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prediction accuracy

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Dear Krishna,


We're having visitors now so it should be tomorrow before I am able to

reply. Thank you so much for looking into my chart. I am looking forward to

verifying your findings.


Sorry for taking me so long.






On 8 March 2010 11:34, Krishnamurthy Seetharama <kmurthys58wrote:


> Ooops! I had taken a different coordinate. With this correct coordinate,

> the

> rectified time changes to - *18:26:26*


> With this time, the vimshottari dasha sequence for the two accidents are as

> follows:


> Accident 1: Jup-Jup-Jup-Mer-Rah-Ven


> Accident 2: Jup-Jup-Ven-Mer-Jup-Ven


> Strong involvement of Jupiter in both cases is beyond doubt, who is

> conjunct

> Ketu. And, the planets involved in both the cases are more or less the

> same.

> Jupiter is a functional malefic, sitting very close to Rahu-Ketu axis.

> Jupiter also disposits Rahu in constellation. Mercury and Venus are the

> other common factors. Though Mercury is the 9L (in addition to being 6L),

> he

> is with malefic Sun. Mercury also disposits Ketu and functional malefic

> Jupiter. Jupiter strongly aspects Venus. Venus is in papakartari along with

> Moon. Venus also represents vehicles.


> Regards,

> Krishna



> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Mrs.Wendy <jyotishvidya

> wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dear Pandiyan Mudaliyar,

> >

> > I believe the correct coordinates are 13E15, 08S49

> >

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Mrs.Wendy

> > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > ===================

> >

> > pandiyanmudaliyar

> > Monday, March 08, 2010 2:14 PM

> >

> > jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>

> > Re: prediction accuracy

> >

> >

> > Dear Rui,

> >

> > There are more than four places known as Luanda in Angola. Which is your

> > birth place and its coordinates.

> >

> > Pandiyan Mudaliyar

> >

> > jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>,

> > " R " <rupamede wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,

> > >

> > > I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me

> > understand how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.

> > >

> > > My birth data is:

> > > 9th of July 1969

> > > Luanda, Angola

> > > 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)

> >

> > __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus

> signature

> > database 4923 (20100307) __________

> >

> > The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

> >

> > http://www.eset.com

> >

> >

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Dear Krishna,


Thank you for the rectification. I agree with your analysis of Mercury but

with Mercury I find it harder to identify the day of the week because

Mercury's period lasts much longer thank Ketu's... Ketu is the karaka for

accidents... I don't know how I haven't thought of this before...


But I am not discarding your rectified time, just trying to see what you see

that I am able to see yet... Maybe it would help if I said my father died

last year during JU-JU-ME on Tuesday July 7th (2 days before I became 40) at

11.00 AM in Lisbon... Maybe adding this piece of information would help my

chart rectification. I can see that I was doing Mercury antardasha, and

Mercury is the 9th lord, plus it is conjunct the Sun (father)... Since I am

not sure about my time of birth, 4th dasa level can be Ketu, Venus or Sun. I

think it is Venus because Venus rules 10th of father and is conjunct Mars by

transit and also by natal Mars - this strongly indicates the day of the week

should be Tuesday... A week before this conjunction/aspect is not as strong

because these planets are in different signs. A week after it would not

happen either because Venus would then be 9 degrees away from transit Mars,

though transit Mars would be conjunct be my natal Venus. I must say that my

father was very sick months before he died and if I was going to predict his

death I would of course choose Ju Ju Me but I would have no clue which 4th

dasa level to choose... Now looking at the dates etc I think Venus should be

the 4th dasa level lord but how would I get there if I did not know my

father would die on a Tuesday?


I am tired now so I better stop. Many thanks to all and apologies to those I

have not replied to today.






On 8 March 2010 11:34, Krishnamurthy Seetharama <kmurthys58wrote:


> Ooops! I had taken a different coordinate. With this correct coordinate,

> the

> rectified time changes to - *18:26:26*


> With this time, the vimshottari dasha sequence for the two accidents are as

> follows:


> Accident 1: Jup-Jup-Jup-Mer-Rah-Ven


> Accident 2: Jup-Jup-Ven-Mer-Jup-Ven


> Strong involvement of Jupiter in both cases is beyond doubt, who is

> conjunct

> Ketu. And, the planets involved in both the cases are more or less the

> same.

> Jupiter is a functional malefic, sitting very close to Rahu-Ketu axis.

> Jupiter also disposits Rahu in constellation. Mercury and Venus are the

> other common factors. Though Mercury is the 9L (in addition to being 6L),

> he

> is with malefic Sun. Mercury also disposits Ketu and functional malefic

> Jupiter. Jupiter strongly aspects Venus. Venus is in papakartari along with

> Moon. Venus also represents vehicles.


> Regards,

> Krishna



> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Mrs.Wendy <jyotishvidya

> wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dear Pandiyan Mudaliyar,

> >

> > I believe the correct coordinates are 13E15, 08S49

> >

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Mrs.Wendy

> > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > ===================

> >

> > pandiyanmudaliyar

> > Monday, March 08, 2010 2:14 PM

> >

> > jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>

> > Re: prediction accuracy

> >

> >

> > Dear Rui,

> >

> > There are more than four places known as Luanda in Angola. Which is your

> > birth place and its coordinates.

> >

> > Pandiyan Mudaliyar

> >

> > jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>,

> > " R " <rupamede wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,

> > >

> > > I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me

> > understand how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.

> > >

> > > My birth data is:

> > > 9th of July 1969

> > > Luanda, Angola

> > > 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)

> >

> > __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus

> signature

> > database 4923 (20100307) __________

> >

> > The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

> >

> > http://www.eset.com

> >

> >

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Dear Rui,


Regarding your software. If you contact Parashara's Light / Geovision and tell

them your situation they will provide you with a Mac version of your software

for a very low price, perhaps $50 if memory serves me.


Alternatively, if you have a new mac with an intel chip, you can run windows

inside it and thus all your windows software. Personally I run Parashara's Light

native in Mac, but have VMWare Fusion to run windows applications, in which I

run Solar Fire Gold for certain tasks and research.


- Vic


On 2010/03/10, at 5:36, rupamede wrote:


> Dear Mrs Wendy,


> Actually my software shows Ketu sookshamantar for March 4th, 2010... I am

> using Jaganatha Hora (Ayamansa Lahiri) because I have changed my PC computer

> to a Mac (Apple) and now Parashara Light does not work :-(


> Yes, once again the Shooskmantar seems to indicate the day of the week. In

> this case, Ketu (the bringer of accidents) is disposited by Jupiter. It

> could also have been on a Wednesday since Mercury also disposits Ketu but I

> think Mercury is not in such a bad position natally (own house) or by

> transit (in 11th of gains over 11th lord Mars), however the Nakshatra

> dispositor Jupiter is not only disposited by Saturn but also in Nakshatra of

> Rahu and what's worse in the maraka 2nd house, which signifies death-like

> experiences. Also, would I be correct in thinking that these accidents are

> much more likely to happen during the dasa of a dusthana, such as Jupiter?

> Jupiter also rules 8th from the Moon... The dasa lord seems to set the tone,

> the leitmotif and those things happen when the planets are in such a

> favourable alignment for the dasa lord...


