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Dear jay:


Whether the " cause " of suffering is Avidya-Maya or Karma, I believe Hinduism

does know its " purpose " :


" Iron must be heated again and again and hammered a hundred times before it

becomes good steel. Then only it becomes fit to be made into a sharp sword, and

can be bent in any way you like. So man must be heated several times in the

furnace of tribulations and hammered with the persecutions of the world before

he becomes pure and humble, and fit to enter the presence of God. "


-- Sri Ramakrishna (Saying 399)


Therefore, if our Creator had constructed us so we could not experience physical

and emotional suffering, would we ever have been motivated to seek Him? Please



God Bless,





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Dear jay:


I agree that " suffering " is a serious topic, that is why I feel the need to

prolong our discussion a wee bit more . . .


My belief is that Hinduism, along with Buddhism, is fully qualified to know

" why " there is suffering. Avidya-Maya creates the illusion/perception of duality

- if there is pleasure, there must be pain, and so on. In order to

realize/experience our Creator, we must rise above this duality (i.e.,

attachment to the material world). God created " suffering " to provide the

motivation to seek Him. If all was pleasure in the material world, why seek

anything else? Indeed, suffering is a Holy Gift.


Regarding the Animal Kingdom, I would think a similar spiritual growth process

is at work there, but on a more instinctual level. without suffering, a zebra,

for example, would have no motivation to rise above its present level of



Regarding your underlying question of: " why did God create such a painful


to find Him? " - for this question, I agree with you - we can only shrug our

shoulders and say, " We don't know. " We can also say, " It's not important to know

this answer. " (As it also is not important to know the " number of branches,

leaves, etc. in the mango tree, " in order to know that a mango tastes good and

is healthy for us.)


However, I believe that, based on the manner in which God has created our

particular universe/Maya/mango tree, it is both pragmatic and blessed to know,

to rejoice and to surrender to the knowledge that suffering is not a mystery to

be avoided, but a Gift to be accepted and utilized for our spiritual benefit.

(This is why the prayer I like to use is: " Father, don't change my

circumstances, change me. " )


I am quite open to education from you and the List, if I'm out in " left field "

on any of the above!


God Bless,





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Dear Amit:


Good point -- the circumstances that bring suffering to a person's life can

bring death and despair, rather than Life and Truth. It is definately NOT the

circumstances that bring the desire for Realization, but our response to them.


Pray for strength, courage and understanding so you may use the hellish

circumstances in your life to surrender your life to God, and not to your

worldly ego -- which is incapable of understanding the spiritual bliss that is

forever residing within your own soul.


Lastly, if you are a Hindu and believe in Samsara, you know that suicide is not

an answer -- you'll just have to come back and do it all over again . . . Use

your suffering to climb out of the illusion of Maya and into the loving arms of

your Creator -- Who is calling you back home this very moment.


God Bless You,





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  • 5 months later...

Hello All,


This is in response to all said about suffering. I am lost my baby

last week , she was just seven months old. I was a great worshipper of

lord shiva and hanuman , but all my worship and fasts went in vain,

for i couldnt save my baby. I really wonder what life is al about, and

when someone speaks abut suffering it pains me to know that people can

only sympathize with you but can't empathize.

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Hello, Neetaji,


My sister lost two sons when they were a few months old. Then she lost her

third son when he was 21 yrs of age. It is when you see others going

through similar or even worse horrors that one can emphathise. I lost my

mum recently at her ripe age of 88 but it still shattered me. Death has

always been considered as a cause that affects people most.


What do we learn then? Buddha provides the answer and also the marathi

saint Eknath. Buddha distanced himself from everything after he saw old man

suffering, death and son on. He relinquished his throne. Ramakrishna says do

your work knowing that you are like a maid servant. Nothing belongs to you.

THe sense of possessiveness causes suffering. Eknath was very courteous and

used to help every one and never uttered a harsh word. A person asked him

what is the secret. Instead of answering his question, Eknath looked at his

palm and said I can see you are going to die in the next 3 months. The

person was shaken and the thought of his own death haunted him. His

behaviour towards others changed dramatically. He become very polite and

very helpful in the last few months that were left of his life. 3 months

elapsed, he didn't die and came to see Eknath again. Eknath said look just

the thought of death brought so much change. I remind myself day in and out

about death hence my approach towards the world is very different than



Let God give you courage to endure the suffering.





neetadixit [neetadixit]

Tuesday, 27 August 2002 8:44 PM


[sri Ramakrishna] Re: Suffering



Hello All,


This is in response to all said about suffering. I am lost my baby

last week , she was just seven months old. I was a great worshipper of

lord shiva and hanuman , but all my worship and fasts went in vain,

for i couldnt save my baby. I really wonder what life is al about, and

when someone speaks abut suffering it pains me to know that people can

only sympathize with you but can't empathize.





Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London




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I cannot even imagine your suffering. I wonder how you

collected yourself enough to even write this. I will

not even attempt any sympathy, knowing how hollow and

empty it will sound.




PS: Jay, Balakrishnan Mj, can you say anything to

assuage her?


--- neetadixit <neetadixit wrote:

> Hello All,


> This is in response to all said about suffering. I

> am lost my baby

> last week , she was just seven months old. I was a

> great worshipper of

> lord shiva and hanuman , but all my worship and

> fasts went in vain,

> for i couldnt save my baby. I really wonder what

> life is al about, and

> when someone speaks abut suffering it pains me to

> know that people can

> only sympathize with you but can't empathize.








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i am sorry to hear of your suffering. I pray that the Lord will afford you

with the strength and patience to overcome this moment of despair.


In speech, in thought,

in gestures of the body,

in perceptions of mind,

may the devotion to the lord,

always be your companion,

at all times and at all places.


'om namo narayana'




> " neetadixit " <neetadixit



>[sri Ramakrishna] Re: Suffering

>Tue, 27 Aug 2002 10:44:00 -0000


>Hello All,


>This is in response to all said about suffering. I am lost my baby

>last week , she was just seven months old. I was a great worshipper of

>lord shiva and hanuman , but all my worship and fasts went in vain,

>for i couldnt save my baby. I really wonder what life is al about, and

>when someone speaks abut suffering it pains me to know that people can

>only sympathize with you but can't empathize.








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" Jagannath Chatterjee " <jagchat01

<Ramakrishna >


> Madam,


> I cannot even imagine your suffering. I wonder how you

> collected yourself enough to even write this. I will

> not even attempt any sympathy, knowing how hollow and

> empty it will sound.


> Jagannath.


> PS: Jay, Balakrishnan Mj, can you say anything to

> assuage her?




Dear Jagannath


It is heartening to see the list members reacting in this loving

manner. I had already responded through a private email.............jay

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--- neetadixit <neetadixit wrote:

> Hello All,


> This is in response to all said about suffering. I

> am lost my baby

> last week , she was just seven months old. I was a

> great worshipper of

> lord shiva and hanuman , but all my worship and

> fasts went in vain,

> for i couldnt save my baby. I really wonder what

> life is al about, and

> when someone speaks abut suffering it pains me to

> know that people can

> only sympathize with you but can't empathize.










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Dear Dixit: I'm sorry to have waited so long to respond to the tragedy that you have suffered in the death of your seven-month old daughter. I have also read the responses of other readers, all of them very good. One I liked was from Milind who quoted an anecdote from Eknath telling someone that he would die within three months. The person did not die, but he transformed himself into a very kind and compassionate man. But your situation is different; your suffering is because of the loss of your child. So I would reinterpret Eknath's advice in this manner. I believe, he would have advised you to meditate on death, and also on life. In our everyday busy life, full of activity, we often don't pay much attention to the ultimate meaning of life, and its purpose. Meditating on death too will help us understand the meaning of life. The more you meditate on death, the less you become afraid of it. Face the brute, the brute will take to its heels.

I will quote Swami Vivekananda's advice to Sara Bull, his American disciple, who had lost her father in 1894. He said, "....coming and going is all pure delusion. The soul never comes nor goes. Where is the place to which it shall go when all space is in the soul? When shall be the time for entering and departing when all time is in the soul?..." Your real child is always with you. We cannot lay claim on any material object, and the body is one such material object. Continue with your meditation on Hanuman and Siva, thereby becoming yourself like them, strong and immortal. After all, we all are that Siva (Shivoham, Shivoham) of the nature of chit and ananda (Chidanandarupah). May God give you the strength of Hanuman and Siva to overcome your suffering.

Umesh Gulati

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Hello all,


Thanks a lot to everyone for trying to share my grief. Even my mother

can't understand how I feel, hence I dont want to gather sympathy or

what ever. My relatives / friends were far from comforting but rather

were hurtful, which made me feel where the humanity is leading. Maybe

in this fast paced people dont have time for others thats what I felt.


once again thanks a lot to all those who spent their time for my mail

and responded. sorry if i have expressed something which hurts, for i

dont know what to write or express.


GOd bless!!



