobacco). A nightshade free diet for 90 days may be all that

is needed to reduce or eliminate pain.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Hi Amy,


> Wow!!! Lots of stuff going on with you. My first recommendation would

> be to look at your diet. The following was written by my friend Donia

> Alawi who is a nutritionist and teacher of health. I learn a lot from

> her. There are also a couple books listed at the end of the article

> that she got some of this information from. Fibromyalgia is an

> autoimmune disease, so these suggestions should help you.


> Carol





> - by Donia Alawi, Health Teacher and Nutritionist




> ! Remove strong acid producing foods. Examples are beef, chicken and

> pork. If you must eat any of these meats, at least reduce the amounts

> significantly.


> ! Remove all dairy products (cheese and milk). These are also acid

> producing foods. If you cannot avoid them, then buy goat-based cheese

> (the soft kind) or raw goat milk.


> ! Avoid grains that are considered high-glycemic foods. Examples are

> corn chips, instant processed grain mixes (i.e., puffed wheat), cakes,

> pies, pastry, processed breakfast cereals, instant grain cereals,

> white rice, white flour and white flour pastas.


> ! Avoid breads containing yeast. It may be prudent to consume types of

> bread made from whole rye and leavened with lactobacillus.


> ! Remove hydrogenated oils and margarine from your diet. Use coconut

> butter or oil (not processed) for cooking. Use extra virgin olive oil

> or raw butter for any cold spreads.


> ! Avoid non-foods (i.e., salt, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, coffee,

> tea, soft drinks, ....etc.).


> ! Avoid soy products, except for fermented soy products (miso, tamari

> sauce, and tempeh).




> Michael Klapper, M.D., recommends this strict diet for the first 14

> days. Eat only (in unlimited amounts):


> A) Brown rice and sweet potatoes (for energy and protein).


> B) Green and yellow vegetables (for vitamins and minerals).


> C) Non-citrus fruits (for vitamins, minerals and fiber).


> D) Vegetable soups, broth, and fresh vegetable juices.


> E) Ample pure water, at least a 6 oz. glass every 1-2 hours.


> Reconstruct your diet after 14 days with “safe” foods. You can add

> oily fish, such as salmon, halibut or cod, soft goat cheeses, citrus

> fruits, all types of vegetables, nuts, seeds...etc.


> When you add such foods back to your diet, it is a good idea to add

> one food at a time, every two days. You need to observe carefully any

> effects on your joints and other tissues while keeping a food diary to

> record your body’s reaction (if any) to each single reintroduced food.

> Note any food that incites swelling, stiffness, pain in joints, or

> other adverse bodily reactions within 2 days. As your list of “safe

> foods” grows, base your daily meal choices on foods that cause no

> problems and that make you feel your best.




> A) Friendly Bacteria supplementation:


> Lynne McFarland, Ph.D., from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at

> the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, WA.,

> reported that oral supplementation of friendly bacteria such as

> acidophilus and bifidus can help recolonize the intestinal tract with

> good bacteria which can then force out toxic bacteria (Bland,

> Genetic....p. 133).


> One of the best friendly bacteria products in the market today is a

> wide-spectrum friendly bacteria supplement micro-blended with

> fructo-oligosaccharides. Following are its ingredients: Lactobacillus

> acidophilus DDS-1, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus,

> Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus

> salivarius, Streptococcus faecium, Streptococcus thermophilus, Acerola

> and Rose Hips blend, wild blue green algae, Jerusalem Artichoke,

> Lipase, Amylase, Protease, and Cellulase.


> B) Enzyme Therapy:


> Digestive enzyme therapy is used to improve the breakdown and

> assimilation of food nutrients, reduce stress on the gastrointestinal

> mucous, help maintain normal body pH levels, detoxify the body,

> promote the growth of healthy intestinal flora, and strengthen the

> body as a whole.


