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- A Little Story from Bhagavan


No Gratitude, No Grace


Once Mother Parvati and Easwara (Lord Shiva) saw a person sitting on

the branch of a tree, which was about to break. Watching this, Mother

Parvati pleaded with Easwara to save the man. Easwara teasingly

remarked, Why should I protect him? Since You saw him first, it is

Your duty to save him.


But the Mother said, How can I protect him without Your grace. I am

the negative and you are the positive. Unless You shower Your grace

on him, he cannot be saved. Please do not delay any further.


Then Easwara replied, Is it not his duty to call Me for help? How can

I go to his rescue without being called? As the proverb goes, one

should not attend a function without being invited.

Mother Parvati, out of her motherly compassion, wanted to protect

that person at any cost. So, she said to Easwara, If that person,

when he falls down, cries out amma (mother), I will go to his rescue;

and if he cries out appa (father), you should protect him.

Easwara agreed to her proposal. Both of them eagerly waited for the

call. But the person fell down crying Ayyo (alas)!

The words amma or appa did not come to his lips, as he had never

respected and revered his parents in his lifetime. Such was his fate!

How can God come to the rescue of a person who has totally forgotten

his parents? Both our Mother and Father are verily God. And when with

such feelings, we offer our gratitude to our parents, even God cannot

refrain from helping us.


~ Baba


Ram Chugani

Kobe, Japan

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