> I wonder, will things improve later on when I start my Saturn buhkti? I know

> Saturn is debilitated but it is also disposited by Venus and Venus is in

> own sign Rasi and exalted in Navamsa... Also Saturn is in Aries and Mars is

> strong in my chart, I think... Things have really been bad since I started

> the Jupiter dasa but I can still see the benefic influence of Jupiter in

> certain things... For example, when I crashed my car in 2008, I only got

> whiplash for a few days and this time I was fine, no injuries. Also, the way

> things get sorted... People offering to help me out, friends, etc... This is

> surely Jupiter as things weren't like this when I was doing Rahu... It's

> like bad things happen but there is always a way out in the end...


> Thanks again,


> Rui.


> On 8 March 2010 10:49, Mrs.Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:




>> Dear Rui,


>> ///Car accident 2:


>> 4th of March 2010

>> Ballyduff, Ireland

>> 19.15 (approximately)///


>> Again here the influence of Ketu is evident. Dasa at the time of accident

>> was JU-JU-VE-ME. Sookshmantar lord Mercury, dispositor of JU/KE, is conjunct

>> 8th lord Sun in 6th.


>> At that time Ketu, in nakshatra of Jupiter (Thursday), was transiting

>> sookshmantar lord Mercury...



>> Best Wishes

>> Mrs.Wendy

>> http://JyotishVidya.com

>> ===================


>> R

>> Monday, March 08, 2010 4:57 AM


>> jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>

>> prediction accuracy



>> Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,


>> I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me understand

>> how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.


>> My birth data is:

>> 9th of July 1969

>> Luanda, Angola

>> 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)


>> Car accident 1:

>> 1st of December 2008

>> Tralee, Ireland

>> 08.00 AM


>> Car accident 2:

>> 4th of March 2010

>> Ballyduff, Ireland

>> 19.15 (approximately)


>> I know there are indicators such as transit Mars (4th lord) combusted by

>> the Sun (8th lord) and Venus (vehicles) conjunct Jupiter (12th lord) but why

>> Monday and why that morning? I also know Jupiter dasa may have started at

>> that time depending on time of birth... Otherwise I would still be doing

>> Rahu/Mars, in which case the Sun conjunct Mars would make sense, however

>> again why that Monday morning, why not a day after or a day before...


>> Same thing with transit 2. I can see Mars is debilitated and I can imagine

>> Thursday makes sense because it is ruled by Jupiter and I am doing the

>> Jupiter dasa but why this Thursday and not the Thursday before or after?

>> Mars would still be debilitated and it has been like that for the last month

>> or so...


>> I would really be grateful if you could have a look and enlighten me. Maybe

>> I just cannot see it because I am still in shock or I just do not want to

>> see or am afraid to see.


>> Many times friends ask me can I predict when they are going to get married

>> or when they will receive money or when will they get a new job. I analyse

>> their charts but can only give them a forecast - like a weather forecast

>> that covers not one day but a period of days - I cannot be as accurate as to

>> say that event will happen on a certain time and day.


>> Is it possible to acchieve such accuracy with Vedic Astrology?


>> Many thanks and kind regards,


>> Rui.


>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature

>> database 4924 (20100308) __________



>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


>> http://www.eset.com



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Dear Krishna,


///I can only say that the technique has been built using the building

blocks provided by Parashara. But, the technique in its entirety may not be

available in any of the classics.///


Actually, the building blocks you refer to apply to the relationship between

the grahas. Aligning lagna with a particular planet to determine lagna

degree is not (in any way) implied in Parasara. This method, as you've

stated on your blog, is no more than an assumption on your part... I think

it's important for members to understand that there is no scriptural

reference for this!


Although I haven't had time to read the whole blog, what I've seen (so far)

is an effort to align lagna with a particular planet using some well-known

horoscopes as examples. However, I see no examples of actual events (as per

dasas/transits) given to verify your theory.


Considering all of this leads me back to our earlier discussion of Leo lagna

and your SA/MA dasa. The main emphasis given (by myself and others) was

primarily concerned with the significations of Mars and his relationship

with dasa lord Saturn. However, the mutual aspect between F/M Saturn and

YogaKaraka Mars does certainly demand more consideration from another

perspective, i.e., 9th lord Mars = dharma, vedic sciences, guru, preceptor

etc, etc..


Mars also, like 6th (Saturn), signifies difference of opinion. I believe

your leaning more towards your own research rather than what is taught by

the preceptors/sages/gurus such as Parasara is a reflection of this SA/MA



This is not meant to be critical i.e. I'm right, you're wrong...simply

another look at our earlier discussion. Each of us have our own karma to

fulfill, is this not so?


Best Wishes







" Krishnamurthy Seetharama " <kmurthys58

Tuesday, March 09, 2010 12:50 PM

<jyotish-vidya >

Re: Re: prediction accuracy


Dear Mrs. Wendy,


My BTR Technique can be found at http://astrokrishna.blogspot.com


I can only say that the technique has been built using the building blocks

provided by Parashara. But, the technique in its entirety may not be

available in any of the classics.






On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Mrs.Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:




> Dear Krishna,


> May I ask you to explain your rectification technique for the benefit of

> members and could you give your reference source i.e., Parasara, Jaimini

> or


> other. And has this technique been tested/confirmed against known events.


> Best Wishes

> Mrs.Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ===================









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Dear Rui,


We all have our busy days. Take your time.






On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 2:09 AM, rupamede <rupamede wrote:




> Dear Krishna,


> We're having visitors now so it should be tomorrow before I am able to

> reply. Thank you so much for looking into my chart. I am looking forward to

> verifying your findings.


> Sorry for taking me so long.


> Regards,


> Rui.


> On 8 March 2010 11:34, Krishnamurthy Seetharama


> >wrote:



> > Ooops! I had taken a different coordinate. With this correct coordinate,

> > the

> > rectified time changes to - *18:26:26*

> >

> > With this time, the vimshottari dasha sequence for the two accidents are

> as

> > follows:

> >

> > Accident 1: Jup-Jup-Jup-Mer-Rah-Ven

> >

> > Accident 2: Jup-Jup-Ven-Mer-Jup-Ven

> >

> > Strong involvement of Jupiter in both cases is beyond doubt, who is

> > conjunct

> > Ketu. And, the planets involved in both the cases are more or less the

> > same.

> > Jupiter is a functional malefic, sitting very close to Rahu-Ketu axis.

> > Jupiter also disposits Rahu in constellation. Mercury and Venus are the

> > other common factors. Though Mercury is the 9L (in addition to being 6L),

> > he

> > is with malefic Sun. Mercury also disposits Ketu and functional malefic

> > Jupiter. Jupiter strongly aspects Venus. Venus is in papakartari along

> with

> > Moon. Venus also represents vehicles.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Krishna

> >

> >

> > On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Mrs.Wendy


> >

> > wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Pandiyan Mudaliyar,

> > >

> > > I believe the correct coordinates are 13E15, 08S49

> > >

> > >

> > > Best Wishes

> > > Mrs.Wendy

> > > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > > ===================

> > >

> > > pandiyanmudaliyar

> > > Monday, March 08, 2010 2:14 PM

> > >

> > > jyotish-vidya


> 40>


> > > Re: prediction accuracy

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Rui,

> > >

> > > There are more than four places known as Luanda in Angola. Which is

> your

> > > birth place and its coordinates.

> > >

> > > Pandiyan Mudaliyar

> > >

> > > jyotish-vidya


> 40>,


> > > " R " <rupamede wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,

> > > >

> > > > I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me

> > > understand how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.