> Systemic enzyme therapy is used to reduce inflammation and stimulate

> the immune system. Enzymes improve circulation, help speed tissue

> repair, bring nutrients to the damaged area, and remove waste products.


> One of the best enzyme products in the market today is a wide-spectrum

> blend of 12 active enzymes with digestive-enhancing ingredients such

> as blue green algae (high mineral food), fennel, ginger and cayenne

> pepper.


> C) High quality dietary fiber:


> To maintain intestinal hygiene, you need about 35 to 40 grams of

> different fiber sources everyday (i.e., bran, cellulose, lignin,

> pectin, etc.), all found in different organically grown, ripe seasonal

> fruits, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables. Dietary fiber helps

> improve the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Dietary

> fiber is fermented into SCFAs by friendly bacteria like acidophilus

> and bifidus. One of the best fiber sources is from brown rice and it

> has no adverse reactions in the intestinal tract. Rice has both the

> insoluble and soluble fiber, which friendly bacteria ferment to SCFAs.

> SCFAs nourishes the critical intestinal lining.


> Another source of good fiber is flax seed. Besides being a

> well-rounded source of both the insoluble and soluble fibers, flax

> contains another component called lignans. Lignans have antibacterial,

> antifungal, and antiviral properties (grind flax seed immediately

> before you eat it).





> A) Wild-crafted blue Green Algae:


> A specific amino acid, L-glutamine, is found to reduce inflammation.

> According to Douglas Wilmore, M.D., a trauma care surgeon at Harvard

> Medical School, the amino acid L-glutamine improves intestinal

> function and can help preserve the gut lumen and heal a leaky gut

> (Bland, Genetic, p. 135).


> One of the most amazing foods high in L-glutamine is wild-crafted blue

> green algae from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. It is nearly two-thirds

> protein which is an unusually high proportion, particularly for a

> “plant” food. Dietarily essential amino acids compose 49.1% and non

> dietarily essential amino acids compose 50.9%. Supplementing with 4

> capsules a day gives the body 78 mg. of L. Glutamine. High amounts of

> blue green algae are needed to promote healing of a leaky gut.


> In addition, wild-crafted blue green algae provides the vitamins and

> minerals that can put messages of inflammation to sleep. For example,

> blue green algae is high in vitamin B-complex, including vitamin B3 or

> niacinamide. B3 can prevent inflammation by reducing immune system

> activation and the resulting oxidant stress, which ultimately produces

> the pain, swelling, redness and tissue destruction of arthritis (p. 137).


> B) Virgin coconut oil:


> Coconut oil can reduce inflammation. In a study reported by Dr. S.

> Sadeghi, coconut oil decreased pro-inflammatory chemicals in the body.

> The researcher suggested that coconut oil might be useful in therapies

> involving a number of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases

> (Sadeghi, S. et al, 1999, dietary lipids modify the cytokine response

> to bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mice. Immunology 96(3):404).


> Coconut oil has strong antimicrobial effects and can eliminate harmful

> and toxic organisms and therefore can prevent/relieve the inflammation

> and pain they cause.


> To get a therapeutic benefit from consuming coconut oil, 3½

> tablespoons is the recommended daily intake. You can also incorporate

> more coconut meat and milk into your diet. For example, seven ounces

> of dried coconut provides 3½ tablespoons of oil.


> C) Wheat Sprouts:


> Wheat sprouts as a whole food supplement provides one of the most

> potent antioxidant enzymes to fight inflammation; superoxide dismutase

> (SOD). Since SOD requires copper and zinc as cofacters to initiate

> maximum effectiveness, a whole food supplement that combines other

> foods high in minerals would be the best type of supplement. We

> recommend a whole food antioxidant made of organic wheat sprouts, blue

> green algae and red beta algae (dunaliella salina).


> D) Turmeric and Ginger:


> Take turmeric powder internally as an anti-inflammatory food. Taken

> internally, turmeric can inhibit TNF which is a chemical mediator of

> inflammation. Take one teaspoon three times daily with or without

> meals. Best taken at bed time.


