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Astrology In Valmiki Ramayana

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Astrology In Valmiki Ramayana=======================


History of astrology is a unique and mysterious subject. The literary history presented by available slokas from Rishi horas and our modern understanding about the history of

India does not match. Even the literary history as interpreted from Vedas, Upanishads and Epics does not tally with the literary history of Nirayana astrology prevalent in this country.

The names of signs are neither mentioned in vedas nor in Upanishads. The Vedic literature seems to reflect more of Tropical zodiac, and a system of Nirayana astrology based on stellar divisions.

Possibly the weekdays gets first mentioned in Yajnavalkya Smiriti, and the Signs in Sulba sutras about the period of which we have no idea. The first text of Nirayana astrology Skanda Hora (also known as Jyotishmati Upanishad) does not get mentioned in any other Upanishad. Many slokas from this text is still available and it is clear that by the period of this text, Nirayana astrology based on signs became a full-fledged system, covering a vast area of knowledge. The most scientific approach of texts like Skanda hora and Surya sidhanta giving maximum importance to rhythm of the solar system, breath pattern and minute time divisions indicates a the evolvement of this science from Yogic or Tantic experience. Many associate this knowledge with the lost Sindhu-Saraswati civilization and the Tantric culture prevalent in India in the ancient past. This path of knowledge seems to be one different from that of the vedic knowledge.

The Epics (Mahabharata and Ramayana) and Puranas deal with astrology for sure but not in a comprehensive and perfect manner as depicted in Skanda Hora (Nirayana Predictive astrology) or Surya sidhanta (Nirayana astronomy). They some how seems to follow the Vedic path (Tropical zodiac + fixed stellar divisions), but missing link or mix-up is also visible here and there. These texts give us the feel that there existed a system of predictive astrology completely based on stellar divisions alone, prior to the origin of sign based predictive system. It is also possible that Sign based and stellar divisions based astrology followed different paths in development and application, prior to the mix-up of the two to form the perfect system.

This condition necessitates scrutinizing the subject in detail to have a detailed understanding so that our views would more closer to truth, than that of a passer by. A detailed study of ancient astrology depicted in-


* Vedas and Upanishads

* Tantric Literature

* Epics and Puranas

- is necessary to attain the same, without which our clarity in understanding will not emerge. This is the situation that prompted me to study astrology as depicted in Valmiki Ramayana in detail. Possibly this may lead to a better understanding of Stellar based prediction system depicted Ramayana and also about the history of astrology.

There is one more unique bit of knowledge that should be kept in mind prior to this study. Valmiki Ramayana is text that had undergone numerous revisions through centuries. Even though the original text and story thread might be of even BC 6000 later additions and interpolations happened to this text continuously, as evident from the history of Ramayana mentioned in Skanda Purana.

The Devanagari script didn't existed prior to BC 200 as per our current archeological understanding. The original Sanskrit texts like Vedas, Upanishads, Epics such as Mahabharata and Ramayana might have originally been written using a script similar to Sindhu-Saraswati script or Proto-Brahmi. Prior to that they might have been imparted to generations by memorizing the slokas through guru-sishya parampara. With the advent of Devanagari script all the texts must have been modified and rewritten using the new rectified script and its grammar. The modifications and interpolations must have continued for generations there after and the texts that are available to us are survival remains of all these tides turbulences and cultural changes. There is no point in denying this fact out of national pride or religious fundamentalism. Being sacred texts Vedas, Upanishads, and Epics might have withstood these modifications to a large extend, and the inner thread of knowledge possibly we could locate in them should point to the original knowledge as practiced and perceived in far ancient past.


Period of Valmiki Ramayana

As evident from the numerous references to Jain and Buddha religions, it is evident that the current version of Ramayana was written around AD 2nd century in the Sunga period who were Brahmanic kings, and revived and rewritten many ancient texts. These Brahmanic kings and their supporters corrupted much of the ancient knowledge, and injected the religious fundamentalism and brahmanic false caste pride to most of the texts. The available version of Ramayana is also an example of the same. Thus while dealing with the `vedic astrology' depicted in Valmiki Ramayana, and the references there upon, we shouldn't forget the fact that we are dealing with `Vedic astrology' existed as on AD 2nd century. Ofcourse well evident from many other texts by this time Non-vedic Nirayana astrology has flourished and has covered good grounds, but it seems that `vedic astrology' was in a state of still to be systematized. It is also possible, that this is a wrong conclusion. We might have lost the true understanding of `vedic astrology' in the course, since people started giving more importance to the Nirayana astrology which depended more on fixed Signs than on the stellar astrology proposed by the vedic system.


