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Happy Forever

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Happy Forever



Once there was a rebel sufi sage. He was known for his love for

freedom. He used to go around the country singing songs of rebellion.

So the Caliph arrested him and put him in the shackles, from his neck

downward, but no one could prevent him from singing songs of freedom.

After many days, the Caliph thought of meeting the sage in prison. So

he visited him and asked whether he had any trouble. The sage said,

“What troubles? I am utterly happy as I am a royal guest, your guest;

how can troubles even touch me? I used to live in a hut but now you

have put me in a palace. Thank you!” The Caliph was amazed hearing such

words. He said, “Are you joking?” The sage said, “I can say so as I

have turned life itself into a joke.” The Caliph asked him a straight

question, “Are the chains on your hands and feet heavy and painful?”

The Sufi glanced at his chains and said, “These chains are far away

from me; there is a greater distance between the chains and me. Don’t

be under the illusion that you have imprisoned me, it is my body, which

you have imprisoned, not my freedom. You cannot turn freedom into

prison, because I know how to turn prison into freedom.” -- With Love,Ganesh Babahttp://kriyababa.blogspot.com/To get spiritual mails


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