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New Research Phase: Receive Jyotish Remedies! 12/21

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Research Project


Dear Friends:


I’m very happy to announce I’m getting to the Research

phase on our Jyotish research Project on Astrological ‘Benefits’. So far we’ve been focusing pretty exclusively

on “How Our Charts Fits Us”. And again, I want to

thank you all for participating and sharing!

We’ve already accumulated some amazing stories and examples

of how our charts fits us. Now, we’re at

that stage where the complexity of our Astrology is finding itself in 2


You’ll notice as you understand your charts now that

you’re clearer as to what your Benefic

Strengths are and which planets are corresponding with your

Functional Malefic Weaknesses.

This represents a huge, milestone in the field of Astrology and

Life. When you discover which planets are

causing you your joy and which ones are causing you your pain you’re

‘this close’ to achieving what I like to call Jyotish Discrimination.

When you learn how to distinguish between your

Benefices and your Malefics you’ve achieved an amazing Jyotish


Now, pick any part of your life that’s

a negative. Pick any problem, challenge or

undeveloped part of you and let’s transform that together into a

Strength! If you have health challenges

let’s find the Astrological reason and then start strengthening

those Planets that are literally causing you that unhappiness.

If you have career or money problems let’s discover which of

your Malefics is literally, responsible for that.

Maybe you have challenges in your love life or family

problems. There is a specific combination or

configuration of Malefics in your chart that’s literally causing



#1 Goal in Astrology is to find the Malefic Planets! Also, of course we should know what our Benefic

strengths are too.

The ‘Other’ important practice we will do is to

simultaneously become more aware of our Benefic strengths as they are

already our greatest source of happiness and success!


So, if you’re interested in improving any aspect of your



Join me in finding the Malefic that’s temporarily causing you

any discomfort. Then, we’ll develop a

strategy to literally turn that Malefic, also, into a strength!


If you’re not already a member of our research team you need

to do several things.


1) Join our

Research at:




2) Secondly,

join me on my Instant Messenger system.

I like to talk to everyone directly when doing this research and

giving out remedies. Join IM and add my


Go to www.

and then click on Instant Messenger, download. Then once you’re on-line with their

messenger system under “Adding Contacts”

put in my username:




3) If

you’re joining for the first time, send in your date of birth

information including Date, Time and Place of birth.

If you know your Jyotish Rising sign, include this too.


Finally, if you’re

already involved with our project, please identify the part of you that

you wish was different.


Describe the past history

of this problem, challenge, unhappiness or grief.


Then, we’ll develop a

strategy for self-development and Malefic Planet



Thank you all again, for

your involvement and participation.






Mark Kincaid










Jai Guru!



Identify the challenge you’d like to

improve or eliminate!



Problem, or



Please describe in your own words what you wish was different,

improved or eliminated in your life!











Be sure to list the time

frame that it’s been happening.

If it’s only been

happening for a short time, specify that. If

it’s been a chronic or life-long happening, specify that




Which Planet is Causing you this



If you already know, either through our initial research or by

yourself, which Malefic functioning planet is causing you this unhappiness write this down













Good Jupiter,






and God




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