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Re: [sBOI-post] Your Opinon please

Dear Ravi kumar, Sai brother,


Swamy has comein to your dream means he is really talking to you and

expressing his feelings and conveying message to you. Don't think it

is merely it is a dream. You have suffered for three years because of

your poorva karmas. you faced all sorrow,difficulties etc. and that

whole karma has over. NOW you willbe starting new life and it will be

clean and happy. Start again the life with happy and full faith on

swamy and accept the life fully.Best of luck. Sairam


Bharatha Mahalakshmi,Ch.


dear Sai brother ravi kumar


you are really very blessed. that Swami has personally taken your

letter and also appeared in your dream and has told you that all your

problems are now over, these ae all signals that He gives to tell you

that He cares for you .


leave aside all worries and concentrate on your work. Continue to

pray to Him. He will look after you. dont worry at all.



dear ravi

ohm sri sai ram

you are very fortunate to have blessings in person and in dream. all

your hardship is over and be happy to face new happy life soon.


ohm sri sai ram



i think the answer is clear...in fact the world is called the school

of life,it is here that we come to discover our own reality but what

happens is that due to maya the jiva forgets that his true aim is to

learn and his journey here is temporary.in this delusion we commit

mistakes and like when a pebble is cast into water,the ripples always

return to the centre.the 'problems'are in fact boosting factors from

existence to make us stop stagnating and move to godliness.the real

answer is to accept them as part of life's teachings...Swami says that

we are god,we come from god and will finally return to god.so do not

worry..god is there to take our load..why fear when swami is here?

mantish sairam


Dear Sairam Ravikumar


further to my earlier mail, i wish you to keep your mind on positive

thinking.Please read about " Law of Attraction "









" We attract whatever we choose to give our attention to--whether

wanted or unwanted. " Says Law of Attraction




" All that we are is a result of what we have thought "

~ Buddha (563 BCE- 483 BCE)


.. " When we are suffering, the sufferings seems to be never ending,

this is because we are focusing on the suffering, instead of the

greenery at the end of the suffering. This is why the happier we are

the merrier we get and when we are sad or depressed more things comes

our way and destroys our peace. Hinduism also believes in " Adwaita "

philosophy, " Brahmaiva na apara " which means " GOD IS WITHIN EACH OF

US. . If you spend most of your time thinking about the miseries, you

are going to see more miseries. If you are lamenting about your

wealth or health, that is what you are going to get. " YOU BECOME

WHAT YOU FOCUS ON THE MOST " . You only experience that you wish for or

worry about the most.


Essence of Positive Thinking




You could try simple exercises to see if this law works. Visualize or

wish for a nice compliment, or a small gift or meeting someone that

will make a difference. We have all had good and bad days. Paying a

little more attention to our days we see that some days we get up

with a negative thought and feel the day is going to be a mess, and

yes sure, the whole day goes wrong. Have you ever wondered how you

predicted your day? This is the law of attraction working its way.

You sent out a negative thought and you get more negative

experiences. Now, try this out. Get up and send out a strong thought

that the day is going to be happy and peaceful and believe in it, and

you will be amazed how productive the day would be. We have all had

miracles happen in our lives. Remember about those, and you will

realize that those experiences came your way since you stayed focused

and truly wished for that outcome. Stop focusing on what you do not

want to experience and instead focus on what you expect to see.

Visualize how you want your experiences to be. Visualize the salary

you wish, visualize the type of people you want to meet, visualize

your dream house and believe that it is going to happen and be

surprised for many pleasant gifts from the universe. There will no

longer be hectic days at work, kids will excel in what they truly

wish for. Parents and in-laws will appreciate you, your boss will

appreciate you, you will become the best husband, the best wife, the

best friend " THE BEST " of what ever you want. You will only meet the

type of people you want to meet and draw in experiences into your

life that you wish. Stay positive and let the universe manifest the

best out there for you. You will get more of what you think. If you

think you have enough and donate, you will receive more wealth. The

minute you stop sharing, you are focusing not on abundance, however

on the lack of something. Therefore you are going to see more of the

lack. The best way to receive more of anything is sending in

heartfelt gratitude and supplementing it with actions that shows

abundance. You wish evil for others because you think you lack

something they have, so there you go, you have focused on lack and

you are going to manifest more of it. This is the reason our

ancestors and all religions in the world teach us to see good, hear

good and be good.




Now, you will not be reading this article if you had not wished for

it. Here I mean the content of my writing and not me the presenter of

the content. I am merely an instrument manifested through your

thoughts. There are no accidents and chances. Everything happens for

a reason and it happens because you focused on it. Express your

thoughts to the universe, dream all that you ever wanted, after all,

great discoveries and inventions blossomed from a thought and

unfathomable faith and wish.


Sairam, please have faith in our beloved Swamy, also think positive.


surely you will come though this bad period and write to us

janakiraman padmanabhan Sairam


Dear Sairam, Ravikumar,


My thoughts went to these lines in Sai Astothram


" Om Sri Sai Sarvabheeshta pradaya namah: (O! Sai! You fulfill all our

wishes!) Om Sri Sai Kalyana Gunaya namah: (O! Sai! But you are

too Good & Loving, keeping the highest good in mind for the



Om Sri Sai Karma dhvamsine namah: (O! Sai! So you help first in

removing the root causes of wrong actions!) [Ref: 108 Divine Names

of Bhagavan Baba] "


Although we are all to undergo the effects of past Karma, Baba can

reduce the effects of those past Karma. If Karma is all supreme, and

nothing can be done to reduce the effects of past karma, then why

would one go to temples or go to Swamy for relief?


You had undergone the effects of your past karma to some extend, but

Swamy had come to your rescue before you suffer more .That's why HE

has blessed you to get number one token, allowed you to be seated

in the front row, accepted your letter, blessed you also , appeared

in your dream.. Now have faith in Him, within few months you will

surely write to us that you are doing well .



Wishing you all the best, please chant Sai Gayathri whenever you

face problems




Sai Ram Bro,


Why so much of doubts just because of a dream? Why torture yourself

by asking too many questions and cracking your head? The thing is,

Swami's words can mean alot of things, i'm sure you know this.


I know what you're going through, but bro, c'mon.. i bet Swami

doesn't want to see you sitting there and pondering aboutthings that

are of not much importance. Strive harder and challenge life. Face

the devil and win the game! That is what he wants.


But if you're asking what Swami means, then i think what Swami meant

was you have repaid for all your past previous birth Karmas. Good

things are coming your way.


That is what i think Swami means in the dream. Take care bro and all

the best in your life. Don't think and worry too much. Enjoy every

second of life while you still can dude.


Sai Ram


Regards & Love,




Sai Ram Ravi,


I think your good fortune has already started turning. You should be

getting well deserved oppotunities, soon.



swamy tells your problemes over. here after everything will be smooth.


jai sairam - Latha


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