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I'm not familiar with those particular supplementals, but there are several

other things that may work to relieve the symptoms, but relieving the symptoms,

is like cutting the wire to your " check engine " light of your car, instead of

adding oil (or whatever); in other words, you need to fix the root of the

problem, reinforce normal health, and then rely on herbs as supplements, not

necessities to live!


Check the diet, evaluate what medications the mother could've been on while

pregnant, what environment does he live in (lots of chemicals, lead paint,

eyc.); you get the picture! If you can't find out about either one of the one's

requested (I've heard of Angelica, and maybe vetiver, but...) then consider some

of the others; research the company's and the included ingredients in Kidalin by

Herbs Etc., and A.D.D. Pediactive (I believe) by Nature's Plus, or some of the

Bach flower remedies, perhaps. There are plenty of things that might alleviate,

and help rebuild, but correcting the underlying problem is all that will cure!


In Health,



Dose anybody know about or heard of White Angelica (Peace and Calming) cream or

oil, and Vetiver oil I think. If anybody dose or know were I could look for

this stuff I'd will be so thankful. This is for my grandson whom dose have

ADHD. I'll never give up on trying to help him. ADHD is very real. There isn't

any doc's that will help around here. My grandson is on Healthy Options and no

doctors are taking any new patients that know anything about ADHD. So as of

right now I'm on my own. I'll take all the help I can get. Read From U Later


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In a message dated 09/02/2001 12:14:41 PM Mountain Daylight Time, geema52 writes:



Vetiver oil


If you are talking about the essential oil I can put you in contact with a reliable and reasonably priced supplier if you contact me privately. I know nothing about its use in ADHD but it is possible my supplier might be able to give you some suggestions. You want to be aware of buying EO's from multi level marketing companies as they tend to be much more expensive, of a lesser quality and the sales people are not well trained. They will often suggest a CURE for something - which is a big NO NO!


Mindy Kittay

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You said the magic word " corporal punishment " ! Not that everyone of them needs

there buttocks' compacted, but some are not getting any discipline at home OR at

school! Schools will turn the parents in, and vice versa, and standing in the

corner went out with the " god-fearing " butt whippings; and on the other hand,

some parents (the minority I'm sure) are TOO over protective/strict figuring

that will work, but only bringing about rebellion!


What's needed is the old " quality family time " with a little " tough

Love " /discipline as necessary, and sufficient nutritious meals, and 95%

(probably conservatively) of these " problems " would go away....and yes, it is in

both, though I'm not sure what percentage is male, or female!


In Health ,



Hi Mindy,


I have a nephew who is in drastic need of ADHD help. Can you tell me where

to locate this oil? What does it do?


I don't think I've ever heard of so many children with these problems. We

didn't have this when I was a girl. Oh, there would be some boys who would

disrupt the class but they either settled down or got corporal punishment.

I don't remember any girls who had problems. Is this a male problem or d oes

it affect equally?




Jean Baugh




Vetiver oil



If you are talking about the essential oil I can put you in contact with a


reliable and reasonably priced supplier if you contact me privately. I kno w

nothing about its use in ADHD but it is possible my supplier might be able to

give you some suggestions. You want to be aware of buying EO's from multi


level marketing companies as they tend to be much more expensive, of a less er

quality and the sales people are not well trained. They will often suggest


CURE for something - which is a big NO NO!


Mindy Kittay






[This message has been truncated.]

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Thanks! Every so often I get " deep " in a good way!





Dear Steve,

I think this says it all.............

" What's needed is the old " quality family time " with a little " tough

Love " /discipline as necessary, and sufficient nutritious meals, and 95%

(probably conservatively) of these " problems " would go

away.... " ..........................................Love Penny




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Dose anybody know about or heard of White Angelica (Peace and Calming) cream

or oil, and Vetiver oil I think. If anybody dose or know were I could look

for this stuff I'd will be so thankful. This is for my grandson whom dose

have ADHD. I'll never give up on trying to help him. ADHD is very real.

There isn't any doc's that will help around here. My grandson is on Healthy

Options and no doctors are taking any new patients that know anything about

ADHD. So as of right now I'm on my own. I'll take all the help I can get.

Read From U Later



<herbal remedies >

<herbal remedies >

Wednesday, August 29, 2001 1:36 AM

[herbal remedies] Digest Number 1076




> Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

> 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

> 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural


> 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and


> prescribe for your own health.

