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Christmas at Parthy

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I am submitting a few reports from my friend Philip who is spending Christmas at Puttaparthi -- his first visit to Swami! Blessings,

Laura Brainard




Wednesday, December 26, 2007 12:56 AM

Christmas at Parthy




Sai Ram All,


It is 2:05 pm on the 26th of December. I am running out of here in a moment to line up for Darshan. Swami said we were all too tired last night to hear his divine discourse, so today, in a few hours we shall receive it. Yay!


Yesterday and today have been beautiful. We lined up at 4 am to go into the mandir. Swami made it feel like Christmas! It was the first morning that I was really cold! I had to use my shawl as a protective wrap. Felt like I was back in Northern California. Once we entered, at first in row 3, I thought my good luck had struck again. And it had, however, we were not to remain sitting there. We sang Christmas Carols with a group from Southern California from 6 am until about 6:30 or so? About ten songs, sung twice in a row. Then, around 8:20, Swami came in a bit earlier than expected and his students raced in with their instruments and found a spot to sit until his car drove by. Then, they found their normal positions. A few young children were dressed up as Santa Claus (hopping around throwing candy to devotees), and others as little drummer boys. The large candle on the stage, it was announced, was from Medjugore (where the Virgin Mary was spotted for many years), and the Lady of Guadalupe images hung up in back were from Mexico City. The students played some Marching Band type numbers and some jazzy types of songs (some of them bhajans and others carols).


In the afternoon, I was in the 2nd section and row 3. I saw Anil coming my way and hoped and prayed he would say, "Thanks again for helping me out. Why don't you come up on stage with me." He spoke to the people on my left...and then the people on my right. Never once noticing I was sitting there, beaming a smile and in prayer position. Okay, thy will be done, right? I let it go. Then, Swami too came right to where I was sitting. His car pulled up right in front of me, down came the window, and a few fortunate devotees were able to deliver him letters. Again, a couple from my left and a couple from my right. (Haven't I heard this type of story from Sai Devotees before?) So, scientifically speaking, from this position I was the closest I've been to Sai yet, without anything material between us (like a window). I keep mentioning I am sitting in my emails, because I do believe he radiates and a Love and a Purifying Grace which can be felt the close one is to him. He has a radiant beaming face. And, I have to say, I often feel Swami resembles my grandfather. Both of them are a bit stoic and silent at times, but letting out these cute little smiles of love and cuteness!


There were 4 speakers. One young adult woman from Argentina spoke for a few minutes, and when she returned to Sai to thank him, he materialized a gold necklace for her! Cool! That's two miracles I've seen in person now. By the end, we all prayed for his divine discourse, but Swami said we were all too tired from sitting, and so he promises to speak to us today. Yippee! The Golden Voice shall be heard across the lands!


This morning was a beautiful darshan, too. I felt very comfortable this morning, despite sitting for another 3 hours, again. It was very peaceful. At 10:30 am a Catholic Mass was held at the Ashram by a priest from Africa (I believe). Arthur and Poppy Hillcoat brought up the communion. Anil Kumar said prayers in Telugu. It was over 2 hours long. It was very beautiful. When the time of Peace Exchange happened, I looked back and saw Anil Kumar behind me. He lit up, "Hey! I gave your work to the publisher yesterday!" We hugged and exchanged feelings of peace and goodwill.


Tonight, after Darshan, the first part of a film called ADVENT will be showed, which highlights The Birth and Coming of Sai to Earth. I was sad that I had to miss the Childrens Project Performance today at 1 pm (my friend from Trinidad, Terrance and I were going to go, but Mass didn't even end until 1) and wish the children well as they return to their home tonight. Tomorrow I will visit Swami Chaitanya and I look forward to this great blessing.


Hope you all had a wonderful, joy-filled, merry Christmas!


Love and Light,










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