Vedic Astrology

Nirayana non-vedic astrology was a child of `Agama' or `Tantric' tradition while Sidereal vedic astrology was a child of `Nigama' or `Vedic' tradition. Initially the vedic system depended more on fixed unequal stellar divisions of the lunar path (28 Nakshatras) and later modified the system considering the ecliptic redefining the Nakshatras as equal divisions of the zodiac (27 Nakshatras). The tropical zodiac was given maximum importance especially related to calendar calculation and determination of auspicious days for festivals and agriculture. Thus vedic astrology was a mixture of Tropical astrology and fixed stellar divisions of ecliptic by the period of Valmiki Ramayana of 2nd century AD. It should be remember that, It is with this imperfect but vedic system of astrology that we deal with while we consider the system of astrology that deals within Valmiki Ramayana. Currently we have only very feeble idea of this system of astrology due to the lack of research in this field - and due to the extra interest in Nirayana astrology. The proponders of vedic know how, exerted much effort in tricking people to believing that Nirayana astrology is vedic, but any true seeker of knowledge who studies the ancient literature can easily see that there is once scarce reference to Nirayana astrology in the whole of vedic literature. What it proposes is astrology based on fixed stellar divisions and Tropical zodiac. The astrology dealt with in Valmiki Ramayana is also an example of the same. The following points should be kept in mind throughout this study.


* The currently available Ramayana is a written around AD 2nd century in the Sunga Period of Brahmanic kings

* It is a text that tries to disgrace the Buddhist and Jain religions. It also tries to show that the Dravidian and north eastern (Orissa etc - Anga, Vanga, Kalinga) cultures are of inferior and uncultured forest dwelling people (N not even people, monkeys!)


* It is an ancient story (the original story we don't know) totally corrupted by caste brahmins blinded by ego, pride, hatred towards other cultures and religions and much more.


* It is a text that gives maximum importance to outwardly scriptural ethics and ignorantly ignores the true ethics that comes from within, the inner knowledge, that is part of realization or enlightenment. It is NOT a text of much spiritual value.

* It is a good literary text that should be considered as literature only, and is composed by mediocre brahmins of AD 2nd century (with minimum spiritual awareness only) and NOT a work of the great sage Valmiki to whom it is attributed to.

* The above points, suggests that the text will help us to understand the history and brahmanic caste fanatism around 2nd Century AD and expecting more than this lead us in wrong path. Attributing high spiritual value to the text or trying to understand the culture of vedic past should be avoided while dealing with this text.

* Even in this totally corrupted form the Valmiki Ramayana may contain the glimpses and references to the ancient style of vedic astrology, since it discards anything non-vedic, and is fanatically in favor of the vedic. Thus it is a wrong place to search for references to non-vedic Nirayana astrology - if some such references are found in this text that would a new interpolation after 2nd century AD or could be a mistake of people who created this text only.

Ramayana tries to discard and blame the religions like Buddhist and Jain - which by the time of 2nd century AD, adopted and propagated tantra and Nirayana astrology to a large extend. By this time Nirayana astrology has even started spreading to south India, but Ramayana tries its maximum to stay away from this trend and tries to reflect the `vedic' tropical calendar system and stellar astrology only as far as possible. (There is only one sloka as an exception to this). In short the newly created Ramayana of 2nd century is totally against that is Non-vedic. But alas, even these brahmanic corrupters with vedic fanatism, and no inner spirituality, couldn't fully clear out several references that point to non-vedic practices from the old version of the text. Thus in essence we are searching the rudiments of the past in a fully corrupted text, we are searching non-vedic attributes present in the original text, in a text fully corrupted by some brahmins of 2nd century AD who neither understood non-vedic spiritual heights nor vedic spiritual heights, but were fanatically in favor of the vedic culture.

* Understanding the background of the text, we are going to try only to

b) pick out knowledge bits related to `vedic astrology' present around 2nd century AD from this text.

a) pick out some valuable references to sages and tradition prior to 2nd century AD.

* While dealing with this text we will try to concentrate on the positive side only. If some one starts criticizing this text, there is a thousand things to pick and stand against. Truly it is one of the worse texts - totally contaminated by brahmanic castism and ignorance of true knowledge within. But let us concentrate only on the positive side and pick out things that we are interested in (

i.e. astrology), and things which are positive. Thus this negative tone I am using, you will not witness anymore in this book - because here we are after the positive, creative and constructive.

The aim of this book is to locate the same in Valmiki Ramayana. Let us try our luck in achieving such a goal, and let the blessings of Mahakala (Siva, the god of time) be with us. Let us baby step through this study.


The Sages - the Gurus

Let us start our subject discussion by discussing the first sloka of Valmiki Ramayana itself.

The revered Rishi Valmiki approached Rishi Narada, well versed in words, who was indulged in meditation and self-study.

