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Very Hard Constipation

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" I am suffering from hard constipation for last two years. It all

started about five years ago. Trifla powder and Trifla tablet used to

work in the beginning. After Trifla became ineffective, I started

Harde powder or Tablet and that was useful for few months. Later on I

had to switch to small sized Haritaki, as it is more effective.

Finally, none of the powders or tablets would work. Hence I started

taking enema. In the beginning I used to get relief by enema, but

slowly enema too became ineffective. All the mixture used to come out

without bringing in stools. While modern science terms this condition

as " Atonic constipation " . What should I do? At the age of 65, I have

become very much depressed. I feel hunger, I take food, but I cant

eliminate the waste. Once in 3 to 4 days I eliminate with a lot of

stress, a little bleeding and pain lasting few hours after

elimination. I have become weak. "



This was the mail of a Mumbai patient, who had tried many ayurvedic

remedies well known in households. The case is brought to the list for benifit

to all.


The patient was suffering from vitiation of Vata and Pittas. He also

had piles bleeding occasionally. He had tried several laxatives,

starting from soft ones to hard ones.


The colon peristalsis motions depend on the energy supply and its

insuline sensitivity. Many people with soft constipation get a motion

after taking tea or breakfast, since excess energy needed is supplied

by rising sugar level in the blood. Panchgavya medication for

diabetes given in mild dose worked for many, who had lost insulin

sensitivity. As we age, the organs require more energy to carry out

their tasks. Hence Vaidya must also consider tonics to strengthen the

organs. For patients with hard constipation, vaidya should increase

their Jatharagni. Just being hungry does not mean agni is adequate.

If food getting digested and converted to higher dhatus properly,

agni is considered adequate. No matter how hard you whip the horse,

unless horse has energy, how he will pull the cart? Same thing

should be said about our organs. A number of simple measures can

kindle agni:


1. Take 2-4 glasses of copper water early morning.

2. Go for a walk lasting 20-30 minutes after drinking water.

3. Take buttermilk at the end of lunch.

4. Take a cup of warm milk at bedtime. Addition of 1 tsp Indian

cow ghee to this milk causes pacification of Pitta and constipation. In fact


property of pitta pacification is the one which differentiates the

ghee from Jersey cow and Indian cow.


5. Other simple measures for improving digestion include:

Taking a tsp of Samudradya Churna with little water after lunch and



Taking early morning and at bedtime, ginger decoction with little

castor oil added.


Some mixtures increase digestion and also cause laxative action. For

instance, Lavan Bhaskar Churna and Panchsakar Churna can be taken

together in 1:1 proportion.


Hard constipation caused by Pitta excess can also be relieved by

using Sonamukhi leaves (cassia angustifolia) powder and a little

Isabgol (Psyllium husk)


Relief from non-bleeding piles can be obtained by taking

abhayarishtam 20 ml with equal water after meals. Consult vaidya for

correct dose.


Remove Vata vitiating foods from the diet.


Taking soaked raisins or dates in breakfast also helps colon. Take

raisin 10-15 in number to start with. Soak them in water overnight.

In the morning crush them with hand and drink water. Slowly increase

the dose upto 60 raisins.


If suffering from Gas, pain on right side around navel after eating,

taking aarogyavardhini ras 2 tablets after meals activates liver and

increases digestive agni this way. But this is Ras shastra

formulation using Bhasmas, so take under supervision only.


And one should not resort to herbs always. Neti, Dhouti, Basti can

also be explored under the guidance of an expert. Many yogasanas help

increasing Jatharagni and eliminating constipation.




I have long been looking for a chronic constipation formula

for the elderly when all else fails.

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>While modern science terms this condition

> as " Atonic constipation " . What should I do? At the age of 65, I have

> become very much depressed. I feel hunger, I take food, but I cant

> eliminate the waste. Once in 3 to 4 days I eliminate with a lot of

> stress, a little bleeding and pain lasting few hours after

> elimination. I have become weak. "

> ________________


> I have long been looking for a chronic constipation formula

> for the elderly when all else fails.





