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Profession question

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Hi guys,


This is my first post in this board, and I've seen some wonderful

advice given here.


I have a question that I have been struggling with for a long time.


I've been unemployed for over 2 years. It makes me very scared and

I'm afraid I'm going to end up living in a public shelter or under a

bridge in a matter of time.


I am a software engineer. I had a wonderful job and made a lot of

money, which I saved that allowed me to live for all this time, but

the money is running out.


Ok, I hated my job, all I liked about it was that they paid me tons

of money. But I hated it so bad that I went to work at 2pm instead of

8am. Eventually I got fired.


I disliked everything about it, I couldn't concentrate in what I was

doing (couldn't put my mind into it), and I didn't want to go to.


So now, I have to go to interviews (just dreading that time, and

probably nobody will call me) and pretend that I'm this computer wiz,

that in reality, I forgot all about it and neither did I care to keep

up with the latest technology.


I think I'd be happy working with people. Helping orphans, children,

elders, juveniles, or stuff like that. But I have no credentials for



Is there any tecnique I can do to figure out what to do in life?


How can I figure out what to do now?


How can I figure out what my call is?


How can I get out of this hell hole I'm in?


Can anybody give me any advice?


I'm desperate and I'm also a single mom.





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Hi friends and Veysas,


You lose life if you want to take control. If you want more control, you get

more controls.


Let loose, do what you need to do and complete it....really complete it with an

end in mind.


Once complete, that cycle of that life will end and a new one begins......as

dictated/created by us or that is placed on us to learn and grow further.


There are actually no struggles or great abundance, it's only relative to the

situation/stage of life we're in.


Stay neutral always, be it great success or failures and keep centred on ways

to overcome these highs and lows.


Keep all emotions at bay, create less volatile thoughts, and divert all these

energies to create opprtunities

for your overall wellbeing......be strong.


Visualise what you want in life and make it clear. Do not keep changing it.

Move to refine the same visualisation as you see it materialising...watch for

it. Keep on refining as this is what you really want .


The choice (there is actually no wrong or right choice)we made determine the

situation we're in. We have to complete this cycle and figure how to get out of

it. If we realised the choice we made is wrong(not what we wanted), we should

spend more time thinking what we really want. Unless you make it simple and

clear, you

will again end up in complications....that's what I mean by refinement......and

this will go on and on.......



Light, Life and Love to all,






veysas <valentinasemail


Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:25:20 AM

Kundalini Yoga Profession question


Hi guys,


This is my first post in this board, and I've seen some wonderful

advice given here.


I have a question that I have been struggling with for a long time.


I've been unemployed for over 2 years. It makes me very scared and

I'm afraid I'm going to end up living in a public shelter or under a

bridge in a matter of time.


I am a software engineer. I had a wonderful job and made a lot of

money, which I saved that allowed me to live for all this time, but

the money is running out.


Ok, I hated my job, all I liked about it was that they paid me tons

of money. But I hated it so bad that I went to work at 2pm instead of

8am. Eventually I got fired.


I disliked everything about it, I couldn't concentrate in what I was

doing (couldn't put my mind into it), and I didn't want to go to.


So now, I have to go to interviews (just dreading that time, and

probably nobody will call me) and pretend that I'm this computer wiz,

that in reality, I forgot all about it and neither did I care to keep

up with the latest technology.


I think I'd be happy working with people. Helping orphans, children,

elders, juveniles, or stuff like that. But I have no credentials for



Is there any tecnique I can do to figure out what to do in life?


How can I figure out what to do now?


How can I figure out what my call is?


How can I get out of this hell hole I'm in?


Can anybody give me any advice?


I'm desperate and I'm also a single mom.













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Hi Veysas


Not sure how much help I can be, maybe depends on where you are. If

you are in United Kingdom I can maybe give you some practical

pointers if not then I'll step aside and let others do that bit.


I do know that right now the practical stuff, enough money, shelter

is foremost for you. But notice that you have moved on, developed,

accepted a truth about your relationship with your work that you

hadn't taken on board when you were in the industry. Sometimes when

we are in the middle of things we can't see what lesson it is that we

are learning. As we grow older we can develop the perspectives that

help us trust and accept what life brings, whether it's apparently

for better or worse.


It sounds like you;'ve made some big steps in that direction. Ready

and wiser for the next step which will surely come.


