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Oneness Movement and future...

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Oneness and the Future



often wonder what the future of the Oneness Movement is and where it is

going. Bhagavan often jokes that humanity needs to wake up soon so he,

Amma and the Guides can retire. If one looked at the nightly news on

any given evening it certainly doesn’t seem like the people on this

planet are anywhere near waking up. However according to John L.

Petersen, futurist and President of the Arlington Institute, which is a

Think Tank, located just outside of Washington DC things are going on

planet Earth just as expected. At the Arlington Institute they spend

all day analyzing trends and crunching data points from all across the

human spectrum. They look at economic trends, climate trends, social

trends and any other kind of trend that exists to do one thing, predict

what will happen in the future. At this time, they are particularly

focused on the next three to four years through 2012. John was in India

at Oneness University in January of 2008 and spent some time with

Bhagavan discussing these and many other issues. Bhagavan asked John to

speak to all the Blessing Givers so they would be informed of where we

are currently standing on our journey into the Golden Age.


at Oneness Conferences around the world Mr. Petersen presented a

summary of what the trends seem to be saying for the next few years of

existence here on the blue planet. He states that we are at a time of

extraordinary change. The interesting thing about all the trends is

that they all seem to be heading in the same direction. He showed many

different graphs that represented financial models, climate models,

energy models and many more types of models. The graphs all had one

thing in common, the lines connecting the date points looked like a

hockey stick. This means that the data was pretty much the same for

many years and then in the last few years it shoots up to almost a

straight line. It was astounding to see so many different types of

graphs representing various aspects of our world all looking almost the

same. The

sharp upturn in the graphs represents that everything is basically

speeding up at a rate never seen before in recorded history.

A very interesting point was made that the data in these graphs seem to

be heading to what Mr. Petersen defined as singularity, or put another

way, towards oneness.


if you just watched the first half of the presentation you would

probably have left the room not feeling so good. He first presented on

the state of the economic system, as we know it and how it seems to be

crumbling under its own weight. This now seems to be happening before

our very eyes if we are to believe what we see on television and in the

Newspapers. There is a quote from Warren Buffet in his presentation

that says that the current financial system is highly unstable and is a

ticking time bomb. Mr. Petersen goes on to say that many banks will

start failing and there is a good chance that the economy as we know it

today could collapse.


also speaks about the dreadful condition of Earths delicate environment

and her climate. He speaks about the very real possibility of even more

dramatic climate changes in the near future than we have already seen.

One of the big dangers is the Gulf Stream. If it slows down

dramatically it will stop bringing warm air to Europe and it could send

most of Europe into a deep freeze. There were also warnings about sea

levels rising if the glaciers continue to melt at the rate they have

been. The data seems to show that despite what some people think, the

earth is actually warming up. Global warming could actually plunge the

planet into another ice age. The data he shared about the climate

change was not pretty.


all of that great news Global Pandemics was the next issue to be

addressed. The last major flu pandemic was in 1918 and it killed

anywhere from 50-100 million people over a time span of about 340 days.

With the invention of airplanes and an increased population the

devastation of a similar pandemic would be much more drastic these

days. Over 300 million people could be killed on about 180 days

according to the data collected. According to Mr. Petersen the chances

of a major pandemic over the next few years is surprisingly good.


if you are still reading don’t worry there is good news to follow. This

is not about a doomsday. Although at this point it seems that everyone

on planet earth is doomed, there is a wild card in all of this dreadful

news. That wild-card of course is human consciousness. As the level of

the collective consciousness rises on the planet we will see even more

breakthroughs in technology and awareness then we have seen up until

this point. The major breakthrough areas include computing technology,

biotechnology and energy. One statistic showed that the amount of

technological breakthroughs in this century would be 1000 times greater

than that of the 20th Century. That number is mind boggling and very

impressive. This basically means that just with technology alone, the

world we be living in will soon look very different to the one we are

living in now.


intelligence is the result of increased computing power. One amazing

study revealed that by 2039 that one single computer would be a billion

times more intelligent than all the human beings combined. This means

that we can put the computers to work to discover solutions to some of

these seeming problems that are lurking on our doorstep. We just have

to be careful that we don’t turn the earth into a sci-fi movie and end

up being controlled by the world’s computers. The real advantage to

this is the dramatic shift in solving problem and learning capabilities.


amazing breakthroughs are being made in the field of biotechnology.