> > > >

> > > > My birth data is:

> > > > 9th of July 1969

> > > > Luanda, Angola

> > > > 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)

> > >

> > > __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus

> > signature

> > > database 4923 (20100307) __________

> > >

> > > The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

> > >

> > > http://www.eset.com

> > >

> > >

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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


//Aligning lagna with a particular planet to determine lagna degree is not

(in any way) implied in Parasara. This method, as you've

stated on your blog, is no more than an assumption on your part... I

think it's important for members to understand that there is no scriptural

reference for this!//


Yes, this is an assumption on my part. And, I have demonstrated this

assumption to be working even in case of octuplets to get the birth times of

all 8 babies by aligning lagna with 8 different planets and in a specific

chronology! I believe that classics are great but we could find certain

things beyond them too. That is because I believe that all the knowledge may

not have been put down in writing. But, as you say difference in opinion

exists and people have a right to their opinions. Hence we agree to disagree







On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 7:04 AM, Mrs.Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:




> Dear Krishna,


> ///I can only say that the technique has been built using the building


> blocks provided by Parashara. But, the technique in its entirety may not be

> available in any of the classics.///


> Actually, the building blocks you refer to apply to the relationship

> between

> the grahas. Aligning lagna with a particular planet to determine lagna

> degree is not (in any way) implied in Parasara. This method, as you've

> stated on your blog, is no more than an assumption on your part... I think

> it's important for members to understand that there is no scriptural

> reference for this!


> Although I haven't had time to read the whole blog, what I've seen (so far)


> is an effort to align lagna with a particular planet using some well-known

> horoscopes as examples. However, I see no examples of actual events (as per


> dasas/transits) given to verify your theory.


> Considering all of this leads me back to our earlier discussion of Leo

> lagna

> and your SA/MA dasa. The main emphasis given (by myself and others) was

> primarily concerned with the significations of Mars and his relationship

> with dasa lord Saturn. However, the mutual aspect between F/M Saturn and

> YogaKaraka Mars does certainly demand more consideration from another

> perspective, i.e., 9th lord Mars = dharma, vedic sciences, guru, preceptor

> etc, etc..


> Mars also, like 6th (Saturn), signifies difference of opinion. I believe

> your leaning more towards your own research rather than what is taught by

> the preceptors/sages/gurus such as Parasara is a reflection of this SA/MA

> relationship.


> This is not meant to be critical i.e. I'm right, you're wrong...simply

> another look at our earlier discussion. Each of us have our own karma to

> fulfill, is this not so?



> Best Wishes

> Mrs.Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ===================


> -----------------

> " Krishnamurthy Seetharama " <kmurthys58<kmurthys58%40gmail.com>

> >

> Tuesday, March 09, 2010 12:50 PM


> <jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>>

> Re: Re: prediction accuracy


> Dear Mrs. Wendy,


> My BTR Technique can be found at http://astrokrishna.blogspot.com


> I can only say that the technique has been built using the building blocks

> provided by Parashara. But, the technique in its entirety may not be

> available in any of the classics.


> Regards,

> Krishna


> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Mrs.Wendy


> wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dear Krishna,

> >

> > May I ask you to explain your rectification technique for the benefit of

> > members and could you give your reference source i.e., Parasara, Jaimini

> > or

> >

> > other. And has this technique been tested/confirmed against known events.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Mrs.Wendy

> > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > ===================


> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature

> database 4930 (20100309) __________



> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


> http://www.eset.com







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Dear Krishna,


///I believe that classics are great but we could find certain

things beyond them too. That is because I believe that all the knowledge may

not have been put down in writing. But, as you say difference in opinion

exists and people have a right to their opinions. Hence we agree to disagree



Absolutely! As I said earlier " we all must follow our own karma " . I just

felt it important to let members know (for the record) that this is your

assumption (only) and is not something that's supported in classic

texts...Parasara particularly.


Criticism was not intended :-)


Best Wishes







" Krishnamurthy Seetharama " <kmurthys58

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1:00 PM

<jyotish-vidya >

Re: Re: prediction accuracy


Dear Mrs. Wendy,


//Aligning lagna with a particular planet to determine lagna degree is not

(in any way) implied in Parasara. This method, as you've

stated on your blog, is no more than an assumption on your part... I

think it's important for members to understand that there is no scriptural

reference for this!//


Yes, this is an assumption on my part. And, I have demonstrated this

assumption to be working even in case of octuplets to get the birth times of

all 8 babies by aligning lagna with 8 different planets and in a specific

chronology! I believe that classics are great but we could find certain

things beyond them too. That is because I believe that all the knowledge may

not have been put down in writing. But, as you say difference in opinion

exists and people have a right to their opinions. Hence we agree to disagree










__________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature

database 4930 (20100309) __________


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Dear Rui,


According to the time 18:30 rectified some time ago (when you were last on this

forum) You were running dasa of JU-JU-ME-VE at the time of your father's death.

Jupiter, of course, owning 12th house of loss as well as 3rd (death of parents)

occupies, along with Ketu, the nakshatra of Sun in sign of pratyantar lord

Mercury in 9th (12th from 10th)... It should be evident that the potential for

loss in regards to father is contained within this dasa/bhukti/pratyantar of



This latent potential, I believe, comes to fruition through sookshma of 10th

lord Venus who occupies sign of Leo in dwadashamsha (D12).


Best Wishes








Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:11 AM


Re: Re: prediction accuracy




Dear Krishna,


Thank you for the rectification. I agree with your analysis of Mercury but

with Mercury I find it harder to identify the day of the week because

Mercury's period lasts much longer thank Ketu's... Ketu is the karaka for

accidents... I don't know how I haven't thought of this before...


But I am not discarding your rectified time, just trying to see what you see

that I am able to see yet... Maybe it would help if I said my father died

last year during JU-JU-ME on Tuesday July 7th (2 days before I became 40) at

11.00 AM in Lisbon... Maybe adding this piece of information would help my

chart rectification. I can see that I was doing Mercury antardasha, and

Mercury is the 9th lord, plus it is conjunct the Sun (father)... Since I am

not sure about my time of birth, 4th dasa level can be Ketu, Venus or Sun. I

think it is Venus because Venus rules 10th of father and is conjunct Mars by

transit and also by natal Mars - this strongly indicates the day of the week

should be Tuesday... A week before this conjunction/aspect is not as strong

because these planets are in different signs. A week after it would not

happen either because Venus would then be 9 degrees away from transit Mars,

though transit Mars would be conjunct be my natal Venus. I must say that my

father was very sick months before he died and if I was going to predict his

death I would of course choose Ju Ju Me but I would have no clue which 4th

dasa level to choose... Now looking at the dates etc I think Venus should be

the 4th dasa level lord but how would I get there if I did not know my

father would die on a Tuesday?


I am tired now so I better stop. Many thanks to all and apologies to those I

have not replied to today.













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Dear Vic


Thank you for your suggestions. I have an Intel Mac and I have tried VMWare

Fusion but in order to run it, you need a valid version of Windows, which I

don't. When I try to install the old version of XP I had it tells me it is

not valid and suggest I buy a new one.


There is however another program that lets me run windows applications on

Mac - this is how I am able to run Jaganatha Hora. It's called Crossover

from Codeweavers and it used to run Parashara with version 7 but then they

upgraded to 8 and now 9 and these recent versions do not support Parashara

Light. Also, I had to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard and crossover 7

does not run on SL.


I tried contacting Geovision but they want me to get the newer version for



Regards, Rui.



On 10 March 2010 00:55, Vic DiCara <vicdicara wrote:




> Dear Rui,


> Regarding your software. If you contact Parashara's Light / Geovision and

> tell them your situation they will provide you with a Mac version of your

> software for a very low price, perhaps $50 if memory serves me.