Maybe some voluntary work would be a step towards paid employment in

a similar field working with younger folks in some capacity? The

voluntary work will bring its own rewards whil perhaps building the

experience for something that gives you what you need for shelter and

food etc.


I'd suggest that you apply with confidence and leave it for others to

work out whether you are 'suitable' if you rule yourself out of

applying for a position you deny others the opportunity of spotting

an unexpected fit between you and a role, you probably have skills

and experience that you overlook; gicve others a chance to help you

spot them.


Don't take rejections (if you get any) personally, just steps towards

your next job.



Sat Nam


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Hey Darling One,


Sounds bad. You should a) get some help from your employment department and

get some work going, or unemployment or something to take the edge off of your

fear. b) have a meditation and ask your self what would you do if you knew

you could not fail. Take some steps in that direction, anything a phonecall,

search the web, something. Your intention is a powerful force, the Universe

will pick up the ball and toss you some information or something to clear the



I do hope this helps....you sound so down,

Love and Light,





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Thanks so much for the response.


I live in LA, there is some information about me if you click on my



> I do know that right now the practical stuff, enough money, shelter

> is foremost for you.


Yes, what I need the most now is something practical.


I have a 17 year old boy to take care of, all my family is in South

America, the boy's father is out of state, and I only have enough

money to live for 4 months.




> But notice that you have moved on, developed,

> accepted a truth about your relationship with your work that you

> hadn't taken on board when you were in the industry.


I think I need a change of careers. I'd like to do something that has

to do with loving people or making people happy. I don't know if

there is such a job.


And everywhere I look they need BS in Counseling, training,

Psychology, and the such.


> It sounds like you;'ve made some big steps in that direction. Ready

> and wiser for the next step which will surely come.


I hope so...


> Maybe some voluntary work would be a step towards paid employment in

> a similar field working with younger folks in some capacity?


I have money for 4 months, this is more complicated than I thought.




I wish I could just go live in a shelter but is hard to do that with

the kid.


> I'd suggest that you apply with confidence and leave it for

> others to work out whether you are 'suitable' if you rule

> yourself out of applying for a position you deny others the

> opportunity of spotting an unexpected fit


Wow! Thanks. This is great to hear. Maybe I can do some computer job

for the mean time that is a better fit than the previous one, and win

some time till I train to be some counselor or something like that.


Thanks a lot,



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Thank you!


> Sounds bad.


I know! I'm starting to get really scared.


> You should a) get some help from your employment department and

> get some work going, or unemployment or something to take

> the edge off of your


I didn't even think of going to the employment dept. Maybe they can

help me too.


I used to get unemployment money but that stopped a long time ago.

Let's say, I used all that was granted.


> Your intention is a powerful force, the Universe

> will pick up the ball and toss you some information

> or something to clear the way.


Thanks so much, that's why I came to this forum, I wanted to hear

from a spiritual perspective.



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Tan Soo Giap,


Thanks for the help.


> You lose life if you want to take control. If you want more

> control, you get more controls.


Well, that's what I did. I didn't want to take " any control " and do

just what I pleased.


So I spent over two years walking in nature, listening to birds,

travelling, watching my favorite tv shows, etc...


I was hoping that the universe was going to let me know, at its time,

what it was that I was meant to do with my life.


And I still haven't gotten any clear answers. Other that I want do do

some service type of work.


> There are actually no struggles or great abundance, it's only

>relative to the situation/stage of life we're in.


I know, I usually don't struggle at all.


Is just that I have to pay 950 dollars rent and I only have money for

4 months and a kid.


That is like the worst problem I'm facing now. For me I don't care,

I'd just go live in the car or some.


> Visualise what you want in life and make it clear. Do not keep

>changing it. Move to refine the same visualisation as you see it

>materialising...watch for it. Keep on refining as this is what you

>really want .


Ok, my dream of all dreams come true...


Would be to marry some rich guy and never have to worry about money



And that rich man would also be my " soulmate " .. Yeah!


That is my ultimate dream and I've visualized it too...


That way I'd be able to do all the volunteer work that I wanted in

the orphanages etc, without having to worry about the rent.


Appreciate your input, I'm going to copy paste all the responses in a

folder and read them over and over and see if something strikes.