I have to offer following in consonance of above reply of D.bhate

you can try

Gandharva hastadi kashayam 20 ml with 60 ml of boiled warm water

early in the morning empty stomoch and evening at 6 PM


Sukumara ghritam 10 gms twic daily after breakfast and evening tea

You try for 15 days and see the result

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It would be nice to know the diet that you take.

Also, regular yoga and pranayama could be very useful.

Walking daily, perform vajrasana for ten minutes after meals

kapalabhati for fifteen minutes in the morning on an empty stomach

variation of dhanurasana and salabhasana would all be useful as well as



I have long been looking for a chronic constipation formula

for the elderly when all else fails.

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I too have faced this type of chronic constipation. I am 77 now and do not have

the problem any more. I solved it by eating fresh fruits and vegetables (mostly

uncooked or semi cooked with a little bite of a chapati or brown bread, if at

all necessary. When hungry, I repeat the same formula.

Hence with due respect to learned vaidyas' advice online, trying this formula

alongwith ayurvedic medicines recommended by experts, should solve this problem.





Nature Cure & amp; Spinal Rehab Centre,

155 St. Patrick & amp;#39;s Town, Pune 411013,

Ph: +91-20-26870204, Cell: 91-9422314693,


you can try

Gandharva hastadi kashayam 20 ml with 60 ml of boiled warm water

early in the morning empty stomoch and evening at 6 PM


Sukumara ghritam 10 gms twic daily after breakfast and evening tea

You try for 15 days and see the result

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I think Achatyaji has come up with a good solution. Whether or not

we may consider it Ayurvedic, it is nonetheless relevant to remember

that a bowel movement is 80% by volume bacteria. So in situations

where a proper stool isn't being formed, one must also look to the

ecology of the gut. While probiotic foods such as curd, (real)

buttermilk, kefir and miso are helpful, especially so are the

" prebiotic " fibers found in whole grains, vegetables and fruits. I

especially like to recommend steamed leafy green vegetables consumed

with a little fat, as well as boiled beets and baked sweet potatoes -

all with the peels in tact. Burdock root is an excellent bowel and

liver restorative, as well as a very high source of inulin, which is

a prebiotic fiber. I like to make a macrobiotic dish with burdock,

carrots, arame, ginger, onions, garlic and tamari - very nice for the

bowel. One can find burdock in most Asian markets, or grow it easily

enough. One thing I note about the typical Indian diet is that it

has lost much of its " roughage " , and many people prefer to eat white

rice, washed beans, potato, white breads (e.g. naan) and overcooked

vegetables. This becomes compounded when " Western " foods are eaten,

like pizza!


The basic issues with regard to producing a healthy BM include (in no

particular order):


1. Fiber (prebiotics)

2. Ecology (probiotics)

3. Hydration (water intake)

4. Bile production (liver) and excretion (gall bladder)

5. Mucosal integrity (e.g. omega-3s, vitamins A/C, glucosamine etc)

6. Bowel tone (either spasm or excessive dilation)

7. Digestion (i.e. agni)

8. Emotions (especially fear and anxiety, or any kind of " holding on " )

9. Breathing (which relates in part to the above)

10. Bowel clogging foods (e.g. flour)

11. Exercise


A good bowel regimen will address all these factors in one way or

another. For example, many prebiotic foods are also excellent

sources of nutrients that support bowel integrity, either by

providing directly supportive nutrients or by altering the gut

ecology in favor of producing restorative nutrients like short-chain

fatty acids (SCFAs).


Caldecott, Dip. Cl.H, RH(AHG)

Ayurvedic practitioner, Medical Herbalist

203 - 1750 East 10th Ave

Vancouver, BC V5N 5K4 CANADA

web: http//:www.toddcaldecott.com

email: todd

tel: (1)778.896.8894

fax: (1)866.703.2792




I too have faced this type of chronic constipation. I am 77 now and

do not have the problem any more. I solved it by eating fresh

fruits and vegetables (mostly uncooked or semi cooked with a little

bite of a chapati or brown bread, if at all necessary. When hungry,

I repeat the same formula.

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