> Alternatively, if you have a new mac with an intel chip, you can run

> windows inside it and thus all your windows software. Personally I run

> Parashara's Light native in Mac, but have VMWare Fusion to run windows

> applications, in which I run Solar Fire Gold for certain tasks and research.


> - Vic



> On 2010/03/10, at 5:36, rupamede wrote:


> > Dear Mrs Wendy,

> >

> > Actually my software shows Ketu sookshamantar for March 4th, 2010... I am

> > using Jaganatha Hora (Ayamansa Lahiri) because I have changed my PC

> computer

> > to a Mac (Apple) and now Parashara Light does not work :-(

> >

> > Yes, once again the Shooskmantar seems to indicate the day of the week.

> In

> > this case, Ketu (the bringer of accidents) is disposited by Jupiter. It

> > could also have been on a Wednesday since Mercury also disposits Ketu but

> I

> > think Mercury is not in such a bad position natally (own house) or by

> > transit (in 11th of gains over 11th lord Mars), however the Nakshatra

> > dispositor Jupiter is not only disposited by Saturn but also in Nakshatra

> of

> > Rahu and what's worse in the maraka 2nd house, which signifies death-like

> > experiences. Also, would I be correct in thinking that these accidents

> are

> > much more likely to happen during the dasa of a dusthana, such as

> Jupiter?

> > Jupiter also rules 8th from the Moon... The dasa lord seems to set the

> tone,

> > the leitmotif and those things happen when the planets are in such a

> > favourable alignment for the dasa lord...

> >

> > I wonder, will things improve later on when I start my Saturn buhkti? I

> know

> > Saturn is debilitated but it is also disposited by Venus and Venus is in

> > own sign Rasi and exalted in Navamsa... Also Saturn is in Aries and Mars

> is

> > strong in my chart, I think... Things have really been bad since I

> started

> > the Jupiter dasa but I can still see the benefic influence of Jupiter in

> > certain things... For example, when I crashed my car in 2008, I only got

> > whiplash for a few days and this time I was fine, no injuries. Also, the

> way

> > things get sorted... People offering to help me out, friends, etc... This

> is

> > surely Jupiter as things weren't like this when I was doing Rahu... It's

> > like bad things happen but there is always a way out in the end...

> >

> > Thanks again,

> >

> > Rui.

> >

> > On 8 March 2010 10:49, Mrs.Wendy


> wrote:

> >

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Rui,

> >>

> >> ///Car accident 2:

> >>

> >> 4th of March 2010

> >> Ballyduff, Ireland

> >> 19.15 (approximately)///

> >>

> >> Again here the influence of Ketu is evident. Dasa at the time of

> accident

> >> was JU-JU-VE-ME. Sookshmantar lord Mercury, dispositor of JU/KE, is

> conjunct

> >> 8th lord Sun in 6th.

> >>

> >> At that time Ketu, in nakshatra of Jupiter (Thursday), was transiting

> >> sookshmantar lord Mercury...

> >>

> >>

> >> Best Wishes

> >> Mrs.Wendy

> >> http://JyotishVidya.com <http://jyotishvidya.com/>

> >> ===================

> >>

> >> R

> >> Monday, March 08, 2010 4:57 AM

> >>

> >> jyotish-vidya


> 40>


> >> prediction accuracy

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,

> >>

> >> I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me

> understand

> >> how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.

> >>

> >> My birth data is:

> >> 9th of July 1969

> >> Luanda, Angola

> >> 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)

> >>

> >> Car accident 1:

> >> 1st of December 2008

> >> Tralee, Ireland

> >> 08.00 AM

> >>

> >> Car accident 2:

> >> 4th of March 2010

> >> Ballyduff, Ireland

> >> 19.15 (approximately)

> >>

> >> I know there are indicators such as transit Mars (4th lord) combusted by

> >> the Sun (8th lord) and Venus (vehicles) conjunct Jupiter (12th lord) but

> why

> >> Monday and why that morning? I also know Jupiter dasa may have started

> at

> >> that time depending on time of birth... Otherwise I would still be doing

> >> Rahu/Mars, in which case the Sun conjunct Mars would make sense, however

> >> again why that Monday morning, why not a day after or a day before...

> >>

> >> Same thing with transit 2. I can see Mars is debilitated and I can

> imagine

> >> Thursday makes sense because it is ruled by Jupiter and I am doing the

> >> Jupiter dasa but why this Thursday and not the Thursday before or after?

> >> Mars would still be debilitated and it has been like that for the last

> month

> >> or so...

> >>

> >> I would really be grateful if you could have a look and enlighten me.

> Maybe

> >> I just cannot see it because I am still in shock or I just do not want

> to

> >> see or am afraid to see.

> >>

> >> Many times friends ask me can I predict when they are going to get

> married

> >> or when they will receive money or when will they get a new job. I

> analyse

> >> their charts but can only give them a forecast - like a weather forecast

> >> that covers not one day but a period of days - I cannot be as accurate

> as to

> >> say that event will happen on a certain time and day.

> >>

> >> Is it possible to acchieve such accuracy with Vedic Astrology?

> >>

> >> Many thanks and kind regards,

> >>

> >> Rui.

> >>

> >> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus

> signature

> >> database 4924 (20100308) __________

> >>

> >>

> >> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

> >>

> >> http://www.eset.com

> >>

> >>

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Guest guest

Dear Rui,


You should try to work patiently with the tech support from VM Ware. I worked

with them and was able to surmount similar problems. Of course you need a

working version of windows, that goes without saying.


I have no experience with codeweavers so I can't be of any assistance there.


Your best and least expensive option may be to just get the newer Mac version,



- Vic


On 2010/03/10, at 16:10, rupamede wrote:


> Dear Vic


> Thank you for your suggestions. I have an Intel Mac and I have tried VMWare

> Fusion but in order to run it, you need a valid version of Windows, which I

> don't. When I try to install the old version of XP I had it tells me it is

> not valid and suggest I buy a new one.


> There is however another program that lets me run windows applications on

> Mac - this is how I am able to run Jaganatha Hora. It's called Crossover

> from Codeweavers and it used to run Parashara with version 7 but then they

> upgraded to 8 and now 9 and these recent versions do not support Parashara

> Light. Also, I had to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard and crossover 7

> does not run on SL.


> I tried contacting Geovision but they want me to get the newer version for

> Mac.


> Regards, Rui.



> On 10 March 2010 00:55, Vic DiCara <vicdicara wrote:




>> Dear Rui,


>> Regarding your software. If you contact Parashara's Light / Geovision and

>> tell them your situation they will provide you with a Mac version of your

>> software for a very low price, perhaps $50 if memory serves me.


>> Alternatively, if you have a new mac with an intel chip, you can run

>> windows inside it and thus all your windows software. Personally I run

>> Parashara's Light native in Mac, but have VMWare Fusion to run windows

>> applications, in which I run Solar Fire Gold for certain tasks and research.


>> - Vic



>> On 2010/03/10, at 5:36, rupamede wrote:


>>> Dear Mrs Wendy,


>>> Actually my software shows Ketu sookshamantar for March 4th, 2010... I am

>>> using Jaganatha Hora (Ayamansa Lahiri) because I have changed my PC

>> computer

>>> to a Mac (Apple) and now Parashara Light does not work :-(


>>> Yes, once again the Shooskmantar seems to indicate the day of the week.