> Ginger is considered an important anti-pain and anti-inflammation food

> in the very old Ayurvedic and Tibb system of medicine in India. Buy

> organic ginger powder and start by taking a heaping teaspoon per day.

> Mix the ginger with your favorite beverage. Or if you don’t mind the

> taste, mix it in water (ideal way of taking it).




> If you have a problem with chronic arthritis symptoms including

> ankylosing spondylitis, your first course of action might be to

> utilize the above recommended dietary changes and whole food

> supplements. Look for ways as to how your diet and lifestyle can

> interrelate to reduce the outcome of inflammation. By modifying your

> diet and lifestyle, you may be able to realize considerable

> improvements in your body’s immune system function and thereby lower

> the level of “alarm substances” traveling in your bloodstream that

> trigger inflammation.


> References:


> The 20-day Rejuvenation Diet Program - Jeffrey Bland


> Genetic Nutritioneering - Jeffrey Bland


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Donald - I didn't realize that summer squash was a member of the

nighshade family - that's good to know. Would that also include

zucchini? Or is zucchini and summer squash the same? I always thought

that summer squash was the yellow variety, and zucchini the green. Are

they related? And are they both nightshade?


You will notice that Donald said to eliminate potatoes, and in the

article I sent, it says to add sweet potatoes. Just so nobody is

confused, sweet potatoes are not related to potatoes. Sweet potatoes

are actually a member of the morning glory family.






Donald E. Jacobs [res1odrh]


That is really good advice. The only thing that I would add to it is to

avoid all nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, summer squash,

eggplant, & tobacco). A nightshade free diet for 90 days may be all that


is needed to reduce or eliminate pain.


Donald E. Jacobs


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Zucchini is a member of the Gourd family. I thought summer squash was a

nightshade, but I can't find a reference to that. You have me wondering,



Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Donald - I didn't realize that summer squash was a member of the

> nighshade family - that's good to know. Would that also include

> zucchini? Or is zucchini and summer squash the same? I always thought

> that summer squash was the yellow variety, and zucchini the green. Are

> they related? And are they both nightshade?


> You will notice that Donald said to eliminate potatoes, and in the

> article I sent, it says to add sweet potatoes. Just so nobody is

> confused, sweet potatoes are not related to potatoes. Sweet potatoes

> are actually a member of the morning glory family.


> Carol

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In a message dated 3/12/2005 12:03:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

cee_pinson writes:


My name is Cee and I am from California



Hi C and welcome!! I hope you enjoy your time here with us. We have some

interesting conversations and there is so much to learn. Just jump in...don't

be shy!!

Brightest Blessings,







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Thank you so much for the welcome


Right now, my hard drive - computer has passed on. I would love to chat but it

will be a while. And I only have the computer at work and you know what that



Love and light



Fotograffa wrote:





In a message dated 3/12/2005 12:03:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

cee_pinson writes:


My name is Cee and I am from California



Hi C and welcome!! I hope you enjoy your time here with us. We have some

interesting conversations and there is so much to learn. Just jump in...don't

be shy!!

Brightest Blessings,







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---i suggest studying nutrition

especialy protein input

this is an interesting book

Adele Davis book lets eat right to keep fit ISBN 0046410171.







In , " prcheney76 " <prcheney76



> Hello,

> I am new and have some questions. Has anyone here tried marjoram oil

> for sleep? Is there and oil to help curb food cravings?

> Thanks

> PR

> The-Complaint-Station


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Hi Judy, welcome to the group. I'm sure you will find alot of helpful

information here. Such a warm and friendly group, too!


Best of health,





Judy <zmansgram wrote:

Hi, I am new to the group and hoping I can find some answers to some

health questions.







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Sue - went to check out your art gallery ---- understand re spammers -

but where are you now?? Love your into page! Helen


, Susan <powitree wrote:


> Hi Judy, welcome to the group. I'm sure you will find alot of

helpful information here. Such a warm and friendly group, too!