> We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long


> they behave themselves.

> Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any


> following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

> It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from

list members, you are agreeing to

> be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and

members free of any liability.


> Dr. Ian Shillington

> Doctor of Naturopathy

> Dr.IanShillington

> ------


> There are 10 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re:Re: Broken jaw

> " Steve " <bigbird3969

> 2. Re:Re: Broken jaw

> " Steve " <bigbird3969

> 3. Re: Broken jaw

> seifert925

> 4. Re: Bone, Flesh, and Cartiladge tincture

> " SPARERIBAZ " <spareribaz

> 5. Re: Re:Re: Re:chelation

> " Denise O'Connor " <RNMSW

> 6. Re: Broken jaw

> Michael Riversong <rivedu

> 7. Re: ADHD Herbal Remedies

> Michael Riversong <rivedu

> 8. Re: sinus infection

> Michael Riversong <rivedu

> 9. Re: ADHD Herbal Remedies

> Peela <peelasacha

> 10. RE: ADHD Herbal Remedies

> " Tom Murray " <tom



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Tue, 28 Aug 2001 21:36:19 EDT

> " Steve " <bigbird3969

> Re:Re: Broken jaw


> Lemon egg may help, but the calcium in hydroxyapatite form is the same

crystaline structure found in bone matrix; magnesium (to absorb and retain

calcium), vitamin K, glucosamine sulfate, boron, silica/horsetail, high dose

vitamin C, turmeric or mullein or bromelain for swelling, and avoid calcium

leechers (sodas, coffee, etc.).


> In Health,

> Steve

> -----------------------------

> Comfrey was known in the olde times as " knit bone " . You can make a salve

or a compress of it and apply several times a day to jaw.


> Suzanne Nottmeier wrote:


> >

> >

> > OK gang....my daughter in law got thrown from a horse and broke the

> > back part of her jaw... They can't wire it because of where it is...

> > She is on liquids for 6 weeks... also chipped a tooth but that will

> > have to wait too. till the jaw heals. I've given her clove oil for

> > the pain.

> >

> > My question is what can I get for her that will speed the healing of

> > the bone? I know it's been discussed somewhere but can't find it....

> > Thanks.

> >

> > Suzi

> >

> >

> > -----

> >

> > Make international calls for as low as $0.04/minute with

> > Messenger.

> >

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The herb discussed a few days ago was Gymnema Sylvestre; maybe that could be a

place to start.






OK, let me try again. Are there any herbs or combinations of herbs that will

help a child with huge mood swings and diagnosed ADHD?


Is ADHD possibly a blood sugar problem? If so, besides cutting out sugar, is

there any herb that will control the blood sugar problem?


We were discussing ADHD and what would help a child with this problem. If there

is anything available in herbs, the mother is willing to try them. This child is

on ritalin when he stays with his father and nothing when he stays with his

mother. In school, if the child doesn't take the ritalin, the teacher will call

to ask if he has taken his medication? He seems to have mood swings,

reminiscent of blood sugar problems in sensitive people. He does eat a lot of

candy. Would perhaps cutting out sugar help this ADHD?


Thank you,


Jean Baugh




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That herb could get his blood sugar under control, if that is an issue; other

herbs can help the hyperactivity!






OK, let me try again. Are there any herbs or combinations of herbs that will

help a child with huge mood swings and diagnosed ADHD?


Is ADHD possibly a blood sugar problem? If so, besides cutting out sugar, is

there any herb that will control the blood sugar problem?


We were discussing ADHD and what would help a child with this problem. If there

is anything available in herbs, the mother is willing to try them. This child is

on ritalin when he stays with his father and nothing when he stays with his

mother. In school, if the child doesn't take the ritalin, the teacher will call

to ask if he has taken his medication? He seems to have mood swings,

reminiscent of blood sugar problems in sensitive people. He does eat a lot of

candy. Would perhaps cutting out sugar help this ADHD?


Thank you,


Jean Baugh




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Dear Jean,

I am sorry that I can't answer your questions about ADHD, I know nothing about it, its causes or its treatment. But, I can direct you to a good supplier of EO's and she MAY be able to answer some of your questions.

almasol and her name is Barbara. She carries a wide selection of reasonably priced high quality Essential oils including vetiver.