>> In

>>> this case, Ketu (the bringer of accidents) is disposited by Jupiter. It

>>> could also have been on a Wednesday since Mercury also disposits Ketu but

>> I

>>> think Mercury is not in such a bad position natally (own house) or by

>>> transit (in 11th of gains over 11th lord Mars), however the Nakshatra

>>> dispositor Jupiter is not only disposited by Saturn but also in Nakshatra

>> of

>>> Rahu and what's worse in the maraka 2nd house, which signifies death-like

>>> experiences. Also, would I be correct in thinking that these accidents

>> are

>>> much more likely to happen during the dasa of a dusthana, such as

>> Jupiter?

>>> Jupiter also rules 8th from the Moon... The dasa lord seems to set the

>> tone,

>>> the leitmotif and those things happen when the planets are in such a

>>> favourable alignment for the dasa lord...


>>> I wonder, will things improve later on when I start my Saturn buhkti? I

>> know

>>> Saturn is debilitated but it is also disposited by Venus and Venus is in

>>> own sign Rasi and exalted in Navamsa... Also Saturn is in Aries and Mars

>> is

>>> strong in my chart, I think... Things have really been bad since I

>> started

>>> the Jupiter dasa but I can still see the benefic influence of Jupiter in

>>> certain things... For example, when I crashed my car in 2008, I only got

>>> whiplash for a few days and this time I was fine, no injuries. Also, the

>> way

>>> things get sorted... People offering to help me out, friends, etc... This

>> is

>>> surely Jupiter as things weren't like this when I was doing Rahu... It's

>>> like bad things happen but there is always a way out in the end...


>>> Thanks again,


>>> Rui.


>>> On 8 March 2010 10:49, Mrs.Wendy


>> wrote:




>>>> Dear Rui,


>>>> ///Car accident 2:


>>>> 4th of March 2010

>>>> Ballyduff, Ireland

>>>> 19.15 (approximately)///


>>>> Again here the influence of Ketu is evident. Dasa at the time of

>> accident

>>>> was JU-JU-VE-ME. Sookshmantar lord Mercury, dispositor of JU/KE, is

>> conjunct

>>>> 8th lord Sun in 6th.


>>>> At that time Ketu, in nakshatra of Jupiter (Thursday), was transiting

>>>> sookshmantar lord Mercury...



>>>> Best Wishes

>>>> Mrs.Wendy

>>>> http://JyotishVidya.com <http://jyotishvidya.com/>

>>>> ===================


>>>> R

>>>> Monday, March 08, 2010 4:57 AM


>>>> jyotish-vidya


>> 40>


>>>> prediction accuracy



>>>> Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,


>>>> I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me

>> understand

>>>> how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.


>>>> My birth data is:

>>>> 9th of July 1969

>>>> Luanda, Angola

>>>> 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)


>>>> Car accident 1:

>>>> 1st of December 2008

>>>> Tralee, Ireland

>>>> 08.00 AM


>>>> Car accident 2:

>>>> 4th of March 2010

>>>> Ballyduff, Ireland

>>>> 19.15 (approximately)


>>>> I know there are indicators such as transit Mars (4th lord) combusted by

>>>> the Sun (8th lord) and Venus (vehicles) conjunct Jupiter (12th lord) but

>> why

>>>> Monday and why that morning? I also know Jupiter dasa may have started

>> at

>>>> that time depending on time of birth... Otherwise I would still be doing

>>>> Rahu/Mars, in which case the Sun conjunct Mars would make sense, however

>>>> again why that Monday morning, why not a day after or a day before...


>>>> Same thing with transit 2. I can see Mars is debilitated and I can

>> imagine

>>>> Thursday makes sense because it is ruled by Jupiter and I am doing the

>>>> Jupiter dasa but why this Thursday and not the Thursday before or after?

>>>> Mars would still be debilitated and it has been like that for the last

>> month

>>>> or so...


>>>> I would really be grateful if you could have a look and enlighten me.

>> Maybe

>>>> I just cannot see it because I am still in shock or I just do not want

>> to

>>>> see or am afraid to see.


>>>> Many times friends ask me can I predict when they are going to get

>> married

>>>> or when they will receive money or when will they get a new job. I

>> analyse

>>>> their charts but can only give them a forecast - like a weather forecast

>>>> that covers not one day but a period of days - I cannot be as accurate

>> as to

>>>> say that event will happen on a certain time and day.


>>>> Is it possible to acchieve such accuracy with Vedic Astrology?


>>>> Many thanks and kind regards,


>>>> Rui.


>>>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus

>> signature

>>>> database 4924 (20100308) __________



>>>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


>>>> http://www.eset.com



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Guest guest

Quick question, Rui - are you saying that Parasharas light has gone beyond

Version 7!?!?! - Vic




On 2010/03/10, at 16:10, rupamede wrote:


> Dear Vic


> Thank you for your suggestions. I have an Intel Mac and I have tried VMWare

> Fusion but in order to run it, you need a valid version of Windows, which I

> don't. When I try to install the old version of XP I had it tells me it is

> not valid and suggest I buy a new one.


> There is however another program that lets me run windows applications on

> Mac - this is how I am able to run Jaganatha Hora. It's called Crossover

> from Codeweavers and it used to run Parashara with version 7 but then they

> upgraded to 8 and now 9 and these recent versions do not support Parashara

> Light. Also, I had to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard and crossover 7

> does not run on SL.


> I tried contacting Geovision but they want me to get the newer version for

> Mac.


> Regards, Rui.



> On 10 March 2010 00:55, Vic DiCara <vicdicara wrote:




>> Dear Rui,


>> Regarding your software. If you contact Parashara's Light / Geovision and

>> tell them your situation they will provide you with a Mac version of your

>> software for a very low price, perhaps $50 if memory serves me.


>> Alternatively, if you have a new mac with an intel chip, you can run

>> windows inside it and thus all your windows software. Personally I run

>> Parashara's Light native in Mac, but have VMWare Fusion to run windows

>> applications, in which I run Solar Fire Gold for certain tasks and research.


>> - Vic



>> On 2010/03/10, at 5:36, rupamede wrote:


>>> Dear Mrs Wendy,


>>> Actually my software shows Ketu sookshamantar for March 4th, 2010... I am

>>> using Jaganatha Hora (Ayamansa Lahiri) because I have changed my PC

>> computer

>>> to a Mac (Apple) and now Parashara Light does not work :-(


>>> Yes, once again the Shooskmantar seems to indicate the day of the week.

>> In

>>> this case, Ketu (the bringer of accidents) is disposited by Jupiter. It

>>> could also have been on a Wednesday since Mercury also disposits Ketu but

>> I

>>> think Mercury is not in such a bad position natally (own house) or by

>>> transit (in 11th of gains over 11th lord Mars), however the Nakshatra

>>> dispositor Jupiter is not only disposited by Saturn but also in Nakshatra

>> of

>>> Rahu and what's worse in the maraka 2nd house, which signifies death-like

>>> experiences. Also, would I be correct in thinking that these accidents

>> are

>>> much more likely to happen during the dasa of a dusthana, such as

>> Jupiter?

>>> Jupiter also rules 8th from the Moon... The dasa lord seems to set the

>> tone,

>>> the leitmotif and those things happen when the planets are in such a

>>> favourable alignment for the dasa lord...