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My response is not to give advice, merely to acknowledge the parallel


share my experience. I spent 31 years in a field that became more and


repulsive to me during the last five or so years of my time there. I

think the

disillusionment began at about the same time as my dive into kundalini


and my desire to teach. I had similar experience of inability to


on my work and unwillingness to keep abreast of changes in the

industry. I

was just plain not interested in having the life sucked out of my bones


happened every day I walked into work.


I left the job last October, left LA, left southern California and

moved to

Humboldt County which has been a dream destination since my teens. I am

teaching yoga to the few people who show up and took a part time job at

the local food Co-op. Oh yeah, I did take a job in my prior field a

few months

ago and lasted there for three days. It is clear to me what I am no


willing to do. My funds have yet to be depleted, though at this point


out go is greater than the income.


I had the benefit of a 'calling' before I made the move and am pursuing


Things have not unfolded in quite the (grandiose?) manner imagined and I

have struggled and surrendered and struggled and surrendered and sit and

listen to my soul and know that though the vision is mine to maintain,

God is

the Doer.


I send you love and support for your soul's journey.


Sat Nam,


Guru Gopal Kaur






On Monday, August 13, 2007, at 03:25 PM, veysas wrote:


> Hi guys,


> This is my first post in this board, and I've seen some wonderful

> advice given here.


> I have a question that I have been struggling with for a long time.


> I've been unemployed for over 2 years. It makes me very scared and

> I'm afraid I'm going to end up living in a public shelter or under a

> bridge in a matter of time.


> I am a software engineer. I had a wonderful job and made a lot of

> money, which I saved that allowed me to live for all this time, but

> the money is running out.


> Ok, I hated my job, all I liked about it was that they paid me tons

> of money. But I hated it so bad that I went to work at 2pm instead of

> 8am. Eventually I got fired.


> I disliked everything about it, I couldn't concentrate in what I was

> doing (couldn't put my mind into it), and I didn't want to go to.


> So now, I have to go to interviews (just dreading that time, and

> probably nobody will call me) and pretend that I'm this computer wiz,

> that in reality, I forgot all about it and neither did I care to keep

> up with the latest technology.


> I think I'd be happy working with people. Helping orphans, children,

> elders, juveniles, or stuff like that. But I have no credentials for

> that.


> Is there any tecnique I can do to figure out what to do in life?


> How can I figure out what to do now?


> How can I figure out what my call is?


> How can I get out of this hell hole I'm in?


> Can anybody give me any advice?


> I'm desperate and I'm also a single mom.


> Thanks,


> ~v





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Dear Veysas,


Sat Nam. Thank you for your honesty.


You have talents that you can use. You can get temp jobs if you really wanted

to to bridge the gap between now and the future. And they don't have to be in

places that you don't like. But you have to want to do this and it sounds like

you don't want to.


Maybe you could do some computer work in a service organization where you could

be helping people.



> Your intention is a powerful force, the Universe

> will pick up the ball and toss you some information

> or something to clear the way.


* This is airy fairy unless you listen and take action. The universe is talking

to you all the time and so is your soul. It was clear you did not like your

previous profession and that you like people service oriented work. Then look

in this direction. And don't think you don't have skills. You have a lot of

skills from being alive and being a mother.



Well, that's what I did. I didn't want to take " any control " and do just what I



* Most of us would like to do what we please (and be paid for it), but that is

not always possible. We do have to take some responsibility for our lives.


>I was hoping that the universe was going to let me know, at its time, what it

was that I was meant to do with my life.


* Listen and take action.


>And I still haven't gotten any clear answers. Other that I want do do some

service type of work.


* That is a very good place to start.



That is like the worst problem I'm facing now. For me I don't care, I'd just go

live in the car or some.


* do not visualize this.


> Visualise what you want in life and make it clear. Do not keep >changing it.

Move to refine the same visualisation as you see it >materialising...watch for

it. Keep on refining as this is what you really want .


* but you are going to need to be in the world to find out what works for you.



Ok, my dream of all dreams come true...

Would be to marry some rich guy and never have to worry about money ever! And

that rich man would also be my " soulmate " .. Yeah!


* And there in lies part of the problem. You want to be saved. You might have

noticed in the last 17 years that this did not happen. The universe is telling

you you cannot wait another 17 years. When you get out in the world, you might

also meet someone.


