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Heaven, hell, and karma

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The concept of heaven and hell are the political weapons of religions to prevent

the oppressed sections of the society against revolt. These weapons prevented

poor people from revolting against the upper class of the society. The poor

accepted their poverty as God’s will and upper class of the society always

dangled the carrot of heaven after death.


Those who are rich, they created heaven in this world only and enjoyed the

company of beautiful women, costly liquor and all other luxuries. They enslaved

men and women to work as slaves in their plantations and maintenance of their

luxurious bungalows on this earth.


The other part of the world was full of hell in the form of starvation, illness

and all other hardships. Thus the real heaven or hell described in the religious

scriptures exists in this world only and not the netherworld


Those who have no access to heaven in this world dream of a life in heaven after

death and that dream or belief give them solace for the hardship they face in

day today life.


Religions very cleverly gave interpretations, for all situations e.g. if some

one is suffering it may due his bad karma or God’s will to suffer so that he

can attain moksha or liberation after death. If some body enjoys life, it may be

due to his past good karma or God’s blessing. Interpretation differs according

to the religious concept but the core message remains the same.


The oppressed people who do not have the means to oppose the oppressor for the

crime committed against them take solace in the belief that the oppressor may go

to hell and receive God’s punishment. It was that belief that helped them like

a balm to move on in life.


To travel to next world, religions needed a vehicle as everybody knows the fact

that the body is perishable after death. So man invented a vehicle called

“soul†whose existence no body can prove or disapprove. This subtle soul is

supposedly going to enjoy life in heaven with beautiful women on other pleasure

which they lacked in worldly life. This subtle soul will also suffer from the

fire of hell it they committed any crime in worldly life.



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I remember Thai monks telling the prostitutes that had been sold into the flesh

trade in their youth that it was their bad karma that caused this to happen.


The idea of karma can be used as a lazy man's excuse for everything that he

doesn't want to change or it can be more subtle explaining how the universe

throw bananas at everyone and some react to the bananas and some are not quick

enough. Some get angry at the bananas. Again this explanation has also been

called a type of psychology, a way of dealing with a chaotic world.


Some Eastern religions believe in a soul and some do not. Hinduism does and

Buddhism does not. Jainism does to some degree.


Heaven and Hell don't apply here. The goal is to become one with all. In that

context, you are beyond pleasure and pain, so sorry no dancing virgins or gods

pouring  beer and wine everywhere.



Shanti Om,


--- On Mon, 2/15/10, rohri mani <rohri_mani wrote:


Religions very cleverly gave interpretations, for all situations e.g. if some

one is suffering it may due his bad karma or God’s will to suffer so that he

can attain moksha or liberation after death. If some body enjoys life, it may be

due to his past good karma or God’s blessing. Interpretation differs according

to the religious concept but the core message remains the same.


The oppressed people who do not have the means to oppose the oppressor for the

crime committed against them take solace in the belief that the oppressor may go

to hell and receive God’s punishment. It was that belief that helped them like

a balm to move on in life.



To travel to next world, religions needed a vehicle as everybody knows the fact

that the body is perishable after death. So man invented a vehicle called

“soul†whose existence no body can prove or disapprove. This subtle soul is

supposedly going to enjoy life in heaven with beautiful women on other pleasure

which they lacked in worldly life. This subtle soul will also suffer from the

fire of hell it they committed any crime in worldly life.




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