- Valmiki Ramayana

The names of two great sages mentioned in this sloka needs some introduction related to history of astrology. In Saunaka hora it is said that Skanda imparted the knowledge of astrology to Brahma, Brahma to Daksha, Daksha to Mareechi. Being a wanderer astrological knowledge was not initially imparted to Narada. Mareechi taught this knowledge to Saptarshis and from their own the knowledge flowed to others.

The ancient Rishi Kulas were like universities, and the main sage held the name of originator of that Kula. Thus Vasishta, Viswamitra, Garga, Parasara, Atri, Narada, Valmiki, Vyasa etc are the names of Rishi Paramparas (Ashram Traditions) which are like universities were the chancellor position would be held by one of the most knowledgeable individual of that tradition, and many would be taught. In India the same system we can see in the naming of Buddha, Sankaracharya and so on. No Rishi is a single person, and in the tradition many might have held that position.

Even though Saunaka hora says that knowledge of astrology is not imparted to Narada, many later masters of this tradition attained this knowledge. Many astrological texts such as Narada Sidhanta, Narada Samhita, Naradeeya Samhita etc are attributed to this tradition out of which Narada Samhita and Naradeeya Samhita are available. Many astrological quotes of Narada is present with in Puranas as well.

Valmiki holds supreme position in another tradition. Many texts such as Valmiki Ramayana, Yoga Vasishta etc are attributed to him. The texts by Valmiki are unique source of knowledge and texts like Yoga Vasishta holds supreme position in scientific presentation of spiritual knowledge. Even a scientist of relativity or quantum physics, reading Yoga Vasishta will feel great reverence towards this great master for his most scientific outlook and knowledge even though he lived in that ancient past.


Thus we are witnessing the meeting of two great masters; masters of meditation and self study. The whole conversation between them and story of Ramayana told, will have much knowledge to impart concerning astrology prevailed in that period also for sure. We are dealing with a text that has the mark of centuries imprinted in it, and a text that has a great history and importance - let it be related to any subject dealt within. Let us follow the meditative path and self study process as shown to us by this great masters in our search of `astrology dealt within Valmiki Ramayana' as well.


Let us bow to the age old gurus of this tradition. Who are they? Skanda Purana while describing the history and evolution of Ramayana tells -

It is remembered by age of texts that, the great souls such as Sanaka etc are the sons of Brahma. All of them were great souls without ego, and had transcended sex, and became enlightened ones. I will tell their name - they are, Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatkumara and Sanatana.


- Skanda Purana

These 4 great sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatkumara and Sanatana are the gurus of this tradition. Remember that that is why the indian culture is known as the `Sanatana culture' - the everlasting one. This is the culture envisaged by these four great sages. It is said that prior to writing Bhashya for Brahmasutra Sankaracharya read the text called `Sanaka Samhita' written by Sage Sanaka 18 times! How important that work would be. No wonder sage Valmiki who was a great sage of the same lineage wrote - Yoga Vasishta. The most valuable text produced by hindu tradition; a text that truly depicts the spiritual heights of sage Valmiki; A text that can stand the test of time and supply a thousand ideas - in past, present and future - i would say. I revere the text Yogavasishta much and it is the with that reverence I bow to the Sanakadi sages and to sage Valmiki who followed the same lineage. These are the ancient gurus of this tradition of vedic astrology. Instead of getting confused by the later interpolations and new acharyas with divergent ideas - fix your eyes on this root tradition and you will not miss the true path of `vedic astrology'. As seekers of ancient indian astrology - it is the original stream we should value most.


Ramayana and vedic astrology

Ramayana describes Rama as " Veda Vedanga Tatwajcha " [One who knows Vedas, and Vedangas]. Vedas are classified in to four such as - Rig, Yajur, Sama and Adharva. Astrology is said to be part of Adharva veda. The Vedangas are 6 in number such as - Astrology (Jyotisha), Ethics (Kalpa), Etymology (Nirukta), Phonetics (Siksha), Grammar (Vyakarana) and Lyrics (Chanda). Thus the sloka indicates that Valmiki Ramayana is a continuation of the Vedic culture, and the astrology dealt within the same too would be in tune with that of Vedic knowledge. Since Vedic culture gives more importance to Stellar astrology and determination of Muhurtas based on planetary positions, we have a better chance to find the same in this book, rather than Nirayana predictive astrology, which has more of a Tantric origin. But let us not freeze our expectation, but rather with an open mind approach the subject, accepting every bit of knowledge we could acquire in the course. Due to mix of knowledge from ancient past to almost 9th contrary AD into this book, we are sure to find many things in this unique text, which we may not be able to find anywhere else. The resource is valuable, and thus that much careful should be our approach as well.


(To be continued ……..)-- ! Jai Gurudev !

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