* Interestingly enough you are playing out the Virgo archetype. I will have

this NMBeing newsletter ready in about week.


* In the meantime I suggest you get my book THE DESTINY OF WOMEN IS THE DESTINY

OF THE WORLD available on www.yogatech.com Get inspired, take your power and

change things in your life. You will love yourself and make a great

contribution to the world.



>the volunteer work that I wanted in the orphanages etc, .


* Look in this direction for jobs. They won't pay as much as your engineering

job, but that doesn't seem to be your main concern. There is a spark in you

that wants to nurture and serve, so nurture this flame. How about tutoring kids

in grade school or high school. Or teach them some meditation and yoga.



* Do the Opportunity and Green Energy Set which is in every one of my manuals

every day for 40 days. Raising your vibration will be very helpful in getting

you out of some thought patterns that are keeping you stuck.





Guru Rattana





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joan richards,


Thanks so much for your note. You sound just like me.


> I was just plain not interested in having the life sucked out

> of my bones which happened every day I walked into work.


I felt that way too, but maybe that is the way most people feel when

they go to work, dunno.


In my case, to make matters even worse I worked in a sort

of " security " lab that was all enclosed and with no windows, so I

didn't even know if it was day or night. When I got out, oh! is night



Plus, I had a 3 hour commute and when I got home at 8pm or so, my son

had been home alone to fend for himself the whole day. It really



> I left the job last October, left LA, left southern California

> and moved to Humboldt County which has been a dream destination

> since my teens.


Sounds wonderful. I also packed all my things into a public storage

and went to live in South Am for some months. It was great, but I had

to come back for my son's school.


I can't do what you say now, because my funds are almost completely

depleted and my son is adapted here. It'd traumatize him even more to

move away.


> I am teaching yoga to the few people who show up and took a

> part time job at the local food Co-op.


Good luck there. I'm planning to apply as a programmer again, I don't

see much choice now, or else go to work in Target or whatever, apply

for anything.


Someone via email was suggesting to me to do some House Aid thing (to

work with people). But I called the place and they have a waiting

list and they only pay 8 hr, plus it's not that great the job

description (cleaning, cooking, I mean, I want to help but that's too



> Oh yeah, I did take a job in my prior field a few months

> ago and lasted there for three days. It is clear to me what

> I am no longer willing to do.


Auch. The problem with me was the concentration. I just couldn't put

my mind into it and imagine. It'd take me forever to do the simplest

things so I'd fall behind schedule.


It was as if I had ADD or some, some days I didn't even open the

files and spent the whole day on the internet goofing off :(((


> I had the benefit of a 'calling' before I made the move

> and am pursuing that.


That's good. My calling is to find a rich husband but where will I

find that? Especially in this situation, oh, and one that I love etc.


> I send you love and support for your soul's journey.


Thanks so much, to you too, good luck with the yoga school,



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Life is difficult like it is .I have been too unemployed for two years after


university. You nou there are so much people doing what they don't really like

but this is life and you have to take it with all the opportunities it offers

you. And I don't think there are much peoples nowing what they really want to do

,or people really doing what they like.

You must be able to keep going to keep trying that's what everybody does.


I hope that you figures out what you want to do and that this difficult times

doesn't take away from you the hope for better times and the will to keep

looking and searching for the thing that really fills your life and heart.


Wish you the best luck in the word.

From Dorina.

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Guru Rattana,


Thank you.


> You have talents that you can use. You can get temp jobs if you

> really wanted to to bridge the gap between now and the future.


I think a big part of the problem here is that I'm " freaking scared "


I think that I totally suck, that I don't know jack about computers,

that nobody will want to hire me, that I'll be a phony in an

interview pretending I know something I don't.


Etc etc... Because during all this time I got rusted and didn't open

a book, not that I was too inclined to do that before either (when



> But you have to want to do this and it sounds like you don't

> want to.


I know that in order to make things happen you have to want to and

the universe will respond. But I don't even know what I want, and

then I have the scary part. I don't feel confident in my knowledge.


What can I provide those people? And what if I become flaky again and

can't concentrate? And be fired yet again? It happened before, it can

happen again.


> It was clear you did not like your previous profession and that

> you like people service oriented work. Then look in this

> direction. And don't think you don't have skills. You have

> a lot of skills from being alive and being a mother.