> Best of health,


> Suzi

> (Powitree)


> Judy <zmansgram wrote:

> Hi, I am new to the group and hoping I can find some

answers to some

> health questions.

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Hi Lynnda!

-- and welcome. Your juice fasting experience is awesome! You beat me out-- my longest juice fast was 40 days. I found it true, like you, that as I near the end of a juice fast (I've done a few) I always have lots more energy and vitality than before I started. It's so funny, because you tell your friends you're fasting and they're like "Oh, you poor thing. You must feel awful! Sit down, rest, and take it easy"-- but you want to go out and dance. ;-)


Best regards,


Lynnda <naturalwayoflife Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 10:06:38 PM Newbie


Just wanted to drop a line and introduce myself. My name is Lynnda (yes, there are two n's in my name) and I am a mother of 3 wonderful kids. They are homeschooled. Have been their whole life and I love it. I decided to check out this list as I am always interested in health and fasting. I have been doing juice fast off and on since 1991. My longest fast was 47 days. I am on a juice fast right now. It has been 22 days as of today. I have lost 23 lbs as a "side effect". I love juice fasting as by the time I am done I am so much healthier and have way more energy than when I first started. I am not too sure how long I will go this time. I will listen to my body and end when it says it is time yet I would like to go at least 48 days if not 60 days. We shall see!Well there is a portion of who I am. I can't wait to hear about everyone elses experience with fasting.Love life and live



TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

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Hi Lynnda, Nice to hear from you. :-) I have some questions about your juice fast: 1. What kinds of juices are you drinking? 2. Are you juicing your own, or are they store bought? 3. If juicing your own, what kind of a juicer are you using? 4. If store bought, what brands are you using? Thanks for your help, and glad you are here. That is great that you are homeschooling your kids; I think that homeschooling is way better than the alternative - but that is another topic for another time - lol. Best Regards, jojoLynnda <naturalwayoflife wrote: Just wanted to drop a line and introduce myself. My name is Lynnda (yes, there are two n's in my name) and I am a mother of 3 wonderful kids. They are homeschooled. Have been their whole life and I love it. I decided to check out this list as I am always interested in health and fasting. I have been doing juice fast off and on since 1991. My longest fast was 47 days. I am on a juice fast right now. It has been 22 days as of today. I have lost 23 lbs as a "side effect". I love juice fasting as by the time I am done I am so much healthier and have way more energy than when I first started. I am not too sure how long I will go this time. I

will listen to my body and end when it says it is time yet I would like to go at least 48 days if not 60 days. We shall see!Well there is a portion of who I am. I can't wait to hear about everyone elses experience with fasting.Love life and live long,Lynnda "It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." - Sir Edmund Hillary

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OK. I have to admit that I am not juicing as I should.I don't have a juicer yet, so I am using dead store processed juice instead of living, fresh juices. I look for any juice that is 100% juice. Some of the brand names I buy are Dole and also name brands such as Fred Meyers. I make sure I read the lable completely to make sure there are not hidden sugars added. I also use lots of herbal teas and drink distilled water. I drink a green drink I make called "Total Nutrition". It has all your daily vitamins and minerals you need. I also take liquid calcium, that I make up myself. With all this I feel I am giving my body what it needs. I include exercising in the morning and just have a burst of energy through out the day. As of today I have lost 25lbs. I have 26lbs to go until I reach my goal. After I am done with my fast, I will do a mini 3 day fast every other month, just to cleanse my body and keep it healthy. After my fast is all done I will

start of Weight Trainning so that I can tone up. Life is great. We need to put ourself first, then we can help others. Lynnda Mother to: Brandon, Nephi,Eilish and 6 Angels