The only suggestion I can make is that if it were my child, and I could scrape up the money, I would take him to a naturopathic Dr. before I would medicate him.


Hope I have been of some help,


Mindy Kittay

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In a message dated 09/02/2001 6:56:47 PM Mountain Daylight Time, oldglory writes:



He does eat a lot of candy. Would perhaps cutting out sugar help this ADHD?


I'm absolutely positive the answer to this questions is YES, YES, YES. (Cutting down on sugar in children's diets HELPS with all sorts of problems).



Mindy Kittay

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i have two grandsons who would be diagnosed ADHD. Please all of you who are concerned about it check out the " indigo children " . read as much about them as possible. these are very intelligent and spiritual children with a very definite purposes.


ADHD is a pharmaceutical concocted disease.

RE: ritalin. FYI. the govt. will not take people into the armed forces if they've taken these drugs after the age of 12. if it is so safe then why?


please, be open to what you read.


here is another site to check out. www.spiritofmaat.com







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My granddaughter's doctor suggested cutting out the sugar and all caffine and

any other food additives,

especially red food dye. I know it's hard to prepare food from scratch instead

of using foods with additives,

but they are as detrimental to an ADHD person as sugar is.



oldglory wrote:


> Hi,


> OK, let me try again. Are there any herbs or combinations of herbs that

> will help a child with huge mood swings and diagnosed ADHD?


> Is ADHD possibly a blood sugar problem? If so, besides cutting out sugar,

> is there any herb that will control the blood sugar problem?


> We were discussing ADHD and what would help a child with this problem.

> If there is anything available in herbs, the mother is willing to try them.

> This child is on ritalin when he stays with his father and nothing when he

> stays with his mother. In school, if the child doesn't take the ritalin,

> the teacher will call to ask if he has taken his medication? He seems to

> have mood swings, reminiscent of blood sugar problems in sensitive people.

> He does eat a lot of candy. Would perhaps cutting out sugar help this ADHD?


> Thank you,


> Jean Baugh


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I think it's more of the preservative chemicals, colors, and refined products.




Hi Steve,


I think this is more than just attention deficit. He has mood swings and you

can see his face darken when it hits him. When it hits, it like Dr. Jekyl and

Mr. Hyde. The child is just plain mean and 30 minutes later, he is as sweet as

only a child can be. This goes on over and over again, through the day. Age 9

and very bright.


I will suggest the gymnema sylvestre to the mother, as something to try, that

won't hurt anything. If it helps him, then it surely will be plain it is a

blood sugar problem.


If not, she could check out possible allergies to foods.


I find it odd how so many children are diagnosed as having ADHD. I would be

interested in any information on studies on this problem. For instance, do

children who have a vegetarian, or strictly wholesome diet, have this disorder?


Thank you,


Jean Baugh




> That herb could get his blood sugar under control, if that is an issue; other

herbs can help the hyperactivity!


> Steve





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Can I suggest they look into various forms of depression instead of ADD/ADHD? I have to say, your description fits my husband! He had been mis-diagnosed as ADD for years! Turns out he is bi-polar and they have alot of similar symptoms, on the surface... For my husband he takes a good B-complex and also a good hebal blend which includes many vitamins as well as St John's Wort , valerian, and kava kava...



Driving Washington nuts since 1991...

I think this is more than just attention deficit. He has mood swings andyou can see his face darken when it hits him. When it hits, it like Dr.Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. The child is just plain mean and 30 minutes later, heis as sweet as only a child can be. This goes on over and over again,through the day. Age 9 and very bright.I will suggest the gymnema sylvestre to the mother, as something to try,that won't hurt anything. If it helps him, then it surely will be plain itis a blood sugar problem.If not, she could check out possible allergies to foods.I find it odd how so many children are diagnosed as having ADHD. I would beinterested in any information on studies on this problem. For instance, dochildren who have a vegetarian, or strictly wholesome diet, have thisdisorder?Thank you,Jean Baugh*******************> That herb could get his blood sugar under control, if that is an issue;other herbs can help the hyperactivity!>> SteveFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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Definitely get the child off sugar. ANd I am not sure

about gymnema, for the simple reason, theres no point

giving a herb for blood sugar when the child is eating

sugar! Its like taking heart medication when you eat a

trash diet! Its treating a symptom big time. If you

take the child off sugar- which some parents simply

find too hard to do- you wont have blood sugar

problems- and if you dont take the child off sugar,

theres no point in giving gymnema. IMHO.

