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Hi Everyone!


I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one feeling

extremely fatigued lately. I'm a mother of 2 young

children, so I generally attribute it to that and the

stress of everyday life. I'm not all that familiar

with Mercury in retrograde, etc. I would be

interested in getting more information on this as

well. Is there anything as energy workers we can do

to minimize these affects?






--- " Richard M. Gray, Ph.D. and Florence Tomasulo

Gray " <florie wrote:

> I noted an interesting discussion on another list

> this weekend, having to do with the fact that so

> many people lately are feeling much more tired than

> usual.


> This has been attributed to various phenomena,

> including the culmination of an 11-year solar cycle,

> Mercury in retrograde until 11/7, and the increasing

> size of the hole in the ozone layer and extra

> zapping of radiation we're getting through it.


> Any ideas about this?


> F

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Hi Nancy,


Here is a site for all about Mercury Retrograde...

http://www.go.com/Center/Horoscopes?np=ag.html & key=trends_trends_Mercury


and you said:

> Is there anything as energy workers we can do to minimize these affects?


ummmm, yawwwnnnnnnn...Sleep :^)




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All that we are arises with our thoughts.

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Hi, I think the retrograde is an opportunity for us to go within, to

get rid of our stuff from the past. Although I know it is necessary I

still feel like I am going to go mad. I have a toddler and I am

finding it extremely trying. It is good to know the retrograde will

be over this weekend. We all must go within to heal ourselves. It is

necessary for the planet to rebalance itself.






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If I go any further " within " , I'm liable to come out the other side! I

agree with you, I also feel like I'm going mad; and, if I had any energy,

I'd probably bang my head against the wall--but the pillow is *so* much



Does anyone have any suggestions for " getting on with things " NOW?


I'm not the most energetic person in the world on a *good* day, but I'm

finding it more and more difficult to get myself motivated to do the

simplest things these days. I've put off paying the bills, working in the

garden (usually a great joy to me), and will soon need a demolition crew if

I don't get the house in order soon!


Any vitamins, herbs, affirmations...


Suggestions welcomed.




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Thursday, November 02, 2000 2:17 PM

Re: Fatigue



> Hi, I think the retrograde is an opportunity for us to go within, to

> get rid of our stuff from the past. Although I know it is necessary I

> still feel like I am going to go mad. I have a toddler and I am

> finding it extremely trying. It is good to know the retrograde will

> be over this weekend. We all must go within to heal ourselves. It is

> necessary for the planet to rebalance itself.

> Maureen


> >

> >

> >

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Florie, In between keeping my toddler occupied, I find writing in a

journal (being extremely honest) helpful. Also, take out the paints

(even if you don't think of yourself as an artist), crayons, pen,

whatever. Getting it out. I know my house is a disaster, literally.

Letting go of the expectations of what my house should look like is

good. Reading something that makes you happy. Or at least takes your

mind off. If this energy zap is the retrograde we only have to get

through a few more days. Also, I have rented so many movies.

Especially ones I know I am going to cry. If something is bothering

you down deep you may need to find out the truth or the core. I have

been healing for the last ten years. The journey became excellerated

after I came across an intuitive that answered all my questions, and I

mean all, truthfully. Although I find asking about the future

backfires. With all this I guess it is seeking your truth, the truth

will set you free. When I am fatigued it usually means I need to

get anger or grief out, without retraumatizing yourself, being loving

toward yourself.

Maureen (you can find the intuitive at http:/www.cherylstoycoff.com


I hope I was of some help, I know it helped me to reply

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Hello all,

No, Florie, my house has the most dustbunnies in it. Sorry I haven't been

speaking up lately but I'm going through a hell of my own here. This past

Saturday I had an echo cardiogram done and yesterday I had a chest cat scan

done. They think there may be fluid forming around my heart. I will know

tomorrow afternoon. Please everyone send your healing thoughts and prayers my

way. I'm really scared. I've been sitting back and reading all your posts

lately thinking about all of you. I had talked to Florie and told her about

this a few days ago. Thanks for being there for me, Florie.