>>> I wonder, will things improve later on when I start my Saturn buhkti? I

>> know

>>> Saturn is debilitated but it is also disposited by Venus and Venus is in

>>> own sign Rasi and exalted in Navamsa... Also Saturn is in Aries and Mars

>> is

>>> strong in my chart, I think... Things have really been bad since I

>> started

>>> the Jupiter dasa but I can still see the benefic influence of Jupiter in

>>> certain things... For example, when I crashed my car in 2008, I only got

>>> whiplash for a few days and this time I was fine, no injuries. Also, the

>> way

>>> things get sorted... People offering to help me out, friends, etc... This

>> is

>>> surely Jupiter as things weren't like this when I was doing Rahu... It's

>>> like bad things happen but there is always a way out in the end...


>>> Thanks again,


>>> Rui.


>>> On 8 March 2010 10:49, Mrs.Wendy


>> wrote:




>>>> Dear Rui,


>>>> ///Car accident 2:


>>>> 4th of March 2010

>>>> Ballyduff, Ireland

>>>> 19.15 (approximately)///


>>>> Again here the influence of Ketu is evident. Dasa at the time of

>> accident

>>>> was JU-JU-VE-ME. Sookshmantar lord Mercury, dispositor of JU/KE, is

>> conjunct

>>>> 8th lord Sun in 6th.


>>>> At that time Ketu, in nakshatra of Jupiter (Thursday), was transiting

>>>> sookshmantar lord Mercury...



>>>> Best Wishes

>>>> Mrs.Wendy

>>>> http://JyotishVidya.com <http://jyotishvidya.com/>

>>>> ===================


>>>> R

>>>> Monday, March 08, 2010 4:57 AM


>>>> jyotish-vidya


>> 40>


>>>> prediction accuracy



>>>> Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,


>>>> I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me

>> understand

>>>> how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.


>>>> My birth data is:

>>>> 9th of July 1969

>>>> Luanda, Angola

>>>> 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)


>>>> Car accident 1:

>>>> 1st of December 2008

>>>> Tralee, Ireland

>>>> 08.00 AM


>>>> Car accident 2:

>>>> 4th of March 2010

>>>> Ballyduff, Ireland

>>>> 19.15 (approximately)


>>>> I know there are indicators such as transit Mars (4th lord) combusted by

>>>> the Sun (8th lord) and Venus (vehicles) conjunct Jupiter (12th lord) but

>> why

>>>> Monday and why that morning? I also know Jupiter dasa may have started

>> at

>>>> that time depending on time of birth... Otherwise I would still be doing

>>>> Rahu/Mars, in which case the Sun conjunct Mars would make sense, however

>>>> again why that Monday morning, why not a day after or a day before...


>>>> Same thing with transit 2. I can see Mars is debilitated and I can

>> imagine

>>>> Thursday makes sense because it is ruled by Jupiter and I am doing the

>>>> Jupiter dasa but why this Thursday and not the Thursday before or after?

>>>> Mars would still be debilitated and it has been like that for the last

>> month

>>>> or so...


>>>> I would really be grateful if you could have a look and enlighten me.

>> Maybe

>>>> I just cannot see it because I am still in shock or I just do not want

>> to

>>>> see or am afraid to see.


>>>> Many times friends ask me can I predict when they are going to get

>> married

>>>> or when they will receive money or when will they get a new job. I

>> analyse

>>>> their charts but can only give them a forecast - like a weather forecast

>>>> that covers not one day but a period of days - I cannot be as accurate

>> as to

>>>> say that event will happen on a certain time and day.


>>>> Is it possible to acchieve such accuracy with Vedic Astrology?


>>>> Many thanks and kind regards,


>>>> Rui.


>>>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus

>> signature

>>>> database 4924 (20100308) __________



>>>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


>>>> http://www.eset.com



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Guest guest

Namaste friends,


Sun is karaka for father. An event could very well be examined or justified

from the significator also.


From the Sun, Jupiter is the 7th lord - a maraka planet.


From the Sun, Mercury and Sun both receives the aspect of Mars from the 6th

house. (>I must say that my father was very sick months before he died>).


From the Sun, Venus is the 12th lord and conjunct Moon, Moon is the 2nd lord - a

maraka planet. Moon and Venus both receives the aspect of Jupiter.


In D-12, Venus is in the sign of Leo, which becomes the 3rd house from Sun - the

house of longevity and the death of parents.


The death took place during Jup/Jup/Mer/Venus. This is well within the accepted

principles of Hindu Astrology.


With regards,




jyotish-vidya , " Mrs.Wendy " <jyotishvidya wrote:


> Dear Rui,


> According to the time 18:30 rectified some time ago (when you were last on

this forum) You were running dasa of JU-JU-ME-VE at the time of your father's

death. Jupiter, of course, owning 12th house of loss as well as 3rd (death of

parents) occupies, along with Ketu, the nakshatra of Sun in sign of pratyantar

lord Mercury in 9th (12th from 10th)... It should be evident that the potential

for loss in regards to father is contained within this dasa/bhukti/pratyantar of



> This latent potential, I believe, comes to fruition through sookshma of 10th

lord Venus who occupies sign of Leo in dwadashamsha (D12).


> Best Wishes

> Mrs.Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ===================

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Dear Sivaprakasam,


Rui is born after Sun set (means not during day time). Should we still take

Sun as the karaka for father?






On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Sivaprakasam <sivaprakasamkpmwrote:




> Namaste friends,


> Sun is karaka for father. An event could very well be examined or justified

> from the significator also.


> From the Sun, Jupiter is the 7th lord - a maraka planet.


> From the Sun, Mercury and Sun both receives the aspect of Mars from the 6th

> house. (>I must say that my father was very sick months before he died>).


> From the Sun, Venus is the 12th lord and conjunct Moon, Moon is the 2nd

> lord - a maraka planet. Moon and Venus both receives the aspect of Jupiter.


> In D-12, Venus is in the sign of Leo, which becomes the 3rd house from Sun

> - the house of longevity and the death of parents.


> The death took place during Jup/Jup/Mer/Venus. This is well within the

> accepted principles of Hindu Astrology.


> With regards,

> Sivaprakasam



> jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>,

> " Mrs.Wendy " <jyotishvidya wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rui,

> >

> > According to the time 18:30 rectified some time ago (when you were last

> on this forum) You were running dasa of JU-JU-ME-VE at the time of your

> father's death. Jupiter, of course, owning 12th house of loss as well as 3rd

> (death of parents) occupies, along with Ketu, the nakshatra of Sun in sign

> of pratyantar lord Mercury in 9th (12th from 10th)... It should be evident

> that the potential for loss in regards to father is contained within this

> dasa/bhukti/pratyantar of Jupiter/Mercury.

> >

> > This latent potential, I believe, comes to fruition through sookshma of

> 10th lord Venus who occupies sign of Leo in dwadashamsha (D12).

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Mrs.Wendy

> > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > ===================







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Namaste Krishna ji,


I am aware what you say. There are different views on this issue. There is a

view that for those who born after sun set i.e. during night Saturn represents

father. Saturn takes the role of Sun which is the natural signficator of



What could be the basis for these views? May be the Brihajjatakam of Varaha

Mihira, in Chapter IV, Sholka No. 5. I quote the translation made by Swami

Vijnanananda of Belur Math:


" in the case of conception by day, the Sun represents the father and Venus the

mother. During nocturnal conception, Saturn represents the father and Moon the

mother. "


This is very clear that the scripture talks of conception repeat conception not

the child birth. In actual practice I think a very few astrologers consider this

factor – i.e time of conception and time of birth.