I have been looking at this a lot in the past several days.


They " all " want a BS in Social Services, BS in Psychology, BS in

Physical Therapy, BS in Counseling, Registered Nurse, Teacher

Credentials, etc etc


The only jobs you can get with no job experience at all are slave

jobs like cleaning soiled old people for 8 dollars an hour and clean

their houses.


Or, with the orphans, there is a demand for " House Parents " or

something like that, and that is, they provide housing for a loving

couple to be the parents of a bunch of kids plus salary. And I'm a

single mom.


> * Listen and take action.


I'm starting now. I think I'm starting to get more courage to sort of

face the bull.


I'm even having dreams. Last night I dreamed that I went to my desk

at work (some work in the dream) and that the desk was bare empty and

that all of my ornaments and papers had been thrown in the trash.


I felt awful and scared, all my stuff gone. So when I asked what

happened they told me that someone else was going to be in my desk

and ordered to get rid of those things bc he was going to be working

there from now on.


And then I was trying to make friends with the guy, that was a creep,

being nice to him and all despite of what he did because he was going

to be working with me. End of dream.


(That was last night)


> * And there in lies part of the problem. You want to be saved.


Yes! Yes! Yes! I want a knight in a shining armor to rescue me from

all this mess! Yes!


> * In the meantime I suggest you get my book THE DESTINY OF WOMEN IS

THE DESTINY OF THE WORLD available on www.yogatech.com


Ok, I'll visit the site.


On a side note. I've been visiting gurus too to try and get some

inspiration from consciousness.


I went to see Parmahamsa Nithyananda a bunch of times and got his

darshan, went to Sahaja yoga meditation (that has to do with

kundalini), went to see Wayne Liquorman in person (the advaita Ramesh

guy), and went to see Amma.


And today I went to a Catholic Church to get inspired and brought

holy water to the house.


Confused as I've ever been... This is hard.


Thanks people,



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dorina rustemi,


Thanks a lot.


> You nou there are so much people doing what they don't really

> like but this is life and you have to take it with all the

> opportunities it offers you.


I think I'm going to have to try an find some programming job.


I should have thought about this before, and study Physical Therapy or

something else. Now it seems like it's too late.


I'll try and find some programming job that is very easy so maybe I'll

be able to do it and not lose concentration. Maybe a better fit than

the one I had before.


Best of luck to you too,



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Hi guys,


I'd like to address some things that I've been getting via email.


The first one is this:


" Why do you think you are too good for jobs like that? Do you really

think you are better than the people who *are* doing jobs like that?

Many of the people who work in nursing homes care very much about

the " soiled old people " in their care ... "


Ok, I live in a one bedroom apt with my son. You open the door and

the first thing you see is my bed, in the middle of the living room.


I have a dream. I'd like to buy a house, some cheap house, someday.

I'd like to provide for a better living for my son.


How am I going to do that with an 8 dollar an hour job?


The only jobs available with no training are maid type of jobs, what

I meant is that, those are the hardest ones and with minimum wage.


And there is no " advancement " there. I called the place. The next

step is Registered Nurse, and Physical Therapist with better wages.


I looked up the college catalog for Physical Therapist (PT) and the

requirements are 32 units of pre reqs. And 96 units for PT. That

includes 5 years or full time study including summers.


I can't afford that at this point when I have 4 months rent left.


I think I'll have to get some job and " train " for something in

between so that I'll be able to have my dream, somehow.


The second thing:


" a huge sense of entitlement. The desire for a rich Prince Charming

also seems like you are living in a fantasy world "


The prince charming thing was because I met a womderful man whom I

fell in love with, and I thought I that I had found my soulmate.


This guy is rich and lives in a mansion.


My dream was that we were going to get married and I'd go live in his

house with my son and everything will be happy.


Ok, he got together with his ex gf and it all went down the drain.


But deep inside it was hard to let go of that dream, because I loved

this guy, and I was hoping till the very end that he'll come back for



And that's where that idea came from.




Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for the wonderful responses.


I have been making a file with all of them, and printing them in

order to re read them over in more detail and with introspection.


I have also fond a lot of support that I didn't expect, from people

that were having or have had the same exact problem I'm dealing with,

and good insight from them.


Sat Nam,



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