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Thanks for the welcome. That is wonderful about your 40 day fast. You have that right about what others say when you tell them you are juice fasting. I love the one where "they" could never do that! The funny thing is... They think you are starving yourself. I have people bugging me about when I am going to start eating. If only they would open their minds and learn about it. They too, would see the benefit in juice fasting. Are you planning on doing another fast? Well have a great night. It is time for bed for me. LynndaSharrhan Williamson <sharrhanw wrote: Lynnda Mother to: Brandon, Nephi,Eilish and 6 Angels

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Antwan27240 poundsFasted before Selena i hope this will help, I start tommarow! I kind of understand how important it is to sift through associations while attempting a fast! There’s this saying in narcotics anonymous called, People, Places and Things! What that means is that depending on the choice you make concerning any one of the three things; it will influence your will and you may take a turn for the worst , well not really the worst but

in an direction that contradicts your efforts, this goes with fasting and every thing else in life I guess! Hi everyone! Stay strong! I notice there’s a zone for everything, whether its school work, your job, eating habits; you have to do things that edify your efforts. Condition your mind, read, pray, meditate maybe even practice breathing techniques. Some how when I'm not on a fast I always approach it with contempt, and its not until I’m on the 13hr that I realize how much of a discomfort it is mentally, emotionally and physically. It’s like your will is at war with your habit! I know I need to approach the fast with more reverence, stop perceiving it as something just mundane that I do occasionally to refocus myself. I'm realizing that it’s something sacred and it should be approach with reverence and esteem, along with understanding and humility! Last year I went on a fast and the first week and a half set the tone for the rest of the month. When I think

back I realize that the first 4 to 5 days was hard, lonely and occupied with silence and solitude. I had to make my mind up days before I started and attempt it daily until 1 day became 2 and 3 became 4 and so on until my 31day! I remember I couldn’t cloud my mind thinking of the next day, I had to be present in the moment, not giving myself to much to focus on tomorrow, I just needed to keep my intentions in mind, and that built so much momentum that I began to be carried thru as appose to when I first started it occurred to me like I was pushing thru a brick wall! Ok I get it I have to make my mind up and then, cause my environment to reflect my choice! When I have an inspired thought I have to trust it and act on it! Fasting to me is taking time to build myself up to fullness so I can overflow in giving! Its crazy but it seems that when I’m on my fast my thought and emotions go haywire for the first week, and I know its just correcting it

self but its like a rollercoaster . But that renewed emotional stability is a necessity in my life because we all know that it’s our thoughts and emotions that continually reassembling, reorganizing and recreating our body and life! Any way thanks for lisening any positive and constructive comments are welcome! Jfastingfriend <fastingfriend wrote: Hello All, thought I would introduce myself. All about

me..I am fasting for 2 primary reasons. All the other things that come along are bonuses. I am fasting to lose weight, and to find myself again.I have fasted before. My longest fast lasted 13 days. I stopped because I listened to a friend tell me all the reasons fasting wasn't good for me rather than listening to myself.My fast starts tomorrow. I am starting out with liquids only, then going from there. I know from my past that Fasting is the only thing that is going to work for me.I hope that this is an active group because I will need alot of support throught the process, but not only will I need support, but will be giving it too. Why? Because giving support is just as helpful as getting it. Good luck and hope I hear from someone soon.

TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

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Elia Regina


75 kilos ( 150 pounds??? I'm not sure)

fasted before



My last fast was a 10 ten-water fasting. It was great. After 2nd day

no hungry at all. Felt really good. This time I plan to hafve a

complete water fast. Start skiping the first meal, finish when the

hungry comes back. never done it. it's gonna be the first time. wish

me luck...


very nice book in this link. if you are interested.




good luck to everybody





On 3/19/07, Rachel D <faithful2finish wrote:

> Hi Selena

> Welcome! I am fairly new here also and will be starting a fast/cleanse on

> Wednesday. I am not sure how regularly I will be able to post, but I will

> do my best and hopefully we can support each other. :-)


> Rachel


> ----Original Message Follows----

> " fastingfriend " <fastingfriend



> Newbie

> Mon, 19 Mar 2007 18:51:56 -0000


> Hello All, thought I would introduce myself. All about me.