Ramakrishna, " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda@b...> wrote:


> " Jagannath Chatterjee " <jagchat01>

> <Ramakrishna>


> > Madam,

> >

> > I cannot even imagine your suffering. I wonder how you

> > collected yourself enough to even write this. I will

> > not even attempt any sympathy, knowing how hollow and

> > empty it will sound.

> >

> > Jagannath.

> >

> > PS: Jay, Balakrishnan Mj, can you say anything to

> > assuage her?


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~response~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Dear Jagannath


> It is heartening to see the list members reacting in this loving

> manner. I had already responded through a private email.............jay

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Dear Sister:


I shall not try to sympathize or empathize at all. How hollow it will seem to console a bereaved mother (as also the poor father and other close relatives) with some useless worldly words! I will not do that also. I only pray to Lord Shiva to grant you peace (shanti) amidst your terrible trauma (ashanti). I also pray to Him to grant your baby a permanent place at His lotus feet so that he (or she) need not take a birth again in this mortal world.


Since you are a devotee of Shiva, you must be knowing that Shiva is also called Mrityunjaya (the conqueror of Death). As per our Hindu mythology, He took the deadly poison (Kalakuta) which came out during the churning of the ocean (samudra-manthana) in search of nectar (Amrita). When everybody became scared at the very sight of this dangerous poison, it was Shiva who came forward to take the poison willingly to save the creation. Since He did this for the benefit of all, even the deadly poison could not kill Him (only His throat became blue because of the action of this poison and He is called Nilakantha since then). He became Mrityunjaya. If that is true (at least allegorically), all His disciples are also Mrityunjaya and nothing less. You are Mrityunjaya, your baby is (not was) also Mrityunjaya. Your sincere worship and other associated penances have not gone in vain at all, it cannot go in vain. Please do not entertain these ideas at all. In stead, pray to Shiva most intensely, cry to Him, meditate upon Him. This is the time to grasp His lotus feet with all your might so that He cannot escape you! Do that and you will find that your baby is deathless, so are you, so are we all.


No, any worship to Shiva cannot go in vain. Simply it cannot. Shiva is also known as Ashutosh--One who is pleased very easily. This is the time to test whether it is so.


Once again, I pray to Shiva to grant you and your family the required strength to overcome that tremendous loss.


Yours sincerely


TP Bagchi.





Tuesday, August 27, 2002 4:14 PM

[sri Ramakrishna] Re: Suffering

Hello All,This is in response to all said about suffering. I am lost my babylast week , she was just seven months old. I was a great worshipper oflord shiva and hanuman , but all my worship and fasts went in vain,for i couldnt save my baby. I really wonder what life is al about, andwhen someone speaks abut suffering it pains me to know that people canonly sympathize with you but can't empathize.Sri Ramakrishnaye NamahVivekananda Centre Londonhttp://www.vivekananda.co.uk

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dear ms. neeta,


as many fellow brothers have expressed very kindly and

touchingly, mere expression of words will not mitigate

your sorrow at the same time, the feelings of others

are also very difficult to be conveyed to the sufferer

thru words alone.


i fervently wish and pray that God gives you some

excellent things in life which will intill peace and

harmony in you and your family.





--- neetadixit <neetadixit wrote:

> Hello all,


> Thanks a lot to everyone for trying to share my

> grief. Even my mother

> can't understand how I feel, hence I dont want to

> gather sympathy or

> what ever. My relatives / friends were far from

> comforting but rather

> were hurtful, which made me feel where the humanity

> is leading. Maybe

> in this fast paced people dont have time for others

> thats what I felt.


> once again thanks a lot to all those who spent their

> time for my mail

> and responded. sorry if i have expressed something

> which hurts, for i

> dont know what to write or express.


> GOd bless!!



> Ramakrishna, " Vivekananda Centre "

> <vivekananda@b...> wrote:

> >

> > " Jagannath Chatterjee " <jagchat01>

> > <Ramakrishna>

> >

> > > Madam,

> > >

> > > I cannot even imagine your suffering. I wonder

> how you

> > > collected yourself enough to even write this. I

> will

> > > not even attempt any sympathy, knowing how

> hollow and

> > > empty it will sound.

> > >

> > > Jagannath.

> > >

> > > PS: Jay, Balakrishnan Mj, can you say anything

> to

> > > assuage her?

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~response~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >

> > Dear Jagannath

> >

> > It is heartening to see the list members reacting

> in this loving

> > manner. I had already responded through a private

> email.............jay








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  • 1 year later...