There are astrologers in North India, takes the stronger planet between the Sun

and Venus for the signfication of father.


I was taught to consider Sun as the significator of father irrespective of the

birth whether it takes place during day or night. I do not consider myself an

authority to point out to you which planet should we take in such cases as that

of Rui. Kindly excuse me.


With regards,




jyotish-vidya , Krishnamurthy Seetharama <kmurthys58



> Dear Sivaprakasam,


> Rui is born after Sun set (means not during day time). Should we still take

> Sun as the karaka for father?


> Regards,

> Krishna

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Dear Sivaprakasam,


Though I too read this somewhere, I had not applied this. After reading your

comments I suddenly remembered what I had read a long time back and wanted

to know your views. Thanks for clarifying.






On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Sivaprakasam <sivaprakasamkpmwrote:




> Namaste Krishna ji,


> I am aware what you say. There are different views on this issue. There is

> a view that for those who born after sun set i.e. during night Saturn

> represents father. Saturn takes the role of Sun which is the natural

> signficator of father.


> What could be the basis for these views? May be the Brihajjatakam of Varaha

> Mihira, in Chapter IV, Sholka No. 5. I quote the translation made by Swami

> Vijnanananda of Belur Math:


> " in the case of conception by day, the Sun represents the father and Venus

> the mother. During nocturnal conception, Saturn represents the father and

> Moon the mother. "


> This is very clear that the scripture talks of conception repeat conception

> not the child birth. In actual practice I think a very few astrologers

> consider this factor – i.e time of conception and time of birth.


> There are astrologers in North India, takes the stronger planet between the

> Sun and Venus for the signfication of father.


> I was taught to consider Sun as the significator of father irrespective of

> the birth whether it takes place during day or night. I do not consider

> myself an authority to point out to you which planet should we take in such

> cases as that of Rui. Kindly excuse me.


> With regards,

> Sivaprakasam



> jyotish-vidya <jyotish-vidya%40>,

> Krishnamurthy Seetharama <kmurthys58 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sivaprakasam,

> >

> > Rui is born after Sun set (means not during day time). Should we still

> take

> > Sun as the karaka for father?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Krishna







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Hi Vic,


No, I think the latest release they have is version 7. I have version 6.1.


Regards, Rui.


On 10 March 2010 08:14, Vic DiCara <vicdicara wrote:




> Quick question, Rui - are you saying that Parasharas light has gone beyond

> Version 7!?!?! - Vic



> On 2010/03/10, at 16:10, rupamede wrote:


> > Dear Vic

> >

> > Thank you for your suggestions. I have an Intel Mac and I have tried

> VMWare

> > Fusion but in order to run it, you need a valid version of Windows, which

> I

> > don't. When I try to install the old version of XP I had it tells me it

> is

> > not valid and suggest I buy a new one.

> >

> > There is however another program that lets me run windows applications on

> > Mac - this is how I am able to run Jaganatha Hora. It's called Crossover

> > from Codeweavers and it used to run Parashara with version 7 but then

> they

> > upgraded to 8 and now 9 and these recent versions do not support

> Parashara

> > Light. Also, I had to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard and crossover

> 7

> > does not run on SL.

> >

> > I tried contacting Geovision but they want me to get the newer version

> for

> > Mac.

> >

> > Regards, Rui.

> >

> >

> > On 10 March 2010 00:55, Vic DiCara


> wrote:

> >

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Rui,

> >>

> >> Regarding your software. If you contact Parashara's Light / Geovision

> and

> >> tell them your situation they will provide you with a Mac version of

> your

> >> software for a very low price, perhaps $50 if memory serves me.

> >>

> >> Alternatively, if you have a new mac with an intel chip, you can run

> >> windows inside it and thus all your windows software. Personally I run

> >> Parashara's Light native in Mac, but have VMWare Fusion to run windows

> >> applications, in which I run Solar Fire Gold for certain tasks and

> research.

> >>

> >> - Vic

> >>

> >>

> >> On 2010/03/10, at 5:36, rupamede wrote:

> >>

> >>> Dear Mrs Wendy,

> >>>

> >>> Actually my software shows Ketu sookshamantar for March 4th, 2010... I

> am

> >>> using Jaganatha Hora (Ayamansa Lahiri) because I have changed my PC

> >> computer

> >>> to a Mac (Apple) and now Parashara Light does not work :-(

> >>>

> >>> Yes, once again the Shooskmantar seems to indicate the day of the week.

> >> In

> >>> this case, Ketu (the bringer of accidents) is disposited by Jupiter. It

> >>> could also have been on a Wednesday since Mercury also disposits Ketu

> but

> >> I

> >>> think Mercury is not in such a bad position natally (own house) or by

> >>> transit (in 11th of gains over 11th lord Mars), however the Nakshatra

> >>> dispositor Jupiter is not only disposited by Saturn but also in

> Nakshatra

> >> of

> >>> Rahu and what's worse in the maraka 2nd house, which signifies

> death-like

> >>> experiences. Also, would I be correct in thinking that these accidents

> >> are

> >>> much more likely to happen during the dasa of a dusthana, such as

> >> Jupiter?

> >>> Jupiter also rules 8th from the Moon... The dasa lord seems to set the

> >> tone,

> >>> the leitmotif and those things happen when the planets are in such a

> >>> favourable alignment for the dasa lord...

> >>>

> >>> I wonder, will things improve later on when I start my Saturn buhkti? I

> >> know

> >>> Saturn is debilitated but it is also disposited by Venus and Venus is

> in

> >>> own sign Rasi and exalted in Navamsa... Also Saturn is in Aries and

> Mars

> >> is

> >>> strong in my chart, I think... Things have really been bad since I

> >> started

> >>> the Jupiter dasa but I can still see the benefic influence of Jupiter

> in

> >>> certain things... For example, when I crashed my car in 2008, I only

> got

> >>> whiplash for a few days and this time I was fine, no injuries. Also,

> the

> >> way

> >>> things get sorted... People offering to help me out, friends, etc...

> This

> >> is

> >>> surely Jupiter as things weren't like this when I was doing Rahu...

> It's

> >>> like bad things happen but there is always a way out in the end...

> >>>

> >>> Thanks again,

> >>>

> >>> Rui.

> >>>

> >>> On 8 March 2010 10:49, Mrs.Wendy


> <jyotishvidya%40bigpond.com>>


> >> wrote:

> >>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> Dear Rui,

> >>>>

> >>>> ///Car accident 2:

> >>>>

> >>>> 4th of March 2010

> >>>> Ballyduff, Ireland

> >>>> 19.15 (approximately)///

> >>>>

> >>>> Again here the influence of Ketu is evident. Dasa at the time of

> >> accident

> >>>> was JU-JU-VE-ME. Sookshmantar lord Mercury, dispositor of JU/KE, is

> >> conjunct

> >>>> 8th lord Sun in 6th.

> >>>>

> >>>> At that time Ketu, in nakshatra of Jupiter (Thursday), was transiting

> >>>> sookshmantar lord Mercury...

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> Best Wishes

> >>>> Mrs.Wendy

> >>>> http://JyotishVidya.com <http://jyotishvidya.com/>


> >>>> ===================

> >>>>

> >>>> R

> >>>> Monday, March 08, 2010 4:57 AM

> >>>>

> >>>> jyotish-vidya


> 40><jyotish-vidya%


> >> 40>

> >>

> >>>> prediction accuracy

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> Dear Mrs Wendy and Respected members of Jyotish Vidya,

> >>>>

> >>>> I was wondering if you could have a look at my chart and help me

> >> understand

> >>>> how my 2 car accidents happened at the time they happened.