My love to you all,


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Thank you for your reply--it was extremely helpful.


Just knowing that there are other people out there feeling the effects in

the same way is a real comfort. Maybe we should have a contest to see who

has the messiest house! I bet I'd win for the most dust bunnies!


Thanks for the smile, and keep healing--sounds like you're doing wonderfully





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Thursday, November 02, 2000 3:07 PM

Re: Fatigue



> Florie, In between keeping my toddler occupied, I find writing in a

> journal (being extremely honest) helpful. Also, take out the paints

> (even if you don't think of yourself as an artist), crayons, pen,

> whatever. Getting it out. I know my house is a disaster, literally.

> Letting go of the expectations of what my house should look like is

> good. Reading something that makes you happy. Or at least takes your

> mind off. If this energy zap is the retrograde we only have to get

> through a few more days. Also, I have rented so many movies.

> Especially ones I know I am going to cry. If something is bothering

> you down deep you may need to find out the truth or the core. I have

> been healing for the last ten years. The journey became excellerated

> after I came across an intuitive that answered all my questions, and I

> mean all, truthfully. Although I find asking about the future

> backfires. With all this I guess it is seeking your truth, the truth

> will set you free. When I am fatigued it usually means I need to

> get anger or grief out, without retraumatizing yourself, being loving

> toward yourself.

> Maureen (you can find the intuitive at http:/www.cherylstoycoff.com


> I hope I was of some help, I know it helped me to reply

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Hi, I wish you well. You can call in your healing angels and any

angels that wish to participate to send you healing energy anywhere

you need it. The universe is wonderful that way.

Take care, Maureen

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Dear Ellie;


It would be easy for me to tell you not to be scared, but if it were me, I'd

be shaking in my boots.


You will get through this the way you have gotten through everything else in

life--with grace, courage, and by being an example to others.


You have many friends on this list, and I'm sure they all wish you well.


You're in our thoughts, too.




Florie and Rick


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Well, folks, I'm suffering too. This week, I've managed to go to work, eat

and keep the place clean. And that is IT. Haven't even the energy for Reiki,

and that's a sad thing for me.


I keep feeling guilty that I'm not riding my bike or hiking. But then, all I

want to do is brood, read and sleep.


I'm glad to hear the retrograde is over this weekend! Another week, and my

clothes won't fit!








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Dear Florrie,

First thing...go easy on yourself. You are not

required to be perfect, because perfect doesn't

exist. Gently ask yourself... " whose standards

you are trying to meet? " Whoever laid down

these standards for you, your body is refusing

to capitulate, there is a battle raging, and all this

fighting makes you feel worn out.


Talk to your sub-conscious with love by

affirming: I am enthusiastic about life, and filled

with energy and enthusiasm. Do this as many

times per day as you feel able, when your

energy increases, then you may feel able to do

a bit of digging into the reasons.


I am affirming that you are choosing to do

everything that you feel happy and passionate

about. And so it is.

Love and Light


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Thank you, Carol!


What a nice thing to find in my mailbox.


With appreciation,




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" Carol Webb " <carol


Friday, November 03, 2000 11:08 AM

Re: Re: Fatigue



> Talk to your sub-conscious with love by

> affirming: I am enthusiastic about life, and filled

> with energy and enthusiasm. Do this as many

> times per day as you feel able, when your

> energy increases, then you may feel able to do

> a bit of digging into the reasons.


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I am sure that everyone who has been following your progress is also lofting

their prayers your way... may you

feel a special angel hovering near you as you find your center in the storm.




" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "




> Hello all,

> No, Florie, my house has the most dustbunnies in it. Sorry I haven't been

speaking up lately but I'm going

> through a hell of my own here. This past Saturday I had an echo cardiogram

done and yesterday I had a chest cat

> scan done. They think there may be fluid forming around my heart. I will know

tomorrow afternoon. Please

> everyone send your healing thoughts and prayers my way. I'm really scared.

