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Your Love is without limits. Please realise

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Your Love Is Without Limits Can You Measure the Limits of Your Love? Try!

Perhaps, your love is limited to the person you live with, or the members of

your family, and you think you have known its limits, and carefully measured its

extent and range. Wait a few moments: it spreads into the six thousand and fifty

employees you have at the factory. As you drive through the vast space of

receding horizons, and behold the Nature below, you find your love spread into

wide Beauty that mantles Nature. Now you think you know the limits of your love.

Wait a little. As you sit on your chair with that tranquil mind and that

compassionate heart, you find your love flowing, in spite of yourself, to all

creatures great and small. Something in you is concerned with wishing welfare,

peace, happiness to all creatures, even to the invisible ones like bacteria. All

the creation is enveloped in your tenderness and affection. Can you measure your

love, and be sure of its real extent? Not yet, wait and see! There are moments

in your life of expanding love when you suddenly feel the surge of love for that

which made possible this infinite creation, these boundless stretches of

beautiful space illuminated by countless stars, and for that Grand Being which

subsists in you as the voice of conscience superior to the voice of reason,

learning and wisdom. You wonder, and that wonder renders your heart of love

embrace all of the Reality that the Divine is. Where are the limits to the

Divine? If there are no limits to the Divine, there are no limits to your love.

You are the Centre of all Love, of Love immeasurable and unfathomable. God is

illimitable Love. Were not God Love, truth would have no substance, beauty no

reality, joy no existence and life no meaning. Unconditioned Love created the

creative essence in you, your indestructible existence, with illimitable Love.

Therefore, behind those shifting scenes of attraction and repulsion, good and

bad, likes and dislikes, you are boundless Love. Recover your centre in Love.

Integrate the polarities of your life, the complexities of your mind, and

warring elements of your personality by and in Love. How do you account for the

love of knowledge, the love of beauty, the love of power, the love of freedom,

the love of joy, the love of peace, the love of goodness, the love of Truth, the

love of service and sacrifice, if there were not in your inner being, the living

and inextinguishable flame of Love that God is? What is our interest in life,

our clinging to life, our delight in life, our capacity to create, to possess,

to preserve, to protect, to strive and to enrich ourselves and others, but the

Love that God is? What is progress in science, development in industry,

expansion in knowledge, exercise in music, and everything beautiful, noble, good

in life but Love in action? One may deny God, but none denies Love, and since

God is Love, none can deny God. God we may not have seen, but Love in expression

we see; and, since we see Love, we have to that extent, and in that manner, seen

God. We may not have felt and experienced God, but we feel and experience Love,

and by that very logic, feel and experience God who is nothing but Love, and

Love is everything and more. Grow in Love, and Love will reveal to you its

essential being and its entire face * God. Send your love on the wings of the

wind that is blowing. Float your love on the waves of the ether that are

flowing. Charge with love the breath you are exhaling in order it may convey by

becoming one with the universal air, love's impact to the universe. Thoughts

travel faster than light: therefore, make them the quickest and fastest bearers

of your love who would encircle our planet earth with majestic rings of Love, as

the inspiring blue rings encircle the planet Saturn. As you give a tea, or a

book, or an article to others, so can the feelings be given to others. Give,

then, the feelings of Love. The more you give them, the more they multiply, and

the more you can give. You are a centre of God's Love, a point of His infinite

Power, a boundless pool of His Light. Be as such. Live as such. Think as such.

Act as such. Glory to you. Science has outgrown materialism, and strikes us with

shame when we talk of the table as hard and real. A dead universe ours is not.

It is living, dynamic, responsive. In this universe, look with Love, Love

appears everywhere. See with the peace of Love, peace is experienced everywhere.

React to everything with the joy of Love, joy is poured back into you from all

sides and from everything. Whatever 'God' is, or is not, and 'God' himself may

not be; but, Love is, was, will always be, and Love is God. Death of God the

twentieth century theological revisionists speak of, but who can speak of the

death of Love? For, the speech itself is impossible were there not life in the

speaker, and life is born of Love, bears Love, and is fulfilled in Love.

Technology today can go as far as the moon, but your love and its transforming

impacts shoot beyond the farthest star. The light from the stars takes millions,

and millions, and millions of years to reach us; and the light from some stars

has not yet reached us. Yet such is the wonder of your love, that it can reach

all the stars within the twinkling of an eye. You have only to look, and your

love is there among stars, embracing and enveloping them. Know you not that you

are the microcosm containing in yourself the whole of macrocosm? This is the

mathematic and logic of Love. It puzzles human reason, baffles scientists,

riddles mathematicians. They ask you, how can the greater, the macrocosm, be in

you, the microcosm, the smaller. As an answer, ask them to be a little more bold

and adventurous in discovery and ask your love, without which their own

intelligence loses all its lustre and power of perception. Love unites millions

of things and persons and worlds into one. It reduces the infinite variety and

the warring multiplicity to the harmony of the One Absolute that it itself is.

Love is the highest Knowledge. Love is the greatest Science and the mother of

all sciences and arts. Love is the ineffable Beauty and Life eternal.And, during

the day, when the stars are not visible to the conditioned vision of the most

realistic, most empirical, most scientific and down-to-the-earth physical eyes,

you have only to think of them in love, and your love sees them, reaches them,

within moments. Who, and what, can condition your love? Talk no more of

measuring your love. Let it remain illimitable, the supreme peace-maker, the

supreme joy-giver, the beauty of beauties, the supreme psychologist, the supreme

master, the scientist of scientists, the sage of sages, the mystic of mystics,

the supreme technician, architect and wonder-worker. Grasp God in love; a love

that is wider than the skies that you see with your physical eyes; a love that

is denied to nothing that is created; a love that could smile with the flowers,

and with the leaves; a love that can become one in sympathy with the stars; a

love that could discern and converse with His Presence in the empty space; a

love that could find a friend and a beloved in all that is beheld by the

physical eyes, the unlimited, unconditioned, unfailing love for all creatures

great and small; the love that is in tune with the wondrous existence in the

stones, pebbles, and twigs. Such love liberates our consciousness and soul,

renders us exceedingly sensitive to God's all-vivifying Presence. When our whole

being throbs with this love, we have God-Experience here and now.




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Though I rarely respond, I do learn quite a bit from this group. But

it is becoming increasingly difficult to read through the messages,

especially when they are very long and does not break into paragraphs.

May I request the moderators to ensure that long paragraphs are broken

into shorter paragraphs for the reading comfort of all?


Best wishes

Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

Chennai, India

" Hemantha Kumar " <andhraputhra

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