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Awakening to Simplicity

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Hi all,

El, loved , " Here Now " .

> This second one may be a bit off topic (I'll leave it to Maureen to decide). "

So???This list,unlike the other does not have to stay " on topic " .On

its journey I expect it (and hope) to take many turns and

explorations.Actually, it all kind of gets turned back to where we want

it anyway so share whatever you like.

In New York State we don't get too many quakes. Your ode to San

Andreas had me remembering a dream from some years ago I had and when I

watched the news in the morning you guys had had a real big one.

I was " there " in the quake zone with buildings tumbling,fires and

hysteria and I was told to go into this room. I remember I had to crawl

in because the archway of the door had collapsed.The people around me

kept informing me that I was the one who had to explain to this very

dark entity how things were to get him to stop because nobody else knew.

I didn't really know that I " knew " but as I examined myself I realized

that I did have the answer. I remember being fearful and shaking as I

went in and I felt that their actually was no ill intention on the part

of this powerful entity. Just ignorance. He simply did not understand

and my mission was to explain to him the difference between stripes and

stripes.I telepathically asked him if he knew what stripes were and he

answered yes,clothing,style,gross materialism,HA HA HA.I then asked if

he knew that many on earth would answer that stripe question as the

marks on Jesus' body from being flogged.Instant change.Bright

sunshine,everyone happy, all was fine.Never did totally understand this

but gained a new perception of " evil " and its ignorance and that if one

had the guts to approach and explain it, things got much better. Also

learned the value of staying connected to the " Source " so that the

answers can come in.

Hope all of your " answers " are coming in,


+ Maureen

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Hi All,(we're up to 26 members),

Rita, thank you for the beautiful compliment,we are all sparks and I

am very happy and can't think of a better way to begin the 3rd year of

my priesthood !Sort of like an e mail ministry so to speak.

I am thrilled for you. What Joy !!!Isn't it interesting that it

encloses and encircles the heart.If you don't mind I would like to hear

a little more description of what you actually physically felt in the

solar plexus before it went to the heart.I think it might help others.

What a Christ Mass present was given to you. Wow.

In Holy Joy !,

+ Maureen

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At 08:51 PM 12/4/98 EST, you wrote:





>by El Collie


>The ordinary things were never ordinary at all.



YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. Etc. (not to be boring or anything)


My husband and I went to a cafe/bar in POrtland yesterday evening, prior to

meeting with other friends to play with energies, mantras, meditation. The bar

was a ...well I don't go into bars much but it felt old, sleazy, run down and

smelled like cigarette smoke and stale dreams and hopeless sex. (Yup. Cowgirl

Blythe being kinda judgemental here).

We went to this place to hear another friend play the piano. Two other friends

showed up unexpectedly. We talked art and shamanic journeying and riutal and


and Jung. Then our friend at the piano went from playing smokey bar tunes to

using his music to invoke the element 'Water': Bingo. My attachment to my

judgemental perception dropped. I could see the bar, the sirens howling outside,

the lives of the patrons, all revealed as sacred by Will TwoHawk's

invokation of water: clear tones rippling over pebbles, tumbling through

banks of

swordfern, swirling around the roots of trees, bringing renewal and cleansing.


Next time I will humbly ask him to play 'Fire', and make no judgements in


(well, I'll try.)



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Hi everyone,


I am anxious to see where the topics will go within this list. When I hear

others describe their experiences and open discussions to spirtitual themes, my

adoration and faith in the Divine opens within my heart. The joy that they have

experienced fills me with happiness, and often the message brings great insight.

This type of sharing is rare, but Maureen has created a spark in this list that

I hope will add inspiration to everyones lives.


Inspiration has shaped my life in many ways. Now, that it is the holiday season,

I'll share an experience with you, that you may find inspiring too.


While down town Boston a few days ago, I met a Catholic Nun requesting

donations. We spoke for awhile, and then in return she gave me a VCR movie on

miracles and evolution as a gift from her. In the evening I watched parts of the

movie. The Brother narrating, spoke about the know Saints and miracles in the

movie. I was profoundly affected by the photos of known female saints, nuns and

paintings of Mother Mary. The inspiration that I felt continued into my evening

meditation. Images of Mother Mary kept coming to me, and I could not stop

visualizing Her. I decided not to fight it, but to visualize her during my


I felt magnetized by this meditation. My solar plexus area began to generate

heat, and the flow of life

force began to hold my attention inwardly. Something was expressing through me

that I have never

felt in meditation before. As I visualized her kind expression and loving smile,

the life energy

not only opened in my heart, but its essence was feminine, and so lovingly

compassionate and

with a beauty of purity that I could only call Mother Divine! From within there

was no " I " and

yet my entire Being was bathed in the ocean of Oneness with Mother Divine! It

was beauty without

discription and divine consciousness residing within the heart and not the head.

It is a great

joy to share it with you and wish you all God's blessings this holiday season!


Happiness and Joy!






On Sat, 05 Dec 1998 07:08:52 Maureen Heffernan wrote:

>Maureen Heffernan <morlight



> So???This list,unlike the other does not have to stay " on topic " .On

>its journey I expect it (and hope) to take many turns and

>explorations.Actually, it all kind of gets turned back to where we want

>it anyway so share whatever you like.





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