The diet has to be good, and a good multi vitamin/

peparation for ADHD kids ( I am sure there must be

some over there!).

But what I have discovered is, when you want to help

someone with issues like this,because you can see how

much they need help, when you suggest a single herb or

some such, when the issue is so deep and complicated,

you are possible turning them against trying natural

therapies- because it isnt going to make much

difference! It has to be approached from many

directions. And sometimes the best thing is to give

information, or support for the mother emotionally

without judging her for what she is doing to her

child- because she needs lots of help and love too.

To me, its the mother who needs 'saving '- she needs

to find her own self worth, to have some hope things

can be better than they are- then she will feel

revitalised to deal with her child in a better way. I

dont belive any mother really wants to be a bad

parent- its always because they are in an unhappy

state and cant see the way through to a better life


There are some general things with ADHD- get off sugar

and preservatives/ artificial colours/ too much

processed foods;

check for allergies;

be very consistant with boundaries and discipline, no

matter what style you feel comfortable with,however

strict, it has to be consistent;

build the child's self esteem because most ADHD kids

dont feel good about themselves;

lots of positive attention; lots of unconditional


There are probably other things I have forgotten.

Without these foundational things, I dont think herbs

can do much. However, as far as herbs go, what about

chamomile tea? tinctures of scullcap, valerian for

stress, to help relax? Gingko biloba for brain

circulation? ginseng for helping build the strength

and resilience? gentle liver herbs such as schizandra,

chamomile? licorice for the adrenals?

Theres so many really, and I would start with these,

as appropriate. I would also always prescribe

magnesium in some form.

There is a lot of support out there for ADHD kids and

their parents, including support groups. They may not

al be natural, but if someone is floundering and has

resorted to drugs, it could be the support they need.

Anyway, hope something here helps






--- oldglory <oldglory wrote:

> Hi,


> OK, let me try again. Are there any herbs or

> combinations of herbs that

> will help a child with huge mood swings and

> diagnosed ADHD?


> Is ADHD possibly a blood sugar problem? If so,

> besides cutting out sugar,

> is there any herb that will control the blood sugar

> problem?


> We were discussing ADHD and what would help a child

> with this problem.

> If there is anything available in herbs, the mother

> is willing to try them.

> This child is on ritalin when he stays with his

> father and nothing when he

> stays with his mother. In school, if the child

> doesn't take the ritalin,

> the teacher will call to ask if he has taken his

> medication? He seems to

> have mood swings, reminiscent of blood sugar

> problems in sensitive people.

> He does eat a lot of candy. Would perhaps cutting

> out sugar help this ADHD?


> Thank you,


> Jean Baugh






May the long time sun shine upon you, all love suround you, and the pure light

within you guide your way on.

Traditional Blessing




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I have to wonder what part of the country you're in. This must be a very

messed up area if there are no good doctors available


One of my long-time clients is an acupuncturist in Kansas. He once told me,

" You show me a doctor with a closed practice and I'll show you a doctor with

sick patients who never get better. " You may be more blessed than you know,

not having access to some of these doctors.


Instead of ADHD, check out Akathesia. It took quite a while for me to find

the definition for this. It is a feeling inside, like wanting to crawl out

of your own skin. Everything is an irritant to the patient. Sometimes this

is a basis for a diagnosis of ADHD. It has all kinds of causes, but

interestingly enough few of these causes date back very far. Some of these

causes are drugs. Others are severe food allergies. All of these things

need to be checked.


If your area is totally without decent medical service, it may be worthwhile

to travel somewhere else to have the boy examined. You can let me know

privately and i can provide contact info for doctors in many parts of the

USA. Surely others on this list can do that as well. Of course it is very

rare for insurance to pay for the best doctors, particularly naturopaths.

But then the situation is the same in many countries that have socialized

medicine, so you're not alone there. A good doctor is worth more than

whatever you pay.


At 11:22 AM 9/2/01 -0700, you wrote:

>Dose anybody know about or heard of White Angelica (Peace and Calming) cream

>or oil, and Vetiver oil I think. If anybody dose or know were I could look

>for this stuff I'd will be so thankful. This is for my grandson whom dose

>have ADHD. I'll never give up on trying to help him. ADHD is very real.