I've been sitting back and reading

> all your posts lately thinking about all of you. I had talked to Florie and

told her about this a few days ago.

> Thanks for being there for me, Florie.

> My love to you all,

> Ellie



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We're with you, Ellie.


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Friday, November 03, 2000 1:45 PM

Re: Re: Fatigue



> To all, Thank you one and all. I find out in a few hours what's going on.

> Will let you all know.

> Thanks again,

> Ellie



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Boy I was amazed at the energy I have today. After staying up till the wee

hours watching the election predictions and operating on 3.5 hrs of sleep I

popped out of bed and kept my energy all day. I was able to get alot

accomplished and tho tired I still feel really good and content. I hope this

shift that has plagued my system over the last few months has lifted and

completed the process. Blessings to all. Cecelia


Be love and laugh!!

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Florie: The Mercury Retrograde is over. Perhaps? Love, Jeannie


" Richard M. Gray, Ph.D. and Florence Tomasulo Gray "



Wednesday, November 08, 2000 10:07 AM




> Has anyone else felt a " lifting " of the fatigue that many of have been



> I suddenly realized that in the course of this morning, I've brought in my

outdoor plants, re-arranged furniture, hung some pictures, and, generally

done more in the last three or four hours than I've done in the last three

or four weeks!!!


> Pretty interesting for someone who had a tough time getting out of bed

long enough to have a snack for the last few weeks.


> Anyone else have more energy?


> Florie

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do I know the feeling...My son was going to put me in a home he was so sick of


everything seemed to be out or proportion in my mind. I did the same thing,

meditation and even thought that work would sort of get me out of it..My poor

clients what I put them through...lol

Was crying all the time for no reason and then would get angry at myself for

being so weak. What a clash I kept having with myself.

I am just glad it is all over and plan on doing some research on this so I can

prepare my family and friends....LOL

Take care, and thank you all for sharing..


Sonya <d_izzie1

Sunday, November 12, 2000 11:37 AM

Re: Fatigue



With the Mecury in Retrograde - I was full-on, hardcore BAD MOOD

person, lacking tolerance or patience, and was VERY agitated all the

time - and nothing would calm me down - not breathing exercies, not

meditation, not visualisation (which I was getting worried about!!!)

I thought I was having a nervous breakdown - I would just literally

burst into tears over silly little things (*VERY* silly things),

because I didn't feel that I could handle whatever the situation was.



Now the irritability has subsided and I feel more relaxed, being able

to take the stressors of my life in my stride. I still am a litte

edgey, but nowhere near the proportions I had been reaching! Sleep

was getting harder to attain, though; had to resort to sleeping

tablets A LOT just so that I could get enough sleep (I was thinking

THAT was my problem).


Now, I am intrigued with this Retrograde-thing (was completely

unaware of it until a couple of days ago) and would appreciate

anyone's pointing stick in the right direction for further



I hope everyone is getting back to their usual selves without too

much complication. Florie, it sounds like you are already there!!!


In peace,









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With the Mecury in Retrograde - I was full-on, hardcore BAD MOOD

person, lacking tolerance or patience, and was VERY agitated all the

time - and nothing would calm me down - not breathing exercies, not

meditation, not visualisation (which I was getting worried about!!!)

I thought I was having a nervous breakdown - I would just literally

burst into tears over silly little things (*VERY* silly things),

because I didn't feel that I could handle whatever the situation was.



Now the irritability has subsided and I feel more relaxed, being able

to take the stressors of my life in my stride. I still am a litte

edgey, but nowhere near the proportions I had been reaching! Sleep

was getting harder to attain, though; had to resort to sleeping

tablets A LOT just so that I could get enough sleep (I was thinking

THAT was my problem).


Now, I am intrigued with this Retrograde-thing (was completely

unaware of it until a couple of days ago) and would appreciate

anyone's pointing stick in the right direction for further



I hope everyone is getting back to their usual selves without too

much complication. Florie, it sounds like you are already there!!!


