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Spiritual Growth Pain Free?

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Sat nam,


It would help as a starting point to define " pain " . I assume you are talking

about the emotional, or thought-created pain (which of course also intertwines

with the physical). In the yogic sense, pain and pleasure, physical or mental,

are one †" there is no difference because in the consciousness of God, all is



It would also help understand what you mean by " spiritual growth " ... Growth from

starting point and to what ends? In this respect, it would help to weigh the

balance of the pain of storing and holding onto emotional trauma †" allowing it

to affect every aspect of your life, or to shorter " pain " of release of letting

go so you can live more fully in the moment with prosperity and success.


It has been said that change comes when the pain of continuing on the same path

of action outweighs the pain of having to change and do something different. So,

in that sense, " pain-free " becomes the spiritual growth towards accepting a

choice in a lesser, and perhaps briefer pain.


However, in the larger and more practical sense, the majority of the pain we

carry with us is because of how disconnected we are from the Earth, our spirit,

our community, lack of sharing and seva, absence of self-knowledge and the lack

of self-love. When these connections are missing, it is only natural for us to

become confused and clouded by the Maya of material life.


It would really help those who are trapped by their thought-driven pains to

connect with the Earth as indigenous and spiritual people have done for

thousands of years. City dwellers all live so much in the Air, searching for

fast results, shiny objects and " pleasurable " lives. But the pleasure lies

within, and in our connection to nature. Urban life leaves us out of tune with

the harmony and vibration of nature (literally! check out this article:

http://www.gurusingh.com/sound_2.html) and disconnected from the greatest

healers of all... Earth and God.


Live free, smell the flowers, and reconnect to the Earth at every opportunity so

you can free the joy in your heart!! :) That's the most painless route of all!


Wahe Guru,

Fateh Singh



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