> Selena







Élia Regina

Curitiba Pr


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Welcome, and thanks so much for the intro. :-)


Sounds like you live in a great community. I think you'll find we are all in a different "stage" of simplifying our lives, lol. I think you've made a great start by feeding your family unprocessed, organic food. Do you do any canning, dehydrating, or preserving? That might be a good way to help cut down on food waste. We pay entirely too much for organic food to let it go to waste, I agree. If nothing else, I throw all my leftover/decling veggies into the freezer and use it for soups and stocks. We have a dehydrator that I am hoping to use for produce from our vegetable garden this year. I haven't learned how to can yet (I'm chicken) but I'd really love to can some tomato sauce and things like that. I'm making it a goal this year, lol.


Have you heard of Freecycle? There are many groups all over the country, so you can post stuff you'd like to give away, and people will come to your house and pick it up. You can just do a little at a time. I seem to go thru spurts, lol. I just unloaded a LOT of stuff on freecycle. But I have piles more to go!


:-)Cyndi/Sacramento area


In a message dated 3/24/2008 1:23:44 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, ginamalewicz writes:

Hi AllSo glad to have found this site, hope to learn alot!I'm a SAHM with 2 kids. We live in Albany, CA (close to Berkeley). We moved here because it was the closest we could get to San Francisco and still have a small town community feel. That's just what we got, our neighbors came to greet us when we arrived and we do things like share dinners, baked goods, babysit each other's kids, etc. It's really wonderful. I used to work for Pixar Animation Studios, had a great job, but left it all to stay home with my kids. I just needed more physical time with them. We got by for 5 years on our savings, but now, the savings is gone and we have to pair down. I've always wanted to pair down, but was never forced to, well now we are! I hope to learn alot from being in this group. Please tell all! :-) My dream is to learn how to nourish my kids so that they may outgrow or rid themselves of allergies & asthma. My eldest has both, along with an anaphylatic reaction to peanuts. We've switched to raw milk and I have them on fish oil supplements. The littlest hasn't come down with anything yet, but a tiny case of ezcema for about a month, so I hope she's clear! I try to read up on the mercola.com website and the Weston A Price way to find things I can do healthwise for the kids. But I'd love to hear more!Another dream is to try cohousing with another family or two in separate houses but on the same lot sharing a garden and dinners and such. My biggest struggle is all the food we buy and waste. I always buy organic and try to buy local, so it's not cheap stuff. Hardly anything we buy is processed, so that's good. But it all still seems like our family of four is consuming and/or wasting too much. So I'm looking for ways to work on that. Also, when we moved here, we purposely only unpacked things as we needed them. And the rest is stored in our separate garage. So our house is much more paired down than it has ever been, but after 3 years of being here, it's probably time to go through that garage and rid ourselves of all that extra stuff. Our community is having a rummage sale soon, so at least it's all not getting thrown out. It just seems like alot of work, I don't know where to start.It might take me awhile to read the archives, but I'm sure you'll hear my questions soon!---"Let food be your medicine"```Hippocrates

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Hello Zo,


I recognize you also, nice to see you here.





ATFE2 , " Zonella Gould " <zgould wrote:


> Thank you for letting me join this group. My name is Zonella Gould,

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Hello Buffy,

Glad to see you here too.




> Hello Zo,


> I recognize you also, nice to see you here.


> Hugs,

> Buffy




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Hello, Erma, and welcome! Thanks so much for posting an introduction. I wish everyone would do so. We look forward to chatting with you!


Cyndi in CA




Erma <erma.hurtt


Fri, 27 Jun 2008 5:52 am

[RFSL] newbie






Hi My name is Erma. I am 37,married with two kids. I am from Ohio. I

love, freebies, frugal living, country living,cooking, gardening, etc.

Thanks for letting me join your group and hope to get to know you all






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