> >>>>

> >>>> My birth data is:

> >>>> 9th of July 1969

> >>>> Luanda, Angola

> >>>> 18.30 (needs rectification but it is around this time)

> >>>>

> >>>> Car accident 1:

> >>>> 1st of December 2008

> >>>> Tralee, Ireland

> >>>> 08.00 AM

> >>>>

> >>>> Car accident 2:

> >>>> 4th of March 2010

> >>>> Ballyduff, Ireland

> >>>> 19.15 (approximately)

> >>>>

> >>>> I know there are indicators such as transit Mars (4th lord) combusted

> by

> >>>> the Sun (8th lord) and Venus (vehicles) conjunct Jupiter (12th lord)

> but

> >> why

> >>>> Monday and why that morning? I also know Jupiter dasa may have started

> >> at

> >>>> that time depending on time of birth... Otherwise I would still be

> doing

> >>>> Rahu/Mars, in which case the Sun conjunct Mars would make sense,

> however

> >>>> again why that Monday morning, why not a day after or a day before...

> >>>>

> >>>> Same thing with transit 2. I can see Mars is debilitated and I can

> >> imagine

> >>>> Thursday makes sense because it is ruled by Jupiter and I am doing the

> >>>> Jupiter dasa but why this Thursday and not the Thursday before or

> after?

> >>>> Mars would still be debilitated and it has been like that for the last

> >> month

> >>>> or so...

> >>>>

> >>>> I would really be grateful if you could have a look and enlighten me.

> >> Maybe

> >>>> I just cannot see it because I am still in shock or I just do not want

> >> to

> >>>> see or am afraid to see.

> >>>>

> >>>> Many times friends ask me can I predict when they are going to get

> >> married

> >>>> or when they will receive money or when will they get a new job. I

> >> analyse

> >>>> their charts but can only give them a forecast - like a weather

> forecast

> >>>> that covers not one day but a period of days - I cannot be as accurate

> >> as to

> >>>> say that event will happen on a certain time and day.

> >>>>

> >>>> Is it possible to acchieve such accuracy with Vedic Astrology?

> >>>>

> >>>> Many thanks and kind regards,

> >>>>

> >>>> Rui.

> >>>>

> >>>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus

> >> signature

> >>>> database 4924 (20100308) __________

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

> >>>>

> >>>> http://www.eset.com

> >>>>

> >>>>

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Dear Sivaprakasam and Krishna,


Phaladeepika also holds the view that the parental karakas are modified based on

the day or night birth. It is more or less a direct quote from Varaha Mihiria,

which Sivaprakasam has already supplied.


- Vic




On 2010/03/10, at 23:42, Sivaprakasam wrote:


> Namaste Krishna ji,


> I am aware what you say. There are different views on this issue. There is a

view that for those who born after sun set i.e. during night Saturn represents

father. Saturn takes the role of Sun which is the natural signficator of father.


> What could be the basis for these views? May be the Brihajjatakam of Varaha

Mihira, in Chapter IV, Sholka No. 5. I quote the translation made by Swami

Vijnanananda of Belur Math:


> " in the case of conception by day, the Sun represents the father and Venus the

mother. During nocturnal conception, Saturn represents the father and Moon the

mother. "


> This is very clear that the scripture talks of conception repeat conception

not the child birth. In actual practice I think a very few astrologers consider

this factor – i.e time of conception and time of birth.


> There are astrologers in North India, takes the stronger planet between the

Sun and Venus for the signfication of father.


> I was taught to consider Sun as the significator of father irrespective of the

birth whether it takes place during day or night. I do not consider myself an

authority to point out to you which planet should we take in such cases as that

of Rui. Kindly excuse me.


> With regards,

> Sivaprakasam


> jyotish-vidya , Krishnamurthy Seetharama

<kmurthys58 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sivaprakasam,

> >

> > Rui is born after Sun set (means not during day time). Should we still take

> > Sun as the karaka for father?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Krishna







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Namaste Vic Ji,


It would be interesting to add here that some astrologers do consider Saturn for

" sons " in the charts. Their reasoning is Sun stands for father. Saturn is the

son of Sun. Hence Saturn is the significtor of " sons " .


With regards,




jyotish-vidya , Vic DiCara <vicdicara wrote:


> Dear Sivaprakasam and Krishna,


> Phaladeepika also holds the view that the parental karakas are modified based

on the day or night birth. It is more or less a direct quote from Varaha

Mihiria, which Sivaprakasam has already supplied.


> - Vic

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Dear Sivaprakasam,


///I was taught to consider Sun as the significator of father irrespective of

the birth whether it takes place during day or night.///


I too was taught that Sun and Moon are to be considered as the primary

significators of Father and Mother respectively. I've yet to come across any

chart that would cause me to doubt this.


Best Wishes








Wednesday, March 10, 2010 10:42 PM


Re: prediction accuracy




Namaste Krishna ji,


I am aware what you say. There are different views on this issue. There is a

view that for those who born after sun set i.e. during night Saturn represents

father. Saturn takes the role of Sun which is the natural signficator of father.


What could be the basis for these views? May be the Brihajjatakam of Varaha

Mihira, in Chapter IV, Sholka No. 5. I quote the translation made by Swami

Vijnanananda of Belur Math:


" in the case of conception by day, the Sun represents the father and Venus the

mother. During nocturnal conception, Saturn represents the father and Moon the

mother. "


This is very clear that the scripture talks of conception repeat conception not

the child birth. In actual practice I think a very few astrologers consider this

factor - i.e time of conception and time of birth.


There are astrologers in North India, takes the stronger planet between the Sun

and Venus for the signfication of father.


I was taught to consider Sun as the significator of father irrespective of the

birth whether it takes place during day or night. I do not consider myself an

authority to point out to you which planet should we take in such cases as that

of Rui. Kindly excuse me.


With regards,










__________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature

database 4933 (20100310) __________


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Namaste Wendy Ji,


>I've yet to come across any chart that would cause me to doubt this.>


Yeah, morevoer, I do not wish to complicate the simple issues with number of

options and ultimately fail to arrive at a conclusion.


With regards,




Dear Sivaprakasam,


///I was taught to consider Sun as the significator of father irrespective of

the birth whether it takes place during day or night.///


I too was taught that Sun and Moon are to be considered as the primary

significators of Father and Mother respectively. I've yet to come across any

chart that would cause me to doubt this.


Best Wishes




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Dear Madam and others,

This is universally valid understanding about sun and Moon as father and mother

respectively.In day time birth and in night time birth the ruling planets as per

lagna/ascdt may differ but not to change the basics.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Wed, 3/10/10, Sivaprakasam <sivaprakasamkpm wrote:


Sivaprakasam <sivaprakasamkpm

Re: prediction accuracy


Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 11:21 PM


















Namaste Wendy Ji,




>I've yet to come across any chart that would cause me to doubt this.>




Yeah, morevoer, I do not wish to complicate the simple issues with number of

options and ultimately fail to arrive at a conclusion.




With regards,




============ =




Dear Sivaprakasam,




///I was taught to consider Sun as the significator of father irrespective of

the birth whether it takes place during day or night.///




I too was taught that Sun and Moon are to be considered as the primary


significators of Father and Mother respectively. I've yet to come across any

chart that would cause me to doubt this.




Best Wishes




http://JyotishVidya .com


============ =======



























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