Hi Moon,

I do not accept the premise upon which you base your

question, viz. God allows suffering.

How do you arrive at this? Why? How do you know God

allows suffering? reasons please?


I believe humans are the source and cause of suffering,

maybe karma?




--- Unforgiven <ovi91st wrote:

> Why does God allow suffering.

> Moon









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Dear Moon,


Why is it that you believe that God allows suffering?

What is the evidence that God allows suffering?






--- Unforgiven <ovi91st wrote:

> Why does God allow suffering.

> Moon









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Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda have said many a times that misery is a

much greater teacher than happiness. I don't know about others but i have

experienced the truth of this statement in my life. And it may be that the Lord

wants us all to become perfect like him. So he gives us suffering so that we can

learn from it and make spiritual progess. And in the history of mankind also, we

can see that misery inspired many great men to become what they became. We can

take Buddha's life for example. He was so much moved on seeing sick people that

he renounced his kingdom and luxuries in search of truth. There are many more

such examples.







Smile....And the world smiles with you!!!



" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

" list " <Ramakrishna >

Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:32:00 +0100

[sri Ramakrishna] Suffering


> -

> " Unforgiven " <ovi91st

> <Ramakrishna >

> Tuesday, October 14, 2003 05:13

> [sri Ramakrishna] Suffering


> > Why does God allow suffering.

> > Moon

> >

> >

> ------------------------response ------------------------------


> This is a wonderful thread to respond to. We are sure that many of our

> list-members will offer interesting opinions. May we ask you, " What is your

> opinion on this issue? "

> If God is:

> The cause of everything (including suffering) and all knowing

> and all powerful and all compassionate why should one living

> thing suffer for one instant?...... a wonderful question.

> Our mentor Vivekananda started his spiritual journey armed

> with this pointed question.


> Vivekananda Centre London



> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.vivekananda.co.uk



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--- Unforgiven <ovi91st wrote:

> Why does God allow suffering.

> Moon





The root cause of suffering is the forgetfulness of

Godhood by we, Jivatmas(souls).Under ignorance(maya)we

think ourselves as doers of actions.So the results of

those actions (both happiness & sorrow) bound as and

this is called karma.So to transcend the effects of

karma one should fully give himself under God's hands.

Then our actions will be under his guidance & the

karmic effects never touch us.In due course we become

enlightened & won't feel material joy & sorrow.

Meera bai the great Krishna devotee was tortured by

her husband.Yet she didn't feel the suffering as she

was fully absorbed in God consciousness.

Good karma is like a golden chain & bad karma like

iron chain.But both binds us & the Bhakthi viveka

liberates us and take to the kingdom of God.

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Dear Readers,


Iswara is our " Pratibimbo " , if we are happy, Iswar is happy, if we suffer Iswara

suffers. Atman/Paramatman relationship. The whole world is Iswaramaya Jagat.

Peace be with you all.




Asis Bagchi






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Dear Friends,



--- Kushal Shah <ee01b040 wrote:


> namaskar,


> Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda have said many

> a times that misery is a much greater teacher than

> happiness.


Yes, this is true. Human beings tend to be

complacent. We are affected by tamas/inertia. Misery

is a catalyst to change our course--to move on in a

spiritual sense.



> And

> in the history of mankind also, we can see that

> misery inspired many great men to become what they

> became.



Truly!!! Just think, even in the course of mundane

life, nearly every modern convenience that we have was

developed because persons were suffering. We have

medicine because of disease. We have automobiles to

ease our problems with transportation. We have

heating, cooling and clothing to help us to exist

amidst heat and cold.


From this, we see that we develop and evolve due to

the negativity in our existence.








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" Unforgiven " <ovi91st

<Ramakrishna >

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:43 PM

[sri Ramakrishna] Suffering



> Why does God allow suffering.

> Moon


Because it is not a suffering at all for him. It is we who bifurcate things

as sufferings and pleasures. A cat catches hold. For the cat it is now time

to relishe. But, for the mouse....? This is a gross level. Go deeper Great

Seers like Shri. Thakur and Shri. Ramana Maharishi were not perturbed even

by cancer or tumor. They never complained of suffering.


A Boxing Champion was standing at the edge of a small pit with sewage water

just peeping into it. A Sanyasinwho was walking along the way all of a

sudden just pushed this man forward. He fell into the pit. With rage he came

out and thrashed the sanyasin. With all his body bleeding the Sanyasin just

smiled and went away. The Boxer was confused. He followed the Sanyasin to

his home. The deciples stood dumb found when they saw their master is this

conditions and started treating him. They wanted to know what actually had

happened. The Sanyasin narrated the episode and said " My dear boys, That

poor man did not know that there was a poisonous snake just near his leg

ready to spit venom. He did not know that I wanted to Save him and not to

subject hime to any Suffering. " The Sanyasin was still smiling.