Scientists have also started to grow human body parts in labs. The

world of cloning body parts, humans and animals is literally around the

corner. This means that instead of fixing certain parts of the body,

they can simply be replaced by new ones. The implications of this are

far reaching. One gentleman named Aubrey de Grey from Cambridge

University believes that human beings will easily be able to live to be

about 200 years old.


talk energy now. We all know that oil is on its way out over the next

couple of decades. Thankfully for all of us major alternative energy

solutions have already been developed. We will soon be able to harness

the energy of the waves in the ocean, use certain typed of bacteria to

produce a certain time of ethanol that could be an excellent

replacement for gasoline. Zero point energy and cold fusion are other

areas of energy technology that could power the entire planet many

times over at a much less cost then we are currently paying. There is

such a massive supply of zero point energy that Mr. Petersen feels that

maybe this is the scientific term for what we know as the feeling of

love. What a beautiful thought that is!


is so much destruction, innovation and change on the way that it is

very obvious that we are currently right in the middle of a dramatic

paradigm shift. Paradigm shifts are not easy and not without conflict

and some tough times. However, according to the Mayan Calendar and also

Bhagavan the consciousness of the planet is going to raise

dramatically. So the problems that seem insurmountable from our current

state of awareness might be easily solvable from a higher state of



is where the Oneness Movement comes in. As more and more people receive

the Oneness Blessing the higher the consciousness on the planet will

be. Bhagavan says that we only need between 64,000 and 65,000 to shift

the awareness of the entire planet. It is entirely possible for this to

happen. We are so blessed to be part of this family and we have an

amazing role to play in the fundamental change of everything on this

planet. It all starts with the raising of the human consciousness and

that is the business that the Oneness Movement is in plain and simple.

So let’s all come together, allow grace to shift ourselves first and

then get out there in the world and give the Oneness Blessing to as

many people as quickly as we can. Then we can sit back in awe and watch

the world shift beautifully into the Golden Age! Who wants to join me

in this effort?


spoke to John Petersen while writing this article and asked him if he

had any practical advice for the members of the Oneness family at this

time. He said the most important thing we can do is to not get caught

up in the chaos that is going on surrounding the financial crisis or

any other impending disasters that may come up. If you get emotionally

linked in to what the media is portraying there is a very good

possibility that you will start to worry about the future. Worrying is

the most counterproductive thing that we can do in this time because it

could paralyze us in the time when action is needed the most. It is

important to know what it is happening, in order to make practical

preparations, but leave it at that. He also suggests getting your news

from the Internet vs. the television. This way you can pick and choose

what you wish to focus on. When watching TV they choose what you will

focus on and with sounds and video the negative energy can be much more



most productive thing we can do is to keep working on ourselves and

continue on this path of awakening. John used a beautiful metaphor to

describe how this coming transition will affect those in the world. He

says that those that are consciously working towards awakening and

raising their level of awareness will be able to ride this new energy

all the way to the shores of a highly awakened state of consciousness.

Those that are not on the this path and have mind sets that are stuck

in the status quo the wave will look more like a gigantic tsunami that

will crash down upon them.


also says that from Bhagavan and many other sources he has been told

that the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world will

become very thin and transparent. For someone on his or her way to or

in an awakened state this will be most likely be a source of joy, yet

if you are not aware of this other aspect of life it could wreak havoc

and crumble your whole sense of existence. My guess is that if you are

reading this article that you are in the first group of people, so just

continue on your path and enjoy the ride.


also spoke of the importance of holding a vision of what the new world

will look like as the old one is crashing down. Not only is a vision

important, but also then it is also extremely important to be taking

steps towards that vision. It’s important to start making these visions



last point that John made is that it is extremely important to stay

open to the suggestions that will come your way that will help take

care of you. This is simply Divine guidance. The more you have worked

on yourself and have accepted yourself as you are and can truly see

what is inside you, the higher you’re level of consciousness will be

and the easier it will be for you to hear the guidance. This guidance

may tell you some pretty strange things like to pack up and move or it

may tell you to stay exactly where you are be a lighthouse for those

people in your area that may be blindsided by what is to come. Whatever

the guidance is simply listen and be in the present moment and the

Divine will take care of the rest.

John Petersen has released a book calledA vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change. You can also visit his web site at www.arlingtoninstitute.org.

-- Ganesh Baba ! Jai Gurudev !M-+919880962897Click Below to join our Group:kriyababa_spiritualjourney/join

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