In peace,









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> I hope everyone is getting back to their usual selves without too

> much complication. Florie, it sounds like you are already there!!!


> In peace,


> S.




Everything was great for a few days, lots of energy, feeling really

positive, getting lots of stuff done--then my husband brought home some sort

of " stomach flu " that everyone in his office had.


I appreciate his willingness to share, but you have to draw the line



Probably the Universe telling me to stop being so cocky and sure of myself!


Nauseous but happy,



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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Dear Nortina,


What area do you live in?


I have someone who can help you in the Los Angeles



L, Trissie Badger


--- Nortina Bell <nortina wrote:

> Hello everyone.


> I've been on this list for awhile, but like many,

> am not much more than a

> lurker. My name is Nortina, I have a problem with

> fatigue and it's been

> affecting my life so much that I just can't handle

> it anymore. Tonight was

> the clincher for me. I feel asleep after bringing my

> children (twin girls, 3

> years) home from dance class. They got their own

> snack, put their own

> pyjamas on and put a movie on and went to bed by

> themselves. All because I

> was too busy passed out on the couch to do anything

> for them.

> I think that I may be pregnant right now, but I

> know that is not what is

> causing me to feel this way since it's been well

> over two years of constant

> fatigue and taking naps (at least one) every day

> just to get through the

> day. Sometimes I work only a 4 1/ 2 hour shift and

> will take a nap for my 15

> min. break.

> Two nights in a row this past week I went to

> sleep when my kids did

> (actually, I fell asleep before them) which is about

> 8:30 pm and didn't wake

> up until 9 am. I still felt tired and could barely

> make it through the day.

> I've tried sleeping less, that doesn't help. I do

> try to eat healthy foods

> and I love to exercise, though most times I don't

> get around to it because I

> don't have the energy to start in the first place.

> I am 21 years old, and I feel so old right now :)

> I've got to two

> different doctors, they don't even take me seriously

> and just say I must not

> be sleeping enough. I got blood tests taken, only at

> my insistence, and was

> told that everything " looked fine " . I am sick of

> feeling this way, and was

> hoping that there could be some help found here.


> Many thanks,

> nortina










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Hi Nortina, you might check out this site by Walt Stoll. The

bulletin board there kind of specializes in your situation. Good

luck in finding a practitioner... http://bcn.net/~stoll/


herbal remedies, Nortina Bell <nortina@b...> wrote:

> Hello everyone.


> I've been on this list for awhile, but like many, am not much

more than a

> lurker. My name is Nortina, I have a problem with fatigue and it's


> affecting my life so much that I just can't handle it anymore.

Tonight was

> the clincher for me. I feel asleep after bringing my children (twin

girls, 3

> years) home from dance class. They got their own snack, put their


> pyjamas on and put a movie on and went to bed by themselves. All

because I

> was too busy passed out on the couch to do anything for them.

> I think that I may be pregnant right now, but I know that is not

what is

> causing me to feel this way since it's been well over two years of


> fatigue and taking naps (at least one) every day just to get

through the

> day. Sometimes I work only a 4 1/ 2 hour shift and will take a nap

for my 15

> min. break.

> Two nights in a row this past week I went to sleep when my kids


> (actually, I fell asleep before them) which is about 8:30 pm and

didn't wake

> up until 9 am. I still felt tired and could barely make it through

the day.

> I've tried sleeping less, that doesn't help. I do try to eat

healthy foods

> and I love to exercise, though most times I don't get around to it

because I

> don't have the energy to start in the first place.

> I am 21 years old, and I feel so old right now :) I've got to two

> different doctors, they don't even take me seriously and just say I

must not

> be sleeping enough. I got blood tests taken, only at my insistence,

and was

> told that everything " looked fine " . I am sick of feeling this way,

and was

> hoping that there could be some help found here.


> Many thanks,

> nortina

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