>There isn't any doc's that will help around here. My grandson is on Healthy

>Options and no doctors are taking any new patients that know anything about

>ADHD. So as of right now I'm on my own. I'll take all the help I can get.

>Read From U Later


-- Michael Riversong **

Professional Harpist, Educator, and Writer **

RivEdu ** Phone: (307)635-0900 FAX (413)691-0399


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blue green algae helps as well.


Aromaconnection <Aromaconnectionherbal remedies <herbal remedies >Sunday, September 02, 2001 10:13 PMRe: [herbal remedies] ADHDIn a message dated 09/02/2001 6:56:47 PM Mountain Daylight Time, oldglory writes:

He does eat a lot of candy. Would perhaps cutting out sugar help this ADHD? I'm absolutely positive the answer to this questions is YES, YES, YES. (Cutting down on sugar in children's diets HELPS with all sorts of problems). Mindy Kittay Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 1 year later...

Often it happens that when people are taken in by a con man, they don't want

to believe that's what happened. Law enforcement people have sometimes seen a

person defend the guy who ripped them off, at least for a while.


ADHD is one of the largest con games in history. It's bigger than the Tulip

Mania or the South Seas Bubble (please look those up).


If you get to the point where you have seen the con for what it is, then you

will also realize that herbal medicine doesn't fit into the picture one way or

the other. Herbs can't alleviate a disease that never existed.


Sorry that i'm popping a bubble here. But if you can get through this period

of sorting things out, and discarding some cherished parts of your old way of

thinking, you will emerge happier, and more able to help your son.


And i want to say a word of praise for your son. It is difficult to recognize

a drug addiciton while in the middle of it. Those who can do this are rare

and beautiful people, and they will find healing if they will only persist in

their search.


I have overcome serious drug addiction. Therefore, your son is welcome to

contact me privately if he wishes. Help from those who have recovered is

often one of the key factors in one's own recovery.


On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 21:37:40 -0000 artconsul <artconsul wrote:


> My son has ADHD (attention deficit disorder).

> Now that he's in college

> he wants to stop taking Ritalin because he's

> says he's addicted to the

> drug. What are the herbal or alternative

> treatments for ADHD?


> Jan


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I was diagnosed as a youngster with ADD and my mom never even

considered medication. She was a naturalist and believed that any and

all ailments were curable the natural way(too bad I thought she

looney growing up). She was a vegan and wouldn't touch meds(how all

this changed 10 yrs ago is a separate story). My mouther pushed hard

to get me help, so I had a counselor (not a Psych) that was really

there for me when times got rough, and as luck had it she was a

sprouteater. ;) I went through the typical problems of ADD diagnosed

children, problems in school(though I tested high), dropped out

twice, hard time completing courses in college and found it

impossible working in an office job. I just always managed to find my

way around my problems, and avoid " messing up " . Then the school

system suggested that my children had ADD, and I said bull****. I

know that all of us show these so-called symptoms and *I* KNOW how it

is to deal with these symptoms from myself and children. Countless

nights of my mom, then later me holding our children tightly and

rocking them, giving them messages etc. However, I also reflected on

the foods I ate as a child, when I turned 8 my mom took me off a

vegan diet because the local Dr said I was being malnutritioned, from

then on allergies and asthma, weight problems AND my " ADD " showed up

among other things. My children were raised on a HORRIBLE diet, now

that I think about it, eventhough I thought I was feeding them

healthy. Pasta was in almost every meal. And there weren't many 100%

all natural juices and things in our grocery stores back then. Their

diet, as varied as it seemed, was mainly whole milk, fruit juices,

sugar and flour products, with fresh fruits and veggies being the

smallest portions. Oh not to forget the non-organic meat. My children

and I have all had constipation problems. As an adult I've realized

what my mom was talking about, seen " the light " so to speak. What we

eat is definitely the issue here. My own research and what ALL of

I've learned here so far is proving that day by day. I agree Micheal,

herbs will not " heal " or cure ADD because it's a label not an

affliction. Herbs can help ease/alleviate symptoms, but that's it. I

believe with the help of herbs to cleanse and detoxify our systems,

many of these symptoms will cease or at least be minimal. The right

diet is the key. Eating the foods are bodies are suppose to eat with

no added junk will make a happier body. Relaxing the mind/spirit will

ease stresses, tensions and negative emotions. All of us in my house

have seen a big difference in ourselves by just the simple recent

changes we've made. It can only continue to get better as we change

more. Of course this is all my humble opinion based on personal

experience and I make no statement of medical diagnosis or

professional knowlege in this area. ;)


herbal remedies, " Michael Riversong " <rivedu@e...> wrote:

> Often it happens that when people are taken in by a con man, they

don't want

> to believe that's what happened. Law enforcement people have

sometimes seen a

> person defend the guy who ripped them off, at least for a while.


