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Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters,

Well and wish to hear the same with you all. Hope all are fine with the grace of our Divine Lord and Mother and Father. I need one clarification.


Sairam, I was in Coimbatore and moved to Chennai in 2005 after I got a job. I come to Chennai with great hope thinking that I can get settlied. After coming to Chennai, I faced lot of problem. Every body cheated me even my very close relatives. Even the company where I worked asked me to resign. I resigned in Dec 3rd 2007. Upto March 2008 I was given salary. I tried very hard for a job but nothing clicked. Finally my friend who was in Coimbatore is running a software company asked me a join. The nature of job is QC, very different from my qualification. I accepted to join, because I need money to run the family.

Now i feel very bad because I am returning, I lost everything, Money, profession, health, peace of mind. The last 3.5 years from May 2005 till now Sep 2008 was very tough. For the past 3 years, when ever I feel very sad, I use to go to see Swamy and come back. Almost very month i use to go. When I see Swamy I get lot of peace of mind. On some occasssions I use to give letters.


During my last visit in July 17th to 21st 2008, I went very highly depressed not sure about my future, family, money is running out and other things. On 19th afternoon I luckly got token no 1 and sat in first row. That day swamy came around 4:20pm and he bypassed the gents side and went to varanda. Then again after 20 minutes he come to the gents section. He slowly crossed the student and was comming towards me smiling and slowly raiseing his right hand, he was blessing all the way. He came near and took the letter and went.

Then I returned to Chennai.


Last week Swamy appeared in my dream and said

" Due to previous birth Karmas you suffered a lot. I was not able to do anything. Every one has to under go his karma."

I asked swamy does it means that I should suffer like this through out my life.

Swamy said " No. Every thing is over"


Can you kindly tell me that Swamy tells.


with love,




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