But........The Boxer Wept.








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***Why does God allow suffering?


Dear Moon


In my experience trouble/pain is what life gives us very often & suffering is

what we do to ourselves. Suffering is often a reaction to pain.


Just as a pain in the body indicates some ailment in the body which needs

remedy....suffering, may be an ailment of the mind which needs a remedy. Most of

us are searching for this remedy, some in a conscious manner and some



You write with the tag " unforgiven " and seem to have seen some suffering. God

surely forgives everybody. Hug yourself and forgive yourself. I do hope you

overcome your grief.


Forgive me if I have over-stepped my limits.


love and regards

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As answer to all,


I have no idea why there is such horrible suffering in the world ,I

have just about given up in believing in God, I don't know what to

make of the world.


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Dear Moon,


Don't worry. I don't know what your trouble is. But

I too have felt something like you feel now. At one

time I was sure that God didn't exist and that there

wasn't any hope. But things change. You want them to

change or you wouldn't be writing these things.


You know what is true and you know what you have to

do. Hang on!!!!!!!







--- Unforgiven <ovi91st wrote:

> As answer to all,


> I have no idea why there is such horrible suffering

> in the world ,I

> have just about given up in believing in God, I

> don't know what to

> make of the world.

> Moon









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Dear Friends,


I would have preferred to remain silent on this issue but the reply of " moon "

quoted below forced me to participate.


It is indeed cruel to say this but sufferring is necessary in this world.

Sufferring and pain are the faces of God which we see when we are very close to

Him. We have to bow down and accept this suffering for our own good.Yes, OUR OWN



I am not a highy and mighty avatar standing aloof on a peak and spreading

sermons on this issue. I have had my own fair share of pain and suffering.

Suffering so great that for years on end I would get up in the morning and the

first thought that would come to my head was how I would commit suicide the same

day. At night I would go to sleep thinking that I would surely complete the task

the next day.


And all this was AFTER I had accepted Thakur, AFTER I had accepted a Guru, AFTER

I had started my spiritual search sincerely. Try however much I might I never

could fathom what was the cause of such extreme suffering.


The very word " pain " is enough for me today to spend sleepless nights. There is

a threshold of pain and I had crossed it many times over. I never could even

imagine that such a state could ever arrive in a persons life, that life could

be so unliveable, that the world could be so cruel, that God could be so aloof

to ones prayers, that death could be so mesmerising and inviting. I was not

afraid of death, I was afraid of life and death was my God to whom I prayed

fervently to come and put an end to my suffering.


But all through that I learnt that my suffering was the fructification of my own

karma in my previous births. That it was Thakur that led me into that suffering

to purify my soul. That my Guru simply watched from the sidelines knowing fully

well that my karma was irreversible. The only message I ever got from Guruji was

that, " He will overcome it " . Just that, no words of solace, no explanations,



For eleven whole years I was like a pariah, moving from one temple to another,

from one holy man to another, from one holy book to another and never finding a

seconds respite from my pain. I stopped driving my vehicle because the desire to

crash it against a speeding truck was too alluring to resist. There were times I

would come to my senses and find myself lying in the precincts of a temple

without knowing how I got there. There would be people standing around staring

at me like I was a madman.


It took me seven years to stop dreaming about that period. The pictures in my

mind will never fade. I am scarred for life. BUT I HAVE NOT LOST MY FAITH ON

THAKUR. He has never come and picked me up in his arms but I know he is watching

me, and that is enough. Spirituality, argueably, never came to my aid but it is

still the only thing that matters for me today. The scars are there but they

remind me of the emptiness of this world, of its impermanence. I don't know if I

have gained anything from my horrendous ordeal but one thing is sure, I'll never

love life again.






Unforgiven <ovi91st wrote:

As answer to all,


I have no idea why there is such horrible suffering in the world ,I

have just about given up in believing in God, I don't know what to

make of the world.







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My teacher said " Suffering is your only friend,

because only suffering will teach you to grow, will

show you your attachments. "


--- Unforgiven <ovi91st wrote:

> As answer to all,


> I have no idea why there is such horrible suffering

> in the world ,

> have just about given up in believing in God, I

> don't know what to

> make of the world.

> Moon









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