> ADHD is one of the largest con games in history. It's bigger than

the Tulip

> Mania or the South Seas Bubble (please look those up).


> If you get to the point where you have seen the con for what it is,

then you

> will also realize that herbal medicine doesn't fit into the picture

one way or

> the other. Herbs can't alleviate a disease that never existed.


> Sorry that i'm popping a bubble here. But if you can get through

this period

> of sorting things out, and discarding some cherished parts of your

old way of

> thinking, you will emerge happier, and more able to help your son.


> And i want to say a word of praise for your son. It is difficult

to recognize

> a drug addiciton while in the middle of it. Those who can do this

are rare

> and beautiful people, and they will find healing if they will only

persist in

> their search.


> I have overcome serious drug addiction. Therefore, your son is

welcome to

> contact me privately if he wishes. Help from those who have

recovered is

> often one of the key factors in one's own recovery.


> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 21:37:40 -0000 artconsul <artconsul> wrote:


> > My son has ADHD (attention deficit disorder).

> > Now that he's in college

> > he wants to stop taking Ritalin because he's

> > says he's addicted to the

> > drug. What are the herbal or alternative

> > treatments for ADHD?

> >

> > Jan

> >

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I would just like to reinforce what others have mentioned before. It was never

said that those with ADD or OCD do not have symptoms of a disorder. These are

just new labels being placed on old conditions. There seems to be a more than

obvious reason why. This is a convenient way for the $$$ minded prescription

drug companies to gain more customers. All they need to do is create so called

" new conditions " as a reason to market their new " sh^t " . You have to wonder if

the latest " cure " (so to speak) was invented before the latest new disorder.

It's pathetic to think how the American people are being manipulated.

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on 9/14/02 1:14 PM, Dr. Ian Shillington at Dr.IanShillington wrote:




Don't you and Michael, and everyone else think, feel, whatever, that some people NEED their diseases??? I have a friend that almost glows each and everytime she gets diagnosed with something else - and she LOVES her Psychiatrist......PS - I too enjoyed reading the article and liked it.




Gosh, I was willing to post my diploma (Naturopathic NOT Medical, and heaven forbid I have one in Psychiatry), but our friend below just up and left the list without another word.


Please pay no attention to his post, especially you Michael, as I think this diatribe was aimed at you and your post, though if it was aimed at me, I've already forgotten about it.






PS. Forgotten what? I don't know. I've forgotten. Please pass the Gingko ;o)


Dr. Ian Shillington




artconsul <artconsul

herbal remedies

Saturday, September 14, 2002 1:17 PM

[herbal remedies] Re: ADHD


As far as ADHD being a con I can attest to the fact that it isn't. I

have ADD, so does my husband and my son. I know what it's like to

suffer from this disease, and I've seen the difference in my son on and

off the medication. I wish I had something to help me so I could hold

a job.


By the way, would you like to post you diplomas in Medicine,

Psychiatry, and your state license for us to examine? Otherwise your

opinion is just that, nothing more. Which doesn't mean anything since

everyone has one whether they are qualified or not.


I asked for alternative treatments not a load of bull from and

uneducated idiot.



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The worst part I find, is that once they are manipulated, many won't accept claims to the contrary (witness the brief visit of artcounsel). I just spent two days fighting with many mothers of "special needs" children who are giving their children Ritalin. They spent two days attacking me after I advised them that Ritalin was a dangerous drug! Go figure.


Your wonderful information, stories, anecdotes ,support and sanity is a welcome relief to such miseries. Thank you for being there! LOL






herbal remedies

Sunday, September 15, 2002 3:14 AM

[herbal remedies] Re: ADHD

I would just like to reinforce what others have mentioned before. It was never said that those with ADD or OCD do not have symptoms of a disorder. These are just new labels being placed on old conditions. There seems to be a more than obvious reason why. This is a convenient way for the $$$ minded prescription drug companies to gain more customers. All they need to do is create so called "new conditions" as a reason to market their new "sh^t". You have to wonder if the latest "cure" (so to speak) was invented before the latest new disorder. It's pathetic to think how the American people are being manipulated.

