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Your query : There was no body to know who I am until I created the earth.

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Dear Raghu Sir,


I have thought deeply into your question. The answer

that I got is very simple. God is selfless Mother.

Just as a baby comes out of a mother and is separated

from her body during the the course of delivery, and

is loved and cared for selflessly by her, all of us

are from Sai mother. Of course, the mother feels

extremely happy to be able to love her babies. And, if

her children love and listen to her, and take right

steps, then nothing like it! She becomes the happiest

of all. It is not surprising if God wants to be

happy. I have come across many instances, where Baba

says that, to make Swami happy one has to be like

this, so on and so forth.


God is also the greatest Artist full of imaginations.

Isn't it itself a wonder that no two persons are

exactly same! It is His hobby to create and it is His

Will to destroy and it is His happiness to maintain or



My heartiest thanks for giving me an opportunity to

express my humble views,



Thanks once again.






--- K Raghu <K.Raghu wrote:


> Jai Sai Ram !

> does this mean Brahmam/GOD/Paramathma also has the

> desire to be loved/known

> ???


> what is the purpose of CREATION ?


> if the entire creation is just a maya, what is the

> purpose ? who is

> benefitted ?

> we are told that, GOD does not have any desire, so

> question of benefit does

> not arise. then what was the motive ?


> if the creation itself was not there, there would

> not be any " karma " , etc.


> please note that i am not " questioning " , i am

> sincerely interested in an

> answer.

> i sincerely would like to know the answer for this

> question that is bogging

> me and till now i have not got a satisfactory answer

> :

> please enlighten me, i am all ears.


> With Love & Best Wishes,

> Raghu Ketharam Iyer


> Place : Vapi, Gujarat, India.

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Hi sairam,This is venkat...i do like to present my personal view on this according to vedanta.what is the purpose of CREATION ?the purpose of creation is to reveal the creation. God wants to enjoy like us, hence he created present world in different stages( people are trying to study this creation in various directions such as physics,chemistry,geography,meta-physics, psychology, etc...)there are two approaches to reveal creation:1. try to understand creation (long process)2. try to seek the creator (in otherwords...see the atma inside you)if the entire creation is just a maya, what is the purpose ? who is benefitted ? Maya is nothing but mind..so if you destroy urs mind then you can't see the world because world is the delusion created by mind. It is as good as a dream.You can do following experiment to understand

the illusionary world.1. Observe ur dreams.2. In those dreams you can find lot of people but everything disappeared after finishing the dream. is it not illusory one?3. In dream, sometimes you may feel happy and as well as sad, which is similar to present world sufferings..God him self benifited....thanks sairam,venkatR.venkateswarlu(C.S.E, I.I.T, Madras) "weaken can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of strong men" ---mahatma gandhi. "you can see me in all creatures " ....shirdi sai baba. There is only one religion, the religion of Love;There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity;There is only

one language, the language of the Heart;There is only one law, the law of Karma;There is only one God, He is Omnipresent. ----Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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Jai Sai Ram !



i would like to thank you for taking out time to answer my queries.



well, to tell you the truth, though i am pacified, i am not satisfied completely by the answers.


may be, i am so deep rooted in this materialistic world that i am not able to even imagine that there is no creation at all in the first place !

though i have read all your replies, i think, i need to study them to fully understand the contents. i will do that.

as i said, i am not questioning egoistically, and i am sincerely & eagerly looking out for satisfying answers. though i enjoy reading spiritual books, enjoy hearing sathsangs/discourses of our loving Swami, great saints/gurus like Asaram Bapu, Dada Vaswani & others, such questions keeps bothering me. but, i must admit that, this spiritual path has helped me retain my sanity amidst depressing situations.



may be, one must first try to find out one's true self, then there will not be any other question left to be answered !

once again, thank you very much for your kind replies.


With Love & Best Wishes,


Raghu Ketharam Iyer


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