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Dear Sherry,


Glad you enjoyed the article.


As far as people needing their diseases is concerned. I won't deny that all of us create them whether on an aberrated unknowing level or because of a lifestyle that was chosen by the individual. I don't think "need" is the right word, and "want" may be a better term. From an aberrated viewpoint, one may contract a disease to explain away a failure such as, "I couldn't win the race, because I was sick". There are other areas in life where one fails, and disease makes a great excuse.


What a crock though. Kinda nuts.






Dr. Ian Shillington505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington



Sherry Bakko

herbal remedies

Saturday, September 14, 2002 8:36 PM

Re: [herbal remedies] Re: ADHD

on 9/14/02 1:14 PM, Dr. Ian Shillington at Dr.IanShillington wrote:Doc,Don't you and Michael, and everyone else think, feel, whatever, that some people NEED their diseases??? I have a friend that almost glows each and everytime she gets diagnosed with something else - and she LOVES her Psychiatrist......PS - I too enjoyed reading the article and liked it.Sherry

Gosh, I was willing to post my diploma (Naturopathic NOT Medical, and heaven forbid I have one in Psychiatry), but our friend below just up and left the list without another word.Please pay no attention to his post, especially you Michael, as I think this diatribe was aimed at you and your post, though if it was aimed at me, I've already forgotten about it.Love,DocPS. Forgotten what? I don't know. I've forgotten. Please pass the Gingko ;o)Dr. Ian Shillington505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington

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  • 3 months later...

Morning Alobar,


>>I just can't keep my yap shut when people brag about how they would

> " die without their coffee " when they already have difficulty

>maintaining focus.


Don't you know,...... these people are beyond help by any of us? <grin>


My wife is one of them. She will certainly die with coffee, not without it.


The really bad part is that so many coffee addicts add sugar and the

chemical creamer products.


Most will not try the simple alternative which is drinking water. After

I quit drinking coffee, that first glass of water when I wake up, perks me

up like 3 cups of coffee.


Generally, people with the frame of mind you described, and the frame of

mind like my wife, has other bad habits that are just as bad as the coffee



So...... what shall we do?


Leave them alone and let them die happy.


The water book would be worth about a half million dollars to most

people, if they would read, believe, and practice.


For a long time, I have told people, " No matter what ails you, you will

not get well if you do not drink enough water " .


Now I have added another condition. The other condition is correcting

the essential fatty acid problem.


Of course if one will give up the bad liquids, correct essential fatty

acids, they will likely do a few other things relative to good health.


I have been up 2.5 hours. Now I am on my third 16 oz glass of water.

One contained a package of Emergen-C. Later I will get hungry but not

usually until I have at least 3 or 4 glasses of water.







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" Wayne Fugitt " <wayne


Thursday, December 19, 2002 7:33 AM

Re: adhd



> Morning Alobar,


> >>I just can't keep my yap shut when people brag about how they


> > " die without their coffee " when they already have difficulty

> >maintaining focus.


> Don't you know,...... these people are beyond help by any of us?



> My wife is one of them. She will certainly die with coffee, not

without it.


> The really bad part is that so many coffee addicts add sugar and


> chemical creamer products.


> Most will not try the simple alternative which is drinking

water. After

> I quit drinking coffee, that first glass of water when I wake up,

perks me

> up like 3 cups of coffee.


> Generally, people with the frame of mind you described, and the

frame of

> mind like my wife, has other bad habits that are just as bad as the


> drinking.


> So...... what shall we do?


> Leave them alone and let them die happy.


> The water book would be worth about a half million dollars to


> people, if they would read, believe, and practice.


> For a long time, I have told people, " No matter what ails you,

you will

> not get well if you do not drink enough water " .


> Now I have added another condition. The other condition is


> the essential fatty acid problem.


> Of course if one will give up the bad liquids, correct essential


> acids, they will likely do a few other things relative to good



> I have been up 2.5 hours. Now I am on my third 16 oz glass of


> One contained a package of Emergen-C. Later I will get hungry but


> usually until I have at least 3 or 4 glasses of water.


> Wayne


You're probably right, Wayne. Speaking of waking up, I used

to sleep as late as possible, then force myself to get ready for work

as fast as possible, while forcing down breakfast & 2 cups of coffee.

I was stressed out most of the time. Now I have my schedule shifted

around so half of my leisure time is before work & half is after

(rather than all of it after work). I wake up slowly, while

checking my e-mail, and alternately sipping cool water (

Reverse-Osmosis) and a another glass containing vitamin C crystals

dissolved in water (about 1 heaping tsp per 20 ounces of water).

Refreshing. Tart without being too sour. By the time I am ready

for breakfast, I am actually hungry & looking forward to it. No

need to rush it down either. Much more bounce in my step when I am

ready to leave for work, and I laugh at the inconveniences which come

from rubbing shoulders with rushed & stressed people instead of

getting myself all worked-up over them.



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Hi ,

if they would not be put off by the title the site at allergy induced

autism is very good . www.autismmedical.com

Most of the people are there are parents helping children with ASD

but MANY have cross over symptoms of ADD and ADHD and these are

helped too by diet .

The general experience of these kids is that people with these shades

of conditions have huge problems coping with stimulants - especially

artificial . The classic reaction to things like aspartme and E no's

is just the start - our kids react to all sorts including phenols and

yeast . Interestingly many of the drugs for Add and ADHD have

artificial sweetners or other problem ingredients and can actually

make things worse long term . Or they can artificially increase a

childs " focus " to the extent that they bring out ASD tendencies , by

creating fixations .

If it were me I would make sure that the coffe is being taken with

real sugar , soya milk if possible and hopefully wean it down from

there . I would also get as many E-nos out of the diet as possible .

And then check for leaky gut in case this is the reason for the probs

in the first place .

Don't know if this helps !







Gettingwell , " Alobar " <alobar@b...> wrote:


> -

> " Wayne Fugitt " <wayne@f...>


> Thursday, December 19, 2002 7:33 AM

> Re: adhd



> > Morning Alobar,

> >

> > >>I just can't keep my yap shut when people brag about how they

> would

> > > " die without their coffee " when they already have difficulty

> > >maintaining focus.

> >

> > Don't you know,...... these people are beyond help by any of


> <grin>

> >

> > My wife is one of them. She will certainly die with coffee, not

> without it.

> >

> > The really bad part is that so many coffee addicts add sugar and

> the

> > chemical creamer products.

> >

> > Most will not try the simple alternative which is drinking

> water. After

> > I quit drinking coffee, that first glass of water when I wake up,

> perks me

> > up like 3 cups of coffee.

> >

> > Generally, people with the frame of mind you described, and the

> frame of

> > mind like my wife, has other bad habits that are just as bad as


> coffee

> > drinking.

> >

> > So...... what shall we do?

> >

> > Leave them alone and let them die happy.

> >

> > The water book would be worth about a half million dollars to

> most

> > people, if they would read, believe, and practice.

> >

> > For a long time, I have told people, " No matter what ails you,

> you will

> > not get well if you do not drink enough water " .

> >

> > Now I have added another condition. The other condition is

> correcting

> > the essential fatty acid problem.

> >

> > Of course if one will give up the bad liquids, correct


> fatty

> > acids, they will likely do a few other things relative to good

> health.

> >

> > I have been up 2.5 hours. Now I am on my third 16 oz glass of

> water.

> > One contained a package of Emergen-C. Later I will get hungry


> not

> > usually until I have at least 3 or 4 glasses of water.

> >

> > Wayne


> You're probably right, Wayne. Speaking of waking up, I


> to sleep as late as possible, then force myself to get ready for


> as fast as possible, while forcing down breakfast & 2 cups of


> I was stressed out most of the time. Now I have my schedule


> around so half of my leisure time is before work & half is after

> (rather than all of it after work). I wake up slowly, while

> checking my e-mail, and alternately sipping cool water (

> Reverse-Osmosis) and a another glass containing vitamin C crystals

> dissolved in water (about 1 heaping tsp per 20 ounces of water).

> Refreshing. Tart without being too sour. By the time I am ready

> for breakfast, I am actually hungry & looking forward to it. No

> need to rush it down either. Much more bounce in my step when I am

> ready to leave for work, and I laugh at the inconveniences which


> from rubbing shoulders with rushed & stressed people instead of

> getting myself all worked-up over them.


> Alobar

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